Which plant has long been called the root of life. Useful properties of an unusual ginseng root. Preparation of ginseng extract

Ginseng is a perennial plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family. It can reach fifty centimeters in height. This plant is a perennial. Its roots are yellow, slightly branched. Flowers with a corolla are white, inconspicuous and small in appearance. This plant has single stems, straight, with very long leaves.

The ginseng fruit is a deep red drupe, which consists of 1, 2 or 3 seeds. Ginseng flowers in July and its fruits ripen in September. The plant reproduces only by seed. At the same time, seed germination is possible only two years after the plant is planted. Ginseng is a long-liver that can exist for 1.5 centuries.

Ginseng (the beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant will be described in detail in the article) can be seen in the wild in Primorsk, Khabarovsk, China, Manchuria and Korea. It mainly grows in forests with broad-leaved trees and cedar, as well as in mixed forests on fertilizer-rich and loose soils. The main condition is that the earth should be moderately moist. Ginseng avoids direct sunlight, so it grows exclusively in places covered with trees.

Useful qualities

The healing properties of the root of the plant were even once legendary, from which it is known that it relieves various diseases, and can also put a person who is dying on his feet.

Due to the variety of chemicals contained in it, it is considered a medicinal plant. It has been used since ancient times in folk medicine. The root of the plant contains resins, alkaloids, vitamin C, phosphorus and sulfur, tannins, macro- and microelements.

Toning and alleviating pain - this is the effect that ginseng has on the body. Medicinal properties and contraindications have been of interest to mankind for many centuries. The plant increases efficiency, improves gas exchange in the lungs and removes bile. Due to the medicinal effect, ginseng normalizes blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels, and improves the functions of the endocrine system.

The plant has a calming effect on stress and neuroses. It is used for physical and mental overstrain, hypotension and depression.

Ginseng: beneficial properties for men

Many, most likely, have heard about the healing effects of the plant in question on men. Its root has special properties. This plant contains saponins, which have a healing effect on the body of men, stimulating sexual activity.

Men very rarely themselves admit that they have problems in the sexual sphere, and they do not want to deal with them. The treatment is very simple. You can simply take ginseng root for two months, which will lead to the greatest sperm motility and improved sexual function. When using the plant, it is better for men not to drink coffee, as this can lead to excitability and excessive sexual stimulation.


Ginseng, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in this article, improves memory and blood formation, normalizes heart function and metabolic processes. The plant heals wounds, improves eyesight, calms the nervous system and relieves pain.

Preparations from it are used when they have a beneficial effect on the patient. Ginseng prevents the body from aging, promotes the active breakdown of fats, improves immunity.

In traditional medicine, the plant is used in the form of ointments, tinctures, powders, teas and decoctions.

Extract from honey on ginseng

Take a kilogram into it, pour fifty grams of the crushed root of the plant. Put the jar in a dark place for several weeks. After insisting, it is necessary to remove all the remnants of the roots from the honey. Taking a teaspoon of this medicine daily, a person completely forgets about pain in the head, about fatigue, while becoming protected from colds. Ginseng has such amazing properties. We consider useful properties and contraindications for the use of this gift of nature in the article.

Alcohol tincture of ginseng

To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of ginseng roots. They should be cut into small pieces, put into a jar, then pour 800 ml of vodka and leave for half a month. Then you need to strain the tincture through cheesecloth. This remedy is used before meals, 10 drops. We take it for 2 weeks, take a week break, then repeat the course twice more.

Tonic tincture

We continue to consider ginseng. Useful properties for women are toning the body. Take 50 g of crushed dry roots of the plant, pour them with vodka (0.5 l). Leave to infuse for 3 weeks in a warm room. Periodically do not forget to shake the composition. This medicine is taken in a teaspoon before meals.

Ginseng for runny nose and cough

To prepare this remedy, you need to take a large radish, make a recess in it and put it in a double boiler for two hours. Place a ginseng root nearby. After the specified time has passed, you need to put the ginseng root in the deepening of the radish and pour everything with alcohol and honey. We cover the recess in the root crop, remove the infusion for a day, after which we take the liquid secreted in the radish, three times a day, 1 spoonful. During the day of treatment, a runny nose and cough will pass.

Miracle drink

Ginseng tea has an amazing effect. The beneficial properties of the drink will be described below. To prepare this tea, powder from the dried ginseng root should be poured with boiling water, left to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. Tea is consumed 1 teaspoon three times a day for a month. After a thirty-day break, the course of treatment is repeated.

Such a drink has a tonic, stimulating, tonic properties. The active substances of this plant stimulate the nervous system, reduce physical and mental fatigue, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, appetite, regulate blood pressure, increase efficiency.


The healing tincture of a plant such as ginseng (we consider the beneficial properties and contraindications in detail) is an excellent medicine that can cope with overwork, neuroses, mental and physical stress. This herbal preparation has an adaptogenic, metabolic, general tonic, antiemetic and biostimulating effect on the human body. Regular use of this tincture helps to stimulate the appetite.

The composition of the product includes the following valuable components: saponin glucosides, ginsenoids, minerals, peptides, essential and fatty oils, vitamins. Tincture stimulates the nervous system, reduces general weakness. It should also be noted that this remedy fights high cholesterol and perfectly stimulates sexual function.


We examined what ginseng has useful properties and contraindications. Children can also use this gift of nature for medicinal purposes. Ginseng extract is a unique drug designed to eliminate overwork, increase efficiency, stimulate and improve memory. Specialists prescribe this drug for weakened immunity, hypotension, and also to stimulate sexual function. It is also effective for high mental stress.

After illnesses, the extract is able to quickly restore the body's strength. With heart disease, this remedy is contraindicated. Also, its use should be abandoned for epilepsy and convulsive conditions. Experts do not advise using it for sleep disorders. Children under 12 years of age, this drug is contraindicated.

Ginseng root

The roots of a plant such as ginseng (see reviews below) contain large quantities of the following valuable components: panaxic acid, panaxosides, panaquilon, essential oils. It has also been proven that its roots are rich in phytosterol, alkaloids, resins, mucus, ascorbic acid, sugars, manganese, vitamins, iron and other trace elements. The root is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

It can also be taken by healthy people as a general stimulant and in comparison with other modern stimulants of mental and physical performance, it is distinguished by its mild action. Regular use of the roots of the plant in old age will help prolong life.


It should be noted that ginseng has contraindications for use. Among them, excessive excitability, bleeding, various inflammations and pregnancy are distinguished. Of course, when using ginseng, there will be no irreversible consequences, but it is a strong stimulant and can cause headaches, and in hypertensive patients, worsen well-being. Some people may also experience nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure. If at least one of these symptoms is observed, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Ginseng: reviews

Reading reviews about the use of ginseng and preparations based on it, we can conclude that it helps to increase activity, restore sexual function in men, and helps to concentrate. Of the negative reviews, those expressing dissatisfaction with the existing contraindications, as well as the long process of preparing medicinal products from the considered plant, stand out.

Botanical characteristic

Common ginseng, translated - Panax ginseng, this plant is also called the root-man, the root of life, as well as Chinese ginseng. As you know, the root of this representative of the flora is considered almost the most healing raw material, it restores youth and health to sick people, the tired become cheerful, and also protects against many diseases.

The plant belongs to the Araliaceae family, it is a herbaceous perennial, its life span can reach 300 years. Roots with a mass of 500 grams are very rare, they are considered of great value, since on average their weight reaches 20 g.

The length of ginseng can reach up to 70 centimeters. Its root is branched, rather juicy, up to six processes can be traced on it, its appearance may slightly resemble the shape of a human body.

The stem is straight, ending in a rosette of long-leaved leaves, individual leaves are elliptical in shape. Five-petal flower; the calyx consists of five short teeth; the corolla is either white or green. The fruit is shaped like a drupe with three nuts, and they are considered poisonous.

Distribution of common ginseng

This plant is considered quite rare, it is quite difficult to detect, you need to know the places where it grows. It is localized singly or in small groups in the forests of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. It is worth saying that it is listed in the Red Book.

Used part

In a plant with a medicinal purpose, its underground part is used. There are some chemical compounds in the root, thanks to which the plant has acquired its value. Among these substances there are the following components: triterpene glycosides, among which are panax and panaquilon; there are resins and vitamins; essential oil.

In addition, panacen, starch, panaxic acid, phytosterols, mucus, sugars were found, there are alkaloids, the presence of phosphorus, iron, silicon, manganese, aluminum, as well as some other useful chemical compounds can be noted from microelements.

Collection and preparation of common ginseng

Usually they begin to dig up the roots of six-year-old plants, shake them off the ground and dry them in a ventilated place, turning them over daily. A wild-growing representative of the flora is collected by the so-called experts "ginseng seekers".

Growing a plant

Ginseng is cultivated in the Far East, as well as in Asia. Independent attempts to grow this valuable plant often end unsuccessfully. High-quality medicinal raw materials of this representative of the flora are produced in the Korean province of Kumsan.

Application of common ginseng

Ginseng root has been used since time immemorial in the countries of Southeast Asia. It is considered a valuable therapeutic agent, which is able to stimulate the central nervous system and have a rather strong stimulating effect during mental and physical stress.

It is used for overwork and neurosis, with low blood pressure, tincture based on this plant is effective in the presence of impotence. Ginseng is indicated for use in chronic diseases of the respiratory system, anemia and diabetes mellitus, as well as in violation of the digestive system, in particular, in peptic ulcer, gastritis with both low and high acidity.

It should be noted that with prolonged use of ginseng-based drugs or their overdose, a person has side effects that will manifest themselves in the form of insomnia, headache, tachycardia, depression may occur, and sexual activity will decrease. Therefore, the dosage should be selected individually.

Ginseng tincture can be easily purchased at a pharmacy, it is quite inexpensive, most importantly, before using it, first consult a doctor. And you can also cook it yourself.

tincture recipe

At home, you can prepare a tincture of common ginseng, of course, in this case, you first need to get raw materials, while you need a little, so that you get a container of 500 milliliters in size, you need 50 grams of dry roots.

So, the rhizomes are thoroughly ground to literally powder. Then it is poured into the prepared bottle, while it is better to use a dark glass container. Next, 500 milliliters of alcohol or vodka are poured into it, after which the container is tightly closed and shaken well.

Next, the bottle is placed in a dark place for ten days, just during this period of time the drug will be well infused, and all valuable substances will be released into alcohol. After that, you can strain the tincture, you can’t do without gauze cloth so that the cakes completely settle on the gauze, it is pre-folded in two layers, and the liquid is poured into a clean bowl.

In finished form, it is recommended to use tincture in the amount of 20 drops per dose, and they should be dissolved in a small amount of water. Use this drug up to a maximum of three times a day immediately before meals.

Powder Recipe

To prepare the powder, you will need dry ginseng root, it should be grinded to a finely homogeneous structure. After that, the drug is put in a jar with a tight lid.

The powder is used in very small quantities. Approximately in the amount of the tip of a knife twice a day, best after waking up and at lunchtime. This procedure is effective in the presence of neurasthenia, insomnia, as well as headaches.


We talked about the root of life - the plant man root (ginseng). Of course, ginseng root has healing properties, and drugs prepared on its basis, namely tincture, are useful to take to increase mental and physical abilities, at least once a year.

This perennial plant is the real king of ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine. The root of life - this is how the name ginseng is translated, the beneficial properties of which are glorified in ancient legends more than once. Another literal translation is root man, probably due to the resemblance of the root to a human figure.

It is believed that drugs based on the root of this plant can bring a seriously ill person back to life. And regular intake of ginseng preparations will ensure, if not immortality, then life up to 100 years (although no ginseng will help from a brick that fell on the head from the 15th floor, or from a gangster bullet).

Thousand-year history of the root of life

The earliest recorded mention of ginseng in the medical writings of Ancient China, available to contemporaries, dates back to the 16th century BC. A quarter of a millennium later, Avicenna mentioned the miracle root in the famous Canon of Medical Practice.

Europeans got acquainted with ginseng at the beginning of the 17th century. Dried root of life from Asia was transported by Dutch traders. In the Russian Empire, ginseng was first heard at the end of the 17th century from Spafariy, the ambassador to China. And some fans of Jackie Chan films learned about this plant from the movie "Drunken Master".

Ginseng appears in a huge number of ancient legends. So, one of them tells that he grew up in the place where lightning struck the free waters of a source in the mountains. The stream went underground, freeing space for the root of life, which absorbed the power of heavenly fire. In China, the name of this plant is still denoted by hieroglyphs, which literally translate as lightning root.

In general, in the East, a miracle plant has many beautiful names: the gift of the gods (divine grass), salt (or spirit) of the Earth, a miracle of nature. There is an Eastern belief that blooming ginseng glows with fiery light on a magical night. If you dig up such a root, then it supposedly will help to resurrect a deceased loved one - the Chinese have always been distinguished by their developed imagination and deviations of their ideas from reality, because it is obvious to any reasonable person that only God can resurrect and kill. By the way, only the most daring and desperate try to get the miraculous root, because, according to legend, the tiger and the dragon guarded the root of life (you must have seen dragons in Chinese zoos?)).

From legends to unique composition

Behind the world millennial glory of the plant is its incredible composition, which even today is not fully understood. But it is known for certain that not only the ginseng root has a beneficial effect on human health - the terrestrial parts of the plant also have the properties to rejuvenate and heal the body.

Ginseng contains glycosides, tannins, trace elements, including sulfur and phosphorus, as well as vitamins C and E. The attention of scientists today is also attracted by essential oils, biologically active peptides and polysaccharides. Relatively recently, metallic germanium was found in the composition of the root of life, which, coupled with vitamins, also has a beneficial effect on the body.

About the healing properties of ginseng

The main thing for which ginseng was loved at all times in different parts of the world is its analgesic and tonic effect. Its use relieves fatigue, improves memory, removes depression, increases efficiency.

Among the medicinal properties - stimulation of bile production, normalization of blood pressure, a positive effect on the endocrine system, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Showing ginseng and preparations based on it and patients with diabetes - the plant regulates blood glucose levels.

Ginseng can also help men who have age-related problems - its use in sexual disorders brings good results. Ginseng stimulates blood formation, has a positive effect on vision, and has a wound healing effect.

Recent studies attribute anti-cancer effects to the substances found in ginseng leaves.

Against stress and aging

The most popular ginseng is precisely as a component of the elixir of youth. In Asian countries, the root of life is eaten fresh by simply chewing small pieces of the root. Another Eastern recipe for longevity is to steam the root of life in earthenware. Drink a decoction, and eat boiled ginseng.

One of the reasons why ginseng root prolongs life is its ability to fight the negative effects of stress on the human body. For example, those who have experienced a difficult situation are recommended to drink a monthly course of ginseng tincture according to the following scheme: 20 drops daily, twice a day, before breakfast and before dinner.

To overcome depression, you can take any drug containing ginseng: the instructions for use will tell you how to drink this remedy.

To whom is the miracle root contraindicated?

Unfortunately, not everyone is given the opportunity to check how truly miraculous the ginseng root is - the use in a number of diseases is strictly prohibited. You can not take drugs based on ginseng for hypertension, increased nervous excitability, sleep disorders, epilepsy and diseases in which there is increased bleeding, for example, with hemorrhagic diathesis.

It is worth refraining from the use of ginseng during pregnancy and feeding the baby. Do not give ginseng preparations to children under 12 years of age (alcohol tinctures should not be taken at all: alcohol is a poison).

medicinal plant ginseng- perennial herbaceous plant of the Araliaceae family (Araliaceae), up to 80 cm high, rarely higher. Underground organs - rhizome and thickened main root. The root is taproot, oblong-cylindrical, usually with 2-6 thickened lateral branches (processes) and with thin skeletal roots (lobes), has a total length of 60 cm or more; the thickness of the main root is up to 3 cm. On the main and lateral roots, numerous very fragile seasonal suction roots develop in spring and die off by autumn, after the death of which characteristic nodule-shaped tubercles remain on the roots.

Medicinal plant Common ginseng has a fleshy root (contains up to 75% water), fragrant, grayish-yellow on the cut. The rhizome of wild plants is usually thin, up to 10 cm long or more, with clearly defined, spirally arranged scars, which are formed annually when the above-ground shoots die off. The annual growth of the root of the medicinal plant Common ginseng averages 1 g or a little more. The above-ground shoot is usually single, much less often there are multi-stemmed plants - with 2 (sometimes up to 6-7) shoots. The stem is straight, thin, cylindrical, green or brown-red, glabrous, hollow inside. Leaves in young plants 1-2, in adults 4-5 (rarely up to 7); they are long-petiolate, usually five-fingered-complex, up to 40 cm long, located in a rosette at the top of the stem. Leaf petioles with a purple-red tint. In mature plants, a peduncle up to 25 cm high with one simple umbrella develops from the center of the leaf rosette; below it there are often smaller lateral umbrellas. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, with a white corolla. The fruit of the medicinal plant Common Ginseng is a bright red, lower, usually two-seed, often one-seed, rarely three-seed drupe.

Medicinal plant Common ginseng blooms in July, the fruits ripen in August - September. Propagated only by seeds. Seeds germinate only 18-22 months after autumn sowing (part of the seeds only in the 3rd or 4th year), which is associated with the underdevelopment of the embryo in them. Lives up to 150 years.

Wild ginseng grows in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Primorsky Territory, as well as in Korea, China, and Manchuria. It grows mainly in cedar-deciduous forests, sometimes with an admixture of fir and spruce, less often in oak or hornbeam forests with an admixture of aspen, maple, ash and linden. Prefers loose, humus-rich, moderately moist soils. Does not tolerate direct sunlight and therefore never found in open places.

The first written mention of the medicinal plant Ginseng is noted in the ancient Chinese work on the medicinal properties of "Shennong-bencao" dating back to the 1st century BC, although it has been used in oriental folk medicine for at least 4-5 thousand years. And there was no more legendary plant in the history of all medicine. He was credited with the property not only to heal all diseases, but also to instill life in a dying person. The people called it the "root of life", "miracle of the world", "strike of immortality" and other equally loud names. The extraordinary glory of the plant gave rise to a real "ginseng fever" and became the cause of many tragedies and crimes. In 1709, Emperor Kan-Hi introduced an absolute monopoly on ginseng harvesting. Searches, extraction of a medicinal root were strictly scheduled. Pickers who received special permission went to the taiga under guard. Only at the edge of the forest was each determined the place of search and the place of exit from the taiga. For a strictly designated search time, the necessary supply of food was issued. The forests of China, where the medicinal plant Ginseng has been harvested for thousands of years, were depleted, therefore, from the middle of the 19th century, the Ussuri region became the most productive place for extracting the root.

Natural roots of a medicinal plant Common ginseng weighing 100-200 g is a rarity. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The plant was 200 years old and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for $5,000, which was only half of its true value.

For the first time in Russia, the medicinal plant Common Ginseng (it was brought by the Russian envoy to the court of the Chinese emperor, the boyar N. G. Sapphiry) came in 1675 from China.

For medicinal purposes, the roots of the medicinal plant Common Ginseng are used (of particular interest is the root, which in appearance resembles a human figure) (Radix Ginseng). When harvesting the roots (in September), the above-ground shoots are first cut off, then the roots are carefully dug up with garden pitchforks and shaken off the ground; in the process of subsequent sorting (into healthy, diseased, damaged and underdeveloped), the roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil. Commercial maturity of the roots of wild plants occurs after 25-30 years of ginseng life. In culture, the roots are dug out at the age of 5-8 years. The average weight of 6-7-year-old ginseng roots is 40-60 g. The plant is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, therefore, wild-growing ginseng is harvested only under licenses. The dug-out roots of the medicinal plant Common ginseng are kept over vapors of water heated to 80 ° C for an hour and dried in the shade for at least one to two months, until they become completely hard, light brown in color. These roots are called red. They can be stored for many years. The smell of raw materials is weak, specific, the taste is bittersweet.

Extracted from the root: panax-saponin pacacquillon of unknown composition; essential oil, which includes sesquiterpenes; paiaxic acid, consisting of a mixture of fatty acids - palmigic, stearic, oleic, linogsic; ginsenin, phytosterol, mucus, resins, enzymes, B vitamins; a small amount of alkaloids of unknown composition; iron, manganese, aluminum, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon.

Medicinal plant Common ginseng - a strong energy reductant; in this regard, it is a means of tonic cardiac activity, restoring intellectual and physical strength and, accordingly, increasing excitability; finally, it increases the resistance of a poorly developing embryo. It is especially recommended to prevent the effects of aging and is considered a life-prolonging agent.

It is generally accepted that the medicinal plant Ginseng excites the central nervous system, which allows us to classify it as a substance that enhances the processes of excitation and weakens the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex. However, controversial questions about the effect of various doses of ginseng on the central nervous, cardiovascular and other systems have not yet been clarified. The stimulating effect of ginseng on the body is attributed to papaxin. Panaxic acid enhances metabolic processes and promotes faster breakdown of fats. Panakvillon stimulates the endocrine apparatus and increases the content of hormones in the body. Ginzenin regulates carbohydrate metabolism, lowers blood sugar and increases glycogen synthesis. Accelerates the healing of ulcers, increases the secretion of bile, the concentration of bilirubin and bile acids in it, increases the sensitivity of the human eye when adapting to darkness, and inhibits the vital activity of some microorganisms.

Preparations from the medicinal plant Common ginseng are used for hypotension, mental and physical fatigue, decreased performance, fatigue, exhaustion, functional diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, neurasthenia, hysteria, sexual dysfunction, asthenic conditions caused by various diseases (diabetes , tuberculosis, malaria, etc.). It can be prescribed for atherosclerosis. In oriental medicine, it was believed that ginseng increases the body's immunity, and its systematic use helps to lengthen life.

In China, the medicinal plant Common Ginseng is used in the form of powders, pills, tinctures, decoctions, extracts, ointments, and also in the form of a tea called ginseng. In China, where traditional medicine has known ginseng for 4,000 years and considers ginseng root to be the "supreme essence", all kinds of properties are attributed to it.

Tincture from the root of a medicinal plant Common ginseng: pour a root weighing 40-50 g with cold boiled sweet water for 3-4 hours, chop, pour 0.5 l of 40% alcohol or strong vodka and leave for 21 days in a dark place. Take 1 time per day 0.5 hours before meals, 1 teaspoon without drinking water. Drunk amount of tincture topped up with vodka for 14 days. The course of treatment is 90 days with two breaks of 10 days. This course of treatment can be repeated only after a year.

Ginseng root extract: a root weighing 40-50 g is crushed, poured with water and boiled until the liquid boils away to 50% of the original volume. Cool and drink 1 tsp. 2 times a day, morning and evening before meals.

Ginseng powder take 0.25 g 3 times a day, starting with small doses, gradually moving to their increase.

For myocardial infarction, take 20 g of ginseng root and 0.5 kg of bee honey. Mix root powder with honey, leave for 1 week, stirring frequently. Take 1/4 teaspoon 3 times a day (especially useful for low hemoglobin in the blood).

In case of heart failure, powdered dry roots of the medicinal plant Ginseng ordinary take 0.25 g 2-3 times a day.

Pour dry ginseng root with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day.

In case of loss of strength, hypertension, exhaustion, nervous diseases, pour ginseng root with 50% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Infuse for a week. Take 15-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 30-40 days, then take a break for 2-3 weeks. Take no more than three courses in total.

Pour boiling water over ginseng root in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 1 hour. Drink 1 teaspoon per dose.

Powder of the root of the medicinal plant Common ginseng take 0.3 g 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 30-40 days, then take a break for 2-3 weeks. Take no more than three courses in total.

With prolonged use of ginseng, side effects may occur: insomnia, headache, pain in the heart, palpitations, depression. It is dangerous in severe cases of hypertension with pronounced sclerotic changes in the vessels of the heart and head, as well as in feverish conditions and bleeding.

Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant. In alternative medicine, the beneficial properties of the plant root began to be used first in China, and then in neighboring countries.

People who use ginseng become vigorous, healthy, live to an advanced age.

Once upon a time, ginseng root was given by ambassadors who arrived on a diplomatic mission along with gold and precious stones.

The Chinese call ginseng - pantsui, but the people most often call it - the root of life. It grows in North America and Asia. Pharmacists praise ginseng root as a general tonic and offer it as an adaptogen. Asian countries add the plant in cooking. In cooking, the leaves of the plant are more valued than the root itself. Saying that then the dishes prolong youth and life. In China, Russian Primorye, Korea, in addition to the roots, seeds, leaves, flowers and stems of the plant are used.

The length of the root reaches 25 centimeters with a thickness of 0.7-2.5 centimeters. Large, with 2 or 5 branching tap, branching or fusiform cylindrical thickened roots are valued very dearly. In the upper part, after a cylindrical thickening, the narrowing of the rhizome is called the neck. Next comes the root itself, which may have branches. The head with a neck makes the root look like a human figure. Therefore, it was previously believed that ginseng, due to its similarity with a human figure, can heal all diseases.

The color on a fresh broken root should be white. And on the cut it is yellowish-white. Small, pale green, star-like flowers gather in an umbrella. The leaves are long-petiolate, palmate-complex, 0 to 70 centimeters high. Fruits in the form of a bright red drupe with 2 flat seeds. The root is rich in biologically active polyacetylenes, xatriols, vitamins, saponins, macroelements, peptides, microelements, polysaccharides. At different times, the content in the root of all these elements is different.

Beneficial features

Doctors are surprised that there are almost no cancer patients in China. Physicians directly connect this achievement with useful properties of a ginseng. It turns out that if you use ginseng leaves with food, the body can almost completely restore all its functions. The beneficial properties of ginseng in China are especially effectively used in the treatment of neurosis, neurasthenia, arterial hypotension, diabetes, anemia, stress, impaired vision, physical and mental stress, and many other diseases.

In many countries, ginseng is listed in the Red Book. Because of its popularity, it is constantly being slaughtered. Therefore, Korea became the first country to grow ginseng in mass quantities on specially designated plantations. Now artificially bred plantings of this plant can be found in China, the USA, Russia, Japan, Vietnam, South and North Korea. Up to 15 plant varieties grow in China.

However, South Korea is considered the main world producer. Then they call Australia and the USA. In our country, the plant can be found under the names gift of the gods, common ginseng, root of life, panax, stosil. The first mention of it can be found in 1675. In Russia, ginseng grows in the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye. It is harvested by locals, sometimes quite in large quantities.

Ginseng grows in shaded areas. Does not tolerate direct sunlight and water flooding. Therefore, it is not possible to create the necessary natural conditions everywhere. Therefore, special landings are covered with awnings from the sun. Plant seeds do not always germinate. For seedlings, plants also need a long time with suitable conditions. Only after 2 years the seeds sprout. People have learned to shorten the germination period of a plant, but this affects the quality of the root itself. The growing root itself from the earth takes a lot of minerals and depletes the soil itself. Therefore, it is necessary to choose another place for re-landing. In this place, the plant can be planted only after 10 years. To get a root that can be used, you have to wait from 4 to 7 years. Although the root, which is six years old, is considered the best in quality and weight.

The collected roots are thoroughly washed with brushes, selected by size, weight, similarity to a human figure, quality - the absence or presence of holes, gaps. There are four types of plants: good, earthly, cut, heavenly. Then they are steamed, dried and this is how red ginseng is obtained.

Decoctions, extracts, honey-ginseng jelly, tea, sweets and other products can be prepared from the roots. You can buy ready-made tincture, tea, capsules, powder, ginseng paste, tablets. Even soft drinks are produced from the roots. Yogurt, grape juice, tea are added to ginseng. If you are in China, be sure to bring Ginseng Oolong tea for yourself. This tea will last you a long time. After all, you can brew this drink up to 8 times.

Some try to grow ginseng at home. Ficus microcarp or, as it is also called in another way, Ficus ginseng or Ficus ginseng ginseng is often bought for home propagation. He also has thickened roots and a beautiful crown. But this is a purely ornamental plant, although it also has medicinal properties.


Whatever the beneficial properties of ginseng, the active stimulating effect of ginseng root on many organs also implies contraindications to its use.

Ginseng tincture is a strong stimulant, which, in combination with strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, significantly enhances the effect of the latter. The use of these drinks is a direct contraindication to the use of ginseng.

Moreover, persons prone to insomnia, in the presence of hypersensitivity, pregnancy, bleeding, childhood, irritability and some other diseases should not use this wonderful drug is contraindicated.

So even perfectly healthy people should take ginseng, carefully monitoring the dosage. Exceeding the dose is fraught with headaches, heart palpitations, insomnia, pressure surges and just general weakness. For many people, taking ginseng in general is very often accompanied by side effects, since it affects the digestive system with all the ensuing consequences - nausea, abdominal pain, and sometimes vomiting. Of course, you should not forget about individual characteristics.

It is contraindicated to take ginseng root tincture during exacerbation of any diseases, even just with an increase in body temperature, and especially in the presence of abscesses and abscesses. In addition to this, ginseng is categorically contraindicated for children under 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

We hope that the information you received in this brief overview will be useful to you. Moreover, given that Russians now quite often visit Asian countries, they have the opportunity to bring from there this plant, healing for the whole family, or preparations made from it.

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