Open literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Visiting Dunno. Summary of an open lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory group Open lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory group

Program content.

  1. Continue teaching children to name words with given sounds.
  2. Continue learning to conduct sound analysis of words.
  3. Strengthen the ability to compose a sentence of two words; with the given word.
  4. Learn to post a proposal.

Materials and equipment.

Demo material:

Red, blue, green chips; board; toy truck; apples.


Red, blue, green chips; silver rectangles; cards for laying out with the image of an apple; pictures depicting various objects.


I. ARTICULATIVE GYMNASTICS (Articulation gymnastics- exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), necessary for correct sound pronunciation)

The Tale of the Merry Tongue

Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue. He woke up early in the morning. Opened the window (open your mouth wide so that your teeth are visible). Looked left, looked right (turn the tip of your tongue left and right). Looked at the sky (touch your upper lip with the tip of your tongue). He looked at the ground (touch his lower lip with the tip of his tongue). I saw the sun in the sky and smiled broadly (smile). He closed the window (close his lips tightly). Tongue ran to the bathroom to wash. He began to brush his teeth (ex. Brush your teeth. Smile, open your mouth slightly, show your teeth and run your wide tongue over the outside of the upper teeth, imitating the cleaning movements of a toothbrush. We also “brush the lower teeth.”). And then rinse your mouth (puff out your cheeks, as if you were rinsing your mouth). And he ran to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw pies with jam on the table and licked my lips (lick my upper lip on the right, then on the left). I ate three pies and ran outside. Tongue sat down on a horse and galloped up the hill (imitating the clatter of hooves slowly). And then he started singing his favorite song Aaaaaaaa, Ooooooooo, Uuuuuu, Iiiiiii, Eeeeeee, Yyyyy (listing of vowel sounds). Tongue got to the mountain and decided to swing on a swing (exercise: Swing. Mouth wide open, lips in a smile. Rhythmically change the position of the tongue: 1) the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors; 2) the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Only the tongue moves, not the chin!). I looked at my watch (exercise: Watch. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Alternately move your tongue to the right corner of your mouth, then to the left.). Time to go home. I got on the horse. I galloped home. And the horse runs quickly down the hill (imitation of the clatter of hooves quickly).


"Say the word"

- Guys, now we’re going to play a fun game called “Say the Word.” I will tell you the topic, and you will tell me the words. At the same time, you pass the ball to each other until I say STOP! (Topics: Pets, Fruits, Wild animals, Hats, Furniture, Vegetables.).

- And now you and I will play another game. I will tell you a sound, and you will tell me any word that begins with this sound.



Guys, look what I have in my hands (showing a toy truck). Now look what she does (I show that the truck is moving).

— The truck (car) is moving. You and I have come up with a proposal. How many words are in our sentence? Say the first word. Say the second word.

- And now I will teach you how to lay out a proposal. Look, we have silver rectangles. One rectangle represents one word of the sentence. Words in a sentence must be placed at a distance from each other. Let's try to put out our proposal together: THE CAR IS DRIVING.

“And now I suggest you work on your own.” You have pictures of objects. Everyone has their own picture. Your task is to come up with a sentence with these items.

I give the children time to work independently.

- Now let's hear who has what proposals.

I invite the children to post their proposal.



The wind is breathing, breathing (Hands up - deep breath)

And the trees keep swaying (Then - to the sides, waving your hands)

The wind is quieter, quieter, (Up again - deep breath)

And the trees are higher, higher (And down, long exhale)

Let's sit down, be quiet. (Children sit at their desks)


Sound analysis of a word

I put the apples in the back of the truck and ask the children what the truck is carrying. (Apples). Then I remove the apples and leave one, asking what the truck is carrying now. (Apple). I suggest the children do a sound analysis of the word APPLE. I invite the children to listen to how the word sounds, highlighting each sound intonationally. Next, I suggest doing a sound analysis of the word yourself and laying it out with chips on a card with a picture of an apple.

Next, the child parses the word at the board, names the sounds and characterizes them. Let us remember the rule that the sound [th`] is the shortest in our speech and is always a soft consonant. Children must find mistakes (if any) in themselves and correct them.

- Who can tell me how many hard consonants are in a word? How many soft consonants? How many vowel sounds?

- How many syllables are in this word? Why did you decide that? Let's check it out. How can we do this? (put your hand to your chin). Which syllable is stressed? I listen to the children’s answers and help where help is needed.


- Guys, let's remember what we did in class today?

- What new have we learned?

- Who was the most active today?

teacher, GBOU secondary school No. 1995, Moscow

I present a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group in the Literacy section. This summary will be useful for teachers of the preparatory group.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “fiction”, “cognition”, “socialization”, “health”.

Purpose of the lesson: Consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in the section “Teaching literacy”.


Educational e: Check the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children, developed in literacy classes;

Speech: Practice differentiating the studied sounds; practice sound analysis of words; consolidate the ability to compose and analyze sentence diagrams; identify the level of mastery of reading skills; consolidate generalizing concepts; enrich children's vocabulary;

Educational: consolidate the ability to work in a notebook and at the board;

Educational: cultivate the ability to listen to comrades, not interrupt each other.

Demo material: cards with the words: ROCKET, COBRA, KOLOBOK, EDGE, DINNER; physical education card.

Handout. “Candy” - a treat with chips (vowel sound, stressed, soft consonant sound, hard consonant sound, voiced consonant sound, unvoiced consonant sound, syllable (stressed, unstressed), cards with pictures of catfish, pike, crucian carp, shark; colored pencils, notebooks or blank pieces of paper, envelopes with tongue twisters; cards with the game “Lost Letter”

Q. Guys, guests have come to us, many guests, look at them and say hello to them. They want to see you, what smart and literate children you are.

B. Sit down on the carpet and all your attention is on me.

Q. I want to invite you to go to the land of Grammar. And to get there, you need to remember and tell everything you know about sounds, letters, syllables. Ready?

Q. Who will tell me what sounds are? What are they? Children's answers. (vowels and consonants: hard and soft, voiced and voiceless).

Q. What are letters? How are they different from sounds? Children's answers (we hear and pronounce sounds, and we write letters, see them, etc.)

V. Well done.

V. Here we are in the land of Grammar. The inhabitants of this country have prepared treats for you, but the treats are not simple, go to your tables, take a piece of candy and unwrap it, you see chips inside, take turns saying what you know about these chips. Children unfold and tell a vowel sound, a stressed sound, a soft consonant sound, a hard consonant sound, a voiced consonant sound, a voiceless consonant sound, a syllable (stressed, unstressed).

V. Well done!

B. Please take a seat at the tables. You and I already know that words are made up of sounds. Is it possible to divide the word? Such sound parts of a word are called syllables. To make the word sound correctly, we put…emphasis. How to put the emphasis correctly? Children's answers (the word needs to be called and the syllable that lasts and will be stressed)

Q. Here is a task that the inhabitants of this country have prepared for you - divide the words into syllables and put emphasis. The teacher shows a sample. river (river)

(Children do all the words on the cards, the words are: catfish, pike, crucian carp, shark)

V. Well done, guys! And, how can you call in one word the words you worked on (fish) Who catches the fish, what is the name of this person? (fisherman) Let's write down this word and do a sound analysis. Children work at tables, one at the blackboard.

V. Smart girls. Now, come to me, let's play. Physical education lesson based on the poems of I. Nikolaevich

There is a worm sitting on the hook (children squat)

Scaring the fish, he makes faces. (articulation gymnastics “Turkey”)

From that - half a day fisherman

Can't catch anything. (children jumping)

The children sit down on the carpet.

B. Pay attention to the board where the word is written, read it ROCKET. What does this word mean? Children's answers. (an aircraft that moves in space)

What animal is hidden in this word? Answers from CANCER children

COBRA. What does this word mean? Children's answers (the largest poisonous snake in the world)

What kind of wall lamp does the cobra carry? Children's answers BRA

KOLOBOK. What does this word mean? Children's answers (folk tale character)

What part of the person’s face is hidden in this word? Children's answers

EDGE. What does this word mean? Children's answers (edge ​​of the forest)

What artillery piece is hidden at the edge of the forest? Children's answers CANNON

DINNER. What does this word mean? Children's answers (Evening food)

What non-venomous snakes crawled in for dinner? Children's answers UZHI.

V. Well done! Now go to the tables and take the envelope containing some kind of message. Children are reading.

The hedgehog needs a beetle for dinner.

V. Great. Tell me, what did you read, what is it called? Children's answers Suggestion.

Q. How many words are there in this sentence? Let's draw a diagram for this sentence (one child goes to the board, the rest write on their pieces of paper).

How do you spell the first word in a sentence? (The first word in a sentence is written with a capital letter). What comes at the end of a sentence? Children's answers (period) What punctuation marks are added at the end of the sentence? (! ?)

V. Well done! Come out to me. Now let's together pronounce this tongue twister correctly (quietly, calmly, quickly, loudly, and now as if there was a question mark at the end, joyfully). Next, the teacher asks the children individually.

V. Well done. What sound is common here? [F] what can you say about this sound. What is he like? Children's answers (Agreed, always firm, loud) Wonderful!

B. Take a seat at the tables. And as a farewell, the residents of this wonderful country have prepared for you the last task “The Lost Letter”

V. So our journey through the country of Letters has ended. Well done guys, you completed all the tasks, what did we do in class today? Which task did you like the most? How do we end our lesson?

Summary of an open lesson on preparation for literacy training

in the preparatory school group

Teacher of MKDOU IMRSK "Kindergarten No. 42" p. Moscow

year 2012

Program content:

Introduce children to the letter “M” (uppercase and lowercase); master syllabic reading methods;

Expand and systematize knowledge about proposals; improve the ability to write a graphic sentence; practice coming up with sentences with a given word; consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word;

Foster a desire to gain knowledge and prepare for school.

Equipment:a bear toy with a backpack on its back and a jar of honey; cards with images of the vowels A, O, U, Y, E; typesetting canvas; a stand with images of objects beginning with the letter “M”; demonstration and handout cards for drawing up sentence diagrams; demonstration and handout cards in red and blue for sound analysis of words; cards with letters depicted on them; checkered notebooks; simple pencils according to the number of children.

Methodical techniques: explanation, demonstration, reinforcement, reminder, game, use of artistic words, instructions, generalizations, encouragement.

Preliminary work: learning the game “He’s furry, he’s big...”; didactic game “Make a sentence with a given word”; looking at the alphabet in pictures; sound analysis of words; learning physical education lessons; printing familiar letters in checkered notebooks; playing with cubes with letters on them; individual work to improve the sound analysis of words.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Outdoor game “He’s furry, he’s big...”

Children say the words: “He is furry, he is big, He sleeps in a den in winter, In summer he chews berries, He takes wild honey from bees,

The clubfooted beast, the bear, can roar menacingly."

As soon as they heard the “growl” of the bear, they scattered to their workplaces.

Educator: “Oh, what a prankster you are, Mishutka! Sit with us in class, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.”

I place a toy bear near the board.

2. Working with the proposal.

Guys, what does the bear do when it catches you? (The bear growls)

Right. The result was the sentence “The bear growls.”

Tell me, how many words are in the sentence “The bear growls”?

What is the first word in the sentence " bear growls"?

What is the second word in the sentence “Mishka” growls»?

Let's draw up a diagram of this proposal.

Remember and tell me how each word in a sentence is indicated graphically? (each word in a sentence is indicated by a line ____)

What is the first word in a sentence? (a vertical stick ____ is placed at the beginning of the line)

How is the last word in a sentence indicated?(.)

We make a diagram of the sentence “The bear growls” using cards (when all the children have made a diagram of the sentence at their workplaces, I invite one child to complete the task on a typesetting canvas).

How many cards did you use?

What word does the first card represent?

What word does the second card mean?

Come up with new sentences about Mishka that consist of two words (children’s answers)

Now I complicate the task (I put a new scheme). Look at the typesetting canvas.

How many words are there in this sentence?

We make a sentence of three words (children give their own examples)

Well done, you completed the task.

3. Sound analysis of the word.

I draw the children’s attention to Mishutka.

Our Teddy Bear has completely calmed down and no longer growls. To make him really happy, let's tell him what sound his name begins with.

That's right, with the sound M.

Many words begin with this sound.

Remember and name words that begin with the sound M (honey, milk, raspberry, fly, moth, Moscow, tangerine, mine, moss, March, metro...)

What is the favorite word of all children in the world? Who is the closest and dearest person to them? (Mother)

I agree with you. “Mom” is the most precious word for us.

Make a sound analysis of the word "mother". To do this, you have blue and red cards on your table.

What sounds are indicated in blue?

What sounds are indicated in red?

So, let’s begin the sound analysis of the word “mother”.

How many sounds are in the word "mother"?

What color is the first card?

What sound does it represent?

What color is the second card?

What sound does it represent? etc.

Whoever has the cards in the same order as the children named, raise your hands.

Well done.

And now Mishutka announces a fun break.

Physical education minute.

Mishka has vowels in his backpack. Children make movements to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, Mishka “takes out” a card with a letter from his backpack, and the children, having recognized the letter, recite a familiar chant about it.

A-A-A - I'm at home myself.

U-U-U - milk for someone.

O-O-O – eating popsicle.

Y-Y-Y – we read the book.

E-E-E - give me some grass.

We played and sat down in our seats.

4. Introducing the letter "M". Reading. Working with cubes.

Children with letters representing what sounds we played? (vowels)

What other sounds are there? (consonants)

How are vowel sounds different from consonants? (vowels are sung and drawn out, but consonants are not sung)

What sound does our guest's name begin with? (with sound M)

How to pronounce the sound M? (it is pronounced using the lips, a barrier is formed in the mouth, abruptly)

What sound is this? (consonant)

That's right, the sound M is a consonant, you can't sing it, say it again M-M-M.

The sound M is denoted by the letter “M” (em). Look carefully at what the letter M looks like.

Many poems have been written about the appearance of this letter. Here are some of them.

Stick and wand

There is a tick between them

And it’s clear to everyone at once

The result is the letter “M” (I show it in the picture)

Now, having become familiar with the letter “M”, you can read.

Open the “Literacy Lessons” workbooks on page 4. Look carefully, the letter “M” combines with familiar vowel letters to form syllables, let’s read them (children read the syllables).

Now let's work with the cubes.

Remember, you did an analysis of the word “mother”

Make up the word "mom" from the letters on the cubes

Once completed, children read the word “mom” using their blocks.

5. Printing the letter "M".

Learning to print the letter "M".

Look how the letter "M" is written. There is a capital letter and a lowercase letter.

What is the capital letter for? (first names, surnames, animal names, names of cities are written from it, and a sentence also begins with it)

A lowercase letter looks like a capital letter, only smaller.

First we will learn to print a capital letter.

The height of the capital letter is two squares. First, we place a vertical stick with a height of two cells, then, stepping back to the right, two cells, we place another vertical stick with a height of two cells. Then we find the center between the lower points of the drawn lines and connect them to the upper ends.

Stepping one cell to the right from the printed letter, print the next letter.

A lowercase letter is placed in one cell.

We place a vertical stick one cell high, place a second stick next to it, and then, finding the center on the bottom line of the cell, we connect it with the upper points of the vertical sticks, drawing the so-called “tick”.

Get ready to work in your notebooks. I remind you about correct posture while writing.

Children's work in checkered notebooks.

After the children have written two lines, offer to rest.

Our fingers wrote

Our fingers are tired.

We'll take a little rest

And let's start writing again.

On the third line, an uppercase letter and a lowercase letter alternate.

Well done. You did a good job. I single out the children who completed the task more efficiently.

6.Result of the lesson.

The children's work is assessed.

But what is it? It seems to me that our Mishutka has moved. This is not without reason, maybe he has some surprise for us? (I call one child over to see what Mishutka brought in his backpack)

Oh, it's honey!

Thank you Mishutka. How wonderful this letter “M” is, tasty and healthy. Mishutka, we will definitely eat your honey.

Used Books:

2. Workbooks “Literacy Lessons”.

3. “Teach by playing”, Tumakova. "Mosaic-synthesis". 2006

, Corrective pedagogy

Presentation for the lesson

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about text, sentences, sounds and letters, distinguish sounds by ear in isolation, in syllables, words, in sentences by ear and isolate sounds from words


  • Develop phonemic awareness
  • Develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis:
  • Develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial orientation;


  • for a speech therapist teacher: notes and presentation for the lesson (Appendix 1), letters (Appendix 2);
  • for an educational psychologist - a video clip;
  • for an English teacher - English alphabet with letters, Pinocchio doll, screen

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Read,

I sit and sit in front of him.
I look at it, I look at it
Films, news and matches
And other programs.

Tell me what did you read? Text. How many sentences are there in this text? Read the first sentence, the second. Which offer is greater? What is this riddle about? (TV) What words told us the answer? (slide 2)(Annex 1)

2. Subject message. Today on TV we will watch... (slide 3)

I am a wooden boy
In a striped cap.
I was created for the joy of people,
The key to happiness is in my hand.
The turtle gave
This key is magical to me.
And then I found myself
In a good fairyland.

Of course, about "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio- Oh, where am I? (slide 4) Again, due to my carelessness, I ended up in some kind of situation, what should I do? So. I already know the letters and can write a LETTER! And you, bats, deliver a LETTER TO MY FRIEND TURTLE. (slide 5) And here is the letter... (slide 6) Dear turtle, help the guys find me... (slide 7) (slide 8)

Turtle“I’ll help you guys save Pinocchio, but you just need to quickly complete all the tasks before Karabas Barabas finds him first.” For each task you will receive a prize - a letter. Having collected all the letters, you will find out where Pinocchio is.

3. Development of thinking.

1. Find " superfluous" word: coconut, net, notes, beads, (in all words there is a sound [ WITH], but not in the word “notes”. Here's your first prize, how many words there are in a word. (letter H) (slide 9)

2. This letter is in the middle of the word “oak” and the beginning of the word “snail”. Snail - I won’t just give up my letter, Play with me, guys.

3. Development of phonemic awareness. Game "Snail". Children holding hands walk in a circle, saying the words: “Snail.” Snail, stick out your horns. I’ll give you some sugar and a piece of cottage cheese,” then they stop and one of the children calls “Snail.” She must guess who called (The game is repeated 2-3 times.) We could play longer, but we need to save Pinocchio. Will you give us your letter? (The snail gives the letter U) (slide 11)

4. Development of fine motor skills. Game "Collect the letter"(slide 12) A stork flew past. “Guys, I want to help you too. I have a lot of letters in my bag, but they are broken, try to collect them. (Children collect letters cut into 6 parts - “puzzles”). (A,L,H)(Appendix 2)

5. Game “Collect the word” You have collected all the letters, and now use these letters to assemble a word and you will find out where Pinocchio N, A, L, U, C is located (closet) (slide 14).(if children find it difficult, offer to put the letters in a certain color scheme - sequentially) (slide 13).

6. Physical exercise. Exercises for spatial orientation and relaxation are carried out by a psychologist.(Appendix 3)

Guys, we are setting off on a long and difficult journey, with many obstacles and challenges. The guide will show us the way, and we will follow him and listen to his instructions. Stand behind each other. Place your hands on the belt of the person in front. Everyone's eyes are closed except the conductor. Let's listen carefully! We entered a dense forest and walked slowly along a narrow path. There is a big stone, go around it to the right. We went to the river. Let's cross it along the log, in small steps, take your time. Carefully! There is a branch on top, bend down so as not to hit it with your head, and now turn left and open your eyes. We came out into a beautiful flower meadow. Beautiful butterflies fly above the flowers, but before they were pupae and slept in a cocoon. We turn into dolls. Gradually, the cocoon opens, the pupae wake up, stretch, spread their wings and turn into butterflies that spin merrily, flutter from one flower to another, sit on a flower and drink sweet nectar. In the evening, butterflies fold their wings and rest. (slide 15)

7. Assignments with an English teacher. (slide 16–18) Pinocchio- Hello guys. Thank you for saving me, I was in a hurry to go to school to gain new knowledge and learn a lot of interesting things, but I was inattentive, looked around and this story happened to me. (Appendix 4)

Educator-Have you lost your textbooks?

Pinocchio- No. I have a lot of textbooks (Pinocchio begins to lay out textbooks and the English letters fly out of his head) Oh-oh-oh, what have I done.

Exercise 1. Guys, help me collect the letters and arrange them in alphabetical order. (children collect the English alphabet and sing the song “Alphabet” in English) What a great fellow you are! Do you know how to read?

Task 2. Game “Pick a picture” (children select the corresponding picture for a word written in English).

Task 3. Song-game for attention and coordination of movement “Freeze” (Children walk in a circle and sing an English song. At the end of the song, the leader - the child shows any movement, all children must repeat it and stand motionless for a few seconds, the first child to move is eliminated from the game. Game repeated 2-3 times with a new presenter.) Well done, guys. Okay, but I'm in a hurry to get to school. I wish you a great time at school. Goodbye.

8. Summary of the lesson. Today, guys, you showed your knowledge, skills with which you will go, like Pinocchio, to school and we hope that you will always be attentive and a similar story will not happen to you. Good luck, guys!


MDOU "Sabara kindergarten "Rainbow"

Educator: Gomzyakova L.A.

Target: consolidation of the knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils provided for by the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Tasks : 1.fix the count in forward and reverse order within 10, 20;
2.knowledge of geometric figures;

3. ability to compare numbers; determine the neighbors of a number, the previous and subsequent numbers; solve mathematical problems in verse; composition of numbers from two smaller ones; orientation on a piece of paper; the ability to form words from syllables; divide words into syllables; determine the stressed vowel in a word; make proposals and diagrams for them; develop the ability to analyze your work,
give her self-esteem.

Handout and demonstration material : three roads; silhouettes of stones with numbers, cards with geometric shapes according to the number of children, cards with words for dividing into syllables, pencils, sheets of paper according to the number of children, pictures for the pyramid, five chips for each child, drops with syllables, colored magnets for sound analysis of the word Student, sunshine and clouds according to the number of children for reflection, presentation.

Progress of the lesson. Org moment. Children in a circle:

“All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together,

And let’s smile at each other.”

And you know, guys, I thought that our life in kindergarten is similar to the path along which we all walked together for six years. Our path is paved with bricks of knowledge. One brick taught us to read, another to count, a third to make friends, a fourth to sing and dance. And, traveling along this magical path, we learned to be friends, help each other, became kinder, smarter and more mature. Let's walk along our path again today and remember what we learned in kindergarten, and are we ready to go to another magical land - Land of Knowledge?

Dear Guys! I suggest you go on a trip. You are ready? There are three roads ahead of us. Look at them carefully. If you go left, you will go straight to the frogs in the swamp. Who wants to get into the swamp with frogs? If you go to the right, you will go straight to Baba Yaga. Here at the end of the path, Baba Yozhka is waiting in the mortar. If you go straight, you will end up in the Land of Knowledge. Which road do we choose? (Children reason and give answers). Of course, that’s right, let’s go straight to the Land of Knowledge. But we can’t get to the Land of Knowledge so easily, but we need to complete tasks. So, are you ready?

Let's first find out what we're going to travel on.

1.Graphic dictation .

3 cells to the right, 2 up, 6 right, 2 down, 3 right, 3 down, 2 left, 1 up, 2 left, 1 down, 4 left, 1 up, 2 left, 1 down, 2 left, 3 up. What happened, what is missing, what geometric shapes it looks like.

Let's go on a trip by car.
Station Mathematics
-Look, the road ahead is littered with stones. (Invites children to the board with silhouettes of stones). In order for us to get through, we need to disassemble them. 2. Addresses the children one by one.

1. Take a stone with a number indicating the number after the number 5;

2. With a number indicating the number before the number 9;

3. With a number indicating a number between the numbers 6 and 8;

4. Reduce the number 10 by one and take a stone with a number indicating this number;

5. Increase the number 9 by one and take a stone with a number representing this number;

6. Take a stone with a number indicating the neighbor of the number 6 on the left.
The way is open for us. Let's move on.

3.The following task is for ingenuity:

« Tanya went to kindergarten all winter, spring and summer, and Seryozha went to kindergarten for a whole year. Which of them spent less time in kindergarten? "(Tanya)

“Galya didn’t go to kindergarten for five days, and Serezha didn’t go to kindergarten for one week. Which child has not been to kindergarten for the longest time? "(Seryozha)

Thank you! Well done!

Task 3: insert the missing numbers (Slide).

1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 13 16 17 19 20

20 19 18 16 15 14 11 9 8. .. 4 3 .2 1.

(children complete the task)

Task 4: find and shade geometric shapes that have angles. What figures are left? Why? What does a circle or oval look like? Complete these items.

5 task . The next task at the Mathematics station is to fill in the empty cells.(slide 7).

Thanks everyone! We continue our journey.

Physical education minute
Dance "Bibika"

Station Grammar
Task 9 (slides with word diagrams)

Game “Make Words” - you need to come up with words according to the pattern that you see on the screen.

Now pay attention to the screen, another diagram, who will be the first to come up with a word based on it?

Well done! We are approaching the Land of Knowledge. There is very little left.

Task 9: divide words into syllables;

The child, clapping his hands, pronounces the words, dividing them into syllables: hat, magpie, tureen, picture, car, rainbow, raspberry.

Game “Pyramid. (Sitting).

You need to make a pyramid of pictures. At the top of the pyramid is a word that consists of one syllable, at the bottom of two and at the bottom of three syllables.

The game “The Word Has Scattered” is played. Children solve the puzzle by putting the letters in their places:



Task No. 10 make sentences according to the diagram;

– What do sentences consist of?


Set aside as many chips as there are words in the sentence.

Spring has come.

Sasha draws a beautiful maple leaf.

Grandfather planted a turnip.

Well done guys, now let's play.

Game "Tsapki"

The teacher stands with his arm outstretched, palm down. Children place their index finger under the teacher’s palm. On the last word, the teacher closes his palm, and whose finger is in his hands, he answers the question.

"Under my roof

All the mice have gathered

Squirrels, hares, foxes, dac. »

Questions: - What day of the week comes after Thursday?
- Count from 8 to 13.
- Name the neighbors of the number 8.
- Name the month that comes after March.
- Count from 9 to 5.
- Name the seasons.
- Name the spring months.

Name the parts of the day.
- What country do we live in?
- Name the President of Russia.
- Name the days off.

What time of year comes after spring?
You all worked very well today, thank you, I’m proud of you! Today you were all attentive, resourceful, and friendly. What will each of you be called when you go to school? Student. (Sound analysis with colored chips).

But first remember and say:
What sounds are there? (vowels and consonants)
What consonants can there be? (hard and soft, voiced and unvoiced)
What color do we use to indicate vowels? (red)
What color do we use to indicate hard consonants? (blue).
What color do we use to indicate soft consonants? (green).
-Where did we come to? (The teacher takes turns opening the letters attached to the magnetic board, and the children read the word) Land of Knowledge.

This, guys, is the end of our journey. Do you think you are ready to step from our path onto the steps of the school? (Yes)

Now evaluate your work in class. If you are in a good mood, you were interested in the lesson, everything worked out for you, then take flowers, and if you felt uncomfortable, something didn’t work out for you, then “droplets”.

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