Kalgan root – medicinal properties and contraindications, preparation of tincture, decoction, tea. Kalgan root - medicinal use

Cinquefoil erecta or galangal- a perennial herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family with large roots. Distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Eurasia. Often, to distinguish it from galangal, a member of the ginger family, native to Indonesia and southern China, cinquefoil is called wild galangal or galangal grass.

Galangal root has many beneficial properties and is used both in folk medicine and in cooking (as a seasoning, for making tinctures).

Medicinal properties of galangal root

Galangal root contains tannins, flavonoids, organic acids, fatty acids, vitamins, including large amounts of vitamin C, glycosides, gum, resins and waxes, and a rich set of microelements. Preparations based on galangal have bactericidal, hemostatic, antiseptic, analgesic, choleretic, astringent and wound-healing properties.

Orally, decoctions and tinctures with galangal root are taken for diarrhea, enterocolitis, enteritis, dysentery, gastritis, gastric ulcer, as a choleretic agent for jaundice, cholecystitis, hepatitis. In addition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, galangal decoction is used for stomatitis, gingivitis, other inflammations of the oral cavity, as well as for sore throat.

Externally, galangal root is used for wounds, burns, frostbite, eczema and skin inflammation of various origins, neurodermatitis, skin cracks. In addition, in modern medicine, a decoction of galangal root is used in the treatment of uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids.

Galangal root - contraindications and side effects

Due to its chemical composition, galangal root reduces capillary permeability, causing vasoconstriction, and it is on this property that most contraindications for use are based.

  • elevated temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased;
  • increased prothrombin index;
  • low acidity of gastric juice.

Side effects that may occur when taking medications with galangal include nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. It is believed that these symptoms arise due to the increased content of tannins in the plant, and should not be observed if the dosages are observed.

How to brew and take galangal root?

In both traditional and folk medicine, preparations with galangal are used in the form of decoction, tincture, extract, balm and powder.

Kalangal decoction

To prepare a decoction, pour 30 grams of crushed root into a glass of hot water and boil for 20 minutes, then filter.

Take 1 tablespoon of the decoction an hour before meals, 3 times a day. A decoction of galangal root is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gout, diarrhea, flatulence, and colitis. Externally - as compresses, as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the gums and skin, burns and purulent inflammations.

Tincture of galangal

To prepare the tincture, pour 30 grams of galangal root into 0.5 liters of alcohol (or good vodka) and leave in a dark place for three weeks, shaking at least once a day. Take tincture 30 drops half an hour before meals, diluting with water. Externally, the tincture is used for diseases of the oral cavity, weeping eczema and burns.

Galangal extract

The product can be purchased at a pharmacy. Take 6 drops (children 3-4 drops) three times a day in the same cases as the tincture.

Balm with galangal

Used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for gastric ulcers.

Galangal powder

It is the root of a plant crushed to a powdery state. It is used for sprinkling on weeping wounds and ulcers, as well as in making an ointment for cracks. To prepare the ointment, 5 grams of powder are mixed with 100 grams of melted butter and kept for 3-4 minutes over low heat. When the mixture has cooled, it is used to lubricate the palms and lips.

Kalgan root is a unique plant, the medicinal properties of which are of particular value for men. It is actively used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases, as well as impotence and inflammation of the genitourinary system. We will talk about the main ways to use galangal, as well as possible contraindications.

What is galangal and how is it useful?

Kalgan, or as it is also called, cinquefoil, is a medicinal plant rich in nutrients, trace elements and essential oils. The rhizome of the plant contains components such as:

A unique combination of components provides the plant with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic and analgesic properties. This is why galangal root is so useful for men, namely for the treatment of inflammation in the genitourinary system.

How does galangal (cinquefoil) affect potency?

Many men, especially over the age of 40, are faced with such a problem as. Often the lack of erection is associated with problems due to which the reproductive organ is unable to erect. In such a situation, a specialist can prescribe medications to the patient that relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation.

But many herbalists claim that it is galangal that can be used to increase potency. Why?

Firstly, the medicinal plant has virtually no contraindications or side effects, and secondly, it contains a whole range of necessary substances that make it possible to combat various types of sexual dysfunction.

What is the mechanism of action of cinquefoil on the male body? Tinctures and decoctions prepared from galangal root help increase the elasticity of blood vessels and, as a result, improve blood supply to the genital organ. Flavonoids, polyphenols that have pronounced healing properties, are responsible for this process.

In addition, due to the presence of active substances in the root of the plant that inhibit inflammatory processes, tinctures based on galangal can be used to treat not only impotence, but also prostatitis. They also prevent the occurrence of strokes and cerebral hemorrhages, which are more common in men than in women.

More about the effect of galangal root on the male body

Regular, but dosed use of tinctures and decoctions has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. Obviously, “problems” in the above systems can lead to. That is why the miracle root should be used not only to combat existing ailments, but also to prevent them.

Effect of cinquefoil root on the male body:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps strengthen blood vessels;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • enhances the function of the sex glands;
  • reduces capillary permeability.

Galangal tinctures: recipes for restoring potency

Kalgan root is usually used in the form of a tincture to treat ailments that occur in men. How to prepare your own healing decoction? To do this you need to do the following:

Recipe for tincture with cinquefoil root:

  • Clean the root of the plant from small roots, then scrape off the top layer;
  • Then the root is cut into fairly thin slices and dried for a week;
  • 100 g of prepared dry raw materials are poured with 500 ml of cognac or alcohol;
  • The solution must infuse for at least 7 days in a cool and dark place, after which it can be used;
  • It is advisable to consume the tincture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, 15-20 minutes before meals.

Recipe for cinquefoil root infusion:

  • Five tablespoons of crushed dry root are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 60 minutes;
  • Then the infusion is filtered;
  • Take the infusion for 14 days, 60 ml before meals, twice a day.

Recipe for a decoction of cinquefoil root:

  • Pour 1 spoon of dry raw materials into an enamel bowl and pour in 0.5 liters of boiled water;
  • Boil the infusion for at least 20 minutes over low heat;
  • Then the broth is filtered and infused for another couple of days;
  • Take 100 ml before meals twice a day.

Recipe for a decoction of cinquefoil root and viburnum bark:

  • Viburnum bark and cinquefoil root are crushed and combined in equal proportions;
  • Two tablespoons of the crushed mixture are poured into two glasses of boiling water;
  • The finished solution is boiled in a water bath for at least 15-20 minutes;
  • Then the broth is filtered and cooled;
  • Take the infusion 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon 25 minutes before meals.

To improve potency, it is advisable to use tinctures and decoctions based on galangal only after consultation with a doctor, and there may be several reasons for this. Firstly, it is not clear that it is impossible to treat something without a preliminary examination, this can only aggravate the disease, and secondly, long-term use of homemade drugs can negatively affect your health.

Contraindications to the use of galangal root

There are no categorical prohibitions on the use of cinquefoil, but this does not mean that you can exceed the dosage or concentration of the dry mixture in tinctures. At a minimum, it can cause dizziness and vomiting. In addition, it is not recommended to use the medicinal root in the following cases:

  • Reduced stomach acidity;
  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant;
  • Disturbed functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Galangal root is an excellent remedy with which you can cope with many ailments associated with the genitourinary system. Regular use of decoctions based on this medicinal plant helps prevent stroke and restore potency. But experts do not recommend abusing tinctures, because galangal contains active substances, an “overdose” of which can negatively affect your well-being.

Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been used by people to treat ailments. One of them is galangal root, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are known not to many, and often only to specialists or those who know first-hand about traditional medicine.

The herbaceous plant is galangal, Potentilla erecta (Latin name Potentilla erecta) and known as oubrovka, cinquefoil, redroot or bloodroot. This plant of the Rosaceae family is sometimes called galangal grass or wild galangal to distinguish it from galangal of the Zingiberaceae family. A perennial plant with a height of no more than 50 cm.

  1. The root is thickened, woody, reddening at the fracture.
  2. Stems are erect, branched at the top, covered with short hairs.
  3. The leaves are large-serrate, carved, trifoliate or quintuple, located at the root and have a long petiole.
  4. The flowers are bright yellow, solitary on thin stalks, have four petals and a hairy calyx. They bloom from May to September.
  5. The fruits are collective, nut-shaped, olive-colored.

Collection and preparation of galangal

Collection times depend on the region of growth. The best time to collect medicinal raw materials is late autumn, when the growing season of the plant is over and the upper part has completely died off. Or in early spring - at the very beginning of the growing season. This is the difficulty of collecting raw materials - the plant is difficult to find. To make the search easier, you must mark the collection point in advance.

The rhizomes are dug up, the soil is carefully and very carefully shaken off and washed well. Trim the top lobe and dry it in the shade. After drying, small roots and rotten parts are removed, and the surface of the roots is carefully cleaned and only then cut into small plates.

Drying of the prepared raw materials is carried out in a well-ventilated room or in the open air, in a place protected from direct sunlight, spreading it in a thin layer on fabric or paper.

Well-dried galangal roots are stored in canvas bags or in loosely closed containers. Our ancestors stored the raw materials collected and prepared for storage in birch tueskas, which prevented their premature deterioration and ensured maximum shelf life. Galangal dried in this way can be stored and not lose its medicinal properties for quite a long time - for 6 years.

Kalgan - medicinal composition and use

Kalgan, Potentilla erecta has been known in medicine for quite a long time. The unique properties of the plant were used in their practice by ancient healers who, based on primitive ideas about the causes of the occurrence and development of diseases, based on their observations, widely used decoctions, tinctures and ointments from the rhizome of galangal, attributing mystical properties to it.

Later studies of the extraordinary properties of the medicinal plant allowed scientists to substantiate the pharmacological action of cinquefoil preparations by the presence of biologically active substances in the root of the plant.

Yes, the most valuable part of the plant and now used for medicinal purposes is the root of galangal; other parts of the cinquefoil are used less frequently. The main advantage of the cinquefoil rhizome is its rich chemical composition: the presence of organic resins, gum, starch and wax, and mainly a significant content of tannins (one third of the total composition).

Reference. Phlobophenes (tannins) - have a wide range of biological activity. Contained in many types of higher plants. They are characterized by anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic, antimutagenic and antitumor effects. These unique properties are widely used in pharmacology and folk medicine.

Cinquefoil erecta - use in traditional and folk medicine:

  1. The antiseptic and astringent qualities of preparations made from galangal determine their use for the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies.
  2. The medicinal effect, which weakens the permeability of blood capillaries and constricts blood vessels, helps stop uterine, gastric and intestinal bleeding.
  3. Decoctions and infusions are also used for external use. Thus, for diseases of the larynx and inflammation of the oral cavity, rinses are used, and in the form of applications - for wounds, burns, eczema, purulent skin diseases and hemorrhoids.
  4. In the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, decoctions and infusions of the upper parts of Potentilla erecta are used - inflorescences, leaves and stems.
  5. Colgan herbal teas are often recommended to be consumed as tonic and restorative drinks.
  6. For bronchitis and pneumonia, steam inhalations of cinquefoil decoctions are performed to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the bronchi and improve the removal of mucus from the lungs.

It would not be superfluous to note that galangal has medicinal properties and contraindications for its use. Before starting treatment with this remedy, you must consult a doctor.

Recipes for tinctures and decoctions of galangal root and their use

Decoctions, water and alcohol tinctures are prepared from the rhizome of galangal for medicinal purposes, and medicinal extracts are made.

Water decoctions

Aqueous decoctions and infusions have a limited shelf life, so it is advisable to prepare them immediately before use and not store them for more than a day, unless specified in the recipe.

  1. First you need to rinse several pieces of dried galangal rhizome with cold water. Place in an enamel pan. Then add 300 ml of cold, filtered water and bring to a boil, reducing the heat to low, cook the galangal pieces for 15 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, pour the broth into a thermos and bring to a volume of 500 ml. Let it brew. The decoction can be consumed immediately after preparation during the day. In this way, you can brew the same portion of galangal twice. The decoction is simple and effective. Used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver.
  2. Pour 20 g of crushed rhizome into a glass of water (200 ml). Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and strain; bring the resulting broth to 200 ml with boiled water. Take 1 tbsp. 5 to 6 times a day as a hemostatic medicine.
  3. A decoction for rinsing for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract infections is prepared in a similar way. Only half as much cinquefoil raw material is taken.
  4. 1 tsp Pour a medicinal mixture of nettle, licorice and galangal roots into three glasses of cold water and boil for 3 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink one glass in the morning and evening. This decoction is taken for prostate adenoma.
  5. A prepared decoction of 25 g of cinquefoil herb and 5 g of rhizome is recommended to be taken to restore liver function after hepatitis. Preparation of the decoction: the measured ingredients are poured into 600 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 30 minutes and another 30 minutes at room temperature, filtered and taken 50-100 g 3 times a day for 2 months. And for prevention purposes - a course of 30 days, 2 times a year. This tincture is recommended for those who have had hepatitis or after long-term treatment with antibiotics. During the course, it is recommended to give up alcohol, limit the consumption of fatty foods and salt to reduce the load on the liver.

A folk recipe for a decoction with milk has a good result in the treatment of gastric and liver pathologies. 1 tsp Potentilla powder is poured into 200 ml of low-fat milk and boiled over low heat for 3 minutes, then left for half an hour. Take three times - 1 tbsp. l.

Alcohol tinctures

  1. 5 g of galangal rhizome powder is poured into 50 ml of 70° alcohol. Leave for a week and filter. Prescribed orally 25-30 drops 3-4 times a day.
  2. A vodka tincture from the root is prepared as follows: pour 100 g of crushed root into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 21 days. Place in a dark place and shake periodically during this time. Take 40-50 drops for various stomach disorders. For compresses and rinses, the tincture is used in diluted form - dilute 2 tsp. in a glass of water.
  3. Medicinal tincture of cognac is used in cases where treatment using galangal is practiced. The infusion is prepared as follows: 50 g of not dry, but fresh, pre-grated cinquefoil root is poured into a bottle of cognac and placed in a dark place for 3 weeks. After the expiration date, the infusion is filtered. Take 25-40 drops orally 30 minutes before meals.
  4. In dentistry, in the treatment and prevention of bleeding gums, a tincture with glycerin, prepared by mixing 80 ml of glycerin and 20 ml of alcohol tincture of bloodroot, is successfully used. The mixture is lubricated on the gums.
  1. Brewed with a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. the crushed plant is boiled for 10 minutes, infused for 15 minutes and filtered. This tea is useful to drink to treat persistent diarrhea.
  2. For increased flatulence, herbal tea is brewed from equal amounts of cumin and cinquefoil seeds, and for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, mint leaves are used instead of cumin. The recipe for making tea is similar to the above recipe.
  3. Tea with an unusual taste and aroma can be obtained by simply adding a few slices of dried galangal to it. This tea is useful after a hearty meal, as it improves the secretion of gastric juice.

Treatment of male impotence

Kalgan root, the use of which for the treatment of male impotence is recommended by traditional healers, and doctors refer to unconfirmed data, but do not refute the claims of healers, still has its supporters.

In case of severe pathological changes that have led to irreversible consequences, treatment with both galangal preparations and other medications will not give the expected effect. But the results of studies of cases of sexual disorders in men not associated with aggravated pathology and manifested at the level of psychosomatics or provoked by other diseases prove that cure is still possible with the help of decoctions and tinctures of galangal.

Centuries of use for medicinal purposes have revealed beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of drugs from this wonderful plant. People with low stomach acidity, those prone to persistent constipation, those with increased blood clotting, those prone to alcohol abuse, those suffering from hypertension, and pregnant women should not use cinquefoil. It is not recommended to use preparations based on galangal for children and people with individual intolerance to substances contained in galangal.

Video - Kalgan - miracle root (Cinquefoil erecta)

The popular name for cinquefoil is galangal, uzik, drevlyanka, ovary root, umbilical root, diarrheal root, oubrovka. The Istari people used cinquefoil. Mentions of it are found among ancient healers; the plant Potentilla erecta is described in German medieval herbalists.

It got its name from the words “tormina” – this was the name given to dysentery in medieval times and"potentilla" - diminutive of the word strength.

Description of the galangal plant

Cinquefoil erecta plant - perennial herb from the Rosaceae family, up to 50cm high . Underground organs plants consist of thick sinuous rhizomes, adventitious x corn her. White rhizome fracture, If take it out into the air quickly turns red. Banter there are usually many leys, they are erect or ascending, T thin, branching above . Leaves sessile, with large stipules.

Flowers solitary, yellow, sitting on a long thin leg. Double cup, has four external and four internal alternating lobes . The corolla is four-petalled, which is different from other types of cinquefoil, it has Yu 5 petals. Petals are golden yellow at the base have red spots. Fruit with consists of a large numbernut. Ripens June b-September.

Where does the galangal plant grow?

You can meet - forest temperate zone of Europe, Asia, North America.Cinquefoil galangal grows - the entire European part Russia, Caucasus, south of Western Siberia.

The plant is unpretentious. Prefers well drained n new, loamy soil, forest edges, meadows, swamps. Grows well sunny place or partial shade. Propagated by sowing seeds or division in spring.Seedlings begin to bloom in the fifth year. Root weight increases annually by3-15g, can be collectedstarting from the fourth year of the plant’s life.

Collection of galangal

For medical purposes use rhizomes collected in September - October or early spring April b-may, before the appearance leaves. The rhizomes are collected, cleaned of small adventitious roots, washed well,they dry for several days. WITH tub dryer temperature 60 degrees or open air, ventilated canopy.

Cinquefoil galangal composition

  • tannins up to 35%;
  • resin;
  • flavonoids;
  • wax, gum;
  • starch;
  • glycosides;
  • copper, zinc, selenium;
  • a lot of manganese, which is important for cell life. Without it, the sex glands, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system do not function normally. Malignant tumors and cardiovascular diseases appear in older people from a lack of manganese.

Cinquefoil galangal application

  • gargle with a decoction for stomatitis, pharyngitis, bleeding gums;
  • Potentilla erecta is useful - enteritis, colitis, dyspepsia;
  • used - stomach ulcer;
  • Potentilla galangal treats - hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, diarrhea, dysentery;
  • Potentilla is used for liver diseases, enterocolitis, enteritis;
  • indispensable if you are concerned about heavy periods or internal bleeding;
  • used as a hemostatic agent for intestinal and uterine bleeding;
  • use vaginal inflammation, hemorrhoids;
  • Kalgan is useful - prostatitis, sexual disorders not only in men, but also in women;;
  • infusion of cinquefoil galangal is an effective remedy for pain in the abdomen, chest, prolapse of the stomach;
  • used for bruises and skin diseases;
  • galangal ointment treats burns and frostbite;
  • make lotions: cracks in the skin, mucous membranes;
  • The powder from the rhizomes is used to clean teeth to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Recipes for treatment with galangal

Kalangal decoction: 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials, a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour, stand for 2 hours, cool, strain. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day. Therapeutic - gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding, bloody urine , pulmonary tuberculosis, lacrimation e.

Decoction for lotions, compresses: 300g finely chopped roots visch, 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, stand for 4 hours, strain. Uses: wounds, hemorrhoids, eczema, bruises with bruises.

Decoction with milk:pour a dessert spoon with a glass of milk, let it boil. S o g n I take it off, wrap it warmly, and leave it for 30 minutes. Take a tablespoon three times - diseases of the stomach, intestines, stubborn y cough spruce.

Tincture: 5 tbsp. crushed rhizomes, 0.5 liters of vodka, incubated for 12 days, strained. Take galangal tincture - 40 drops three times a day for indigestion and bleeding.

Ointment: make powder from dry leaves. Mix very thoroughly with butter. It helps well with eczema, especially weeping, and other skin diseases.

Gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding, lacrimation, pulmonary tuberculosis: 2 tsp rhizomes, a glass of water, boil for 20 minutes, add so that the original volume is obtained. Take 1 tbsp. three times after meals.

Balm to improve stomach function: a tablespoon each of cinquefoil, thyme honey, one bud of cloves, large allspice, a teaspoon of herbs. Mix the herbs, add vodka, leave for two weeks. Shake daily. After 15 days, the composition is filtered. Use 1 tbsp. before eating.

Bleeding gums: 1 tbsp. with the top of crushed rhizomes, a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for ½ hour, immediately drain. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours. Before use, dilute 1:4.

Cirrhosis of the liver: 5g crushed plant root, 25g galangal herb, 0.5l boiling water. Keep the water bath for 1/2 hour and strain. Dosage: 50 ml of warm mixture three times a day for a month. Conduct 2 courses per year.

Stomatitis, cracks on the lips and hands: 10 parts tincture, 5 parts glycerin.

Kalgan treatment of prostatitis: 100g of dry galangal rhizomes, 0.5l of cognac, infused for a week, filtered. Take 1 tbsp. 2 times before meals.

Ointment: 5g root powder, 200g butter, boil for 5 minutes. Express the warm mixture. Store in the cold. Use several times a day.

Kalgan contraindications for use

  • elevated temperature;
  • low acidity of gastric juice;
  • pregnancy;

From time immemorial, people have used the gifts of nature to treat all kinds of ailments. One of the plants widely used in folk medicine is the herb galangal (cinquefoil erect). The plant grows in Latin and North America, in Eurasia. Often found in coniferous forests of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

The most valuable part of the plant is the rhizome. Procurement of plant raw materials is carried out in late spring or early autumn.
The collected roots must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.

Medicinal tinctures are prepared from the resulting product. If it is not possible to prepare the plant yourself, you can buy galangal root at a pharmacy in every locality.

The medicinal properties of galangal root and contraindications for its use determine the widespread use of the plant in the treatment of various ailments. The plant contains many macro- and microelements necessary for the human body.

The rhizome of galangal is rich in vitamins, organic and fatty acids, starch, phlobaphen, flavonoids, glycosides, waxes, resins, gums, tannins and essential oils.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a whole list of drugs based on this medicinal plant, since it has:

  1. antiseptic,
  2. bactericidal,
  3. antifungal,
  4. choleretic,
  5. expectorants,
  6. painkillers,
  7. wound healing,
  8. hemostatic,
  9. astringent properties.
  1. pregnancy and lactation,
  2. with hyperthermia,
  3. decompensated hypertension,
  4. high blood clotting,
  5. low acidity of gastric juice,
  6. atonic constipation.
  7. a tendency to alcoholism and childhood are also contraindications.

Uses of galangal root

The use of galangal root helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, increase appetite, eliminate stomach pain and excess gas formation in the intestines. Decoctions based on it are used for:

  • gastritis,
  • stomach ulcers,
  • enteritis,
  • enterocolitis,
  • diarrhea,
  • flatulence,
  • dysentery.

The rhizomes of the plant are prescribed as a choleretic agent in the presence of hepatitis, cholecystitis, and jaundice. In addition, herbal decoctions should be used in the following cases:

  1. intestinal,
  2. gastric and uterine bleeding,
  3. with cystitis,
  4. hemorrhoids,
  5. rheumatism.

The plant is used in the presence of inflammatory processes in the ears, mouth (gingivitis, stomatitis) and pharynx (angina).

For bronchitis, it is useful to inhale with galangal root. It can help eliminate bad breath and mild toothache.

In folk medicine, galangal can be used to relieve pain and accelerate the healing of burns, purulent wounds, and frostbite. To alleviate the condition and eliminate inflammatory processes of the skin, as well as in the presence of:

  • eczema,
  • vasculitis,
  • lishaev,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • skin cracks and scars,

creams, ointments and gels are prescribed, the basis of which is the rhizome of this medicinal plant.

It is used to treat depression, neurasthenia, and insomnia. Consumption of galangal root in any form helps strengthen the immune system.

However, the most common reasons for its use are the treatment of male impotence and improvement of potency.

Since this plant is characterized by soothing, decongestant and antiseptic properties, its rhizome is used to treat inflammatory processes in the genital area and dysfunction of the central nervous system, which can result in the development of impotence.

A decrease in potency, as well as a complete lack of erection, can occur due to disruptions in the circulatory system, since all these processes are directly related to the transport of blood to the genitals.

For men, galangal root plays a primary role in the fight against the main cause of male impotence - prostatitis.

Methods of use for impotence

In medical practice, plant rhizomes are used in the form of powders, extracts, balms, decoctions and tinctures. However, the methods of using galangal root for impotence are limited only to the last two forms.

Vodka tincture galangal root is prepared as follows:

  1. 100 g of dry vegetable raw materials,
  2. pour in 500 ml of vodka (using diluted alcohol or cognac is allowed),
  3. leave to infuse for a week.

For men whose profession prohibits the use of alcohol-containing products, the regimen for taking the tincture may be different: the medicine is taken in the evening, 1 tsp. every 2 hours. A total of 3 approaches are done per day.

For cooking water decoction use this recipe:

  1. to 1 tbsp. l. dry root is needed
  2. add a glass of boiling water,
  3. leave on low heat for 20 minutes,
  4. the prepared broth is infused for at least 2 hours.

The resulting solution is taken according to the following scheme: 2 tbsp. l. decoction before meals three times a day.


And now another recipe on video.

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