What herbs treat pulmonary fibrosis. Cases when pulmonary fibrosis occurs, treatment with folk remedies. Instrumental examination methods

Pulmonary pneumofibrosis is a type of interstitial lung disease that leads to limited ventilation functions of this organ and impaired gas exchange. This disease appears when fibrous tissue begins to grow in normal lung tissue. The process is irreversible, and drug treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is mainly aimed only at maintaining the body's respiratory system and maintaining healthy tissues.

Using numerous folk remedies, the patient can stop the further growth of fibrous tissue and significantly improve the function of the healthy part of the lungs. In this case, a person’s breathing normalizes, unpleasant symptoms disappear, and the risk of concomitant diseases is significantly reduced. If you add to this a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, your condition will return to normal, and you will again be able to breathe deeply.

Causes of pulmonary fibrosis

Fibrous tissue often begins to grow after poorly treated pneumonia. It is caused by a bacterium called streptococcus. We wrote about him in the article - "". We recommend reading!

During infection, fibrinous exudate accumulates in the lungs. After a few weeks, so-called phagocytes appear in the alveoli - substances that remove excess fibrin and bring the lungs back to normal. In case of complications, the fibrinous exudate is not removed, but hardens. This causes significant growth of connective tissue.

Other causes of pneumofibrosis:

  • tuberculosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • beryllium disease;
  • mycosis;
  • smoking;
  • interstitial pulmonary edema;
  • gastrointestinal reflux;
  • taking certain antibiotics and anticancer drugs (nitrofurantoin, bleomycin, tetotrexate);
  • herbicide poisoning;
  • contact with harmful vapors and dust

Symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis!

Such a disease, as a rule, at first passes in a latent form. The patient is only worried about shortness of breath and dry cough. This is sometimes accompanied by weight loss and weakness. The patient's breathing is shallow and fast. In the later stages, the patient's fingers acquire a characteristic shape - they look like a club, with thickened phalanges. Further, hypertrophy of the right ventricle of the heart develops, which manifests itself:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • bluish skin color;
  • edema.

If pneumofibrosis was preceded by pneumonia, the disease proceeds with acute flu-like symptoms:

  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • a sore throat;
  • elevated temperature;
  • general malaise

Once diagnosed, patients should begin treatment immediately. To do this, you can use proven folk remedies.

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis!

Before starting therapy, you must stop smoking completely, otherwise no drugs will help. On our website there is a special article on how to get rid of this habit with folk remedies. After a few days of being tobacco-free, your lungs will be much easier to breathe. And after completing a course of herbal medicine, you will forget about all the unpleasant symptoms. First, cleanse the respiratory system, and then drink herbs that restore the lungs.

Medieval way to cleanse the respiratory tract

Although this recipe is old, it has proven its worth and effectiveness. After the cleansing course, it will become much easier for you to breathe and exercise. Here is the prescription.

  1. Grind oman roots and rose hips in separate containers.
  2. Pour 1 large spoonful of crushed oman and rose hips into an enameled pan. Add water at a ratio of 1 tablespoon of herbs to 300 ml of water, that is, we need a total of 600 ml of water. Bring the drug to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour it all into a thermos and leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. The decoction should be drunk instead of tea in the amount of 100-150 ml 3 times a day for 1-2 months (it is forbidden to take breaks in treatment!). If you have low acidity of gastric juice, then drink the remedy 15 minutes before a meal, and if it is high, then 30 minutes after a meal.

If necessary, add honey to the drink (in any amount) and cool the broth for several hours before drinking. The drink contains a lot of energy, so it will help you during sports training. Oman and rosehip promotes regeneration of lung tissue, removes mucus and phlegm from the lungs (causing cough), protects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract from inflammation and infections. This is your first step to help beat pulmonary fibrosis. Next, treat with other folk remedies that restore the lungs.

Anise for lung recovery

If you have pulmonary fibrosis, treatment with anise seeds will bring you significant relief. They restore healthy tissue and prevent fibrous tissue from growing. We will share several folk remedies based on this plant.
Take a tablespoon of seeds, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Drink half a glass of infusion 2 times a day.
Add a pinch of anise seeds and cayenne pepper (you can also add honey for sweetness) to hot milk and sip before bed.

You can make a liquor based on this plant: mix 50 g of seeds with 500 ml of fortified white wine or high-quality cognac, after 10 days the remedy will infuse, and you can drink it in a small glass after a meal.

Rosemary for Clean Breath

The plant, as well as the essential oils from it, have a warming effect that helps cleanse the lungs of mucus and toxins. This is a powerful antioxidant that prevents development - and in fact, neglected pneumofibrosis, if not adequately treated, can just lead to a malignant tumor. Rosemary increases air circulation in the lungs and relaxes the bronchial passages, which improves the overall condition of the respiratory tract. We recommend that you definitely use folk remedies based on rosemary - you will notice the effect in a few days.

Finely chop small sprigs of rosemary, add the same amount of water and honey. All this must be simmered in the oven for at least 2 hours, then stored in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon every morning after waking up and in the evening before bed.

A good effect is given by treatment with rosemary liqueur. 50 g of crushed plant pour 500 ml of red wine, add a little sugar, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Infuse the remedy for 2 days, then strain and store in a glass bottle in the refrigerator. Drink one spoonful one hour after eating.

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis with other folk remedies

  1. Ginger warms the lungs, thins mucus and stimulates secretion, which speeds up the cleansing of this organ. If you have pulmonary fibrosis, add freshly ground ginger to your tea or milk.
  2. Thyme has antiseptic and expectorant properties. It contains the substance thymol, which helps to expel harmful substances from the lungs. To treat, mix a few drops of thyme oil with a spoonful of olive oil and rub on the chest overnight.
  3. Use folk remedies based on horseradish. It greatly facilitates breathing and increases the amount of healthy tissue in the lungs. The easiest way is to grate horseradish, mix with the same amount of honey and use a teaspoon twice a day after meals.
  4. Flax seed infusion is a very popular recipe for many diseases. If you have reflux due to pneumofibrosis, you should drink a glass of this medicine every evening (a tablespoon of seeds in 200 ml of hot water). Flax gently envelops the respiratory tract, relieving symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath.

Pneumofibrosis is actually the final stage (outcome) of chronic lung tissue disease. The outcome of a long-term pathology leads to the fact that even the appearance of the lungs worsens significantly. They become like an organ eaten away by ulcers. In medicine, this kind of them is called a “cellular lung”.

Features of chronic diseases of the lung tissue (these diseases are called interstitial) are associated with inflammatory processes in the interstitial tissue (the so-called connective tissue of the lungs). Part of this tissue is called the interstitium. Small blood vessels pass through this tissue, through which the function of gas exchange is carried out (carbon dioxide is exhaled, oxygen is taken to be transferred to the cells of the body).

In a healthy state, the interstitial tissue is very thin and almost invisible on X-ray. But in chronic diseases, it begins to thicken due to inflammation, become covered with edema and scars (the same pleuropneumofibrosis develops). The simplest symptom of this transformation is shortness of breath.

Pneumofibrosis is a consequence of inflammatory and / or dystrophic processes in the lungs, in which lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue. At the same time, the formation of a “honeycomb lung” is noted with the formation of cavities and cysts in the lung itself. Fibrosis - this is a "perforated" lesion of lung tissue.

Pneumofibrosis belongs to the general group of pneumosclerotic pulmonary pathology along with pneumosclerosis and cirrhosis of the lungs. Such states differ from each other in that of all the pneumofibrosis is characterized by the slowest rate of growth of connective tissue.

For reference. More often, pneumofibrosis develops in males.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs - what is it

Currently, pneumofibrosis occurs, unfortunately, more and more often. This is explained by the fact that:

  • The influence of harmful substances on the lungs is constantly increasing. The air we breathe becomes dirtier every day and slowly destroys lung tissue.
  • The frequency of chronicity of pathological processes in the lung tissue increases, which steadily lead to the development of pneumofibrosis.
    The basis of pneumofibrosis is a gradual change in the elasticity of the lungs, deterioration of gas exchange processes.

The displacement of the connective tissue of the lung tissue occurs gradually. In general, the dynamics of such a process can be characterized by several stages of development:

  • Progressive hypoxia in the lungs. The lack of oxygen activates fibroblasts - cells of the connective tissue, which, during hypoxia, begin to actively produce collagen. It is this, constantly formed, collagen that is the connective tissue that replaces the lung.
  • Violation of lung ventilation. Under normal physiological conditions, the lung tissue is elastic and actively participates in the process of respiration. With an increase in the elasticity of the lung tissue, it becomes more difficult for the body to stretch it in order to perform full respiratory movements. Under such conditions, the pressure inside the lungs begins to rise, the walls of the alveoli are compressed.

    Normally, the alveoli should expand during inspiration, but since pneumofibrosis gradually covers the lung, many alveoli can no longer perform their functions, as they are affected by connective tissue. In turn, the connective tissue does not have sufficient elastic properties and the alveoli, which lose their elasticity, cease to participate in respiratory movements.

    This is because weak alveoli require little or no effort to stretch, the pressure in them decreases and they simply begin to collapse. Such areas are excluded from the breathing process, oxygen does not enter them, the functional surface of the lungs decreases.

  • Violation of drainage functions. Inflammation of the bronchial wall leads to its edema. The ability to outflow the inflammatory secret (exudate) is significantly reduced and its accumulation occurs. Against the background of the constant accumulation of inflammatory fluid, favorable conditions develop for the onset of an infection, which will lead to inflammation of all other parts of the lung.

    At the same time, the bronchi begin to clog, intrapulmonary pressure changes, and the lobe or section of the lung with such affected bronchi begins to subside, not taking part in the performance of respiratory movements.

  • Violation of lymph and blood circulation. The growth of connective tissue leads to compression of the pulmonary vessels. In such arteries and veins, congestion begins to develop. In the case of the duration of this position, the stagnant fluid begins to sweat through the vascular walls, forming areas of effusion. Such areas, finding no way out, also begin to be replaced by connective tissue, further worsening the condition of the lungs.

For reference. The result of such violations is respiratory failure.

Causes of pneumofibrosis

The development of pneumofibrosis is a long process that can last several decades. In the development of such a state, there are
a number of reasons:

  • Syphilis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Heredity.
  • Constant inhalation of dust, harmful gases.
  • Diseases of the cardiopulmonary system with symptoms of stagnation.
  • Chest injury.
  • Ionizing radiation.
  • Hypoxia.
  • The use of certain medicinal substances with a high toxicity profile.
  • Fungal, viral, bacterial lung infections.
  • Lung atelectasis.
  • fibrosing alveolitis.
  • Silicosis and other occupational diseases of the lung tissue.
  • Vasculitis.

Any of these causes sooner or later becomes the direct cause of the loss of lung function due to the growth of connective tissue.

For reference. With a weakened immune system, even minor infections of the bronchi and lungs accelerate the development of pneumosclerosis.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs consequences

The consequences of pulmonary fibrosis are obvious - the steady progression of connective tissue proliferation leads to a loss of lung capacity, loss of functionally active lung tissue, depletion of blood with oxygen, hypoxia and the development of respiratory failure, which ultimately in the vast majority of cases causes death of patients.

Do not forget about the development of pulmonary heart failure due to pneumofibrosis. The consequences of such a process are accompanied by loss of consciousness, edematous syndrome and the development of right ventricular hypertrophy.

Symptoms of pneumofibrosis

The leading clinical sign of pneumofibrosis is shortness of breath. At the beginning of the disease, it occurs with pronounced physical
loads and then at rest.

In general, the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis depend on its type, but there are common signs that are observed in all patients:

  • The development of a cough with the separation of viscous sputum, in which there is blood and pus.
  • Pain in the chest, aggravated by coughing.
  • Blue skin that first begins with acrocyanosis and then spreads to the entire surface of the skin. This phenomenon is associated with increasing hypoxia.
  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Frequent alternation of low and high body temperature.
  • Later, rales appear in the lungs.
  • Bulging of the neck veins.
  • Strengthening the symptoms of the underlying disease, which caused pneumofibrosis.

The progression of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic signs:

  • Changes in the fingers of the upper extremities (“fingers of Hippocrates”) - while the phalanges thicken, the nails can take on the appearance of watch glasses.
  • The development of hemoptysis, as a sign of insufficiency in the pulmonary circulation.

In its forms, pneumofibrosis varies depending on the cause, the extent of the lesion and the rate of spread.

Classification of pneumofibrosis


Most often, hilar pneumofibrosis of the lungs develops after suffering pneumonia, bronchitis. In such cases, the development of pneumofibrosis is not necessary immediately; it can begin to form long after the underlying disease.

The main sign of hilar pneumofibrosis is the formation of areas of compaction in the lungs.


Diffuse pneumofibrosis speaks for itself - it affects the entire lung tissue. This kind of pneumofibrosis faster than others leads to the development of respiratory failure in a short time. It is the most dangerous variety of all pneumofibrosis, since it can simultaneously affect both lungs. Very often complicated by the occurrence of pleuropneumofibrosis, involving the pleura in the pathological process.


A more benign form of pneumofibrosis is considered local. In this case, a certain area of ​​the lung undergoes replacement with connective tissue.


Focal pneumofibrosis is similar to local, since it also does not involve the entire lung in the pathological process. The difference is that with focal pneumofibrosis, several pathological foci are formed.


Basal pneumofibrosis is characterized by the fact that the main affected areas are the base of the lungs. With this form, treatment is prescribed in the presence of inflammation, the addition of a secondary infection. If there are no such signs, then breathing exercises are recommended.


Limited pneumofibrosis is similar to local. It is also characterized by a long and slow progression. With this process, small foci of pneumofibrosis practically do not suppress the function of respiration and do not disturb gas exchange.


This variety occurs against the background of frequent pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other inflammatory diseases of the lungs.


For interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, one of the distinguishing features is the early onset of dyspnea. The leading cause of interstitial lesions is vasculitis - inflammation of blood vessels of various sizes.


In postpneumonic pneumofibrosis, large-focal areas of fibrosis begin to form after inflammation. Most often, such pneumofibrosis develops simultaneously with pneumonia and other inflammatory processes in the lungs.


Severe pneumofibrosis is the lot of heavy smokers. Constant inhalation of nicotine leads to dysfunction of the bronchi, sputum retention in them. Also, severe pneumosclerosis can develop in chronic pathology of the bronchopulmonary system.


This kind of pneumofibrosis can be the result of absolutely any inflammation in the lungs.


Moderate pneumofibrosis is characterized by a slight damage to lung tissue.

Pneumofibrosis in children

Pneumofibrosis does not spare children either. The development of pneumofibrosis in childhood has the same reasons as in adults. That is why it is necessary to pay close attention to diseases of the respiratory system in children, not to start them, to carry out prevention, hardening, to limit the child as much as possible from contact with harmful substances.


The most important method for diagnosing pneumofibrosis is an x-ray of the lungs. With its help, it is possible to determine the first symptoms of the disease, pathological changes, concomitant diseases.

Also, with the help of X-ray diagnostics, pneumofibrosis is differentiated from lung cancer.

The main radiological signs of pneumofibrosis will be:

  • Strengthening the pattern of the lungs.
  • Deformation of the lung pattern.
  • Expansion of vascular shadows.
  • "Lung shadows" with sharp, uneven contours, which are lesions.
  • Shadows that look like lines with a random direction, the formation of cells, which indicates the neglect of the process.

The next mandatory diagnostic method will be an assessment of the function of external respiration, vital capacity of the lungs and functional vital capacity.

The third necessary study will be bronchoscopy in order to recognize the form of the disease and exclude the oncological process.
As additional diagnostic measures, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography can be prescribed.

To diagnose lung diseases, you need to look for a qualified pulmonologist. Of course, a general practitioner or therapist can also make general recommendations. However, a narrow specialist in lung diseases, such as a pulmonologist, is preferable in complex cases.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Upon completion of all necessary diagnostic manipulations, it is necessary to begin treatment.

It is important that for pulmonary fibrosis treatment should be only complex with the use of all these therapeutic measures.

The main therapeutic measures aimed at improving the health of patients are:

  • Treatment of the underlying disease that caused the development of pneumofibrosis.
  • The use of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs for signs of an infectious lesion (the choice of antibiotics depends only on the patient's condition and his concomitant pathologies.
  • Appointment of expectorant drugs on a chemical and plant basis (ACC, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, licorice root, anise, rosemary).
  • Taking glucocorticosteroids to enhance anti-inflammatory therapy (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).
  • Cardiac glycosides with concomitant heart failure (Korglikon, Strofantin).
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment depending on the condition and indications.
  • Therapy with oxygen.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Diet.

Unfortunately, a complete cure for pneumofibrosis is currently impossible. The goal of treatment is to stop the pathological process, to preserve the activity of respiratory functions as much as possible and to delay the development of respiratory failure.

For reference. Running forms are an indication for surgical treatment.

Moreover, one should not hope that pneumofibrosis can be cured at home, at home. This approach can only worsen the course of the disease and its prognosis.

Attention! Treatment of pneumofibrosis is carried out only in a hospital!

All patients with a confirmed diagnosis of pneumofibrosis must be registered at the dispensary for at least a year.


The main method of preventing pneumofibrosis is timely diagnosis, proper treatment of the underlying disease and pneumofibrosis itself, as well as the implementation of all doctor's recommendations.

Smokers, of course, will have to give up their bad habit.

Attention. If the labor activity of a person is associated with constant contact with dangerous and toxic substances, then the best option would be to abandon such a profession.

Pneumofibrosis prognosis

Since pneumofibrosis is not an independent disease, but is a consequence of the underlying pathology, the prognosis will primarily be determined by the severity of the cause of pneumofibrosis.

Important. The constant replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue leads to destruction, deformation of the bronchi, a decrease in lung volume, and their wrinkling.

With the development of severe pulmonary insufficiency, especially complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, deaths are frequent.

In general, for most forms of pulmonary fibrosis, the prognosis is considered relatively unfavorable due to the impossibility of a complete cure for the disease.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a pathology in which the normal functional tissues of the organ are replaced by a connective tissue scar. It is called diffuse due to the fact that the disease affects not only some areas, but the entire surface of the lungs. The disease is considered life-threatening for the patient, since the ventilating capacity is reduced several times, and the cells do not receive enough oxygen. Since this condition is secondary and occurs against the background of other pathologies, treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Etiology of diffuse pneumofibrosis

The disease belongs to the group of pneumosclerotic pathologies, that is, those that are manifested by sclerotization - the proliferation of connective tissue. The rate of its development is lower than sclerosis or cirrhosis of the lungs, but its symptoms are no less dangerous. Depending on the degree of damage to the lung tissue, the disease is usually classified into two varieties:

  • local pneumofibrosis;
  • diffuse type.

In the first case, small areas are visualized in the thickness of the organ, on which the connective tissue grows. This condition is considered less dangerous for the patient because the respiratory function is preserved. Diffuse pneumofibrosis is a lesion of most of the lungs, in which the organ is unable to perform its function.


Pneumofibrosis is not considered a separate disease, but a concomitant symptom or complication of other diseases. This condition can lead to chronic inflammatory processes or the ingestion of toxins on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. According to statistics, diffuse pneumofibrosis most often accompanies one of the following pathologies:

One of the most likely mechanisms for the development of pneumofibrosis is hypoxia, or insufficient blood supply to lung tissue. With a lack of oxygen, the alveoli become less elastic, fibroblast cells are activated. These cells produce collagen in large quantities, which underlies the formation of connective tissue.

Manifestations of the disease

Clinical signs of the disease begin to appear when the pathology spreads to significant areas of the lungs and does not allow them to perform their function. Symptoms largely depend on the cause of fibrosis and the primary pathology. A typical picture of the disease of pneumofibrosis will include the following symptoms:

  • dry cough or with sputum - it can be serous or purulent;
  • shortness of breath - first occurs after physical exertion, then accompanies the patient and at rest;
  • with severe hypoxia - cyanosis (cyanosis) of visible mucous membranes;
  • pain in the chest area;

The disease can progress, so treatment should be started at the stage of mild shortness of breath. In the future, when the connective tissue continues to grow, blood impurities appear in the sputum. On auscultation of the lower third of the lungs, the characteristic sound of cork friction is heard.

Diagnosis of diffuse pneumofibrosis

The clinical picture of the disease cannot give grounds for making an accurate diagnosis, so the patient is prescribed an additional examination. A complete picture of the disease can be obtained based on the results of the following studies:

  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • external respiration testing;
  • bronchography;
  • blood tests.

A characteristic picture on x-rays is an increase and distortion of the lung pattern. Shadows also appear that indicate areas of damage to normal tissues. With the advanced form of fibrosis, the entire surface of the organ is distorted:

  • the pattern resembles a honeycomb;
  • the capillary network is broken;
  • anastomoses appear.

Bronchography with diffuse fibrosis will not indicate visible changes, and with local, typical extensions will appear.

One of the diagnostic methods is tests for external respiration, which will determine the degree of ventilation of the lungs. It is important to determine the functional vital capacity of the lungs. With pneumofibrosis of the lungs, a decrease in these values ​​is observed.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of the disease is complex and depends on the methods of therapy of the underlying disease. Additionally, symptomatic agents are used to facilitate breathing. It is also necessary to develop the lungs and restore their elasticity with the help of special gymnastics. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed as etiotropic treatment. Since the cause of inflammatory processes in the lungs can be different microorganisms, broad-spectrum antibiotics are chosen. In combination with them, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

Symptomatic treatment may include taking several groups of drugs:

  • cough medicines;
  • funds to strengthen the heart and blood vessels (cardiac glycosides);
  • painkillers;
  • vitamin complexes.

Of the additional methods of treating pneumofibrosis, it is useful to carry out oxygen therapy. This procedure saturates the tissues of the body with oxygen in the amount in which a healthy person usually receives it from the atmosphere.

They use physiotherapy (iontophoresis, exposure to ultrasound) and breathing exercises. Deep inhalations and exhalations, alternation of respiratory movements with and without the participation of the diaphragm will restore the elasticity of the alveoli and prevent further development of the disease.

Possible Complications

Progressive pneumofibrosis can provoke serious complications. This is mainly due to inflammatory processes and the risk of accession of pathogenic microflora. One of the undesirable consequences of fibrosis is a lung abscess. This condition is characterized by purulent fusion of organ tissues and a high probability of death. Doubtful prognosis and pneumofibrosis caused by tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis is a complication of pneumofibrosis

Disease prevention methods

The best prevention of pulmonary fibrosis, as well as other diseases of the respiratory system, is a healthy lifestyle. The environmental situation in many regions is not conducive to lung health, but there are ways to protect against environmental factors. Doctors give several recommendations on how to protect yourself from such diseases:

  • stop smoking;
  • pay attention to cardio loads - running or walking in the fresh air is useful;
  • in case of increased dust content of the air or the presence of toxins, use respirators;
  • perform breathing exercises to prevent and increase lung capacity.

Pneumofibrosis is a dangerous disease. With its diffuse variety, a large functional surface of the lungs is affected, and the body suffers from a lack of oxygen. The success of treatment depends on its timeliness - it is better to consult a specialist at the initial stages. The therapy is long and complex.

To get rid of the cause of fibrosis, potent medications are prescribed, and to restore tissue elasticity, physiotherapy and gymnastics are prescribed. In some cases, a significant improvement in the patient's condition can be achieved, but complete regeneration remains impossible.

If coughing fits or severe shortness of breath are regularly observed, then this does not always indicate a common cold. This condition may indicate a serious illness, such as pneumosclerosis. Pneumosclerosis of the lungs is a pathological change in the lungs, which is manifested by excessive growth of lung tissue. In this case, the bronchi are deformed, due to which the lungs decrease in volume, and the disease quickly manifests itself in full.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Quite often, such a disease develops due to serious lung pathologies that have not been treated properly. It is possible to identify common causes of pneumosclerosis, these include:

  • Damage to the lungs due to infection or foreign objects.
  • Inflammations of a viral nature that were not treated in a timely manner.
  • Tuberculosis and various mycoses.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Obstructive lung diseases.
  • Work in hazardous production, where there is always dust, gas and other harmful substances.
  • Congestion in the lungs in pathologies of the heart.
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Allergy that promotes the formation of alveoli.
  • Injuries to the lungs that were received during heavy falls.
  • Some hereditary diseases.

Besides, the cause of this pulmonary pathology can be disturbances in blood flow, as well as weak immunity. The disease can develop at any age, but men are most often affected.

Pneumosclerosis responds well to treatment with folk methods, so you can avoid taking medications.

The main symptoms of the disease

Pneumosclerosis is distinguished by a small number of specific symptoms by which this disease can be identified. The main signs of pneumosclerosis look like this:

  • a history of chronic pathology of the respiratory organs;
  • noticeable shortness of breath, not only during exertion, but also at rest;
  • discharge of thick sputum with traces of pus when coughing;
  • listening to wheezing, both dry and wet;
  • dull and very dull sound when percussion of the lung area;
  • deterioration in breathing;
  • noticeable deformity of the sternum, especially on the side of the damaged lung.

All these symptoms are sometimes quite difficult to distinguish from typical bronchitis or a similar disease of the respiratory organs. Only an experienced doctor can immediately make the correct diagnosis.

If symptoms of pneumosclerosis are observed, it is imperative to undergo an examination and begin treatment.

Aloe treatment

Treatment of pneumosclerosis of the lungs with folk remedies gives a good result, especially if therapy is started in a timely manner. A good result is the treatment of aloe, this inconspicuous plant is in almost every home. The fleshy leaves of this medicinal plant contain many vitamins and other substances that help cure a person from many diseases.

The most effective drug from aloe is a tincture, in order to prepare it, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Five large sheets of aloe are twisted through a meat grinder or tinder on a grater.
  2. Take 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and mix with the resulting gruel from the leaves.
  3. 2 cups of high-quality homemade wine from dark grape varieties are added to the resulting thick mass.

The finished tincture is poured into a glass container and put in the refrigerator, it is necessary to use this medicine in 2 weeks. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day, always 20 minutes before meals.

Before preparing the medicine, aloe leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for about a week.

Eucalyptus tincture treatment

With diffuse pneumosclerosis of the lungs, folk remedies based on eucalyptus vegetation can be treated. With the essential oil of this plant, inhalations can be carried out, and with a pronounced and debilitating cough, refreshing lollipops can be absorbed.

Eucalyptus has a pronounced antiseptic effect, therefore it helps a lot in the fight against pathogenic microflora and putrefactive processes. In addition, eucalyptus has a positive effect on the nervous system and has a slight sedative effect.

To prepare a healing tincture, you need to take two tablespoons of chopped eucalyptus leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water, then let it brew for 20 minutes and drink a tablespoon 4 times a day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, linden honey is added to such a tincture.

It is worth remembering that all folk methods have a cumulative property, therefore, in order to achieve a lasting result, all such tinctures must be taken for a long time. Eucalyptus tincture is taken for at least a month, after which they switch to tinctures of other medicinal herbs.

Before using any folk recipes, you should consult a doctor!

Oat grains

For the treatment of pneumosclerosis, both natural oat grains and already processed ones are suitable.. A glass of cereal is thoroughly washed and poured into an enamel pan. After that, a liter of water is poured into the container and left overnight. In the morning, this mass is brought to a boil and kept on low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. After that, the composition is cooled, filtered and drunk throughout the day before meals, several sips.

Tincture of oat grains helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Onion treatment

Among folk healers, onions are considered a first aid for respiratory diseases and pathologies of the respiratory tract. Phytoncides, which are contained in this vegetable, have a detrimental effect on pathogens. Onion treatment is quite effective for pulmonary pneumosclerosis. There are two methods for preparing onion medicine.

  1. The onion is finely cut and put in sugar or honey syrup, where it is boiled until transparent. The resulting broth is drunk during the day very often, at least 10 times a tablespoon.
  2. The average onion is peeled and boiled whole in a glass of water. Ready vegetable during the day you need to eat. You can enhance the effectiveness of this decoction by boiling onions in milk.

Caution should be treated with onions for those people who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried fruit treatment

For the treatment of lung pathologies, folk healers use dried apricots and raisins.
. These dried fruits are full of useful substances and vitamins. You can prepare a remedy in different ways:

  1. The same proportions of raisins and dried apricots are washed with running water, poured with boiling water, insisted for a couple of hours and drunk throughout the day.
  2. 100 grams of dried fruits are twisted through a meat grinder, poured with a glass of water and brought to a boil over low heat. After that, insist under the lid for 15 minutes, filter and drink the resulting broth, alternating it with eating squeezed dried fruits. You need to take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

For the preparation of any decoctions and tinctures, you can use only glass or enameled dishes.

In addition to tinctures and various decoctions, folk healers recommend giving the patient a honey massage, for this purpose they take fresh honey and rub it on the back. Before such a massage, the patient will definitely find out if he is allergic to bee products. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to treat pneumosclerosis with folk remedies. This disease responds well to therapy, especially if it is not neglected.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a chronic pathology in which the parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue.. In the affected organ, scarring occurs against the background of a sluggish inflammatory process. Gradually, the respiratory and gas exchange function is lost and pulmonary insufficiency develops. The degeneration of healthy tissue is irreversible, and the task of medicine is to stop the progression of the disease and maintain the health of the patient. It is impossible to cure pneumofibrosis and restore the lungs.

Causes and mechanism of development of pneumofibrosis

The causes of the disease are different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases - mycoses, tuberculosis, syphilis;
  • prolonged exposure to allergens;
  • mechanical injury;
  • high doses of radiation;
  • exposure to chemical compounds;
  • hereditary disorders in which fibrillar protein is intensively produced - collagen, fibronectin;
  • severe liver damage with drug addiction;
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the lung parenchyma.

The risk group includes people with a history of COPD, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Men are more likely to get sick, whose professional activities are associated with the risk of negative impact of production processes on the respiratory system - miners, miners, metallurgists.

In pneumofibrosis, chronic inflammation is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of lymph from the affected organ.. It accumulates in the interalveolar septa and vessels of the lung. The movement of blood along the capillary bed is disturbed, the vessels become sclerotic and hypoxia develops. This process activates the production of fibroblasts and collagen, which further aggravates the process of blood circulation in the small circle.

Against the background of increased pulmonary pressure, dystrophic changes occur in the right half of the heart, it increases in size. The patient develops cor pulmonale syndrome. This is an extremely serious condition that leads to disability and eventually death.

With the rapid progression of pneumosclerosis (pneumofibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis), a healthy parenchyma is quickly rebuilt. The structure of the acinus itself, the structural unit of the lung, changes. Glandular pseudostructures are formed, capillaries weaken, decrease in volume, bronchioles become sclerosed. The growth of connective tissue in the lungs deforms the alveoli, they are destroyed, and fibrous and cystic neoplasms appear in their place.

Against the background of lung destruction, their main function is disrupted - providing the body with oxygen through gas exchange during breathing.

Patients develop respiratory failure with hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide in the blood).

Due to impaired perfusion (throughput) of the lungs, the level of oxygen in the body decreases. The ventilation-diffuse balance is disturbed. Due to hypoventilation, the level of carbon dioxide increases.


Depending on the location and extent of lung damage, pneumosclerosis can be of several types.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis of the lungs is an overgrowth of connective tissue throughout the organ. With such a pathology, clear boundaries of the modified areas cannot be determined. Not only the lung is deformed, but also the bronchi, the vascular network.

Local pneumofibrosis of the lungs develops very slowly and is asymptomatic at the initial stages. It is characterized by damage to a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200btissues. The x-ray shows seals with clear contours. This type does not affect the functionality of the organ and its mechanical properties.

Focal pneumofibrosis of the lungs also has a clear location, as well as local. But differs in that inflammatory foci, as a rule, are multiple. They can affect one lung or both. The focal form develops against the background of tuberculosis, purulent-inflammatory processes (abscess).

Clinical picture of the disease

The first sign that gives reason to think about the presence of pathology in the body is shortness of breath.. But since it does not cause tangible discomfort at first, patients do not pay attention to it.

At the initial stage of the disease, this symptom manifests itself in the form of mild shortness of breath during physical exertion, which was previously well tolerated by the person. Patients attribute this fact to fatigue, malaise, poor sleep. Gradually, shortness of breath increases when walking on the street, climbing stairs. It is not easy for a person to walk long distances, to talk for a long time. In severe cases, shortness of breath manifests itself in the form of breath holding, lack of air. This state is always accompanied by panic fear.

The nature of breathing in pneumosclerosis is determined by the degree of lung damage. It is superficial, frequent, sometimes intermittent. The patient is unable to take a deep breath. This is how chronic respiratory failure develops. It is compensated for a long time, but inevitably leads to hypoxia.

Symptoms of respiratory failure in pneumosclerosis:

  • cyanosis of the skin (pale skin with a blue tint);
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • the act of breathing is possible with the participation of auxiliary muscle groups;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • sleep disturbance - insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • loss of strength, chronic fatigue, decreased performance;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • in the later stages - heart failure, swelling of different parts of the body.

Against the background of airway obstruction, pneumosclerosis is always accompanied by a cough. It comes in different intensities. It intensifies in the morning after sleep, when a person begins to actively move, and calms down by the middle of the day. Cough brings temporary relief. With severe attacks, it causes pain in the chest, usually behind the sternum and from the back along the lower border of the shoulder blades.

"Pulmonary heart", which develops more intensively with pneumofibrosis of the middle lobe of the right lung, is manifested by such clinical signs:

  • severe shortness of breath in a horizontal position (lying down);
  • pulsation in the upper abdomen, in the region of the arch of the diaphragm;
  • heart pains provoked by increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation and stretching of the pulmonary arterial trunk;
  • swelling of the neck veins, which increases on inspiration;
  • blood pressure may be slightly reduced;
  • hypothermia;
  • swelling.

The consequences of such irreversible processes are unfavorable.

Diagnosis of the disease

The study of patients is complex. It includes data collection, laboratory and instrumental techniques.

In order to determine the step-by-step direction in the examination of the patient, an anamnesis is collected. The patient is asked about the place of work, all the symptoms, the duration of the course of the disease, the estimated time of the onset of the first signs.

According to the laboratory data of the general blood test, no obvious changes are observed. Slightly elevated ESR, increased leukocyte count and clotting.

On auscultation - dry scattered or fine bubbling rales, hard breathing. With percussion - the sounds are short, the mobility of the pulmonary edge is limited.

Instrumental examination methods

X-ray of the lungs is the key diagnostic method.
. It accurately allows you to determine the presence, localization and extent of lesions. The lung on the right is always slightly lower than the left. The drawing is rebuilt, looks like honeycombs or cells.

Interpretation of the results of x-rays:

  • Basal pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a fibrous lesion of segments of the lower lobe of the lung, a consequence of the transferred inflammatory processes. It is also called postpneumonic fibrosis. In the affected area on the X-ray, increased brightness and a clear pattern are visible.
  • Radical pneumofibrosis of the lungs is the proliferation of connective tissue in the region of the root of the lung, where it connects to the mediastinal organs (heart, aorta). The x-ray shows clear compacted areas.
  • Linear pneumofibrosis of the lungs - the defeat of one or more segments of the lung, linear shadows are visible on the picture.
  • Post-radiation pneumofibrosis is a complication after irradiation (during treatment or as a result of an accident). On the x-ray there are no clear boundaries of the affected tissue, the outlines are blurred.

To diagnose structural changes in pneumofibrosis of the basal and basal sections, computed tomography is prescribed, since these areas are not sufficiently visible and the replacement dystrophic process can spread to nearby organs. TC of the lungs allows layer-by-layer and detailed assessment of the degree of tissue damage, revealing their nature and dynamics of development.

To assess the functions of external respiration, patients are prescribed spirometry - a test that determines deviations in the respiratory function of the lungs. During the study, the following indicators are evaluated:

  • lung volume (the amount of air inhaled at one time);
  • breathing rate;
  • maximum ventilation rates;
  • vital capacity of the lungs;
  • forced breathing;
  • exhalation airflow rate.

Patients are also prescribed bronchoscopy. She assesses the condition of the bronchi in the affected lung. With diffuse pneumosclerosis, no changes are observed, and with local ones, destructive transformations of the bronchial tree are possible.

During a bronchoscopy, a sample of lavage fluid is taken from the lung. Cytological examination of the biomaterial allows you to determine the etiology of the disease.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is palliative, aimed at maintaining the general condition of the patient and stopping or slowing down dystrophic processes in the organ.

Drug treatment involves the fight against an infectious factor - fungi, bacteria, viruses:

  • To improve the drainage function of the bronchial tree, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed - Norepinephrine, Teofedrin, Isadrin, Fenoterol.
  • In severe cases, pulmonary fibrosis can be treated with hormonal agents of the corticosteroid group - Cortisone, Prednisolone. They relieve the severity of inflammation, reduce the immune response.
  • To eliminate airway obstruction, cough and sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs (expectorants) are shown - Lazolvan, Erespal, Ascoril.
  • To reduce severe pain in the chest area, patients are recommended non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.
  • To maintain the work of the heart muscle and saturate it with oxygen, cardiac glycosides are shown - Adonizide, Strofantin, Digoxin. To nourish the myocardium, patients take potassium preparations - Panangin, Asparkam.
  • It is mandatory to prescribe angioprotectors - Actovegin, Cardioxipin, Vasonit, Bilobil. They improve microcirculation by relaxing the smooth muscles of blood vessels, increase permeability, relieve swelling.

Structural lesions of the lungs are accompanied by intoxication of the body. To eliminate it, I use a universal detoxifying agent - Penicillamine. The drug affects the immune system, inhibits the production of certain types of leukocytes, and also disrupts collagen synthesis, which is extremely important for pneumofibrosis. The medicine is available in capsules for oral administration.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe chronic pathology that debilitates the body. Patients lose weight. Therefore, as part of a complex drug treatment, vitamin preparations of groups B and E are prescribed.

It is not advisable to treat pneumofibrosis of the lungs with folk remedies. Medicinal herbs can be used as a general strengthening therapy to support the immune system.

Patients must be treated twice a year in a hospital.


To combat hypoxia of tissues and organs, oxygen therapy is indicated - blood oxygen saturation

The patient is connected to a special device through which the gas mixture is supplied in the required proportions. Thus, oxygen deficiency is temporarily eliminated.

O 2 supply methods:

  • through a mask if a person breathes on his own;
  • through a nasal catheter (if there is a need for a constant supply of oxygen);
  • through an endotracheal tube if the patient is unconscious;
  • by placing the patient in a pressure chamber.

Other physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, the use of currents) are ineffective for pneumofibrotic changes.

To combat shortness of breath, strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve the quality of life, patients undergo a rehabilitation course of physical therapy. Classes are held under the supervision of medical staff with clearly dosed physical activity.

Doing sports on your own is strictly contraindicated. Incorrect calculation of the loads on the heart and lungs can lead to fatal consequences.

Preventive actions

Prevention of pneumofibrosis includes measures that reduce the risk of developing the disease.

In industries with an increased risk of exposure to chemical compounds on the body, the rules of safety, labor protection and rest must be strictly observed. People whose professional activities are associated with risks are recommended to undergo annual treatment in a dispensary, in a mountainous area or near the sea.

Also it is important to exclude household factors - smoking, inhalation of vapors of chemical liquids (chlorine). Once a year, you need to undergo fluorography and medical examination (prophylactic examination of doctors).

If a person leads a healthy and active lifestyle, then the risks of the disease are reduced many times over.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe lung disease with a poor outcome. It is dangerous to human life, and it cannot be completely cured. If pathology is not detected in a timely manner, then the maximum life expectancy will not exceed 5 years.. In an extremely serious condition of the patient, maintenance therapy will delay the death by 3-5 months.

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