Abandoned house in a dream. Why dream of an old house: good or bad

Since ancient times, dreams have been of great importance in human life, and it was important to be able to interpret them correctly. Dreams could both predict the future and remind of the distant past. Why dream of an old house? There is no definite answer to this question. For the most part, dream books interpret this dream as a reflection of real events happening to the sleeping person.

Since ancient times, dreams have been of great importance in human life, and it was important to be able to interpret them correctly.

In general, the dream in which the dreamer saw the old house prophesies trouble and anxiety for him. Namely:

  • misunderstandings with loved ones;
  • worsening financial situation;
  • unresolved cases at work;
  • health problems;
  • unfulfilled hopes;
  • sadness.

But don't get upset. It is necessary to pay attention to all the smallest details of sleep and its emotional coloring. Worth considering:

  • whether the dreaming house was one's own or someone else's;
  • dirty or well-cleaned;
  • new, strong or crumbling?

For example, if you dreamed about your own house clean and bright, all things neatly laid out in their places - good news, good news is expected soon.

Even in a dream, a house may be present if the dreamer often moves from place to place. Such a dream simply reflects a person’s previously experienced emotions associated with moving.

What is the dream of the house (video)

To dream of an old wooden or abandoned house

Many interpret all dreams about old or abandoned houses as negative.

Many interpret all dreams about old or abandoned houses as negative. But this is far from true.

The following dreams bring negativity into a person’s life:

  • when the dreamer is inside an old or wooden house, he will have a serious quarrel and even a break with a person close to him;
  • if you dreamed of a collapsing house or a house in which one of the walls is missing, you should expect failure in serious undertakings, obstacles in work, family problems, quarrels and gossip;
  • when there are many guests in the old house, quarrels with relatives and friends are inevitable, the loss of their trust and help;
  • if the house collapses in a dream - to a break in a serious relationship or to divorce, to the loss of a loved one;
  • buying an old dilapidated house - to poor health, loss of money.

But a dream in which an old or abandoned house is present carries a positive message to a person’s life if you dreamed that:

  • the dreamer rebuilds or restores an abandoned house - to family happiness, the acquisition of new housing, prosperity;
  • moving to an old wooden house - for marriage or marriage;
  • buying an old but strong house - to receive material benefits in the near future;
  • if there are a lot of old things in the old house - to a prosperous life;
  • to finish building the house - to new acquaintances, the emergence of new good friends.

Some dream books interpret a dream in which old houses are dreamed of as neutral, not carrying any emotional load.

Why dream of someone else's old house?

To see someone else's ruined house in a dream predicts great experiences and nervous breakdowns.

When interpreting a dream about someone else's house, it is very important to take into account all the details and emotions experienced by the sleeper:

  1. If a person experiences discomfort during sleep, this means that someone is trying to invade his life, impose his opinion, force him to make a decision not in his favor.
  2. The feeling of fear experienced in a dream in a strange house promises financial expenses, false accusations and squabbles.
  3. If in a dream the sleeper is in the house of friends, then in the near future it is worth waiting for requests for help from them, to which it is better to respond quickly so as not to lose them.
  4. To see someone else's ruined house in a dream predicts great experiences and nervous breakdowns. Which, in the future, will lead to serious health problems.

Climbing into someone else's house in a dream - to a change of residence, moving to a new house or apartment.

What is the dream of the house of childhood, the house of the deceased grandmother?

Basically, a dream in which the dreamer returns to the house of his late grandmother, the house of his childhood and youth, evokes positive emotions in a person.

Basically, a dream in which the dreamer returns to the house of his late grandmother, the home of his childhood and youth, evokes positive emotions in a person: a feeling of joy, peace of mind and nostalgia. But such a dream does not always prophesy something good. Often it is a warning of impending life difficulties, health problems, financial loss, betrayal or loss of loved ones.

If in a dream the grandmother's house is empty, then all undertakings in the professional field are doomed to failure. And a person expects loneliness and nostalgia for childhood. To enter the house of a deceased grandmother in a dream without an invitation - to monetary costs, which will significantly affect the dreamer's budget. And if the grandmother herself invited to enter her house, this promises a person big health problems and even premature death.

If, in the house of the deceased grandmother, a table is laid with a beautiful clean tablecloth with a variety of dishes, and a cheerful old woman is sitting at the table, then the sleeping person is waiting:

  • success in all endeavors;
  • acquaintances that will be very useful;
  • happy life;
  • prosperity in the house;
  • well-being in family life;
  • receiving an inheritance.

If you dreamed of a house in which the deceased parents are, then you should carefully look at your surroundings. Most likely, there are people nearby who wish evil to the dreamer, who at the right moment will certainly stab him in the back. A dream in which deceased parents leave the house, waving goodbye, promises the sleeper a long and peaceful life. If, on the contrary, they call with them - to serious illnesses or the loss of someone close.

The feeling of emptiness and anxiety during sleep in the parental home indicates that the dreamer is experiencing a crisis in family life. That he is not satisfied with his current marital status.

Why dream of an old house in the village?

When explaining a dream about an old house in the village, the appearance of the house plays an important role.

When explaining a dream about an old house in the village, the appearance of the house and the surrounding area play an important role.

  1. A dream about a house with a bad, unreliable foundation suggests that the sleeper lacks support in real life, that there are no friends in his environment who are ready to immediately help in a difficult situation.
  2. Seeing a lopsided house in need of repair indicates that a person has fallen into difficult life circumstances and is in great need of help.
  3. Search in a dream for an old house in the village - to emotional experiences due to surrounding rumors and gossip that negatively affect the dreamer's reputation.

But if you dreamed of a beautiful new house, around which old dilapidated buildings, then soon a person’s life will change for the better.

Why dream of moving to an old house?

  • Moving to an old house, in general, dreams of a change of scenery. To see the house in which the sleeper moves, whole, with large windows and painted shutters - to the long-awaited acquisition of one's own housing or changing old housing to a more suitable one.
  • Moving to an old house in a hurry promises urgent business trips. Again, if the house they are moving into is strong and well-groomed, then business trips will be successful and bring profit to the person. If the house is dilapidated, frail, then the trip will not bring the desired results. And if the house is dirty, then health problems are possible during the trip, and there is a high probability of getting to the hospital.

What is the dream of the old one (video)

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Why dream of an abandoned House in a dream from a dream book?

Felomena's dream book considers the abandoned one as a sign of the past that annoys you in the present. You regret what happened and want to fix something.

The past has a negative effect on the present. If an abandoned house has an intimidating appearance, the past will soon have to be solved, previous mistakes corrected.

How do other dream books interpret?


Video: What is the dream of an abandoned House

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I dreamed of an abandoned House, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    Hello, my name is Anastasia. I had an unpleasant dream last night (due to the latest difficulties in life and the layout on the cards, he alerted me). I dreamed that I, with 3 of my friends, entered an abandoned house in the village. It was quite comfortable there, but no one had lived in it for a long time. It was night and we walked around the house inspecting it. I told a legend that an old woman once lived here with her grandson, and then they both died under unforeseen circumstances. dawn from home, he was frightened (although this is very unlike him). Then I heard a baby crying and went to check who could be crying. it was already dawn and in order not to attract too much attention, we decided to play it safe. I saw an old woman coming out of the doorway. She had dry skin and wrinkled, hooked hands. Dressed in a black dress, she ran towards us. Of course, we started to run away, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that a boy of five years old, in summer clothes, was sitting in the corner, his pretty face began to change and his eyes filled with anger and excitement. In energy, I understand quite a bit and was sure that all the dead cannot leave the house or any building in which they died, but when I ran out into the street, I was convinced of this. The old woman continued to chase us, and the boy followed her. When she caught up with the first friend and grabbed him by the throat, I stopped. The old woman looked at me and said only one phrase: "Shah." After that I woke up..

    An old abandoned house in which I wander with someone and we take things that we liked, they left it in a hurry (they didn’t even turn off the TV), but it looks like it was thrown a long time ago, from the window of the countryside.

    I’m walking through the forest in my hands, I have a package, the forest was bright, it was daytime, wolves suddenly attack (I see how they run from afar) I start looking for a tree that you can climb, but I didn’t find a tree, when they were close, I waved off the package, they were afraid but they were yelling, they were hungry and scary, and suddenly I find myself in Pripyat, in an old house half ruins, and through those ruins the wolves attack again and I beat them off with my fists, and the friends that were with me ran away to the stairs, and I followed them, wolves they didn’t get it .. it was a cold autumn.

    in an old house that no one has opened for a long time, there are indoor flowers on each windowsill. they are all alive and simply huge, with bright green foliage and large leaves. the floor is littered with rubbish and things strewn about.

    i dreamed of an abandoned boarded-up house in the window the light was on, the house in which I was in childhood but it had already been demolished, I stood near this house at night and tried to look into the window in which the light was on

    Hello, Tatyana.
    I dreamed that I was in an abandoned house with my friends. I went up to the second floor and saw the library. The books were brand new. Various genres. Mostly horror and fantasy. Since I love to read these two genres, I was very interested in this library and I began to look through the books.

    The house was dark, The door was boarded up, I tried to tear off the boards and tore it off, When I entered the house it turned out to be mine, there were a lot of rats there, I got scared and then I had to close the door, It was very scary, On the same day I had a dream where we mom is sitting at home and suddenly there is a roar in the neighboring house a fire!

    Hello. I dreamed of an abandoned apartment. In which there was a dirty, unfilled bed, a large aquarium with a goldfish. She was hungry and rushed around the aquarium so quickly. There was another aquarium separately, some mouse was sitting there and also hungry.

    An abandoned multi-storey building, I climbed to the top floor and tried to jump from the window, but not to die, but to get out of this house .. while my best friend was with me ..
    Why is this a dream?

    I dreamed of an abandoned house that I felt like my own. In terms of energy, he was warm and dear. I felt very comfortable there and I admired it. I got there through the balcony of the apartment from which we had long since moved out. I used to get into this house through a secret passage in my grandmother's house, which is located in a completely different city, the apartment was not inhabited. I haven't dreamed of this house for a long time. I forgot it ... I also saw there how the sun's rays get entangled in the web. It was insanely beautiful! And for some reason, the year 2002 does not come out of my head after sleep ... just a number ...

    Good evening. I dreamed of my grandmother’s house (now it is already abandoned). The windows in the dream were without glass, but the carpet was red (it was like in childhood), and when I went into another room, it was in a complete mess. A man tried to enter the front door, I grabbed shovel and began to wave. Hit him on the back, he fell and his head fell off. there was no blood (the head just bounced off like that). I went back into the house, closed the door and closed the windows with chairs, there was a feeling of fright. I blocked the window and woke up

    there was an accident, and a powerful accident. My friend and I were sitting in some kind of abandoned building, without parents, in the dead of night. we wandered around the building in the dark, meeting different people along the way. closer to the morning, we went up to the 2nd floor and closed ourselves in the room in order to hide from some terrible creatures. Some time later, at dawn, I had to buy food and find my parents, I don’t remember exactly what happened, but I went for food one passed through a number of shops, could walk between those creatures, but they suddenly realized that I was not them and ran after me, I ran into some kind of counter. there was a feeling that it was an abandoned city. I then somehow got to the shelter and we had to leave, but the group to search for the parents was slow and transport was needed

    In a dream, I clearly realize that I am saying goodbye to some place, settlement, city. I walk around abandoned houses - they are whole, not falling apart, the whole situation has been preserved up to furniture, curtains, books, cosmetics. But I understand that no one lives in these houses or apartments. I did not go home alone, and perhaps I was looking for a place to smoke, or I was looking for something. A friend offered to take something from home, I refused, we returned to a group of people who gathered in one place to leave for good.

    For 2 months, I have been dreaming almost every night that I can’t get out of an abandoned house, and every night I find myself in a new house. I go into it myself, but when I leave, it turns out that all the windows and doors are boarded up ... But finally, 2 days ago, I dreamed that I was able to get out. I have no idea what this is?

    i dream that my husband offered me to buy a house in the village where I used to live far from milestones. I offered him good options and he saw a house in which no one had lived for a long time and said that he liked it and we would buy it. but I was against it and the season of spring came and the thaw began and around him there was constantly water inside, everything was gray terribly and not comfortable.

    I dreamed of an abandoned house, gray and two young people, whom I saw very clearly, then snow fell in huge flakes outside the window, he was happy like a child, then we seemed to be in a relationship, were at sea, he talked on the phone with friends and they said something offensive and I heard it and in the end I ran away, disappeared for him, but he was looking for me.
    and my young man also dreamed that he was online and that he was released

    In general, I dreamed that our city suffered a nuclear catastrophe and became like Pripyat. The pipes that are visible from the window turned gray, burned and emitted black smoke. Houses with broken windows. I go outside. Everything is gray, abandoned, abandoned… Skyscrapers with black holes instead of windows. Not a single person. Then... I see a girl. She is tall with black hair and eyes. It seemed to me that I already know her ... I moved on. I came across an abandoned school ... I went in .. I closed my eyes and suddenly I began to hear children's cries and cries. They sounded in my head. The silhouettes of dying people appeared before my eyes. I saw fragments of the whole catastrophe. This girl was standing next to me. I, surprisingly calmly, told her everything I saw. Then we left, and I went home ... What kind of nonsense? .. I came home and found that 2 of the three rooms had become some kind of catacombs, also gray and abandoned. And one is still new. Everything. The alarm rings...

    I dream that I and my classmate, the headman, are wandering around an abandoned nine-story building, starting from the 9th floor and down. It seems that we are just wandering, but it seems that we are trying to find something. While we were descending, it was more or less light everywhere, but as soon as we reached the 4th or 3rd floor, everything became dark and gloomy, some terrible sounds were heard. I told my friend that we need to go from here, it will be day, next time we will come and see (apparently, the time of day is night), but this did not stop her, she opened some door .. the picture changes dramatically, if I myself went down down, but there was no more girlfriend. But my old friend appeared, with whom I currently do not communicate at all. He has a bad past with marijuana use. Once on "his floor", I went from room to room, as if running away from something, I did not want to see anyone. Moreover, a friend on the floor had something like an Internet salon, only not with computers, but with tablets lying on the table. There were enough people. In the meantime, I saw a few more comrades with whom the "bad past" happened. It got to the point that we talked with a "bad friend", he treated me to a banned substance. Then everything is vague, and in the end I'm heading home. That's the whole dream.

    Hello! Help me deal with the dream (03/12/15-03/13/15): I dreamed of an old dilapidated house that I went into and saw in a large room, there was a small black coffin on the TV. Why is this???

    I dreamed of an abandoned house. I'm not alone, I went to this house with my friends. I do not know why. But I understood that there is something supernatural, maybe even ghosts. We walked along the first floor, turned to the door, it stuck, but we opened it. The staircase led to the 2nd floor, but was blocked by a door. Pushing the door aside, we went to the 2nd floor, there was a room on the right, we went in there. the walls were yellow, the room was not inhabited, abandoned, almost unfurnished. There was a feeling of fear. They felt someone approaching this room, they hid behind the wall. And then I vaguely remember.

    I remember that I dreamed everything in cold and dark shades. Some kind of thin river, but very overgrown with reeds, the water is dark and muddy. I am walking with a stranger through this darkness and I see a house that looks old, black and gray. I went inside and everything is beautifully gorgeous. and what is it for?

    I walked along the beach with my dog, there were a lot of people. Suddenly a huge black bird appeared, the size of a helicopter, people disappeared. Around remained everything as before (a bright sunny day). The dog and I hid from the bird, it did not try to find us for a long time, then flew away. Then I ended up in the same place, without a dog, but with a group of people (in a dream they were my acquaintances, in life I don’t know them). We walked and found an abandoned house, without windows, doors, furniture, completely empty. there was nothing wrong. We entered it, and it turned into a house under construction, not at all like the previous one. Very strange layout. And despite the fact that it was new, it was very scary in it, and the worst thing was in the basement, which had no stairs, it felt like there was no basement, but just an abyss, dark and terrible. Coming out of this house, it turned out that he was standing in a cottage village. We hurried to leave.

    It all started when my mother sent me (13 years old) to walk with my sister (4 years old). I decided to go to an abandoned brick factory that was only two kilometers from my house and which I often go to. The factory itself is very large both in a dream and in reality, but in a dream next to it was Pripyat - the place where the 4th nuclear reactor exploded. Out of curiosity, I decided to inspect the nearest 15-storey building (I wonder why there were exactly 15 of them?). We entered and immediately went upstairs. I left my sister sitting on a chair (drawing) in one of the offices, and I myself decided to explore the floor without her. On the way, I met an elevator shaft and I wanted to go down to the very bottom along the iron cables, because the elevator did not work. I don’t know how I had the strength and will to go down, but I did it. Strange as it may seem, but all the exits except the top one, which I entered, were closed, and the light was on at almost every light bulb denoting a new floor. I went down to the very bottom and there the door was also closed, but next to it a hole was broken in my height (180 cm). There was total darkness and some incomprehensible knocking frightening sounds were heard. I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. I began to rise, but the darkness from that hole, along with the advancing evening, became closer with each floor, and the sounds became louder. I became very, very scared. Only the light bulbs on the floors made it clear that I was not alone with the darkness. I somehow managed to go upstairs, Arina, that was my sister's name, was still waiting for me on a chair and drawing, although it was already dark everywhere. These sounds were already very loudly coming from the mine, and screams and screams joined them, but Arina did not pay attention to them at all and sat as if nothing had happened. I became more and more afraid with every second. I quickly took Arina by the hand and began to lead us out of here, but soon we still returned back, because the door through which we entered simply disappeared. We were forced to sit in this ill-fated dark office. The very last rays of the sun faded over the horizon. These sounds were already around us and I wanted to find out what it was. And so I again went out into the hallway of the floor. I went through all the cabinets one by one. But a monster comes out of the fourth room on the right. All his skin was burnt and shabby, there were no eyes, no teeth either, and his mouth was kind of round, the monster itself otherwise looked like a man. He rushed at me, and I started hitting him with the corner of a book that I took to read on a bench. The book was called Heisenberg. The uncertainty principle. I emerged victorious from this fight, but I became even more scared because I knew where these sounds were coming from. I hurried back to the office. He hugged Arina and we sat with her like that all night. All this time she was not herself - too calm, although in reality she was very noisy, irritable. At last the morning came. These sounds began to recede little by little. I looked out the window. There was some, my God, MAN!!! He seemed to be going fishing with a fishing rod. I shouted the word help to him. He heard and somehow climbed up the wall towards us, clinging to the window bars. He was silent, took out his phone to call the rescue service. Five minutes later they were in place, they went up to us in the same way - there were four of them. The two men immediately left to scout the floor. There was one more man and woman left. The man took out a laptop and created a map of the high-rise building. It turned out that all the floors below the fifteenth are just packed full of these monsters. This was shown by a thermal detector built into the computer. The man looked askance at the fisherman. He hastened to jump out of the window. But he was kept. He told us everything. It turned out that he had been giving these monsters some kind of radioactive drugs for many months. Most recently, this drug got into his body and he, too, was infected. Then this man was shot dead, we were returned home in the house, they killed all the monsters, but for some reason they did not burn the house itself. And the dream ends there.

    I dreamed of an abandoned burnt village. But not all things in the house burned down. I remember how I was looking for photographs of former householders with someone, namely children, photographs of children. I don't remember why I was looking for someone

    Today I had such a dream. I live with my parents and younger brother, he is 4 years younger than me, he is now 11, and I am 15) so we live in the village, we have a small house, 3 rooms. I dreamed that we were kicked out of this house (I don’t know why, for what and how, and who didn’t tell this dream), but the worst thing is that my parents agreed. We had to settle in an abandoned building, far from our home in a vacant lot. The weather was warm outside, snow, cold weather and I did not feel frosts. So we settled in this building, oddly enough it had not completely new, but almost perfect white plastic windows. We lived there, slept on mats (which are in the gym), we had a lash and a few sheets. I think my parents were afraid of a person who settled in our house and my mother sent me to this house to get a book. I went. She burst into the house, locked this man by deceit in some kind of closet, and looked for a book. My mother is a teacher, so I was looking for something like lesson development. I don’t remember the title of the book, but it consisted of capital letters (approximately AKtp), I didn’t find it and came home empty-handed. I was not scolded, but then, I saw that this old house has turned, or not, we have transformed it into our real home. And we made this abandoned house exactly the same as our real one. A copy, I was still surprised how this could happen, wallpaper, linoleum, everything was the same. I clearly remember from a dream the moment when my mother and I were repairing this plastic window, a storm began on the street, and it, that is, the net that usually protects against flies, broke, and we fixed it) then I woke up, I was very surprised, tell me what's wrong with me?

    i dreamed that a small child was running into the courtyard of the house. I shouted to him that you couldn’t go there and ran after him to stop him, but he still runs and runs inside the house. but I’m scared to go into this house. It seems to me that something terrible is going on there. the windows in this house are broken. and the child is there. I never got over my fear and pulled the child out of there.

    They bring me to the village in the summer, there are a lot of greenery and flowers around. The village, as if, consists of three, three-storey houses. Two of them: old, green-gray, dirty and with boarded up windows. Reminds me of barracks. They take me to one of these houses, but I don't go inside. From the window on the first floor, an old woman leans out, I seem to know her. Through the window I see a closet: dusty and there are many rusty teapots on the shelves. But I'm walking across a small road to another house. It has white walls and a blue roof. The carved porch, columns, window shutters, the roof resembles a dome, like in churches, but this is exactly the house. They tell me that a family lived in it, but during a thunderstorm, an apple tree fell on the house and broke the roof. I look up, and the roof is almost intact, the boards are slightly damaged, and there are small holes. Around the house, a lot of tall grass. I seem to have entered it twice. The first time I pricked myself, but I went in, it was light inside, the shutters were open, the rooms were huge, but very dusty. I go to the window and I see a car coming up, a family gets out of it, and they go to the house, I run out and run into a boy. They do not scold me, but ask me to see me off, and the second time I pass through the grass calmly, not once pricking myself. They put things in order there, and I go to play with the boy. Then, somehow, an annoying ghost of a girl appears or the girl did not understand, she took away the souls of children with a song, and this boy became her victim. I somehow kept his soul in the body, and because of this, the ghost wanted to kill me. But then one of the adults said that it was necessary to conduct the ceremony, I was standing with a small mirror in my hand, a ghost swooped down on me, I shouted out something, a bright light and I woke up not understanding whether I had destroyed the ghosts or not.

    I dreamed of an abandoned private house, I heard a knock from the basement. I saw old photographs from the 1800s. it was winter outside the window and the boy was drawing water from the well. The snow was very clean.
    then it was like a grandmother came and started kneading the dough. I woke up

    Somehow, as a friend, I ended up in a village where I had not been for 6 years. So, we walked in this house, as if it were necessary. without even thinking about anything, they were about to leave, and as if knowing all the rooms there, I went to change clothes, said wait for me here. I changed my clothes, I went out and looked at the door next to which she was locked and she was not there, I got scared and heard big and loud steps. I tried to sneak away, thinking that they wouldn’t notice me, then closing my eyes, I heard a voice next to me that said: “Let's bet that I will catch up and kill you earlier than in 6 minutes.” I pretended to be asleep, but I felt the attraction of this body to me. I woke up on this

    I dreamed that my husband was gone. Went to look for him. Somehow got to a desert island and found him there. He was very happy with me and we began to think together how we could get out of there. The island is overgrown. But he dreams that he lived there for about 2 years. And he lived in an abandoned house. The house is very large, solidly built, where it looks like it was built in the 40s-50s, spacious, very clean. These were in the village of my grandmother, where I went on vacation as a child. Leaving the house, I saw in the distance the silhouette of a woman dressed in a long dress and a scarf, in some dark clothes. And among the trees you could see the porch of another house where she was heading. She ran to call her husband and say that she saw a man, you need to go to her together and ask how to get out of here. Awoke

    I dreamed that I was going to some house with friends. They say that you can take clothes there for free. We arrived there and there the clothes in the bags are dirty, we are sorting through them trying to choose something for ourselves and then I find a box in which my old girl profiles.

    as if I (I don’t understand how) find myself in an old abandoned house; in the first dream it was my old house, in the second dream it was my mother's house. as if I remember that there is a farm there, I begin to manage the cows, water the flowers. and all this is so ruined, overgrown.

    Hello! My name is Katya. I dream about how I woke up and saw a huge window of the apartment, outside the window there was a closed coffin right next to it (I was sure that there was a man lying there, and I knew him by sight). The curtains were long, red, but what was behind them I do not know. Then I shifted my gaze and saw a window and a balcony of an abandoned apartment, the window was without glass, it was dark inside. Then I abruptly find myself inside this apartment and go through the rooms (the apartment was huge, obviously not 3 or even 4 rooms), I came into one of the rooms and stole those lying on the floor and bedside tables on the walls, there were a lot of books, albums for drawing and notebooks. I began to review them and found out that I would be drawn to them, as if they were my notebooks and albums. I debugged, in a bunch that I want to take with me, and in the second, which I will leave in this apartment. In the apartment, I had a feeling that it would be our apartment with my mother in which I lived there with her. at this moment I turn my head and see how my mother is standing in the gap between the room in which I was and the kitchen. And my sister was sitting next to me and looking at those same albums with drawings.

    I dreamed that I was on an abandoned farm with my cousins ​​and sisters (they are still small), we are looking for some gifts for some holiday, I don’t remember what kind of holiday. My brother and I are climbing some heaps of rubbish, or I don’t know what it is, and then a big bull or a cow appears, it’s evil, with big horns, runs around the room, I feel fear, several times this animal tries to attack us, but we hiding, suddenly I’m looking with me no longer a brother, but my best friend, we are looking at some old books, they are scary and I decided to take them with me to read at home. And then we see that the bull will now rise again and run towards us, and we decided that if this happens again, we will climb out onto the stairs and he will not reach us, although there was a fear that she might fall. Then my phone rang and I woke up.

    The dream began with the fact that I was trying to enter the house, I somehow realized that you should not go there. The doors began to slam shut, a girl appeared, and we ran, they began to pursue us. As a result, I got into this house, there were more people in a dream, both pursuers and persecuted, in the end it turned out that they only wanted to catch me, when there was nowhere to run a man came up to us, he hooked my cross and he bent, saying that this accident. He asked me to hand over all the jewelry, he left and said the phrase: stay away from that blonde, and the brunette nearby hit my leg with a machete, I jumped off the ledge and ran into the forest alone, ran for a long time, got into a car with a stranger, he began to help, they began to walk around the city patrol the neighbors, the police, I was hiding

    i dreamed that they told me about my husband’s betrayal and I ran away with things to some house unfamiliar to me, but in a dream I knew that in this house you can hide from your husband and showdowns, but he came for me to clean up there and then a familiar company came and they were there they drank and I treated them to some kind of roll that was in this house and my husband flooded the bathhouse and one of the girls said that let him throw the garbage in another place and not near the house, otherwise people would say that it was she who threw the garbage in the wrong place she was with me some girl, I took her with me to this house, but in fact I don’t have children and I seem to know this girl there in a dream, it seemed that it goes without saying that you need to pick her up


    i dreamed of an old abandoned house, my best friend and I were looking for something important in it, but at the same time there was a fear that we might be found there in this house. but in the house, besides us, someone was he or she called us (a) here the dream ends.

    I saw myself inside a small hut. The window is boarded up from the side of the street with horizontally wide boards, between which not very bright light penetrates into the hut. I can’t say that this situation frightened me, but it confused me.

    I dreamed that I was in a strange house where it was warm, but a mess. It was as if I was hiding from someone in this house in the evening, it was already dark. I closed the curtains and my phone rang, I reached out for the phone, but when the curtains turned open, it was light outside and an old woman passed under the window. When I reached out to close the curtain, she reached through the window and did not let me close the curtain. After I woke up.

    I go somewhere and talk to myself, love something, and then I see the glass of the house is broken, and I see an owl, and then what a terrible grandmother. and she runs after me and for some reason I hold my cat by the tail, and I run and then I closed my eyes and woke up

    I was on the train and looked out the window. There I saw a house of a cold blue-gray color, and in front of it was an abandoned amusement park. I clearly remember how I carefully studied everything, I could even draw everything clearly in the morning. The carousel was spinning - I remember it clearly, but her horses were old, dirty and the paint had almost disappeared.

    I'm standing on the second floor of an old, old abandoned house. The house is located as if in a cottage village, and the village is on the territory of the park. The whole house is so cold and gray. Then I understand that time is running out and it is getting late, but the territory is still relatively light. I go to the gate to the exit from the park and on the way I meet two girls. It feels like I know them in a dream. Then some man stops us and I don’t remember the details, but he tries to detain us, does not let us out. Then some man at the gate opens the gate for us and lets us out. The third girl was grabbed while we were leaving the gate and we started to run. We were periodically caught up and tried to stop, but somehow we pulled away. At some point, I realize that I'm running through my old neighborhood. We run holding hands all the time. We fell, got up, ran again. Then I wake up and the dream ends with the fact that we never ran away and did not run anywhere.

    at first I dreamed of a huge, bright, clean apartment; I was there with my mother and was looking for a door to install from a loved one with whom we do not communicate. but he still found me. and today I was again with a woman, we went into the house and tried to enter it, but people came out of there and some man said that he was buying him out and we left.

    An ordinary day, I went to school but something was wrong, there was another school opposite our school, but abandoned. We went for a walk, but it was as if something was attracting me there and I didn’t even put on a jacket and crawled. When I crawled, I opened the door then went down the stairs and on the left in the corridor I noticed a ghost. Then I crawled in fear back to the door. I crawled in horror to the door and went out. Then people came to this school and pulled me out.

    In an abandoned house, everything was black-black ... gloomy and cold ... but on the right at the door there were two blue strollers ... One big and the second for baby dolls .... The answer from a past life was in a big blue stroller, but I didn’t find it in myself so much strength to go to the stroller, but she was already in the house.

    I dream that I am leaving my grandmother, my friend and also her friend see me, we are waiting for the trolleybus, it arrives and the three of us get into it, my friend and I sit down near the driver’s cab, and the second girl goes to the driver in the cab, and says that I got her (censorship) and she wants to fill her face, I tell Rita (my friend) to calm down her friend, because I myself will give her a face, Rita to the driver's cab and at the next stop we got out, I ran away from Rita and her friend and the plant in the yard, I started to pass it on the playground, and I saw 14-15 years old he was sitting on a mountain with sand, I turned to face him and he tells me to turn around, I turned back and saw an abandoned eight-story house, and a boy says let's see what's there, I agreed and we went, went up to the top floor, I looked at the room and my eyes were attracted by the windows, they seemed vaguely familiar, we immediately heard that someone was coming to our room, and we decided to leave because it was strong scary, I looked through the window at the streets and I realized that I was on which I was walking in reality and Rita was standing below, her friend and some guy who looked like Rita's friend, he was going to go to the construction site and pick me up from there, Rita also wanted to go but felt that it was very dangerous there now and stayed with my girlfriend, the boy and I went to the stairwell and saw a guy, he was going to meet us, I didn’t see his face, I just saw my arms up to the elbows in tattoos, I was very scared, this guy wanted to say something, but I woke up.

    I dreamed that I met my first love, and he invites me to enter the house, in which the wall seems to disappear. There are no windows and doors in the house, and the floor and walls are so dilapidated, dirty, scary. But I refused and ran away to another house, which turned out to be in good repair and furnishings. My family was there and we stopped there to rest.

    I dreamed that my first love was inviting me to enter an old abandoned one. There, one wall of the house seemed to have disappeared. The walls and floor were terribly dirty and not cleaned. I got scared and ran away and went into another house, which turned out to be in good repair and furnishings. My family was there and we all stopped in it to rest.

    I dreamed that my friends and I ended up in an abandoned house, this house was teeming with monsters, and we tried to get out, everyone got lost, I stayed with a boy from my school, we went to the exit and met another friend, we came to the door and were visible there the shadow of these monsters, we did not dare to go further and therefore went to the toilet, apparently this house was a school, there we saw a window the boys tried to open it and I was sitting on the window and eating seeds and I woke up on this. I want to know why such dreams

    Tonight I dreamed of a house: it was not dilapidated, I don’t know what material it was made of, well, not of wood, that’s for sure. I remember that it was whitewashed, and next to it in the yard there was an outbuilding, like a summer kitchen or a barn. also whitewashed in white color. In a dream, I asked a neighbor - a man, are there owners in this house? He answered me that the owner had left and said that if anyone wanted to settle in it and live. I walked around the garden, which was located inside the yard, it had a neglected appearance, there was dry, burnt grass just below the stake in height. I went to the electric transmission line and saw a wire in the garden, the end of which lay on the ground. I didn’t touch it, I only thought to myself that since no one lives in the house, it’s just the electricians who turned off the line. then you have to invite them. so that they bring electricity to the house. This is where the dream ended. Outside, I did not enter the house, I did not open the door, I did not move into it. Didn't touch anything at all. I only saw him from the side and walked a little around the garden. The only thing I noticed was that the windows of the house were not boarded up.

    Well, in short, a dark forest next to the river, I stand and protect my relative, and he is fishing half asleep, and I see a huge something with glowing eyes on the other side of the river, it noticed me, I woke up a relative and we ran, the whole family met us at some an abandoned house on the edge of the same forest, there was a light on but everyone was outside the window was boarded up, the house itself was wooden two-story, and the same creatures roam around the house as on the other side of the river, only that creature had horns, but these do not, I drive them away because no one but me sees them and they kill me, I don’t wake up, but as if nothing had happened, I’m standing again in the same place where I stood before I noticed the creature that was approaching us, and there another one appeared (sorry that it’s so a lot) I don’t remember what happened next, but then we returned to the shore and found a raft, near it stood a man with legs the same as those of those creatures, I agreed that he took us out and quietly took a stronger stick. We swam to the city, the creature saw us off home, I she pearled him on the balcony and then we became friends and I called him Jasper, it was very cold in a dream and I could control him, that's all.

    Hello, it’s such a dream that I’m walking in the city center and I see a garden surrounded by a fence and I go into it, but it turns out that this is a personal plot and there is a house, the fruits in the garden are overripe and the raspberries are dry, no one picked them. Bees also fly over the trees .I go into the house, and it seems to have been uninhabited for many years, the smell is dead and swarms of flies, and in the bedroom there are corpses of a woman and a child, they have been lying there for a long time and flies have stuck around them .... I understand that they died from some kind of disease, I'm afraid of getting infected and I run out into the street and call people for help. People have arrived and are starting to warm up the house. That's such a dream. I'm planning to go for an abortion one of these days. Maybe this is a warning?

    hello tatyana. (he’s not alive right now) he was standing far away, but I saw that he was empty, but he seemed to be well-groomed.

    Hello. I dreamed how I went into the house (hut) with my friends
    In the beginning, the barracks had no windows, everything was ruined. If we go further, there was a large bed, we went further, and there was all sorts of rubbish .. Including food with an unpleasant smell, there in the locker I found a beautiful black touchscreen phone, which I was very happy about. I could not go into another room, there the floor was with holes, covered with a burgundy stripe, a clock hung on the wall there, just like in my house. There was a terrible smell coming from there.

    I dreamed that I was walking with an unfamiliar boy in an abandoned house
    But I liked this boy. I was very scared and he offered to take me in his arms, I agreed. We approached some scary places where there was blood and so on. He said that he would leave me here now, but he said it jokingly, and after that he said that no, of course, he would not leave me
    I woke up with the thought that I know this person and I really like him

    I dream that I am calling my young man, he says that he is with his mother in the store. I go to them on roller skates, then I find myself in some place where there are autumn trees around, yellow and red leaves everywhere. On the left is a destroyed yellow bridge, similar to a construction one, made of beams. Ahead of me is an old abandoned gray house, which I cannot get around, only go through it through the door and exit on the other side, but the doors are boarded up

    Hello, please tell me, several dreams per week are associated with buildings, in 1st on the funicular, I went up and watched the most beautiful buildings around from marble; in the 2nd, I walked around the temple in India, barefoot and on the floor were scattered for sale, gold items and I wanted to choose something for myself; The third one scared me terribly, supposedly my family and I live in a dilapidated house, which is right by the sea, the sea is a terrible storm, there is also a freeway right into the sea, and then the roof and windows of the house disappear, water starts pouring right into the house, I understand that my child is underwater, but found and rescued him. And yesterday's dream, that I was flying on a flying bus with strangers and at one moment I really wanted to do something)), the driver supposedly flew to my house, but in fact, the house turned out to be abandoned, without light, except for the bathroom, in addition my bus flew away, without me and I donated, in this house, though I looked at the clock and saw that it was already dawn and this calmed me. .. Tell me please? !

    I enter an abandoned house. I go deep into it. And then a girl comes out of the wall. She points to the black door. And he calls for himself. I want to run away from her but I can't. She starts to squeeze my temples hard. And I wake up, but only in a dream. She sits on a chair and looks at me with black eyes. I try to get up, but I can't. And then I realized that I was tied with very strange ropes. And then I start screaming. And I fall into the abyss. The dream is broken.

    I was with my brother, we were looking for a way out. But it was like he didn't exist. We found the room we entered, where we went around all the other rooms. And they returned back. Then we went again into that room, but the doors (to other rooms) were completely different. Then we went back, my brother started crying and there was a way out, and we ran out very quickly. Only after that, my dad's friend shot me.

    i dreamed of an old abandoned house in which there was almost nothing, there was a table, and some other thing on which you can sleep, but this is not a bed. The walls are bare, white, empty. I lay on this thing and covered myself with some kind of thing that looked like a jacket, I was cold. Then a girl appeared, I know her in real life. but we never saw each other ... Then some rustlings began (she was lying next to me. she was also cold), some thing twitched, it looked like a jug, I jerked up, she too. Then some rustling, I went to the door, looked through the crack, and there stood a maniac with a knife and a hammer, and let's hide under the table, there was fear, but it was more that we still defeat him than he us

    Hello, dear ones.

    I dreamed how I, at first in the person of a teenager unknown to me, wandered around an abandoned house with friends. Most likely, we wanted to celebrate some event there, since this event corresponds to a fragment later. In general, I went inspecting the abandoned room. Suddenly I moved from one person to another, that is, I was no longer that teenager, but myself, as far as I understood. That kid went with his friends to the "holiday" room. I stayed with a boy I did not know - my age. Even from the entrance to the house, we noticed what a strange heap, where we heard strange sounds. We went there together, but we didn't stay there long. Immediately we heard terribly terrible sounds and rushed from there as fast as we could, sitting in the ledge of the wall. After a while, a ghost came out of the pile. He walked towards us, I felt his every step. Finally she came, it was a girl. She stopped in front of us. At first I did not see her, but when I looked better into the void, a silhouette appeared in front of me. I couldn't remember the exact appearance, but I do remember that she had black hair that was about shoulder length. She waved to us. Then I struck up a conversation with her and was able to make friends without being hurt. And then I again moved into a teenager, managed to see only the celebration room through his eyes. Also, I don’t know in what person, I met my friend, who was again a ghost. I remember the phrase with which I said to her: "You left too soon in the world of spirits .."

    I don’t remember anymore, I told about the exact moments. Others I forgot, or they are fuzzy. What does all of this mean? Help, please. Terrible dream.

    I walk around the muddy abandoned house in the middle of the speech, for which you can understand that in that house there was preparation before the wedding, but in the evening I told my relatives that they left this house and didn’t come in at that hour

    I dreamed that I had deceived my friend, she wanted to shoot Wisconsin, but accidentally shot another man, he turned out to be a bandit whom everyone is looking for. At that time we were on the ship, I jumped into the water, his people shot at me, and did not hit. Then I ended up in an abandoned house and hid from them, and next to this house there was a huge beautiful house where this man whom I shot lived. Inside the abandoned house, I tried to close all the doors, closed the back door, wanted to close the front door, but the door was old wooden and broke. There was a screwdriver on the windowsill, she took it and began to assemble the door to twist the bandages. While I was spinning from the house opposite (not from a rich house, but on the other side), a neighbor walked by, and she saw me and said that I scared her, offered to go to her, than to hide and starve here, but I answered, I’ll think about it, and then I took up the door, I thought I might ask the tools to go. Then she began to walk inside an abandoned house. I saw a child covered in dust. There was a lot of money in the corner, and it was also dusty. Inside the house there were 3 large rooms, and in each of them there was a TV, it was warm, the stove was on fire. I decided to turn off the extra TVs. I went and turned off the huge black TV that occupied the floor of the wall. I went into another room where there was furniture, an armchair and a sofa, in good shape, dark blue, I remember that we had the same one before. Then she returned to the room where the stove was and started watching TV, thinking to start cleaning this abandoned house. And woke up.

    I dreamed that I was walking with friends and we somehow stumbled upon an abandoned house, it was near a lake or a river, I don’t remember exactly, and there was still a tree near the house, it seemed beautiful from afar, blooming, but when I decided to go up to the tree, I saw how it has changed, it has become dry and sooo old, as if,
    The flowers that grew on the tree became dry
    the tree that we saw in the distance was blooming, but why did it become like that when I approached?
    After that we decided to go into the house
    He was abandoned. When we entered the house, we felt cold all over our bodies and after some time a guy of 18-20 years old appeared as a karka, he looked like some kind of maniac, but as I understood it, he seemed to be like a vampire or something like that this
    He killed my friends, and I fainted, and when I woke up, I was in bed.
    I lived with him for several days.
    At first she was afraid, and then she began to fall in love with him.
    But I got a chance to run away
    And I ran away
    But then for some reason she came back
    Just not alone
    And with friends, when he saw us, he seemed to go berserk and wanted to kill them all, but
    I said that I would stay with him forever, well, like I confessed, etc.
    And that's it. He calmed down and looked at me with some kind of incomprehensible look.
    This dream ended

    Good afternoon. The purpose of life is self-improvement. I am engaged in introspection and not only and not in one place ………… Now I had a dream, the house is us. The house is old, you don’t know what to wash - I want to make it cozy and clean .. but there’s nothing to take on. The rubble is also it is dusty, old, all-air - half - about 150 years old. Well, in general .. and at heart a lot of time is very bad. In general, I'm happy

    an old house with an old floor where a few blocks did not smoke. There was an old man on the old cravat, I talked to him and also dreamed of my work, I lose consciousness and cannot come to my senses. I feel the force that is crushing me and I begin to pray in a dream without realizing that this is a dream. When I woke up, I had a state that I ran a long distance and fear.

    I stumbled in the woods and felt a garchannya, I ran into a pit pit in which there were two exits and a replacement for the witch, I began to choose from another exit while I blew the veins, catching me by the leg, and then letting me in vtikti until the other side I started to run and onto the path I ran the abandoned houses I didn’t know how the new bay was filled, but if I went around the houses I drove the old ones go down like they led to the top I ran along them went into the middle and there were a lot of different doors I blew myself at my own place and I drank the closet there in a way that I wanted to get in, but my respect was turned upside down by the window, I was angry at the pidvіkonik and I was so happy waiting for the bear I let go of my hands and fell down I got up and fell back on those steps and swayed on the cob of a small door I entered there it was a little time and from the other side I thought it was great that the bear comes before me, I can see and on whom my dream ends

    Dream of an abandoned house, scary. There is no light there, when you open the door there is an elevator there, like a board, only scary. My parents, my mother was lying on the floor under a blanket in all black clothes, and she had an attack similar to epilepsy, only black men floated on her, she screamed. For dad too.

    I dreamed that I ended up in a pine forest and went into some house. First, I went into the house on behalf of penivize (I was never particularly afraid of him, but he dreamed) and saw his drawing. For some reason, he was delighted and began to wait. Then I went away from my face, and she attacked me and tried to cut my throat with a blade. Earlier in my dream, I dreamed of an ordinary life, but at some point I ate a nail, so I decided to eat blades. When I ate it, I felt like biting with my teeth and how the blades scratched my throat. So I ate two. Then he sat down and said that it would be better if he did what he wanted or it would be worse for me (I remembered the movie, and I think then he will torture me forever or something like that)

    My friend and I go into the house, it was definitely abandoned but looked pretty good. I clearly remember that there was a book on the floor, I was very afraid of this book, because a few days earlier I dreamed of the same house and the same book, but I was alone, I took it and took it somewhere, but it again returned to this house Because of this, I was scared, in a dream I thought that it was some kind of magic, I remember that there was something about history in that book, I opened this book in this dream (when I was with a friend) and only then I I realized that this is the same book, but in the last dream I don’t remember whether I opened it or not. After my fright, I quickly woke up and felt fear.

    Good evening! I am 13 years old and, I had a dream that I was in the village and near the house of my grandparents, there is a huge abandoned house in which, as I remember, it was very creepy, and my sister and I could not be there, we were afraid of him.
    As far as I remember, there were ghosts there.

Do you feel rejected or excluded from a certain area of ​​your life? Do you feel abandoned or abandoned? Have you allowed a person or group of people to have a special place in your life, and now you feel disconnected from them? If so: it's time to become the main authority in your life, to seek your own, inner truth.

Abandonment: Can indicate unresolved issues from childhood or even past lives.

If this is the case, you need to sort out these issues right now.

Self-pity will only make matters worse.

Feelings of abandonment: can also occur after the death of a person who helped you gain respect for yourself.

It's time to look into yourself to find confirmation of your own significance there.

Abandonment can also: indicate that you should accept yourself for who you are.

Are there aspects of your personality that you have discarded? It may be a potential talent, ability, or instinctive drive.

Think about what it could be and what place it will take in your life.

This may be a sign that it's time to drop the inhibitions.

It can be a symbol of great freedom, where you throw off the chains and conventions that bind you.

Signs of abandonment: may appear to you on the eve of gaining independence and freedom.

Interpretation of dreams from American dream book

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Everyone can see an abandoned house in a dream in their own way: for some, the sight is frightening, for some it is curiosity, and for some it is completely indifferent.

To understand why an abandoned house is dreaming of, it is worthwhile to carefully analyze the information received from the dream in detail. The dream book interprets this kind of night vision in different ways, but in general, this is an event that carries a negative mood.

An abandoned house in a dream is an ambiguous event and cannot be explained in one sentence. It happens that, at first glance, an insignificant detail in a dream changes the whole picture of an incident predicted by a dream in the future.

The interpretation of a dream with an empty building depends on how this house looked: what kind of building it was; what purpose did it have? the reason for the abandonment of this building.

Most dream books portend failure or sadness if the dreamer happened to observe an empty building. However, depending on the plot and details of the building, there are many interpretations that depend on the dream circumstances:

  1. Prison - You are too strict with yourself in terms of emotional restraint.
  2. School - You should stop dwelling on your mistakes.
  3. Maternity hospital - In some case, you will need experience from childhood.
  4. Plant - Perhaps the new business that you plan to start may fail at the first stage. It's best to put them off for now.
  5. Theater - Soon you will encounter hypocrisy.
  6. Hospital - You need to pay attention to your health.
  7. Boarding School - You will remember your long-forgotten friends and comrades.
  8. Children's camp - You need to talk with your child about what events in his life upset, what worries.
  9. A house with boarded up windows - in the near future you may suffer some setbacks.
  10. An abandoned house with ominous outlines - the failures that happen to you take their cause from the past.
  11. Ordinary abandoned house - Good news will not keep you waiting.
  12. An abandoned house with a cozy atmosphere - In the near future, your life will drastically improve.
  13. Several abandoned dilapidated houses - minor troubles or minor health problems await you.
  14. If you leave an abandoned building, your personal life will start from scratch.
  15. Inspect an abandoned building - you will rethink your past.
  16. An abandoned building that is being renovated - The upcoming changes in your life will require complete self-dedication.
  17. Walking around an abandoned building - It takes time to sort yourself out.
  18. Abandoned dilapidated house with a destroyed ceiling - This may be a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

Miller's dream book

According to the famous dream book, an abandoned house means a risk in planned affairs. Therefore, do not rush things. It is necessary to suspend activities in some classes.

In addition, you should beware of problems where you may not expect them. In addition, it is worth paying attention to your state of health, because it can fail at a crucial moment. Give yourself enough time for the rest that you like.

But, if this abandoned house or building is your place where you lived your adolescence, then the interpretation will pleasantly surprise you. Such a dream means that you will receive good news from your childhood friends.

Freud's dream book

In the dream book of an experienced psychoanalyst Freud, there is such an interpretation in which the building left by people is a symbol of sexual health problems. If in a dream you saw yourself living in a ruined house, then the dream book promises quarrels and conflicts in existing romantic relationships.

Perhaps you have lost a common language, therefore, you have ceased to satisfy each other. To avoid this, it is advisable to discuss all the points with your partner, find out all the pros and cons.

This dream book also interprets an abandoned house as a sign that you have a longing for a past life. But if in a night vision you saw yourself moving from an expensive home to an abandoned house, then this indicates that you have a huge number of things that have not been completed and that complicate your life.

It is advisable to take a break from the fuss and draw up a plan where the items will be arranged in descending order: from important to minor planned tasks.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

As this dream book warns, an abandoned house seen in a night vision calls for prudence in making decisions. If you do not listen to this, then you can ruin the planned business.

If you dreamed that you were wandering around an abandoned house with ghosts, then the dream book offers to apologize to those whom you offended not only in deed, but also in word.

Also, if an abandoned house in a dream was first prosperous, and then turned into an abandoned ruin, then this can be interpreted as the appearance of circumstances that can harm your well-being.

But, if the dreamed abandoned house is a high-rise building with a collapsed ceiling, then there may be a significant undermining of your reputation by various rumors spread by enemies.

Dream Interpretation Lunar

This dream book has interesting explanations for an abandoned house in a dream. If you dreamed that you were repairing a home in which you had not lived for many years, then be prepared for pleasant and unexpected gifts from Fate.

A dream about a dilapidated skyscraper symbolizes the breakup of old relationships that weighed on you. But if the skyscraper is being restored, then the opposite is true - there will be a restoration of old connections that will help you in important matters.

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