Kadyrov wants to escape. Kadyrov and the Kadyrovites: why the Kremlin forgives the Chechen leadership everything Who are the Kadyrovites

In Russia against the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov A “broad front” of politicians and security officials is being formed, which is seeking the elimination of Kadyrov and creating the threat of a new conflict in Chechnya.

A Russian publicist and political scientist writes about this in an article for Radio Liberty Andrey Piontkovsky.

"The most important anchor of our political system today is the personal union of Russia and Chechnya, personified by the diarchs Putin and Kadyrov. The ruler of Chechnya formally swears allegiance to Putin, as is customary in personal unions, but only to him personally, and real power in the republic belongs to Kadyrov and his armed forces", he writes.

According to the political scientist, the Russian security forces could not come to terms with the loss of Chechnya as a zone of “their feeding” and “ zone of its intoxicating power over the life and death of any of its inhabitants", so they turned against Kadyrov a widespread campaign to discredit him.

"The main direction of the coordinated attack by the security forces is the maximum discredit in the public sphere of Kadyrov, and through him, Putin, who patronizes him, if he refuses to “dump” the Chechen leader. But it is very difficult for Putin to hand over Kadyrov. Closing the Kadyrov project today under pressure from the security forces would be an official recognition of Russia's defeat in the Second Chechen War and the announcement of the Third. This is a return to 1999 in a much worse starting position. And, in addition, the complete political delegitimization of Putin as the “savior of the fatherland”", writes Piontkovsky.

As the expert notes, as a “decisive attack” on Kadyrov should have been a murder Boris Nemtsov but their plans were disrupted Putin.

"Putin managed to stop the security forces’ attack on Kadyrov at the cost of public absurdity. The organizer and customer of the murder, Geremeev’s driver, who escaped from the investigation, was named. But the security forces did not abandon their plans. Time is on their side. There is growing widespread public dissatisfaction with the Kadyrov project in Russia. Paradoxically, Kadyrov himself contributes to this more than anyone else. Understanding perfectly well the attitude of the security forces towards him, Kadyrov launched a large-scale PR campaign to demonstrate his personal loyalty to Putin, in whom he sees protection from the security forces. Kadyrov actually openly offers Putin his services for the further physical liquidation of unwanted", the publicist emphasized.

However, this does not prevent the formation of " a broad anti-Kadyrov front - from heads of security forces to influential politicians of various directions".

"The Kadyrov project, contradictory, hypocritical, and in many ways humiliating for Russia, but for ten years a temporary palliative solution that prevented a major war in the Caucasus, is coming to an end. One of the most important bonds of the Putin regime is under threat", writes the political scientist.

According to Piontkovsky, The Third Chechen War is brewing in Russia, which will lead to the death of the country .

"The security forces are not publicists, they are silent, but their goals are quite clear and defined. They need a Third Chechen war, the defeat of Kadyrov’s militants, a return to control over the oil business, to their unlimited absolute power in Chechnya, including the practice of kidnappings and extrajudicial executions. They are again dreaming of a small victorious war and this is exactly what they want from Putin. Not realizing that this new attempt at genocide of the Chechen people will lead not only to tens of thousands of deaths, but also to the death of Russia itself", the expert predicts.

"There is only one way to stop the ticking clock of the Russian-Chechen catastrophe: the Chechen people must be offered state independence with all the legal consequences for our bilateral interstate relations on the basis of the historic Treaty of Peace and the principles of relations between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic of Ichryssia, signed on May 12, 1997 in Moscow", he concluded.

MOSCOW, November 27 – RIA Novosti. The Kremlin commented on Ramzan Kadyrov’s words about his desire to resign. According to Dmitry Peskov, the head of Chechnya remains in his post.

“Ramzan Kadyrov has repeatedly said that he is, figuratively speaking, probably a fairly consistent and determined member of Putin’s circle of like-minded people. And in this case, he intends to continue to work there and in the way that the president of the country instructs him. He did not say otherwise. Ramzan continues to be the current head of the republic,” said the presidential press secretary.

No competitors

Kadyrov’s statement was also commented on in the State Duma and the Public Chamber.

Thus, according to the chairman of the commission for public control and interaction with public councils of the OP Vladislav Grib, the head of Chechnya has no competitors in the republic in terms of influence, and he will not resign in the coming years.

“I am sure that Ramzan Kadyrov will not go anywhere and does not intend to leave in the coming years... When the question arises of who the successors are, a number of candidates arise. It is probably difficult to imagine them as some kind of guarantor of stability in Chechnya... Those who are now close supporters of Ramzan Kadyrov, It’s unlikely that any of them will even suggest out loud that he could take his place,” Grib told RIA Novosti.

State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, who represents the Chechen Republic in parliament, noted, in turn, that the future of Chechnya is impossible without its current head.

“No, I can’t even think that Ramzan Akhmatovich can leave. He doesn’t just work, he follows the path of Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, and the future of the Chechen people lies with him, without Ramzan Akhmatovich this is impossible. Therefore, God Almighty, give him long life,” Delimkhanov told RIA Novosti.
According to him, there are enough worthy people and associates in Kadyrov’s entourage, “but none of them can lead the republic and bear this heavy burden.”

Why Kadyrov wants to resign

Kadyrov spoke about his desire to resign on Sunday on the program “Characters with Nailya Asker-zade” on the “Russia 1” channel. According to the head of the Chechen Republic, the time has come for this.

Kadyrov noted that resigning is his dream, because governing the region and being responsible for the people and the republic before the state leadership is very difficult.

“Once upon a time, people like me were needed to fight, to restore order. But today we have order, respect, understanding in society, in Russia. First of all, that they recognize us as citizens of Russia. I believe that we have come it’s time to make changes in the Chechen Republic,” said the head of the region.

Speaking about a possible successor, the leader of Chechnya said that the decision on this issue is the prerogative of the leadership and citizens of the country.

“If they ask me who you want, there are several people who can 100% fulfill these obligations, responsibilities at the highest level. But it’s up to them to decide. We believe, and they have it there,” he said.

Not the first statement

This is not the first time Kadyrov has expressed his readiness to resign. In 2014, he said that he plans to ask the president to release him from his post as head of Chechnya to fight in the Donbass. Later, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov clarified that the Kremlin had not received such a request.

In 2015, on the radio station “Moscow Speaks,” Kadyrov said that he had repeatedly asked for resignation and was ready to leave his post at any time.

In February 2016, before the elections of the head of Chechnya, Kadyrov stated that he was not going to run for this post and was ready to transfer power to a successor from his team. In July 2017, Kadyrov wrote on Telegram that he was ready to voluntarily resign in order to guard the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

. — Ramzan Akhmatovich has said many times that he does not hold on to his position, so for me personally there is nothing new in this statement. It is obvious to me that in the elections the residents of Chechnya will 100% support Kadyrov, because the Chechens are a grateful and noble people, and they remember very well that in difficult days for us, he was the only one who was not afraid of anything and took everything upon himself. I think that in 10 and 20 years, and in general as long as Kadyrov is alive, the people of Chechnya will be for him.”

The five-year term of office of the head of Chechnya expires in April. The question arises: does the Kremlin have plans to offer the republic a new leader and who could it be?

For the last two months, Ramzan Kadyrov has not left the information field, as if deliberately “causing fire on himself.” On Russian Press Day, Kadyrov called the opposition “traitors” and “enemies of the people.” After which flash mobs began “against Kadyrov” and “for Kadyrov” - in the latter, in addition to artists and showmen, the entire elite was noted. Later, the whole of Chechnya came to a rally in support of Kadyrov (on a working day!).

Some time later, Kadyrov posted a video of the ex-prime minister on Instagram, made as if through the sights of a machine gun. “Whoever does not understand will understand,” Kadyrov wrote. The social network itself deleted the video as not meeting its requirements, but it has already been distributed by thousands of reposts. Again there is a storm of indignation - after the murder of an opposition politician a hundred meters from the Kremlin, among the organizers and perpetrators of which the investigation names residents of Chechnya, it is not very appropriate to “joke” on this topic.

There were no statements from the Kremlin. Then a cake fell on Kasyanov’s head in a Moscow restaurant. Once again, the perpetrators were Chechens, and the video of the attack hit the media the next day.

Such an active presence of Kadyrov in the news agenda was not in vain -

A few days ago, Kadyrov returned to the information field again: he was the first to post online the oppositionist’s report on the state of affairs in Chechnya. According to Kadyrov, representatives “announced the report as some kind of sensational material.” “We are publishing it so that anyone who wishes can read it without waiting for a press conference. I express my attitude towards this one-man theater by replicating this work. We don’t know what kind of chatter there will be, but what is written contains nothing but chatter,” wrote the head of Chechnya. Republican media boldly called this a “brilliant move,” and during the presentation of a report that spoke of “corruption, human rights violations and politically motivated violence in Chechnya,” dollar bills were thrown at Yashin.

What signals is Kadyrov sending and to whom?

One of the experts close to the Kremlin, in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, suggested that there has been an “exchange of signals” between the Kremlin and Grozny recently. “The federal center does not have the tools to change the situation in Chechnya in its favor. I admit that there is a bargaining for resources, and it is possible that even this bargaining is not at the level of negotiations, but of signals. That is, neither the center nor Kadyrov name the conditions. They take some steps and wait for the reaction of the other side,” he believes.

Does Kadyrov, in principle, have at least a potential successor?

Kadyrov himself called deputy Adam A as such. Another influential person, essentially Kadyrov’s right hand in Chechnya, is the speaker of the republican parliament, Magomed Daudov.

Delimkhanov oversees all external relations of Chechnya, for example with the Middle East, and is Kadyrov’s representative in Moscow, explains political scientist Vadim Samodurov. According to him, Delimkhanov is the most powerful figure and Kadyrov’s likely successor in the future. This Chechen politician is on the federal agenda. Daudov is a figure of regional rather than federal significance.

As for Kadyrov, until yesterday he chose the tactics of aggravation. It is the most effective, although risky.

It is clear that it shows strength, but at the same time it actualizes existing discontent. Although now he showed a new maneuver. Laying out Yashin's report, cursing Beria and Stalin - all this already looks like a game of halftones. But the task of aggravation has not been removed for him. It seems to me that now a variety of players, having noticed that the head of Chechnya is running out of powers, are starting to somehow improvise.”

A well-informed source in the government structures told Gazeta.Ru that around Kadyrov there is now “a multi-vector game going on, and if something starts, it is done instantly and unexpectedly, or it does not happen for a very long time, a month or a year.”

“The decision regarding Kadyrov is Ukraine and Syria combined,” he says, referring to the significance of the decision and the scale of its possible consequences. — There must be a coalition of those who, in terms of their strength of figure and position, can at least be opposed. Now there are no such things in the Caucasus region.” The decision to extend or not extend Kadyrov’s powers can only be made by one person, and this is not Volodin or even Ivanov, the interlocutor noted, meaning that neither the head of the administration nor his first deputy will make such a decision without Putin.

First, Ramzan Kadyrov personally, and now his inner circle, are making unambiguous threats against the opposition. On the background investigations case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, in which former fighters of the "North" battalion are accused, reporting personally to the head of Chechnya, published by Kadyrov's associate Magomed Daudov" Tarzan list"looks like a very real threat.

This is not the first time that Kadyrov and his entourage have allowed themselves to do something for which any other official would be immediately deprived of his position, and possibly arrested. But the Kremlin does not respond, despite persistent requests from official structures, including the Presidential Human Rights Council.

The book by the former editor-in-chief of Dozhd, Mikhail Zygar, quotes one of the sources in Vladimir Putin’s inner circle, describing the relationship between the head of state and one of his subjects: “Putin has a special relationship with Kadyrov. This, of course, is a rather strange system. Well, it can’t "The head of the region considers only Putin and no one else as his authority. This is a very crooked system, but that is how it has developed."

Currently, we have identified five main points that most fully describe this “crooked system”.

How Kadyrov came to power

During the second Chechen war, the Kremlin managed to win over one of the most influential supporters of the separatists, the chief mufti of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadyrov. There were other field commanders who supported Moscow, but it was Akhmat Kadyrov who proposed introducing direct presidential rule in the warring region until the elections. On June 12, 2000, by decree of President Putin, Kadyrov the father was appointed head of the Chechen administration. In October 2003, he was elected president of the republic.

Less than a year later, on May 9, 2004, Akhmat Kadyrov died: during a concert dedicated to Victory Day, a podium containing high-ranking spectators exploded.

The day after the death of the former Grand Mufti, the first public meeting between Vladimir Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov took place. The one and a half minute story on Channel One was remembered by viewers for the fact that the son of the deceased head of Chechnya came to the Kremlin in a tracksuit. Ramzan Kadyrov himself is extremely laconic; his remark ends after two seconds. “The choice made by the Chechen people is a conscious choice,” he says. On video, published on the Kremlin website, these words are not present. Kadyrov Jr. only says “thank you”, Putin hugs him.

Less than a month after his father’s death, on June 1, Ramzan Kadyrov’s elder brother Zelimkhan died. Minister of Health of Chechnya reported that a 30-year-old man died of acute heart failure. Zelimkhan Kadyrov never laid claim to power and held the position of foreman of a special company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Ramzan Kadyrov looks completely different in interview with Novaya Gazeta journalist Anna Politkovskaya. By that time, “Kadyrov’s team” had already nominated its candidate for the post of President of Chechnya, Alu Alkhanov. Ramzan Kadyrov could not apply for this post, since according to the law, a region cannot be headed by a person under 30 years old (at that time Kadyrov was 27 years old).

Politkovskaya notes that “the Chechen capital was actually transferred to the village of Tsentoroi, where Kadyrov then lived.” “It’s not Ramzan, for example, who goes to Abramov [ Sergei Borisovich, then acting President of Chechnya], and Abramov [like many other officials] - to Ramzan. Here, in Tsentoroi, the nomination of a candidate for the post of President of the Chechen Republic took place - the so-called nomination from the “Kadyrov team,” Politkovskaya wrote.

Ramzan Kadyrov speaks of his readiness to “establish order not only in Chechnya, but throughout the entire North Caucasus.” “We will fight everywhere in Russia. I have a directive - to work throughout the North Caucasus. Against bandits,” he says.

Politkovskaya asks about the conflict with the Yamadayev brothers (field commanders who also went over to Moscow’s side during the Second Chechen War and created the Vostok battalion). Kadyrov denied that he was in a quarrel with them. “It’s not true. You can’t be in a conflict with me - that person will be in trouble.”

Anna Politkovskaya was shot dead in the elevator of her building on October 7, 2006, Vladimir Putin’s birthday.

What happened to Kadyrov's opponents

In November 2006, former security guard of Akhmat Kadyrov, commander of the “Highlander” detachment, FSB Colonel Movladi Baysarov was shot dead in Moscow on Leninsky Prospekt. According to the official version, he was killed during an attempt to detain him by a special group of Interior Ministry officers from Chechnya. The prosecutor's office decided that the Chechen security forces acted legally and closed the criminal case.

In April 2008, the conflict between Kadyrov and the Yamadayev clan escalated. Then the youngest of the brothers, Badruddi Yamadayev, and his guards did not give way to the motorcade of the Chechen president. The Vostok battalion subordinate to the brothers was disbanded in the fall of 2008, immediately after this unit took part in the war in Georgia.

The first to die was former United Russia deputy, hero of Russia Ruslan Yamadayev - he was shot in September 2008 in Moscow in the immediate vicinity of the White House. Sulim Yamadayev died on March 28, 2009 in Dubai. Among the accused in this case was Ramzan Kadyrov’s personal groom; Adam Delimkhanov, Kadyrov’s right-hand man, was put on the Interpol wanted list. The killers were sentenced to life imprisonment, but were released two years later.

And in September 2009, in the Yamadayevs’ hometown of Gudermes, Ramzan Kadyrov ordered the demolition of a mosque dedicated to the eldest of the Yamadayev brothers, Dzhabrail. Dzhabrail Yamadayev died in 2003 as a result of a terrorist attack. In August 2010, clan representative Isa Yamadayev, who survived several assassination attempts and publicly called Kadyrov the mastermind behind the murders of his brothers, made peace with the head of Chechnya.

Human rights activists have repeatedly accused Kadyrov and his subordinates of abductions, torture and murders of people on the territory of Chechnya. One of the most famous human rights activists was Natalya Estemirova, an employee of Memorial.

She was kidnapped on July 15, 2009 near her home in Grozny. Her colleagues reported that two witnesses saw from the balcony how she was pushed into a white VAZ car; she managed to shout that she was being kidnapped. On the same day, the body of a woman with bullet wounds to the head and chest was found in a forest belt one hundred meters from the Caucasus federal highway near the village of Gazi-Yurt, Nazran district of Ingushetia.

Who are the Kadyrovites

There are two permanent characters on Kadyrov’s Instagram. In the photo, next to the head of Chechnya, they often stand: on the right hand is State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, and on the left hand is the head of the Chechen administration Magomed Daudov, also known as Lord. It is believed that Delimkhanov deals with all issues related to what is happening outside of Chechnya. Daudov - deals with problems within the republic. In violation of this tradition, the photo with the Caucasian shepherd Tarzan was published by Lord, not Delimkhanov.

You can judge how influential Magomed Daudov is on history with Ruslan Kutaev, who, without coordination with the leadership of Chechnya (including Lord) held a conference on the anniversary of the deportation of the Chechen people. He was kidnapped, then arrested, charged with drug possession and is now serving a four-year sentence.

For the first time, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov became famous when, during a fight with another deputy from United Russia in the hall of the State Duma, a golden pistol fell out of his belt.

Adam Delimkhanov was repeatedly mentioned in the context of the case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, since Delimkhanov’s brother Alimbek is the commander of the Sever battalion. Several defendants in the murder case of Boris Nemtsov served in this battalion, including Zaur Dadaev, who may have shot at the politician, and Beslan Shavanov, who died during his arrest, calls the killer was another defendant, Anzor Gubashev.

In addition to the North battalion, directly to Kadyrov obeys The "Oil Regiment" of the private security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, guarding, in addition to oil fields, the Kadyrovs' ancestral village of Tsentoroy (2,400 people), two patrol regiments, one of which bears the name of Akhmat Kadyrov (1,125 people in each), riot police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya ( 300 people). The special forces battalions "North" and "South", included in the 46th brigade of internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, number 700 and 550 people, respectively. In total, this is 6200 fighters.

Experts believe that in reality Kadyrov’s armed forces are much larger, and talk about 20-30 thousand fighters. In the film "Open Russia" "Family" was voiced the most radical estimate is 80 thousand people.

At the end of December 2014, in Grozny, on the instructions of Ramzan Kadyrov, a general formation of Chechen police officers took place. At the Dynamo stadium collected about 20 thousand people.

“Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov noted that, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, thanks to the personal participation of the Head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Ramzan Kadyrov, it was possible to avoid a significant reduction in its parameters,” the Grozny-inform publication reported.

In 2015, Moscow transferred more than 20 billion rubles to the budget of Chechnya.

How the Kremlin reacted to Nemtsov's murder

In the book "The Entire Kremlin Army", the chapter of which published on the Snob portal, the former editor-in-chief of the Dozhd TV channel describes the relationship between Vladimir Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov and how the head of Russia reacted to the murder of Boris Nemtsov near the Kremlin walls. The politician was shot dead near the Kremlin walls on February 27, 2015.

According to official messages on the president's website, the very next morning Putin first called King Abdullah II of Jordan and then Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed al-Nahyan. And only after that he sent a telegram of condolences to Nemtsov’s mother. On March 4, Putin came to the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he demanded a speedy resolution of the case: “We must finally rid Russia of shame and tragedies like the one that we just recently experienced and saw, I mean the daring murder of Boris Nemtsov right in the center of the capital.”

The day after the meeting with the Italian Prime Minister, Putin disappeared. He did not appear in public for ten days. Later, those around Putin will explain that he had the flu and went to Valdai. The author’s sources in the Kremlin environment said that in fact the president “went away to think.”

All this time, Kadyrov tried to contact the president and posted one after another on Instagram with oaths of allegiance to Vladimir Putin. On March 11, Ramzan Kadyrov was summoned to Pyatigorsk to attend a retreat of the Security Council, which was chaired by Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, a former director of the FSB. He told Kadyrov about the details of the investigation into Nemtsov’s murder and about the evidence that there is against people from his circle.

During his 10-day absence, Putin did more than just exercise. He thought about what he should do now with Chechnya and how to behave with Ramzan Kadyrov,” Zygar quotes sources from the Russian leader’s entourage. Finally, on March 16, Putin appeared in public, but Kadyrov was not connected with him again, says the former editor-in-chief of Dozhd.

On March 26, Putin came to Lubyanka to take part in the FSB board. Those around Putin were surprised to note that after a ten-day absence, the president doubled his security.

Without talking to Putin, Ramzan Kadyrov flew to the UAE, taking with him his entire inner circle. At first he watched the races in which his horses took part, but even after them he was in no hurry to return. Kadyrov and his team spent ten days in the Emirates. While in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Kadyrov continued to swear allegiance to the president. Only on April 6, Kadyrov and his team returned to Grozny. On the same day, Putin’s order was published, awarding Grozny the title of “city of military glory.”

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