The ancient teachings of Reiki: meditation, principles, training. Energy healing. Light healing meditation. Practice Guardian of Reiki traditions Satya Eo Than

Hello, dear readers!

Do you want to cope with your ailments and improve your health without the involvement of doctors? Are you striving to find love, harmony with yourself and the world, become calmer and feel confident in your abilities? You should turn to the teachings of Reiki!

And just in this article we talk about the power of Reiki meditation, introduce you to the basic principles of the teaching, and offer you to master some meditation techniques. With the help of our tips and tricks, you can begin to practice Reiki, improving your life and filling it with health and happiness.

Reiki teachings and basic principles

There are various schools and teachings designed to help a person recover from illnesses and cope with adversity with the help of the universal energy of life. One such practice for restoring the entire body and spiritual energy is the thoughtful Reiki system. You can solve almost any problem in life on your own by relying on the deep philosophy of Reiki and practicing meditation.

Reiki is an ancient healing system, which was brought to the attention of the Japanese physician and Buddhist philosopher Mikao Usui in 1922, and he founded the first school. The name of the practice itself consists of two Japanese characters - “Rei” and “Ki” and is generally defined as “the divine energy of life - creative, healing, full of goodness and love, the power of life bestowed by the Creator.”

Mikao Usui, in the process of long meditation, formulated five simple principles of teaching:

1. Don’t get angry today.

2. Don't worry about anything today.

3. Express gratitude and respect to parents, teachers, and elders.

4. Work and earn your living honestly.

5. Treat all living things with love and gratitude.

Types of Reiki Meditation

Meditation is a special mental exercise in a state of complete relaxation, related to spiritual health practice. Reiki meditation involves contact with energy flows. Plunging into this state of peace, you need to stop the continuous flow of thoughts in order to feel your inner “I” and merge with the Universe into a single whole.

There are different types of meditations for practicing Reiki:

  • using symbols;
  • with affirmations using Reiki energy;
  • meditations, during which karma is cleansed;
  • to solve life problems;
  • advanced meditations for masters and others.

After some time of constant practice, in the process of Reiki meditation, you realize the true values ​​of your life, in comparison with which neither money nor other material goods are of significant importance.

Reiki meditation technique

You can begin mastering meditation in a friendly atmosphere with Reiki practitioners. Such a collective action creates a wonderful emotional background and creates a strong flow of energy. With collective meditation, the healing of serious illnesses occurs more effectively.

There are many Reiki meditation techniques. In this article, we will not consider all the main techniques, but will dwell in more detail on the main meditation - “Gassho”, and also invite you to familiarize yourself with meditations aimed at rejuvenation and love.

The simple meditation "Gassho", literally meaning "joined palms", is absolutely safe and recommended for all age groups.

Sit comfortably on a flat surface with your legs at right angles. Place your palms together with your fingers pointing up at the heart chakra.

The back is straight, the neck is stretched and not tense, the eyes are closed. The top of the head is, as it were, “suspended by a thread” from the ceiling. When inhaling, the tongue touches the upper palate, and when exhaling, it lowers. If your arms get tired, simply lower them smoothly.

Concentrate completely on your calm breathing, stop the internal dialogue, letting go of all thoughts. Your task, in a state of complete relaxation, is to feel unity with the universe and call on universal energy. Ask for help in solving a problem, fulfilling a desire. At the end of your meditation, slowly open your eyes and give thanks to Reiki.

“Gassho” can cause deep emotions; when performed regularly, the body and spirit are strengthened, and a person’s natural talents and abilities are developed. Feeling the joy and pleasure of communicating with yourself, healing from loneliness occurs. Spend 20 to 30 minutes daily in the morning and evening on Gassho, and you will soon feel an improvement in your well-being.

Reiki meditation for rejuvenation

Every person wants to look good and prolong their youth. By constantly working with rejuvenation meditation, you will restore your health and rejuvenate yourself. To do this, take a glass of drinking water and your favorite photo in which you are young and beautiful. Place the water nearby, study the photo in great detail and remember the image.

Place your hands together in Gassho and invoke Reiki energy. Imagining a flow of energy, direct it into the water and bring your hands to a glass of water. Say 3 times: “This water from within rejuvenates me.” Mentally connect and merge with the image in the photo.

Relax completely and close your eyes, filling yourself with lightness and serenity. Imagine yourself in a sunny clearing near a mountain river, the cool water of which flows down from the mountain peaks, murmuring among the stones and spreading pleasant freshness around. Thank the water, this source of life and youth, and then, in a state of gratitude, drink and wash, feeling like you are part of the life-giving moisture.

Go into the water of a mountain river and kneel down, bathe your whole body, imagining how every cell of your body is washed, your skin turns pink and your body is filled with youth. See yourself as in the photo and mentally smooth out your wrinkles, imagine a slimmer figure, feel your young silky skin and give up everything that prevents you from being happy.

The energy of youth has filled you, and, emerging from the water with an elastic gait, dry your body under the gentle sun. Thank the source of beauty and health and come back here. Remember this feeling of joy and drink water from a glass. To enhance the results, do this meditation before going to bed, saying: “I sleep and get younger!”

Reiki Meditation “Love Attraction”

Close your eyes and completely relax and tune in to love and light. Focus on your breathing and breathe deeply and often for 1-2 minutes. Once you feel a state of lightness and euphoria, slow down your breathing and imagine that you are exhaling the energy of love from your heart chakra.

A pleasant feeling of warmth will begin to appear in the chest area, which you will transform into love energy. Radiate and expand this energy field filled with tenderness and unconditional love by mentally saying for a few minutes: “I want to love. Come to me love! In this state, fall asleep.

Chat with new people and don't forget that love is nearby and waiting for you. Generously give the living energy of love to the entire world around you, and you will attract it into your life!

Music for Reiki meditation and its healing effects

Reiki meditation music has a beneficial effect on a person’s consciousness and subconscious. Thanks to this music therapy, by meditating you create balance in your emotional state and calm your psyche. With music, you more fully feel integrity with the world around you, harmonization of consciousness occurs.

Meditation music is very simple, light, pleasant and promotes self-immersion. Its sound does not require exertion of physical and mental strength. With the help of a musical background, a person feels how energy flows into him, filling him with love for everything that exists.

Reiki training independently and with a teacher

Using a special technique of laying hands on certain areas of the body, masters are able to transmit Reiki energy, healing ailments and attracting positive changes in a person’s life. Despite the powerful power of Reiki, this harmonious system is very thoughtful and safe, and you can master this ancient teaching on your own.

You can speed up changes for the better by contacting a specialist. The teacher will help you tune in to absorbing energy during the meditation process, and during the session will demonstrate clearly how to effectively influence unhealthy organs with your hands. The mentor will teach you how to activate energy channels and tell you about the meanings of signs and symbols to increase the power of energy.

Stages of mastering the Reiki technique

There are only three steps in the technique of working with Reiki energy:

  • Healing oneself and all living beings through the laying on of hands during sessions.
  • Studying signs to enhance transmitted energy, the basics of karmic processing, deeper knowledge of the practice of laying on of hands.
  • Conducting initiation, teaching beginners the basics of Reiki, transferring knowledge about symbols, further work in laying on of hands sessions.

With the help of a Reiki master, you will be able to study productively and move from stage to stage.

Guardian of Reiki traditions Satya Eo Than

Thanks to Mikao Usui and his students, the teaching of Reiki has spread throughout the world, gaining more and more followers. There are now more than 30 Reiki systems. All these directions take their origins from the ancient school of Fam Rey and have their own distinctive characteristics.

In St. Petersburg, Satya Nanyokari, a student of Mikao Usui, founded the Reiki Academy. His student, Grandmaster of Reiki Satya Eo Than, is a famous modern teacher and keeper of the most ancient tradition of teaching. His seminars are very popular and are held in Russia, the USA and Europe.

Master Satya Eo Than does not just philosophize about simple truths, but uses real examples from his life to teach and offer working practical techniques for being healthy and filled with happiness in the difficult modern world.

What to remember:

1. Reiki is a very ancient teaching and is based on clear principles formulated more than a century ago.

2. There are different types of meditations that can be gradually mastered.

3. "Gassho" is a type of simple fundamental meditation. You can rejuvenate yourself and attract the energy of love into your life by practicing the appropriate meditations given in the article.

4. It is better to meditate while listening to music.

5. You can learn Reiki on your own, but with a teacher it’s faster and the effect is higher.

6. There are 3 levels in Reiki training.

7. To master meditation, listen to and watch recordings of Reiki Grandmaster Satya Eo Than, and attend his seminars.

See you in the next article!

A unique energy healing technique! Always use this technique when you feel nervous or energetic exhaustion, when an illness has taken you by surprise and you need to quickly restore your health and replenish your strength... It is beneficial to perform this technique in a calm, secluded environment, in a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Therefore, first ask your relatives or close people not to distract or touch you for 15-20 minutes. In this case, it is recommended to plug your ears with earplugs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, and to wear a special mask for relaxation or a dark bandage over your eyes so that the light does not distract you from your activities.

What is the best time to exercise?
The best time for this and many other energy and light practices is the morning from 3.30 - 10.00, as well as the evening and night from 19.00 - 00.00. At these moments, all channels are most open, through which free cosmic energy and rays of transcendental light penetrate, sent to you by the lords of light and ascended masters who acquired the body of light at the time of their earthly incarnations.

How often is it recommended to practice this technique?
In moments of serious condition, when you need serious support or quick replenishment of mental and physical strength, it is recommended to practice 2 times a day, morning and evening. And during those periods when you need this technology to maintain a normal full state, you can practice only in the morning or only in the evening, once a day. In any case, it will be very useful for your entire body, aura and all subtle bodies.

What effect does this practice give?
This is one of the highest technologies that quickly and efficiently heals you from all diseases, both physical, nervous and mental. This practice fills every cell of your body with cosmic energy and the color rays of transcendental light.

These transcendental color rays have amazing and unique properties. They have millions of these properties and it is not possible to list them here. But there is confidence that with practice and contact with these powerful energies, you yourself will discover their mystical properties.

How is this practice done?
Take a comfortable lying position. It is advisable not to use pillows and lie on a flat, hard surface so that the spine is straight. Try to completely relax all the muscles and tension in your body. Relax also energetically and spiritually.

Relax all your organs, chakras and your brain so that cosmic energy can circulate completely freely and unhindered within you. Now that you have reached a relaxed state, take some time to observe your breathing, this will calm your psyche and stop the rapid flow of thoughts.

When you feel that you are sufficiently calm and relaxed, imagine that 30 cm above the center of your chest in the air there is a hexagram - a six-pointed star known as the Star of Solomon and which is a symbol of the heart chakra. This star should consist of green luminescent light.

When you have imagined a star in your imagination, sincerely and with all your heart call upon streams of cosmic green light to rush towards you through the star and fill your entire body with healing energy.

Now imagine that a beam of green luminescent energy rushes directly from Space through a light star into your heart center - the anahata chakra.

To receive this energy, take a deep breath. As you inhale, imagine green energy entering your heart center (the center of your chest), and as you exhale, imagine green light spreading throughout your body and filling every cell.

So breathe deeply and slowly, without interrupting and without holding your breath for the entire 15 minutes of practice (learn to determine the time intuitively), you will have a sign that you need to finish the practice or you will feel it.

Inhalation smoothly turns into exhalation, and exhalation into inhalation; there should be no gap between inhalation and exhalation. This way you will go into a deep trance and feel the bliss of ecstasy.

Continue this visualization and the colors of the energy of the color rays entering into you and the mandala itself may change. The cosmos itself will send exactly those colors of energies that you need at the moment for your healing.

Good luck with your healing and filling with fresh energy of the pure cosmic flow.



The first code of fate– a magician’s meditation on faith in oneself, one’s abilities, raising self-esteem, healing pride and selfishness. Develops a person’s magical abilities, develops the materializing abilities of thoughts in a person.

Second fate code– to work on the harmony of all spheres of life and harmony within oneself.

Third code of fate– the energy of fertility, mother Earth. Awakens the feminine principle, helps to increase material well-being, and helps to establish oneself in society. Remove excessive control over children, parents and husband. Treats maternity and infertility.

Fourth code of fate– the energy of the owner, the emperor. Affirms the masculine strong principle. Promotes prosperity and abundance. Relieves tension and control. Helps to take leadership positions in society.

Fifth code of fate- the energy of the teacher, the energy of knowledge. Favors and patronizes the transfer and acquisition of knowledge to teachers and students. Establishes law, order, structures and guides along the path of ordering life and all affairs. Strengthens family ties, patronizes the creation of a family.

Sixth code of fate– energy of relationships. It regulates all relationships, helps to open up new ones and complete old ones. Opens the heart. Heals heart injuries.

Seventh code of fate– the energy of a winner. Contributes to the promotion and materialization of intended goals. Activates all stagnant processes in life, gives optimism and movement at all levels of existence. Purposefulness and determination. Eliminates inertia, stagnation and hibernation. Cures belligerence and aggression.

Eighth code of fate– the energy of justice and karmic balance. Helps you understand and accept people and the world as they are, heals the karmic lessons of life, eliminates feelings of injustice and guilt for your past, eliminates internal and external struggles.

Ninth code of fate– the energy of wisdom and healing. Turns on the inner healer in you to heal the diseases of the soul and body. Helps to extract wisdom and benefit from any lessons in life, immerses you in the inner world and depth. Helps you open up and trust.

Tenth code of fate– meditation on the energy of flow, good luck. Helps you get into your happy, fateful stream. Develops a sense of your own energies of luck, relieves pressure and tension, affirms the meaning of life and reveals joy and inspiration.

Eleventh code of fate– the energy of potential and strength, awakens dormant internal reserves, helps to use the potential of strength for the benefit of all. Treats destruction and aggression, relieves tension. Teaches trust in the world and higher powers, their protection and patronage.

Twelfth code of fate– the energy of a new vision. Helps you look at life, people and situations differently. From a different angle of vision. Treats sacrifice, inertia, suspended state in life. Patronizes inventors and creative people. Helps in learning and mastering new knowledge.

Thirteenth code of fate- the energy of rebirth. Gets rid of the old. Helps change in life, relieves fear of death. Harmonizes the energies of mild excitability and irritability. Helps you accept the fact of death and let go of dead people. Promotes the birth of everything new.

Fourteenth code of fate– the energy of a mature soul. Establishes contact with the soul, helps heal the soul, relieves negative emotions. Patron of art and healing. Establishes contact with the angels of the soul.

Fifteenth code of fate– energy of manifestation. Treats negative karma, relieves aggression, attachments, lack of freedom, negative emotions and habits, and unhealthy lifestyle. Cleanses and frees the soul. Returns the joy of life, inspiration and flight. Expels energetic entities from the body and aura.

Sixteenth code of fate- the energy of spiritual awakening. Opens awareness, being in the moment here and now. Brings you closer to the spirit, sets you up for spiritual work, work on yourself. Strengthens the strength of the spirit.

Seventeenth code of fate– the energy of a creative star. Opens channels in the body for the conduction of energies from above. Promotes creative development, creative realization, raising self-esteem, establishing connections with heavenly patrons, promotes creativity among people, leads to recognition, lights up the stars. Returns interest in life. Cures apathy.

Eighteenth code of fate– the energy of magic and attraction. Works with human fears. Treats the subconscious, develops intuition, dreams, awareness, removes black magic. Helps materialize what you want. Increases the level of magic and attractiveness of a person. Strengthens the aura.

Nineteenth code of fate– the energy of universal luminescence. It opens the inner light in a person, helps increase energy potential and influence on a large number of people, promotes in society, leads to expansion and patronizes creative social activities. Lights the way in the dark. Makes the aura glow. Carries the energy of prosperity, well-being, success.

The twentieth code of fate– the energy of healing karma of the family, the energy of clairvoyance. Develops a channel of clairvoyance and karmic healing of past life karma and birth canals. Establishes contact with angels and spiritual teachers.

Twenty-first fate code– the energy of universal reconciliation and expansion. Leads to expansion, disclosure at all levels of creativity and life. Resolves conflicts, promotes global projects, works to heal planet Earth.

Twenty-second fate code– the highest spiritual expansion. Getting rid of any hooks and attachments, emancipation at all levels of life. Transition to a new stage of spiritual enlightenment. Feeling of freedom and flight.

Meditations are paid and are selected by a consultant for listening after. You can order meditations for yourself by writing to

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