Prayer to Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk. Venerable Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk Venerable Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk

Since ancient times, the Venerable Fathers Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk were revered not only in monasteries, but throughout the entire Russian land.

And if the life of St. Theodosius was preserved in some ancient handwritten collections, then the life of St. Anthony was lost in the ancient Russian period and we know about him only from fragments of written monuments such as the Tale of Bygone Years (PVL), the life of St. Theodosius and chronicles of the 17th century. Thus, the main source about the Monk Anthony is what was written by the Pechersk monk Nestor the Chronicler.

As the Monk Nestor reports, the young man Antipas, from the city of Lyubech (now Chernigov region), went to Athos, where he received the great schema with the name Anthony, in one of the monasteries.
Presumably, the monastery where Anthony labored was the monastery of Esphigmen, which, according to the charter, was a special monastery - i.e. The monks lived at great distances from each other, but they communicated only with the elder abbot, spending their lives in prayer and silence. The monks gathered together for Sunday or holiday Liturgy, after which they ate a joint meal.

With the blessing of the abbot, presumably in 1028 (the time of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise), the Monk Anthony returned to his homeland, bringing to the Russian land the Athos experience of a hermit's silent life and prayer.

By that time, several monastic monasteries had already been formed in Kyiv, but according to Rev. Nestor, Anthony did not find a monastery that corresponded to the blessing of the abbot and his spiritual needs.

The first monastic refuge of the saint was a cave on Berestovaya Mountain. According to legend, a certain monk Hilarion once labored in this place, perhaps the future Metropolitan of Kiev, who later became famous for his work “The Word on Law and Grace” - a monument to the art of preaching. However, St. Anthony was not a preacher, but, on the contrary, a man of silence and prayer. In search of instructions and a silent life, other monks began to reach out to the monk. So the brethren gradually gathered around the monk, among whom many later shone as ascetics and venerables, among them were the holy fathers Varlaam, Nikon, and Theodosius. Having prepared a successor for himself in the person of Varlaam and instructing the brethren in monastic feats, he went to a cave in a neighboring mountain, now called the “Near Caves” - the place of the saint’s feat and service until his death. At the beginning, the entire monastic life of the brethren took place in caves - there was a temple, a refectory and cells there.

Over time, when the number of monks increased, a particularly large influx of those seeking monastic life fell on the abbess of St. Theodosius (1074), the cave temple became crowded. Then, according to legend, St. Anthony blessed the brethren to build a church on the mountain. “Having founded a great church and surrounded the monastery with a pillar and erected many cells, and decorated the church with icons; and from then on the Pechersk Monastery began to be called,” this is how the Pechersk Patericon tells. Thus, with the blessing of the saint, the greatest shrine of the Russian land was built - the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Presumably from 1069, St. Anthony spent some time, perhaps several years, asceticizing in Chernigov, where he founded a cave monastery - now Trinity-Ilyinsky.

What prompted the monk to leave the monastery, after the loss of the ancient life, we will never know, but we can assume that this is somehow connected with the return of Prince Izaslav to Kyiv, which also happened in 1069.

In ancient Rus', princely civil strife did not stop, so in 1068 Izyaslav was expelled from Kyiv, and Vseslav of Polotsk took his place. A year later, Izyaslav managed to return; perhaps the support of the monk Vseslav was the reason for his exile or escape.

The return of the Monk Anthony coincided with the next exile of Izyaslav and the accession of Prince Svyatoslav, this happened in 1073. Upon returning to the Pechersk monastery, the monk managed to give a blessing for the foundation of the Great Pechersk Church and peacefully departed to God.

After 40 years of monastic feat, the saint reposed in the year of his return to the Pechersk monastery in 1073. The day of the repose of the saint is celebrated on July 10/23.

According to the pious Russian tradition, it was Anthony who is revered as the founder of the Russian monastic tradition. Despite the fact that by the time of his return from Athos, monasteries already existed in Rus' under the patronage of princes, it was the monk who laid the foundation of Russian monasticism with his feat. For many centuries, the Pechersk monastery remained a role model for subsequent Russian monasteries. During the times of Ancient Rus', it was the Pechersky Monastery that became the main place of tonsure for monastics and bishops in the future, many of them became the founders of other monasteries throughout the Russian land.

Despite the fact that the basis of Russian monasticism was the Theodosian type of monastic feat, it was Anthony, his teacher, who taught Theodosius the wisdom of monastic service. That is why St. Anthony is revered by the Orthodox of the Russian Church as the founder of monks and the father of monastics. The memory of St. Anthony May 20 / July 23 (death day - according to different calendars), September 15 - Rev. Anthony and Theodosius, and October 11 - the Council of the Saints of the Kiev-Pechersk, resting in the “Near” caves.

Venerables Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk

The Monk Theodosius of Pechersk was one of the first abbots of the Pechersk Kyiv Monastery. He is rightfully considered on a par with Rev. Anthony, the father of Russian monasticism.

All information about his life and feat was gleaned from the Life of the Saint, written by Nestor the chronicler; the Saint was also mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years and in the Patericon.

Theodosius was born near Kiev in the city of Vasilevo to a fairly wealthy family of a princely servant. He spent his childhood near Kursk. After the death of his father, the saint’s mother dreamed that her son would continue his father’s work, but the young man dreamed of a monastic feat. Since childhood, he prayed intensely, wore rags and chains. In his youth, he left his parental home and went to Kyiv to the Monk Anthony, where he was tonsured by the monk Nikon.

From the first days of his monastic life until the end of his days, Theodosius was distinguished by zeal and diligence, fulfilling all obediences - he worked hard, ate only bread and water, slept only while sitting, prayed a lot, etc. In 1062, Theodosius was elected by the brethren of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery abbot. It was during the years of the abbess of Theodosius that the monastery became famous throughout Rus' and became the center of Christian life. The number of monks grew steadily and reached 100 people. The improvement of the monastery did not stop - above-ground cells and buildings were built, the church was equipped, and construction began on the main church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. From Constantinople, by order of Theodosius, the “Student Charter” was delivered, which formed the cenobitic form of organization of the monastery. This charter became the basis for all Russian monasteries - “That is why the Pechersky Monastery is revered as the oldest among all monasteries,” it is written in the “Tale of Bygone Years.” Many archpastors and mentors emerged from the walls of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery and dispersed throughout Rus'.

Theodosius was an active participant in the political events that took place in the 60s and 70s. In 1073, Theodosius condemned the expulsion of Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich. Hegumen of Pechersk was convinced that the princely, and indeed any power, needed control by the Church.

About twenty works are attributed to the Monk Theodosius, but, according to researchers, eight teachings, two epistles and prayers belong to his pen. The works of the saint are evidence of the orientation of Russian Orthodoxy towards Byzantine Christian traditions.

Hegumen Theodosius, among other things, is considered the creator of the “Pechersk ideology.”
The basis of this ideology was asceticism - renunciation of the carnal and worldly for the sake of achieving the spiritual.

The Pechersk monks preached that Holy Baptism can cleanse from sin, but cannot save - because in the worldly life Satan lies in wait for everyone, tempting and seducing.
Therefore, the Pechersk fathers taught that the basis of salvation lies in the suppression of the carnal principle and tireless prayer. It was the Monk Theodosius who introduced strict fasting and abstinence into monastic practice, and subsequently the extremely strict regulations of the Studite Monastery. This was not enough for the Pechersk monks; they tightened the already strict rules. So some monks could not stand the strict rules. Theodosius expelled some careless novices, not allowing them to take monastic vows
“Many times have my friends driven away temptations for the sake of it, and will not remain until they receive your holy gift.” But the pious monks were glorified by the abbot and set as an example.

Thus, the Pechersk elders overturned the system of values, both religious and moral and ethical. A fiery sermon about serving God through suffering and patience, through love and mercy swept across Ancient Rus'.

According to the ancient Pechersk elders, only those who voluntarily renounce worldly things and devote their lives to service and prayer can be saved. The fundamental idea of ​​the monastic life of the ancient fathers was to kill the worldly in oneself, which means killing the devil. Therefore, torturing the flesh to pacify passions was extremely popular in the monastery.

Theodosius took very closely the idea of ​​the fear of God, in its Byzantine interpretation, it was this that he considered as guiding the matter of saving the monk: “Have the fear of Him before this eye: strive to complete the work entrusted to you immaculately, and you will be worthy of a crown from Christ.”

However, the Rev. did not leave his care. Theodosius and the worldly children of God. All his life he made every effort to ensure that the idea of ​​serving God became the main idea of ​​the Russian world. That is why he so ardently advocated the control of the Church over secular power.

In letters to Izyaslav Yaroslavich, Theodosius repeatedly emphasized that he was a spiritual shepherd and mentor to secular authorities.

It was thanks to the strong position of Abbot Theodosius that the Pechersk Monastery soon acquired unquestioned authority, so many monasteries sought to get Pechersk monks as abbots.

In 1091, the relics of Theodosius of Pechersk were reburied in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1108, Theodosius of Pechersk was canonized. Memorial Days: May 3 (16) and August 14 (27).

Our reverend and God-bearing fathers Anthony and Theodosius, we, sinners and humility, come to you as a warm intercessor and a quick helper and a famous representative, we diligently resort, humbly asking for your help and intercession in the abyss of evils and troubles that we are plunging into, even every day and hour and from evil men and from the spirits of evil in heaven, always and everywhere and with all sorts of images of the destruction of the souls and bodies of our seekers, find on us. We are known without a doubt, since we have great boldness towards the Merciful God: even more, on the earth among those wandering to the High Fatherland, the great power of God’s grace abides, through your lips and hands, working miracles, in yourself, like fire from heaven, in the likeness of Elijah, on the indication of the place on which it was supposed to be founded, for the honor and everlasting praise of God and the Mother of God, the great church of the Pechersk, and the dew, in the image of Gideon, for the purification and eternal glorification of that same holy place. from different countries and peoples, grieving and suffering, or suffering from various serious illnesses, or under the burden of violence and oppression, inconvenience, falling and despairing of their lives, through your prayers and intercession they received quick relief and deliverance.

If all that help, even in mortal wandering, was mercifully given to the needy, how much more today, when the Almighty appeared before the Trinity, and greater boldness to pray for our unworthiness, and to console us in our troubles and sorrows, in grave to fight for us in our needs and misfortunes, to intercede and protect us in misadventures and disasters. For this reason, we, with so many hostile slander, bitterness and insidious malice from everywhere threatened and oppressed, entrust ourselves to your warm and strong God for protection and protection, and earnestly pray for your kindness, keep us unharmed from all troubles and evils, especially from demonic intrigues and tricks, flattering approaches and arrogant attacks: let us not be a reproach and ridicule for them, but with your strong help drive them away from us, just as in those days you drove them away from the monastery, sometimes doing many dirty tricks. Their useless calico has tamed our rebellion and aspirations, so make us, established in faith, hope and love, constant, so that none of us will be overcome by bewilderment or doubt in those whom the Holy Mother Church teaches to believe, and boldly commands us to confess: our hope Build on the Lord God in our souls with the weight and measure of the truth and mercy of God, because we too trust in what is promised from God without labor and feat of perception, and below, seeing great sins and grave crimes, we despair greatly of God’s mercy.

Confirm love in our hearts, and make it worthy, so that nothing earthly and soon-to-perish, more than God, who created everything and contains everything in Himself, we think below, we desire below, we prefer below. Keep and supply our spiritual and physical feelings in such well-being and splendid regularity every day and hour, so that we never anger the Good, Human-loving God. Keep your mind chaste, so that it thinks more about God, His omnipresence and good providence, rather than worrying about temporary and insignificant things. Take away our corrupted will, so that no one wants, even if he resists the will of God, but let him be satisfied with them, and let him remain serenely and sadly in them, even though the essence is pleasing and pleasing to God, and salutary and useful to man. Sober up the memory, so that it constantly presents to the mind and this, the image of the All-Merciful wrath of God and His compassion, irritate and it, even every person, except for any doubt. according to this temporary life they expect: do not forget your Fatherland, but in a peaceful dispensation for him to remain at the Throne of the Majesty of God, unceasingly intercede.

Keep all the people living in our country peaceful and sad, and soon deliver them from every evil situation. When our departure from this temporary life and migration to eternity has arrived, appear to help us and free us from the violence of the enemy, as you sometimes appeared to the monk Erasmus, who found himself in grave mortal distress, and move our hearts to true repentance and regret for sins, as and this heart was heroic, and in true repentance he departed from these here to God, and we, in our clear conscience testimony, having presented ourselves to the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity, glorify You together with you and all the saints to endless ages. Amen.

The founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Saint Anthony, was born at the beginning of the 11th century in the city of Lyubech (near Chernigov) and was named Antipas in baptism. From a young age, he felt an attraction to a higher spiritual life and, by inspiration from above, decided to go to Athos.

In one of the Athos monasteries, he took monastic vows and began a solitary life in a cave near this monastery, which is still shown today. When he acquired spiritual experience in his exploits, the abbot gave him obedience so that he would go to Rus' and plant monasticism in this newly enlightened Christian country. Anthony obeyed.

When the Monk Anthony came to Kyiv, there were already several monasteries here, founded at the request of the princes by the Greeks.

But Saint Anthony did not choose any of them; he settled in a two-story cave dug by Presbyter Hilarion. This was in 1051. Here Saint Anthony continued the feats of strict monastic life, for which he was famous on Athos: his food was black bread every other day and water in extremely moderate quantities. Soon his fame spread not only throughout Kyiv, but also throughout other Russian cities.

Many came to him for spiritual advice and blessings. Some began to ask to live with him. The first to be accepted was a certain Nikon, a priest, and the second was the Monk Theodosius.

Venerable Theodosius of Pechersk

The Monk Theodosius spent his youth in Kursk, where his parents lived. From an early age, he discovered a pious mood of spirit: every day he went to church, diligently read the word of God, and was distinguished by modesty, humility and other good qualities.

Having learned that the liturgy was sometimes not served in the church due to a lack of prosphora, he decided to take up this matter himself: he bought wheat, ground it with his own hands, and brought the baked prosphora to the church.

For these exploits, he suffered many troubles from his mother, who loved him dearly, but did not sympathize with his aspirations. Having once heard the words of the Lord in church: “Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:37), he decided to leave both his mother (his father had already died) and his hometown and came to Kyiv to the Monk Anthony . “Do you see, child,” Anthony asked him, “that my cave is modest and cramped?” “God himself brought me to you,” answered Theodosius, “I will do what you command me.”

When the number of associates of St. Anthony's life increased to 12, he retired to a nearby mountain, dug a cave for himself here and began to asceticize in seclusion.

Theodosius remained in the same place; he was soon elected by the brethren to the abbot and began to try to establish a proper dormitory according to the charter of the Constantinople Studite monastery.

The main features of the hostel he established were the following: all property of the brethren should be common, time was spent in constant work; the labors were divided according to the strength of each by the abbot; every task began with prayer and the blessing of the elder; thoughts were revealed to the abbot, who was the true leader of all to salvation.

The Monk Theodosius often walked around the cells and observed whether anyone had anything extra, and what the brethren were doing. Often at night he came to the door of the cells and, if he heard the conversation of two or three monks who had come together, he would hit the door with his staff, and in the morning he would denounce the culprits. The monk himself was an example for the brethren in everything: he carried water, chopped wood, worked in a bakery, wore the simplest clothes, came first to church and to monastic work.

In addition to ascetic deeds, Rev. Theodosius was distinguished by his great mercy towards the poor and his love for spiritual enlightenment and tried to win over his brethren towards them. In the monastery he built a special house for the residence of the poor, the blind, the lame, and the paralytic, and allocated a tenth of the monastic income for their maintenance.

In addition, every Saturday he sent a whole cart of bread to prisoners in prison. From the writings of St. Theodosius the following are known: two teachings to the people, ten teachings to monks, two epistles to the Grand Duke Izyaslav and two prayers.

Founded by the Monk Anthony and arranged by the Monk Theodosius, the Kiev-Pechersk monastery became a model for other monasteries and was of great importance for the development of the Russian Church.

From its walls came famous archpastors, zealous preachers of the faith and wonderful writers. Of the saints who were tonsured at the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, Saints Leonty and Isaiah (bishops of Rostov) and Nifont (bishop of Novgorod) are especially famous. Rev. Kuksha (enlightener of the Vyatichi), writers Rev. Nestor the Chronicler and Simon. The saint's relics rest hidden in the cave where he died and was buried. Soon St. reposed. Feodosius. The stone church they founded was completed already in 1077, under Abbot Stephen.

The Church commemorates St. Antonia July 10th. The memory of the saint is also celebrated 2nd and September 28 (Pecher. Near), in the 2nd week of Great Lent (Pecher.), July 10 (Old Art.) and in the 2nd week after Pentecost (Russian, Athos.).

Days to celebrate the memory of St. Theodosius of Pechersk: May 3, August 14, September 2nd, August 28 (Pecher. distant), 2nd week led. Lent (Pecher.), 2nd week after Pentecost. Thus, the Holy Church honors the joint day of memory of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk - September 2/15.

The high spiritual culture of monastic life in the Kievan period gave birth to a whole host of reverend fathers, the stories of whose lives and exploits have not lost their high spiritual content to this day.

In some of them one can glean examples of spiritual work of great power; Some legends amaze with their truth, their greatness and do not differ from the legends about the lives of ancient men, men of great power.

Great are also those saints who, in silence, great humility and obedience, formed their inner man; each of them in different ways, in accordance with the makeup of their soul. Together they formed an army of strong men, on whom at that time the greatness of Orthodox Kievan Rus rested.

You feel all this holiness of the first Russian monasticism, which grew under the leadership of St. Anthony and especially Theodosius of Pechersk, when entering the caves of the Pechersk Monastery.

Opened after the Great Patriotic War, they informed the Russian Orthodox people about the true strength and power of monastic feat. And there are so many holy graves here, one closer to the other, one more amazing than the other.

There are hermits and silent people here; here are reverend painters and doctors; here are memorable images of St. John the Long-Suffering and St. Moses Ugrin; here is the chamber of abbots and some bishops; here is the ever-memorable Nestor the Chronicler and the holy prosphora-servers Nicodemus and Spyridon.

Here the holy virgin Juliana, Princess Olshanskaya, found her repose, here are twelve master architects - all of them together and each individually lively touch the souls of the living, who seek what is closer to them in spirit, in the way of life.

From the canon of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk

The two great fathers and the rule of the monks, the bright, intelligent dawn, who enraged the Russian Church, who will sing the praises of their heritage? They stand before the Throne of God. But, as those who have boldness towards the Holy Trinity, Blessed Anthony and Theodosius of ever-memorable, pray for those who bring prayers to you and please you with songs of love. In the ever-present Divine Light of the Most Holy Trinity, may you perceive the village, reverend fathers, who lived in a cramped cave all the years of their lives; In the same way, having ceased from temporary things, you were granted great miracles by the gift of the Lord: to heal illnesses, to drive away demons from people and to preserve your abode without harm, interceding in sorrows; pray for those who bring prayers to you and please you with songs of love.

Troparion to Anthony of Pechersk,
Kievsky, chief of all Russian monks

Came from worldly rebellion, /
by rejecting the world, you followed Christ in the gospel /
and life equal to the angels, /
You reached the quiet refuge of the Holy Mountains of Athos. /
It was with the blessing of the fathers that he came to the mountain of Kyiv, /
and there, having completed a hard-working life, /
Thou hast enlightened thy fatherland, /
and showing many monastics the path leading to the Heavenly Kingdom, /
You brought this Christ. /
Pray to Him, Reverend Anthony, /
may he save our souls.

Troparion of Saints Anthony and Theodosius
voice 4

Mental stars, / shining in the firmament of the Church, /
Russian monks foundation,/
with songs, people, we will honor,/
rewarding joyful praises, /
Rejoice, blessed fathers, Anthony and Theodosius the God-wise, //
constantly praying for those who follow and honor your memory.

Kontakion of Saints Anthony and Theodosius

Let us honor the two initial Russian luminaries, /
Anthony, sent by God, and Theodosius, bestowed by God: /
This was the first who, like the life of the angels in Russia, shone forth from the Kyiv mountains, /
illuminating the entire ends of our fatherland, /
and showed the right path to Heaven to many, /
and, the first fathers who were once monks, brought the faces of those being saved to God, /
and now, standing before the flickering Divine Light in the highest, we pray for our souls.

In contact with

Icon of the Kiev Pechersk with Saints Anthony and Theodosius.

The founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Saint Anthony, was born at the beginning of the 11th century in the city of Lyubech (near Chernigov) and was named Antipas in baptism. From a young age, he felt an attraction to a higher spiritual life and, by inspiration from above, decided to go to Athos. In one of the Athos monasteries, he took monastic vows and began a solitary life in a cave near this monastery, which is still shown today. When he acquired spiritual experience in his exploits, the abbot gave him obedience so that he would go to Rus' and plant monasticism in this newly enlightened Christian country. Anthony obeyed. When the Monk Anthony came to Kyiv, there were already several monasteries here, founded at the request of the princes by the Greeks. But Saint Anthony did not choose any of them; he settled in a two-story cave dug by Presbyter Hilarion. This was in 1051. Here Saint Anthony continued the feats of strict monastic life, for which he was famous on Athos: his food was black bread every other day and water in extremely moderate quantities. Soon his fame spread not only throughout Kyiv, but also throughout other Russian cities. Many came to him for spiritual advice and blessings. Some began to ask to live with him. The first to be accepted was a certain Nikon, a priest, and the second was the Monk Theodosius.

The Monk Theodosius spent his youth in Kursk, where his parents lived. From an early age, he discovered a pious mood of spirit: every day he went to church, diligently read the word of God, and was distinguished by modesty, humility and other good qualities. Having learned that the liturgy was sometimes not served in the church due to a lack of prosphora, he decided to take up this matter himself: he bought wheat, ground it with his own hands, and brought the baked prosphora to the church.

For these exploits, he suffered many troubles from his mother, who loved him dearly, but did not sympathize with his aspirations. Having once heard the words of the Lord in church: “Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:37), he decided to leave both his mother (his father had already died) and his hometown and came to Kyiv to the Monk Anthony . “Do you see, child,” Anthony asked him, “that my cave is modest and cramped?” “God himself brought me to you,” answered Theodosius, “I will do what you command me.”

When the number of associates of St. Anthony's life increased to 12, he retired to a nearby mountain, dug a cave for himself here and began to asceticize in seclusion. Theodosius remained in the same place; he was soon elected by the brethren to the abbot and began to try to establish a proper dormitory according to the charter of the Constantinople Studite monastery. The main features of the hostel he established were the following: all property of the brethren should be common, time was spent in constant work; the labors were divided according to the strength of each by the abbot; every task began with prayer and the blessing of the elder; thoughts were revealed to the abbot, who was the true leader of all to salvation. The Monk Theodosius often walked around the cells and observed whether anyone had anything extra, and what the brethren were doing. Often at night he came to the door of the cells and, if he heard the conversation of two or three monks who had come together, he would hit the door with his staff, and in the morning he would denounce the culprits. The monk himself was an example for the brethren in everything: he carried water, chopped wood, worked in a bakery, wore the simplest clothes, came first to church and to monastic work. In addition to ascetic deeds, Rev. Theodosius was distinguished by his great mercy towards the poor and his love for spiritual enlightenment and tried to win over his brethren towards them. In the monastery he built a special house for the residence of the poor, the blind, the lame, and the paralytic, and allocated a tenth of the monastic income for their maintenance.

In addition, every Saturday he sent a whole cart of bread to prisoners in prison. From the writings of St. Theodosius the following are known: two teachings to the people, ten teachings to monks, two epistles to the Grand Duke Izyaslav and two prayers.


Akathist to Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk

Kontakion 1

And blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit, reverent and God-bearing our fathers, Anthony and Theodosius of Pecherstia, the most beautiful Russian land of vegetation. wonderful decoration of the Russian people, I want me, unworthy, to sing praiseworthy to you, I humbly pray to you: illumine my darkened mind with the light of grace given to you from God, enlighten the darkness of ignorance, destroy inconveniences and obstacles, strengthen my weakness, but all of us, the sons of Russia, Fatherly free us from all troubles and misfortunes, sorrows and illnesses, and in the warmth of our hearts from the depths of our souls we all cry out to you:

Ikos 1

And as an angel desiring a life like this, having in your youth all the redness of the world, disdainful of reason, and like abandoning self-indulgence, with childish feet, you are whole, as a gift to Christ God and an offering to the sanctified, thus is your holy and God-pleasing reasoning will, which is given to you bring the singing:

Rejoice, God-bearing fathers, who have despised all the earthly, good and red things of the world; Rejoice, having loved Christ from youth with all your heart and with all your soul.

Rejoice, you who counted the house, estates and all the acquisitions of your parents as nothing; Rejoice, O good and sweet yoke of Christ upon your shoulders, having taken it upon your shoulders while you were still alive.

Rejoice, for you have become like the righteous Abel, a God-pleasing offering; Rejoice, as you imitate the speed of the God-loving Noah in his grateful sacrifice upon his departure from the ark.

Rejoice, O your body, instead of fat lambs and calves, which you brought to your Creator; Rejoice, your souls, that instead of fragrant incense, you offered up Christ the Savior.

Rejoice, your hearts having always prepared for the good service of God and the Mother of God and completely devoted themselves to you; Rejoice, you have spent your entire life, like Samuel, in the service of God, even until your last breath, beautifully and pleasing to God.

Rejoice, you have taught many many husbands and wives, young men and virgins to imitate your life; Rejoice, good and light yoke of Christ, who has pleased many.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 2

Walking into the all-seeing eye of the Father of Lights, yours is such a pleasing undertaking and soul-saving intention to God, even if you were not ordered to live collectively, otherwise, not in a long time, unite and unite you, just as you united and united Paul to Peter, so that one yoke carried many in You will enter the heavenly monastery: why are we amazed, grateful to God, who arranged this, we sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Reason is pleasing to God, Anthony, the most valiant, but it is beneficial to you and others to earn yourselves by diligently, this day and burden from the all-merciful God with warm tears, you diligently asked, prophetically saying: tell me, Lord, the way, I will go elsewhere. Likewise, the man-loving God, having heeded your tearful prayer, put it in your heart, and without delay go to Mount Athos, but you, like the second Abraham, walked the path with great diligence, fulfilling God’s command, for the sake of which we cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, Father Anthony, who was likened to ancient Abraham, according to the word of God, willingly and obediently, without sorrow and lamentation, moving away from his relatives and friends; Rejoice, to the farthest unknown country, to gain for the sake of monastic life, having sadly departed from your own people.

Rejoice, the long, difficult and regrettable path has been quickly passed without embarrassment; Rejoice, angel of God as a companion on that journey, as sometimes Tobias had.

Rejoice, Mount Athos, having successfully reached by your desire and God's will; Rejoice, thou who has acquired many spiritual, good and soul-beneficial treasures.

Rejoice, having surprised many there with your wise life in fasting and prayer, tireless work and vigil, and unrequited obedience for the Lord’s sake; Rejoice, in your monastic labors and labors the great elder compared the Holy Mountains to you.

Rejoice, Anthony, like the God-wise bee, who has gathered monastic sweetness from those who labor there, like from various flowers; Rejoice, you who brought sweetness safely to the Fatherland, and here you successfully planted and grew a hundredfold.

Rejoice, for through the same sweetness you attracted many into monasticism, with whom you also attracted Theodosius the Great in word and deed; Rejoice, for you have abundantly filled your gathered brethren with spiritual sweetness and strengthened them in virtues.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 3

With the power of the Most High in your purity and immaculate heart, most blessed Theodosius, so you kindle everything with God’s love, as if you were to move away from all earthly and temporary things, but teach you and teach you to seek the eternal and endless, so that you see such diligence and zeal for the salvation of your soul, We sing touchingly to the Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And you, Blessed Father Theodosius, had a great desire to visit the holy places in Jerusalem, and you found the desired convenience for this task, joining those coming to Jerusalem, but the evil enemy stood in your way and created an obstacle, for your mother told him to follow you having persecuted, and having reached, like a villain, tied up, drawn into the house, through many beatings, firmly imprisoned in the temple, you, like an adamant, patiently bore this misery, therefore you were released from imprisonment, and went back to baking the church liturgy decently, marveling at it , we cry out to you:

Rejoice, Father Theodosius, unshakable and indestructible pillar of patience; Rejoice, most wonderful and beautiful image of humility and meekness.

Rejoice, you who graciously and courageously endured the heavy beatings and trampling underfoot; Rejoice, even though you caress and kiss you, you impute deadly harm to yourself.

Rejoice, having loved the service of God and the Mother of God most of all; Rejoice, diligent in church service from childhood with all zeal.

Rejoice, you who were mocked and ridiculed by your peers in honor of yourself; Rejoice, having presented to you the image of humility and meekness to all old and young.

Rejoice, you have sincerely forgiven the sins of all those who have offended you; Rejoice, praised, beloved and revered by all virtuous people, your peers are more than your peers.

Rejoice, you who adorned you with good morals and piety, more red than bright vestments; Rejoice, motherly and sovereign robes, like a bad blade, imputed.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 4

From the godless pleasures and worries, you appeared invincible, O Reverend Father Theodosius: for yours, having always worked for the Lord incessantly, always having will in your mind and heart, every day you extended your labors to greater lengths, and every day you strove to be the most pleasant and most lovable to God. Thou art, having conquered all voluptuousness and love of love in the world, and sang to the One God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard, most blessed Father Theodosius, the cruel life of Saint Anthony and the acute life in the cave seclusion, fleetingly, like the tree on the springs of water, the secret from your mother flowed to him, where, having arrived, you diligently prayed to him, so that he would accept you into his cohabitation and among the number he will write down the monastics, he, having seen the living grace of God in you, immediately commanded that the image of the monk be placed on you, but you thanked God the benefactor for this, you appeared with both hands of the monk in your life, and together with Anthony you worked incessantly, about which we are thinking, thus we cry to you:

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, founders of the monastic life; Rejoice, first mentors of new monks in Russia.

Rejoice, in monastic calm, like in some safe ship, guides are coming to you; Rejoice, thou who are kind to the rulers of this world who are kind in the depths of this world.

Rejoice, you who put the worldly storms, unrest and riots into silence; Rejoice, you who kindly guide everyone into a good and saving haven.

Rejoice, you who pacify the fierce enemies of vacillation wisely; Rejoice, you who conveniently save you from all the hostile overwhelms that flow to you.

Rejoice, you who are all under your protection and fatherly protection; Rejoice, protecting everyone without partiality from all misfortunes and troubles.

Rejoice, those who are in need always and in everything, and in every place present goodness; Rejoice, for those who are offended, embittered and humiliated, ever intercessors.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 5

B manifested stars, from which the Worldly Sun has appeared in the firmament of Russia, enlightening many with the rays of your lofty shrine, instructing many on the path of knowledge of God, leading many to monasticism, many in virtues, affirming and strengthening the acute and sorrowful life, this God's will is good in you Having been fulfilled visually, we sing with gratitude to the all-merciful God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

In the midst of many of your God-pleasing lives in caves, like in tombs, a life enclosed, I am touched by souls, with contrite hearts, hastening to you, seeking salvation, flowing, humbly asking, and having made such a life partakers of theirs, sanctify your eternal service to God: you remembering Him who said: He who comes to Me will not be sent away, all who come kindly received, and with fatherly participation; We crown you with the same chant:

Rejoice, blessed fathers, who have brought many from the laboring yoke of the world into the sweet freedom of the spirit: Rejoice, having taught many to truly work for Christ and to sincerely teach Him to serve.

Rejoice, your virtues lead to many salvation, just as Moses sometimes opened the way to the Promised Land; Rejoice, you have brought many no longer into the promised land, but into the heavenly dwelling itself.

Rejoice, not just in word, but even more in deed and fervent prayer to God, teaching your disciples and followers; Rejoice, your monastic rules and rules governing your congregation are beautiful and magnificent.

Rejoice, having quickly helped those aggravated by various temptations and misfortunes; Rejoice, you always help those who are struggling and seriously oppressed from the adversary.

Rejoice, you who are overcome by those who resist, but who do not despair and who call upon you reliably in prayer, who are strengthened by your sudden help; Rejoice, you who greatly destroy every hostile aspiration.

Rejoice, the spiritual flock you have gathered will be taken out by those watching with a cheerful eye; Rejoice, for constantly teaching your disciples and heirs on the path of God’s commandments.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 6

Yours, reverend fathers, is preached and praised everywhere, your godly and silent life, who, though not covetous and continued in cave seclusions, having seen or heard this, are more likely to be angels than men; each time marveling at your patience and the various mortifications of the body, giving due thanksgiving to God, together with you we belted out the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

In the circle of the Russian ecclesiastical region, blessedness, and also in the dark caves of ourselves, as if hidden behind the scenes, with the rays of your exploits and virtues, the whole surrounding country is illuminated and enlightened, like the sensual sun illuminates and enlightens the world, and so Arouse and warm the hearts of many to a godly life, and make it convenient to create good deeds, just as the sun, warming the earth, makes it convenient to vegetate various trees, and fruits, and old crops, and all kinds of grain for the service of man and livestock. For this, thanking God, we bring you a chant:

Rejoice, enlighteners in the darkening of the passions of the abiding; Rejoice, enlighteners in the vanity and self-forgetfulness of those who live.

Rejoice, leaders of those who are in bewilderment and error; Rejoice, stewards of the good life of beginners.

Rejoice, strengtheners in the good of those who are weak and shaken by cowardice and despondency; Rejoice, pathogens in the negligence of those who sleep.

Rejoice, teachers of good cheerfulness and sobriety; Rejoice, you who drive away negligence and idleness.

Rejoice, hard work, the beginning and affirmation of every good, warmest zealots; Rejoice, vigilant guardians of a pure and immaculate life.

Rejoice, graceful and faithful guides to salvation for all; Rejoice, all who want to live piously and pleasingly to God, who desire the wisdom of a teacher.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 7

Although the all-evil enemy of your good undertaking has created an obstacle and created an obstacle, the prince has kindled anger and rage against you for the tonsure of his servants into monasticism, more than other loved ones, a certain eunuch and the son of a Bolyarsk, as if you had no need to leave your cave dwellings and settle elsewhere: However, the enemy did not rejoice for long at this cunning, for the good-natured prince, admonished by his God-fearing wife, soon recognized your kindness and hostility, having examined the cunning and deceit, with the envoy of the ambassador to you, return to your former location, having rejoiced and sung gratefully To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new work and a new feat upon returning to your cave dwellings, the reverend fathers perked up: for the expansion of monastic cells and for the construction of a prayer temple, strive without laziness, so that you will trample the insidious enemy’s pride and put to shame his cold-hearted madness, and the gathered brethren to a godly and virtuous life Inspire us more and incite us to the most zealous service to Christ God, for which we, with intelligent eyes, are crying out to you:

Rejoice, hard-working finders and zealots of the monastic sojourn in the cave; Rejoice at the warmth of monastic life and the glory of the protectress.

Rejoice, vigilant and ever-watchful guardians of your abodes; Rejoice, most humble tamers of princely anger and rage.

Rejoice, lovers of your enemies and truth and unhypocrisy; Rejoice, righteous zealots who create insults and misfortunes for you.

Rejoice, most zealous executors of God’s commandments and counsels; Rejoice, leaders of prosperity towards a pure and immaculate life.

Rejoice, excellent teachers of good morals and reverence; Rejoice, you who strive in piety and labor in doing good, omnipotently, by the power of Christ’s helper.

Rejoice, the ascetic was not toilless in her monastic labors; Rejoice, the herd you have gathered, champions of invincibility in everything.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 8

With your strange and great sorrowful life, surprise not only people on earth, but also angels in Heaven: you, imprisoned in caves, like in dark tombs, worked diligently in the warmth of your heart and soul for the One God, even as in days and in The nights of service offered to your Creator will be unknown and unknown to the world, but known and known to the Creator Himself will appear. For this reason, we always sing to God, who taught and enlightened you: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

In all your blessedness and God-bearing fathers, diligence and all about this care, so that you may resist the all-evil kind of Christian enemy and trample on his proud head and erase, but the Creator common to all, together with your disciples in your souls and bodies glorify and in this Your good will and God-pleasing deed are strengthened by power from above; you have succeeded to the extent that you have been able to do everything through Christ Jesus who strengthens you. In the same way, the glory of God rose from your caves and illuminated all the ends of the earth, so for this reason we sing praises to you:

Rejoice, zealots and preachers of tireless praise and honor of God in the world; Rejoice, highly intelligent enemies of pride, strong and subduers.

Rejoice, you abolishers of hostile slander and worthy praise; Rejoice, you who have raised up the courage of hostile snares and destructive snares.

Rejoice, having adorned yourself with deep humility and meekness, like precious beads; Rejoice, having confirmed many in the same God-loving virtues.

Rejoice, you who were jealous of the ancient desert dweller in fasting and abstinence; Rejoice, spending your days and nights in tireless prayer, without any depression or despondency.

Rejoice, having taught your followers to remain in the same prayer; Rejoice at being vigilant against the enemy’s slander and overcoming them, the image and path they showed us.

Rejoice, for the mental enemies used fasting, prayer and kneeling instead of weapons; Rejoice, for through your cramped and sorrowful life you have increased the glory of God in the world.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 9

In every rank of human nature, poor and rich, low-born and high-born, looking at your wretched, humble and noble life, giving thanks to God and constantly glorifying His goodness and ineffable mercy, as if you were to pass through a cramped and sorrowful life, so that you may make many Having led them away from the soul-destroying path, guide them pastorally onto the path of salvation, teaching them to sing to the Creator and Provider: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In the process of election we appeared, glorifying our fathers, but not in the image of this world, for what you love this world, you hated with all your zeal; your feet in vain, and you also accept such commendable veneration from everyone:

Rejoice, valiant despisers of the world and all its sweets, beauties and charms; Rejoice, warmest lovers of monastic non-covetousness and poverty.

Rejoice, severe mortifiers of your body and all bodily senses; Rejoice, stewards of meekness, humility and abstinence.

Rejoice, having placed all your consolation and bliss in poverty and lack of possessions; Rejoice, having greatly enriched yourself with silence and withdrawal from the world.

Rejoice, having entrusted yourself entirely to God’s providence and care; Rejoice, you never craved sweet drinks and throat-pleasing drinks.

Rejoice, having placed soft and light robes on you; Rejoice, multi-stitched rags, like precious jewelry, which you have always worn with love throughout your entire life.

Rejoice, instead of your chosen food, by fasting for many days and by sacrificing the body that nourished you; Rejoice, instead of drinking sweet drinks, you have given yourself tears of heart.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 10

Although from the shepherd of many, the Most Merciful God mercifully awaits all conversion and salvation, reveal you other apostles of Russia, so that he will enlighten many of you and guide you to the right path of salvation, in which you have labored apostolically, in the ignorance of those who exist in the Gospel truth, without laziness, teaching, leading to orthodoxy and to Keep God's commandments and a godly and pure life in word and deed, constantly stirring up, singing to God the Helper: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

From the shadow of a solid and strong fence has appeared, all-validated fathers, who have come running to you, not just to monk with you those who want a helping hand, graciously given, but also with various worldly affairs, aggravated and oppressed by misfortunes and sorrows, so comforting, like the parents of their child, in a situation of sorrows and existing illnesses, they console them, giving them joy with their care and easing the burden of sorrows with fatherly affection. For which of your benefactions we sing our thanksgiving to you:

Rejoice, you who are in need and struggling with various misfortunes are quickly helped by the helper; Rejoice, the offended and embittered, at the news of the protector.

Rejoice, you who are overwhelmed by the heaviness of this world under the guidance of the helmsman; Rejoice, you who enrich those who are impoverished and who enrich those who live in the most sorrowful poverty.

Rejoice, feeders of those who hunger and feast on mercy; Rejoice, you who are unbearably scorched and oppressed by thirst for the most wonderful coolant.

Rejoice, you who open clothing and shelter to those deprived of clothing and shelter in the depths of God’s mercy; Rejoice, you who are blind, and especially those who are led astray in the law of the Lord, who are led in wonder.

Rejoice, wisdom healers of illnesses and serious ailments of the possessed and tormented; Rejoice, you who are strong and strong and drive away all misfortunes, troubles and sorrows.

Rejoice, giver of every good, temporal and eternal; Rejoice, protectors of warmth flowing to you with faith from all sorrowful circumstances.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 11

The singing we bring to you, God-bearing fathers, is not enough to praise your glorious exploits and above-human labors, for the life of God is superior to the life of man, and is worthy of the angels, and deserves to be brought to you by praises from angels, rather than from people: both of our zealous seeing accept the willful singing kindly offered by us, but cleanse us from sin and all filth and impurity with your prayers, so that every day and hour we sing to God with a pure heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

From the wind-giving light on the earthly slope appeared a luminary, filled with God's grace, blessed fathers, the entire universe, from the underground cavern, clearly illuminating with your luminous virtues, your deeds from the underground conclusions that rose up, so the whole world came for guidance and knowledge, like the East pleases, and the West magnifies, and the South praises, and the North constantly glorifies. In the same way, we sing to you out of love:

Rejoice, performers of all virtues and non-laziness; Rejoice, co-founders of many monastic monasteries.

Rejoice, bright mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, the strong and irresistible One has taken your abodes.

Rejoice, beautiful and wonderful Spirit of the Holy Dwelling; Rejoice, you are a receptacle for all godly and auspicious deeds.

Rejoice, having pleased your Creator and God well in your temporary life; Rejoice, having perfectly prepared for yourself the end of this temporary and difficult life.

Rejoice, your disciples, like true children, who taught not only in this life, but especially at the end, to live a godly life; Rejoice, also as a disciple, after departing from here, the invisible presence and constant assistance and help of those who promised.

Rejoice, having entered into the heavenly dwelling in God's haste without any obstacle; Rejoice, for you have received the great reward for your monastic suffering from the All-Bounteous Giver of Retribution.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 12

Blessed with grace, since the All-Merciful and All-Bountiful God has given from His inexhaustible treasures, you have never been empty and idle, but you have created abundant fruit, like good grain thrown into good soil, for you are a faithful and wise servant, who received talents from your master, becoming like , so with the forces given to you from above, work hard, so that you may appear pleasing and kind to God, and you will receive endless reward for yourself in the heavenly villages, constantly singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your silent and very distant life from everyday and worldly cares, with the One God, we praise your many painful labors and exploits, we honor your daily and all-night vigils and prayers, we glorify your frequent prayers and genuflections, and all that we honor the flesh of mortification and the spirit of contrition, even We have graciously embraced the love of Christ for the sake of Christ, and we remember abundantly the rewards that we have naturally received abundantly from the righteous Judge and Giver of God:

Rejoice, having become like an Angel in heavenly endless glory; Rejoice, honor equal to the patriarch of the reception.

Rejoice, in the rank of prophets, for those who have the gift of prophecy are inscribed; Rejoice, to the countenance of the apostles and evangelists, as you have brought the good news to Christ in word and deed.

Rejoice, in the host of martyrs, for you have endured much for the sake of Christ and received it piously; Rejoice, in the assembly of confessors, the rank of confessor is honored.

Rejoice, with those who are virgins, like virgins, exalted; Rejoice, with all the saints who have pleased God well and have gained participation and inheritance.

Rejoice, you who are satisfied with the sweet and blessed sight of the Most Holy Trinity; Rejoice, enjoying endless peace through monastic labors and fasting labors.

Rejoice, unspeakable blessings prepared for the saints from the ages, righteously rewarded with an inheritance; Rejoice, Kingdom of Heaven, all sweetness and beauty, all greatness and bliss, the human mind superior, containing, sharing and possessing the revealed.

Rejoice, Anthony and Theodosius, for the monastic life of the first mother in Russia.

Kontakion 13

For blessedness and all honor worthy, God-bearing fathers, Anthony and Theodosius of Pecherstia, this small prayer, by us, unworthy, brought to you out of love, kindly accepted, yours and our Fatherland from all hostile attacks and enemy slander, unshakably and unharmed, keep us But, filially, who flow to you with faith and love, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes of the father, so that I may sing gratefully to God the Savior for you: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “An angel like...” and the 1st kontakion “The Chosen One and the Holy Spirit...”.


Our reverend and God-bearing fathers Anthony and Theodosius, we are sinners to you, as we diligently resort to warm intercessors and quick helpers and well-known representatives, humbly asking for your help and intercession in the abyss of evils and troubles that we are plunging into, even every day and hour for us from evil men and from the spirits of evil in heaven, always and everywhere and with all sorts of images of the destruction of the souls and bodies of our seekers, find on us. We are known without a doubt, since we have great boldness towards the merciful God: even more abiding on the earth among those wandering to the Mountainous Fatherland, the great power of the grace of God, through your lips and hands, working wonders, has shown itself in itself, like fire from heaven, in the likeness of Elijah, on the indication of the place on which it was supposed to be founded, for the honor and everlasting praise of God and the Mother of God, the great church of the Pechersk, and the dew, in the image of Gideon, for the purification and eternal glorification of that same holy place. from different countries and peoples, grieving and suffering, or possessed by various serious illnesses, or under the burden of violence and oppression, inconvenience, falling and despairing of their lives, through your prayers and intercession they received quick relief and deliverance. If all that help, even in mortal wandering, was mercifully given to the needy, how much more today, when the Almighty has already appeared to the Trinity, and greater boldness to pray for our unworthiness, and to console us in our troubles and sorrows, in grave to fight for us in our needs and misfortunes, to intercede and protect us in misadventures and disasters. For this reason, we, with so many hostile slander, bitterness and insidious malice from everywhere threatened and oppressed, entrust ourselves to your warm and strong God for protection and protection, and earnestly pray for your kindness: keep us unharmed from all troubles and evils, especially from demonic intrigues and tricks, flattering approaches and arrogant attacks, let us not be a reproach and ridicule for them, but with your strong help drive them away from us, just as in those days you drove them away from the monastery, sometimes doing many dirty tricks. Their unhelpful calico has tamed our rebellions and aspirations, so make us, established in faith, hope and love, constant, so that none of us will be overcome by bewilderment or doubt in those whom the Holy Mother Church teaches to believe and boldly commands to confess. Build our hope in the Lord God in our souls with the weight and measure of God’s truth and mercy, for we have too much hope in what is promised from God without labor and effort to perceive it; below, seeing great sins and grave crimes, we greatly despair of God’s mercy. Confirm love in our hearts, and make it worthy, so that nothing earthly and soon-to-perish, more than God, who created everything and contains everything in Himself, we think below, we desire below, we prefer below. Keep and supply our spiritual and physical feelings in such well-being and splendid regularity every day and hour, so that we never anger the Good, Human-loving God. Keep your mind chaste, so that it thinks more about God, His omnipresence and good providence, rather than worrying about temporary and insignificant things. Take away our corrupted will, so that no one wants, even if he resists the will of God, but is caught by those, and in them, let him abid serenely and sadly, even though the essence is pleasing and pleasing to God, and salutary and useful to man. Sober up the memory, so that it constantly presents to the mind and this, the image of the All-Merciful wrath of God and His compassion, irritate and it, like every person, except for any doubt, expects in this temporary life; Do not forget about your fatherland and your Fatherland, but in a peaceful dispensation for him to remain at the Throne of the Majesty of God, continually intercede. Keep all the people living in our country peaceful and carefree, and soon deliver them from every evil situation. When our departure from this temporary life and migration to eternity has arrived, appear to help us and free us from the violence of the enemy, as you sometimes appeared to the monk Erasmus, who found himself in grave mortal distress, and move our hearts to true repentance and regret for sins, as and this heart of heroism, which in true repentance departed from these here to God, and we, in our conscience’s testimony, having presented ourselves to the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity, glorify You together with you and all the saints to endless ages. Amen.


The founder of the cenobitic monastic charter and the founder of monasticism in the Russian land, one of the founders of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, a disciple, the third saint (after Boris and Gleb), canonized by the Russian Church, and its first reverend. The Far (Feodosievye) caves of the Lavra and the source of Theodosius on the territory of the Lavra are named after Theodosius.

Born around 1008 in the village of Vasilevo, near Kyiv. He spent his childhood in Kursk, where, by order of the prince, his parents moved. From a young age, he discovered an irresistible attraction to the ascetic life, leading an ascetic life while still in his parents' house. He did not like children's games and hobbies; he constantly went to church. He himself begged his parents to give him to learn to read the sacred books and, with excellent abilities and rare diligence, he quickly learned to read books, so that everyone was amazed at the boy’s intelligence. At the age of 14, he lost his father and remained under the supervision of his mother - a strict and domineering woman, but who loved her son very much. She punished him many times for his desire for asceticism, but the Reverend firmly took the path of asceticism.

Being devout since childhood, Theodosius wore chains and dreamed of monasticism. In 1032, in the 24th year of his life, he secretly left his parents' house and went with pilgrims to Kyiv. There he tried to take monastic vows in the Kyiv monasteries, but was refused everywhere due to his young age. Having learned about Saint Anthony, Theodosius came to him and took monastic vows (Nikon of Pechersk performed tonsure at the direction of Anthony) in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery with the name Theodosius. He settled in a cave with Nikon the Great and Anthony.

Four years later, his mother found him and with tears asked him to return home, but the saint himself convinced her to stay in Kyiv and accept monasticism at the monastery of St. Nicholas at Askold’s grave.

The Monk Theodosius worked more than others at the monastery and often took on part of the brethren’s labors: he carried water, chopped wood, ground rye, and took flour to each monk. On hot nights, he exposed his body and gave it to mosquitoes and midges as food, blood flowed through him, but the saint patiently worked on his handicrafts and sang psalms. He appeared at the temple before others and, standing in place, did not leave it until the end of the service; I listened to the reading with special attention.

In 1054, the Monk Theodosius was ordained to the rank of hieromonk, and in 1057 he was elected abbot.

During the period of abbess in 1060-62, he organized the construction of a wooden building of the monastery, where all its then inhabitants, numbering about 100 people, moved. On the initiative of Theodosius of Pechersk, the first Charter of the Pechersk Monastery was adopted, drawn up on the basis of the studious cenobitic charter, a list of which was sent at the request of Theodosius from Constantinople around 1068. Under Theodosius, construction began on the main monastery church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The monk is also known as the founder and director of one of the first church libraries in Rus' - the library of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

INIn the rank of abbot, the Monk Theodosius continued to fulfill the most difficult obediences in the monastery. The saint usually ate only dry bread and boiled greens without oil. His nights passed without sleep in prayer, which the brethren noticed many times, although God’s chosen one tried to hide his feat from others. No one saw the Monk Theodosius sleeping lying down; he usually rested while sitting. During Great Lent, the saint retired to a cave located not far from the monastery, where he labored, unseen by anyone. His clothing was a stiff hair shirt, worn directly on his body, so that in this poor old man it was impossible to recognize the famous abbot, whom everyone who knew him revered.

St. Theodosius was one of the consistent fighters against Judaism. The “Kievo-Pechersk Patericon” tells about the night visits of St. Theodosius of religious meetings of Jews with the aim of exposing the latter in their plans against Christianity and saving Russian Christians from Jewish deceptions. “The blessed one,” it is narrated in the Patericon, “had the following habit: many times at night he got up and secretly from everyone went to the Jews and argued with them about Christ; reproached them and annoyed them, calling them apostates and lawless people, because he wanted to be killed for confessing Christ.”At that time in Kyiv there were many Jews who feignedly converted to Orthodoxy, but continued to profess Judaism and harm Christians in every possible way. Secret Jews even penetrated the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and harassed the Orthodox in every possible way. The monk had vigilant supervision over these changelings. Not trusting the monastic brethren, among whom there could be some not entirely trustworthy monks, the reverend abbot got up many times at night and personally, secretly from everyone, “went out” (from his chambers) to the insincere baptized Jews exiled to the monastery for correction, argued with them, reproaching and shaming them (the sloppy and annoying one) as apostates and traitors to Christianity, and really risked being subjected to any offensive actions from them.

The Monk Theodosius actively participated in the political life of Kyiv and decisively opposed Prince Svyatopolk, who overthrew Izyaslav in 1073. One day the Monk Theodosius was returning from the Grand Duke Izyaslav. The driver, who did not yet know him, said rudely: “You, monk, are always idle, and I am constantly at work. Go to my place, and let me into the chariot.” The holy elder meekly obeyed and took the servant. Seeing how the oncoming boyars bowed to the monk as they dismounted, the servant was frightened, but the holy ascetic calmed him down and, upon his arrival, fed him in the monastery. Hoping for God's help, the monk did not keep large reserves for the monastery, so the brethren sometimes suffered a need for daily bread. Through his prayers, however, unknown benefactors appeared and delivered to the monastery what was needed for the brethren. The great princes, especially Izyaslav, loved to enjoy the spiritual conversation of the Monk Theodosius. The saint was not afraid to denounce the powerful of this world. Those illegally convicted always found an intercessor in him, and judges reviewed cases at the request of the abbot, revered by all.

The monk especially cared about the poor: he built a special courtyard for them in the monastery, where anyone in need could receive food and shelter.

Having foreseen his death in advance, the Monk Theodosius peacefully departed to the Lord in 1074. He was buried in a cave he dug, in which he retired during fasting.

The relics of the ascetic were found incorrupt in 1091.

The Monk Theodosius was canonized in 1108.

The memory of St. Theodosius is celebrated:

  • 16th of May(May 3, old style);
  • August 27(August 14, old style) - transfer of relics;
  • 10 September(August 28, old style) - as part of the Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk, resting in the Far Caves;
  • September 15th(September 2, old style) - together with the Monk Anthony of Pechersk.

From the works of St. Theodosius, 6 teachings, 2 messages to the Grand Duke Izyaslav and a prayer for all Christians have reached us.

The Life of St. Theodosius was compiled by St. Nestor the Chronicler, a disciple of the great Abba, a little over 30 years after his repose and has always been one of the favorite readings of the Russian people.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Prayer to St. Theodosius, Pechersk Wonderworker
Oh, sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, venerable and God-bearing Father Theodosius, eminent servant of the Most Holy Theotokos, in Her holy name he built a wonderful monastery on the Pechersk mountains, and shone with many miracles in it! We pray to you with many zeal, pray for us to the Lord God, and ask from him great and rich mercies: right faith, undoubted hope of salvation, unfeigned love for everyone, unshakable piety, health of soul and body, satisfaction with everyday needs, and not in Let us turn evil into the good given to us from His generous right hand, but into the glory of His Holy Name, and into our salvation. Save, saint of God, through the intercession of your saints, our country, the Orthodox Russian Church, your city, and your Lavra unharmed from all evil, and all the people who flock to worship your honest tomb and stay in your holy monastery, autumn with your Heavenly blessing and from all evils and mercifully deliver from troubles. Most of all, at the hour of our death, show us your many-powerful protection: may we, through your prayers to the Lord, deliver ourselves from the power of the fierce ruler of the world and be worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Show us, Father, your mercy and do not leave us orphaned and helpless, so that we may glorify the wondrous God in His saints, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, forever and ever.Amin.

Troparion, tone 8
Having risen to virtue, having loved the monastic life from childhood, having valiantly achieved your desire, you moved into a cave, and having adorned your life with fasting and lordship, you remained in prayers as if you were bodiless, shining like a bright light in the Russian land, Father Theodosius: pray to Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8
He was the heir of the fathers, reverend, following their life and teaching, morality and abstinence, prayer and standing. Because you have boldness towards the Lord, ask for forgiveness of sins and salvation for those crying out to you: Rejoice, Father Theodosius.

Venerable Theodosius of Pechersk

Broadcast about the life of St. Theodosius of Pechersk from the cycle “Lives of the Saints of Pechersk”.
Production: TV studio of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. year 2012

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