Abandoned cities are sites for thrillers. Abandoned cities of Russia. Abandoned cities and villages of Russia. Dead cities

Few people know, but the abandoned cities in computer games are mostly “copied” from real landscapes. In the vastness of the Russian Federation, you can find many abandoned settlements, from the sight of which the blood runs cold. The current ghost towns of Russia have become victims of economic recession, natural or man-made disasters.

The only visitors today are wild animals and rare Post Apocalypse style photographers. The editors have prepared a selection of the most frightening ghost towns in Russia.

Revenge of nature

The progress of the 20th century turned out to be sad consequences for the Earth. Man-made disasters, soil and air pollution, uncontrolled extraction of minerals and raw materials - all this has given rise to ghost towns in Russia. There is even a hypothesis among scientists that the Earth is self-purifying, arranging destructive earthquakes and floods.

Neftegorsk is once a booming city of oil workers on Sakhalin Island. It was razed to the ground by a devastating earthquake on May 28, 1995. The strength of the tremors was 9 points. 2,040 people died under the ruins of their houses. Now, on the site of the once prosperous city of oil workers, there are ruins, over which a gloomy memorial complex rises.


You can make an apocalyptic horror film based on the history of the Ryazan workers' settlement Kursha-2. The settlement was completely destroyed by hellfire on August 3, 1938. Of the 1200 people miraculously survived, about 20 lucky ones.

On an ill-fated day, a rescue train carrying timber arrived in the village. The head of the freight train, seeing the impending fire, offered to evacuate people. However, the dispatcher gave the order to save the forest, making a fatal mistake. People barely had time to load the blanks and climb the logs. It seemed that salvation was near, but a burning bridge stood in their way.

The fire killed workers, prisoners and soldiers who tried to fight the fire. Now, on the site of the scorched city of the dead, there is a lonely cross and a memorial plate, reminiscent of the cruel revenge of nature.


Photo:Moya Planeta (Kadykchan)

The infamous village of Kadykchan in the Magadan region, translated from Evenk, means "Death Valley". Gulag prisoners were brought to the settlement with a telling name during the Stalinist repressions. And in the post-war period, coal was mined here.

In September 1996, an explosion occurred at one of the local mines. The land literally exuded a threat, and the authorities closed the mines, mothballing the village. In 2012, only a wild old man with a pack of dogs lived in Kadykchan.

Economic factor

Ghost towns in Russia were also born due to economic problems. People left entire areas, leaving behind deserted settlements and vegetable gardens overgrown with weeds. The idea of ​​"catching up and overtaking America" ​​cost dearly to the inhabitants of vulnerable villages.


Photo:ghost towns (Iultin)

The urban-type settlement with the romantic name Iultin was built in 1953 near the country's largest polymetallic deposit. With the collapse of the USSR and the closure of unprofitable enterprises, the city gradually became empty.

More than five thousand people worked at the mines and in the mining and processing plant. By the turn of the millennium, the symbol of Soviet industrialization had finally turned into a ghost town.

fin whale

Photo:Altertravel (fin whale)

The military camp is located on the coast of Bechevinskaya Bay, within transport accessibility from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The fin whale was destined for a more heroic fate than desolation.

The strategic town, in the event of an enemy attack from Alaska, would take the main blow, allowing the evacuation of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and the mobilization of defensive forces. On combat duty during the Cold War were diesel and nuclear submarines.

Photo:Blog.Stalkersworld (fin whale)

The fin whale was completely autonomous. The military could survive the bombing in a shelter. They could endure the food blockade for several years. The town had its own club, kindergarten, school, power plant, helipad.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the neat military town fell into disrepair.

gif:The Journal

man-made disasters

Russia's ghost towns have in some cases been the result of man-made disasters. The pernicious influence of a thoughtless attitude towards nature in the pursuit of industrialization has led to the devastation of many cities with ancient buildings.


Photo:info-globus (Kalyazin)

The most famous flooded Russian city is the ancient Kalyazin. The first mention of this settlement in the Tver region dates back to the 12th century. In the 18th century it was given the status of a county town.

It was partially flooded during the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Volga in 35-55 years of the last century. The Nikolo-Zhabensky Monastery and the entire historical part of the city went under water. When the Volga becomes shallow, the bell tower of St. Nicholas Cathedral looks out from under the water, representing an eerie sight.

Old Gubakha

Photo:Tuk-tuk Dom (Old Gubakha)

The town of miners Staraya Gubakha in the Perm Territory could celebrate its symbolic 300th anniversary in five years. In 1721, a rich coal deposit was discovered here. Later, the miners laid the well-known Gubakhinsky mines, around which a workers' settlement grew. In 1941 Staraya Gubakha was transformed into a city.

Over time, coal reserves began to decrease, and the inhabitants gradually left Staraya Gubakha. Today, the Russian ghost town is completely absorbed in nature.


Photo:Rioho (Halmer-Yu)

A similar fate awaited a working town in Komi with the exotic name Khalmer-Yu. From the Nenets language it means "River of the Dead". The mining settlement of urban type was founded in 1957. In 1993, the authorities unexpectedly liquidated the unprofitable town. The protesters were forcibly taken out of Halmer-Yu.

In 2005, the President of the Russian Federation from the board of the Tu-160 strategic bomber personally ordered the bombing of the village. Today, the Russian ghost town is a bleak sight, with locals walking around the neighborhood of the "cursed city".


Photo:Qna (Mologa)

Completes the list of ghost towns of Russia Mologa. This is an example of an irresponsible attitude towards nature and archeology. Mologa was completely flooded during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir.

The 700-year history of Mologa ended in 1940. Hundreds of stone houses, several churches and the Afanasevsky Monastery were under water.

There are places on the Russian land where life almost stopped, despite the fact that it used to be a volcano. Why "almost"? Because hermits, heroes, lonely people disappointed in the rest of the world, or, conversely, proudly believing only in their idea, stayed there to live.

And they live, like monuments to life, among emptiness and devastation, fallen walls, peeling cold houses, with a cat friend or other animal, it is not clear how, for what, why. Today we will tell about such cities and such people.

Absolutely empty cities, towns, where there is no life, only empty dwellings, in fact, there are many in Russia. Several tens for sure, or even hundreds. By the way, we have about 88 operating regions in total (each region includes several cities and towns).

I wanted to start by listing completely abandoned areas where there is no life. However, I discovered such a moment: people live in many of these villages and towns. And even if the majority are considered deserted, in fact, a couple of people can live there. And the inhabitants of the mainland are in the dark, since an audit in such villages is rarely carried out.

How can you live there? After all, there is no heating, water, electricity and other benefits of civilization. But there are walls! There is a roof, there is a bed made from improvised means.

Refugees, hermits, loners who have not accepted new political principles, gypsies, just desperate people who have been driven out into the street by their own children, even families that no one needs, live there.

They make stoves, bring pipes to the street, windows made of polyethylene, then they can insert glass, water from nearby reservoirs, standpipes, in winter it is melted. The bed is made from stumps and boards. Instead of electricity - candles, stoves, a fire, sometimes even a generator, but this is rare. Products - something is grown near the house, something can be taken from the city. “Hopelessness, longing, loneliness, poverty, mold, mice, rats, emptiness, darkness,” many will say. And some will be right. But for those who live like this, this is sometimes the only way to live. Some from disappointment in everything embark on such trips, others from lack of money and lack of documents (for example, they ended up on the territory of the Russian Federation and it is impossible to make documents).

Abandoned cities of Russia

There are people who even see pluses, positive and rejoice in such a life. They are alone, everything belongs to them, they are their own masters, no one will covet their property, there are no spending on utilities, there are no crowds of people around, discount hype, queues for a Calvin Klein blouse, there are only old walls, silence, emptiness ...

How empty the villages are, the areas called absolutely abandoned, we cannot reliably establish.

But still, when you look at the snow-covered three-story brick houses in a deserted, deserted northern village, it is hard to imagine that, contrary to common sense, someone will decide to live here. No hopelessness, detachment, despair will not help to survive among the snow and cold alone. The nearest center where it is possible to buy groceries is hundreds of kilometers away.

They are also called "ghost towns".

The abandoned city of Kadychkan. Magadan Region.

Magadan is the edge of the world in itself, and this is a village in the abandoned areas of Magadan. On the Internet, it is called "Death Valley". The settlement was founded in 1943, where coal was mined and workers lived. By 1986, more than 10 thousand people lived here, but 10 years later there was an explosion at a coal mine, as a result of which, according to official data, 6 people died, according to other, unofficial data, a thousand workers. For a couple of years, people were heated by a boiler house, which was subsequently turned off. About 400 people refused to leave here, later they were forcibly relocated. In 2009, more than 500 people lived in the village without heating, a year later, as now, no one.

The abandoned city of Charonda. Vologodskaya Oblast.

Once a beautiful town, enchanting with views and nature, with an impressive number of inhabitants at that time, for example, in the 17th century 17 thousand people, this is of considerable importance.

Lived here:

“XVII century - more than 1700 households, about 11 thousand people (in the district).

1646 - more than 14 thousand people (in the district).

1921 - 70 residential buildings and 450 people.

2002 (census) - 5 people.

2007 - 8 people.

2015 - the last resident died.

The film shows very beautiful views of the village.

Charonda. Abandoned city...

In the late 90s of the 20th century, a short documentary was made about Charonda, the last inhabitants, the Old Believers. There are a lot of cultural and historical monuments, wooden houses, churches, but everything is in a ruined and dilapidated state. Tourists even began to visit the village, but the town was not destined to be transformed again and become a living town. In 2015, according to official data, the last inhabitant of Charonda died…

The abandoned city of Staraya Gubakha. Perm region.

Those who lived in these places are indignant - they say, there was no Old Gubakha, there was Lower and Upper Gubakha ...

Mining town, coal was mined here.

But by 1994 all mines were closed. Over time, people left this place. But to this day, there are people in empty houses, on doomed streets. According to the Internet, these are the victims of black realtors who manage to sell housing in this Tmutarakan. True, it is not clear how they live there, because the village is uninhabited, respectively, there should be neither heating nor electricity here. Although, if there is a residence permit, it is possible that there are some benefits of civilization in separate houses.

Abandoned workers' settlement Kursha-2. Ryazan Oblast.

A working settlement, in 1930 the population reached a thousand people. But in 1936, a fire destroyed the life of a small town, 1,200 people died in the fire, only a few survived.

In 2011, a memorial to the victims was erected at the site of the tragedy (a wooden bridge and a train caught fire).

The abandoned city of Khalmer-Yu. Komi Republic.

There are several abandoned towns in the Komi Republic, and the republic itself is a very remote region.

The village is located on the Khalmer-Yu River (the name is akin to the name of a space star, but in fact in the Nenets language it means “river in the valley of death”), where a coal deposit was found in 1942. Workers who mined coal lived here. one day, in winter, a group of workers were trapped due to bad weather, without food, help, and no one could get to them either. When people were found, only a few survived ...

The village was empty, after 2 years the population was 7 thousand people, in 1993 the village was decided to be liquidated. But even then, some of the residents did not want to leave, in 1995 they were also evicted by the OMON forces.

Abandoned city Industrial. Komi Republic.

Also in the Komi Republic is the abandoned town of Industrial. This village, like many in Komi, is a worker, there were 2 mines - "Central" and "Industrial", in the middle of the 20th century the town itself was named in consonance with the second.

In the 70s, 15 thousand people lived here, then the decline of the coal industry began (90s), in 1998 an explosion occurred in one of the mines, as a result of which 27 miners died, some were never found. The city was officially buried in 2009, but by that time it was already empty.

Flywheel. Moscow region.

Near the village of swamps and forests, the inhabitants worked on the extraction of peat, especially actively during the Great Patriotic War. But the population after the war, towards the end of the 20th century, gradually thinned out. In the early 2000s, there were only 277 residents.

However, in 2010, the village burned out as a result of a forest fire, the residents were relocated to other places.

The abandoned city of Nizhneyansk. Yakutia.

In the middle of the 20th century, it was a major transport hub for supplying many regions of Yakutia, and became a settlement in 1958. But by 1990, the area began to empty, the population declined. But people have not left this house of sorrow to this day, today from 150 to 250 people live there (according to various sources).

Broken facades of houses, sports complexes, farms, shops, empty and peeling insides when there are crowded places ... one store in a village with a hundred inhabitants, a wooden door, expensive products, in autumn and spring the streets are flooded with water, glass is broken everywhere, except for the cultural center, which has been preserved local enthusiasts.

The abandoned city of Finval. Kamchatka.

Kamchatka is a distant land in general... And an abandoned village in Kamchatka is a doubly distant land.

The military town, which had several other names, such as Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-54, began its existence in the 60s of the 20th century.

Until the mid-90s, the village flourished, good infrastructure was developed, but later the garrison was disbanded.

The houses were empty, then destroyed by time and bad weather, the town that once lived an active life was mired in the ruins of eternity ...

Abandoned city of Neftegorsk. Sakhalin region.

It was renamed in 1979 to Neftegorsk, but it existed for just over 15 years. More than 2 out of 3.5 thousand inhabitants died as a result of the tragedy of 1995 - a major earthquake with a magnitude of 9 points.

People jumped out of the windows, the tsunami wave reached the five-story houses with which the territory of the village was covered. During the last call passing at this time, 20 out of 26 graduates died.

The survivors were resettled in other villages, and Neftegorsk remained an eternal monument to the dead and the town that became ruins. A memorial complex was built.

Earthquake in Neftegorsk

In fact, we have a lot of villages and towns in which life has ceased to boil, in Russia. And the above list is just a small part of them.

Most of all, I was struck by stories about how several people lived, live in deserted places, or even one person. On the fourth floor of a long-abandoned house, the balcony supports have long fallen off, the glass has been replaced with polyethylene, but inside the dwelling an elderly man, who consciously chose hermitage, arranged everything with the maximum possible comfort. Where he took food, things, how he lived in winter, where he took water is a mystery. Caring people brought him food from time to time. He died a couple of years ago.

Families of Old Believers remained in the abandoned and destroyed villages. If you try hard, you can find someone like Agafya Lykova, unfamiliar with the innovations of our time, living on their own wave. They don't watch TV, they don't have a phone....

When you look at these “deceased” cities, the question arises “why are so many resources wasted and why, instead of restoring buildings, are we building new ones in a crazy amount?”. After all, if all abandoned houses were restored (and many of them are built better than modern ones), our average housing standards would jump significantly. The housing stock would be expanded to a significant extent.
But here another question always arises - “why restore the old when you can create a new one?”. Probably so laid down by nature - there will always be ruins, dead cities, the old gives way to the new.

Settlements, in which life was once in full swing, and now devastation reigns, exist in every country in the world. There are ghost towns in Russia, you can see a list of them in the article below. Residents leave their homes for various reasons: economic, natural or due to wars. And cities are dying out, leaving infrastructure and residential buildings intact. They are primarily of interest to sociologists, historians, researchers and just curious people. What are they, ghost towns of Russia?

Neftegorsk - destroyed by an earthquake

Neftegorsk is a settlement located in the north of the Sakhalin region. Initially, it was designed as a settlement for oil workers living here on shifts. At the end of May 1995, the most powerful earthquake in Russia over the past century occurred here. More than 2,000 people died under the ruins of buildings. Buildings 5 ​​stories high collapsed like houses of cards.

After the terrible event, Neftegorsk was not restored, and now you can see only destroyed houses and a memorial to the memory of the dead people.

Kursha-2 - a village burned down by a forest fire

Kursha-2 is a working settlement located in the forests of the Ryazan region. In the 1930s, about 1,000 people lived and worked here. In 1936, a fire broke out in a forested area, and the fire quickly approached the settlement. The driver of the timber train that arrived in Kursha-2 offered to evacuate people, but the dispatcher preferred to send them to rescue the harvested timber. The loading of the forest went on until the fire came close. Then the train moved, but the bridge was already on fire... The flame spread to the cargo and people. Almost the entire population of Kursha-2 perished, the village itself burned to the ground. Now in its place there is only a cross and a memorial plate.

Abandoned ghost town of Russia - Kadykchan

Kadykchan is a village in the Magadan region, whose name, translated from the Even language, sounds like "valley of death." The name turned out to be prophetic. Previously, one of the "branches" of the infamous Gulag was located here. It was formed during the war years as a working settlement - coal mining from the mines of the Arkagalinskoye deposit took place here. Kadykchan became a ghost town in Russia in 1996 after an explosion in a mine.

6 people died, and the land here became dangerous. The authorities "mothballed" the settlement: the mine was closed, people were taken out, houses were disconnected from heating and electricity, some buildings were burned. By 2002, only 875 people lived in Kadykchan, and by 2012 there was only one elderly man with dogs.

Iultin - an extinct city in Chukotka

Ghost towns of Russia (dead cities) are villages that have become deserted not only because of natural disasters that have occurred on their territory. Many of them become empty for economic reasons. The population left entire towns and cities due to the failure of the idea to "catch up and overtake America." Vulnerable cities could not withstand the collapse of the USSR.

Iultin is an urban-type settlement located in Chukotka. Back in 1937, a large polymetallic deposit was found on the mountain of the same name. In 1953, a settlement was founded here. After the collapse of the USSR, the enterprises that supported the entire settlement - the mine and the mining and processing plant - began to bring only losses.

Soon the enterprises were completely closed, and the population began to leave Iultin. Over 5 thousand people lived here. In 2000, the population of the former symbol of Soviet industrialization was zero.

Military town Bechevinka (Finval)

Bechevinka is a secret Soviet-era submarine base. The settlement belongs to the military ghost towns of Russia and has several names.

Initially, the bay was only an anchorage for ships and a place for basing military vessels. But in the late 60s of the XX century, it was decided to build a base for submarines on the coast. Along with the construction of the base, the need arose to justify a military camp here. This is how Bechevinka (Finval) appeared.

The first Bechevinka buildings are small houses made of panel boards, intended for temporary residence of builders. Full-fledged residential buildings, an officer's headquarters and barracks, a boiler room and a garage, a galley appeared very quickly. Later, a grocery store, a kindergarten and a school were organized here.

In 1996, the garrison was disbanded. The submarines, which were still serviceable, were transferred to other garrisons, and the inhabitants were sent to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on landing ships. The barrels of fuel could not be taken away from the bay and they lay on the shore for several years. Then they were shot from a helicopter, and their toxic contents flooded the coast of Bechevinskaya Bay. Today, Finval is a ghost town of Russia, an abandoned military facility, deserted and quiet.

Man-Made Disasters: Kalyazin and Mologa

Unfortunately, the appearance of some ghost towns in Russia is the fault of man. A frivolous attitude to nature and the desire for industrialization destroyed more than one village.

The most famous flooded city in our country is Kalyazin (Tver region). The first mention of this ancient city dates back to the 12th century. During the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Volga River, Kalyazin was fragmentally flooded. The entire historically significant part of the city went under water, including the Nikolo-Zhabensky Monastery. Today, during the shallowing of the Volga, the bell tower of St. Nicholas Cathedral is visible from under the water. This is a very unpleasant sight. The ghost town of central Russia - Kalyazin - is an example of man's dishonest attitude to nature and ancient monuments.

Mologa - a city flooded during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir.

The inhabitants of the city, which began its history in the XII century, announced the upcoming resettlement in 1936. This resettlement lasted 4 years, and in 1947 the territory was completely flooded.

Overgrown Old Gubakha

In 1721, an extensive coal deposit was found in one of the corners of the Perm Territory. A little later, the workers created the famous Gubakhinsky mines throughout the country. A village also grew up nearby, which in 1941 became a city. But, as time went on, coal reserves came to an end. Then the workers and their families began to leave these lands. Now Staraya Gubakha is absorbed by nature, that is, it is completely overgrown.

A similar fate overtook another ghost town of Russia, located in the Sakhalin region - Kolendo. In the 60s of the XX century, oil reserves were found here. It was decided to give the Kolendinskoye field for industrial development, and a town for oil workers and their families was built nearby. About 2 thousand people lived here. In the 90s, oil began to run out, and in 1995 an earthquake destroyed Neftegorsk (about it at the beginning of the article).

In 1996, the government decided to remove people from Kolendo and close the oil field. So another dead city appeared on the map of Russia.


Khalmer-Yu is an urban-type settlement that was once located in the Komi Republic. Translated from the Nenets language, the name sounds like "dead river", it turned out to be symbolic. The history of the settlement began in the same way as the history of many ghost towns in Russia, photos of which you can see in this article. In 1943, a deposit of a rare breed of coal was discovered, and the village of Helmer-Yu arose here. In 1993, the authorities decided to close the mines and the village, as profits decreased. The decision was unexpected, people were evicted from their homes with the help of riot police. They were forcibly put on trains and taken to Vorkuta.

In 2005, a TU-160 bomber launched three combat missiles at the former House of Culture of the village during a strategic exercise. Russian President Vladimir Putin was on board.

The tragic fate of the Industrial village

The first mine in the Komi Republic near the future settlement was founded in 1948 and was named "Central". The second mine - "Industrial" - was opened in 1954. The first settlers were prisoners brought here for correctional work, but then civilian workers also appear.

In 1998, a tragedy occurred that stopped the history of the Industrial village. The explosion claimed the lives of dozens of people, hundreds were injured. The number of people left under the rubble is still unknown. The consequences of the explosion made it impossible for the further development of local mines, so it was decided to relocate people to neighboring settlements. Previously, about 12 thousand people lived here, today Industrial is an abandoned city on the map of Russia.

Alykel - lost in the tundra

On the shore of a picturesque lake not far from Norilsk, there is a village built for military pilots - Alykel. The settlement, although small, had a school, a garden, shops, a post office, and, of course, a military unit.

Life here was difficult, the permafrost made itself felt. Multi-storey residential buildings and administrative buildings could only stand on piles driven into the frozen ground. One of the houses once began to sag, reinforcing piles were used to stop the process, but they did not bring the desired effect. There were big cracks all over the house.

It is also impossible to lay communications in the frozen ground, so all the pipes in Alykel were right on the surface of the earth. It was impossible to let cold water through such pipes, for this reason hot water flowed from a cold water tap, and boiling water from a hot tap.

When the USSR collapsed, Alykel, like many cities (including the famous ghost towns and technopolises of central Russia), became discouraged. The local military unit was disbanded, and the residents had to leave for Norilsk and Kayerkan.

The same story happened with the village of Yubileiny in the Perm Territory. Since the 50s of the last century, life has been in full swing here, because the mine brought a good income. Then the enterprise was reduced, people began to leave, and life in the village subsided. In the 90s, Yubileiny turned into a ghost town.

New life for ghost towns

There are many cities with similar stories in our country. It is believed that there is at least one ghost in any region of Russia, it's just that today it is not widely covered. In the article, we examined the history of the most famous ghost towns in Russia, here is a list of them:

  • Neftegorsk;
  • Kursha-2;
  • Kadykchan;
  • Halmer-Yu;
  • Iultin;
  • Fin whale;
  • Mologa;
  • Kalyazin;
  • Industrial;
  • Alykel;
  • Kolendo.

Despite the fact that for various reasons the entire population has left the ghost towns, guests come to visit them. Some of the abandoned settlements are used by the military as convenient training grounds. Ruined houses and empty streets are wonderful conditions for recreating extreme conditions without the risk of attracting ordinary people to them.

Abandoned cities are also loved by creative people: artists, photographers, directors. Here they can be inspired by new ideas or get a ready-made canvas for creativity. Such places are also considered interesting by some ordinary tourists. They come here for thrills, mystical and eerie feelings. Hunters for non-ferrous metals also come here.

The abandoned cities of Russia, which are outside of modern reality, appeared on the map of the country in the course of political, economic and geological transformations. How many there are, no one knows yet.

How can they be interesting?

The ghost towns of Russia have become the basis for founding a new layer of a kind of apocalyptic culture. It arose at the turn of the millennium, which was largely facilitated by the ever-increasing popularity of the subject and the end of the world. Nowadays, the abandoned cities of Russia are attracting more and more adventurers, photographers, filmmakers and writers. In such gloomy places, creative people hope to find inspiration of an unusual nature.

Extreme tourism is also becoming very popular. Standard sights, about which everything is already known, do not arouse such interest among avid travelers. The modern tourist is more of a researcher than a passive observer. In addition, the opportunity to share what they see with the help of the World Wide Web gives incredible satisfaction to everyone who wants to stand apart from the "gray mass".


Listing the abandoned villages of Russia, the first thing they remember is this particular settlement. It is the most famous of all such places in the Magadan region. The population of Kadykchan began to decline rapidly in 1996, when an explosion occurred at a local mine. Almost six thousand people left this settlement. A few years later, the only boiler house in the village ceased to operate, after which it became simply impossible to live there.

Carpets and dishes remained in the houses, cars in garages, toys in kindergartens.


Describing the dead cities of Russia, it is impossible not to mention this settlement. The abandoned place is in abolished in 1996. Coal was mined on the territory of Khalmer-Yu. In 1994, just over four thousand people lived there.

With the transition of the country to a market economy, the question of the expediency of the existence of the city was raised. The government of the Russian Federation decided to stop the work of the mine, and two years later - in 1995 - to completely liquidate Halmer-Yu. It was not possible to carry out the process, guided by world standards. The reason is that it required a lot of money. As a result, local residents were evicted with the support of OMON. The security forces simply kicked out the doors and forcibly herded people onto the trains to Vorkuta. Not all citizens were provided with apartments.

Currently, the territory of Khalmer-Yu plays the role of a military training ground.

Old Gubakha

Among the main attractions of this settlement is the Mariinskaya Cave, located four hundred meters from the now empty reinforced concrete plant. Currently, Staraya Gubakha, like many other ghost towns in Russia, is at the mercy of nature. Everything is overgrown with trees, shrubs and grass - buildings, roads, and the central square. The following buildings are of particular interest to adventurers: the cultural and business center, the NKVD building and the hospital.


This one is located on the territory of the Komi Republic. In 2007, it was inhabited by four hundred people. The now abandoned settlement began to fall into disrepair after an explosion at a local mine. This sad event happened in 1998.

The gloomy houses that once served as camp barracks stand all alone today. It's especially scary in Industrial at night, when the wind is blowing through the empty buildings. The ashes of the houses leave an indelible impression (some of them were burned under the supervision of firefighters during the liquidation of the village, others were deliberately destroyed).


Most of the able-bodied men - residents of this village - worked at the mine called "Shumikhinskaya". It was abolished in 1998 by decision of the management. All employees were out of work. The miners banged their helmets at the local administration in Gremyachinsk for three months, but the protests did not lead to anything.

In the winter of 1999, the village's heating system was defrosted. People were forced to leave their homes.

The appalling condition of the village buildings is connected with the catastrophe of heat supply. Water penetrated into the masonry of empty houses, which naturally froze in the cold season. With the onset of spring, the walls began to rapidly collapse. At present, the buildings look like after an earthquake or bombing. Marauders are not asleep at the same time: they are constantly taking out the surviving materials from Yubileiny.


This settlement was once the center of tin mining in Chukotka. Due to the unfavorable climate, living conditions there were extremely difficult. Since 1994, the resettlement of Iultin began. It is noteworthy that people left this place in a great hurry, as if an emergency evacuation was being carried out. That is why this place, like many other dead cities in Russia, attracts fans to stare at the inhabited empty apartments. Naturally, marauders often visit Iultin.


This settlement is located on the territory of the Okha district of the Sakhalin region. This is one of the most famous oil and gas fields. Local wells produced as much black gold as the entire Okha oil field.

The development plan for the working settlement of Kolendo was approved in 1963, but the life of this settlement was short-lived - just over thirty years. In 1996, due to the earthquake in Neftegorsk, people began to be relocated. There is not a soul in Kolendo now.


Many abandoned cities and villages in Russia are available for visiting, which can not be said about Nizhneyansk. This settlement is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Even the most ardent fans of extreme travel do not dare to visit this empty village - it is too far away. That is why people are increasingly talking about Nizhneyansk to verify the veracity of which the majority are unable to. The notorious daredevils who visited this place claim that they have not seen anything worse. Nizhneyansk - ready-made scenery for chilling horror films. Gray blocky two-story buildings stretch into long gloomy streets. Silhouettes periodically appear in windows with broken glass. Or maybe it's just rags, disturbed by cold winds?

fin whale

Some abandoned cities in Russia were top-secret objects in the past. So Finval is just an invented name. The real name of the bay, which became the habitat of the officers of the Navy, is Bechevinskaya. A four-story dormitory (popularly referred to as a "chudilnik"), two three-story houses with officers' apartments and a store were erected on its territory. In addition, barracks, headquarters, a galley, a diesel substation, a garage, a boiler room and a warehouse have been built.

The garrison was disbanded in 1996. Now there are no soldiers in Finval. Only bears and foxes roam the desert streets.


Many abandoned cities in Russia were the residence of the military. Among them is Alykel. After the withdrawal of the air squadron, he simply died out. There is very little information about the city. Collecting data is incredibly difficult due to the closed nature of this place. At present, multi-storey buildings and an airport have been preserved on its territory.


The city occupies a special sad place in the list of "Abandoned Cities of Russia". Photos of this settlement on Sakhalin overnight spread all over the world. And for what reason? The fact is that at one in the morning on May 28, 1995, there was a powerful earthquake (ten-magnitude), as a result of which more than two thousand people died. Just one push turned dozens of houses into a shapeless pile of building materials. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations did everything possible to release the survivors. Hours of silence were arranged periodically, since it was not so easy to hear the groans of the victims. Of course, there were also marauders, rummaging through piles of household items and clothing in search of anything of value.

The surviving oil mountaineers received free housing in other cities and material assistance. Young people were given the opportunity to study at any university in the country for free.

Now on the site of Neftegorsk there is only a dead field, all that remains of the once prosperous city of oilmen.


The abandoned cities of Russia, the list of which is updated from time to time, can tell a lot of interesting things about the history of the state and its citizens. Unfortunately, marauders mercilessly destroy the original spirit of such places. When visiting ghost towns, be respectful of such an unusual historical heritage.

Man has always been attracted by something unusual, inexplicable by reason or science, and sometimes even creepy. Agree, places long abandoned and forgotten by people inspire a certain feeling of horror and even fear, each such place has its own interesting story, which for some reason ended in the absence of people and ruins. We have a huge country, a great history, and of course our country is full of abandoned places, be it ghost towns or small towns, stopped factories, which over time also acquired the status of abandoned, huge construction projects frozen and forgotten by people, the purpose of which can be just guess, etc. So, if you are interested in the abandoned places of Russia, then it is for you that we have made a selection with the most complete description, history, and geographical location. And for a complete immersion, we have added a large amount of information: photos and videos of abandoned places in Russia.

Few people know the history of the emergence and flooding of a small provincial town in the Yaroslavl region called Mologa. The city got its name from the river of the same name. He had…

In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Iultinsky District, there is a small village with an interesting history called Iultin. The history of the village begins in 1937, when the geologist Milyaev V.N. discovered the world's largest polymetallic deposit of tin, tungsten and molybdenum in the area of ​​Mount Iultin. And by March 1938, a convoy was sent to this area with the necessary ... ..

The famous abandoned well is located in the Murmansk region in the Pechenga ore region, which is known for copper-nickel deposits. The nearest settlement is the city of Zapolyarny, which is located 10 km from SG-3.

To this day, the Kola well is the deepest in the world. Its depth is a record 12,262 m, the diameter at the surface is 92 cm, and at the maximum depth it is 21.5 cm. research activity.

Of course, the choice of this remote place with a harsh climate is not accidental. Previously, a special geological expedition was organized, which indicated exactly this point for the construction of the entire drilling structure ... ..

Currently, many modern people have heard about the North Crown Hotel: some know this place as abandoned, while others know it as a comfortable building for a temporary stay. Let's take a look at each of these places one by one.

Abandoned North Crown Hotel.

During the Soviet era, a fairly large number of huge architectural projects were erected. One of these was the North Crown Hotel. This unfinished construction is considered quite large-scale, in which a considerable amount of money was invested. Currently, this abandoned building, which is not just a historical monument, is also associated with various mystical…..

The railway "Chum - Salekhard - Igarka", the construction project of which took place in 1947-1953. The modern name of this route is the transpolar highway. The project of the railway track from the shores of the Barents Sea to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Chukotka. In general, the very idea of ​​​​the highway falls on 1928, then it was called the Great Northern Railway, and connected to the entire network of the country ... ..

There are a huge number of attractions in the Leningrad region, but one of the pearls of this area is the Sablinsky Reserve. 40 kilometers from St. Petersburg on 220 hectares there are many monuments of nature and history:
1. former estate of Count A. K. Tolstoy,
2. the parking place of the troops of Alexander Nevsky before the battle with the Livonian Order,
3. Sablinsky and Tosnensky lowland waterfalls,

In 1976, the entire area was declared a natural monument. After that, measures were taken to clean the caves from debris…..

Among the most majestic cultural monuments of our country, Koenigsberg Castle in Kaliningrad deserves special attention. And this is not surprising, since the ruins of this structure excite the consciousness of modern man. This feeling does not disappear even with the understanding that there is not much left of the castle, and the Amber Room has not been discovered. Most likely, this is due to the fact that this construction is one of the most ancient in our region or the fact that people are still waiting for the Amber Room to be excavated. In any case, such a historical construction surprises many people, which is why they tend to come here…..

Khovrinsky abandoned hospital is a real Mecca for lovers of abandoned places. Khovrinka is located in the area, as you might guess, Khovrino, and the SAO of Moscow. It is considered one of the most eerie places in the capital; there are many legends about it. What the walls of Khovrinka did not see: parties of the Goths, and gatherings of Satanists, and suicides, and murders, and breaking drug addicts, and just curious stalkers. It all started with a grandiose plan of the Soviet government to build a hospital complex for 1300 beds…..

The Gerhardt mill is a building of historical significance. The Stalingrad Battle Monument is one of the few buildings that survived the difficult war years. Now the mill resembles rather a fragment from the past or a portal to Stalingrad in 1943.

History of occurrence

At the beginning of the 20th century, the small town of Tsaritsyn grew to the status of an industrial hub of the Volga region. Residents began to actively explore new ... ..

The village of Verkhnyaya Gubakha is an eerie sight, consisting of the remains of dilapidated houses and old rubbish. But once this ghost town was the capital of the coal industry in the Western Urals. But the most surprising thing is that the deserted village adjoins the settlement (the city of Gubakha) and creates an incredible contrast between the place forgotten by God and the developing town…..

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the number of abandoned cities and towns on the territory of the former Soviet Union is quite large. And this happened as a result of the economic recession, certain geographical features of a particular region, and political preferences. In any case, many objects were left behind and the affairs of such places have not improved to this day.

In addition, such abandoned neighborhoods have become very popular due to the rapidly developing extreme types of tourism. Since ordinary sights, monuments and simply beautiful nature, for many travelers it is something ordinary and familiar. Therefore, less and less attractive ... ..

Surely, many people have heard of such a ghostly village as Khalmer Yu. This is a real ghost town located in the Urals. This place is located in the middle of the tundra, not far from the Ural mountains. It is here that administrative buildings, multi-storey buildings, and industrial facilities abandoned by people stand.

The village of Khalmer Yu is located in the Komi Republic, approximately seventy kilometers from the city of Vorkuta. If translated from German, the name of this place means "dead river". The most interesting thing is that earlier the village was considered sacred, it was here that they brought to bury those who ... ..

Dagdiesel 8 shop of the plant is located in Kaspiysk. This is not a simple abandoned place, because it is located right in the open sea, 2.7 km from the coast. Initially, the building was built for testing naval weapons, for which at first it was used, at the moment it is in an abandoned state and is gradually being destroyed by sea waves.

Dagdiesel 8 workshop. Construction history

The Dagdiesel plant was built in 1935. For more than an honor of 70 years of history, he has come a long way and won fame around the world. The company specializes in the production of diesel engines for marine…..

After the collapse of the USSR, the entire Soviet space remained dotted with mysterious objects. The Crimean NPP is a vivid example of this. The unfinished nuclear power plant is still full of mysteries and mysteries.

The Crimean NPP is located near the town of Shchelkino. Design began in 1965. It was planned to use the salty waters of the Aktash reservoir as a cooling pond.

In 1975, the construction of the facility began. Great hopes were pinned on the nuclear power plant. The station was supposed to supply energy to the entire Crimean peninsula and become the basis for the industrial development of the region. The power of two…..

In the sixties of the last century, a new settlement appeared on the map of Russia - the urban-type settlement Vostok. It began to be built for oil workers and their families in 1964, 98 km from Okha in the Sakhalin Region. The East promised to become a well-maintained city and fully justified expectations. They built 17 five-story block houses for almost a hundred families, several two-story houses, a school, a kindergarten and a club. In 1970, the East was renamed ... ..

Not far from Moscow, just ninety kilometers from the capital, there is one of the most popular places among tourists - the Lopatinsky mine. This is an amazing part of the Yegorievsk phosphorite deposit.

The Dvina missile system is another gloomy remnant of the Cold War, located in Latvia. Soviet launch silos have long been empty. From now on, instead of the military and workers, stalkers and other adventurers occasionally travel on the territory of the facility.

In the mid-1950s, Soviet scientists were instructed to create a nuclear missile with a range of 2,000 km. The design took several years, after which the first prototypes appeared under the designation R-12. Modified missiles with the index "U" were intended for mine-based. One of those missiles...

In Crimea, on the slope of Mount Target, there is an unfinished Object No. 221 - the Reserve Command Post of the Black Sea Fleet. Only those who are familiar with these places can find this place. Hidden southeast of Sevastopol is a building with countless tunnels going underground. In case of war, command actions of the Soviet troops were to be carried out here. But the USSR collapsed, and the building remained abandoned.

The road leading to the object is dug up and littered with stones. Outsiders who wanted to enter the secret territory could be eliminated by the guards. For example, a foreign agent would have to travel on foot and become an easy target.

In case of meeting with random tourists was ... ..

During the Soviet Union, a sufficient number of buildings and cities were erected, which are unique in their architecture, position and history of creation as a whole. The city of Mirny is one of them. It is here that the famous Mir quarry is located, where diamonds were previously mined. It can be called a miracle even in the modern world due to its huge size. The scientific name of the quarry is "kimberlite pipe". The city appeared around it and got its name in honor of the quarry.

The kimberlite pipe itself appeared a long time ago. Once upon a time, flows of lava and volcanic gases escaped from the bowels of the planet Earth at great speed. The huge force of the explosion also threw out kimberlite - a rock where ... ..

Not far from the city of Sevastopol, just ten kilometers away, in the small resort town of Balaklava, there is an underground submarine base, referred to as object 825 GTS. In 2003, for the first time in forty-six years of existence, the building was presented to the public.

The underground submarine base in Balaklava is a fairly large structure, which is located in the very bowels of the earth. It is able to reliably and effectively protect all the contents here from an atomic explosion. In this room there are the following components: workshops for the repair of equipment, a channel with a dry dock, a warehouse for lubricants and combustible materials, as well as a mine-torpedo part of the GTS.

There is an underwater base ... ..

One of the most curious sights of the Tver region is the mystical Shar near Dubna. It is located in the Kimrsky district, near the village of Ignatovo. This object is overgrown with rumors and legends, since there is no verified and confirmed version of its origin ... ..

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