Types of earring clasps: choose the right one. The English lock on the earrings has weakened. What is the problem and what to do? What to do if you can not remove the earring

Among the types of piercing, the safest and most common is the piercing of the earlobes: it is done even for small children. And the simplest and most reliable way to carry out the procedure, doctors call a puncture with a special gun that fixes the lobe, makes an instant shot, which reduces the degree of pain, and immediately puts a stud earring. After some time, it becomes necessary to replace the decoration, and here the question arises - how to do it correctly?

When and how to remove medical cloves after a puncture with a gun?

First of all, you need to figure out how long the first earrings should be worn. They are made from medical grade steel, which is non-allergenic and therefore preferable to an open wound than any precious metal or jewelry. From a safety standpoint, you need to wear these carnations until the puncture site is completely healed, so this period is individual - someone can safely remove them after 3 weeks, and someone has to walk for 1.5-2 months, or even six months.

  • You can determine the condition of the puncture by slightly moving the earring in your ear. If ichor (or blood) is released, it has not yet healed.

However, there is one important nuance: from the first day until the very moment of complete healing, the pierced canal releases blood, one way or another, it collides with dirt in the air. From it may appear ichor, and sometimes pus. No matter how well you take care of the puncture site, the slightest mistake leads to the fact that all the secreted substances begin to accumulate on the clove shaft, they decompose upon contact with air, and if they are not removed, everything will fall back, which will lead to suppuration. For this reason, doctors advise that after 2-3 weeks, be sure to remove the carnation earrings, treat them with alcohol and put them back. And here the question of how to do this also becomes relevant.

Putting back stud earrings, in no case try to press the clasp tightly to the earlobe: leave a small distance. She should sit tightly on the rod, hitting the risk, but no more.

With the help of a needle, a special apparatus later appeared, which quickly gained popularity. Today, almost everyone who wants to decorate their ears with earrings makes holes with the help of this very “gun”. How to remove stud earrings after piercing?

Modern ear piercing

For the procedure, special medical earrings made of hypoallergenic alloy are used. They have a pointed end, which provides an easy and almost painless procedure. The earring is placed in a special device, often referred to as a "gun". Then, with its help, piercing is carried out, followed by fixing the earring with a lock on the opposite side of the lobe.

When and how to remove stud earrings? Until the moment of removal, some time must pass after the puncture so that the canal can completely heal. This usually takes up to a month and a half.

How to remove earrings correctly?

Naturally, you will want to change the earrings with which your ears were pierced for other, more attractive ones. To do this, you need to carefully remove the existing cloves. It's easy to do. But you should follow a few recommendations on how to remove stud earrings after being pierced with a gun.

First you need to ensure the safety of the procedure, so be sure to wash your hands. Such a simple measure will help to avoid the possible entry of dirt into the pierced channel. In addition, it is necessary to prepare alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and a piece of sterile bandage or gauze for processing.

To remove the earring, you will need to perform two steps: unfasten and remove it. The biggest problems arise when unfastening. In order not to damage the ear, you need to grab the earring in front with one hand, and the lock on the opposite side with the other.

Don't be in a hurry; care must be taken not to injure the ear. As soon as the lock is unfastened, you can remove the carnation. For the first time, there may be some difficulties with pulling out the earring - this should not be scary, as it is the norm. Then you need to treat the ears with alcohol or peroxide and let them rest for two to three hours. After that, you can put on new earrings, pre-treated with alcohol. If the pair of earrings being worn is studs, do not press the earring tightly to the ear with a lock.

How else can you take off the earrings?

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the procedure for replacing earrings, but quite a few complain that the lock cannot be removed. How to remove Tips will help to carry out this process correctly and painlessly:

  1. Quite often, an ichor gets into the lock, which dries up and does not allow you to unfasten the earring. In this case, you can try soaking the lock with alcohol or cologne. You can also try to soak the dried ichor on the earring while taking a bath.
  2. You can try to unclench the lock. You need to insert each tip into the rings of the lock and gently unclench them. This procedure should not be done on your own, you will need outside help.
  3. In extreme cases, you can try to bite the earring with wire cutters. You have to be very careful not to damage your ear.

The last two tips are rather controversial. Improper manipulation can damage the lock, bend the earring or injure the ear. Therefore, you should think several times whether it is worth resorting to such methods if you could not remove the carnations in a safe way.

The surest way to solve the problem

Of course, home experiments can be dangerous and not have the desired effect. And in cases where there is no understanding of how to remove stud earrings, you should contact the master who pierced the ears. He will quickly and painlessly remove medical earrings, disinfect the canal. It is worth contacting him in case of inflammation and the appearance of pus.

What do you need to know to make wearing earrings a joy?

The question of how to remove stud earrings for the first time worries many. But this is only the beginning of the "relationship" with these jewelry. So that the canal does not become overgrown and there is no need for re-piercing, you need to wear earrings constantly for the first six months. Even when a lot of time has passed since the procedure, it is recommended to wear earrings regularly, at least half an hour a day.

The best choice would be a gold or silver pair. These metals are considered safe and even medicinal. A further choice should be based on the safety of the metal, so you should stay away from cheap jewelry of dubious production.

Each change of earrings should be accompanied by a preliminary washing of hands and their treatment with alcohol.

A difficult problem that many mothers face is how to remove stud earrings from young children. It is best to do this in the cabin, where the ears were pierced. If the child is spinning and does not allow touching his ears, you should try to do this at home while the baby is sleeping.

The piercing of the earlobes in the cabin, as a rule, is carried out with a pistol, into which a special sterile stud earring is filled. Since the machine fastens the clasp very tightly during the procedure, it is not always easy to remove it when it comes time to change the jewelry.

If we compare studs with English lock earrings, then in both cases, the products are closed in two clicks, making it possible to adjust the fit of the earring to the earlobe, but in the second case, removing the jewelry is much easier due to the movable part. In the first, it is not always possible to cope with this task manually. Everyone who has ever encountered this problem wondered how to remove a stud earring after a piercing with a gun so as not to injure the ear.

When it comes time to remove medical earrings from your ears, you should understand that the puncture site needs careful handling after recent healing, you need to act as carefully as possible. Without aids, it is not always possible to cope without damage to the ear, so at first you can only manually stir the clasp a little, without trying to remove it completely.

Next, you should prepare cotton pads and healing hygiene products for the care of the puncture site (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, chlorhexidine), and you will also need scissors with rounded ends, which should fit into the fastener holes.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to process the earlobe, hands and scissors. Holding the earring by the stud itself, slightly open the scissors, the ends of which are inside the clasp, and pull towards you.

You can also use regular eyebrow tweezers with non-pointed ends. With their help, it will be possible to firmly hold the fastener and, just as in the first case, holding the carnation itself, pull it towards you.

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to remove the jewelry until the puncture is completely healed. The tissue around the puncture should not be swollen, this will facilitate the extraction process and not cause unnecessary discomfort. After finishing, immediately process the earlobe again and it is advisable to let it rest for at least an hour, only after that pick up a new earring.

When it comes time to choose accessories, remember that new piercings require attention and care. You should not opt ​​for a second pair of silver jewelry, as this material oxidizes and can damage fresh holes. Products from low-quality gilded materials, jewelry, are categorically not recommended.

If we talk about the diameter of the base of the earring, then you should not take very thin ones, since fresh channels quickly overgrow and in the future there may be difficulties with earrings of a different thickness. Of the fasteners, it is better to give preference to silicone ones, since they are easy to use, soft to the touch and it will not be difficult to remove them.

What to do if there are difficulties?

It may happen that the decoration is very tight and does not lend itself to any influences. In this case, it is better to stop any attempt to do this at home and go to any salon for professional help. Difficulties in removing earrings are experienced not only by people with ear piercings, it is quite difficult to remove jewelry from other parts of the body.

For example, for navel piercing, rods are used, which, despite the fact that they are fixed manually by the master, are removed much harder and more painfully. The clasp of such an ornament is in the form of a ball, which is difficult to grasp due to the fact that it will slip, in such cases it is also better to seek help from a specialist.

  • The healing time of the hole is different for everyone, but with proper care and observance of all precautions - about three weeks.
  • Professionals recommend piercing with a special machine only in the earlobe. In other places, such as the cartilage of the ear, the navel, the wings of the nose and lips, it is strongly discouraged. The pierced part can be deformed, and healing can be delayed.

  • After carrying out such a small operation as piercing the ears or other parts of the body, it is not recommended to take a too hot bath for the first time or visit the bathhouse and pool. Having steamed out the puncture site, the healing process will be long and painful.
  • Pure sea water is beneficial for the healing of punctures.

  • You should not agree to piercing at the time of recovery of the body after surgery and illness.
  • At a session in the salon, the visitor can always ask for anesthesia.

  • There is an opinion that there are more than a hundred active points in the earlobe that are responsible for hearing, vision and the functioning of internal organs. And if you make an unsuccessful puncture and get into any of them, the work of any of these feelings may be disrupted. It's just a myth. Of course, these zones do exist, but not in the area of ​​the lobe.

It would seem, what could be easier than removing an earring from your ear? In fact, this statement is not entirely true, sometimes such a simple operation gives a lot of discomfort, and sometimes ends in complete failure.

Most often the question arises, how to remove medical? After all, it is precisely such an ornament that is inserted into the ear immediately after the puncture in the cabin. Upon completion of the cosmetic procedure, carnations are worn for no more than 2 months, ideally until the wound heals, usually this happens within 3-4 weeks. After healing, these earrings can be replaced with any other model that suits you.

Once you've decided it's time to get rid of the cloves, wash your hands thoroughly and prepare peroxide to disinfect the piercing. With two fingers of one hand, fix the decoration from the outside, with the other hand, grab the latch, gently, but with force, pull it towards you. After the manipulation, generously moisten the ear with an anti-inflammatory agent. How to remove stud earrings if the usual method does not work? Do not engage in experiments at home, your health should be trusted only to professionals. Contact the salon where you had the piercing, they will definitely help solve the problem. If this is not possible, then try to look into the district traumatology, they have extensive experience in helping in such situations.

No less often the question arises of how to remove earrings with an English lock, because such a mount is one of the most common. First you need to determine what a similar castle is. So, the shackle is placed at the puncture site and connected to the hole in the earring using a small spring mechanism. If you hear a slight click, then your jewelry is securely closed. The lock is really very strong, so if you cannot remove it, try to get to the traumatology or a proven salon. By the way, before you panic, you should remember a simple rule: the English lock opens from top to bottom, that is, you need to pull the most protruding part, the one in which the hole is located, to your shoulders.

How to remove an earring from an ear at home? There are many options here, most of which are quite traumatic. Carrying out any manipulations on your own, do not forget to follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hands and treat your earlobe. If you cannot cope on your own and do not want to visit specialists, you can invite relatives or friends to carry out this procedure. Among the possible auxiliary devices, tweezers are most often used.


How to remove stud earrings after being pierced with an ear gun? An urgent question for people who decide to pierce their earlobes with the help of special equipment. This is the most painless and safe way, which is used even for small children. According to doctors, it is reliable in terms of hole formation and sterile. A few seconds of work by a specialist and small carnations flaunt in the ears. Puncture and fixation of the product occur simultaneously.

Features of ear piercing with a gun

Ear piercing with an automatic pistol can be done by girls from the age of three. At this time, the child gives an account of the action, will not cause injury, will not pull out the decoration.

The procedure is carried out in a cosmetology room. For her, they use medical earrings and an automatic pistol. During piercing, the tissues are gently moved apart without breaks and microcracks.

The risk of infection is minimized. Pain is not felt. The channel is formed in three weeks, the lobe heals quickly, nothing pinches or injures it.

Ear piercing is contraindicated in:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • neurological diseases;
  • craniocerebral injuries;
  • rheumatism;
  • allergic complications;
  • chronic diseases of the ears;
  • weakened immunity;
  • blood diseases.

You can not carry out the procedure during colds, infectious diseases, after vaccinations and when teething in children. Health must be good for the recovery process to be quick.

How is the piercing with a gun:

  1. A sterile earring is threaded into the tip of the gun, and an English clasp is fixed at the other end.
  2. The cosmetologist disinfects the puncture site.
  3. Marks are applied.
  4. First, a tool is attached to one, then to the other ear and a hole is made with one shot, an earring is inserted, the lock is fastened.

The client hears only a small click and does not even have time to react to the doctor's actions. The method is used when it is necessary to pierce the cartilage on the ear or nose in the wing area. Piercing in other areas is done with a needle.

How long after a piercing can you take off your earrings?

The first earrings should be worn for as long as possible. For the manufacture of carnations, medical steel is used, which does not contain allergens and contributes to the rapid healing of a fresh wound. The precious metal does not have such an effect and in some cases is rejected by the body.

Do not carry out the procedure in the winter, as the cold wind, hat, scarf will damage the fresh wound. Summer, heat, sweating are also not the best companions for successful healing. They create a favorable environment for infection. The ideal time is cool spring or autumn.

Doctors believe that the duration of wearing an earring depends on individual characteristics. The fastest healing period is 3 weeks, in most cases, healing takes 1.5-2 months.

To determine the state of the puncture, move the product a little, if blood or ichor has not flowed from the hole, then a replacement can be made.

From the moment of the procedure until complete healing, the pierced canal exudes ichor and blood, and sometimes pus, which come into contact with dirt, dust, and water. During recovery, it is important to provide proper care, otherwise, secretions accumulate on the shank of the earring, which in the future can cause inflammation and suppuration. Therefore, experts advise after a couple of weeks to remove the carnations, treat with alcohol or an antiseptic and put them on again.

  1. Skyce on the tooth: what is it and how is the installation of a piercing in the tooth

How to properly remove carnations

When performing manipulations, care should be taken and sterility observed.

Instructions on how to remove earrings:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap (the composition should not contain fragrances, chemical elements, dyes). Have a bottle of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine on hand to treat earrings, tools, and hands. Prepare some cotton pads and clean gauze.
  2. Medical studs have a very tight clasp, so you have to use a trick to remove them. The first method is to hold the head with a pebble with one hand, and with the other, grab the clasp and gently pull back, twisting in different directions. The second method is to grab the head. Insert nail scissors into the bent ends of the latch, slightly open them and pull back.
  3. Apply a cotton pad moistened with a disinfectant solution to the earlobe and remove all secretions. Let your ears rest for half an hour.
  4. With another cotton pad with an antiseptic, go over the earring shaft and lock. It is allowed to rinse in alcohol poured into a small container.
  5. Wait for the product to dry completely, then proceed to threading into the punctures.

When putting on new jewelry, make sure that the clasp does not pinch or press on the earlobe, otherwise inflammation will occur.

If the carnations are not removed, then a YouTube video will come to the rescue, where the whole process is described in detail.

What earrings are suitable after a piercing with a gun

An important place is occupied by the metal from which the product is made. Gold, platinum, silver jewelry decor is best suited for an already formed channel. Products from them do not cause allergic reactions, contribute to the death of microbes that accidentally fall on the surface of the earring.

When choosing a replacement, pay attention to the rod. Its diameter must clearly correspond to the diameter of the earrings worn after the piercing. If it is larger, then the ears will be injured and microtears will form on the lobes, requiring healing and care.

The shape of the product is selected in accordance with personal preferences and can be in the form of rings, studs, chains.

Jewelry should be easy to put in and securely fixed without any effort. Check the clasp so that it does not unfasten from accidental contact. They should not interfere with outdoor activities and lifestyle.

How to remove stud earrings after piercing the ears with a gun is the most common phrase that cosmetologists hear from their clients. If you are one of the people who encountered the described problem, then try to use the proposed methods and unclench the latch. After several unsuccessful attempts, we recommend that you go for help to a specialist in the salon. Manipulations should be carried out carefully, without damaging the healed canal in the hole.

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