Blue eyes quotes. Quotes About Blue Eyes

  • Quotes about Blue eyes- It is said that people grey-blue eyes are very reliable, practical, generous and romantic ...
  • And she sleeps like a child, hugging soft bear to the chest. She always believes in fairy tales, loves chocolate and bubble and her blue eyes always radiate happiness!
  • I am not blue-eyed. My eyes are brown. and they are higher than you see.
  • Your blue eyes and my multi-colored dreams are somewhat similar ... both there and there there is a blue color ... if only my gray everyday life does not become your tired feelings, I'm afraid of that.
  • Well, where are you, my happiness with gray-blue eyes, pancake?
  • How great it is to straighten your hair, knowing that every movement of yours, a wave of eyelashes and your gorgeous blue eyes are sincerely admired! Enjoy it further, I really like it!
  • They say you can describe a person by their eyes. The blue ones hide the boundless ocean, the green ones hide the virgin forest, and then the chocolate lives in the brown ones.
  • Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, his car number, the color of his eyes. They are blue. He has soft hands and is a great kisser.
  • I don't have awesome long hair, blue eyes and a million fans. But I have a heart and friends. And you know, this is the most important thing in my life.
  • Blue eyes, you captivated me, In the middle of the night silence Enticing with a bright brilliance.
  • Beautiful blue eyes - like glass windows; nobody at home.
  • Love me as I love you, With blue eyes. Love me, don't forget And don't hang out with others.
  • Your blue eyes... They drive me crazy... I breathe you... I can't live without you.
  • Do you know he has the bluest eyes I've ever seen in my life? (Y. Vishnevsky)
  • She just has blue eyes, long blonde hair and the best smile in the world. - There are many of them… - No, she's the only one.
  • Blue eyes! How much passion, fire In these wonderful eyes. Blue eyes captivated me.
  • Your sky-colored eyes are somewhat reminiscent of my rainbow dreams ... they also have shades of blue ... I only worry about one thing, so that your feelings do not dissolve in the dullness of my everyday life ...
  • I will never forget him. honestly. I will always remember his smell, he smelled of dream sex and perfume, I will not forget his blue eyes that burned me, I will never forget him.
  • They were ice crystal eyes. A tear rolled down - pure turquoise. I was hooked - blue eyes.
  • Honey, there is still something repulsive about you… I can’t understand what… It seems that your eyes are blue, and your eyelashes are long, and your smile is amazing… maybe this knife is in your hand?!
  • My blue eyes are the sky for you... My smile is the sun...
  • I so like to look at you sleeping, peering into every line of your beloved face, mentally stroking the stiff bristles and fluffy eyelashes that cover your kind sky-blue eyes ...
  • Blue eyes, just an angel from heaven Reflect me in blue.
  • I fell in love with his eyes... So blue... And we're just friends, but when he looks at me... it's not the look of a friend. I went crazy.
  • In these blue lakes, I drown like stars, because I love you alone!
  • It’s not love with you, but grief ... I’m very afraid of your eyes ... They are like the sea with you ... And I’m just learning to swim ...
  • Your eyes are a heavenly paradise, blue kaleidoscopes.
  • And in his appearance was one of the best features - his blue eyes. However, she was also the worst.
  • A girl with blue eyes, With a white-winged soul. She is in the world, like a wanderer, She goes her own way.
  • How great it is to straighten your hair, knowing that every movement of yours, a wave of eyelashes and your gorgeous blue eyes are sincerely admired!

In this article we will talk about beautiful statuses about eyes worthy to be in a separate collection. Since the eyes are the mirror of the soul and sometimes it is not necessary to use unnecessary words, one glance will be sufficient. Eyes can become an object of love, you can drown in their boundlessness. beautiful statuses pro eyes are beautiful, original and romantic, often they are not devoid of wit. Only by the eyes of a person can one understand whether he is sincere, a person can restrain facial expressions, having tied his hands in his thoughts, but it is impossible to hide his eyes. They reflect everything that happens in your soul, inside you.

Those eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful.

Why do people stop believing? Even in those, looking into which, you can see the tears?

The eyes are the gates of the soul

The eyes will never deceive! One has only to look closely, and you can find out everything, even if you don’t know the person yet!!!

Soul, speaking eyes, can kiss with a glance ...

The best eyes in the world are on the wanted list, they crossed the border of friendship and stole my heart, looking into them, I understand that I love you!

Your eyes are like hemorrhoids - day and night there is no rest from them.

shh-your eyes are better at asking for forgiveness-

Look into my laughing eyes, I want to cry

What is the woman's appearance?? Deception! Enchanting dope, Eyes - only a mirror of the soul - there is not a shadow of falsehood in them -

We met eyes, I was suddenly visited by the thought that a dream has a color -

Just one look was enough for me to read the soul in your eyes -

It is only by the eyes that one can tell if a person is sincere.

Beautiful eyes are always sad.

When our eyes met, I realized that it was you that I had been waiting for so long -

Your eyes are like two diamonds in an African mine.

Only once looking into these blue, beautiful eyes you can't live without them anymore.

I'm on the bus, sitting opposite a guy with insanely beautiful eyes. Intense blue, I can’t tear myself away - my stop, I get up to go out, and he looks at me and says: -Girl, your eyes are also beautiful.

If a man looks into your eyes for a long time, be sure that he has already examined everything else.

People in whose eyes there is nowhere to fall below are called friends-

Love is unfair. To be worthy of it, you must close your eyes to all the shortcomings.

I go with my eyes closed, and with a smile from ear to ear to the future happiness of the road of the rake!

If people with blue eyes have only water in their heads, it’s even scary to think what people with brown eyes can have in their heads ...

Looking into her eyes, he said - So small, but how much happiness!

The coolest thing is when a person thinks that you are sleeping, comes up, kisses you or just runs his hand through your hair. And you lie with eyes closed melting with joy.

When you close your eyes, you miss the moment.

They just don't look into each other's eyes.

Autumn in the veins. Spring in the heart. Winter in my heart, summer in my eyes...

Women who are conspicuous never rush to the neck ...

“Yes” is a word that girls pronounce more easily with their eyes than with their lips.

Don't shake the ground! I need to paint my eyes!

When you kiss with your eyes closed, you go to heaven...

I love your eyes. I see more in them than the average person sees.

Smart women are noted by men, with their eyes “snatched out of the crowd” beautiful and only charming ... They do not forget.

He is so cute - Gentle - such blue eyes that it is impossible to tear yourself away! Such a beautiful - Just not mine -

AT mall a guy runs up to me and says: - Girl, you have such beautiful eyes. Did you see exactly where the slot machines are? at that moment I realized that something needs to be changed if the guys do not get to know me, but only ask for directions.

Your eyes died, fighting for the right to shine -

Happinnes exists! I know his phone- He has beautiful eyes.. And he is a wonderful kisser-

I see your new ava. Your smile, your eyes .. So you want to confess everything. But I only write - a cool photo.

Just blue eyes, a beautiful figure and a couple of careless phrases - enough of this to not forget -

So what if we don’t know how to cook, wash, iron, etc., but we have beautiful eyes-

angels in heaven are fighting for your beautiful eyes, but here on earth I suffer -

As soon as I remember his look, I just want to cry - It's rare that there are guys with such beautiful alluring eyes - But now he's not mine, and I'm unlikely to see these eyes again -

I bet myself that you have wonderful eyes. Looks like I won.

Most beautiful place man is the eyes. The best thing in life is when those eyes look at you.

Everyone knows that people's eyes are a mirror human soul. Sometimes they show untruth or crazy happiness. If you want to understand the nature of a person, to find out whether he is evil or kind, just look into his eyes, and everything will become transparently clear to you. Our great-grandfathers said that the eyes of a thief run, and then they knew the way how to find the truth and lies. But children do not know how to deceive - they just lower their eyes when they are mischievous. Over the years, of course, people can hide their eyes behind lenses, or everything already works out for them without any methods.

The eyes are different color scheme It determines the nature of a person. I wonder what color the eyes of the interlocutor with whom you communicate? That is why people often put beautiful statuses about eyes. After all, nature is conceived in such a way that when communicating, it is necessary to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, and it is very unpleasant to talk when a person is wearing glasses. But when meeting, girls or guys look into each other's eyes. And they will come home and immediately write statuses about eyes how bottomless they are. There are many such expressions - they warm the soul of a person. Beautiful statuses about eyes- this is a lot of unique sincere statements. Choose any status about brown, blue and green eyes - make your virtual life real!

  • Blue eyes, huge, clean, close, tender, passionate, clear, so sincere ...
  • My eyes are too blue to be honest.
  • You said that my eyes are like oceans. You were probably right, they are just as blue and wet.
  • It’s not love with you, but grief .... I’m very afraid of your eyes ... you have them like the sea .... and I’m just learning to swim ....
  • Your blue eyes and my multi-colored dreams are somewhat similar ... both there and there there is a blue color ... if only my gray everyday life does not become your tired feelings, I'm afraid of that.
  • You can lie to me about everything, but your sky blue eyes will always tell the truth... -
  • How great it is to straighten your hair, knowing that every movement of yours, a wave of eyelashes and your gorgeous blue eyes are sincerely admired! Enjoy more, I really like it!!!
  • Affectionate look of blue eyes improves mood!
  • Your eyes are blue like thrush eggs.
  • And if they ask me: "What is the most beautiful thing on Earth?" I will answer without hesitation: "Her eyes and the sky ... Reflected in them"
  • Her eyes were pleading, mournful, wet, hateful, tired, anxious, disappointed, naive, proud, contemptuous, and still blue.
  • Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, his car number, the color of his eyes. They are blue. He has soft hands and is a great kisser.
  • Your eyes are a heavenly paradise, blue kaleidoscopes.
  • Honey, there's definitely something about you!! this snow-white smile. . . Blue eyes. . . long eyelashes. . . . and a knife in my hand!
  • Just once looking into these beautiful, blue eyes, you will not be able to live without them.
  • Blue eyes should be afraid, you never know how many tears they will bring you.
  • They were ice crystal eyes. A tear rolled down - pure turquoise. I was hooked - blue eyes.
  • She just has blue eyes, long blonde hair and the best smile in the world. -There are many of them... -No, she's the only one.
  • And in his appearance was one of the best features - his blue eyes. However, she was also the worst.
  • Black eyes have more power of expression and more vivacity, but blue eyes have more meekness and tenderness.
  • In the beats of my heart your blue eyes...
  • And she sleeps like a child, clutching a soft bear to her chest. She always believes in fairy tales, loves chocolate and soap bubbles, and her blue eyes always radiate happiness!
  • Blue eyes, just an angel from heaven Reflect me in blue.
  • I fell in love with a boy with cold blue eyes, sometimes a stupid expression on his face ... But now he is the one who breathes my heart.
  • They fall in love with blue eyes, they go crazy with brown eyes ...
  • She looks into her blue eyes and sees eternity...
  • In these blue lakes, I drown like stars, because I love you alone!
  • Blue eyes are the result of a mutation that arose about 6-10 thousand years ago in the Middle East. So all people with blue eyes can be considered relatives.
  • Your Brown eyes drive me crazy .. And do not care that they are blue) -

I met a girl here: cherry eyes, peach breasts, an apple figurine ... Tell me this is love ?! - No, it's beriberi, you need to eat fruits!

All power is in the eyes, sometimes they are more useful than their masters.

The eyes of a liar are a distorted mirror of the soul.

I want to fly to where you are not. The main thing is not to turn around and not see your eyes.

It's not scary to die looking into your eyes.

And when our eyes met, I realized that you are the one I have been waiting for so long ...

A soul that can speak with its eyes can kiss with its eyes...

Eyes brown, brown, lips sweet tender. You don't pay attention to me your heart others are already busy, You left, but I do not lose heart, Anyway, soon you will be mine. I will take you and steal you. I will take you from someone else.

The eyes are a window through which the human soul is magnificently visible. You just need to be able to look through this window.

Mmm, what eyes. -What kind? -Green. - Do you like it? -Well no! They are just a little prettier and kinder than others.

When beautiful female eyes clouded with tears, the man ceases to see.

Her eyes are wide open, a smile on her face, gliding over his features with a familiar lunar glare. Her words are funny, simple and frank, she is not the one from whom one should expect betrayal.

I cheated on you! - How? - I looked into the eyes of another - Well, this is not treason - And fell in love ...

What is the woman's appearance?? Deception! It contains poison, bewitching dope, Eyes are the mirror of the soul. There is no falsehood in them.

What do you pay the most attention to when you meet? I'm in the eyes - it's the gate of the soul.

Find, look into the eyes, not listening to the words. Words are often not from the heart - from the mind. Trust only the eyes that reflect the soul...

He has beautiful eyes, and then everything somehow turned out by itself.

You were leaving with your girlfriend, but you stayed for a minute. In my eyes, resentment, anger, pain. but your eyes said "I'm still yours!

He says: "I'm even better without her now - look !!!", and he hides his eyes when they meet.

Those eyes, they are like flashlights and never, never let me get lost in the darkness of despair.

Well, where are you, my happiness with gray-blue eyes damn it?

You know, I will always remember your eyes.

hazel and mixed eyes ROLL.

Those who see only with their eyes miss a lot of sight.

Your eyes, your smile blurred my future. It suddenly became shaky, unsteady. I realized - the truth is in you ...

Say about a person only what you could repeat by looking into his eyes.

My eyes always say more than words. But only a few have the courage to look into them.

It is unlikely that there is such a person who will read the whole truth in my eyes without saying a word ... But I am looking for him. Still searching...

People with gray-blue eyes are said to be very reliable, practical, generous and romantic...

Homeless Vasily lived in the subway. Thousands of women passed through his bed every day.

Do you know that very special look that a woman throws at you when she wants to be intimate with you? I do not know either.

In the eyes of the beautiful and big there should be a reflection of happiness

The face is a portrait of your soul, and the Eyes are a sign of your intentions.

Your eyes look, but through me ...

The eyes are not responsible when the mind does not see.)

Ah, those female eyes! They are a fog, a deep pool, they will raise to heaven, and all sorrows will drown in them.

One day you will look into my laughing eyes and cry.

He: You have a kind soul She: What made you think?! ?! ?! He: Yes, your eyes are very beautiful!

Your vision will become clear only when you can see into your own soul.

Did the same thing happen to you? You lie on the couch, talking on the phone, put your feet up on the wall, and at some point a slipper falls from your foot and right in your eye!

You can fly all your life into the depths of the abyss of your beloved eyes.

Women's eyes are always good, no matter what color they are.

Look into your eyes!!! There are more answers than you have questions!!!

The eyes are the most perfect lie detector.

Eyeliner is another way to hold back tears...

Don't you want to love me only for beautiful eyes? …. Then love me for my crimson lips, vanilla-scented hair, and strawberry nose.

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue another, the experienced person believes the former more.

And I believe that the next time you look into my eyes, you will love, love with all your heart ...

when the eyes just shine, you can conclude ... this person is in love ...

That's how love comes. you just have to look into your eyes.

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