Spanish flies application. Spanish fly for women - instructions, reviews. Aphrodisiac Contraindications

Photo exciter for women Spanish Fly 1 pack

The drug is suitable for representatives of different age groups, it also helps to improve the quality of sexual life for women who have become desensitized due to pregnancy, gynecological diseases and menopause.

Spanish fly effect

The drug allows you to prolong sexual intercourse and enhance orgasm

The main active ingredient of the pathogen is cantharidin. Cantharidin is an extract extracted from the blood and gonads of the Spanish fly insect. The substance has been used in ancient medicine for many centuries. Today, this component is recognized as one of the most effective in combating impotence and.

In addition, the pathogen contains auxiliary components that tone the body without causing addiction and with a minimum of side effects. The action of the Spanish fly is to activate the blood circulation of the genital organs, which allows you to increase the intensity of the nerve endings. The drug provides both men and women with the achievement of a bright orgasm and the duration of sexual intercourse.

Contraindications for admission

Contraindications to the use of the Spanish fly, first of all, is the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the pathogen. It is recommended that you carefully read the instructions for use before using Spanish Fly.

You can not use Shpanskaya Mushka for diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina;
  • leukemia.

Taking Spanish Fly with alcohol

Pathogen Spanish fly can be combined with a small amount of alcohol with a low percentage of alcohol, for example, with wine. Strong alcoholic drinks (especially in large doses) not only reduce the effectiveness of the drug, but can also harm the patient's health, causing severe side effects.

Videos libido exercises

From the video you can learn about exercises that will help increase sexual desire.

Reception with fatty foods

Fatty foods prevent the rapid absorption of most medicines and dietary supplements, as a result of which their action occurs much later, and the effectiveness decreases significantly. When taking Spanish Fly it is recommended to limit the consumption of food, the fat content of which exceeds the norm of 30%. Give preference to healthy food in small quantities.

Side effects of spanish fly

Spanish fly contains only natural ingredients, however, they can also cause side effects. The negative consequences of taking are observed in the presence of an allergic reaction of the body to substances.

In such cases, the patient may experience:

  1. allergic edema;
  2. nausea;
  3. dizziness;
  4. temporary visual impairment.

Side effects are also the result of an overdose, to obtain a normal effect, take only the dose recommended by the manufacturer, so as not to harm your health.

Drugs viewed by users

spanish fly overdose

Overdose can cause burning sensation in the mouth and other negative effects.

The main component of the drug is an extract of the blood and gonads of the Spanish fly insect. It is a natural poison, so you can use it only in strictly prescribed doses that are safe for health. The drug is available in the form of drops, packaged in separate sachets with the optimal dosage and instructions for using Spanish Fly. The patient is allowed to take only one sachet of the pathogen once every five to seven days.

In cases of overdose, the following side effects may occur: irritation of the oral mucosa, burning, the appearance of wounds and ulcers in the mouth. In some cases, bleeding may occur during urination. In case of an overdose of the pathogen, you should immediately consult a doctor, since such adverse reactions are unsafe for health.

Photo exciter for women Spanish Fly 1 pack

The drug is suitable for representatives of different age groups, it also helps to improve the quality of sexual life for women who have become desensitized due to pregnancy, gynecological diseases and menopause.

The drug Spanish Fly is recommended for men who are faced with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. These drops can be used as an addition to the complex treatment of impotence.

Spanish fly effect

The drug allows you to prolong sexual intercourse and enhance orgasm

The main active ingredient of the pathogen is cantharidin. Cantharidin is an extract extracted from the blood and gonads of the Spanish fly insect. The substance has been used in ancient medicine for many centuries. Today, this component is recognized as one of the most effective in combating impotence and frigidity.

In addition, the pathogen contains auxiliary components that tone the body without causing addiction and with a minimum of side effects. The action of the Spanish fly is to activate the blood circulation of the genital organs, which allows you to increase the intensity of the nerve endings. The drug provides both men and women with the achievement of a bright orgasm and the duration of sexual intercourse.

Contraindications for admission

Contraindications to the use of the Spanish fly, first of all, is the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the pathogen. It is recommended that you carefully read the instructions for use before using Spanish Fly.

You can not use Shpanskaya Mushka for diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina;
  • leukemia.

Taking Spanish Fly with alcohol

Pathogen Spanish fly can be combined with a small amount of alcohol with a low percentage of alcohol, for example, with wine. Strong alcoholic drinks (especially in large doses) not only reduce the effectiveness of the drug, but can also harm the patient's health, causing severe side effects.

Videos libido exercises

From the video you can learn about exercises that will help increase sexual desire.

Reception with fatty foods

Fatty foods prevent the rapid absorption of most medicines and dietary supplements, as a result of which their action occurs much later, and the effectiveness decreases significantly. When taking Spanish Fly it is recommended to limit the consumption of food, the fat content of which exceeds the norm of 30%. Give preference to healthy food in small quantities.

Side effects of spanish fly

Spanish fly contains only natural ingredients, however, they can also cause side effects. The negative consequences of taking are observed in the presence of an allergic reaction of the body to substances.

In such cases, the patient may experience:

  1. allergic edema;
  2. nausea;
  3. dizziness;
  4. temporary visual impairment.

Side effects are also the result of an overdose, to obtain a normal effect, take only the dose recommended by the manufacturer, so as not to harm your health.

Drugs viewed by users

spanish fly overdose

Overdose can cause burning sensation in the mouth and other negative effects.

The main component of the drug is an extract of the blood and gonads of the Spanish fly insect. It is a natural poison, so you can use it only in strictly prescribed doses that are safe for health. The drug is available in the form of drops, packaged in separate sachets with the optimal dosage and instructions for using Spanish Fly. The patient is allowed to take only one sachet of the pathogen once every five to seven days.

In cases of overdose, the following side effects may occur: irritation of the oral mucosa, burning, the appearance of wounds and ulcers in the mouth. In some cases, bleeding may occur during urination. In case of an overdose of the pathogen, you should immediately consult a doctor, since such adverse reactions are unsafe for health.

Spanish fly- These are exciting drops that have an effect on the entire body, in particular - on the nervous, reproductive and genitourinary systems. The product increases libido, enhances the sensitivity of nerve endings, stimulates the production of vaginal secretions. In addition, it normalizes the psycho-emotional state of a person, reducing stress levels and increasing physical activity.

Under the influence of the Spanish Fly, already five to ten minutes after ingestion, a woman experiences high sexual arousal. Drops provide a full and prolonged sexual contact with a man. They contain Cantharidin.

This component in high dosages is dangerous for the body. The manufacturer advises taking drops strictly in accordance with the instructions. Before treatment, it is recommended to consult with a sex therapist.

The drug helps with all forms of frigidity

Indications for use and dosage selection

Indications for the use of Spanish Fly drops are:

  • any symptoms of frigidity in various forms of its manifestation;
  • violation of the production of vaginal secretion with age-related changes in hormonal levels;
  • decreased libido under the influence of psychological factors (stress, depression, psychological trauma during sex, etc.);
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, which reduce the sexual activity of a person;
  • decrease in tone and sensitivity of the nerve endings of the vagina after childbirth.

Spanish Fly can be taken from the age of 18. The optimal dosage of drops is five milliliters. The product is recommended to be used no more than once every three days.

Contraindications for admission

Contraindications to taking the Spanish Fly:

  1. age up to 18 years;
  2. increased sensitivity of the body;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. lactation period;
  5. severe pathologies of the heart, blood vessels;
  6. disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

The drug can not be used within six months after a heart attack, stroke, abdominal surgery.

Overdose can cause long-term discomfort

Overdose and side effects

Overdose and side effects cause long-term discomfort. With an increase in the maximum allowable norm, improper intake, or the presence of an allergy to the composition, the agent causes the following reaction of the body:

In case of an overdose, the stomach should be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Video sex - its role in our lives

The video talks about the role sex plays in people's lives.

Alcohol compatibility

Spanish Fly is compatible with alcohol. The manufacturer does not recommend drinking alcohol with it, as this will slow down the action of the exciting element. Also, do not combine the product with a large amount of ethanol.

A high dose of alcoholic beverages suppresses the stimulating effect of drops, which increases the risk of adverse reactions from the cardiovascular system.

The product is used before sexual intercourse

Features of use and benefits

Features of use and benefits of the Spanish Fly:

  1. the product must be taken immediately before the onset of sexual intercourse, as it has a quick effect;
  2. the natural composition of the drops does not cause physical and mental addiction, and also does not accumulate in the body;
  3. the stimulant helps to reduce the size of the vagina, increase its tone and elasticity;
  4. during menopause, the remedy prevents frequent hot flashes.

Since the Spanish Fly has an active effect on the nervous system, it is not recommended to use it daily. Monitor your well-being - if your health worsens, stop treatment and see a doctor.

Compatibility with other drugs

Spanish Fly is compatible with other drugs and dietary supplements. Exceptions are similar means to increase sexual activity. It is not recommended to use several stimulating products at the same time - this is fraught with acute side effects, and can also cause an allergic reaction.

Due to the natural composition of the Spanish Fly does not affect the action of other medicines. The product may work less intensively in the case of the use of antidepressants or sedatives.

Terms and conditions of storage

The terms and conditions of storage of bioadditives Spanish Fly are as follows. Use it no longer than three years after manufacture. Store in airtight packaging and in a ventilated area out of reach of children and animals. The air temperature should be +25 degrees.

Do not use Spanish Fly after the expiration date or if the sealed sachet is damaged. Before using drops, pay attention to the date of their manufacture.

Price and where to buy the Spanish Fly pathogen

You can order Spanish Fly on our website. To do this, you need to go to the page where the Spanish Fly is for sale or click the red button to place an order which is located below and fill out the form.

After that, the operator will call you back to confirm the order, please indicate the working phone number that will be available for calls. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments below.

Spanish fly prices:

Video review of the female pathogen Spanish Fly

Unpacking the female pathogen.

Problems with libido and potency deprive a person of one of the main joys in life, make him feel inferior. There are several reasons for violations - from hormonal disruptions to mental shocks, and the Spanish fly, which has been tested for centuries, can solve a delicate issue.

The history of the invention of the additive

The use of spanish fly for men and women helps to increase sexual activity in both sexes. This effect is given by the poison cantharidin in the composition of the drug, the properties of which people learned before the advent of the Roman Empire. According to legend, the exciting effect of beetle bites with an unusual name on cattle was first discovered by farmers. During the experiments, it turned out that for humans, insect secretions are a powerful aphrodisiac.

Beetle powder was added to food and drink, used as an ingredient for love rituals. The medicine still solves problems with libido and potency. Cantharidin with increasing dosage adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. However, in the quantities used in the production of the golden fly, it is absolutely safe.

The aphrodisiac supplement is commercially available in cream, tablet, and powder form. However, the most popular form of using the Spanish fly is in drops. Instructions for use for each form of dietary supplement are similar.

The medicine in liquid form is available in a package of 5 ml. 10-15 minutes before the act of love, you need to drink the contents of the bag along with a glass of water. The weight of one tablet is 5 mg, exactly like the weight of the powder package. Tablets should be drunk 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse. The powder, diluted in water, acts faster - in a quarter of an hour.

The safety rule for all forms of spanish fly is the same: You can consume a serving no more than once every 24 hours. You can not take the drug daily. The poison, not having time to leave the body in a natural way, will accumulate, and upon reaching a certain amount in the body, it will lead to health problems.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is a dietary supplement and does not require a prescription for purchase, but it is still worth consulting with your doctor if there are any chronic diseases. Minors should not be involved in such means. Contraindications for admission are:

Mention should be made of the incompatibility of alcohol and Spanish fly. The causative agent also loses its properties when eating heavy food. Fats do not allow cantharidin to be absorbed into the intestines, so taking the drug will not affect libido.

In rare cases, an aphrodisiac can lead to side effects such as:

  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Elevated temperature.

The media is portraying the drug from an exotic fly as a female Viagra. In fact, Spanish fly is also effective for improving erections in men. Thanks to the cantharidin in the composition, At recommended doses, women experience the following changes:

  • Strong attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Pulse increase.
  • Swelling of the external genitalia.
  • Increased sensitivity of the clitoris.
  • Strong orgasm.

However, Spanish fly should be taken in a good mood, as stress or a bad mood in women can negate the readiness for close relationships.

  • Prolonged erection.
  • Strong sexual desire.
  • Increase in heart rate.

Indications for the use of the original aphrodisiac in women are hormonal disruptions, the postpartum period, insufficient natural lubrication during arousal, anorgasmia.

In men, in the absence of contraindications, the reason for the use of spanish fly is:

  • Impotence.
  • Erectile disfunction.
  • premature ejaculation.
  • Prostatitis.

Benefits and useful properties

Bioadditive acts not only as an aphrodisiac. The drug is used to improve mental and physical activity, maintain body tone, and prevent hormonal disruptions. The method of using dietary supplements in this case is no different from the recommended one.

Aphrodisiac has no color, taste or smell, which allows you to discreetly add it to your soulmate's food or liquid. The result can be unforgettable and have a beneficial effect on relationships. The pathogen will be appreciated by two partners if they use it at the same time. The beneficial effect of the beetle extract also extends to women during menopause and to the fair sex after an operation to remove the uterus. But do not forget that the drug has side effects.

The spanish fly is a natural aphrodisiac that has been tested for centuries, which is suitable for both men and women. However, before buying, you need to make sure that the seller has a certificate, as well as relief and security marks on the packaging of the additive in order to distinguish the original from the fake.

Much attention is paid to the issue of increasing male potency. On the Internet there are many different drugs with which you can increase sexual desire. But what about the female libido? The fair sex also needs to remain on top in matters of an intimate plan. For them, one of the best pathogens is the Spanish fly for women, the instructions for use of which will be considered today.

Prices and purchase of the Spanish Fly

We can provide you with the lowest prices and best deals. To buy a Spanish Fly with delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg throughout the Russian Federation, select and order in the table below.

Spanish fly
4 sachets (325 rubles / piece) *
1300 rub.
Buy in 1 click
your name your phone number
Spanish fly
8 sachets (325 rubles / piece) *
2600 rub.
Buy in 1 click
your name your phone number
Spanish fly
12 sachets (358 rubles/piece)*
4300 rub.
Buy in 1 click
your name your phone number

*For your convenience, only the drug itself will be sent to you in a sealed bag without a paper box!


In Moscow and St. Petersburg on the day of order by courier (price 300 rubles)

Across the Russian Federation by Airmail (price 300 rubles)


Mastercart, Visa, Qiwi, Webmoney (-5% of the order value), you can also pay upon receipt of the parcel

History of the aphrodisiac

There are several legends about how people learned about the properties of the Spanish Fly to arouse sexual desire. According to one, in ancient times, a farmer noticed that after being bitten by one insect, his bull began to show high activity, including sexual activity. After some time, people found out what kind of insect it was, and in the course of experiments they found out that it can also enhance a person’s sexual desire.

This insect turned out to be the Spanish fly. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the beetle secretes a digestive secret from its mouth, and a special yellowish liquid from its paws. Both this liquid and the secret basically contain cantharidin, a non-protein type poison. If it enters the body, it causes a person to excite the nervous system, which contributes to the appearance of sexual arousal.

The substance cantharidin is produced in the body not only by the Spanish fly - it can also be found in T-shirts and red-breasted puffy barbels. If cantharidin gets on the skin, then burns and blisters will appear on it.

Already in ancient times, a powder was made from the Spanish fly beetle, which was added to food or drink. After consuming them, the person experienced sexual attraction. Spanish fly as an aphrodisiac was used during the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages. That is, it is one of the oldest aphrodisiacs in the history of mankind.

The poison cantharidin, which stimulates the appearance of sexual desire, in large portions can be harmful to health. A person may have:

  • vomit;
  • abdominal pain;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • occurrence of renal failure.

Nevertheless, the Spanish fly is considered one of the best female pathogens. How is this possible in the presence of the aforementioned side effects from the use of cantharidin?

The secret is simple - the use of modern technology. The beetle Spanish fly in ancient times, and now, as it was poisonous, so it remained. But before, people did not know exactly how much cantharidin is needed to excite the libido. There is a proverb "Any substance can be a poison or a medicine, depending on the dosage." If you use a large amount of cantharidin, then vomiting or kidney problems cannot be avoided. But what happens if a portion of it is safe for health?

The purpose of the Spanish fly is to excite a woman

Pharmaceutical firms have taken up the challenge. Thanks to the exact dosage with the help of modern technology, it was found that the use of no more than 5 mg. or 5 ml. cantharidin causes a woman a strong arousal and also:

  1. irritation of nerve receptors that are located in the genitals;
  2. increased heart rate;
  3. increased production of vaginal lubrication;
  4. increased sensitivity of the clitoris and labia;
  5. increased sensation during sex and orgasm.

Not only women can take this amazing aphrodisiac. Even men can take spanish fly to treat erectile dysfunction. Cantharidin causes them to have an erection and increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

Interestingly, the Spanish fly also affects men. In this sex, cantharidin causes an erection and a desire for sex.

Indications for the use of cantharidin in women are:

  • weak sexual desire;
  • inability to reach orgasm;
  • chronic dryness of the vagina;
  • low levels of sex hormones in the blood;
  • menopause;
  • sexual disorders of physiological or psychosomatic types.

The drug Spanish fly for women is available in the form of:

  1. drops;
  2. powder;
  3. tablets.

Additional Ingredients

In addition to cantharidin, the composition of the Spanish Fly preparation includes auxiliary components:

  1. yam extract;
  2. large-flowered Goryanka;
  3. argyrea;
  4. ginseng extract;
  5. menthol;
  6. pueraria extract.

Benefits of the spanish fly

Thanks to modern technology, drops and powder are tasteless and odorless. Therefore, they can be quietly added to the liquid and given to a woman to drink - she will not even guess about such a gift from her partner. Believe me, this technique has helped many couples maintain relationships. Spanish fly can be used by women under the age of 65 and even those who have had their uterus removed.

Instructions for using Spanish fly


Spanish fly in drops is available in sachets with a capacity of 5 ml. To use the drug, you need to add drops to any soft drink and drink 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. After this time, the woman will experience a strong sexual desire. Do not exceed the prescribed dosage and take more than 5 ml. aphrodisiac per day. This is due to the fact that the Spanish fly is a potent remedy. The action time of the Spanish fly in drops is about 4 hours. Powder and tablets with cantharidin have the same effect.

Instructions for use Spanish Fly in powder form

Powder sachets have a dosage of 5 mg. This is the maximum serving of spanish fly per day. The contents of the sachet should be added to the liquid and drunk 10-15 minutes before intimacy.

Instructions for use Spanish fly tablets

Tablets are designed to be used exclusively by women. They have the best concentration of ingredients that are ideal for the special, fragile female hormonal system. The active components of the Spanish fly quickly enter the bloodstream and increase its flow to the genitals. This action causes the release of a large amount of vaginal lubrication, an increase in the clitoris, an increase in the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

Thanks to Spanish Fly tablets, you can:

  • bring new colors to sexual life;
  • increase the number of orgasms;
  • enhance sexual and orgasmic sensations.

The dosage of tablets is 5 mg. Tablets are taken in the amount of 1-2 pieces 30 minutes before sex. Do not take the drug more than once per day. Most importantly, Spanish fly should not be taken more than once a day and daily. This is a powerful stimulant. Doctors recommend using it no more than 2-3 times a week. This applies to drops, and powder, and tablets.

Aphrodisiac Contraindications

Spanish fly should not be taken in such cases:

  • genital trauma;
  • high level of pressure;
  • diseases of the urological and gynecological type;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergy to cantharidin;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental disorders;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 18 years.

Side effects

The most pronounced reactions of the body to taking Spanish fly include:

  1. nausea;
  2. dizziness;
  3. increase in body temperature.

Most often they appear in people who use an aphrodisiac for the first time. Therefore, during the first use, it is advisable to take half a bag of drops / powder or half a tablet. After the body gets used to cantharidin, the portion can be increased.

Interaction with other drugs

Many people are interested in the question of the possibility of combining Spanish fly with other medicines. However, to date, there are no scientific studies that would aim to study such an interaction. Therefore, it is in no case recommended to combine Spanish fly with other drugs on your own, except with the permission of a doctor. But it is strictly forbidden to take this pathogen with other aphrodisiacs, since the Spanish Fly is a potent remedy. Such an action will cause an increase in side effects and cause harm to the body.

Consumption with alcohol and fatty foods

Spanish fly is not recommended to be added to alcohol or washed down with it. The maximum allowable portion of alcohol that can be combined with the drug is 50 ml. This is due to the fact that a large amount of alcohol reduces the effectiveness of cantharidin and increases side effects.

The same applies to foods rich in fats - they slow down the absorption of the ingredients of the drug, as a result of which the onset of the effect is delayed in time, and the effectiveness is weakened.

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