Ex-Deputy Minister of Culture Yana Komissarova and her ex-husband Alphonse were sentenced. The most spectacular woman of the government of the Chelyabinsk region was taken into custody. “It’s unfair to give her a suspended sentence, and give me a real term”

The use of chant girls is not without international scandals. It should be noted here that the chants-girls, on the contrary, should have helped to avoid these scandals, covering them with their beautiful trained bodies and pretty faces. All scandals were supposed to come down to a triple gangster rygalov: “Our women are the most beautiful!” - with placards, what kind of similar women abroad are not of standard appearance.

And all this gives off great the beginning of the “dashing 90s”, a purely gangster approach to a woman due to the lack of normal home education and the general pedagogical neglect of the small-town thieves who have climbed onto the public stage as “progressive figures of our time”. This small-town bander Ksyusha Sobchak, famous from “House-2” to the promotion of the last Maidan, is very annoying, and also ... it reminds all this violent trade in “white goods” through Israeli brothels, which also could not happen without our aesthetes of female meat from the special services.

I don’t remember how stereotyped the promotion of the Crimean prosecutor looked like ... Although, I confess, even this impudent campaign with typical impudence a la the FSB of the Russian Federation had an effect on me then. Yet there are experts in their field. Here are just specialists in the sirloin places of female bodies and no more. Then questions arose about the professional suitability of Natalia Poklonskaya, who has no idea about “some differences” between modern Russian legislation and the generally accepted civilized approach in jurisprudence. And she herself, we note, readily declared to the Prosecutor General Chaika that the first thing she would do was put an end to "extremism" on the peninsula. The visiting card is by no means Japanese anime, but Russian special services.

The puppeteers of these present-day puppies themselves have some thoughts about it ... True, not related to social moral standards, in conditions of criminal permissiveness and impunity, they manifest themselves in a very, very strange way.

One has to guess, for example, why on earth suddenly a parasite from the deceived formation of the “public chamber”, designed to shut the mouth of society with puppets on call, suddenly begins to make speeches in the spirit of an indecent joke “relax and have fun!”

Jul 26, 2016 This can be advised by the one who in such cases shakes his own skin

Member of the OP Anton Tsvetkov advised women not to overdo it with self-defense in case of rape

The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation recommended that women not exceed the limits of self-defense when attacked by rapists. Anton Tsvetkov, chairman of the commission on security and interaction with the POC, chairman of the presidium of the public organization Officers of Russia, informed the Moskva agency about this.

“It is extremely difficult for a woman to cope with a man, and resisting can lead to even more aggression. There is another, more important point, such as violation of the limits of necessary self-defense. That is, if, for example, a man rapes a woman, and she put a screwdriver in his side, then she will be prosecuted, because her life was not in danger - there are such cases. These are questions of legislation, ”the Moskva agency quotes him.

Tsvetkov believes that in order to combat violence, more attention should be paid to educating the younger generation, and crisis centers for women should be created in each region. Now there are only a few such centers. In addition, he proposed to introduce a ban on the aggressor from approaching the victim at the legislative level, as is done in a number of other countries.

“The only possibility of protection is to introduce a ban on the aggressor from approaching the victim. Relatively speaking, if a rowdy husband mocks his wife, the court issues a decision for him to forbid approaching her less than 100 or 200 meters, and if he violates this regime, an administrative arrest is imposed, ”Tsvetkov explained to reporters ....

Let us omit the references to “other countries” that are familiar to our home-grown criminality, since this is just an excuse to ask for the betrayal of the Motherland, the destruction of legislation and statehood for the sake of the benefit of robbery “by other countries”, so that later you can bathe in Nice or Miami in a campaign with the Monk Pavel Astakhov, also talked a lot about women.

But where else in what countries can one say something like that from a public chamber? What a shame our special services have come to in their foul attitude towards a woman, which they absorbed from their uncivilized and shameless mothers (it was a good message by mother!) reflected reality!), but polished in the industrial use of female prostitution on the public stage ...

janna_4 Jul 26, 2016 23:18 (local)

Immoral type with illegal thinking. And what is the use of this OP? Budget money pros..t and sculpt the unimaginable.

a_ukraina Jul 26, 2016 11:27 pm (local)

Yes, his stencil asks for a stand: "The police are looking for them."

ogurcova Jul 27, 2016 07:31 (local)

Previously, a woman was considered a victim, since she is obviously a weak side in this act. It becomes possible only because of the deliberate weakness of the victim of violence. There were no limits to self-defense here, it was invented by criminals.

By the way, all these feints are supposed to offend normal men. But our legislation is perverted from protecting human rights to protecting the rights of communities.

And any community in this aspect stands out in the established nation only as criminal, that is, having interests that do not coincide with the interests of the whole society.

Soon they will attack in packs, checking for a screwdriver nearby. And when resisting, accuse them of extremism.

agk_ru Jul 27, 2016 10:32 am (local)

It remains to declare that the victim of violence is to blame for everything. Charlie Chaplin, this supporter of the introduction of Sharia courts in Russia, has already tossed in such an idea.

No, well, what decomposed types. Disgrace.

a_ukraina Jul 27, 2016 10:38 am (local)

Yeah, it was like that, they say they provoke, left and right with their youth, that's why they are to blame ..

However, the vulgar criminal advice "relax and have fun!" betrays fear ... an animal nasty fear of normal women, for whom all these methods of highlighting girl-chants are not only offensive, right?

After all, this is a technique - to take and take away from a normal woman her life statute earned by labor and intellect, to use her life, her professional achievements, her time, her plans for life ... that is, in fact, to take and rape in a particularly perverted way.

In that “fight against extremism,” we also saw severed female heads with explanations that the woman “wanted it herself.” And this, too, is one to one the favorite excuse of all rapists and perverts.

So that they do not have direct questions and claims about long-term vile and satanic rape / destruction / humiliation / bullying of all women capable of normal productive work, having an intelligence much higher than that of this scumbag from the public chamber, whores from girls are exposed - choruses that suits everything!

But with them then there are ... some problems. Here's a fresh example of who is now being nominated as a "writer", where they then have to ... push.

Former banker Yelena Kotova, accused in a corruption case, was placed in the Alekseev hospital, better known as Kashchenko, by a court decision. As the executive director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) from Russia, she demanded $1 million from a Canadian oil and gas company in exchange for a loan.“In the course of the preliminary investigation, E. Kotova presented documents indicating that she had a mental illness. Based on the results of an outpatient forensic psychiatric examination, the medical commission recommended that she be sent to a psychiatric hospital for a more complete examination of her state of health,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained.
Investigators announced in January that Igor Lebedev, the ex-director of the EBRD and a former top manager of one of the leading Russian banks, had been charged. They were suspected of committing a crime under part 3 of article 30 and article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted commercial bribery).
According to the investigation, E. Kotova, being a manager in the designated banking structure, a member of the collegiate advisory body that makes final decisions on lending, indirectly guaranteed Canadian merchants a positive response to the loan in return for receiving from the latter funds in the amount of 1 million 425 thousand dollars as a reward. several EBRD employees were detained on suspicion of fraud. At the same time, a criminal case was opened by the ICR, but the case did not come to the presentation of charges. E. Kotova, who back in December 2010. lost her post at the EBRD, remained at large and was engaged in writing. In the past two years, three of her books on social life have been published..


I’m wondering… but before being appointed to this post, it was impossible to ask for a certificate from Kashchenko? Previously, and when entering a university, they filled out form 286, and all deviations from the norm were identified at school. And then ... the bastard simply went crazy from criminal permissiveness.
Does this mean that Elvira Nabiullina, a little something, will crawl into Kashchenko without a criminal record? And she has already talked about four terms in Kashchenko. It is enough to take this double discount rate and the reasoning of a dumb, shameless woman, on whom there is nowhere to put stigma, as if by raising the discount rate this criminal is “fighting inflation” ...
Then, too, she will howl at Kashchenko and say that she is Napoleon, so that she does not go to jail for her vile lawlessness in public finances. She will also declare herself the Queen of Sheba, there is potential.

It's time to reveal a new mental illness in Kashchenko - "criminal scum with public finances."

The original is taken from the Network Commonwealth Technician, Financial and Psychiatric Disease

How can one not recall Anna Chapman, who was the ideal not only of modern special services, but also the result of their educational activities.

The ugly Anechka had a daddy of their gebni, who promoted her to the chorus girls, despite the non-standard appearance of the district slut for the standards of beauty previously accepted in the gaebni.

July 3, 2010 Spy scandal as the basis of the script for the musical

Modern information capabilities turn any event into something different than their prototypes that existed only 20-30 years ago, and those, in turn, were also different than 50 years before: they are designed differently, and their meaning is little by little crawls somewhere, in a completely different area.

So, it was aptly noted that the color revolutions in the information age became a show for the audience.

Even before them, the collapse of Yugoslavia began with some strange choral singing of Croatian girls publicly desiring independence through Euronews.

Events in Moldova began with a flash mob.

The press sets the direction of public events with its expectations.

But the latest spy scandal turned into a kind of operetta or, if modern, then a musical.

Witnesses do not so much testify as they perform their arias. In the center is the "Bond girl" Anya Kushchenko, she is Anna Chapman, whose external data brought her to the very center of the action.

By the way, the girl is like a girl, fresh, pretty, of course, if she dresses up, she is almost a beauty, but, in general, nothing particularly outstanding.

Probably, not the least role in the impression is played by women's self-confidence in their own irresistibility, such an important thing in the everyday life of success. Well, and also, maybe some hysteria, a tendency to demonstrative behavior.

In America, with her Anglo-Saxon beauty standards, she went with a bang! and the impressed Anglo-Saxons stole Anechka's photo for "sessions" (in the penitentiary sense of the word).

An English husband who ate too much pears and his Russian wife who ate too much millet.

Ani's ex-English husband performed - he sang an aria of love interrupted by his father from KaGeBe. A handsome young man sang: something like a song by Michael Naumenko:

“We met you in Saigon a year ago.
Your eyes said yes, catching my hot look.
Finished with coffee, we got on your bike
And, overtaking the Zhiguli, we went to the flat
To the red light.

I was innocent as a baby
Humble as a monk
Until that night I saw
Fuck-fuck-fuck in your eyes.

Some English penguinario, 31-year-old student Hutchinson, was impressed, and told the tabloid newspaper "Sun" about a couple of nights of love with the tigress Anya ..

“We were both drunk,” the “eternal student” told reporters. - We entered my room, I sat on the bed, and she began to dance a striptease. She had a great figure. She also didn't have any underwear on. She knew very well what she was doing ... In bed she was a tigress: 14 points out of 10 ...

How they spent that night, Hutchinson cannot forget to this day. He was particularly impressed that Chapman "talked and moaned in Russian."

Hutchinson, however, is a writer! Although the standards are taken from pornographic literature. But such characters can also be useful in a musical.

Yet 60-year-old millionaire Michael Bitten, Anya's lover, did not come out and sing a song to us.

But the lady, hiding under the pseudonym Slavyanka, has already written her assessment of Anya in CBS.
She blurted out, as in Komsomolskaya Pravda 30 years ago.

Something like:

“I have been in America for 8 years. I feel good here. They gave me everything. And then all of a sudden this ... She dishonors the entire Russian people! I want the court to give her 30 years in prison for espionage! She's not even pretty. I can't even understand how such an ugly Russian girl could achieve fame and luxury? Such a person who has no beauty, like the ugly Anna Chapman, can reach the top of society using only prostitution, dirty and powerful connections, and not his own honest deeds ... Anya Chapman, I wish you a long prison term! (English text in attachment)

And what? Also a good preparation for the aria of a man from the crowd.

Then the choir may enter and sing: “Thirty years, thirty years! He served time, and there is no life!

In general, I remember my favorite "Chicago".

And from this story a good piece with music, singing and dancing could turn out. And don't accuse me of cynicism. This is the logic of the modern world, not mine.


by Slavyanka5 June 30, 2010 2:29 PM EDT

I am living in USA over 8 years. I consider USA my country. I love this country with all my heart, which gave me all things that mine didn't: respect and dignity, many opportunities that I could not find in mine because of such bureaucracy, corruption and because these opportunities are only for those like Anna Chapman , who get to the top hiding their evil personal ambitions, without working honestly and hard.

I feel indignity for this Russian girl, because I cannot imagine how some of these people can come to this beautiful and justified country, taking all benefits and advantages, doing damage. It’s embarrassing for a whole Russian nation that such people like Anna Chapman are representing Russians, among who are many honest people. It would be justified to give her a 30 years prison for spying.

She is not any beauty. Among Russians are many really beautiful women. I cannot explain myself how this ugly Russian girl could even get to fame and luxury. This kind of people, lucking beauty, like ugly Ana Chapman, can get to the society top, using only prostitution, dirty and influential connections, but not own honest merits.

I am not Russian but sometimes people are confusing us with Russians, even we aren't. It is very sad that for one person is in charge and is pinpointed a whole nation. Ana Chapman

The only thing left is to stage indecent musicals… Although some of the musicals with girls and slippers of defense ministers have already been covered… of course, solely because of the atrocities of the authorities, not at all in anticipation of the public reaction of those who are not yet ready to let themselves be raped in this way.

But the chants also need to realize that the FSB is by no means the KGB, which once gave absolutely gorgeous and unprecedented trips to life to its prostitutes ... from Irina Farion, who decided to teach Russian to all of Ukraine, to Dalia Grybauskaite, who generally received her country!

Dalia Grybauskaite

Did you decide that the USSR was being destroyed, because "the people themselves wanted it"? No, everything is being ruined to pay off call whores and prostitutes.

After all, all these chants-girls waving the limber are by no means free of charge. The problem is that they will be paid with our rights, our lives, our conscience!

All these "pranks" with chants girls are not at all as harmless as they seem. After all, they climb not only into shorts for everyone, but also into the soul. This is such a trick from the special services - to get into the soul through shorts.

And these whores will demand theirs in full! Here they will not give anyone discounts, preferring to pay in advance. But all normal women will certainly be presented with a purely criminal one: relax and have fun! These filthy whores are in favor!

12.03.15 — 18:59

Russian troops will reach the borders with NATO countries if they are not stopped in Ukraine, according to Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite.

"If we don't stop Russian President Vladimir Putin on his way to Ukraine, he will be on our borders - the borders of NATO countries," Radio Liberty quoted her as saying.

In September 2014, at the NATO summit in Wales, 28 member countries of the alliance agreed on the creation of ultra-rapid reaction forces capable of redeployment within two days, as well as the creation of operational command centers in six post-Soviet NATO member countries - Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania and Bulgaria.

It should be noted that Moscow has repeatedly stated that there is no regular Russian army in the Donbass, and that the Russian Federation is not a party to the “internal Ukrainian” conflict.

Of particular note are the network girls-chants, who, for verification, can generally turn out to be anyone, even an early balding subject, of all women who communicated only with a single mother and ready-made subordinates who constantly fall into the field of attention of the press and investigating authorities. "Creating problems," in short.

But in real life, the canons of beauty from the special services remain the same, one might say, classic. Here they prefer magazine blondes with cold bright eyes without the slightest shade of shame.

A small sketch about the short career of such a typical girl-chants from the provinces. Let us note that initially the novice slut as a cultural substitute did not quite match the appearance of the cold Baltic type Dalia Grybauskaite, but over time ... she completely identified herself. It is necessary, it is necessary!

Yana Nikolaevna is an active state adviser of the Chelyabinsk region of the third class; was appointed Deputy Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region in May 2011, in this capacity she oversaw interaction with public, religious organizations and the Cossacks, and was also responsible for the development of cultural tourism in the region, supervised the Office for the Protection of Cultural Objects and the work of museums.

“During my work, all departments have expanded, and additional functions have been transferred to a number of them. In particular, the Department for Interaction with Civil Society Institutions this year was renamed the Department of National Policy and received functions to counter extremism.”
, - told Yana Komissarov.

We add that in 2015 the First Deputy Minister is completing her studies at the Presidential Academy of Civil Service in the direction of "Management in the field of culture, education and science" and intends to defend a Ph.D. thesis on this topic in the near future.

Here you need to look at the biography ... in order to immediately determine when did she start knocking? O! Exactly! From a young age, from a technical school, right?

Reference information:

Komissarova Yana Nikolaevna
Date of Birth: 06/06/1972
Place of Birth: Chelyabinsk
Education: higher
Graduated: Chelyabinsk Economic College, 1999
Ural Institute of Business, 2003
Specialty by education: finance and credit
Qualification: economist
class rank: Acting State Counselor of the Chelyabinsk Region, 3rd class
Rank: police Major Work in the past:
1996-2003 detective of the Department for the Chelyabinsk region of the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation;
2003-2011 senior detective of the Chelyabinsk Region Department of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;
2011- 2015 Deputy Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region

Not to say that without this paratrooper paratrooper, the local, so to speak, redneck was completely out of culture. In fact, there was a cultural life there ... yes, even some literary courtyards were started there. But ... who needs all these "years of literature" announced when there is nothing more to say, if you need to attach your girls to the leadership?

The fact that this action is really unique was confirmed by the number of guests wishing to take part in the planting of seedlings. Trees, represented in the works of famous Russian writers and poets, were planted by Olga Remezova, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, Vyacheslav Skvortsov, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region, and Nina Terentyeva, a member of the Union of Journalists, one of the founders of the women's movement in the South Urals "Women's Union of the Chelyabinsk Region" Nina Terentyeva. The head of the Administration of the Central District, Viktor Ereklintsev, came to work at the Literary Yard with his shovel, and the deputy governor of the Chelyabinsk region Oleg Klimov I chose the tree and the author in advance: “I am very glad that this project is being implemented in our city, because thanks to such initiatives Chelyabinsk will become a beautiful green city. I take part in the action with pleasure and I plan to plant an oak, which Leo Tolstoy wrote about. I like the works of this great Russian writer - they are close to me in spirit. And it so happened that when I participated in the ITV project “Literary Calendar”, I got the image of Leo Tolstoy.”

All participants of the action were able to recall the lines of great works of literature about the trees they planted. Poems about mountain ash, birch, willow and maple became the soundtrack for the patio.

Now two oaks grow near the Public Library - Alexander Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Bunin's apple tree, Sergey Yesenin's maple, Osip Mandelstam's bird cherry, Anton Chekhov's cherry mini-garden, Lyudmila Tatyanicheva's mountain ash, Victor Astafiev's birch, Boris Pasternak's pine and Alexander Kuprin's lilac.

Later in the summer, grapes will be planted in the library garden, information plates will appear next to the trees, which will give information about writers and poets, quotes from the works of the classics. Benches will also be set up for visitors.

Only, it means that all these substandard women, on the basis of culture, plowed, as they lowered a girl with epaulettes to them already and with shoulder straps ... without even realizing that in a year they were being held in a pre-trial detention center. But of course not for long! Then he will paint and sing about the slippers of ministers and security officials.

Festival Man of Labor Chelyabinsk, Komissarova Yana. Photo: Vadim Akhmetov © URA.Ru

The former officer of the State Drug Control Service has just had a rest in Argentina, special services were waiting for her at home

There is a major scandal in the government of the Chelyabinsk region. Detained on charges of fraud, First Deputy Minister of Culture Yana Komissarov. The security forces remain silent, the woman's colleagues lament: it is simply impossible to imagine her in a pre-trial detention center. All the details - in the material "URA.Ru".

Colleagues can hardly imagine Yana Komissarova (in the center) in a pre-trial detention center...

Information about what is imputed to Yana Komissarova is extremely scarce. The Central District Court confirmed the arrest, specifying that it was a criminal case under Part 3, Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by a person using his official position, as well as on a large scale). And the charges have already been filed. The lawyer insisted on house arrest, but the court sent the official to jail.

Sources say that we are talking about the theft of funds allocated from the regional budget for the implementation of a regional program for the development of tourism. Some call the amount of 1 million rubles, others believe that we are talking about several hundred thousand rubles.

"URA.Ru" became aware of one of the government contracts concluded in the winter with a company to which a relative of Komissarova allegedly has a direct relationship. The official is suspected of receiving a kickback.

By the way, the ministry of culture itself is engaged in purchases in the field of recreation and tourism, and earlier - the regional state budgetary institution "Tourism Development Center", subordinate to the ministry. A year ago, the prosecutor's office filed claims against this center for a double overpayment for the creation of a tourism website. Since the autumn of last year, the Tourism Development Center has not made any purchases.

Minister Alexei Betekhtin has not yet commented on the scandal associated with the arrest of his first deputy

Some insiders claim that in fact there is nothing serious against Komissarova, the reason is far-fetched. Just in the course of the investigation of the case of embezzlement at the opera house, papers were seized from the Ministry of Culture, and some questions arose. But in this case, it is completely incomprehensible why the official needed to be sent to a pre-trial detention center? By the way, during the scandal at the theater, Komissarov was on vacation. According to rumors, she was vacationing in Argentina and just a week ago she returned to work.

“The investigating authorities have not yet provided us with any information, so there is nothing to comment on,” the Minister of Culture briefly told URA.Ru Alexey Betekhtin.

“We are interested in the law enforcement agencies taking all the necessary measures that will make it possible to make an objective conclusion about the presence or absence of guilt of the detainee. We are ready to provide all possible support and full assistance for this.

We also ask you to refrain from premature conclusions and value judgments, ”the press secretary of the governor was just as careful in his comments. Dmitry Fedechkin.

In the government of the region, as well as in the ministry itself, the incident caused a shock. Yana Komissarova is an attractive lady, at all social events she is in the spotlight.

“It’s hard to even imagine her in a pre-trial detention center,” one of the officials says to URA.Ru. Komissarov is considered a strong organizer. The first deputy head of the Ministry of Culture has a “powerful” biography: seven years of service in the tax police, then, after the liquidation of the department, eight more years in the position of detective in the Gosnarkontrol department for the Chelyabinsk region. She has been working in the Ministry of Culture since 2011, was accepted as a deputy, and in May 2015 was promoted to the status of first deputy minister.

One is tempted to ask Dmitry Fedechkin, who until recently ran into the press with the face of a yard punks, who is “we”? And how much can you tolerate filthy illiterate whores on the public stage, thieves' habalok, who also climb into culture?

Haven't these same "we" swaggered enough over the law, decency, the usual belief in justice, that we do not live in thieves' raspberries with merry whores and thieves, but in a normal human society? .. So, these thieves with whores need to, so that everyone refrains from ratings? That is, they also need to mock the freedom of conscience, the belief that this lawlessness and criminal courage will come to an end? ..

OK. Let's define these "we" from the reference book on Dmitry Fedechkin's career growth. After all, these very “we” nominated him for his faithful service ... and even transformed the little guy. Now he does not look so distinctly like a dumb 600-th Merc with a baseball bat.

The administration of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region was headed by Andrey Komarov. On December 16, Boris Dubrovsky dismissed Komarov and dismissed him from the state civil service. The staff of the governor's administration also included two deputy heads - Vitaly Shikov and Sergey Obertas, as well as the press secretary of the head of the region Oleg Grishankov and the head of the press service Svetlana Doronina.

The head of the governor's office, Yevgeny Golitsyn, received a new position in January 2016. He was appointed deputy governor of the region. It is worth noting that it Golitsyn is engaged in the formation of the apparatus of the governor, which may soon include Dmitry Fedechkin.

To be continued…

Published on 30.06.16 13:20

The Deputy Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region is suspected of major fraud.

In Chelyabinsk, the Central District Court granted the petition of the investigator of the regional FSB and arrested the first deputy minister of culture of the region, Yana Komissarov. While she will spend two months in prison - until August 27, 2016, writes "Notepad".

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44-year-old Komissarov is accused under part 3 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”). We are talking about the amount of about a million rubles allocated by the regional budget under the program for the development of culture.​

At the trial, the investigator insisted that the official could escape, destroy evidence, or intkbbee pressure on witnesses. Komissarova and her lawyer asked for a milder measure of restraint - in the form of house arrest or bail, referring to the state of health, the presence of positive characteristics, the lack of intention to obstruct the investigation and hide. However, the court upheld the position of the investigation.

Perhaps the court decided so because Komissarova has specific skills. The bright blonde is not only a tailor of children's clothes (according to her first specialty), but also an experienced intelligence officer, a police major. In 1996-2003, she served as an operative of the department of the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk Region. Then, in 2003-2011, he was a senior opera director of the regional department of the Federal Drug Control Service. She came to the Ministry of Culture of the Southern Urals in 2011 immediately to the position of deputy head of the department.

According to investigators, Komissarova participated in fraud with the tourism development program in the Chelyabinsk region for 2015-2017, the money for which is allocated from the regional budget. The 46-year-old official embezzled 1 million rubles from the treasury.

“Most likely, evidence against Yana Nikolaevna was given by her now ex-husband, Evgeny Ageev. And they concern the supply of houses for the festival "Ural dumplings on Winter Nicholas", which were acquired by the Tourism Development Center under a state contract. Ageev then acted as an intermediary, ”a source close to the suspected official told Znak.com.

Ageev's acquaintances say that in recent years he entered into relationships with several ladies who were older and wealthier than him, which is why he had a reputation as a gigolo in Kurgan. He was sentenced to 8 years in prison in a strict regime colony for fraud and extortion.

Komissarova divorced him during the trial, but Ageev could testify against his ex-wife in order to mitigate the punishment for himself.


“Yan was set up by her ex-husband Alphonse”

The source of the site told why the deputy minister of culture of the Chelyabinsk region was arrested

The criminal case against the First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, Yana Komissarova, who was arrested on the evening of June 28 for 2 months on charges of fraud, looks more like some kind of farce and tragicomedy than a real fight against corruption. According to the site's sources, her ex-husband, the Kurgan gigolo Yevgeny Ageev, who was sentenced to 8 years in prison in February of this year for fraud and extortion of money from women whom he seduced, could testify against Komissarov.

According to the website, Yana Komissarova was placed in SIZO-1 until August 27 by decision of the Central District Court of Chelyabinsk. She is accused under part 3 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - in fraud committed on a large scale. The petition for arrest was filed with the court by the investigator of the Federal Security Service for the Chelyabinsk Region. However, the press service of the department did not explain today what the essence of the charges against Komissarova is. A similar position - silence - is held by the government of the region, and the lawyer of the official, Yevgeny Belov.

In Chelyabinsk, disturbing rumors immediately began to spread that in fact the security forces were “digging” under the leadership of Komissarova, the Minister of Culture of the region Alexei Betekhtin. This suspicion was strengthened by the "plums" that began to spread on the Internet since the end of last week. In publications on compromising sites, it was about public procurement of the Ministry of Culture. It is also known that searches have already been carried out in the ministry itself.

However, according to sources familiar with Yana Komissarova, there is no talk of planned pressure on her leader, no one has collected compromising information on the minister.

And the official's criminal case is a tragic and ridiculous continuation of the story of her unsuccessful marriage.

“Most likely, evidence against Yana Nikolaevna was given by her now ex-husband, Evgeny Ageev. And they concern the supply of houses for the festival "Ural dumplings on St. Nicholas in Winter", which were acquired by the Tourism Development Center under a state contract. Ageev then acted as an intermediary,” says one of our interlocutors.

We are talking about 25 fair structures (trade houses) that the OGBU Tourism Development Center of the Chelyabinsk Region acquired in November 2015. The purchase was carried out in accordance with all legal requirements. “Everything was traded without any violations,” our source says. The state contract for the amount of 1.5 million rubles was then received by Dynasty LLC (Chelyabinsk), owned by Georgy Ipatov, and his son Mikhail, the director.

Evgeny Ageev, the former husband of Yana Komissarova, is not officially associated with Dynasty LLC, as follows from the SPARK database. However, the sources of the site say that it was he who took an active part in carrying out this transaction. “Perhaps they saw a certain corruption component in Ageyev’s testimony,” one of our interlocutors suggests.

Ageev is little known in Chelyabinsk, but in Kurgan last winter he became a famous person. In February of this year, the Kurgan City Court sentenced him to 8 years in prison in a strict regime colony for fraud and extortion (Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph "b" of Part 3 of Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Ageev's victim was a well-known lawyer in Kurgan, his former common-law wife, from whom he extorted 30 million rubles.

Ageev's acquaintances say that in recent years he entered into relationships with several ladies who were older and wealthier than him, which is why he had a reputation as a gigolo in Kurgan.

And in the fall of 2015, Evgeny Ageev played a magnificent wedding in Chelyabinsk. One of the officials of the Southern Urals became his chosen one, who, by the way, took out a loan to buy a Mercedes for her new husband (however, she registered it for herself).

The second "Man of Labor", however, turned out to be much more powerful than the first - both in terms of the competitive program, and in the number of eminent guests, and above all in organization. Which was what the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, Yana Komissarova, was doing - almost in one of her beautiful faces, if we talk about the department she represents. And in the shortest possible time - speaking in secret (now, probably, it is possible), until the last it was not clear whether this festival would take place in Chelyabinsk. And, accordingly, an emergency - when it turned out that the "Man of Labor" would nevertheless take place.

Here, logically, a passage like “to say that the news about the arrest of Yana Komissarova for two months under the article “Fraud” sounded like ...” is required. So, it won't be. First, everything happens in life. Secondly and most importantly: did you take the deputy. Minister of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region 400 thousand rubles of a rollback for the construction of 25 houses for the holiday "Ural dumplings on Winter Nikola" (December 2015, a contract for one and a half million) - the investigation should find out. And no one is allowed to interfere in his work - and the regional department of the FSB is dealing with Komissarova's case.

But the existing level of evidence - as such - can be assessed now. And according to completely open sources.

Judging by these same sources, the main evidence against Yana Komissarova came from her ex-husband. Yevgeny Ageev - that is the name of the ex-wife - has been serving 8 years of strict regime since February of this year. Ageev went to the colony under the article “Fraud” at the request of his previous wife, a resident of Kurgan, whom the professional heartthrob almost left without 30 million rubles.

Now Eugene, therefore, himself plants the next lady of the heart; logical. However, the literary predecessor of the current investigators, a role model for many of them - or, more simply, Gleb Zheglov, in such cases, commemorated the conversations of Grishka Otrepiev in a tavern near the Lithuanian border, thereby indicating some bias in such testimony. Probably, Yana should have divorced a similar character before. But, it seems, they don’t keep you in the women’s prison for delaying this case.

"Kurgan Alphonse", as Ageev is already called in the regional media, is a ready-made name for Leskov's short story. And the whole conflict is like an improvisation on the theme of the author of "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District." It is improvisation: the more structured case of Yana Komissarova, alas, cannot claim anything in its current form. Neither in terms of the claimed damages, nor in terms of the position of the accused, nor - above all - in terms of the measure of restraint chosen in connection with all this.

And most importantly - as often happens - the context. Until a single day of voting - just nothing, about two months. Everything is ready for the start of the campaign. The Chelyabinsk region has never lacked either political games or a variety of players. Who sent the label to whom in the Komissarova case? The paradox is that, most likely, no one and no one.

“Department of parties and baubles” - so, if you remember, one of the heroines of Dina Rubina, who got into the officials, called the area of ​​culture and art that she had to deal with - under these conditions it is not quite suitable for sending black rounds and other gentlemanly amusements of a similar kind . For a training ground, a test of strength - perhaps it's already too late, and everything discussed frankly falls short of an independent prize. Elections are the time of rumors, secret and open, about billions, about tens of billions. And above all - about the order of their movement in one of the largest industrial regions of the country. What a culture, and even a regional scale. What are you speaking about.

But if we are not talking about tough handouts within the region, then it is logical to assume that one of the regional players made an attack outside of it. What for? Let's return, perhaps, to the beginning: Yana Komissarova showed herself excellently at the "Man of Labor", and this event, as already mentioned, is by no means a regional scale. On the contrary: a good platform for career growth, if anything. Growth, interrupted by the regional security forces (additional detail: Komissarova - “herself, brother, one of these”, retired tax major).

Annoy the federal "bear" on the eve of the elections? Or, more likely, after them - when there will be no other serious cases left for some time, and it will be possible to take a closer look, with a Toynbean squint, at the challenge received from the South Urals? After all, the answer in this case may bear signs of either a clash of civilizations, or even the end of history for one of the parties. As the same story shows, because of women, it happened and not like that. And if suddenly - suddenly - it turns out that the KGB sword was used in the dark in this case, then the most reliable shields can go to waste.

Therefore - just in case - wouldn't it be better to release Yana Komissarov? On bail, on bail or under house arrest. Release and investigate properly. Well, she is not Eugene, and not the namesake of the author of these lines. What now, tempt fate.


“It’s unfair to give her a suspended sentence, and give me a real term”

Ex-Deputy Minister of Culture Yana Komissarova and her ex-husband Alphonse sentenced

The Central District Court of Chelyabinsk today passed a sentence on the former Deputy Minister of Culture of the region, Yana Komissarova, and her ex-husband, Kurgan gigolo Yevgeny Ageev. Both were found guilty of embezzling 1.5 million rubles of budget money. But Komissarova received a suspended sentence for active cooperation with the investigation, as well as due to her confession and numerous positive characteristics, but her ex-husband, who is already serving an eight-year sentence for extorting 30 million rubles from another ex (civil-law) wife, earned an increase to him. At the trial, Ageev behaved ugly, trying to shift all the blame on the once beloved woman.

The hearing in the case of Yana Komissarova and Yevgeny Ageev began with an hour and a half delay. All this time, the ex-official was sitting alone on a bench in the corridor - as if collecting her thoughts, despite the fact that a support group had come with her. Her ex-husband appeared at the last moment - he was brought by escorts from the prison room.

Before getting to the heart of the matter, Judge Mikhail Novoselov established the identity of the second defendant. Ageev, we recall, was not at the last meeting of the Central District Court, since they did not manage to deliver him to the trial from the pre-trial detention center. The man today confirmed that he was convicted on February 20 last year by the Kurgan city court for eight years and 15 days. After that, the assistant to the prosecutor of the Central District, Irina Klimenko, entered the process. She recalled that criminal cases were initiated against both defendants under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale committed by a group of persons by prior agreement”, and in the case of Komissarova, using her official position).

According to investigators, they stole about 1.5 million rubles during the preparation of the folklore and gastronomic holiday "Ural dumplings on Nikola Zimniy" in Gagarin Park in Chelyabinsk. Komissarov is accused of having acquired trading houses at state expense, the real price of which was significantly lower than stated in the state contract.

At the same time, it was previously stated that Yevgeny Ageev, who at that time was her husband, initiated the scam. Today the position of the state prosecution sounded differently.

“Komissarova developed a criminal plan, according to which Ageev was supposed to attract a commercial organization to conclude a state contract for the supply of trading houses. She sent the terms of reference to an organization subordinate to the Ministry of Culture - a tourism development center. In the period from September 2015 to November 13, 2015, Ageev, implementing this criminal plan, found a commercial organization - Dynasty LLC, the head of which was not aware of the criminal intentions. Komissarova, using her official position, gave the head of the tourism development center Avdeev an illegal instruction to artificially create conditions for eliminating competition for other suppliers of fair structures, ”said Irina Klimenko, assistant prosecutor, to the court.

As a result, on November 15, 2015, a contract for 1.5 million rubles was signed with Dynasty LLC. The next day, the budget funds were transferred to the company's account. Shortly thereafter, Ageev suggested that the unsuspecting head of Dynasty LLC transfer money to an organization affiliated with him and cashed it out. The government of the Chelyabinsk region received the houses under the state contract, but it turned out that they did not meet the terms of reference.

At the trial, both defendants fully admitted their guilt and expressed remorse for their deeds.

It turned out that Yana Komissarova filed a confession last summer and petitioned for consideration of the case in a special manner, without examining evidence. She participated in investigative actions, helping law enforcement officers put the puzzles into one picture. By today's meeting, her defense has presented numerous positive testimonials - at the place of residence, from the Ministry of Culture, signed by the head of the department Alexei Betekhtin, as well as from many subordinate organizations that asked to show leniency to Komissarova and not deprive her of freedom. In addition, the ex-deputy minister has already compensated 815 thousand rubles - this is the actual harm that was caused to the state as a result of their actions with Ageev.

For Ageev, there were also mitigating circumstances: he is not registered with a narcologist and a psychiatrist, he did not violate the order in the correctional colony where he is serving his sentence. True, the district police officer at the place of residence characterizes him from the negative side. When asked by the judge, in this connection, Ageev said that he was not familiar with this law enforcement officer - the district police officer had been working since 2015, when the accused had already moved to live in Chelyabinsk.

During the debate, the prosecutor, taking into account the severity of the crime and mitigating circumstances, requested for Komissarova 3 years of imprisonment on probation for 4 years and a fine of 500 thousand rubles, for Ageev - 3.5 years of imprisonment and a similar fine. Taking into account the addition of punishments, it is proposed to increase the term of Alphonse's imprisonment to 10 years.

The defenders of both defendants asked not to fine their clients, and Ageyeva's lawyer asked for a lighter punishment. Yana Komissarova refused the last word, limiting herself to repenting. It was evident that it was very difficult for her to speak. But her ex-husband "broke through" at the last moment. “I repent, admit my guilt and ask for a lighter sentence,” he said. “I did not develop this plan, but was only an accomplice. I didn't have the administrative influence that Komissarov had. And I think it’s unfair to give her three years on probation, and me a real term.”

Apparently, the tirade did not have much effect on Judge Novoselov. Komissarova received a 3-year suspended sentence and a fine of 200,000 rubles. The court did not fine Ageev, but increased the total term of imprisonment in a strict regime correctional colony to 8 years and 6 months.

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