How to make beshbarmak. Beshbarmak with minced meat - step-by-step recipe with photos of cooking at home with noodles. How to do it

Beshbarmak - what is it? You will find the answer to this difficult culinary question in the materials of this article. We will also tell you about what ingredients are needed to prepare the mentioned dish, how it should be done correctly, etc.

General information about the dish

Beshbarmak is a traditional hot dish of the Turkic-speaking peoples. It is made from meat and other ingredients.

The word "beshbarmak" is a Turkic word. The dish it represents may have a slightly different name. For example, some chefs call it “bishbarmak”, while others call it “besbarmak”. It depends on what language is used. After all, this dish is traditional for many countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc.).

In any case, beshbarmak is not just a set of letters, but a whole phrase, which in translation means “five” or “five fingers” (derived from the words “besh”, that is, “five”, and “barmak”, that is, “fingers”) ").

Why does this dish have such a strange name? The fact is that it was once a traditional lunch of nomadic peoples. And, as you know, nomads never used the cutlery we are used to. Therefore, they ate this dish with their hands, that is, with five fingers.

Description of the Turkic dish

Homemade beshbarmak is a dish consisting of finely chopped boiled meat and noodles. It should be noted that such a lunch has some peculiarities in the technology of preparation and serving, which, in fact, allows it to achieve its excellent taste.

What ingredients are used when preparing the dish?

Beshbarmak is easy to prepare at home. But to get a truly delicious and nutritious lunch, you should strictly follow all recipe requirements.

Classic beshbarmak is made from fatty lamb on the bone. Although among some nomadic peoples it was customary to prepare such a dish from beef or horse meat. Today, at home, it can include poultry and even pork. However, it is still undesirable to use the last option. After all, it is very difficult to get a rich, aromatic and tasty dish from pork. Therefore, we suggest using only suitable ingredients.

As for the remaining components, they should only be fresh vegetables and herbs. Also, the recipe for beshbarmak at home requires the use of a special test. Noodles are made from it. But not the one we are used to.

This component is a coarsely chopped egg dough (usually in the form of diamonds), which is boiled in meat broth and then served with beef, lamb, etc.

By the way, the order in which the ingredients are laid out on the plate is also of great importance. The classic version includes the following: noodles, meat, vegetables, herbs and broth.

Homemade beshbarmak: recipe with photos of a delicious Turkic dish

Before you start preparing this dish, you should choose the right meat. In this recipe we decided to use veal on the bone. By using this product, you will receive a truly tender and tasty lunch that can be safely served even at the holiday table.

So what components do we need to make homemade beshbarmak ourselves? The recipe (with photo) requires the purchase of the following ingredients:

  • veal meat on the bone - about 800 g;
  • onion - 4 large heads;
  • young garlic with stems - about 3-4 pcs.;
  • fresh parsley - a couple of large bunches;
  • sifted flour - from 500 g (for dough);
  • raw large eggs - 2 pcs. (for test);
  • juicy carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • cold drinking water - ½ cup (for dough);
  • different spices - use to taste (it is advisable to use cumin and crushed black pepper);
  • table salt - add to the dish to taste.

Processing the ingredients for preparing the first course

How to make the Beshbarmak beef recipe? First you need to process all the components.

Veal meat on the bone is thoroughly washed in cool water, removing all inedible elements. Then they begin to peel the vegetables. Onions are freed from husks, and carrots are freed from navels and peels. The first product is chopped into half rings, and the second into circles.

Also rinse fresh parsley and young garlic with stems separately. After that, they are finely chopped with a knife.

Cooking a meat product

How should you prepare homemade beshbarmak? The recipe (you can see the photo of the finished dish above) requires the use of a large pan. Calf meat on the bone is placed in it and filled with cold water. Then the contents of the dish are brought to a boil, after which the foam that has formed on the surface of the broth is carefully removed.

In this form, the meat product is covered with a lid and cooked over very low heat for 55 minutes. During this time, the veal should be almost completely cooked (but not completely). By the way, ¼ hour before turning off the stove, you need to add a pinch of cumin and table salt to the broth.

After the meat is ready, remove it from the dish and place it on a large plate. After cooling the product a little, it is separated from the bones and chopped into medium pieces. As for the broth, remove the top fatty part from it (in the amount of 2 glasses). Then it is poured into a small saucepan, where shredded meat, onion half rings (2 heads), carrot slices, garlic with stems and parsley are subsequently placed. After peppering the ingredients, they are put back on the stove and simmered very slowly under a closed lid. After 35-40 minutes, the meat should become soft and tender.

Knead the dough

The dough for beshbarmak is prepared quite simply. If you don’t know how to make such a base, then we’ll tell you about it right now.

Raw chicken eggs must be thoroughly beaten with a fork, and then drinking water must be added to them. After mixing the ingredients, carefully add the sifted flour to them. After kneading the base you should get a fairly stiff egg dough. It is wrapped and kept aside for some time (for half an hour).

Then the base is divided into 2-4 parts and rolled into thin layers. Subsequently, the dough is cut into identical diamonds (with a side of 3-4 centimeters).

Before using noodles for their intended purpose, they must be dried. To do this, the diamonds are laid out on a flat surface and left for several hours. After such exposure you should get a fragile

Cooking flour product

After the beshbarmak dough is kneaded and cut properly, you can safely begin preparing it. To do this, put the pan with meat broth back on the fire and bring to a boil. Then put onion half rings (2 heads) into the bowl. After boiling the vegetable for ¼ hour, the dough diamonds are carefully added to it. Moreover, this component should be laid out until the broth covers it by 2-3 centimeters.

Turning the heat on high, cook the beshbarmak for 5-8 minutes. During this time, the dough should become soft, but not boiled. At the same time, it will noticeably increase in volume, almost completely absorbing all

At the very end, put the rest of the fresh chopped parsley into the pan.

After mixing all the ingredients, add the previously stewed meat with onions and carrots. If desired, the dish is additionally peppered and salted, and also flavored with any spices.

Properly presented to the dinner table

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing homemade beshbarmak. After all the ingredients have been heat treated, begin serving the dish to the table. To do this, beshbarmak is laid out in deep soup bowls. Moreover, each portion contains not only meat, but also diamond-shaped noodles with a small amount of rich broth. By the way, after cooking there should be some liquid left on the stove. After all, this is not an ordinary soup, but practically

Having flavored the dinner with a large amount of fresh herbs, it is served to the table along with a spoonful of rich sour cream and a slice of dark bread.

Simple beshbarmak: step-by-step recipe in a slow cooker

With the development of technology, it is becoming easier and easier for housewives to make various dishes. For example, to prepare a Turkic dinner like beshbarmak, you do not need to use a cauldron or an ordinary pan. After all, you can make such a dish using a slow cooker. We will tell you exactly how to carry out this process a little further.

So, to make beshbarmak in a slow cooker, we will need the following components:

  • soup chicken - a whole small carcass;
  • white onion - 3 large heads;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh parsley - a large bunch;
  • juicy carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh dill - for serving;
  • sifted flour - from 500 g (for dough);
  • large raw eggs - 2 pcs. (for test);
  • Cold drinking water - ½ cup (for dough);
  • different spices - use to taste;
  • table salt - add to the dish to taste.

We prepare products

How should you cook beshbarmak in a slow cooker? This chicken recipe is good to use if you want to make not just a tasty, but a quick dish. After all, it’s no secret that poultry meat cooks several times faster than beef, veal, lamb or horse meat.

By the way, for the same reason, it’s good to make such a dinner in a slow cooker. But before that, you need to process all the ingredients.

The soup chicken is thoroughly washed in cool water, removing all inedible elements. Vegetables such as white potatoes and carrots are then peeled. They are cut into fairly large pieces and they begin to process the greens. It is washed thoroughly and finely chopped.

Preparing the dough

Beshbarmak in a slow cooker is made from the same dough as in the previous recipe. To do this, mix lightly beaten chicken eggs with drinking water, and then add wheat flour to them. After kneading a tight dough, leave it aside for half an hour (cover with a bowl or place in a bag). After this, the base is rolled out into a thin layer, cut into diamonds and dried.

Cooking process

How to cook beshbarmak in a slow cooker? This chicken recipe requires only a few ingredients. But despite this, this dish turns out to be very nutritious and satisfying.

After processing the components, place a small bird carcass in the multicooker bowl, salt it, fill it with water and cook in soup mode for 65 minutes. Then the chicken is carefully removed, cooled and cut into large portions. In this case, it is recommended to remove the bones. Although some housewives prefer to leave them.

After removing the meat, place onions, potatoes and carrots into the prepared broth. After seasoning the vegetables with pepper and other spices, they are cooked in the same program for half an hour. Then add chopped parsley, diamond-shaped noodles and chicken pieces. After mixing all the ingredients, close the lid of the kitchen appliance again. In this form, the Turkic dish is cooked for about 7-9 minutes. In this case, the noodles should increase significantly in size and fill almost the entire bowl of the multicooker. By the way, under no circumstances should it boil over. Therefore, special monitoring is required for the dish.

How to serve a delicious meat dish for the holiday table?

Now you know that you can prepare a dish like beshbarmak not only using beef, horse meat or lamb, but also with regular soup chicken.

After dinner is cooked in a slow cooker, it is laid out in bowls (noodles first, and only then meat and broth) and flavored with a large amount of dill. Fresh sour cream is also added to beshbarmak (if desired). This dish is served at the table along with pita bread, rye flatbread or a slice of regular bread.

Beshbarmak is a tasty and satisfying dish of boiled meat and special noodles. It has a unique taste, and many would cook it if beshbarmak noodles were sold everywhere like pasta. However, you should not refuse to prepare beshbarmak at home due to the lack of special noodles: the dough for beshbarmak is not at all difficult to make with your own hands.

Cooking features

The main components of the dough for beshbarmak are flour, egg and water. However, there are recipes for dough without eggs, and Kazakhs most often replace water with broth. Whatever dough recipe you choose, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Water or broth for dough usually needs to be cold. Therefore, you need to put them in the refrigerator in advance. Some recipes, on the contrary, require boiling water. Having studied the dough recipe in advance, you can prepare the water in time by heating or cooling it.
  • The flour for the dough must be sifted. Otherwise the dough will not be tender.
  • After kneading the dough, you need to give it the opportunity to “rest” for at least half an hour, then it will turn out more tender and elastic.
  • Beshbarmak dough is made without salt or with a small amount of it; sugar is not added at all.
  • Roll out the dough onto beshbarmak into layers about 2 mm thick and cut into rectangles (most often in the shape of a rhombus). The optimal length of the edge of each layer of noodles is 5 cm.
  • After preparing the dough and cutting it into pieces of the desired size, dust it with flour and allow to dry. This is necessary so that the noodles retain their shape.

Boil the noodles in boiling water, dropping one layer at a time so that the dough does not stick together.

Beshbarmak dough on water

  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour – 0.45 kg;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil – 15 ml;
  • water – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Beat eggs in a bowl, pour ice water into the bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Whisk.
  • Sift the flour. Make a depression in it and pour the prepared mixture into it. After adding oil, knead the dough.
  • Let the dough stand in a cool place, covered with plastic wrap, then knead again.
  • Divide the dough into 4 parts, roll each into a layer. Cut into rectangles of the desired shape.
  • Dust with flour and leave for half an hour.

After this, the dough can be used to prepare beshbarmak.

Beshbarmak dough with broth

  • wheat flour – 0.4 kg;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • meat broth - 0.2 l;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Cool the meat broth by pouring it out of the pan in which the meat is cooked for beshbarmak.
  • In a glass, beat an egg with a pinch of salt.
  • Mix the beaten egg with cold broth.
  • Sift the flour and combine it with the egg and broth mixture.
  • Knead the dough with your hands. When it becomes thick enough, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • After the specified time has passed, the dough can be taken out, rolled out and made into noodles. The layers should have a thickness of no more than 2 mm. The noodles are cut into diamond shapes. To do this, the rolled out layer is cut into strips 5 cm wide, then cut diagonally.
  • Boil the broth and cook the noodles in it for 5 minutes.

Kazakhs use this recipe to prepare dough for beshbarmak. It is considered traditional.

Beshbarmak dough without eggs

  • water – 0.2 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • wheat flour – 0.45–0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the water.
  • Sift the flour.
  • Pour the required amount of boiling water into a bowl, add salt and oil, stir thoroughly.
  • Add flour in portions and knead the dough. It should be dense, elastic, elastic.
  • Place the dough in a plastic bag and leave for about 30 minutes to allow the dough to cool completely.
  • Divide the dough into several parts and roll them out.
  • Cut into rectangles measuring approximately 4 by 5–6 cm and boil in boiling water for 5 minutes.

This dough can be prepared if you don’t have eggs in the refrigerator. Usually it is made for chebureks, but it is also suitable for beshbarmak.

Beshbarmak dough with sour cream and milk

  • wheat flour – 0.5 kg;
  • milk – 0.25 l;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • salt – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt, and beat with a whisk.
  • Pour milk at room temperature into the eggs, whisk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Add a spoonful of sour cream and mix again, very thoroughly.
  • Sift the flour and make a well in it.
  • Pour the milk-egg mixture into the well. Knead the dough.
  • Brush the dough with vegetable oil, cover with a kitchen towel and leave for an hour.
  • Divide the dough into several pieces and roll them out, dusting them with flour.
  • Cut the rolled out dough into rectangles of approximately the same shape and size.
  • Boil water or broth. Drop in the noodles one at a time and cook until done.

If you make beshbarmak dough according to this recipe, the noodles will turn out very tender and tasty. However, this recipe is not suitable for those who are on a diet, since the noodles it produces are quite high in calories.

Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare dough for beshbarmak with her own hands. Therefore, there is no obstacle to making this dish as often as you wish.

Beshbarmak is a very tasty Asian dish of meat and boiled dough, flavored with onions and herbs, washed down with a strong, rich broth. It is prepared at home from horse meat, lamb and beef. How exactly you can prepare a delicious and satisfying classic beshbarmak recipe, you will find out if you read our recipes for its preparation with photos. Let's get started creating this delicious dish.

Beshbarmak, translated from Turkic languages, means “five fingers” - nomads ate this dish with their hands.

In many remote areas, the tradition of preparing beshbarmak for each guest is still preserved. It doesn’t matter what time the guest arrived, be it early in the morning or at night. They immediately begin to slaughter the lamb.

The freshest and best is selected for the dish. The meat is selected not from just one variety, but from at least three. Definitely lamb, beef, horse meat. It is considered especially chic to add homemade horse sausage, as well as liver and other pieces of meat to the dish. Noodles for beshbarmak are always freshly prepared to ensure they are fresh.

How to cook beshbarmak - recipes and varieties

Cooking the dish requires a lot of patience and care. If you miss something, slightly overcook the noodles or add random seasoning, the taste will lose its national flavor, and the presentation will lose its festive format. There are truly a great variety of cooking recipes, each unique in its own way, often passed down from generation to generation in families.

In Russia you can often find noodle soup called beshbarmak, as well as a dish prepared with carrots and chicken. Some chefs even serve their variations with fish. In fact, this is just an imitation and deviation from traditional recipes for real beshbarmak. After all, it has a special rich taste, characteristic only of the original oriental recipe. So, only by following the cooking and serving technology can you get a real classic beshbarmak.

Beshbarmak recipe classic

All countries and republics where nomadic tribes lived will probably challenge the right to the most correct recipe for a dish. Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and many others have been preparing beshbarmak in their own way for centuries.

The traditional recipe allows you to use four types of meat - beef, horse meat, lamb and even camel, but times are changing and today they also use chicken - there is nothing wrong with that. But lamb is still considered a classic.


  • 1 kg. horse meat
  • 1 kg. homemade sausages
  • 1 onion
  • 0.5 kg. wheat flour
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper
  • sunflower oil
  • one glass of water


Wash the meat, remove all veins and films, place in a pan of suitable volume (for example, 5 or 6 liters) and fill with cold water. Add sausages. Turn on the heat and cook over low heat for about three hours until the meat is softened. Peel the onion and cut into rings, fry in oil.

For the dough, mix eggs, salt and sifted flour. Knead the dough with your hands. Place the dough in a plastic bag and leave it to rise for 20–30 minutes. Cut the dough into four parts and roll them out thinly with a rolling pin on a floured table. Then cut the thin dough into small diamond shapes and leave it on the table without covering it with anything. The dough will dry out a little. Cut the cooked meat and sausages into slices.

After cooking, divide the broth into two parts. Pour half of the broth into another pan. In one part of the broth, boil pieces of chopped dough and mix them with half the fried onion and place on a dish. Place the meat, chopped sausages and the second part of the onion into the pan with the second part of the broth. Add ground pepper and bring the broth to a boil, then remove from the stove.

Try not to overdo it with the broth: initially the dish was eaten with your hands, so it was more reminiscent of the second dish, and the broth only added additional juiciness. By the way, very often the broth is served in separate bowls, and each guest is free to drink it at his own discretion.

Beshbarmak in Kazakh


  • Leg of lamb (hind leg with tail, pre-salted) - 4.5 kg
  • Flour (for dough) - 600 g
  • Chicken egg (for dough) - 1 pc.
  • Water (cold for dough) - 200 ml
  • Salt (for dough - 1 tsp, for broth - to taste) - to taste
  • Broth (for tuzdyk) - 500 ml
  • Onions (for tuzdyk) - 450 g
  • Black pepper (for tuzdyk) - 1 tsp.


First, salt the lamb, let it stand overnight in a cool place, then cut the meat and remove the lymph nodes. Place the meat in a pan of cold water and bring to a boil.
After boiling, remove the foam, add salt to taste and cook for 1.5 hours over low heat.

While the meat is cooking, we will prepare the dough. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in cold water, then add an egg to the flour, and gradually adding salted water, knead a tight dough. Divide the finished dough into 4-5 parts, put it in a bag, and let it rest for 30-40 minutes.
Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll out into a thin circle 1 mm thick. Place the finished circles on a clean sheet or towel. Place the cooked meat into a bowl and then cover with a lid.

To prepare tuzdyk: pour 500 ml into a saucepan. strained broth, bring to a boil, add the onion, cut into half rings, then cook until the onion is ready, then add black pepper, turn off the stove, and leave to simmer.

We strain the whole sorpa (broth) and bring it to a boil, then lower the dough, after the broth has boiled and the dough has risen like a cap, we take out the dough and put it on a large dish. We do this with all the dough. After laying out the dough, take the hot tuzdyk and pour a little tuzdyk on top of the dough, then put the beautifully sliced ​​dough on top of the dough and pour the tuzdyk more generously again.

For sorpa, take 2 liters of strained broth, add suzbe or liquid kurt (can be replaced with thick kefir) and pour into kes (cups).

Chicken beshbarmak

To reduce the cost and speed of cooking meat, they began to make beshbarmak from chicken.


  • Chicken – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 3 pcs.
  • Spices - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 3/4 cup.
  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the chicken and place it in a large saucepan. Fill it with water until it is completely hidden. For convenience, you can cut the chicken into pieces.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, skim off the foam. Reduce heat and cook for about three more hours.
  3. The recipe for beshbarmak dough is very simple. Pour water into a bowl, add vegetable oil, salt and eggs. Sift flour into the same bowl and knead the dough. Wrap it in cling film or put it in a plastic bag.
  4. Peel and cut the onion into half rings. Fry in vegetable oil until cooked. When the chicken is cooked, remove it from the hot broth and separate the meat from the bones. Just let the meat cool a little first, then tear it with your hands.
  5. Divide the dough into two or three parts and roll them out. Cut into diamonds.
  6. Take some of the broth in which the chicken was cooked and boil the diamonds in it. Serve the remaining broth in a deep bowl.
  7. Place the diamonds on a plate, then the onions and meat. Serve the dish hot.

Pork beshbarmak


  • Pork – 1 kg.
  • Onion – 2 heads.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 600 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 1 glass.
  • Salt, pepper, bay, herbs.

Cooking method:

Rinse the pork, place the whole piece in a medium saucepan, add water, and cook for three hours. To get a clear broth, add salt at the end of cooking and constantly skim off the foam. About an hour before the end of cooking, add a whole onion, carrot, bay and pepper to the broth. Be sure to get ready-made vegetables, as they are required only to add flavor.

It's time to make the dough. Beat the eggs into the flour, pour in a little broth, add a pinch of salt. After kneading, wrap the mixture in cling film and leave for half an hour. Then carefully roll out, cut into strips, which are then cut into diamonds or squares.

Remove the pork from the broth, and carefully strain the liquid and return it to the stove. After boiling, lower the dough pieces, add pepper, and cook a little. Fry the onion cut into rings in oil until golden brown. Place the dough on a wide dish and pieces of pork in the center. Along with beshbarmak, serve the broth in a small bowl, season with spices and sprinkle with herbs.

Beshbarmak in Tatar


  • 1.5 kg lamb or horse meat,
  • 2.5 liters of water,
  • 4 onions,
  • 1 bunch of parsley, dill, green onions,
  • 10 black peppercorns,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • salt.

For the test:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 0.5 glasses of water,
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour cold water over the lamb and cook. After boiling, remove the foam and cook for 30 minutes, add salt.
  2. At this time, knead the dough, roll it into a layer 2 mm thick and cut into 5x5 cm diamonds.
  3. Cut the boiled meat into pieces, put it in a container, add finely chopped onion, chopped herbs, bay leaf, pepper and pour boiling broth over it. Place the dough diamonds there, cover with a lid and place on the middle rack of the steamer for 40 minutes.
  4. Remove the meat from the finished beshbarmak and place it in a deep dish along with the dough diamonds. Top with green onion feathers. Serve the broth separately in bowls.

Beshbarmak from horse meat


  • Horse meat 1.5 kg.
  • Onions 2–3 pcs.
  • Flour 2.5–3 cups
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Salt 1 tbsp. l. to taste for broth, 2 pinches for dough
  • Bay leaf 1–2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper 1–2 pinches
  • Greens 50 gr.


Prepare the meat for cooking. Wash and cut into pieces. Place in a saucepan and fill with water until it is completely covered. Let's cook. When it boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for about 3 hours. About half an hour before readiness, add salt, pepper, one onion and bay leaf. During cooking, it is necessary to constantly remove fat from the surface of the broth.

Take about a glass of broth from the pan and cool. Dissolve a pinch of salt in it and mix with eggs. Add flour and knead stiff dough. Place the dough in the refrigerator to “ripen” for about 20–30 minutes.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out into a thin layer. Approximately 2–3 mm thick. We cut it into diamonds, squares, triangles - as you like. Let it dry slightly.

Peel the onions and cut into rings or half rings. Pepper, salt and pour hot broth. Close the lid and let stand for about 10 minutes.

Place the chopped dough into the boiling broth and cook for 6-8 minutes. Place the cooked dough on a heated dish, then lay out the pieces of meat and place the onion on top. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Beshbarmak at home

One of the most favorite recipes among housewives is beef beshbarmak. This is due to the fact that many people are used to working with this type of meat in the kitchen. To give the dish tenderness and juiciness, it is recommended to use young veal tenderloin. The cooking method is largely the same as the traditional one.


  • beef – 1.5 kg
  • onions – 5 pcs.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • celery root – 1 pc.
  • noodles – 0.5 kg
  • pepper, salt
  • flour – 2.5 cups
  • eggs – 2–3 pcs.
  • water – 1 glass.


Pour water over the chopped meat, bring to a boil, add vegetables and cook for 3 hours. Make the dough in the traditional way, boil it. Coarsely chop the onion and marinate in broth. Serve the dish to the table.

Duck Bishbarmak

Kazakh duck dish is no worse than lamb or beef. It's very easy to prepare, but it turns out very appetizing.


  • 1 domestic duck carcass
  • allspice, bay leaf, salt
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 500 g onion
  • 100 ml vinegar
  • 30 g sugar
  • 2 glasses of water
  • any greens


We cut the duck into pieces, carefully wash it and fill it with water (about 5 liters). Cook, skimming off the foam. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 1.5 hours. After the time has passed, add the onion, garlic, and seasonings. Add some salt and cook for the same amount of time. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Pour boiling water over it and pour into a deep bowl. Make a marinade from 2 glasses of water, vinegar and sugar. Pour the resulting mixture over the onions and leave for about 15 minutes. Place on a strainer to drain the liquid.

Knead the dough, stretch it into a thin cake and cut into wide strips. Dry them slightly.

We take out the duck and separate it into fibers. Cook the strips in the remaining broth and use a slotted spoon to remove them onto a heated clay dish. Place duck and pickled onion on top.

We pass the broth through a strainer, add aromatic herbs to it and serve in bowls. They eat bishbarmak with their hands: they wrap duck with pickled onions in a slice of dough and dip it in yushka.

Beshbarmak cooked in a slow cooker

Cooked beshbarmak in a slow cooker has become the norm, because there is no escape from technological progress. Moreover, it is fast and convenient.


  • Lamb (or beef) with bone – 1 kg
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Allspice – 3 pcs.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Ground pepper
  • Parsley
  • For the test:
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Water (or broth) – 200 ml
  • Salt – 1/2 tsp.
  • Flour – 600 g

Cooking method:

  1. Pour sifted flour (400 g), eggs, salt into a bowl, pour in water. Knead the dough, adding flour if necessary. Roll out the dough thinly and cut into diamonds with a side of 10 cm. Place on parchment and let dry for 35 minutes.
  2. Place meat in the multicooker bowl, add water, and set to SOUP mode for 60 minutes. When finished, strain the broth into a separate container, separate the meat from the bones and disassemble it into small fibers, set aside.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings. Pour 2 ladles of broth into the multicooker bowl, add the onion and sprinkle with pepper. Set the SOUP mode for 2 minutes. Remove the onion with a slotted spoon and set aside. Leave the broth in the bowl.
  4. Add 4-5 ladles of broth to the multicooker bowl and add salt to taste. Set the MULTICHEF mode to 110°C for 15 minutes. Boil the dried dough with the lid open until cooked.
  5. Place the finished dough on a heated dish, place the meat on top and pour the onion and herb gravy over it all. Serve the remaining broth in separate bowls with the addition of finely chopped herbs.

Historical facts

In Kyrgyzstan, the standard of living in various regions of the country is measured using the “Beshbarmak Index”. Thus, in physical terms, local economists measure and compare wages in a particular region.

The most traditional and “correct” recipe is considered to be beshbarmak made from lamb meat. The horse meat recipe is also considered a classic. But not a single national restaurant in Central Asia will prepare or offer pork beshbarmak to guests for obvious reasons.

How to serve beshbarmak correctly

There are 2 serving techniques.

  • Classic - place prepared meat, vegetables and homemade noodles in separate dishes and place on the table. Give each guest a plate in which he will assemble his beshbarmak, adding the amount of filling he needs. Place bowls nearby with the broth in which the meat was cooked (not the dough!) According to tradition, the dish should be washed down with broth.
  • Portioned - take deep plates. Place 2-3 leaves of homemade noodles in each, place meat on top, and then vegetables. Pour enough broth into the dish to lightly cover the noodles. Serve sprinkled with cilantro or parsley.

Eating food also has its own rules. Everyone sits down at a large table. First, the guests are treated to the dish, choosing the best pieces for them. Then the dish is distributed to all family members according to seniority. Traditionally, beshbarmak is not eaten with cutlery; the meat is wrapped in flatbread and washed down with shurpa.

Beshbarmak is prepared in Kazakhstan, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Every nation calls it its national dish. One thing is undeniable: beshbarmak is a very tasty and satisfying dish. In ancient times, he repeatedly saved entire tribes of nomads from starvation.

Original message Recipes_dishes
Dear hostesses!
I, a Kazakh, will tell you the most delicious recipe for the traditional national besbarmak:
take 1 kg of horse meat, 1 kg of kaza (I’ll skip the rest of the meat ingredients - I’m afraid only we have it in Kazakhstan) and rub the meat with salt and garlic and leave it in the room overnight. When cooking, cook the meat separately and the kazy separately. for those who do not eat horse meat, you can boil a piece of beef in the same broth where the horse meat is cooked. And the rest is the same as in previous recipes.
Bon appetit, Saule

Beshbarmak recipe with photos



Beshbarmaknaya ready-made noodles - 300 g

Lamb or beef meat - 400 g

Onions - 1-2 pcs.

Salt, black pepper

Any greens - to taste (cilantro, parsley, dill, green onions)

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into small pieces, throw it into a saucepan and fill it with cold water. When it boils, skim off the foam and reduce the heat to low. Let it cook for 2 hours. Add salt and pepper.

2. Cut the onion into rings, put it in a frying pan and pour a little meat broth, salt and pepper. Simmer until done.

3. Take a pan in which we will cook the noodles, pour water and 1/1 meat broth. Throw the noodles into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Take a plate and, using a slotted spoon, place noodles on it, then meat and onions. Sprinkle beshbarmak with herbs.

5. Serve the meat broth separately in a bowl and also sprinkle it with herbs.


You will need:

Fresh meat (horse meat, beef or lamb) – 1.5-2 kg

Kazy (sausages) – 1 pc.

Zhaima (dough)

Onions – 1 pc.

Salt, black pepper

Cooking method:

1. Place the meat in a large saucepan filled with water.

2. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat to low, add salt, and cover with a lid. Cooking time – 1.5-2.5 hours.

3. In a separate pan, cook the kazy, first piercing it in several places.

4. Prepare tuzdyk: put onion, cut into thin rings, into a small saucepan. Pepper it and fill it with broth (the top layer of broth).

5. Take the finished meat out of the pan, cut it and kazy into thin pieces.

6. Cook the dough (zhaima) in the broth, stirring occasionally.

7. Place the finished dough on a large dish, with meat and kazy on top. Fill it all with hot brine.

8. If desired, you can place potatoes, previously boiled in broth, around the edges of the dish.



Poultry (duck, goose, turkey) - 1 kg

For the test:

Eggs - 5 pcs.

Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Vinegar - 5 tbsp. l.

Black pepper

Cooking method:

1. Place the washed poultry in a 3-3.5 liter pan and fill it with water to the brim. Put on fire. When it boils, remove the foam, add salt and cook over low heat for 2-3 hours, until the meat begins to pull away from the bones.

2. Remove the meat, when it has cooled, separate from the bones and cut into pieces.

3. Knead a stiff dough from eggs, salt and flour. Divide into several parts, roll each thinly, cut into diamonds with sides about 1.5 by 1.5 cm.

4. Dip the pieces of dough into the boiling broth; when they float, add the meat. Cook for 7-10 minutes until the dough is ready.

5. As soon as it is ready, pour in the vinegar and sprinkle generously with black pepper. Let it brew for 30 minutes.



Lamb - 800 g

Onion - 150 g

Ground red or black pepper;

Salt - to taste

For the test:

Wheat flour - 300 g

Water 100 ml

Cooking method:

1. Boil the lamb in large pieces in a small amount of water with the addition of salt and pepper, then cut into thin slices 0.5 cm wide and 5 cm long.

2. Knead unleavened dough, roll out thinly and cut into oblong rectangles. 3. Boil in broth, combine with lamb, chopped onion and poached in broth, add salt and pepper.

4. Serve the broth separately in cups (bowls) for the beshbarmak.

Delicious beshbarmak recipe

Beshbarmak is a traditional dish of Central Asian cuisine. It’s not difficult to prepare beshbarmak recipe with photos - you will need:

Meat (not too fatty beef is best)

Dough for beshbarmak



Black pepper, salt

Fresh herbs

Cooking method:

1. So, put a piece of meat into the water and turn on high heat, as soon as the water boils, you need to skim off the foam and turn the heat to low and let the meat cook.

2. While it is cooking, you need to prepare the dough (the same as for regular dumplings), roll it out and make circles out of it.

3. Now you need to peel and chop the onion into half rings and put it in the broth with the meat, then immediately peel the potatoes, cut them into slices and also add them to the meat and onions. For cooking potatoes, a multicooker vs an air fryer is suitable to save time.

4. In the meantime, you can put a pan of water on the fire and when the water boils, throw in the dough circles.

5. While they are boiling, add salt to the meat, check the pepper, and then remove the meat and potatoes from the broth.

6. Cut the meat into thin slices, take out the finished dough circles, place them on a dish, put pieces of meat on top, potatoes, and serve the broth separately in cups.

The best gratitude is adding an entry to the quote book :)

National Kazakh dishes can win the heart of any admirer of oriental cuisine. The gastronomic pride of Kazakhstan is beshbarmak, which is also served during the celebration of Kurban Ait. The popularity of this dish cannot be overestimated. Not a single celebration takes place without it, and a festive table cannot be called such if it does not have this dish on it. Let’s find out how to prepare beshbarmak according to a traditional recipe right now.

How to cook beshbarmak

What is beshbarmak? Beshbarmak - Kazakh national dish, which is prepared from lamb, beef or horse meat. The word “beshbarmak” is translated as ‘five fingers’. This is due to the fact that nomads preferred to eat with their hands (fingers).

To prepare beshbarmak in Kazakh style, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of meat (you can choose what you like best, - beef, horse meat or lamb);
  • dough for beshbarmak;
  • 4 onions;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • greenery;
  • allspice and bay leaf.

If you have all the ingredients needed to prepare the dish, we can safely begin mastering the beshbarmak recipe.

Beshbarmak: recipe

Every self-respecting housewife in Kazakhstan knows how to cook beshbarmak. Moreover, many of them try to change the traditional recipe, adding their own twist to it. We will prepare beshbarmak according to the classic recipe. For this we need:

  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly and cut it into several large pieces.
  2. Place the meat in a deep saucepan, add 4 liters of water and cook over low heat.
  3. After bringing the water to a boil, you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking the meat for 3-4 hours.
  4. Regularly skim off any foam that forms on the surface of the broth and set aside some of the fat.
  5. About an hour before the meat is ready, add pre-peeled vegetables and spices to the broth - carrots, onions, bay leaf, pepper and salt.

Beshbarmak dough

In order to prepare the dough for beshbarmak, you will need:

  • 600 g flour;
  • 2 glasses of water or meat broth;
  • 2–3 eggs;
  • salt.

While the meat is cooking, let's not waste time and move on to preparing the dough. For this we need:

  1. Sift the flour and pour it into a deep bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and slowly pour them into the container with flour.
  3. Salt the mixture and add water or meat broth to it.
  4. Knead the dough and let it rest for 30–40 minutes.

Cooking beshbarmak

When all the ingredients of the dish are ready, we proceed to the final stage - forming the dish:

  • Roll out the dough and cut it into layers, layers into strips, and then into diamonds. Sprinkle the finished diamonds generously with flour.

  • We separate the boiled meat from the bone and divide it into pieces, removing the fiber from the common piece.
  • Cut the onion into rings and simmer it in the fat that was removed from the broth when the meat was cooked.
  • When the onion is soft, transfer it to a colander and dip it into the boiling broth.
  • Pour three glasses of broth into a separate container, add water and let the liquid boil.
  • Add salt to the boiling broth and throw in the dough diamonds. Cook for a few minutes until it reaches al dente (ready, but not yet cooked through).
  • Place the boiled diamonds in a colander with the fried onions.

To serve the dish, you will need a large flat dish, on which we place diamonds with onions, and on top of them - boiled meat, which we sprinkle with onions stewed in fat. Pour the broth into separate bowls and add herbs to it.

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