Automation of the chemical industry. Introduction Selecting monitoring and control parameters

Operation and repair of automation equipment.

The operation of automation equipment in agricultural production has its own characteristics, namely that some of these equipment, such as sensors and actuators, are installed directly in production premises. The environment of such premises is aggressive towards automation elements. In this regard, all automation equipment used in agricultural production must have appropriate protection from the effects of harmful environmental factors in production premises.

Another serious factor that negatively affects the operation of automation equipment in agricultural production is the voltage level, which in rural areas is subject to significant fluctuations. Because of this, the stability of automatic devices is significantly reduced.

Preventative work. During the operation of automation equipment, special attention is paid to preventive maintenance that prevents failure of automation elements and largely eliminates accidents.

The purpose of this work is as follows:

a) achieve guaranteed levels of insulation resistance of all parts of the installations;

b) maintain cables, wires, electromagnetic and motor mechanisms, relays, contacts and other equipment in good condition;

c) achieve compliance of protection parameters with the specified settings;

d) maintain the backup power device in good condition and 100% ready for switching on; e) ensure appropriate reliability of interlocks and interlocked parts of circuits, alarms, etc.

Before putting installation automation equipment into operation, a technical (external) inspection is carried out, as a result of which installation and adjustment errors are identified. The technical inspection is preceded by a preliminary study of automation documentation, acts for hidden work, acts and protocols of audits and equipment passports, etc.

Maintenance. The set of measures for the maintenance of automation equipment includes the following work:

1) preventive, aimed at preventing failures (replacement of elements, lubrication and fastening work, etc.);

2) related to technical condition monitoring, the purpose of which is to check the compliance of the parameters characterizing the operational state of automation devices with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation (form, passport, etc.);

3) adjustment and tuning, designed to bring the parameters of automation equipment (blocks, sensors, components) to the values ​​​​established by the regulatory and technical documentation.

Maintenance is aimed at restoring the functionality or serviceability of automation devices by eliminating failures and damage.

Depending Depending on the operating conditions, design features of the equipment and the nature of failures, three principles can be used when organizing maintenance: calendar, operating time and mixed.

Calendar principle is that maintenance is assigned and carried out after a certain calendar period (day, week, month, quarter, etc.), regardless of the intensity of use of automation devices. The scope of each maintenance is determined by the operational documentation (maintenance instructions, operating instructions, etc.).

Operating principle involves setting maintenance dates upon the equipment reaching a certain operating time. In this case, the operating time can be calculated in hours of operation, number of starts. This principle can be used to organize maintenance in cases where failures are caused by wear processes, equipment operates in difficult conditions, significantly different from normal, or for a long time.

Mixed principle maintenance organization is used for automation devices in which failures are caused by both wear and aging processes.

10. Operation of automation equipment

Operation of chamber diaphragm type DKS-10-150

A diaphragm is installed in a pipeline through which a liquid or gaseous substance flows to restrict local flow.

The quality of the orifice devices, and especially their correct installation, are critical to obtaining accurate flow measurement results.

The outer diameter depends on the connecting dimensions of the pipeline.

The restriction devices are periodically cleaned by opening the valve. Blowing is carried out until the ejection of sediments accumulated in the sampling chamber holes from the orifice stops.

During purging, the differential pressure gauge is turned off, since when one terminal of the restriction device is connected to the atmosphere, the differential pressure gauge will be subject to static pressure in the pipeline through the second terminal, which will be many times greater than the pressure limit.

Operation of differential pressure gauge type DM

Before installation, the differential pressure gauge must be filled with the liquid being measured. To do this, a rubber hose with a vessel with a capacity of 0.005-0.001 m 3 filled with the measured liquid is alternately put on the valves of the standard and pulse vessels. The zero point is checked at least once a day; the equalizing valve is opened for verification.

If the measurement result is in doubt, a control check is carried out at the workplace.

Take readings of the measured liquid parameter the next day after turning on the differential pressure gauge, periodically tapping the connecting impulse lines between the diaphragm and the differential pressure gauge to completely remove air bubbles.

If the differential pressure gauge is intended for measuring gas parameters at negative ambient temperatures (up to -30 0 C), its working chambers must be thoroughly purged with dry compressed air.

Differential pressure gauges must be kept clean.

Operation of the BPS-90P power supply

Routine maintenance of the unit consists of daily checking the correctness of its operation using the RMT recording device.

Every month it is necessary to check the tightness of the contact screws when the supply voltage is disconnected from the device.

During a major overhaul of a process unit, a laboratory check of the unit’s output parameters should be carried out and a protocol drawn up.

Operation of the Metran-100 converter

All pressure and vacuum measuring instruments provide readings over a long period of time if normal conditions are met.

The converter consists of a measuring unit and an electronic unit. Converters of various parameters have a unified electronic device and differ only in the design of the measuring unit. Before turning on the converters, you must ensure that their installation and installation are consistent.

Check the power connection to the spit 30 minutes after turning on the power supply and, if necessary, adjust the values ​​of the output signal of the converter. Corresponding to the lower value of the measured parameter. The installation is carried out using “zero” adjustment elements with an accuracy of no worse than 0.2Dx, without taking into account the error of the controlled means. The value of the output signal can also be monitored using a DC millivoltmeter connected to terminals 3-4 of the electronic converter. When choosing a millivoltmeter, it is necessary to take into account that the voltage drop across it should not exceed 0.1V. Setting the output signal of Metran-100 should be done after applying and releasing excess pressure amounting to 8-10% of the upper measurement limit.

The Metran-100 converter can withstand the effects of unilateral overload with working excess pressure equally from both the positive and negative chambers. In some cases, one-sided overload of the normal characteristics of the converter with operating excess pressure. To connect this, it is necessary to strictly follow a certain sequence of operations when putting the converter into operation, when purging the working chambers and draining the condensate.

Operation of TSP-1088

Each shift, a visual inspection of resistance thermal converters of the TSP-1088 type is carried out. At the same time, check that the caps on the heads are tightly closed and that there are gaskets under the caps. The asbestos cord for sealing the wire terminals must be tightly pressed with a fitting. In places where there is possible draft of the product, it should be prevented from getting onto the protective fittings and heads of the thermal converter. Check the presence and condition of the filming layer of thermal insulation, which reduces heat transfer from the sensitive element through the protective cover into the environment. In winter, in outdoor installations, the formation of ice deposits on protective fittings and outgoing wires must not be allowed, as they can lead to damage to resistance thermal converters. At least once a month, inspect and clean the electrical contacts in the heads of resistance thermal converters.

Maintenance of the device comes down to the following periodic operations: replacing the chart disk, wiping the glass and cover of the device, filling in ink, washing the ink tank and pen, lubricating the bearings and rubbing parts of the mechanism. Prolonged contact movement along the slider with frequent movement can lead to clogging of the contact surface of the slider with contact wear products and sediments, so it is necessary to periodically clean the slider with a brush soaked in gasoline or alcohol.

Replacing the chart disk is done as follows: remove the pointer, take it by the outer race and, pressing away from you until it stops, turn the pointer counterclockwise until it disengages. Then remove the chart disk, first removing the spring washer. The ink tank is refilled with special ink. When using the device for a long time, you should periodically clean and lubricate the moving parts.

11. Economic calculation

Calculation of funds required for project development

When developing a scientific and technical project, one of the important stages is its feasibility study. It allows you to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the development, implementation and operation of this software product in terms of economic efficiency, social significance and other aspects.

The purpose of this section is to calculate the costs of developing educational and methodological support for the discipline “Technical means of automation systems.”

Organization and planning of work

One of the main goals of planning work is to determine the total duration of its implementation. The most convenient, simple and visual way for these purposes is to use a line graph. To construct it, we will define events and compile Table 6.

List of events

Table 6

Event Code
Formulation of the problem 0
Drawing up technical specifications 1
Selection and study of literature 2
Project development 3
Formation of an information base 4
Set of teaching aids 5
Examination 6
Analysis of results 7
Approbation of the tool 8
Preparation of reporting documentation on the work done 9
Drawing up an explanatory note 10
Delivery of the finished project 11

To organize the development process of the tool, the method of network planning and management was used. The method allows you to graphically present the plan for the implementation of upcoming work related to the development of the system, its analysis and optimization, which allows you to simplify the solution of tasks, coordinate time resources, labor and the consequences of individual operations.

We will compile a list of works and the correspondence of the works to their performers, the duration of these works and summarize them in Table 7.

Labor costs for research work

Table 7

Stage Performers


works, days


works, person - days

tmin tmax so turbojet engine TKD
1 Problem statement


1 2 1,4


3 4 3,4
Student 10 15 12 100 12 17
4 Project development


25 26 25,4


28 30 28,8
Student 10 11 1,4 100 1,4 2
7 Check


3 5 3,8
8Analysis of results


2 3 2,4
Student 5 7 5,8 100 5,8 9
Student 7 10 8,2 100 8,2 12
Student 4 5 4,4 100 4,4 7
12 Delivery of the finished project Student 1 2 1,4 100 1,4 2

Calculation of labor intensity of stages

To organize scientific research work (R&D), various methods of economic planning are used. Work carried out in a team with large human costs is calculated using the network planning method.

This work has a small staff of performers (scientific supervisor and software engineer) and is carried out at low cost, so it is advisable to use a linear planning system with the construction of a linear graph.

To calculate the duration of work, we will use the probable method.

Currently, to determine the expected value of the duration of work tozh, an option is used based on the use of two estimates tmax and tmin.

where tmin is the minimum labor intensity, person/day;

tmax – maximum labor intensity, person/day.

The terms tmin and tmax are set by the manager.

To perform the above work, the following specialists will be required:

a) software engineer (IP);

b) scientific supervisor (NR).

Based on Table 7, we will construct an employment diagram, Figure 2, and a linear schedule of work performance by performers, Figure 2.

Rice. 2 - Occupancy percentage

To construct a linear schedule, it is necessary to convert the duration of work into calendar days. The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

where TK is the calendar coefficient.


where TKAL - calendar days, TKD=365;

TVD - weekends, TVD=104;

TPD - holidays, TPD=10.

A scientific supervisor and an engineer are involved in carrying out the work.

Substituting numerical values ​​into formula (1) we find.

Calculation of the increase in technical readiness of work

The amount of increase in the technical readiness of the work shows how many percent of the work is completed

where tн is the increasing duration of work from the moment the topic was developed, days;

to is the total duration, which is calculated by the formula.

To determine the specific gravity of each stage, we use the formula

where tОжi is the expected duration of the i-th stage, calendar days;

tО - total duration, calendar days.

Stages TKD, days UVi, % Gi, % March April May June
1 Problem statement 3 0,89 1,91
2 Drawing up technical specifications 6 2,16 5,73
3 Selection and study of literature 17 7,64 16,56
4 Project development 43 16,17 43,94
5 Formation of an information base 46 18,34 73,24
6 Set of teaching aids 2 0,89 74,52
7 Check 6 2,42 78,34
8Analysis of results 4 1,52 80,86
9 Approbation of the tool 9 3,69 86,96
10 Preparation of reporting documentation on the work done 12 5,22 94,26
11 Drawing up an explanatory note 7 2,80 98,72
12 Delivery of the finished project 2 0,89 100

Scientific supervisor Student

Rice. 3 - Student and teacher schedule

Calculation of development and implementation costs

Planning and accounting of project costs is carried out using costing items and economic elements. Classification by costing items allows you to determine the cost of individual work.

The initial data for calculating costs is the work plan and the list of required equipment, equipment and materials.

Project costs are calculated according to the following expense items:

1. Salary.

2. Salary payments (to the pension fund, social insurance, health insurance).

3. Costs for materials and components.

4. Depreciation expenses.

5. Electricity costs.

6. Other expenses.

7. Total cost.

Payroll preparation

This expense item plans and takes into account the basic wages of engineering and technical workers directly involved in the development, additional payments according to regional coefficients and bonuses.

where n is the number of participants in the i-th work;

Ti - labor costs required to perform the i-th type of work, (days);

Сзпi - average daily wage of an employee performing the i-th type of work, (rub/day).

The average daily wage is determined by the formula:

where D is the monthly official salary of the employee, defined as D=Z*Ktar;

Z - minimum wage;

Ktar - coefficient according to the tariff schedule;

Мр - number of months of work without vacation during the year (with 24 days vacation

Mr=11.2, with a 56-day vacation Mr=10.4;

K - coefficient taking into account the coefficient for bonuses Kpr = 40%, regional coefficient Krk = 30% (K = Kpr + Krk = 1 + 0.4 + 0.3 = 1.7);

F0 is the employee’s actual annual working time, (days).

The minimum wage at the time of development was 1,200 rubles.

Then the average monthly salary of a manager who has the thirteenth category in the wage scale is

D1= 1200 * 3.36 = 4032.0 rubles

The average monthly salary of an eleventh grade engineer is

D2= 1200 * 2.68=3216.0 rubles.

The results of calculating the actual annual fund are listed in Table 8.

Table 8 - Actual annual working time of employees

Taking into account the fact that F01 = 247 and F02 = 229 days, the average daily wages will be -

a) scientific supervisor - Сзп1= (4032.0* 1.7 * 11.2) / 229 = 335.24 rubles;

b) software engineer - Сзп2= (3216.0* 1.7 * 10.4) / 247 = 230.20 rubles.

Considering that the scientific supervisor was busy during development for 11 days, and the software engineer for 97 days, we will find the basic salary and summarize it in Table 9.

Table 9 - Basic wages of employees

Development participants Сзпi, rub ti, days Sosnz/p, rub
HP 411 11 3687,64
IP 250,20 97 22329,4
Total 27309,04

Sosnz/p = 11 * 335.24 + 97 * 230.2 = 27309.04 rub.

Calculation of deductions from wages

Here, contributions to extra-budgetary social funds are calculated.

Deductions from wages are determined by the following formula:

Ssotsf = Ksotsf * Sosn

where Ksotsf is a coefficient that takes into account the amount of deductions from the salary. fees.

The coefficient includes costs for this item consisting of contributions for social needs (26% of the total salary).

The amount of deductions will be 6764.43 rubles.

Calculation of costs for materials and components

Reflects the cost of materials, taking into account transportation and procurement costs (1% of the cost of materials) used in the development of a software tool. Let's summarize the costs of materials and components in table 10

Table 10 - Consumables

Name of materials Unit price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub
CD/RW disc 45,0 2 pcs 90,0
Printing paper 175,0 2 pack 350,0
Printer Cartridge 450,0 1 PC 450,0
Stationery 200,0 200,0
Software 500 1 PC 500,0
Total 1590,0

According to table 10, the consumption of materials is:

Smat =90.0+350.0+450.0+200.0+500.0=1590.0 rub.

Calculation of depreciation expenses

The article depreciation on used equipment calculates depreciation over the time the work is performed for equipment that is available.

Depreciation charges are calculated for the period of use of the PC using the formula:

C A = ,

where Na is the annual depreciation rate, Na = 25% = 0.25;

Tsob - price of equipment, Tsob = 45,000 rubles;

FD - actual annual working time, FD=1976 hours;

tpm - operating time of the VT when creating a software product, tpm = 157 days or 1256 hours;

n – number of involved PCs, n=1.

CA = (0.25 * 45,000 * 1256) / 1976 = 7150.80 rubles.

Table 11 - Special equipment

Name Quantity Tsob, rub On the, % FD, hour SA, rub
Computer 1 PC. 30000 25 1976 4767,20
Printer 1 PC. 15000 25 1976 2383,60
Total: 7150,80

Energy costs

The amount of electricity required is determined by the following formula:

E = P * Tsen * Fisp, (2)

where P is power consumption, kW;

Price – tariff price for industrial electricity, rub./kWh;

Fisp – planned time of equipment use, hour.

E =0.35 * 1.89 * 1976 = 1307.12 rubles.

Cost estimates of the needs for material and technical resources are determined taking into account wholesale prices and energy tariffs by direct recalculation.

Energy tariffs in each region of Russia are established and revised by decisions of executive authorities in the manner established for natural monopolies.

Calculation of other expenses

The item “other expenses” reflects the costs of developing the tool, these include postal, telegraph costs, advertising, i.e. all those expenses that are not taken into account in previous articles.

Other expenses amount to 5-20% of the one-time costs of implementing the software product and are carried out according to the formula:

Spr = (Sz/p + Smat + Ssotsf + Ca + Se) * 0.05,

Spr = (26017.04+1590.0+6764.43+7150.80+1307.12)*0.05= 42829.39 rub.

Project cost

The cost of the project is determined by the sum of articles 1-5, table 12.

Table 12 - Cost estimate

No. Article title Costs, rub Note
1 Wage 26017,04 Table 6.5
2 Salary accruals 6764,43 26% of Art. 1
3 Material costs 1590,0 Table 6.6
4 Depreciation expenses 7150,80 Table 6.7
5 Energy costs 1307,12 Formula (2)
6 other expenses 2102,57 5% amount of items 1-5
7 Total 44931,96

Project effectiveness assessment

The most important result of research is its scientific and technical level, which characterizes the extent to which the work has been completed and whether scientific and technological progress is ensured in this area.

Assessment of scientific and technical level

Based on assessments of the novelty of the results, their value, and the scale of implementation, an indicator of the scientific and technical level is determined using the formula


where Ki is the weighting coefficient of the i -th attribute of the scientific and technical effect;

ni - quantitative assessment of the i -th attribute of the scientific and technical level of work.

Table 13 - Signs of scientific and technical effect

A quantitative assessment of the level of novelty of research work is determined based on the value of points in Table 14.

Table 14 - Quantitative assessment of the level of novelty of research work

Level of novelty


Fundamentally new The research results open a new direction in this field of science and technology 8 - 10
New Known facts and patterns are explained in a new way or for the first time 5 - 7
Relatively new The research results systematize and summarize the available information, determine the ways for further research. 2 - 4
Continuation of table 14

Level of novelty


Characteristics of the level of novelty Points

Level of novelty


Characteristics of the level of novelty Points
Traditional The work was carried out using traditional methods, the results of which are of informational nature. 1
Lacking novelty A result was obtained that was previously known 0

The theoretical level of the research results obtained is determined on the basis of the points given in Table 15.

Table 15 - Quantitative assessment of the theoretical level of research work

Theoretical level of the results obtained Points
Establishment of the law; development of a new theory 10
Deep development of the problem: multidimensional analysis of connections, interdependencies between facts with the presence of an explanation 8
Elementary analysis of connections between facts with the presence of a hypothesis, simplex forecast, classification, explanatory version or practical recommendations of a particular nature 2
Description of individual elementary facts (things, properties and relationships); presentation of experience, observations, measurement results 0,5

The possibility of implementing scientific results is determined based on the points in Table 16.

Table 16 - Possibility of implementing scientific results

Note: Time and scale scores are added together.

The results of the feature assessments are shown in Table 17.

Table 17 - Quantitative assessment of signs of research work

A sign of the scientific and technical effect of research work


sign of research work

Ki Pi
1 Level of novelty systematize and summarize information, determine ways for further research 0,6 1
2 Theoretical level Development of a method (algorithm, program of activities, device, substance, etc.) 0,4 6
3 Possibility of implementation Implementation time during the first years 0,2 10
Scale of implementation - enterprise 2

Using the initial data on the main features of scientific and technical effectiveness of research work, we determine the indicator of scientific and technical level:

Нт= 0.6·1+0.4·6+0.2·(10+2)=5.4

Table 18 - Assessment of the level of scientific and technical effect

In accordance with Table 18, the level of scientific and technical effect of this work is average.

The cost estimate for the development of this system and the cost estimate for its annual operation have been calculated. The cost of creating the system is 44,931.96 rubles.

Calculation of funds required for implementation

Capital investments in modernization are, first of all, the cost of electrical equipment and the cost of installation work.

An estimate is a document that determines the final and maximum cost of a project. The estimate serves as the initial capital investment document, which determines the costs required to complete the full scope of work required.

The initial materials for determining the estimated cost of improving the facility are project data on the composition of the equipment, the volume of construction and installation work; price lists for equipment and building materials; norms and prices for construction and installation work; tariffs for cargo transportation; overhead rates and other regulatory documents.

The calculation is made on the basis of contract prices. Initial data and costs are summarized in tables.

After approval of the technical design, a working draft is developed, that is, working drawings, on the basis of which the final cost is determined.

Equipment costs

Table 4

No. Device name Qty


1 Metran-100 23 15000 rub. RUB 345,000
2 BPS-90P/K 23 14000 rub. RUR 322,000
3 RS-29 10 5000 rub. 50,000 rub.
4 U29.3M 10 6000 rub. 60,000 rub.
5 Siemens SIPART 10 10,000 rub. 100,000 rub.
6 RMT-69 5 50,000 rub. 500,000 rub.
7 Other (cables, connectors, cables, transportation costs) 50,000 rub. 50,000 rub.
total 81 RUB 1,427,000

Payroll fund

Let's determine the number of people required for the work and summarize this information in a table:

Workers involved in modernization and their salaries.

Table 5

Job title Monthly salary Number of months Employee's salary for the entire period of work
Chief engineer 30000 1 30000
Chief metrologist 30000 2 60000
Deputy chief metrologist 25000 2 50000
Head of the section 15000 4 60000
Instrumentation mechanic 10000 1 10000
Instrumentation mechanic 10000 1 10000
Instrumentation mechanic 10000 1 10000
Instrumentation mechanic 10000 1 10000
Electrician 10000 1 10000
Locksmith 10000 1 10000
Operator (operator) 10000 1 10000
Bonus 30% 81000
total 351000

The cost of installation work and wages for the people who carried out all the calculations, i.e. engineering and technical workers amounted to 351,000 rubles.

Using the example of one device - Metran-100, the amount of labor costs is shown. We take into account that in the place where it should be there is another sensor that needs to be upgraded.

This calculation did not include the time needed to deliver welding equipment, prepare for work, etc.

Amount of labor costs for Metran-100

Table 6

No. Action name Number of minutes
1 Removing wires, disconnecting pulses, unscrewing the device 30
2 Cable pulling, including through the terminal box 120
3 Digestion of fasteners, adjustment of sizes 60
4 Installation of wires, connection of pulses, screwing of the device 30
5 Marking 30
Total 270 minutes or 4.5 hours

The following table shows the labor costs for some types of work.

Labor costs for some devices

Table 7

Job title List of required actions number of people for one operation Number of man-hours
Installation of booster compressor station disassembly, replacement, assembly, tightening 2 2
Installation of Metran-100 Dismantling the previous device, adjusting the connecting impulses, connecting adapters, 2 4,5
Installation of BPS90 Preparing the location, connecting wires, setting up 1 3
Installation of wave level gauge Dismantling the old level gauge, installing a new location using welding equipment, connecting a new device, connecting wires, setting up. 2 5
Installation of Siemens positioner Removing the old positioner, attaching a new one, setting up 1 5

It can be seen that a lot of time is spent on installing imported devices. This is due to the fact that the devices are new and there is no experience working with them. In fact, installation will take much longer due to unforeseen circumstances, lack of experience, and other circumstances.

The design process takes much longer than installation, due to the fact that it is necessary to think through every little detail, because the boiler plant is a very important link in the production of monomers. This is why design takes up most of the time. All works are divided into parts and summarized in a table.

Work plan

Table 8

List of work performed Performers Number of people Amount of days
Familiarization with the terms of reference, development of an action plan, distribution of work Engineer, chief metrologist, deputy chief metrologist 3 14 days
Scheme development, technical and economic calculation of the scheme, ordering materials and parts Engineer, chief metrologist, deputy chief metrologist, head of section 4 14 days
Preparing the work site, organizational work Deputy chief metrologist, head of section, instrumentation mechanic 5 14 days
After the boiler is stopped for major repairs, the main work begins
Dismantling of old equipment Instrumentation mechanic, electrician 5 7 days
Installation of equipment (in parallel in all areas) Instrumentation mechanic, electrician 5 20 days
Checking the operation of the equipment, triggering the settings. Instrumentation mechanic, electrician 5 2 days
Delivery of the finished circuit, running-in with simulation of working situations Chief engineer, section chief, operator, instrumentation mechanic, 11 1 day
Start-up of the boiler plant operator, instrument mechanic, electrician 7 1 day
Elimination of minor defects Instrumentation mechanic, electrician 5 1 day

Total costs for re-equipment of the boiler plant: wage fund 351,000 rubles + costs for the purchase of equipment 1,427,000 rubles = 1,778,000 rubles.

Economic effect of implementation

The introduction of automated process control systems of this kind, as world practice shows, leads to savings in burned fuel by 1-7%.

1. With a natural gas consumption of 500 m3/hour on one operating boiler, this savings can be 5-35 m3/hour or 43800-306600 m3/year. At a price of 2,500 rubles per 1,000 m3, the economic effect will be 40,646 rubles per year. But since gas is constantly becoming more expensive, this amount will increase.

2. Savings also occur by reducing the cost of rail transport delivery. If we take an average saving of 150,000 m 3 /year, and the capacity of the tank is 20,000 m 3, then the transportation of almost 8 tanks is saved. The cost of diesel fuel for a diesel locomotive, depreciation, wages for drivers, etc. is about 1000 rubles per 100 kilometers per tank. The gas production station is located at a distance of 200 km, therefore the costs will be about 20,000 rubles. But taking into account the cost of fuel, these costs can increase significantly in a year.

Those. The net payback will occur in 20 years. Taking into account rising fuel prices and rising wages, this period may be reduced to 5 years.

But if the plant is shut down or even destroyed by old equipment that fails, the losses can amount to millions of rubles.

12. Safety and environmental friendliness of work

Analysis of harmful and dangerous factors

The production of monomers, which includes a distillation unit for aromatic hydrocarbons, involves the use and processing of large quantities of flammable substances in liquefied and gaseous states. These products can form explosive mixtures with air. Particularly dangerous are low places, wells, and pits where explosive mixtures of hydrocarbons and air can accumulate, since hydrocarbon vapors are generally heavier than air.

The most dangerous places are those that are considered difficult to access by external inspection, where there may be increased gas contamination, and which, due to the nature of the work, the operator does not visit often

Particularly dangerous factors when operating this unit are:

High pressure and temperature during operation of high-pressure steam production equipment;

Formation of explosive concentrations of natural gas (methane) during ignition and operation of the boiler;

Possibility of getting chemical burns and poisoning when preparing a solution of hydrazine hydrate and ammonia water.

The most dangerous places.

1. Fuel gas distribution system.

2. High and medium pressure steam lines.

3. Steam reduction units.

4. Reagent preparation department.

5. Wells, hatches, low places, pits where the accumulation of explosive mixtures of hydrocarbons with air is possible.

The technological process of producing superheated high-pressure steam is associated with the presence of explosive fuel gas, fuel gas combustion products, as well as high pressure and high temperatures of steam and water. In addition, toxic substances such as hydrazine hydrate, ammonia, and trisodium phosphate are used for water treatment.

The main conditions for the safe conduct of the process of generating steam and generating electricity are:

Compliance with technological standards;

Compliance with the requirements of the workplace instructions, occupational safety and health regulations during operation, start-up and shutdown of individual pieces of equipment and the entire boiler room;

Carrying out timely and high-quality equipment repairs;

Carrying out, according to schedules, control checks of instrumentation and automation, alarm systems and interlocks, safety devices.

During operation of the auxiliary boiler room, equipment and communications are under pressure from flammable gases, water and water vapor. Therefore, in the event of a violation of the normal technological regime, as well as in the event of violations of the tightness in the connections of devices and components, the following may occur:

Gas breakthrough followed by fire and explosion;

Formation of local explosive concentrations of natural gas;

Poisoning as a result of the presence of gases containing components (CH 4, NO 2, CO 2, CO);

Poisoning with reagents for corrective treatment of feed and boiler water, in case of non-compliance with the rules for handling them and neglect of personal protective equipment;

Thermal burns due to breaks in flue gas, water vapor and condensate pipelines;

Electric shock due to malfunctions of electrical equipment and electrical networks, as well as as a result of non-compliance with electrical safety rules;

Mechanical injuries due to violations in the maintenance of machines, mechanisms and other equipment;

Combustion of lubricating and sealing oils and cleaning materials due to non-compliance with storage rules and violation of fire safety standards;

Unsatisfactory purging of pipelines and apparatus, which can cause the formation of explosive concentrations and, under certain conditions, an explosion;

Hazards associated with the operation of equipment operating under high pressure, work in pits, wells, vessels and when handling hazardous substances (ammonia, hydrazine hydrate).

Industrial sanitation

Microclimate. For normal and high-performance work in industrial premises, it is necessary that meteorological conditions (temperature, humidity and air speed), i.e. microclimate were in certain proportions.

The required air condition of the working area is ensured by performing certain measures, including:

Mechanization and automation of production processes and their remote control;

The use of technological processes and equipment that prevent the formation of harmful substances or their entry into the work area;

Reliable sealing of equipment containing harmful substances;

Protection from sources of thermal radiation;

Ventilation and heating device;

Use of personal protective equipment.

The air temperature in laboratories ranges from 20 to 25 degrees.

Lighting: lighting in the premises complies with standards. All objects that you often work with are well lit. The main hall has a sufficient number of window openings, which is necessary during the day. Workers who have to deal with work in dark places (electricians, instrument mechanics) have special flashlights - miners, which provide sufficient illumination of any part.

Noise and vibration. The main noise control measures are:

Elimination or mitigation of the causes of noise at its very source;

Isolation of the noise source from the environment by means of sound insulation and sound absorption;

Ultrasound protection is carried out in the following ways:

The use of higher operating frequencies in equipment, for which the permissible sound pressure levels are higher;

The use of sources of ultrasonic radiation in a sound-insulating design such as casings. Such casings are made of sheet steel or duralumin (1 mm thick) covered with rubber or roofing felt, as well as getinax (5 mm thick). The use of housings reduces the ultrasound level by 60...80 dB;


In the main workshop the noise level reaches 100 dB. When working, workers use earplugs or simply plug their ears with their fingers.

Safety precautions

A worker authorized to operate a boiler room must be trained in a special program and pass an exam by the qualification commission. Before being allowed to work, everyone entering the workshop must be familiarized with the head of the workshop or his deputy for safety, with the general rules of work, after which the foreman instructs the applicant at the workplace.

At the same time, the worker must be familiar with the peculiarities of work at this workplace, with the equipment and tools. After instruction at the workplace, the worker is allowed to undergo internship and on-the-job training under the guidance of an experienced worker, about which an order is issued in the workshop. A worker should be allowed to work independently only after the end of the internship period established for a given workplace and after testing his knowledge by a commission appointed by order of the workshop. The worker must be thoroughly aware of the dangerous aspects of his workplace and methods for eliminating them.

Persons hired to service thermal mechanical equipment must undergo a preliminary medical examination and subsequently undergo it periodically within the time limits established for the personnel of the energy enterprise.

Persons servicing equipment in power plant workshops and heating networks must know and follow the safety rules applicable to their position. personnel using electrical protective equipment in their work are required to know and follow the rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations. All personnel must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear and other protective equipment in accordance with current standards in accordance with the characteristics of the work performed and must use them during work. All production personnel must be practically trained in the methods of freeing a person under voltage from the action of electric current and providing him with first aid, as well as in the methods of providing first aid to victims in other accidents. Each employee must clearly know and comply with the requirements of fire safety rules and emergency procedures at the facility, and avoid actions that could lead to a fire or fire.

Smoking is prohibited on the premises of the installation, with the exception of designated smoking areas equipped with special fire-fighting equipment.

When operating boilers, the reliable and safe operation of all main and auxiliary equipment must be ensured; the ability to achieve the nominal boiler performance, parameters and water quality, economical operating mode. Work on process equipment is prohibited if the pipeline to which the impulse lines are connected remains under pressure. The lack of pressure in the disconnected impulse line must be checked by connecting it to the atmosphere. It is prohibited to work on existing electrical equipment without the use of electrical protective equipment. When working without using electrical protective equipment, electrical equipment must be turned off.

Safety in emergency situations.

The most likely emergency in a boiler room is a fire, due to high temperatures, the use of gas and a large amount of electrical equipment.

The person responsible for the fire safety of the boiler room is the foreman, who is obliged to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements. All production areas are provided with fire-fighting equipment and primary fire extinguishing means.

To prevent emergencies in the boiler room, it is prohibited:

1. store flammable and combustible substances;

2. block the passages between boilers, vestibules and approaches to fire-fighting equipment;

3. light boilers without ventilation of fireboxes and flues, and also use liquid fuel for ignition;

4. check the tightness of gas pipelines with an open fire;

5. use faulty appliances and electrical networks;

6. use fire extinguishing agents for other purposes.

In case of fire, service personnel are obliged to:

1. Immediately call the fire department by phone.

2. begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means, without stopping monitoring the boilers.

Environmental protection measures

Environmental protection is a global problem. Environmental protection measures are aimed at preserving and restoring natural resources, rational use of natural resources and preventing the harmful effects of the results of society’s economic activities on nature and human health. The essence of environmental protection is to establish constant dynamic harmony between a developing society and nature, which serves it at the same time as both a sphere and a source of life. Millions of tons of various gaseous wastes are thrown out every day, and water bodies are polluted with billions of cubic meters of wastewater. When solving the problem of reducing environmental pollution, the main thing is the creation and implementation of fundamentally new, waste-free technological processes.

In the boiler room, the products formed during combustion transfer part of the heat to the working fluid, and the other part, together with the combustion products (CO2, CO, O2, NO), is released into the atmosphere. In the atmosphere, gaseous combustion products as a result of secondary chemical reactions involving oxygen and water vapor form acids, as well as various salts. Atmospheric pollutants, together with precipitation, fall onto the surface of soil and water bodies, causing their chemical pollution. To reduce the emission of harmful substances and environmental pollution, sealed technological equipment, gas and dust collection units, and high pipes are installed in boiler houses.

Boiler room automation ensures economical use of fuel, as well as complete combustion. The project controls the O2 content in the flue gases and regulates the air flow with correction for the oxygen content in the flue gases, which ensures complete fuel combustion.


In this thesis, issues of automation of a boiler plant for the production of monomers were considered.

Since all the equipment is morally and physically outdated, the relevance of this issue is very high.

During this work, devices of imported and domestic production were considered. It has been revealed that some domestic devices occupy a worthy place in the market of automation and electronics devices. Since the cost of domestic devices is much lower than their imported counterparts, and the reliability, functionality and other parameters are the same, preference was given to them. The only exceptions are Siemens positioners and Rosemount positioners.

Each modernization must be economically justified, so an economic calculation of the cost of the entire modernization was carried out. The total cost was 1,778,000 rubles. This is a lot of money for the production of monomers, and for the entire enterprise as a whole, but the damage from a sudden equipment failure can be much higher.

At the end of the thesis, in the part “Occupational Safety Requirements”, the main activities and requirements that must be met for the safe performance of work were identified.


The possibility of automation of boiler plant for monometer producing was reviewed in this qualified paper.

Since all the equipment morally and physically became out of date the importance of this issue is very high.

In the course of this paper the import and domestic producing devices were reviewed. During this reviewing it was clear up that some domestic devices take the worth place in the market of automation and electronics devices. As the price of domestic devices much lower than import counterpart and reliability, functionality and other parameters are the same, so the preference was given to them. The exclusions were the positioners of Siemens and the gages of Rosemount.

Every enhancement should be economically proven, that is why economical calculation of the price of all enhancements was carried. The total cost is 1,778,000 rubles. For producing monometers and for the whole enterprise it’s big money, but the loss from the unexpected breakdown of equipment can be much higher.

At the end of the qualified paper in the part “Protection of labor request” the main actions and requirements were introduced, which should be followed for the safe work.


1. Adabashyan A.I. Installation of instrumentation and automatic control equipment. M.: Stroyizdat. 1969. 358 p.

2. Gerasimov S.G. Automatic control of boiler installations. M.: Gosenergoizdat, 1950, 424 p.

3. Golubyatnikov V.A., Shuvalov V.V. Automation of production processes and automated control systems in the chemical industry. M. Chemistry, 1978. 376 p.

4. Itskovich A.M. Boiler installations. M.: Nashits, 1958, 226 p.

5. Kazmin P.M. Installation, adjustment and operation of automatic devices for chemical production. M.: Chemistry, 1979, 296 p.

6. Ktoev A.S. Design of process automation systems. Reference manual. M.: Energoizdat, 1990, 464 p.

7. Kupalov M.V. Technical measurements and instruments for chemical production. M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1966.

8. Lokhmatov V.M. Automation of industrial boiler houses. L.: Energy, 1970, 208 p.

9. Installation of measuring and automation instruments. Ed. Ktoeva A.S. M.: Energoizdat, 1988, 488 p.

10. Murin T.A. Thermal measurements. M.: Energy, 1979. 423 p.

11. Mukhin V.S., Sakov I.A. Control devices and means of automation of thermal processes. M.: Higher school. 1988, 266 p.

12. Pavlov I.F., Romankov P.P., Noskov A.A. Examples and tasks for the course on processes and devices of chemical technologies. M.: Chemistry, 1976.

13. Instruments and automation equipment. Catalog. M.: Informpribor, 1995, 140 p.

14. devices and automation equipment. Nomenclature list. M.: Informpribor, 1995, 100 p.

15. Putilov A.V., Kopleev A.A., Petrukhin N.V. Environmental protection. M.: Chemistry, 1991, 224 p.

16. Rappoport B.M., Sedanov L.A., Yarkho G.S., Rudintsev G.I. Devices for automatic regulation and protection of boiler houses at mining enterprises. M.: Nedra, 1974, 205 p.

17. Stolker E.B. Handbook of operation of gas boiler houses. L.: Nedra, 1976. 528 p.

18. Feuerstein V.S. Handbook on boiler room automation. M.: Energy, 1972, 360 p.

19. Fanikov V.S. , Vitaliev V.P. Automation of heating points. Reference manual. M.: Energoizdat, 1989. 256 p.

20. Shevtsov E.K. Handbook on verification and adjustment of instruments. L.: Tekhnika, 1981, 205 p.

... ± 0.035 V. the error in determining the volumetric fuel consumption does not exceed 60·10-6m3/s. Thus, the use of the developed method for measuring fuel consumption significantly improves the quality of control along the “Solid fuel consumption” loop, which saves energy and increases the efficiency of boiler plants. References Batitsky I.A. etc. Automation of production processes and automated control systems

All chemical industry enterprises are already at the modern level; in order to produce competitive products in the required quantities, they must introduce automated systems into the production process, such as automated process control systems for chemical industry enterprises.

That is why at the modern level, automation of technological processes of chemical industry enterprises is an urgent task. Automated systems are designed to ensure higher quality of products, reduce production costs, increase the profitability of the enterprise, as well as neutralize and minimize waste in this industry.

Various automation tools can be used in the chemical industry, and their choice is most often based not only on management preferences, but also on issues of increasing the efficiency and profitability of products.

What automation systems may be in demand? in chemical industry enterprises

Automated traffic management systems;

Automated feeding systems for feeders or conveyors;

Automation and visualization of production processes using special software;

Automation and implementation of automated process control systems for weighing devices and dosing devices for feeding elements;

Automation of cable routes;

Equipping the operator's workplace with computer equipment and automating the production line;

And many other elements of automation and implementation of automated process control systems may be relevant for chemical industry enterprises.

Automated systems created by our company’s specialists are designed to ensure uninterrupted operation of the enterprise, therefore maintenance is carried out by our specialists.

Documentation in automated control systems for technological processes in the chemical industry

To ensure human participation in process control, it is necessary to document information. Subsequent analyzes require the accumulation of statistical initial data by recording the states and values ​​of process parameters over time. Based on this, compliance with the technological process regulations is checked, the formation of product quality is analyzed, the actions of personnel in emergency situations are monitored, directions for improving the process are searched, etc.

When developing that part of the automated process control system information support that is associated with documentation and registration, the following is necessary:

  • determine the type of parameters to be registered, the place and form of registration;
  • select the time factor of registration (dating, registration intervals, duration of continuous registration);
  • minimize the number of recorded parameters for reasons of necessity and sufficiency for operational actions and subsequent analysis.

Minimization in this case means that only those parameters are selected for registration that are sufficient for the operational control of the technological process and its subsequent analysis. This number of parameters cannot be reduced, since the quality of process control decreases; it is also impossible to increase, since the cost of management unreasonably increases.

Choose a method for grouping documented information from the point of view of ease of use by humans and machines.

In this case, the determining factors are the complexity and dynamics of the technological process, the capabilities of technical means and the human operator, the purpose and capabilities of analysis, economic and time factors.

There are no uniform and comprehensive rules for the development of documentation in automated process control systems, however, a significant part of the important formal provisions can be gleaned from a series of GOST standards for ESKD and USD .

Typical documentation is the registration of the date, the single current time in automated process control systems (hour, minute, second), measurement point code, object code (if necessary), parameter name (if necessary), current parameter value (absolute or relative deviation from the standard), unit of measurement, adjustment sign (if necessary). Depending on the conditions of formation and purpose of the document, some of the specified details can be entered in advance into the document form or excluded from it if it is intended only for further machine processing.

When developing a documentation system, document formats are unified

and common details and document structures. Attention is paid to the visibility and clarity of documents, in particular through the use of tabular forms. In documents intended for machine processing, special details are entered: document code in the processing system, analysis type code, columns filled in on programmable controllers, etc. Issues of classification (grouping) of documents and routes of their movement are resolved. The volumes of information in documents and document flows are determined. The place and period of storage of documents is established.

When developing and implementing automation systems for chemical processes and production, the same approaches are used that are used in other industries. At the same time, the conditions of chemical production and the production process itself have a number of features, which we will consider in this article.

A typical structural diagram of chemical processes is as follows:

raw materials → preparation of raw materials → chemical synthesis → isolation of product → product

At the input of any chemical process there is always feedstock that must be stored and, to one degree or another, prepared for further processing. Next comes the actual process of obtaining the product. At this stage, a chemical product is obtained from pre-prepared raw materials using special equipment (mixers, separators, columns, reactors, etc.) and/or substances (catalysts). Typically, devices for producing one product are combined into technological installations. Next, the resulting product undergoes separation and purification processes. Automation of chemical production makes it possible to reduce the cost of each of these stages.

Let's consider some features of chemical production.


Basically, all chemical production is characterized by continuity, i.e. the technological process is carried out in a steady state. There are also chemical productions with a periodic nature, where the sequence of operations for loading and preparing raw materials, chemical synthesis, isolation and purification of products has a finite duration.

The continuity of chemical production places special demands on the development of automation systems, such as, for example, redundancy of field equipment, controllers, communication channels, automated workstations and servers, organization of backup power supply for equipment, etc.


One of the features of chemical production is the placement of technological installations and equipment in open areas that occupy a large area. A typical chemical plant is located on an area ranging from several square kilometers to several tens of square kilometers. All this must be taken into account when designing automation systems. As a rule, in such cases, geographically distributed automated systems are used. High-speed communication channels, including those based on optical lines, are also of great importance, because not all interfaces and communication protocols provide acceptable data exchange rates over long distances.

During the operation of chemical industry enterprises, various hazardous substances are constantly present in the work area; technological processes in the devices take place at high pressures and temperatures. This is especially true for petrochemical, cracking, resin and carbon production enterprises. All this places increased demands on chemical process automation systems. As a rule, control cabinets with controllers, workstations and servers are located in special rooms with a forced supply of purified air. Field equipment is selected in a special design in accordance with operating conditions. All this allows us to reduce the harmful effects of hazardous substances on automation equipment.

In order to reduce the harmful effects of hazardous substances on operating personnel, the automation of chemical production should also include automated warning systems for the presence of maximum concentrations of substances hazardous to humans in the work area.

Explosion hazard

Most chemical plants, and especially petrochemical plants, have explosive zones. It is prohibited to use conventional automation tools in such cases. Explosion-proof automation equipment is used. Pneumatic actuators are widely used in such areas. The explosion protection level of automation equipment must correspond to the explosion hazard class of the area where it will be installed.

High energy consumption

Chemical production, as a rule, is characterized by significant energy consumption. Depending on the type of production, it can be electric energy, coal, fuel oil, natural gas, steam. Large enterprises generate electricity and steam at their own thermal power plants. In this regard, the problem of energy accounting becomes acute. Therefore, automation of chemical production should include an automated system for integrated energy accounting.


As already mentioned, automation of chemical production occurs in the same way as in other industries.

Automation of chemical production makes it possible to improve product quality, reduce costs, reduce the number of operating personnel, increase labor productivity and improve production standards.

But the conditions of chemical production and the production process itself have a number of features that were discussed in this article.

The Automated Systems enterprise, which has extensive experience in automating chemical production, will help you automate your chemical production, develop and coordinate all the necessary design and estimate documentation, develop software, and perform installation and commissioning work.

Automation is the use of a set of tools that allow production processes to be carried out without direct human participation, but under his control. Automation of production processes leads to increased output, reduced costs and improved product quality, reduces the number of service personnel, increases the reliability and durability of machines, saves materials, improves working conditions and safety precautions.

Automation frees people from the need to directly control mechanisms. In an automated production process, the role of a person is reduced to setting up, adjusting, servicing automation equipment and monitoring their operation. If automation facilitates human physical labor, then automation aims to facilitate mental labor as well. The operation of automation equipment requires highly qualified technical personnel.

In terms of automation level, thermal power engineering occupies one of the leading positions among other industries. Thermal power plants are characterized by the continuity of the processes occurring in them. At the same time, the production of thermal and electrical energy at any given time must correspond to consumption (load). Almost all operations at thermal power plants are mechanized, and transient processes in them develop relatively quickly. This explains the high development of automation in thermal energy.

Automating parameters provides significant benefits:

1) ensures a reduction in the number of working personnel, i.e. increasing his labor productivity,

2) leads to a change in the nature of work of service personnel,

3) increases the accuracy of maintaining the parameters of the generated steam,

4) increases labor safety and equipment reliability,

5) increases the efficiency of the steam generator.

Automation of steam generators includes automatic regulation, remote control, technological protection, thermal control, technological interlocks and alarms.

Automatic regulation ensures the progress of continuously occurring processes in the steam generator (water supply, combustion, steam superheating, etc.)

Remote control allows the personnel on duty to start and stop the steam generator unit, as well as switch and regulate its mechanisms at a distance, from the console where the control devices are located.

Thermal control over the operation of the steam generator and equipment is carried out using indicating and recording instruments that operate automatically. The devices continuously monitor the processes occurring in the steam generator plant, or are connected to the measurement object by service personnel or an information computer. Thermal control devices are placed on panels and control panels, as convenient as possible for observation and maintenance.

Technological interlocks perform a number of operations in a given sequence when starting and stopping the mechanisms of a steam generator plant, as well as in cases where technological protection is triggered. Interlocks eliminate incorrect operations when servicing a steam generator unit and ensure that equipment is switched off in the required sequence in the event of an emergency.

Process alarm devices inform the personnel on duty about the state of the equipment (in operation, stopped, etc.), warn that a parameter is approaching a dangerous value, and report the occurrence of an emergency condition of the steam generator and its equipment. Sound and light alarms are used.

The operation of boilers must ensure reliable and efficient production of steam of the required parameters and safe working conditions for personnel. To meet these requirements, operation must be carried out in strict accordance with laws, rules, norms and guidelines, in particular, in accordance with the “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers” of Gosgortekhnadzor, “Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks”, “Rules for technical operation of heat-using installations and heating networks".

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