We teach the baby toy terrier to the toilet. How to accustom a dog to a tray


First, the toy needs to be trained to the collar. So that the dog does not have problems with the elbows, it is better not to use a harness. Choose a collar that fits your dog, made of soft leather with a flannel lining so that it does not rub the skin. Arriving home, let the dog sniff it, the kid must make sure that the collar does not pose any danger to him. Throw the collar fastened on the last hole around the dog’s neck, if everything is fine, then put it on completely, adjusting it to size. If the dog becomes nervous and rips off the collar, remove it and put it on for a short time each day, while exercising with the dog, gradually increasing the interval.

When the dog gets used to being in a collar and stops paying attention to it, move on to teaching him to walk with a leash. First, use a ribbon or rope 5-6 meters long as a leash. Tie it to the collar, stroke the dog and talk to him, he must hear your encouraging voice. If you see that she is worried and worried, try to distract her with a treat or caress. Do not let her play with the leash and bite it, she must understand that the leash does not restrict her movements and is not an obstacle when walking.

After a while, when the toy gets used to the rope, replace it with a real long leash. When accustoming him to a leash, do not use coercion, he should not have fear of the leash and distrust of you. You should not pull the toy if it rested, but also do not allow it to pull you along. Wait until he calms down, distract him with a treat.

To be honest, my experience has been accumulated in a two-room apartment, in which 2 female Russian Toy Terriers and 2 Cirneco del Etna live (all of them, of course, go to the tray), who periodically give birth to puppies (which also go to 1.5 months on a potty).
Therefore, I don’t know how realistic it is to teach your puppies to breeders who, say, have dogs like 18-20. But usually they are not puzzled by such problems.

Often, new owners are interested in these issues, wanting to keep the apartment clean and their nerves. And many simply do not have the opportunity to take their toy terrier out for a walk strictly at a certain time.
Therefore, my recommendations are more addressed specifically for such owners who keep 1-2 dogs.

Teaching times. Everything is very individual. But usually understanding comes to puppies very quickly, in a few repetitions, and the skill is formed in two weeks. And then you just control, bring the skill to perfection. This is the longest period. It may take a couple of months. But mostly just because the puppies, due to their age, cannot endure for a long time, they flirt, get distracted and may not have time or forget to run to the tray.

Deadlines are reduced if:
1) the puppy's mother went to the tray (puppies imitate);
2) if the breeder taught the puppy;
3) if the puppy was taken at an early age (1-1.5 months), provided that the first two points were not met;
4) if the puppy is the only animal in the apartment (no one will distract);
4) if you have the opportunity to take a vacation for a month.

What do you need to train

You will need:
1) 3-4 cat trays (not for filler, because the sides are too high);
2) a very (!) tasty treat (it would be nice not to be perishable, as it will always be ready and not in the refrigerator)
suitable: cheese, diet crispbread, banana, etc. enough for fantasy. The product is cut into pieces and placed in a saucer, which should be near the pots in a place inaccessible to the puppy (on the table). Keep your product fresh!

So, the puppy of that terrier is at home. First of all (this is very important!) give him a room in the apartment that could be isolated, i.e. close The smaller the room, the better. Of course, a pantry, a bathroom and a toilet are not suitable :-) It would be nice if it would be a kitchen. You often go there, the puppy will not feel lonely and it will be easier for you to follow him. In the room where the puppy will be kept for the first time, hide the electrical wires, remove the rug. pet stores).

Place 3-4 cat litter boxes together in a room (see photo) to create a large toilet area. Place this "structure" near the puppy bed.
Puppies go to the toilet VERY often. And they don’t warn about it, that is, they don’t scratch like kittens :-) And now the good news is that puppies don’t have a stupid habit of looking for secluded, hard-to-reach places for a toilet.

How to make a puppy with a tray. Technique

So. They go to the toilet after sleeping (usually peeing) and after eating (usually pooping). Within 3-4 days you will understand the individual mode of your puppy. If kittens are accustomed "after the fact", that is, they began to scrape by the scruff of the neck and into the tray, then the situation is different with the puppy. Here it is easier to warn than to grab an already pissing baby (but because you still won’t have time) and, headlong, run with him to the tray. Sorry for the comparison, it's like transporting water in a colander :-)

The technique is simple. The puppy woke up, gently pick it up and carry it to the potty. With the words "toilet" (in the future it will be formed into a team), you put it there. Until the puppy understands what they want from him, and, most likely, he will try to escape from the pot. Plant again with the words "toilet". Everything is done patiently, without irritation and fuss. As many times as needed. Do not hold the puppy in the tray with your hands! This will only make you resist!

And remember, treats must be ready! When your toy terrier has finally done its job - generously praise and give a tasty piece right there, without leaving the tray. You will see, after several such "exercises" the puppy will stop being stubborn, and will obediently sit down and look forward to the treat.
That's all. It's up to the small. Your assistants are patience, time and kindness.

Important nuances in accustoming a puppy to a tray

1) If a toy terrier puppy in the breeder's house went to the tray, do not expect him to immediately run into the potty with you. First, the puppy was in a new place: a new environment, strangers. This is, of course, stress. All stages of training will have to go through again, however, it will not take much time, that terrier will quickly remember his skill and what he was taught. Be patient and follow the breeder's advice.

2) Never scold a puppy if he is in a litter box. For example, you caught him for a "crime" and managed to grab him and put him on the tray, where he completed the deeds. Your actions: you noticed that you sat down on a semi-sharp "fu", you can clap your hands at the same time, then grab the puppy - and into the pot. If the "process" is finished in the tray, praise and treat! And silently (!) wipe the puddle on the floor.

3) It is advisable to keep an eye on the puppy at night. Usually, when puppies are very sleepy, they are easiest to control. With their eyes closed, they climb out of their couch to get to the toilet (it’s easier for them on the floor, of course). But if you put him on a tray at this moment, then he will not resist at all. Gets done and goes to bed.
It is usually more difficult when the puppy needs to be put in the toilet at the peak of activity, in the midst of the game. Then they, like mustangs, jump out of the tray or play with your hands.

4) At first, the Russian toy should be kept in an isolated room, but this does not mean that you cannot arrange tours of the apartment for him. Went to the toilet, peed, pooped - "neutralized". Open the door and let him take a walk. Naturally, all the wires in the apartment were removed or treated with Antigryzin. Each room should have a tray, or even more than one (depending on the size of the room). A little later, walks around the apartment can be extended by controlling your toy terrier.

Begin this stage when the puppy has mastered the "toilet" command. Usually it is enough to call the baby to the tray and say "toilet". The puppy already understands what it means, obediently jumps into the potty and does things. Don't forget to praise and treat! Thus, you no longer force, but only remind your Russian Toy Terrier about the toilet. While the baby is growing, his attention is constantly switching from one to another - sounds, objects, toys, etc. Therefore, often call to the potty and remind you of the need to do things.
Over time, the need for a closed room will disappear. And even later, gradually reduce the number of pots in the apartment, eventually leaving one.

5) When the skill is formed, gradually wean off the treat. First encourage "toilet" once, then twice, and so on.

6) Many people recommend using newspapers for litter box training. Indeed, you can first accustom not to the tray, but to a newspaper laid on the floor. Plus.- You can cover the entire floor with newspaper, so it will be better with a "precise hit". Minus.- Puppies are very fond of playing with rustling newspapers, so the floor will be a mess of torn shreds and excrement. You can also eat newspapers...
That is, you will have more cleaning. In addition, from the newspaper, you still have to retrain to the tray. It is done like this. A sheet of newspaper is placed in the tray, over time you reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe newspaper, and then completely stop using it. At first, we taught our puppies toy terrier. But then they abandoned this method, since it does not speed up learning, but only adds to the hassle of cleaning.

Types of dog trays

Trays come in different shapes and purposes. Trays for males have a special design.
What types of trays are, read on our page

When should a puppy be diaper trained?

You need to start accustoming a little toy to a diaper as early as possible - from the very first day after the baby moved to his new home and began to get used to it.

If you put off accustoming to a later time, the pet may get used to defecate in the wrong places.

What to choose - a diaper or a tray?

Benefits of diapers:

  • a puppy is easier to get used to a diaper than to a tray;
  • thanks to the lower moisture-resistant surface, they protect the floor from getting wet;
  • you can use both at home and on the road, laying a diaper in a carrier;
  • safe;
  • absorb unpleasant odors and hold them well;
  • if they are changed often, they do not grow moldy and do not become a breeding ground for germs.

Trays pluses:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • there are many models, among which you can easily choose the most suitable;
  • there are options for trays with posts designed for males;
  • long service life;
  • the tray is washed every few days, which saves time.

In order to decide what to choose, you need to look at what the pet will get used to faster and what he prefers to use.

You can also combine the tray and diaper - put it on the bottom of the tray and change it once a day. At the same time, the diaper will collect unpleasant odors, because of which the tray will stay clean longer, so you only have to wash it once a week.

The best way to litter train your puppy is to take him there after sleeping or eating. Holding in place, wait until the pet does its business, and then be sure to praise. It should be remembered that you can not scream at the baby or keep him in the tray forcibly. Such techniques will not lead to anything other than fear of the tray, which is why the training of the pet to the toilet can be delayed for an indefinite time.

How to choose a place?

The tray or diaper should be in a quiet place - not on the aisle, not in the main room where the whole family gathers and where it can be both noisy and crowded. Also, you can not arrange a dog latrine in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, balcony, unheated loggia or veranda.


The place chosen for the dog toilet should be away from heating devices and not in a draft or open sun.

The best place to place a tray or a diaper is part of the corridor, preferably its compartment, but if the corridor is straight, then the animal’s toilet can be fenced on both sides with furniture, which will create the illusion of privacy and security for the pet.

How to potty train?

There are two main methods:

  • accustoming to immediately go to the tray;
  • First, the puppy is accustomed to the diaper and only then - to the tray.

In the second case, the diaper, to which he is already accustomed, is placed on an inverted tray, so that the pet goes to the toilet at a slight elevation, after the dog gets used to it, the tray can be turned back and the net tab wrapped around it with a diaper.

The most effective method for potty training your pet is:

  • carefully observe the puppy after sleeping or eating;
  • if he began to spin in place and clearly look for a place for a toilet, you need to pick him up and carry him to the tray;
  • keeping the dog there (in no case, without holding it with brute force), wait until it relieves itself;
  • praise and reward with a treat;
  • while the puppy is on the tray, you need to repeat the word that he will associate with the tray. For example, "toilet" or "potty".

In the event that a misfire occurred and that one accidentally did not run to the tray, one cannot scold or even punish him. It is necessary to wash the place where there was a puddle or a pile, and treat it with a special agent that destroys the smells of animals.

How to accustom to a diaper?

A puppy is accustomed to a diaper either by planting a pet on it after sleeping and eating, or by covering the entire room or territory fenced with a room aviary with diapers. Subsequently, you can start cleaning 1 diaper a day, gradually reducing their number. And so - until there is one left, on which the puppy will walk.

If the pet went by, you need to wash this place and re-cover it with a diaper, which you can try to remove again only after a few days.

Diaper training begins with laying it close to the dog bed. After the puppy has eaten or wakes up, it should be planted there and, after waiting for the pet to do its business, praise and reward with something tasty.

After a couple of days, sometimes a little more, the toy terrier will understand what is required of him and will go to the diaper himself, without waiting until he is dropped off there.

At this time, you can begin to gradually move the diaper to the place where it will always be. In this case, you need to act slowly - move it no more than 20-30 cm, and the place where the diaper lay earlier must be thoroughly washed and treated with a special agent.

If the dog suddenly began to refuse to walk on the diaper after it was moved, then you need to return the dog toilet to its original place and again, but more slowly, try to start moving it to the side after about a couple of days.

Some tricks

Here are a few tips to help you toilet train your pet faster:

  • do not scold, do not distract, and even more so do not tease or frighten the pet when he is sitting in the tray. This must be explained to all family members, even the smallest children;
  • if the pet sat down with the owner to do his business in the wrong place, you need to express your dissatisfaction with him in a loud and strict, but not threatening voice and take him to the tray;
  • at first it is better to put not one, but several trays, placing them in different corners of the room - in this case, if the pet does not have time to reach one tray, he will use another;
  • after he made a puddle on the floor, you need to blot it with a newspaper, which should be put in a tray. By smell, the dog will find a place for the toilet and understand what it is for;
  • for males, it is better to purchase special trays with posts from the very beginning - this will not only facilitate the process of getting used to the toilet by the pet and make the process familiar to him, but will also save furniture and corners in the house from dog marks;
  • you can try to resort to the help of special means for accustoming a dog to the toilet, which can be bought at any veterinary pharmacy.


After the dog gets used to using the tray, you need to continue to praise him for a properly handled need, but you need to gradually refuse to give treats - first give tasty food every other time, then after two, and so, gradually reducing the number of rewards with treats for using the toilet, at the end finally remove them completely.

Owner reviews

Below is a summary of how they toilet trained their toy terriers and the challenges they encountered in doing so:

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If you love mini-breeds and decide to get a toy terrier puppy who has not been accustomed to the tray, get ready for the fact that he may well shit right in the apartment. A situation is not ruled out when an already trained toy terrier suddenly distinguished himself by starting to shit in the wrong places. What to do if the puppy began to write anywhere, and how to wean him from shitting at home? In this article, we will answer all these questions, as well as tell you how to quickly toilet train a toy terrier.

Before we figure out how to potty train a toy terrier puppy, let's outline the necessary conditions. To begin with, prepare your apartment for the appearance of a puppy - it should be clean and safe. Remove all wires and carpets: the dog can gnaw on the wires, and soil the carpets. In such a room, you should start accustoming the toy terrier to a tray or diaper.

From the necessary "equipment" you will need:

  • special disposable diapers, the top layer of which absorbs well, and the bottom does not leak;
  • dog tray with low sides;
  • means of disinfection;
  • toilet cleaner.

When all the necessary equipment is acquired, training can begin.

Effective Ways

There are several effective ways to teach a puppy.

How to teach a toy terrier to a diaper? If you have chosen a diaper, start by laying it in a suitable place - it should not be far from the dog's sleeping place. Small puppies are fairly easy to potty train as they are more likely to go to the toilet than adult dogs. Therefore, after the dog has slept, eaten or played, you should take it to the diaper and, if it leaves it, return it to its place until it does its job. Also, don't forget to praise your pet, stroke it, or even reward it with delicious food. Over time, this will become a habit and the dog will understand what she should do.

In addition, if you do not want to spend money on diapers, you can use newspapers. They cover a fairly large area, and then gradually reduce the number. In the end, the dog will have only one small area where he will shit. This method is quite effective and suitable for those who want to save money, although the appearance of the room will not be very attractive.

How to teach a toy terrier to the tray? If you don't want to mess around with diapers and newspapers, get a suitable dog litter box (or several if you think your dog won't fit in one). To create the most favorable conditions, it is recommended to limit the movement of the dog to one room or enclosures. Every time the dog goes to the tray, do not forget to encourage her so that she understands what the owner wants from her. Over time, you won't need to guide her - she'll do just fine on her own, as her scent will remain there.

So, wait until the puppy wakes up, and carefully place it in the tray (or on the diaper). If the dog for some reason decides to leave, you should not hold it by force. Just wait until the puppy moves away a little, and once again place it in the tray (diaper). Over time, he will give up and relieve himself in the right place. Immediately after this, do not forget to praise the baby so that he understands that he did the right thing.
Do the same after a meal when the dog begins to behave in a characteristic way (restlessly walking around the room or looking for a secluded corner).

After placing the pet in a tray or on a diaper, do not forget to voice a command, for example, “Toilet!”. Over time, the pet will learn it, and problems with potty training should not arise at all.

What can you do to accustom your pet to the tray. Cynologists share tricks that will help you quickly achieve maximum results.

If the pet relieved himself in the wrong place - do not yell at him, and even more so do not hit or poke your nose into a puddle. Toy Terrier is a smart dog, she will understand you even without it.
To have at least a minimal idea of ​​when your dog will need to urinate, feed him at the same time every day.

Males are bought trays with posts, as they are used to marking their territory (pissing on poles, in the corners of the room, etc.).

When a new pet appears in the house, and especially a baby toy terrier, life is filled with truly puppy joys. But along with tenderness and delight comes the understanding that the dog needs to be accustomed to the tray. This will make it easier for you to care for the animal. The ability to go to the toilet is especially important when the dog is at home for a long day. So, how to potty train a toy terrier quickly and effectively?

If an adult and litter-trained dog that other people previously had got into your house, this does not mean at all that the animal will happily start walking into your litter box. The move itself and the change of owner are a lot of stress for the animal. In this case, the dog should simply be left for a while until it gets used to the new environment. Subsequently, you will only have to show your new pet once in a while where he should go to pee.

The task of accustoming to the tray is made easier if the puppy saw his mother go to the tray and adopted this experience. In any case, it is better to teach the animal new skills at an early age, when he is 1-2 months old. As soon as the toy terrier is in your house, set new rules for him.

Getting ready to learn

So, a toy terrier puppy has appeared in your house. First you need to select one room where the baby will be at first. It can be a separate room or a kitchen. This is done so that the animal does not spoil the entire apartment.

Remove all rugs and carpets from the floor - puppies love to urinate on soft things. Remove all wires and dangerous objects from the floor that the puppy may start to chew on. After that, determine how and where the baby will need to relieve himself.

A dog can pee in special diapers - soft on one side and oilcloth on the other. The second option is a special tray, like for cats. But the tray should be mesh, and not the one for the filler. Such a container has very high sides, a toy terrier puppy simply cannot climb into the tray itself. At first (when the dog will not go to the tray yet), you will need dry and wet wipes to clean up after the animal. In addition, the process of education does not pass without a delicious treat, which should always be at your fingertips.

How to toilet train a toy terrier

Here are simple steps to help you train your dog to pee in a specific spot.

  1. If you are accustoming a dog to a diaper, you need to cover the entire floor in the room with this diaper. The puppy will go to the toilet on a soft diaper. Then, over time, the number of diapers can be reduced, leaving only a few. Since the dog has a simple alternative - to walk on a soft diaper or on a cold floor, he will certainly choose the first option every time.
  2. If you are accustoming to the tray, it is better to find 3-4 trays and put them close to each other. Leave the trays near the puppy bed - where the dog sleeps.
  3. When accustoming an animal, it is important to know some of its physiological features. A small puppy pees very often, especially after sleeping. And after eating, he usually relieves himself in a big way. This is what we will use in the process of his training.
  4. After the puppy has woken up, it must be carefully lifted and placed on the tray. Most likely, the dog will try to run away, but you do not need to hold it by force. When the toychik leaves the territory of the trays, pick it up again and put it back. Sooner or later, physiology will take its toll, and the baby will do its job. At this time, it is important to praise the pet, treat him with a treat, and gently pat his ears.
  5. When you put your dog in the litter box, it is very important to repeat the same command, such as "Pee" or "Toilet". Subsequently, you can provoke the process on command.

Toy Terriers are quite intelligent dogs that lend themselves well to training. It usually takes 4-6 attempts and explanations to master a skill. After that, the dog begins to understand what you want from it. However, even then incidents can happen, simply because the puppy is still a child. He may play too much or not have time to run to the tray. Do not scold your pet and in any case do not poke his face into the feces. This will not add understanding to the dog, but your relationship with a new friend may well deteriorate.

Features of training a toy terrier

When you are accustoming a small toy to a tray, it is important to note some features of this process.

  1. Feed your dog on a schedule - morning and evening. So you can at least have some control over the process of coping.
  2. If your dog has urinated in the wrong place, immediately express your displeasure to her. However, you do not need to do this if you notice a pile or puddle late. For example, a dog peed on the floor, and you found evidence only an hour later. Do not scold the dog in this case, he may think that you are scolding him for finding this puddle. Subsequently, he may begin to write in secluded places. You need to scold immediately after the commission of the crime, and then take the animal to the tray.
  3. If your puppy is a boy, be sure to make sure that he has a special tray with a post.
  4. Very often, the puppy shows that he is going to go to the toilet. He becomes restless, sniffing corners, orienting himself in search of something soft. If you notice this behavior in your pet, take your dog to the litter box immediately. This will help him get used to the toilet faster.
  5. When the dog is inside the tray, do not scold him in any way.
  6. If the animal relieves itself in a certain place, put the tray there. If urine or feces get on soft surfaces (for example, carpet), you need to thoroughly wash these areas with powder so that the smell of the toilet no longer attracts the animal.

Be kind and patient with your new friend. Aggression and assault will not lead to anything good. The toy terrier is a very smart dog, but in order to get the right actions from it, you need to convey to the dog what you want from it. Perhaps patience and boundless love will help you understand each other without words.

Video: how to train a dog to the tray

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