Where to find real estate properties for a realtor. Where do realtors look for clients? Telephone directory - manager's reference book

Finding a suitable apartment for rent is a long and troublesome task. Therefore, many people prefer to pay commissions to realtors so as not to bother themselves with unnecessary worries. But you can save a significant amount if you find housing yourself.

In practice, there are several options for how agencies find apartments. But most transactions involving intermediaries are concluded according to the following scheme:

  1. The owner of the apartment submits an application to the real estate agency about his intention to rent out the apartment under certain conditions.
  2. Then information about the apartment with a description of its parameters and rental conditions is placed in special agent databases available to all real estate agencies. That's where realtors find owners.
  3. Two agents usually participate in concluding a transaction: one acts on the part of the owner of the apartment, the second represents the tenant. The commission for processing the transaction is 100% of the monthly payment for the rented apartment. Agents divide income from commission interest equally, and then each of their earnings keeps 50% for themselves, and the remaining 50% goes to their agency.

Thanks to the existence of information databases, it is not difficult for realtors to find the owner of a home. Information about apartments is placed on special databases, because it rarely happens that among the clients of the agency where the owner of the apartment has made an application for rental, there are those who want to rent exactly this option (in such situations, the realtor receives 50% of the total commission amount, and the remaining 50% remain with the agency).

There are other ways that realtors find apartments, many of which are tricks and tricks associated with providing not entirely reliable information. This is how some realtors advertise non-existent properties on the Internet, and when the client calls with an application, they lie that the apartment has already been rented out. Then they offer a paid password for a supposedly closed database, but in fact for a site with open access to everyone. If a deceived client finds a suitable option on the website and makes an order, then all the information goes to this realtor, who then makes just a few calls - finds out the time to view the apartment and informs the client about it, and does not even go to the viewing. In fact, the client independently finds an option and negotiates a deal, but the realtor receives his commission. Information on how intermediaries find apartments will help tenants save quite a lot of money.

Many who have at least once rented an apartment in Moscow know about the existence of the CIAN (Central Information Agency for Real Estate) website, which posts advertisements for real estate transactions not only in the Moscow region, but throughout Russia. The site is paid and created specifically for realtors - the high cost of posting ads makes it inaccessible to private users. But on the CIAN website only those who place ads pay, and viewing information is absolutely free. Not many people know how the Cian website works, so realtors here also “cheat” people, intimidating them with the possibility of stumbling upon a scam or convincing them that it is impossible to find an apartment on the website without intermediaries.

Options to How can you find housing without intermediaries?

The most reliable way is to look for housing through friends or relatives. If this is not possible, then you will have to look for fresh advertisements on the Internet, for example Avito, etc. You can subscribe to the latest newsletter on websites and try to get ahead of realtors, because among them there is also competition for homeowners; they also look for such sources. You need to know that different sites merge information into different databases. You can place advertisements yourself or hang them in the entrances of houses; even private realtors use this method.

When trying to find an apartment to rent on your own, you need to be vigilant so as not to become a victim of scammers. And you know, only the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles. and how they like to talk about reputation, although if this agency is new to the market, then it’s easy for them to change the sign. Surprisingly, not everyone even checks documents with realtors.

It is advisable to first communicate with neighbors, find out how many people are registered in the living space, check utility bill receipts, and the legal history of the property. Still, I had to apply, that is .

If several people are registered in the apartment, then it is advisable to have a notarized consent of each person to rent out the property. During the inspection, you should check the owner’s documents: passport, registration, ownership documents. Be sure to inspect the condition of plumbing, electrical wiring, household appliances, etc. If there are damages, they must be taken into account when drawing up the contract.

You can quickly search for an apartment on sites that host an open database if you make queries using the necessary parameters. The available options with phone numbers immediately appear - you just need to call and arrange a viewing. There are sites that ask for a phone number when registering, such scams are possible here

  • They will ask you for money for access to information that will not be relevant.
  • They will leak your phone number for spam mailing.

It is better to search for rental apartments on the websites of well-known agencies. The cost will be almost the same, but the guarantee of protection against fraud is greater, because such companies value their reputation and provide well-vetted information.

Anyone who is interested in the profession of a realtor first of all thinks about how realtors find clients. After all, this is not taught in any courses. Large real estate agencies offer their employees their own developed educational programs and trainings, but in many ways, a novice realtor needs to obtain information on his own.

Today, the Internet is a good source of information. Real estate blogs, thematic forums, video lectures, etc. can be a good place to start. Various information and communication on forums will tell you methods and methods of finding clients.

Of course, working in a real estate agency provides more opportunities for a novice specialist than working alone. If only because the agency has its own established reputation, thanks to which the search for clients is easier, since a client can come to a well-known company on his own, that is, sometimes there is no need to look for him. It is clear that this method will clearly be insufficient and of little interest for the development of professional qualities. But it can be used as a starting option.

Conventionally, the process of searching for clients can be divided into active and passive, as well as using the Internet or using paper media. When a client comes to the office on his own, this is just a passive way of searching for clients. You also need to be able to serve a client interested in the service so that he enters into an agreement for further cooperation. And this depends not only on professional qualities, but also on the personal qualities of the realtor.

Several classic ways to find clients for a realtor

  • You can start your search by posting and distributing advertisements about the services provided by the realtor.
  • The search for clients can be carried out in popular advertising newspapers, where individuals place their advertisements about their desire to buy or sell real estate. In such newspapers you can place a counter advertisement about your own services.
  • One of the most effective ways to how to find clients for a realtor, is the regular active distribution of business cards.
  • Often word of mouth works flawlessly, but to do this you need to have at least the first few satisfied customers or ask friends and acquaintances to talk about you in places where it would be appropriate.
  • An excellent assistant in finding clients is the Internet, where you can place your own advertisements on message boards, as well as get information about applicants to sell or buy real estate.
  • You can use social networks to find clients or create your own blog, or even better, a website where real estate properties in your database will be presented.
  • You can place contextual advertising about your services and available real estate on thematic websites.

If from our article you have clarified the question for yourself, how realtors find clients, let's give one more advice. A good realtor has his own accumulative database of real estate properties, but a good realtor should also have an information base about potential clients. If you have found a client, but at the moment you do not have a suitable option for him, do not under any circumstances lose his contact information. In the customer information database, record all those who contacted you or those you found on your own. Make a note of their coordinates, as well as key points that will give you the opportunity to remember all the details of communication with the client and their wishes in terms of real estate.

Igor Voropaev

Expert commentary

Igor Voropaev - leading lawyer at Prosper-Consulting
Consultant of the PropertyExperts portal

For newbie realtors, the question of which way to attract clients is the fastest and most competent will always exist. As a person who has already built a career in this field of activity, I can say that a realtor’s income necessarily depends on many factors, but first of all on transactions, and only he himself can always ensure their availability. The main thing that a novice seller must do before looking for a buyer is to come to a new conclusion for him that only a lot of work, the desire to do more and more, as well as learn new information will help career growth.

The main task of a realtor is to attract new clients with whom transactions will be concluded, and an experienced person will always say that there is no point in just sitting and waiting. Therefore, in order to attract a buyer's market, a young realtor should first decide how to develop a base. Of course, you can try to find an approach to someone’s ready-made real estate client base, but due to the extremely high level of competition, it is unlikely that you will be able to take advantage of it.

From the outside it is not noticeable how much effort, time and knowledge real estate work requires. Finding clients is only part of it, one of the first stages. But without successfully overcoming this stage, you will not advance further. Therefore, beginners are faced with the eternal question: how can a realtor find clients. You will learn the answer to this from this article - the most effective methods are listed here with detailed descriptions.

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1. Use all existing connections

The essence of your actions is to inform as many of your friends as possible about your new job.

To do this, just two steps are enough:

  1. Make a list of people you know and can contact. It should include everyone with whom you have ever communicated, even fleetingly. The main thing is that you have their contact information. Include here friends and relatives, classmates and fellow students, neighbors at home and in the country, your doctor, hairdresser, massage therapist, acquaintances from the gym, playground and recreation, colleagues from your previous job, your child’s teachers, etc. All of them are your potential clients.
  2. Contact each person on the list. Tell us that you became a realtor and explain why you decided to get into real estate. The story should be short, truthful and optimistic. Say that you now help people buy and sell real estate. This should not look like an advertisement, but only as a message that you are doing well and have a new job that you are doing well. Therefore, do not impose your services and do not insist, just inform.

Advice. To cope with informing a huge number of acquaintances, use a convenient technique called “Project 100”. According to her, you should call or meet with only one or two people from the list every day. This way you won’t overload yourself (after all, there will be other work) and you will gradually master the entire list.

2. Chat with grandmothers at the entrances

This method allows you to expand your “coverage area” beyond your friends. And expanding your social circle is a simple answer to the question of how to find clients for a novice realtor. Start meeting new people directly on your territory.

The most useful people in this case are concierges, janitors, and grandmothers on benches at entrances. They are usually the first to know who is moving into their home. The main thing is to choose the right approach, and the information is in your hands.

Advice. It is best to explain to the grandmothers that your client is going to buy an apartment in their house, and therefore you, as an exemplary realtor, are obliged to find out the situation. Ask them about the condition of the house, furnishings, occupants, etc. People will love that you work so hard and are sincerely interested in their opinion. They will tell you about everything, including apartments that are already on sale or may be on sale in the near future.

3. Create your informant network

How does an experienced realtor find new clients? Through “knowledgeable” people. There is a whole category of employees who, due to their position, are the first to receive information about the probable or reliable sale (purchase) of housing:

  • employees of municipal and government services - housing offices, registry offices, passport offices, courts, etc.;
  • service workers - wedding photographers and presenters, employees of offices providing funeral services.

Just wonder in what cases people move and who is the first to know about such cases. But for informants to work for you, they need to be paid. State the specific amount of intermediary fees that a person will receive if the transaction is completed. By the way, grandmothers on benches and janitors also don’t mind making extra money from valuable information.

Advice. The informant must be chosen correctly. Offer cooperation to those who treat you with sympathy. In addition, such a person must really have access to the necessary information and the ability to transmit it.

4. Work with people in crowded areas

How to attract more clients? Spread the word about yourself to a large number of people. Promote your services verbally and hand out flyers with business cards. The following methods are suitable for both beginners and experienced realtors:

  • Organize your consultations and presentations. Free consultation on real estate issues will advertise you and give you new clients. The presentation should be brief: tell about yourself and your company, answer questions, distribute advertising. Such meetings are held in housing offices, offices, beauty salons, fitness centers, clinics, etc.
  • Attend exhibitions and openings. It's not just about real estate events. Go to different exhibitions, because you can always meet many successful people there. They should communicate their services carefully. At the same time, cards are distributed.

Advice. At a commercial exhibition, you can go up to the stand of any small company and ask about its products. Then ask which real estate agency the firm works with. Tell them that you are also a realtor and unobtrusively offer your services. Briefly explain what your advantages are and what benefits cooperation with you will bring.

5. Proactively distribute business cards and promotional materials

One of the main rules of a realtor: always have a lot of business cards with you. You must distribute them in large quantities (just be sure to different people). Since a realtor needs to constantly find clients, be prepared to hand out your business cards to everyone you interact with. It's easier than it seems: it's convenient to start any communication by introducing yourself and presenting a business card. And if you are going to visit someone you already know, give him a business card and tell him that you have just become a realtor.

Who can I give a business card to? To everyone you come to as a client - a doctor, a trainer, a store salesperson, a travel agency manager, etc. In addition, business cards along with leaflets are simply distributed in crowded places and dropped into mailboxes in their area.

Advice. An excellent technique is distributing leaflets and business cards with parallel consultation. Suitable for shopping and entertainment centers, parks, squares, city festivals. It is convenient to work with assistants here: one or two people only distribute advertising, and the third advises those interested. Keep in mind that flyers with useful information on the back are more likely to be received. This could be a recipe, calendar, coloring book, etc.

6. Placing advertisements in newspapers

Despite the active development of the Internet, print publications still perform well in terms of advertising. Many people, especially older ones, out of habit buy the local newspaper for free classified ads instead of looking for specialized sites. These publications will just help a novice realtor find clients. But what if you are completely new and you simply have nothing to offer in your ad?

Some people use this trick:

  1. You advertise the purchase of an apartment on behalf of a private individual.
  2. You accept the call and explain that you are the buyer's agent.
  3. Make an appointment to view it. Tell them that the buyer himself will not come to the first demonstration, since you must evaluate the apartment first.
  4. During the meeting, inform that this option is not suitable for your client (come up with a convincing reason).
  5. Say that you can help the seller and look for another buyer. After all, you have already seen the apartment, time was wasted on you.

In such a situation, people often agree to cooperate. Apartment exchange announcements are used in a similar way. The main thing is not to abuse this method and try to move from tricks to real clients as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you can create a bad reputation for yourself.

Advice. Advertise free telephone consultations on real estate in your area. The main thing is that you really understand the specifics of the specified territory and can give practical advice.

7. Working with other people's advertisements

You should not only publish your proposals, but also carefully get to know others.

Here are the main ways:

  1. Evident. Always look into counter offers. If you already have a client who wants to sell an apartment, look at the ads marked “Buy”. Otherwise, look under the “For Sale” section.
  2. In hot pursuit. Great advice on how to find your first client for a newbie realtor. Get old issues of the newspaper and call the classifieds. Yes, some of them are no longer relevant. But people who have not achieved results with their ads will happily agree to try another way to solve the problem. And this way will be cooperation with you.
  3. Cunning. Look for potential clients not in the “Real Estate” section, but in other sections of the newspaper. For example, if a person urgently sells all his furniture, then it is likely that he is moving and is also going to sell his apartment. Here you just need to turn on logic and carefully look through the newspaper.

8. Post advertisements in your area

This method is labor-intensive, but very effective. According to psychologists, it is precisely this kind of advertising that becomes the impetus for action when the client is in doubt about the method of selling or buying an apartment.

What subtleties are there in posting advertisements:

  • The offer must be specific - about the purchase of a two-room Khrushchev-era apartment or the sale of a one-room Stalinist apartment. You cannot write that you buy anything. Nobody likes a buyer.
  • Post advertisements only in designated places. You don't need fines.
  • Place the leaf at chest level. Not everyone walks with their heads held high, and, moreover, not everyone looks up at the posts and boards.
  • Posting must be carried out efficiently - carefully, reliably and in full. If you entrust this work to third-party workers, be sure to monitor the quality. Not all hired pasters work conscientiously.
  • The minimum number of advertisements is 200–300 pieces. Otherwise, efficiency cannot be achieved.
  • It is convenient to combine posting with other activities, for example, distributing leaflets through mailboxes.

Advice. In addition to small pieces of paper, make larger announcements or even beautiful posters. They can be placed in places where your potential clients often visit. These are courts, passport offices, housing offices, technical inventory bureaus, etc. Agree on accommodation for a small fee. Ideally, you should glue a transparent pocket to the poster and leave your flyers or business cards in it.

9. Make cold calls

This is what they call calling potential clients who have not contacted you before. Telephone numbers are taken from advertisement databases (in newspapers or on the Internet). From the entire list of numbers, those that belong to realtors from your or other agencies are discarded. For the remaining ones, you need to call, find out the situation with the property (sold or not), and try to agree on cooperation.

This method will be effective only if you know how to present yourself and make a tempting offer. Otherwise, the person will not become your client.

10. Conduct telephone surveys

A “cold” database is also used here - 20 any phone numbers from a regular directory. They can be taken in a row or randomly. It is important that all subscribers live in your area.

What do we have to do:

  1. Introduce yourself as a member of the public opinion research team.
  2. Ask a few general questions (gender, age, education, profession).
  3. A few more thematic questions on real estate.
  4. Smoothly move on to ways to ensure security in real estate transactions and the functions of real estate agencies.
  5. Thank you for your attention and offer a free consultation with a specialist. Leave your contacts (yours or your agency's).

In the same way, you can work with potential clients in person - on the streets, in shopping and entertainment centers. Choose a time and place where there will be a lot of people there in a good mood. For example, a Sunday morning at an amusement park is perfect.

11. Start your word of mouth

This is a very good way, but it requires at least one satisfied client. If he tells his friends about your excellent work, he will launch the mechanism of the most reliable advertising in the world. People who received information from a real person will trust you. But not every client likes to talk about his business to his friends, much less advertise someone’s services. In addition, over time, the pleasant impressions of cooperation are simply forgotten, and this is where the advertising stops.

To stimulate word of mouth, you need to work with your clients even after the end of cooperation:

  • Call them from time to time to ask how they are doing, to remind them of your existence and willingness to help.
  • Congratulate on the holidays, send cards. It is especially pleasant to receive congratulations on your birthday, professional holiday, etc. The New Year is less advantageous in this regard, since everyone and everyone is congratulated on it. Be different from others.

Advice. If you have friends who don't mind helping, ask them to work in radio. They can unobtrusively tell their friends about your successful transaction, your professionalism, etc.

12. Make the most of the Internet

Electronic platforms are actively developing and occupying an increasingly important place in finding clients. The methods of working with people here are in many ways similar to working “in real life.” But there are also differences. We have collected all online methods in one section.

Where and how can a realtor find clients online:

  • On bulletin boards. Work with them in the same way as with advertisements in newspapers (give yours, study others). But the texts will be different, because print newspapers and online publications have different target audiences.
  • Organize a mass email campaign. Compose a competent text with a commercial offer, be sure to add your photo, contacts and send letters.
  • Work in specialized groups on social networks. As a rule, they are all designed for a small area and a specific category of clients - buyers, tenants, etc. Look for offers there and leave your ads. You can also create your own group.
  • Let's advertise on real estate sites. A beginner has no reason to pay for expensive advertising platforms. But the paid “Urgent” marking is inexpensive and can significantly speed up the sale.
  • Keep a thematic blog on any suitable portal. You can even repeat it in several places, for example, in different social networks or news publications. The more people see your blog, the better.
  • Create your website. It doesn’t have to be a serious multi-page website with complex functionality. A well-thought-out landing page is enough. The registration form will provide you with an expansion of your customer base.
  • Chat on local forums. Leave your contacts and suggestions. Also follow other people's threads. A conversation about buying and selling an apartment can come up anywhere - even among young mothers, even among gamers.

As practice shows, a novice realtor’s first clients appear even before he has time to try all of the listed methods. But this doesn't mean you can stop. Try to work diversified, constantly expand your circle of acquaintances, remind those who already know you about yourself. With this approach, you will definitely achieve success.

Before the profession of a realtor begins to generate the desired income, it can take from one month to six months, so a realtor should prepare for the time to “build up” in advance. This means that you need to be sure that For some time you will have to live on previously accumulated funds without making a profit from their actions. Many agencies provide training for a fee, so you also need to prepare for such expenses.

How to start working as a realtor

Before you start learning a profession, you should do several things:

  1. Leave your previous job. This is necessary in order to free up time for mastering a new profession. It is almost impossible to acquire all the knowledge in your free time. To master the profession, you will need about two weeks of internship.
  2. Choose an agency. To avoid mistakes, it is better to choose the most well-known company, which is distinguished by the quality of the services provided.
  3. Learn to plan. A simple notebook is suitable for this, in which you need to indicate everything (contacts, meeting times and addresses).
  4. Start looking for a customer. To do this, simply place advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet, indicating your contact details and agency.

By performing all of the above actions, you can start making a profit earlier, because the amount of money you receive depends only on how many transactions does the agent make?.

What a realtor should know

To do their job more effectively, any realtor must have certain knowledge:

  1. Fundamentals of housing and land legislation and the nuances of legal registration of transactions or.
  2. Prices for realtor services.
  3. Rules for conducting negotiations, on which the success of transactions largely depends.
  4. Tax conditions. Thanks to such knowledge, a realtor can answer common questions from clients about the amount of payments to the state.
  5. Procedure for completing a real estate transaction.
  6. Methods by which you can conduct research on the real estate market and collect useful information in this area.
  7. Types of services provided by real estate agencies.
  8. Requirements that apply to the property being sold.

Also, a realtor must know the rules for inspecting objects and their evaluation. The amount of profit received may depend on this.

In addition, the agent needs to understand the methods of advertising real estate, know the basics of marketing and direct sales techniques.

It is impossible to cover the basics of sales in a paragraph within one article. The profession of a realtor is akin to the work of a psychologist or an actor - it involves constant work on yourself, the ability to observe and draw conclusions from any of your successes or mistakes.

Beware of bobblehead coaches who have sold one or two properties and feel that their observations are enough to coach others. The ability to beautifully compose phrases is not enough; look for answers on your own or rely on experienced colleagues in the agency.

Let us briefly outline the range of questions that a future successful realtor should find answers to:

  1. What is complex selling? How are they better than simple ones? How to prepare for sale?
  2. How to find contact with a client and overcome resistance?
  3. What roles can a salesperson play, what masks can he wear?
  4. How can a client manipulate a salesperson and how to overcome them?
  5. What conversational techniques exist? ("Three Yes", Spin, "Five No")
  6. How to ask questions correctly and not turn into an interrogator? What are the questions?
  7. Persuasion: what is it, how to strengthen it, how to argue effectively?
  8. Verbal and non-verbal persuasion.
  9. How to deal with typical objections.
  10. How to prevent the price from being reduced.
  11. How to structure a conversation depending on the client’s characteristics (character, status, temperament, etc.)
  12. How to prevent conflict.
  13. Mistakes and typical failures of realtors in working with clients.

Cost of services: how is it formed?

The first way is to receive percent of property value. Many transactions are complex and therefore the percentage of the sale is not always enough to compensate for the work.

There is a form of payment in which the realtor receives a fixed amount of money after the transaction. But this option is not ideal either, because a professional receives the same amount of money for his work for different apartments, spending more time on some of them.

The best option is combination of two previously described methods. The agency determines the minimum amount that a realtor receives, but at the same time, part of the commission is determined as a percentage of the sale. This encourages the agent to make sales at a higher price.

And how much do realtors earn?

Typically, the percentage of the sale ranges from 3 to 6. However, the amount cannot be below 30 thousand rubles. Some clients come across realtors asking for a lower price for their services, but in this case you should be wary of the consequences:

  • lack of guarantees that the transaction was carried out legally;
  • inability to find a realtor in case of unforeseen difficulties;
  • low cost of housing.

For your information! You can calculate how much a realtor receives based on the value of the property and the interest rate paid to the agency. This means that it is impossible to give an exact figure, you can only find out the approximate amount of income.

Who pays the agent?

There are several options:

  • the seller pays;
  • buyer;
  • both sides equally;
  • the one who contacted the agency.

There are still more arguments in favor of the first option, because when an apartment is sold, its owner receives money and it is easier for him to pay the agent. At the same time, there are many dangers for the buyer, which include the long eviction of the previous owners, the recognition of the transaction as invalid, or financial difficulties after purchasing the home.

But since both parties use the services of realtors, in many cases clients agree to split the fee equally. Some of them do not want to pay agents because they did not intend to use intermediaries. In this case, the money leaves the wallet of the person who entered into the agreement.

How to find and convince clients

The first thing you need to remember when starting to work as a realtor is that not all clients will be ready to use the services of an intermediary.

Important! To increase profits, you should constantly be in search of clients and improve your communication skills with them.

You can find people who can use the services of a realtor in the following ways:

  • through friends;
  • using business cards and brochures;
  • thanks to posting advertisements in the city;
  • using the Internet.

To increase the number of clients, you should resort to the above methods, constantly announcing your services. Business cards can be issued by an agency, but in some cases you have to make them yourself. They should be distributed in any situation where it is appropriate. This way you can reach a large number of potential customers.

It is worth posting advertisements both in the city center and in residential areas, where people selling real estate most often live. The text can contain information for buyers and sellers, as well as for those who wish to receive specialist advice.

To successfully work as a realtor, you should know about the common tips given by experienced professionals:

  1. You should start by applying to a specialized agency. This will provide the opportunity to receive training and gain more opportunities to find potential clients.
  2. To avoid mistakes, you should first act according to established schemes offered by the agency. It is better to save your own methods of work for the time when regular customers appear.
  3. Adopt all the knowledge that experienced agents provide. The best thing to do is to make a successful professional your friend and constantly learn about how he works.
  4. Expand your capabilities and knowledge in the field of real estate sales.
  5. Lateness and disorganization are strictly excluded. A good time manager is a successful realtor.
  6. Before the meeting, you need to know the features of the housing and its cost, as if it were your own apartment.
  7. During the absence of clients, you need to constantly improve yourself by attending trainings that help improve your professional skills.
  8. When joining a new team, you should follow all the rules that are accepted among colleagues.
  9. It is important to remember that many clients will refuse services, but this should not be a reason that interferes with productivity. Therefore, improve your skills in dealing with rejections.

How to earn money and achieve success? Reply to video

The video below is aimed not only at realtors, but it is even more interesting to apply the general principles of successful earnings to your field of activity. One high-quality general motivational material can be more useful than revealing narrow questions from supposed coaches, who are often not successful practitioners.

A real estate agent's earnings directly depend on the availability of completed deals. That is why the question of where to look for clients for a realtor can be called key in the work of a real estate agent. First of all, you need to understand that the main clients of realtors are home owners and buyers.

Let's remember together all the classic ways to attract clients and figure out which of them are still relevant, which ones have lost their effectiveness and why.

Old and new ways for a realtor to find clients

Cold calling ads

One of the most common methods by which realtors find owners is the so-called “cold calling”, that is, calling people who have put their home up for sale through advertisements on the Internet or in newspapers.

In a conversation, say that you have a buyer, ask permission to offer this object to him. Under this pretext, you can meet with the owner, find out all the nuances of a specific situation, and understand which specific problems will be the main arguments for you in persuading the owner to become your client.

The key is to build initial trust. How you introduce yourself plays an important role here. It will be much easier for you if you can add the name of a well-known agency with a good reputation to your name. For employees of the Transfer agency, the question of where realtors can get clients is solved much easier than for our colleagues from other companies.

Posting advertisements

How can a realtor find clients? Posting advertisements is a method that may seem ineffective and outdated. But they should not be neglected because:

When a person is concerned about buying or selling a home, he looks for options everywhere. So a modest announcement at the entrance may well work.

Advertisements seem to many not to be the best answer to the question of where a realtor can get clients, because few people know how to properly advertise. Important:

  • accuracy of advertisements;
  • originality of the text;
  • the ability to indicate different phone numbers in different advertisements;
  • the need to make an appointment for every call: personal contact is of particular importance.

Working with social networks

Word of mouth has always been and remains one of the most effective ways to find an owner. The popularity of social networks today allows us to talk about “word of mouth networks,” because it is on the Internet that people (often even complete strangers) give each other advice, share reposts, and talk about problems.

A personal page on the Internet is exactly the place where realtors find clients. Tell us about your capabilities and include your current phone number. Be sure to share all interesting offers with your friends and subscribers.

Calls using business cards

In general, wherever do realtors find clients? In a club, in an elevator, in line to see a doctor. Be friendly, polite, competent and, most importantly, learn to listen. Don't jump into offering your services right away. In our country, there is often a problem behind the need to buy or sell a home:

  • Lack of money;
  • the need to leave the children;
  • divorce.

Be prepared to sincerely sympathize with her. Only after this the business card you offer will be accepted favorably. Make carrying and handing out business cards a habit. Also, do not forget to mention your profession appropriately, especially among friends and acquaintances.

Attend events where you can meet potential clients and offer your services there. Of course, the process will be easier if you ask your customers to tell their friends about you. Yes, they will tell you if they are satisfied with your work!

Employer base

Where else do realtors get their base? Paradoxically, but with the employer. Yes, indeed, it can be easier for agents cooperating with companies to find an option for buying or selling than for independent agents.

The real estate industry is one of those in which there is more trust in a company than in independent players, so there is always a flow of clients. The Transfer agency is one of the oldest in the city and therefore enjoys well-deserved respect and trust.

Our employees, especially early in their careers, find it easier to build relationships with clients than their colleagues who work independently.

Where can a realtor find clients and how to keep them?

Another important question is how to navigate the difficult path from the first meeting to the conclusion of the deal. There are several important points to highlight here.

Since realtors are constantly looking for clients, be prepared to work at odd hours. Your working day continues as long as it is convenient for the owner. And don’t forget to remind your potential client about this.

How successfully realtors are looking for apartments for sale largely depends on the specialist’s ability to explain to the client the sequence of actions and tell them what the next step is.

Yes, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question “how to find clients for a realtor,” especially for a beginner. The most reliable option is to use all methods at the same time. This will give an influx of clients from different groups, and in total - decent income.

You can learn more on this topic at courses at the Transfer company training center. All classes here are taught only by practicing specialists: their experience will be an excellent starting point for you to start your career.

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