Protective amulets. How to protect your son from a love spell How to protect your son

So, you will work on the house tomorrow, okay.
Do the rest on the new moon, but I would also like to clean myself, with the simplest cleansing, which is soft, cleans well, and does not damage anything. It’s a pity you didn’t write how old your girl is.
"Water-water, my sister, wash away, rinse away everything bad, everything dashing with (...). Everything spoiled, everything bound, everything induced, tributaries, ghosts, sciences, love spells, bindings, strings, evil eye, fevers. All with drunk, eaten with food, taken with a lining, given with an evil word, given by an evil eye, even to a young woman, even a girl, even a young woman, even an old woman, even a peasant, even an old man, even a small child, even a cold dead man, even a sister, even a brother, even by my only father, by my own mother, by a married husband or wife, by the witch of Kiev, by her sister the witch of Murom, by sorcerers, by witchers, women or men. Everything not given by me, not said by me, not punished by me, alien to my spirit and my words. take it and carry it with you, to the Ocean Sea, to the island of Buyan. Lock it there in the iron cadi with pound keys. Let it lie there and not run back to (...) It does not run, it does not return, to ( ...) strength appears. Strength appears but does not disappear anywhere.
My word is strong, my deed is molded, as I said, so it became!”
It is clear that we are reading in our hearts.

This is rustic, a good thing, suitable for both adults and children.
On the waning moon, collect fresh well water in the evening, bring it silently into the house, and do not talk to anyone on the way. Wash the floors in the room, close the door, open the window, light a candle. Fill a dish with water, place it on the table and read the plot:
“I, the servant of God, will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, from the gate to the open field. In the open field a fast river runs, washing away steep banks, and yellow sands, and stumps, and roots , and gray stones - also wash off the judgment, and the reproach, and the parable, and the armor from the scythe, from the brain and the white body, from the hot blood, from the entire human body. From the bad word, from the dashing eye, from the white-eyed, from the black-eyed , blue-eyed, brown-eyed, from a blue eye. And to this day, to this hour, from now on until the century of ages. Amen."
Take water into your mouth and spray yourself/not yourself three times with the charmed water. Pour the remaining water over the threshold and go to bed.
Look here, it’s clear that there will be a problem with well water, so you can take holy water, but the point is silent. If this is not possible, prepare melt water (freeze and defrost).

Cleaned up, now a talisman.
You have a shield.
Read while holding figs on both hands, pointed forward. Observe men's and women's days (that is, you should read on women's days), do not do it on Sundays and major church holidays. Read only after sunset, when it is dark.
“To my words - mirrors, to my deeds - Saints of the Image, the Triple Power is with me, there are figs in my hands, from this moment, whoever conjures God’s servant (name) will suffer from his own evil. With a fatal fiery arrow, return every witchcraft work home from where it came, do your evil there, let the one who did evil to God’s servant (name) suffer. Whether you are a sorcerer or a sorceress, or the Tsar-Queen of all Sorcerers, if you conjure God’s servant (name), you will suffer from your own evil. The Lord is with me in the One Holy Trinity, all His Holy Host, will protect and defend God’s servant (name). With me, the Triple Power of God, the servant (name), preserved, turned back all witchcraft, closed the way to all evil and defeated all evil. To my words - mirrors, to my deeds - Saints of the Image, with me is the Triple Power, and to you adversaries and villains - all your words are nothing. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and in the Trinity of One God and the entire Holy Host and the Most Holy Theotokos Mother. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Place a talisman every three months. It should not be given to children under 12 years of age.

And this is for my daughter.
Prayer to the Mother of God.
“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your roof my child (name), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents , pray to my Lord and Thy Son, that He may grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy maternal care, for Thou art the Divine Protection of Thy servants. Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Thy heavenly motherhood, heal the mental and physical wounds of my child (name ), caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and to Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen."
Prayer to the child's Guardian Angel.
“Holy Guardian Angel of my child (name), cover him with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep his heart in angelic purity. Amen.”
Amulet for a child.
“Holy, holy, Lord of hosts, sitting in the highest, walking on the thunder, coming out of the crypt and the tomb, rising from the dead. And having become the king of heaven and earth, hear and see me and my child, God’s servant (or baby) (name) ", cover with Your holy shield, a ring of fire, from all evil spirits and adversity, from any unknown passion. Lord, save him, save him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."
Periodically read each text 3 times in a row, you can use a photo of a child.

Energy protection of the child- this is the most important task for every parent, since children are very dependent on us, and they do not have such a strong energy shell as an adult.


Your child must undergo a ritual that will give him. If you are a believer and regularly attend church, take your child with you to communion. This will strengthen its protective shell and remove negative influences, such as the evil eye or damage.


The most powerful prayer for a child is a mother’s. Pray, turn to the saints, ask to protect your child, help him with his studies, improve his health, live in harmony with you and have good friends.


Always, before your child leaves home, cross him and say the following spell: “Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind. The Mother of God is behind, Jesus Christ is ahead. What happens to them will happen to (child’s name).”.


Buy an icon with the image and put it under your child’s pillow. Keep an eye on the room in which he spends most of his time, clean it periodically with a church candle.


Write down and learn a prayer to your child’s Guardian Angel and read it periodically after the child has fallen asleep: “Holy Guardian Angel of my children (names), cover them with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen".


If you are not a supporter of observing church rituals, then practice meditation. Concentrate, calm down, close your eyes and imagine your child standing under a waterfall of the purest mountain water. She washes his entire body, the water flows from his toes, and a strong mountain stream carries everything washed away from him.

Then mentally put on him a white fluffy cloak with a hood and long sleeves that cover him from head to toe, and slowly button it up from neck to toe. Imagine how cozy, warm and protected he feels in it. Repeat this procedure once a month.


If you see that your child is capricious, that he lacks energy, he often yawns, wash his face with running tap water three times clockwise with the words: “Whichever mother gave birth, she left. Amen".

Watch your child, do not put pressure on him, do not force him to make your dreams come true, follow in your footsteps or become what you would like him to be. Let him be himself, in accordance with the lesson for which he came to this earth. Just love him - that's enough.

Protecting a child from the evil eye is very important, and this responsibility lies with the parents, primarily the mother.

It’s good if the mother has strong energy, then she will be able to shelter the baby from other people’s influences. But it will not be superfluous to wash the baby with enchanted spring water, and roll out an egg, and protective spells that make the baby inaccessible to other people’s influences, invisible to the evil eye. Free spell against the evil eye of a child is a mental talisman, and its power should not be neglected.

Strongly protecting a child from the evil eye is the sacred duty of parents

Until the age of seven, a child develops personal protection, so during these first years of a child’s life, parents must jealously protect their child. And for this you need to know how you can protect a child from the evil eye, fright and intentionally induced witchcraft.

Even a mother can put the evil eye on a baby if she stares at him while he sleeps and admires him for a long time. The biofield of a small child is so weak that the mother’s emotions penetrate it, the baby receives the evil eye and eventually falls ill.

The first two months of the baby should not be shown to people. A mirror will help you protect your child from the evil eye on your own. Place a round mirror on the left side of the stroller with the reflective side facing out. Rinse it under cold running water once a week. This will clear the amulet of .

A good protection for a child from the evil eye is red clothing. Red light scatters negativity in space. A strong amulet against the evil eye is a red woolen thread. This is an ancient amulet against the evil eye. Tie the thread on your baby's left wrist. From time to time, let your baby drink a teaspoon of holy water.

To protect your child from the evil eye for free, place rowan leaves under the baby mattress, and the berries can be strung on a thread and hung at the head of the crib. Do not let your baby take anything from strangers, and make sure that moonlight does not fall on him.

Self-conspiracy against the evil eye of a child

If you suspect that your baby has been jinxed, give him some holy water to drink. When bathing your baby, pour it over his head several times - this will help neutralize the negative energy of the evil eye.

You can read the “Our Father” prayer three times over a sleeping child and sprinkle holy water on the crib. In the nursery, it would be a good idea to light a church candle and let it burn completely.

Helped me cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Amulet from the evil eye and damage. It protects a person from the forces of evil, Energy vampires at work and in the family, specially caused damage, and the evil thoughts of enemies. View and order it only available on the official website

Remember the power of a conspiracy against the evil eye of a child

Take a fresh homemade chicken egg, roll it around the child’s theme, and at the same time say a spell against the child’s evil eye: “Egg, you give life, you have great power. Take everything alien, superficial, evil eyes, damage, fears, lessons, prizes from the servant of God (name). Amen".

This egg does not need to be broken. It should be taken to a deserted place and buried in the ground. Make sure no one sees you or knows what you have done. This ritual and strong conspiracy against the evil eye of a child must be repeated three times.

How to protect a child from the evil eye - a talisman for a baby

The amulet is a necessary part of the magical protection of a small child from the evil eye. You need to make a talisman for a baby with your own hands, and preferably in the first days of his life.

Make a talisman with your own hands - a rag doll, and put it in the crib. Hang a sun over the door of the children's room. It can be made from any material, but best of all from natural fabrics - linen and cotton.

A good amulet for a baby cockerel. It is best to embroider a curtain and hang it on the railing of a crib. The embroidered cockerel should have a raised wing - this is a symbol of protecting a sick child from the evil eye.

Young children, more than adults, are susceptible to negative programs that are induced by the enemies of their parents. How to protect a baby from the evil eye and not be afraid for the child’s future? To help your own children, you need to carry out a simple ritual that will protect the children's energy. Prayer against the evil eye of a baby will protect both from the evil eye and from the consequences of damage to the entire house.

The ritual against the evil eye of a newborn is carried out on days when the moon is waning. The heavenly body will strengthen the work of the conspiracy, and strong amulets and amulets will help protect the baby from the evil eye in the future. How to perform a cleansing ritual?

Children's energy and the effects of damage

A red thread tied on the baby's wrist is the best protection for newborns that every caring child can afford. Removing negativity from your home, damage that harms every household member, is not always as easy as it might seem. Folk methods and remedies will relieve acute symptoms of the evil eye and save children from the curse. There is nothing shameful or sinful in wanting to help your own child.

It is imperative to find out why your baby has strange symptoms. Severe damage begins to appear from the first days and the child’s behavior immediately changes. Determining the cause of the baby’s fear and making a quick turnaround is the primary task of parents. Conscious adults need to understand that directed negativity does not go away on its own.

How induced negativity can harm

Negativity manifests itself in different ways depending on who and under what circumstances it affects. If the person who suffers from damage is strong enough, the necessary protective ritual will only strengthen his natural defense. The situation is different with babies; they are weak and have little protection from nature. It is not without reason that parents are afraid to show their newborns to strangers, because even a bad look can harm the baby.

At home, both women and men need to protect their offspring. How does the evil eye harm? A strong negative program that the enemy managed to create has its consequences:

  • the baby becomes physically and mentally ill, he begins to constantly get sick;
  • a strong negative program manifests itself in vomiting, migraines and abdominal pain in the baby;
  • the child is capricious and constantly cries, his sleep is disturbed;
  • Against the backdrop of constant hysteria, the baby’s psyche suffers.

The consequences of damage caused can be the most unpredictable, so it is necessary to protect younger family members from targeted negativity. This is the direct responsibility of parents who are not indifferent to the fate of the baby and his future.

A prayer that can protect a baby is read from the first days of his life. Over time, prayer is used to cast amulets or to quickly clean a child’s room. Prayer is a special magical text that saves a baby.

How to determine damage to a child

Before removing damage from children, you should make sure that the baby needs this biofield. An Orthodox prayer or amulet will not harm a baby, but lapel spells can affect the child’s energy. An amulet worn on the hand is easy to buy or make with your own hands. To find damage done to an infant, it is tedious to carry out a simple but effective ritual.

Before the ceremony, holy water is used for children, which is used to wash the child’s body (the water is brought from the church), and a special spell (the Orthodox prayer “Our Father”). You can carry out the ritual for determining damage without the presence of children if the baby feels unwell or constantly cries. A ritual is performed while the child is sleeping.

Ritual with an egg

The most proven way to see spoilage is to roll it out using a raw chicken egg. A caring parent walks over the child’s body and pronounces the words of a prayer-appeal to the Mother of God. During diagnosis, you can turn to the saint whose name the baby bears.

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me to the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen".

After this, you need to carefully break the egg into a glass of water and examine the condition of the yolk. If the egg is clean without veins or dots, then there is no need to be afraid that the evil eye has been cast on the children. The water and egg should be poured under any dry tree. At the end of the ceremony, an Orthodox prayer is read over the baby for protection.

Ways to protect children from negativity

Even adults are not always able to protect themselves from damage, and for a baptized child or infant it is even more difficult to make a talisman. The whole problem is that the baby cannot understand the ritual and accept the help of higher powers. The mother acts as an intermediary, who bears all the responsibility. Protection for the child is placed on suitable, charged days. The waxing moon, major Orthodox holidays: Easter, Christmas - the best days for the protection to work for a long time.

Protective runes, amulets and amulets with semi-precious stones help against damage. It is not so important what the protection was through, what is more important is the strength of the desire of the mother or father, their faith in magic and the bright future of their child. To protect against damage, you will need to perform a ritual with salt, water and pins. Protecting a child is easy for a mother if she does not doubt the charms she uses.

Spell for a baby before birth

Who can read a spell on a pregnant woman? Both the person carrying the baby and the pregnant woman’s close friends can protect the child in the womb. The sooner a baby is protected, the easier it will be to protect him in the future. The first signs that the baby has been jinxed will help you take emergency measures to protect the child’s soul. You can remove the evil eye yourself and provide protection for the newborn for the future during a simple, absolutely safe ritual.

Precautionary measures that a pregnant woman should take care of will help protect the newborn. On her own, she protects the unborn baby from possible sources of negativity. Harmony and calm are important for a newborn. From the third month of pregnancy, you need to minimize meetings with unfamiliar people. To give birth to a healthy baby, the house where the whole family lives is constantly cleaned with salt and water.

What is needed for the ceremony

If you understand how the evil eye mechanism works, there will be few threats to the baby. Only women who have repented of their sins and asked for blessings from higher powers can make energy blocks for a newborn. You will be able to protect your baby if, before the ritual, you go outside early in the morning and pray to all 4 cardinal directions. Ask for help and imagine how the baby grows up, how the newborn develops character, good features, how healthy and bright he is.

A ritual is performed to protect the newborn just before birth. The woman feels that the time has come to free herself from fears and help the child be born without problems. It is very important to remove damage to childbirth so that the woman in labor does not suffer from the evil eye. Before going to the hospital, the woman leaves a rowan branch in the baby’s crib against the evil eye and reads the words of the conspiracy:

“Health to your little hands, to your tummy, to your legs. So that your way is not his way, so that he is on his own. Health to the legs, so that many paths may be known, grant the servant of God (baby’s name) strength and strength.”

A twig is kept that can protect a small family member during the first year of his life. During all this time, no signs of the evil eye will appear.

Mother's conspiracy

Spells for water or food for children are the simplest, but at the same time effective. Protection of this kind literally protects the newborn from accidental or targeted negativity. The simple ritual is carried out every day, but takes only a few minutes from the mother. Every day a woman protects children who cannot take care of themselves. The ritual is performed in the morning at dawn or with the first rays of the sun.

Stages of the ritual

Before the ceremony, you need to bring water from the church or temple (you need to stand through the entire service and stock up on a large amount of holy water). It is better to speak to the water in the evening before the ceremony. To do this, read the words “Our Father” onto the liquid. Such a prayer through water will help against the evil eye and any accumulated negativity.

Protection for the baby is carried out in several simple and consistent steps:

  1. A woman buys candles in a church and chants holy water. Two simple attributes will be used in the ritual every day.
  2. As soon as the woman wakes up, she goes to the window (any window in the house, not necessarily in the nursery) and opens it. A ritual is performed with fresh air: he enters the house, and the woman reads the words of the conspiracy:

“I will get up, blessing myself, and go where it is clean and fresh. There is an oak tree in an open field, and a chest weighs on the oak tree. That iron raven is guarding the chest. They will help me, they will save my child (name) from troubles and dashing people. May no evil touch him, neither obvious nor secret, nor from dashing people, nor from envious friends. Amen".

  1. After this, the conspirator lights a candle and walks around the whole house with it. Crosses should be made in the corners of every room.
  2. As soon as the baby wakes up, he needs to be washed with holy water.
  3. The power of prayer. Prayer for illness // Elena Fateeva

    Once every few months, the amulet needs to be spoken again to strengthen it. Unusual amulets are hidden under the baby's pillow or under the mattress. Such charged objects cannot be shown, and they can only be taken out for a new plot.

    Preparing the amulet

    A strong folk amulet can be easily made from rowan leaves. Green leaves dry out over time, but retain their strength. A sprig of rowan can be woven into a crib or placed at its head. Before charging the amulet, you need to bathe the baby and wash him with holy water.

    The plot is repeated exactly three times:

    “Rowanochka, rowanochka, give my son (daughter) health and more. Save from the dark, from the black eye, from the heavy word, from everything dashing. Amen".

    Several branches of rowan can be placed throughout the nursery for additional energy blocks.

Protection from negativity is very important for a child already during the period of its intrauterine development. It is very important to protect the pregnant woman and newborn from negative energy. To do this, you need to know how to put up protection from negativity and how to protect your child from the negative influences around him. Previously, our female ancestors knew many ways to protect themselves from negative energy; it is worth remembering all this knowledge.

A woman should hide her pregnancy as much as possible from a wide range of people. Now this is explained by the fact that miscarriages are likely in the early stages. But ancient people understood that in the early stages of pregnancy a woman is not protected and is easily susceptible to negative energetic influences even in the slightest manifestation. The child at this time is also susceptible to the evil eye, because it has not yet established itself in the mother's body. Women wore special amulets and made protective embroideries.

A week before the expected birth, the eldest woman in the family or on the maternal side should clean the house. With a wax church candle, you need to go around the entire house clockwise, paying special attention to the corners and threshold. You can also, after cleansing by fire, go around the house with the aromas of juniper, incense, sandalwood: use aromatic oils or light dry branches. Dry wormwood helps well, the smoke from which cleanses the space of subtle entities.

Before your newborn arrives, fumigate the house with incense.

Toys and other gifts must first be cleansed - with scents, smoke or holy water. It should also be remembered that things that another child owned bear the imprint of his energy.

Clothing and all things made of fabrics, preferably from natural materials, preferably undyed. Natural fabrics - linen, cotton and wool - themselves protect against unfavorable energy.

In the crib where the baby sleeps, you should hang an air-permeable canopy, which is also a protective method. This property will be enhanced by protective symbols embroidered on the fabric. A rowan branch near the head is the best children's amulet.

Avoid images of scary creatures on your child’s things and furniture - such pictures bear the imprint of negative energy.

Water has a special healing and cleansing power. Therefore, a newborn baby is bathed every day. Water cleanses the subtle body and the child becomes calmer. In addition, the baby's skin needs water because he has recently been in an aquatic environment.

In Rus', there was a belief that explained sudden infant mortality in a dream. This phenomenon is not explained even by modern medicine. According to legend, children are taken away in a dream by Lilith, the first woman. She does not have a husband and cannot have children, so she takes the child she likes at night. To protect the child from this, a special ritual of the baby’s first bath was carried out, which was carried out by the child’s own grandmother, who was in charge and knowledgeable.

If both grandmothers took part in the first bathing ritual, then such a ritual receives double protective power. For the girl, bathing water was prepared by her grandmother on her father’s side, and for the boy, on her mother’s side. During bathing, grandmothers washed every part of the baby’s body and said a spell: “health to the little hands, so that they are willing to work, health to the legs, so that they know many paths.” Such a ritual should protect the child from the negative energies of other people and from loss of health.

After bathing the baby, it is better not to throw out the water, but to give it time to stand in the bath so as not to immediately drain the baby’s health. This water cannot be reused for bathing.

A child’s favorite toy is his strong amulet. Especially if it was made by the hands of the mother. In case of illness, you need to give such a toy to the child or put it next to him on the crib - it will help him recover.

The baby is often admired by all people, and this often leads to the evil eye. The baby becomes restless, sleeps poorly, eats and is capricious, worries, and shows fear. To remove the evil eye, the mother must lick the child's right hand and spit on the ground over her left shoulder three times. A good way to remove the evil eye from a child is to wash him with water three times and wipe his face three times with the hem of his clothes. At the same time, you can pronounce a maternal spell: “Whatever mother gave birth, that’s the one who left.” It is also good to wash with salt or holy water; at the same time, you can cast your spell of protection and cleansing on the water. It is good to wash your child every day with silver water.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

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