Orders for a pharmacy for a year. Rules for dispensing prescription drugs

In the forties of the last century, humanity received a powerful weapon against many deadly infections. Antibiotics were sold without prescriptions and made it possible to treat diseases that used to be inevitably fatal, revolutionizing medicine. As a result, mortality has significantly decreased, life expectancy has increased, and its very quality has improved.

Antimicrobial drugs began to be used everywhere, and many scientists predicted the complete disappearance of infectious diseases. But it turned out quite differently, and today about 700,000 people die every year from the immunity of pathogens to drugs.

Antibiotics without prescriptions

For a long time, this is how they were sold, which led to rampant uncontrolled self-medication. Patients independently, without medical advice, "prescribed" a medicine for themselves at the first sign of malaise. But the fact is that ABPs help to cope only with diseases caused by bacteria, protozoa or fungi, and against viruses, which are the most common cause of colds, they are powerless. In addition, each drug is effective against a certain range of pathogens and an incorrectly selected drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

As a result of such “treatment”, the diseases are aggravated, a secondary, more severe infection joins, and pathogenic strains become immune to the drug.
The sale of antibiotics without prescriptions has created a threatening situation in medicine, when ordinary pneumonia cannot be cured by any modern medicines.

In addition, serious complications of diseases caused by viruses began to occur more often. Physicians around the world began to declare the need for state regulation of the sale of ABP to consumers.

Why are antibiotics only sold by prescription?

For a long time, attention was not paid to the problem, because science did not stand still and antimicrobials were constantly improved. The assortment of pharmacies expanded, and doctors were able to prescribe alternative antibiotic therapy if the main one did not give results. However, it soon became obvious that pathogenic microorganisms began to adapt to new conditions more and more quickly, and the growth of resistance reached very high levels.

In America and European countries, the situation was treated with all responsibility and antibiotics without prescriptions have not been sold for a long time. There, to purchase a medicine, you will definitely have to go to the doctor, even if you need the safest drug with a minimum of contraindications. On the territory of the post-Soviet space, in particular in Russia, only in 2005 the state listened to doctors and tried to legally resolve the issue. A list of antimicrobial agents was drawn up, which can be bought freely, but pharmacy chains continued to operate as before.

Finally, in 2016, a new law came out regulating the rules for dispensing antibiotics from pharmacies, where penalties for non-compliance became significantly tougher. A very limited number of ABPs are now available over the counter, mostly for topical use. And organizations that sell antibacterial drugs in violation of the law are subject to significant fines or are closed for up to 3 months. What drugs are not banned?

List of non-prescription antibiotics

Detailed information on all legal documents regulating the healthcare sector is available on the website of the relevant ministry. There is also a list of drugs that are sold freely in pharmacy chains. Antimicrobials include:

  • Gramicidin C ®
  • Nitrofural ®
  • Nifuroxazide ®
  • Sulfadiazine ®
  • Sulfanilamide ®
  • Sulfacetamide ®
  • Cyclopirox ®
  • Econazole ®
  • Erythromycin + zinc acetate ®

All these antibiotics, with the exception of Furazolidone ® , Fluconazole ® and Gramicidin C ® , are sold in the form of dosage forms for external and topical use - ointments (including eye ointments), solutions, creams, suppositories, etc. Any other antibiotics are sold by a prescription written by a doctor on a special form.

On September 22, new rules for the sale of medicines in pharmacies came into force. Now it can be difficult or impossible to buy the right drug. Pharmacies require prescriptions and even store them. And the medicine may not be sold to relatives at all: they will ask for a power of attorney.

We have reviewed the new rules and will explain how they work. The order of the Ministry of Health is complex and incomprehensible even for pharmacists, so clarifications have already been issued to it. We also studied them.

As it was before?

Prescription drugs have always had to be sold by prescription. Each category has its own sales and accounting rules. Such drugs are marketed subject to strict federal requirements, but pharmacies have not always complied with them.

It used to be possible to take one prescription and buy as many medicines as you like with it. Doctors did not indicate the terms, and pharmacists did not pay attention to it. And they could take away prescriptions only in rare cases and for dangerous drugs.

No one followed the dosages of conventional sedatives and did not note on the prescription how much and when it was already bought. And often the recipe was not asked at all.

Even if you used to buy an antibiotic, sedative or medicine for your grandmother without a prescription, this does not mean that the drug is really on sale. Even common drugs are on the prescription list, and buying them can now be a problem.

As it is now? Where can I buy medicines?

It depends on whether a prescription is needed and what category the drug belongs to. There are several such categories, it is pointless to study them all in advance, but you need to keep in mind.

Narcotic and psychotropic drugs can only be sold by pharmacies with a special permit. Its limitations for immunobiological preparations: for example, a vaccine for vaccination of a child can only be bought at a pharmacy and pharmacy, and only if there is a thermal container. There are also differences in prescription forms.

If the doctor has prescribed a prescription medicine, it is better to find out in advance where you can buy it. And do not be surprised if some pharmacies do not sell the drug. This is not their whim, but the requirement of the law.

If a prescription is needed for a medicine, what should I do?

You need to get this prescription: otherwise the pharmacy will not sell the drug. Even if the medicine is needed urgently or it is taken constantly, and there is no time to go to the doctor, it still will not sell. Maybe in some cities there are pharmacies that manage to get around the rules, but it’s better not to count on this: the law is the law.

If you need a prescription for a medicine, you will have to present it at the pharmacy. And the pharmacy has the right to take this prescription if it is required by the new rules. That is, the second time to buy this medicine according to the same prescription will not work.

Recipes are also divided into several types. There are recipes for one time, urgent, for a free vacation and various others. The prescription may be valid for several days, months or a year. You can buy a prescription drug only while it is valid. The pharmacy can take it away permanently or return it with a note: how much and when sold, in what dosage and for how long this is enough.

Can I buy a spare? More antibiotics, painkillers and blood pressure pills.

No, you won't be able to buy in reserve now. According to the rules, the prescription will sell as much of the drug as prescribed by the doctor.

This should be monitored by pharmacists. Even if you ask the doctor for a prescription with a margin, the pharmacy will not sell that much, and even report a violation.

How do you know how long a prescription is valid?

Not all prescriptions have an expiration date. Some doctors do not pay attention to this, but pharmacists generally did not care: the main thing is that the prescription is.

Pharmacists must keep track of deadlines and report irregularities if they are found.

It turns out, now the recipe will be taken away? And you have to go for a new one every time?

Pharmacies must collect and store prescriptions for certain drugs. They are listed in paragraph 14 of the new rules. Read and check the medication instructions. Suddenly this is your case.

If you or someone in your family regularly takes these medicines, you will have to go for a new prescription for each batch. Even if these pills are needed all the time - for example, painkillers for a seriously ill person. Or sleeping pills and sedatives for regular use. The same situation with alcohol-containing drugs - the prescription will remain in the pharmacy.

Whether it is possible to write out a prescription not for one time, but for a long period, the doctor decides and pharmacies are checked.

If the prescription is issued for a year, will it also be taken away? Will I have to go to the same pharmacy all the time or get a new prescription every time?

No, this recipe will not be taken away. Although there are rumors that they are being taken away. Do not believe the rumors - read the law. They can pick it up only if the prescription was issued before September 22, and then the sales rules for this drug changed.

How to deal with prescriptions for a long time is written in paragraph 10 of the new rules.

When a pharmacy sells a prescription drug that is valid for a year, the pharmacist must note when and how much the drug was sold. And the prescription is returned. The next time, this prescription will be sold again in the right amount of the medicine: past sales will be taken into account and again put a mark.

When the prescription expires, you will no longer be able to buy the medicine with it. If the prescription is to be kept, the pharmacy will collect it. If you don’t need to store it, they will give it away, but you still won’t be able to use it.

What are the rules for the sale of vaccines?

The vaccine for vaccination will be sold only if the buyer has a thermal container. It is impossible to deliver it to the clinic in an ordinary bag: the vaccine will deteriorate and the vaccine will be useless.

You can buy a container directly at the pharmacy. These are additional costs that you need to consider: you will have to pay extra or go with your own. You cannot buy a vaccine in advance. You can store such drugs for a maximum of two days. If you are going to vaccinate your child with a paid vaccine, consider these restrictions.

By the way, you can’t buy a vaccine without a prescription either. You will first have to take a prescription from a doctor, then buy a drug on it and within 48 hours get back to the clinic - already for vaccination.

Sometimes it’s easier to sign up for a paid clinic: they will conduct an examination there, give a referral and do all the procedures at once. Or agree to a free vaccination with a cheap vaccine from the state.

On September 22, new rules for dispensing medicines came into force - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2017 No. 403n “On approval of the rules for dispensing medicines”, which regulates the sale of medicines in pharmacies. The document caused a lot of noise and confusion among both patients and pharmacy staff. Today we tried to answer the most important questions about the new order that a simple pharmacy visitor may have.

Does the new order make all drugs prescription drugs?

No. The new dispensing rules only slightly change how certain prescription drugs are sold. It does not impose any restrictions on conventional over-the-counter drugs.

And now you can't just buy a prescription drug?

In fact, selling prescription drugs without a prescription has always been illegal. For this, the pharmacy faces a rather big fine and deprivation of the license. But, as everyone knows, the severity of the law is compensated by the optionality of its implementation. Therefore, a number of pharmacies neglect the rules. However, the emergence of new dispensing rules means close attention to their implementation, and therefore, pharmacies are now more reverent about prescription dispensing.

How do you know if you need a prescription for a drug?

Whether the drug is prescription or not - this is stated in the instructions for use. In addition, such information is always indicated on the packaging. Approximately 70% of all drugs registered in Russia are prescription drugs.

In an ideal world, the doctor knows by heart which drugs require a prescription and which do not. But in the harsh reality, very often such information has to be checked independently. Therefore, when a doctor advises you on any medications, you can check them via the Internet right at the appointment and immediately ask for a prescription.

Prescriptions are written only on special forms. The most common is form No. 107-1 / y. It looks like this:

To check if a drug is a prescription, you can go to the site and enter the name of the drug. All prescription drugs on our website are marked "prescription". By the way, not so long ago we had a special label for drugs, the prescription for which remains in the pharmacy.

How is it - "the prescription remains in the pharmacy"?

The pharmacy has a list of drugs that are subject to strict accounting. As a rule, these are medicines containing narcotic or psychotropic substances included in a special list. Prescriptions for such drugs always remain in the pharmacy to control their sale. The turnover of narcotic substances is checked not only by Roszdravnadzor, but also by the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But now, according to the new dispensing rules, the pharmacy must also keep prescriptions for certain drugs (antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, hypnotics and sedatives, as well as alcohol-containing drugs with an alcohol content of more than 15%) *.

"Alcohol-containing drugs"? So, now you need to get a prescription for Corvalol or valerian?

No. Again, the new order does not make prescription drugs. This applies only to prescription drugs. Corvalol, valerian tincture, and many other popular tinctures and elixirs are available over the counter. Accordingly, no one can require a prescription for them, if this is not stated in the instructions for use.

Okay, let's say I have a prescription, but it contains several drugs, and one of them is marked "remaining in the pharmacy." And I want to buy just one. Will they take my prescription?

Yes. Exceptions are made only for annual prescriptions, provided that you do not buy the entire prescribed amount of the drug at one time (this also requires the permission of the doctor who wrote the prescription).

For example, you are prescribed a course of antidepressants for a year, and you only need to purchase one package. In this case, the pharmacy has no right to take your prescription. The pharmacist only makes a note of how much of the drug you bought and returns the prescription.

Can I get medicine if the prescription is not for me?

Yes. Almost all drugs are dispensed simply to the bearer of the prescription. Both the patient himself and his friend, relative, or just an acquaintance can get the drug in a pharmacy. The main thing is the presence of the recipe.

An exception is made only for narcotic or psychotropic drugs. Prescriptions for such drugs are issued on a special form No. 107 / u-NP. It is easy to distinguish from other recipes because it is pink in color. When receiving such drugs at a pharmacy, you must have a power of attorney to receive medicines and a passport confirming that you are the one to whom the power of attorney was issued.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health emphasizes that the power of attorney can even be handwritten. You can write in it that "I trust such and such drugs to receive such and such medicines according to such and such a prescription to such and such a person." And be sure to indicate the passport data of this person. In addition, the date of its compilation must be indicated in it. Notarization of such a power of attorney is not required.

What else has changed with the new order of drug dispensing?

Now all prescriptions are stamped that "the drug is dispensed." Thus, they cannot be reused. Therefore, if you suddenly need another standard of the drug, you will need to get a new prescription.

Also, the pharmacist is now obliged to inform the buyer about the rules for storing the medicine, its interaction with other drugs, as well as about its method and doses of administration. In addition, a pharmacy employee cannot hide information about the availability of drugs with the same active ingredient, but cheaper. Such a norm existed earlier in the law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens” and the Rules of Good Pharmacy Practice, but now it has been duplicated in the order of leave.

* Below is a list of INNs, prescriptions for which, according to the new order, will now remain in the pharmacy. Please note that active ingredients (INN) are listed here, not specific brand names.

aminophenylbutyric acid
belladonna alkaloids + phenobarbital + ergotamine
lithium carbonate
Prudnyak fruit extract

Main photo istockphoto.com

Photos from open sources

We are all used to change. We are no longer so afraid of reports of the next economic crisis, because in our memory there have already been several of them. Innovations in the educational standard of schools and higher educational institutions are not surprising. But the news in the field of health care and access to medicines cannot but cause concern. There are practically no healthy people in the modern world. We all have some kind of chronic disease and are often forced to purchase certain medicines. And when there is information in the news feeds that changes are coming in this process from a certain period, we experience feelings.

From the beginning of 2017, a new order of the Ministry of Health on the rules for dispensing medicinal products from pharmacy chains comes into force. The new order will directly affect every inhabitant.

In particular, a ban is introduced to sell a number of medicines in large quantities in one hand. This restriction is introduced for alcohol-containing tinctures and syrups, the mass fraction of ethyl alcohol in which is above 15%. Now they will be sold in one hand in the amount of no more than two bottles. Namely, with such means, many of us treat our colds at home on our own. We advise you to take care of their availability in advance, since at the peak of the incidence you will often have to visit the pharmacy under the new vacation conditions. The advice is especially relevant, taking into account the long shelf life of the latter.

Fans of online shopping should also listen to the innovations, since any online pharmacy in Moscow will follow them from the new year.

A pleasant change can be called the fact that according to prescriptions, patients with chronic diseases will be able to purchase the necessary medicines for the future. Today it is possible to do this only for the next two months. In this case, documentary evidence of the fact of departure or the impossibility of getting to the pharmacy in the future is required. Since January 2017, this period has been extended to a calendar year.

If the pharmacy does not have drugs from the list of vital and necessary drugs, then it will have to purchase them and provide them for sale no later than a week after the patient's request. Today, this period is prescribed as five calendar days. But if it is necessary for the buyer to take the medicine immediately, which is indicated on the prescription by the doctor's mark “statim”, the pharmacy is obliged to provide this product on the day of the request.

Under the new document, pharmacy workers are prohibited from advising the buyer of more expensive drugs if a cheaper analogue is available. Also, pharmacists will have to give detailed advice about the properties and contraindications of a particular drug, its expiration date, storage methods and doses used. Currently, such information is provided only at the request of the pharmacy employee himself and is not necessarily regulated in any way. Therefore, even when purchasing medicines in an online pharmacy. In 2017, you can count on the professional participation of a specialist in choosing one or another product, on advice on its use and storage.

We can only hope that all these innovations will be implemented and will benefit the interests of pharmacy customers.

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What drugs will be available on prescription from 2017?

In- first, according to the recipes in 2017 In 2016, all the drugs that were dispensed by prescription in 2016 will be dispensed in Russia. No easing is planned in this list, unfortunately for drug buyers.

In Secondly, in Rospotrebnadzor (its head) they made a rather unexpected statement-suggestion that it is very desirable to sell all the drugs that are in pharmacies exclusively by prescription. That is absolutely everything. Maybe, with the exception of those medicines that are necessary for completing all kinds of first-aid kits. Read about it. The Ministry of Health proposes to soften this proposal, and we will see to what extent this softening will take place.

In a word, drug consumers are waiting for, if not a revolution in the dispensing system, then at least a reorganization of the list of prescription drugs in the direction of a clear increase. The list will be replenished with those medicines that are not required urgently, but negatively affect the body during self-medication.

All new medicines containing narcotics are psychotropic. And such funds in the pharmaceutical market are only increasing every year. Alas, people do not solve problems, but for years they accept everything.

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The third group is combined drugs: narcotics, psychotropic substances and their precursors. It was decided to designate this group separately: antibiotics. We are used to prescribing them ourselves, but sometimes there is no other way, especially if you get sick on the weekend. Many send their relatives to the pharmacy for antibiotics.

How it will be in practice, we will see.

Definitely, new tranquilizers and antidepressants will also join the ranks of prescription drugs.

Here are some drugs that will be sold by prescription.

It is sometimes surprising that the drug has remained the same, the same active ingredient, but the packaging is different 3D, and the price is already higher and the prescription may be asked.

Many live completely without drugs! Well done!

Currently, work is underway to compile such a list. Enough time was allocated to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for such work, up to January 31, 2017.

It is already known that the list will definitely include drugs in the prescription form of which the line is indicated:

Presumably, it will be possible to buy without a prescription only thirty percent of the medicines that are presented for sale in pharmacies.

The following list of medicines also goes

Since January 2017, the dispensing of medicines in pharmacies has become more strict. Many medicines that could previously be bought without a doctor's prescription are now simply not sold. Most of these drugs are antibiotics, but there are also conventional painkillers.

In the instructions for these drugs and previously there was a clause "dispensed by prescription." But pharmacies sold them without any prescriptions. Now it is planned to organize unscheduled inspections, which will entail the issuance of fines to those pharmacies where medicines are sold without a prescription.

Another question arises - how should patients receive prescriptions? Everyone knows what queues are at the offices of district therapists. Therefore, now they are actively solving this issue so that the system of "prescription drugs only" will work in full.

Since the beginning of 2017, a list has been posted, which includes a list of drugs that are prohibited from being released without a prescription.

People, now, really cannot live without drugs, and pills, as they help us to increase our lifespan when we are sick.

This year, only those medicines that contain Khlopinin will be dispensed by prescription:

Also on this list is the well-known Valocordin:

And here is a complete list of medicines that will not be given to everyone, but only to those who will have a special piece of paper "prescription" from a doctor:

In 2017, changes took place in the pharmaceutical sector, which are now being actively discussed.

The list of drugs that cannot be purchased without a prescription from a doctor has become longer. It contained drugs with a psychotropic effect, and good old antibiotics. Some indignation was caused by the fact that the cardiac remedy Valocordin was included in this list. Curantyl, so often prescribed for pregnant women, was also there, as well as Nimesil, a well-known painkiller.

Most likely, the list will be replenished with new names.

Since 2017, pharmacies will not be able to sell prescription drugs if instead of an official document with a doctor’s signature and seal there is a “handwritten piece of paper”

Going to the pharmacy for medicines, do not be lazy, open the Internet. Type in the search engine the desired medication and look at the instructions for it. If there is a note “Only by prescription”, it means that without this very prescription, the remedy you need will not be sold.

Medicines are divided into those that can be freely bought at a pharmacy, and those that are dispensed only by prescription. In relation to the latter, from January 1, 2017, the rules for their vacation are being tightened. Under the heading "only by prescription" do not fall medicines that are freely available - on the windows of pharmacies. without problems, you can buy antiviral, many cough and cold medicines, some enzyme and painkillers.

And although the innovation caused a lot of controversy, for pharmacy workers this is by no means news. Order No. 785 "On the procedure for dispensing medicines" has been in force since December 14, 2005. But now the very form of the “doctor's note” is changing.

If before a prescription was considered a banal sheet on which the scribbles of the prescribed medicine were drawn by the doctor’s hand, this “gag” will no longer pass from the new year. A prescription form (form No. 107 / y) is required. With the personal seal of the doctor, the seal of the medical institution, dosage and frequency of use.

Remember, recipes also have an expiration date. Now it is 60 days. For chronic patients, the duration of the prescription may be longer.

So far, the official list of all drugs that must be dispensed strictly by prescription. In January, the Ministry of Health will draw up a list of medicines that will be dispensed only by prescription. In the meantime, they will focus on the instructions for medicines.

State Duma deputies plan to tighten control over pharmacies. For the sale of drugs without a doctor's prescription, even now you can "run into" a fine, but the deputies propose to increase the administrative penalty to 10 thousand rubles. And as a last resort, it is proposed to close the pharmacy for three months.

Since 2017, control over the sale of medicines will be strengthened Is it worth buying medicines? (TV and radio company "Seim")

in recent years, they have had a mania to prohibit everything, limit punishment, etc., all laws are directed at the negative; there is not a single law to give provision to provide an increase in favor of the people, even with authoritarianism you rarely see such a well, well, let's see where this curve leads

Here you go. I've been reading nonsense) Comments about nothing. Why stand in line with a pressure of 180 when there is an ambulance for such a situation. Although, in general, it is supposed to stock up on medicines as soon as they come to an end, and not on the day of the crisis (. Someone wrote about an antibiotic that should always be in the first aid kit Are you sure? And what (read, from what) should be at home? Do you think that one antibiotic cures everything? Nonsense! And they will do the right thing not to sell it. Otherwise, citizens drink "a harmful antibiotic for 2.5 days .. and so most cause its resistance to bacteria (addiction to the drug), the next time it no longer affects the microbe.So we returned to society tuberculosis, which became difficult to select drugs and increased mortality.Afraid of the drug, do not start drinking..it will be completely bad , then the doctor will write out a prescription, And in a difficult situation, you yourself will drink it to the end. And Valocordin is not at all a harmless drug, because it contains Phenobarbital (read on Wiki), but it does not save from death at all. rather from fear)) So, an ambulance and another ambulance if you really feel bad. PS. I ALWAYS take a coupon through the Internet, I have never sat at the office for 3 hours. strictly on time and almost always on time. Doctors are not interested in accepting 35 instead of 15 people. why "get unrealistic"?!

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You give me a paper. Starting from the new year, the sale of medicines without a prescription will be tightened

In recent months, while shopping at a pharmacy, Kursk residents have been hearing from pharmacists a warning that from January 1, 2017, most drugs will be dispensed strictly by prescription. But is this true and what barriers will now be put up for patients?

Whose order?

On June 21, 2016, the State Duma adopted in the first reading the government bill No. 1093620-6 "On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in terms of improving administrative responsibility in the healthcare sector." And in September, at a meeting with Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation, it was announced that from January 1, 2017, prescription drugs will be under special control of the department.

“In fact, the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 785 “On the procedure for dispensing medicines” is valid from December 14, 2005. It is he who regulates the procedure for dispensing medicines from pharmacies, regardless of the form of ownership. Therefore, we still fine pharmacies for selling drugs without a prescription, ”explained Lyudmila Ilyukhina, deputy head of the department for licensing, supervision and control in the field of medical and social activities of the regional department of Roszdravnadzor.

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Recall that 70% of drugs registered in the Russian Federation are dispensed strictly according to prescriptions, and only 30% - without it. But what will change in the new year? Nothing but tougher legislation in terms of control and supervision of pharmacies. Now Roszdravnadzor is constrained by the current legislation and cannot effectively influence pharmacies for violating the quality and safety of medical and pharmaceutical activities. It's just that pharmacists did not always pay attention to these requirements, and the population did not see the problem and did not understand it.

How will they punish?

The current version of the Code of Administrative Offenses does not establish administrative liability for a number of violations in the field of laboratory and clinical practice rules during clinical and preclinical studies of medicinal products for medical use, procedures for the provision of medical care in terms of non-compliance with the mandatory requirements established by them, procedures for conducting medical examinations, examinations and examinations , as well as the procedure for prescribing and prescribing drugs. Therefore, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO).

The price of health. Do beneficiaries have enough medicines?

The new law proposes completely different fines and penalties for violating the drug trade rules, including over-the-counter dispensing of prescription drugs.

So from January 1, 2017, if the fact of selling a medicine without a prescription is revealed, Roszdravnadzor can fine a pharmacist who violated the law in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles (now - from 1,500 to 3 thousand rubles); the official will have to pay from 20 to 30 thousand rubles (now - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles); legal - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles (now - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles). Closing of a drugstore for 3 months (90 days) can become apogee.

Therefore, you understand, most pharmacies, if not all, will not want to take risks and will work strictly according to the letter of the law.

Blame self-medication

The impetus for the changes was the level of self-treatment of the population, which has recently gone off scale, and sometimes turns into very tragic consequences. Here it is already worth dealing with another problem - the lack of doctors and queues in hospitals that force people to go to the pharmacy and consult a pharmacist, which medicines should be taken for a particular disease.

“But the pharmacy must follow the doctor's recommendation, draw the buyer's attention to the storage conditions and the frequency of administration, no more. And the prescription itself is an appeal from a doctor to a pharmacist, what exactly he should give to the patient, - Ilyukhina notes. - And now it also happens that a person really visited a doctor, but came to the pharmacy not with a prescription written on official letterhead, but with a piece of paper on which the doctor indicated the name of the drug. And on these scraps pharmacists dispense drugs. This whole situation needs to change.”

The level of self-medication may be off scale, but this trend has a logical explanation - how long will a person have to sit in a hospital queue for a prescription? Especially considering that the majority prefer not to go on sick leave with every cold, but to carry it on their feet, since hospital authorities do not favor hospitals, and many of us do not consider sluggish SARS to be a real disease, supporting our immunity with medicines (not even antibiotics) from the nearest pharmacy. But now, before going to the pharmacy, you will have to go on a “crusade” to the hospital and sit there in line, most likely not an hour or two.

Shortage and queues

It is impossible to say right now which drugs will be dispensed only by prescription: a clear list does not exist in fact, it was abolished in 2011, as it was too long and cumbersome. So you will have to focus on the packaging of the drug, which should indicate the name, doses, form of release, manufacturers, expiration date, storage conditions and the release rule - with or without a prescription.

In the last century, when antimicrobials were first invented, it seemed that a panacea had been found. For the discovery they gave the Nobel Prize and began to treat everyone with penicillin. However, why only in the last century? Not so long ago it was easy to buy antibiotics without prescriptions. The list of prescription drugs was very narrow. But medical statistics and research in recent years have significantly changed the situation. Things didn't turn out as rosy as many had hoped.

We start with the most important

A photo of the names of antibiotics without a prescription is given below.

Only these drugs today in the pharmacy can be bought freely. All others are subject to a restriction, non-compliance with which is punishable by a decent fine. And persuasion in the style of “just recently they sold me everything” does not work - in May of this year, a new law was adopted in our country, which strictly limited the possibility of selling medicines. However, often the townsfolk do not even realize that this was done for their own good. We rarely think about the ability of different forms of life to adapt to aggressive conditions, but the smaller this very life, the higher its qualities. This is especially true for viruses and microbes - penicillin, which killed them several decades ago, today does not frighten harmful microflora, since resistance has been developed. To understand the essence of this phenomenon, it is worth looking not for a list of permitted antibiotics without prescriptions, but for the principle of the drugs.

And how was it before?

In fact, the list of over-the-counter antibiotics has always been rather narrow: most drugs were legally allowed to be purchased only with an official doctor's certificate. The exception concerned only a few items included in the special list of essential medicines. Only now the law did not contain serious punishments for misconduct, so it was observed very conditionally. And yet there was no officially free sale before. The problem of compliance with the established rules worried the government for a long time, on the basis of which a new normative act was adopted this year, designed to make the situation more stable.

Many are rightly indignant: it is very difficult to get to the clinic to get a prescription for the necessary medication. Huge queues, a flea market, infections - you can get sick even more than before going to the doctor. So the inhabitants are interested in the names of antibiotics without a prescription, hoping to bypass the unpleasant need to visit a specialist. The government does not deny that hospitals are really overwhelmed, and the impossibility of free purchase of antimicrobial drugs only increases this volume.

Why is this needed?

At the world level, doctors are sounding the alarm: microscopic life forms have developed a stable immunity to antibiotics. Lists that are dispensed without a prescription, of course, attract attention, but by doing so, a person himself considers himself to be at an increased risk: microscopic life forms in his body learn to survive even under the influence of substances so unfavorable for them, so in the future the disease will be more difficult to eliminate and harder. There is a possibility of death from a simple flu and its complications, and all because of the resistance of microbes to drugs designed to fight them. And it was developed precisely because of the uncontrolled use of medicines by the masses. Doctors voice predictions: millions of people are in danger due to established medical practices.

And what to do?

As activists say, a ban on the sale of antimicrobial agents can only bring real benefits in the conditions of a well-established system for providing medical services to the population, because in the current situation, a person either has to wait literally a week when he manages to get to the doctor, or independently search for names from the list of allowed over-the-counter antibiotics, as well as persuading pharmacists to break the law in order to sell him a useful drug. By the way, not only antimicrobial, but also many other medicines that are now freely sold in pharmacies, according to the law, should be distributed only if the patient has a properly executed prescription with all seals and signatures.

How to get a prescription?

If antibiotics from the list without prescriptions do not help or a person does not want to harm himself by using drugs uncontrollably, the easiest way is to get an appointment at a paid clinic. True, this is not cheap: even on the periphery, private clinics ask for up to a thousand rubles for an appointment, and in the metropolitan region this figure is two to three times more. But if there is no way to pay, and waiting too long for an appointment at the clinic, the person continues to be treated on his own - otherwise, a serious illness, numerous complications, up to death, threatens.

Is everything so clear?

Many say that the list of antibiotics without prescriptions in Russia is insignificant information, since a relatively small percentage of people who want to purchase medicines have a real permission from a doctor. If you refuse to all those who do not have a piece of paper, pharmacies will lose a significant percentage of their profits. Far from everyone is ready to do this, especially in a competitive and crisis market situation. Experts predict that drugs will continue to be sold in violation of established laws - this is the protection of enterprises from ruin.

Is it useful for the client? On the one hand, you do not need to be limited to a list of antibiotics without a prescription, you can hope that you can buy everything you need. On the other hand, do not forget about the immunity accumulated by microscopic life forms. In addition, during self-medication, many people stop drinking drugs not after the course duration has elapsed, but when the situation first improves, and this is the most effective way to develop resistance for microbes.

WHO: forecasts are disappointing

Scientists speaking on behalf of the World Health Organization informed that by 2050, about 10,000,000 deaths each year will be provoked by the immunity of microscopic life forms to antimicrobials. Against this background, the dispensing rules have been tightened in all countries, the list of antibiotics without a prescription has been significantly reduced.

Drug resistance is a natural process that is stimulated by the misuse of drugs. However, not only medicine plays a role, but also agriculture, where such compounds are widespread. Nowadays, some diseases can no longer be cured, although decades ago they were effectively eliminated with the help of antibiotics. A good example is the new subspecies of tuberculosis, drug-resistant gonorrhea. And this is not a complete list of dangerous infections. The consequences, especially in the analysis of the near future, seem large-scale, if not catastrophic.

What about today?

Extensive medical practice and uncontrolled use of antibiotics from the list without a prescription (and with prescriptions, too, if the average person can buy such a drug just like that) have led to the fact that about 700,000 people die from infection within a year. This forces us to look for new approaches to market regulation. The economy is good, the profits of pharmaceutical companies are also good, but the health of future generations is more important.

And what to do?

Instead of expanding the list of non-prescription antibiotics, the authorities decided to go the other way: to limit the sale of drugs as severely as possible in order to force people to visit a doctor before starting treatment. Currently, it is assumed that state-owned enterprises will gradually begin to take over the sector of private medical clinics. A mechanism for cooperation between the authorities and non-budgetary institutions is being developed.

This is possible, since in many state clinics not all areas are used, while maintenance costs are calculated from everything that is available. That is, the conclusion of contracts will make it possible to recoup the costs of housing and communal services, security, give sick people the opportunity to choose, lower the cost of private services and a chance to get to the doctor on time without a long queue.

Antibiotics: which are sold without a prescription?

At the beginning of the material, a list of drugs that can be freely purchased at the present time is already listed. Most of the above are medicines intended for external use, that is, gels and ointments, suppositories. Among them are those designed for ophthalmic use. The exception is:

  • "Furazolidone".
  • "Gramicidin C".
  • "Fluconazole".

To buy any other names, you will have to provide the pharmacist with a prescription drawn up in a special form.

Against the law: what will happen?

If it is possible to identify a violation of established regulations, the pharmacist will be fined - 5,000 rubles or more. The enterprise itself can be closed for a three-month period.

In addition to antibiotics, similar severe restrictions are imposed on painkillers intended for blood vessels and the heart, affecting the psyche and some other special groups. As the responsible authorities explain, this practice was introduced on the basis of the successful experience of foreign colleagues, where the normalization of the sale of medicines led to an increase in medical results: resistance in sources of pathology is developed much less frequently.

It is important

The ban on the sale of prescription drugs without the presentation of an appropriate permission from a doctor has been introduced on the territory of the state since 2005, however, it was observed rather conditionally. In addition to the Ministry of Health, Rospotrebnadzor has now taken up the normalization of sales. Now it is not only forbidden to sell prescription medicines without an appropriate piece of paper, but even to place them on the window. A pharmacy can be fined for a violation in the amount of 100,000 rubles or more.

The prescription must be issued on official letterhead, sealed by the doctor and the institution, and signed by the doctor. The name indicated in the recipe is non-proprietary. Be sure to prescribe the dose, frequency of administration. The prescription can be used for up to two months, but for chronic patients it is extended for a year, indicating how often drugs can be bought.

Buy what?

Currently, the ban is imposed on 70% of all pharmacy products. In addition to antibiotics, this includes hormonal drugs, ampoules, diabetic drugs, narcotic, psychotropic active substances. But a complete list of items allowed for sale without a prescription has not been released. Officially, they promised to publish it at the beginning of this year on the website of the Ministry of Health, but they did not bother about it. Officials require pharmacists to "focus on the instructions." If it states that a prescription is needed, then it is unacceptable to sell the drug without the official permission of the doctor.

What happens in practice?

Heads of pharmaceutical sales outlets have different attitudes to the new rules. Somewhere they require pharmacists to strictly adhere to the established rules, and on the free market there are only drops for the nose, ointments, herbs and a couple of medications for stopping the virus and lowering the temperature. Other enterprises are ready to sell both antibiotics and painkillers, but only in the form of gels and ointments. Somewhere you can buy pills, but you won’t be able to buy ampoules, and someone doesn’t pay attention to prohibitions at all.

Before going to the pharmacy, as experts recommend, you should first read the instructions for the necessary medication on the Internet. If it does not indicate the sale strictly by prescription, you can safely purchase such a drug. If you have such a phrase, you should first familiarize yourself with the side effects and carefully weigh for yourself what is more important: the immediate benefit and the possible danger in the future or the discomfort associated with visiting a doctor who will accurately choose the right medicine and tell you how to use it.

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