Exercises on the letters of the English alphabet for preschoolers. English alphabet for children: there are a lot of options, but which one to choose? Pronunciation of English letters

Tasks on knowledge of the English alphabet, grade 2IknowtheABC

Task No. 1. Color the letters of the alphabet

Task No. 2 on letters of the English alphabet, which children often confuse.

1 . Circle the letter b, underline the letter d. Count the number of letters.

b b d b b d d d b d b d d d b d b b d b d b

Quantity: b- ___, d-___.

2. Circle the letter p, underline the letter q. Count the number of letters.

q p p q q q p q q p q q p q p q p q q p p q q

Quantity: p-___, q- ___.

3 . Circle the letter m, underline the letter n. Count the number of letters.

m n m n n m n n m m m n m n m m n m n m

Quantity: m-___, n-___.

Task No. 3. Connect the lowercase and uppercase letters with a line.


Task No. 4 . Complete the missing letters of the English alphabet:

Large letters of the alphabet.

Option 1.

A _ _ D E F _ H _ J K _ _ N O P _ R _ T U V _ X Y _

Option 2.

B _ D _ F G _ _ J _ L M _ O _ Q R S _ U _ _ X _ Z

Option 3.

A B C _ E _ G _ I J K _ M N _ _ _ R S _ U _ W _ Y Z

Small letters of the alphabet.

Option 1.

B s _ e f _ h _ j k l _ n o _ _ r s _ u v _ x y _

Option 2.

B _ d e _ g h _ j k _ m _ o _ q _ s t _ v _ x _ _

Option 3.

C _ e f g _ _ j _ l m n _ p q _ _ t _ v w _ y z

Task No. 5 . Complete the letters of the English alphabet that

before in the following letters

They're comingafter next letters

A ____

H ____

N ____

T ____

W ____

X ____

Task No. 6. Complete which letter is missing in each row.

    J K L,

    P __ R S,

    U V __ X,

    B C D__

Task No. 7 . Write these words in small letters:

    FOX - _____________,

    DOG - _____________,

    BAG - _____________,

    HEN - ______________,

    PEN - ______________.

Task No. 8. Write these words in capital letters:

    ball - _______________,

    lamp- _______________,



    seven - ______________.

Task No. 9

Task No. 10

Task No. 11

Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a guarantee of additional opportunities and success in life. Knowledge of English is in some way a necessity. It is used everywhere, which means it makes it possible to understand and be understood in any corner of the world. It is not surprising that a huge number of parents strive to teach their child English. And any training, as you know, begins with the basics. That is why today we will look at the English alphabet for children, analyze its features and methods of memorization.

First, however, let's address the issue of age. Often, mothers and fathers may have doubts about whether it is possible to start teaching English from the first years of a child’s life. The answer is simple: you need it! The fact is that during the first years of a person’s life, his brain goes through the first stage of development. This stage is characterized by the fact that the brain has many more neurons than it can use. Thus, the child’s brain is preparing to master the world. However, subsequently the excess neuron cells that were not used disappear. Therefore, if you take advantage of the moment and start learning as early as possible, the process on a purely physiological level will be easier and faster for children.

In addition, children, as a rule, do not have any stereotypes, and therefore they have an easier attitude towards languages ​​and their learning. Plus, they have more time and fewer excuses like adults. It is worth noting that this does not mean that the child needs to be stuffed with a large amount of information at once, just as it does not mean that learning at another age is not even worth starting. From 3 years old or 5, 15, 30, 60 or 80 – you can start learning a language at absolutely any age. Therefore, if you were once planning to learn English, you can start learning the language with your child.

English alphabet for children: composition

English alphabet [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈalfəbɛt] or the English alphabet consists of 26 letters, of which 5 are consonants and 21 are consonants. English letters are practically not similar to Russian ones; they differ both in their appearance and pronunciation. Therefore, it is very important that when teaching children, the English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation is used in order to avoid mistakes in their subsequent use. Having studied the introductory information, it’s time to move on to the English alphabet itself.

Letters of the English alphabet with pronunciation and examples for beginners
1. A aa Heyapple [ˈap(ə)l] (epl) – apple;

ant (ant) – ant

2 B bbee bibrother [ˈbrʌðə] (braze) – brother;

bear (bea) – bear

3 C ccee sicomputer (computer) – computer;

cow (kau) – cow

4 D ddee didesk (desk) - desk;

dog (dog) – dog

5 E ee Andelephant [ˈɛlɪf(ə)nt] (elephant) – elephant;

earth [əːθ] (ес) – earth

6 F fef effather [ˈfɑːðə] (phase) – dad;

flower [ˈflaʊə] (flave) – flower

7 G ggee jigoat [ɡəʊt] (goat) – goat;

garden [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] (gaden) – garden

8 H haitch HHhouse (house) – house;

horse (hows) – horse

9 I ii ahice cream [ʌɪs kriːm] (ice cream) – ice cream

image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] (image) – picture

10 J jJay Jayjam (jam) - jam;

juice (juice) – juice

11 K kkay kaykey (ki) – key;

kindness [ˈkʌɪn(d)nəs] (kindness) - kindness

12 Llel ellove (love) – love;

lion [ˈlʌɪən] (layen) – lion

13 M mem Emmother [ˈmʌðə] (maze) – mother;

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] (monkey) – monkey

14 Nnen[ɛn]ennose (nose) – nose;

name (name) - name

15 O oo[əʊ] OUorange [ˈɒrɪn(d)ʒ] (orange) – orange / orange;

oxygen [ˈɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] (oxygen) – oxygen

16 P ppee pipig (pig) – pig;

potato (pateytou) – potato

17 Q qcue Cuequeen (queen) - queen;

queue (kyu) – queue

18 R rar[ɑː,ar]a, arriver [ˈrɪvə] (rive) – river;

rainbow [ˈreɪnbəʊ] (rainbow) – rainbow

19 Ssess essister [ˈsɪstə] (siste) – sister;

sun (san) – sun

20 T ttee youteacher [ˈtiːtʃə] (tiche) – teacher;

tree (three) – tree

21 U uu Yuumbrella [ʌmˈbrɛlə] (umbrella) – umbrella;

uncle [ˈʌŋk(ə)l] (uncle) – uncle

22 Vvvee in andvase (vase) – vase;

violin (vayelin) – violin

23 W wdouble-u[‘dʌbljuː]doublewolf (wolf) – wolf;

world (world) - world

24 X xex the exxerox [ˈzɪərɒks] (ziroks) – copier;

x-ray [ˈɛksreɪ] (exray) – x-ray

25 Y ywy wyyou (yu) – you / you;

yoghurt[ˈjəʊɡət] (yogut) – yogurt

26 Z zzed zedzebra [ˈziːbrə] (zebra) – zebra;

zip (zip) - lightning

Pronunciation of English letters

  • A = (a-n-d, a-f-t-e-r, a-p-p-l-e)
  • B = (b-a-n-a-n-a, b-a-t-h-r-o-o-m, b-o-y)
  • C = (c-a-r, c-o-a-t, c-o-l-o-u-r)
  • D = (d-o-g, d-r-e-a-m, d-o-l-l-a-r)
  • E = (e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, e-y-e, e-x-t-r-e-m-e)
  • F = [ɛf] (f-i-n-g-e-r, f-o-u-r, f-i-r-e)
  • G = (g-i-r-a-f-f-e, g-i-r-l, g-r-e-e-n)
  • H = (h-o-t-e-l, h-a-p-p-y, h-o-l-i-d-a-y)
  • I = (i-m-a-g-e, i-s-l-a-n-d, I-n-d-i-a-n-a)
  • J = (j-u-n-g-l-e, j-o-l-l-y, J-o-s-e-p-h-i-n-e)
  • K = (k-a-n-g-a-r-o-o, k-o-a-l-a, k-a-r-a-t-e)
  • L = [ɛl] (l-o-w, l-e-v-e-l, l-i-o-n)
  • M = [ɛm] (m-o-t-h-e-r, m-o-m-e-n-t, m-e-s-s)
  • N = [ɛn] (n-o, n-i-g-h-t, n-o-o-n)
  • O = (o-l-d, o-b-j-e-c-t, o-a-t)
  • P = (p-e-n-g-u-i-n-e, p-i-a-n-o, p-a-c-k-e-t)
  • Q = (q-u-i-e-t, Q-u-e-e-n, q-u-o-t-e)
  • R = [ɑr] (r-e-d, r-i-g-h-t, r-a-b-b-i-t)
  • S = [ɛs] (s-t-r-o-n-g, s-e-v-e-n, s-i-l-v-e-r)
  • T = (t-e-a, t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d, t-w-o)
  • U = (u-s-e, u-n-f-a-i-r, u-n-d-e-r)
  • V = (v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n, v-e-r-y, v-a-m-p-i-r-e)
  • W = [ˈdʌbəl juː] say: double-ju (w-e-s-t, w-o-r-m, w-h-i-t-e)
  • X = [ɛks] (X-r-a-y, x-y-l-o-p-h-o-n-e, X-m-a-s)
  • Y = (y-a-r-d, y-e-l-l-o-w, y-e-a-h)
  • Z = in British English, in American English (z-e-r-o, z-e-b-r-a, z-i-l-l-i-o-n)

In addition to these letters, the English language has digraphs or signs that consist of two letters. There are 5 of them in total:

ch, sometimes like [k]h or kchocolate [ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət] (choklet) - chocolate;

echo [ˈɛkəʊ] (ekou) - echo

sh[ʃ] wshine [ʃʌɪn] (shine) - shine
th[ð] or [θ]h

(for pronunciation the tongue must be between the teeth)

article the [ðə];

noun thought [θɔːt] (hundred) - thought

kh[x]Xsurnames: Akhmatova (Akhmatova), Okhlobystin (Okhlobystin)
zh[ʒ] andsurnames: Zhulin (Zhulin), Zhirinovsky (Zhirinovsky)

Explain to your child that English letters have their own sounds, which can sometimes change with different combinations of letters. Pay his attention to letters such as g and j, e and i, a and r, since the pronunciation of these letters is often confused with each other. Try to explain everything in simple words so that the child understands what he is being taught and does not close his eyes with the thought: “Why do I need these English letters?”

It is probably better to refrain at the initial stage from explaining digraphs, which may subsequently lead to descriptions of the people indicated in the examples. Just be aware of their existence and when learning a word in English that contains a digraph, tell your child how this or that combination of letters is read.

How to teach children the English alphabet

Of course, you won’t be able to get by with an ordinary table on top when working with children, and therefore we offer several options on how to help your child learn the English alphabet faster.

First and foremost, create a pleasant learning environment. If your child whines, denies and is distracted by other things, you will not get the same results. It is important not to force, but to be able to interest the child. Therefore, your English lessons should not be like training, they should be like a game. If the English alphabet is presented in a fun and interesting way, the child will remember the information much faster and will be interested in further learning the language. How can you teach a fun lesson in a playful way?

English alphabet in pictures

We are all different from each other and perceive information in different ways. Your child may remember information better using visual memory. If so, then let him learn the English alphabet with pictures. These can be simply brightly drawn cards with letters, or cards that, in addition to letters, contain some images. It is not necessary to buy such cards with the English alphabet; you can make them yourself or even involve your child in this process.

You can also play association games. For example, learning the English alphabet with animals. Tie words on the topic “animals” to the letters. These animals should begin with the letter that you want to explain to the child. Then play the sounds these animals make and let your child guess who you wished for them. Animals are usually remembered by a child much faster, so a similar exercise can be used from the moment the child begins to repeat after you and pronounce his first words.


The English alphabet for little ones can be taught using various things. Show an object to your baby and name it in English. In the future, this will greatly simplify his understanding of the letters, since he will already have an idea of ​​how they are pronounced.

At older ages, you can also use stickers. You need to write words on them that denote the objects that are in your house and, in fact, stick them in their places. Constantly noticing a word, the child will involuntarily associate it with the object to which the sticker is attached.

Educational cartoon

Another way of visual learning is watching cartoons. The alphabet in pictures for children may not seem very interesting, because there is no movement in it, there are no characters. But cartoons will probably attract the attention of any child. At the moment, there are a huge number of educational cartoons in which the main theme is English for children. Typically, such cartoons present basic English language topics, including the alphabet, in an entertaining way. They come in both Russian and English. Decide for yourself which one to choose. But if your child does not yet speak Russian, then he can be shown cartoons exclusively in English, while for older children, Russian cartoons about English will be more understandable at first.

Subsequently, the child can also include some ordinary cartoons or the same films about superheroes. First, in this case, those cartoons and films, phrases from which your children know by heart, may be suitable. Accordingly, by giving them the English version, you can be sure that they follow the plot and understand everything that happens on the screen.

Computer game

Not all parents agree with this method, but it is still worth mentioning. If you want to enrich your child's learning and add more interactivity, you can use electronic gadgets. On the Internet you can find a huge number of games that help solve the question of how to learn English. This method can probably replace the first 3 at once, because these games can have cards with the English alphabet, “talking alphabet”, animals with their own sounds, and funny songs. There is also a training game in which the child needs to, for example, determine the order of letters or choose one letter out of two. Children will undoubtedly enjoy such exercises and will help them with their learning, because a child does not associate the word “game” with something tedious and dreary.

Checking what you have learned

Learned letters and words tend to be forgotten. To prevent this, periodically return to the topic of the alphabet. Listen to how your child speaks, pay attention to those moments when he chooses a letter at random rather than actually remembering its pronunciation or spelling. Don't swear if your child forgets something. When a person learns a large amount of information at once, this happens.


There is, of course, another training option. Probably one of the most effective methods, which was used by the families of the Pushkins, Lermontovs, Griboyedovs and other famous Russian people. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to move to an English-speaking country, but want your child to speak with a native speaker on a daily basis, a nanny or teacher who will communicate more than teach your child at a desk are the most faithful assistants. When a person is not understood in one language, he has no choice but to learn the language of his interlocutor. In children, this process occurs spontaneously without any wasted effort. They will not be confused about which person to speak which language with, and will switch from one language to another instantly. A native speaker will save you from English classes with your child and will save you time, but, unfortunately, not money, so approach this option wisely.

It is also worth noting that you don’t need to think about how to quickly learn a language or teach it to someone. You will agree that you cannot learn even the same English alphabet in 30 seconds. Yes, sometimes even one letter may not be mastered in 30 seconds. Therefore, we teach or study English gradually, dwell on each letter, and learn its pronunciation.

We hope that the question of how to remember the English alphabet for children has become less pressing for you. Games, songs, cartoons, interactivity and simple patience - this is what English for children consists of. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, and therefore you should not wait for the first grade, start teaching your children right now.

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Recently, completing unusual quests has become a very popular entertainment among schoolchildren. Why not turn a standard English lesson into an exciting adventure? Students need to guess the names of the characters from the popular cartoon “Puzzle”, and then use the first letters of their names to create a code to open a box with a secret. In order to learn their names, children need to complete tasks related to knowledge of the English alphabet. Forward!


Lesson quest in English (theme “Alphabet”). 2nd grade.

UMK- “Rainbow English”. O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheev (this development can be applied to any educational complex).


Generalization and consolidation of knowledge on the topic “Alphabet”.



Repetition and control of knowledge of the English alphabet;

Repetition of covered lexical material;

Development of pronunciation and phonetic skills;


Develop attention, logical thinking, linguistic guesswork;

Develop the ability to analyze the information received and draw the right conclusions;

Develop communication skills and cognitive interest;


Develop skills to interact in groups and teams;

Foster a culture of relationships (willingness to cooperate, mutual assistance), cultivate a culture of communication;

Form a positive attitude and motivation to learn a foreign language.

Lesson type: a lesson in systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills.

During the classes.

1. Greeting. Motivational stage. (3 min.)

Teacher (T.): - Hello, children!

Pupils (Ps.) - Hello, teacher!

T. - How are you?

Ps. - I'm fine. Thank you. And you?

T. - I’m fine too. Sit down, please.

Slide 1 .

T. - Look at the whiteboard, please. What can you see?

P. - I can see a box.

T. - Right. This is a secret box. Do you want to open it?

In order to interest the children and so that everyone understands what will be discussed, it is appropriate to explain the purpose of the lesson in Russian, as well as conduct a preparatory conversation.

T. - You already guessed that today we will need to open the secret box. To do this, you need to create a special code, which the characters from the famous cartoon “Puzzle” will help us find out. Have you watched this cartoon?

The children answer.

Slide 2.

T. - Excellent. Who can name the main characters of this cartoon?

The children answer.

Slide 3.

T. - Do you know that this cartoon was made in America and all the characters in it speak English? This means that their names are also English. As you remember, today you and I need to find out the code to open the secret box. The first letters of the names of these heroes will be the code. Let's finally start fulfilling their tasks.

Click on the hero to go to the task.

2. Main part. Activation of knowledge on the topic “Alphabet”. (35 min.)

Slide 4

Assignment from Joy (Joy).

T. - Can you say all the letters of the English ABC?

Children name the letters of the English alphabet in chorus.

The teacher points to the letter and asks the student to name it.

T. - Before Joy tells you her name in English, she asks you to sing her a song about the English alphabet. Let's sing the song about the English ABC.

Click on a note to play the song. This is a video song. You need to unpack the archive on your computer or open the video using the link (https://youtu.be/GS_cGsAnQvQ).

After performing the song, return to the slide.

T. - I see that you can sing the ABC song very well. Now let’s ask the girl “What’s your name?”

Children ask a question.

Click on the NEXT arrow.

Slide 5.

Children read the girl's name.

T. - Her name is Joy.

Slide 3 .

T. - We have a letter “J”. Let's play with "Sadness".

Slide 6 .

Assignment from Sadness.

T. - Sadness is very unhappy. She invites us to play a game. This will cheer her up a little.

http://vseigru.net/igry-dlya-malyshej/23452-igra-anglijskij-alfavit.html. Open the game in full screen. Select the task “Find the letter”. Students need to go to the board and click on the letter that the speaker said. If you don't have an interactive whiteboard, the student can point to a letter on the screen with their finger, and the teacher can click on it on the computer. As soon as you see that a change of activity is required (15-20 letters have been completed), minimize the game and move on to the next slide.

T. - Great job. Now let’s ask the girl “What’s your name?”

Click on the NEXT arrow.

Children ask a question.

Slide 7.

Children read the girl's name.

T. - Her name is Sadness.

Slide 3 .

T. - We have a letter “S”. Let’s play with “Disgust”.

Slide 8 .

Assignment from Disgust.

T. - Look at this girl. What does she say? Read, please. Disgust likes to play a game “I have… . Who has? So, who has fair hair.

The children answer. Before playing the game, you need to make sure that children know how to use the constructions “I have...” and “Who has...”.

T. - We will now play a game with you. I'll give everyone a few cards. Your task is to get rid of them. The one with the card left in his hand will lose. On the screen you see an example of two cards. Let's practice playing together.

Game “I have... . Who has?" Annex 1.

How to Play: Print pages 3-9. Cut out the cards. Give 1-2 cards to each person depending on the number of students. Tip: Take a card with the word FINISH for yourself so that there are no losers in this game. The one with the card with the word START reads it. The student says: “I have A. Who has F?” The one with the big letter F on the card says: “I have F. Who has O?” etc.

After the game is over, move on to the next slide.

T. - Good job. Now let’s ask the girl “What’s your name?”

Slide 9.

Children read the girl's name.

T. - Her name is Disgust.

Slide 3 .

T. - We have a letter “D”. Let's play with "Fear".

Slide 10.

Assignment from Fear.

T. - We already know a lot of words. We already know a lot of English words. Do you remember what letter each of them starts with? You need to name the first letter of each word and read it completely.

On this slide you can change the words depending on the ones you studied. In this presentation I use words learned from the Rainbow English teaching and learning complex.

To make a letter appear, click in an empty space on the slide.

This task can be done frontally, in pairs or individually. Children can write down the letters they write in words in their notebooks.

You can also write these words with blanks on the board so that the children come out and write the letters on the board.

T. - Well done! Now let’s ask the man “What’s your name?”

Click on the NEXT arrow.

Slide 11.

Children read the character's name.

T. - His name is Fear.

Slide 3 .

T. - We have a letter “F”. Let's play with "Anger".

Slide 12.

T. - Anger is very angry. Let's play a game with him to make him kinder.

Click on the OK button and go to the website http://www.abcya.com/alphabet.htm. Open the game and press START. Children need to put the letters in the correct order. If you don't have an interactive whiteboard, the student can point to a letter on the screen with their finger, and the teacher can click on it on the computer.

T. - Fantastic! Now let’s ask the man “What’s your name?”

Click on the NEXT arrow.

Slide 13.

Children read the character's name.

T. - His name is Anger.

Slide 3 .

T. - We have a letter “A”. Congratulations! We have the secret code! Let's open the box.

Click on the box.

3. Summing up. (2 minutes.)

T. - Guys, you did a great job today. And for this, each of you will receive a gift from a secret box.

You can prepare in advance a regular box from which the teacher takes out diplomas.

The teacher gives the children diplomas confirming their knowledge of the alphabet. (Appendix 2)

4. Reflection. (4 min.)

T. - Do you think we completed all the tasks?

Which task was the easiest?

Which task was the most difficult? Why?

5. Homework. (1 min.)

You assign an assignment based on the textbook or workbook you are studying from.

T. - The lesson is over. Goodbye!


Today I offer you assignments and exercises on the English alphabet for children. Mastering the English alphabet is not an easy task for children, so you need to do a lot of different exercises.

Alphabet exercises. Alphabet assignments.

Exercises to practice writing letters of the English alphabet.

I suggest you print out the copybooks of the English alphabet. Click on the picture under the desired letter - the copybook will open in its original size. Then, in order to print the copybook, just right-click on it and select print.

Exercises on knowledge of the English alphabet for children.

This section presents exercises for those children who have already learned all the letters. The exercises are divided into two groups - alphabet exercises for grade 2 and English alphabet exercises for grade 3. The basic difference between the 2 groups of exercises for the English alphabet is that for grade 2, tasks are presented exclusively on writing letters. For grade 3, the tasks are more complex and involve writing words. Naturally, these exercises can also be used for preschoolers who have started learning the alphabet earlier.

English alphabet exercises for grade 2.

Tasks on letters of the English alphabet, which children often confuse.

Exercise 1. Circle the letter b, underline the letter d. Count the number of letters.

b b d b b d d d b d b d d d b d b b d b d b

Quantity: b->__, d->__.

Exercise 2. Circle the letter p, underline the letter q. Count the number of letters.

q p p q q q p q q p q q p q p q p q q p p q q

Quantity: p->__, q->__.

Exercise 3. Circle the letter m, underline the letter n. Count the number of letters.

m n m n n m n n m m m n m n m m n m n m

Quantity: m->__, n->__.

Simple exercises for the English alphabet.

Exercise 1. Connect the lowercase and uppercase letters with a line.

Exercise 2. Complete the missing letters of the English alphabet:

Large letters of the alphabet.

Option 1.

A _ _ D E F _ H _ J K _ _ N O P _ R _ T U V _ X Y _

Option 2.

B _ D _ F G _ _ J _ L M _ O _ Q R S _ U _ _ X _ Z

Option 3.

A B C _ E _ G _ I J K _ M N _ _ _ R S _ U _ W _ Y Z

Small letters of the alphabet.

Option 1.

B s _ e f _ h _ j k l _ n o _ _ r s _ u v _ x y _

Option 2.

B _ d e _ g h _ j k _ m _ o _ q _ s t _ v _ x _ _

Option 3.

C _ e f g _ _ j _ l m n _ p q _ _ t _ v w _ y z

Exercise 3. Complete the letters of the English alphabet that

Exercise 4. Circle all the vowels in the first table and all the consonants in the second.

Circle the vowels

Tasks to consolidate the English alphabet.

Exercise 5. Write down which letters come before and after the indicated letter of the English alphabet.

C __, __ H __, __ K __, __ T __, __ B __, __ Y __

Exercise 6. Complete which letter is missing in each row.

  • __ J K L,
  • P __ R S,
  • U V __ X,
  • B C D__

Exercise 7. Write these words in small letters.

  1. FOX - _____________,
  2. DOG - _____________,
  3. BAG - _____________,
  4. HEN - ______________,
  5. PEN - ______________.

Write these words in capital letters:

  1. ball - _______________,
  2. lamp- _______________,
  3. frog-________________,
  4. six-_________________,
  5. seven - ______________.

Exercise 8. Write all the vowels of the English alphabet that you know.

Exercise 9. Write all the consonants of the English alphabet that you know.

Exercise 10. Complete the following tasks to review the English alphabet.

  1. Write all lowercase (small) letters from a to h.
  2. Write all capital letters from P to U.
  3. Write all the small letters in reverse order from k to e.
  4. Write all the capital letters in reverse order from Z to U.

English alphabet exercises for grade 3.

Exercise 1. Write what letter the following words begin with.

  • ___ __ig, __retty, _iano;
  • ___ _nail, _wim, _tay;
  • ___ _pple, _nt, _unt;
  • ___ _at, _oat, _ome;
  • ___ _able, _ea, _rain;
  • ___ _ion, _amp, _emon.

Exercise 2. Use the alphabet code to read the secret message.

Use this code to decipher the secret message that contains the riddle. Write down the riddle. Translate the riddle into Russian and solve it.

16 1 5 23 _ _ _ _

19 5 14 10 _ _ _ _

1 5 8 6 15 _ _ _ _ _

5 11 20 15 _ _ _ _

17 10 24 15 _ _ _ _

Riddle: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? Answer: a clock

Exercise 3. Make ladders of words starting with the letters a, h, i, t and w according to the example.

Exercise 4. Write the words in each row in alphabetical order.

  1. ball, doll, fox, tiger, hare
  2. apple, lemon, orange, grapes, tomato
  3. green, yellow, pink, blue, black
  4. happy, silly, angry, mad, unhappy
  5. big, small, short, tall, high

Exercise 5. Write down the English alphabet. Follow the rule: write all vowels in lowercase, and all consonants in uppercase.

I hope you liked the presented exercises and tasks on the English alphabet for children and found them useful for your children.

Learning the English alphabet is not that difficult. Especially if your child is still small. You will be surprised, but in fact this is so. The older the child, the more difficult it is for him to remember information, while a very small baby absorbs everything that his mother or other relatives give him on the fly. The only point that you need to pay attention to is that your lessons should, firstly, be very short, and secondly, interesting and unsaid, so that the baby remains intrigued and somewhat incomplete.

English is extremely important for children when it comes to their future. It is very difficult to become a successful person in the modern world if you do not learn a foreign language. It is much easier for a child to do this than for an adult. Use your children's abilities, and in adulthood it will be much easier for them to express themselves professionally.

How to start training?

To learn the English alphabet, I advise you to structure your lessons in the form of a game as follows:

  • Study no more than 1-2 letters at a time.
  • Include videos of the English alphabet in your lessons, for example, you can use Aunt Owl’s lessons or something similar, listen to songs.
  • Also, be sure to play the English alphabet game.


Here is our free English alphabet, which will be of interest to any child. This alphabet is made in the form of multi-colored eggs, one or another letter of the English alphabet is written on the shell, and in the second part of the egg there is an animal sitting or an object starting with this letter. You can first cut the eggs into separate cards and play with your child. And then cut in half and correlate each letter with one or another egg. In general, there are a lot of games with these cards of the English alphabet, with the help of which you can teach your child. It all depends on your imagination.

To teach a child a foreign alphabet, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. Letters should surround the baby everywhere. Pictures and cards with them, intended for beginners, can be hung around the house and periodically remind the baby of the sound of the letter, and then ask him to repeat it. Arrange games for your child in the form of a treasure hunt, and the letters of the alphabet will be the clues.

Remember: dry exercises and tasks will not bring results and satisfaction. Lessons in the form of a game will be truly useful.

Another option for playing with letters will help your child learn the alphabet. It is especially good for a child who knows some short words in English. Take a few letters that can form a word and hide them in different places in the room. Ask your child to find them. When all the cards or pictures are collected, you will need to make a word from them. This way you can quickly teach your child to remember the spelling of words using a game element woven into regular exercises and tasks.

More options for educational games for children:

Circle the letters of the English alphabet.
Tasks for children about English letters. Match the letters of the English alphabet in order. Second option.
English crossword. Choose the letter with which the word begins.
Circle the large letters of the English alphabet in orange, the small ones in green, and the numbers in yellow.

Games related to learning the alphabet can be endlessly varied. To learn English with your child, you can stick letters, cut them out, add pictures to them, even make them heroes of a role-playing game. We learn English, and any method is good in this process.

The English alphabet can be downloaded for free here:

Video and audio selection

To learn English with your little one, in addition to games, you can use audio and video clips. The child will be very interested in watching a cartoon or listening to a song, but at the same time he will spend time profitably. Video lessons can contain an interactive element: games, tasks that children can complete together with the speaker. This approach activates brain activity.

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