Outline of an extracurricular educational educational event on the topic: “Good manners” (ethical conversation). Outline of educational activities on game creative design: “We have something to be proud of. Outline of educational activities

Outline of an educational event on game creative design:

“We have something to be proud of”

(form of implementation - KTD)

Performed: Agafonova Anastasia, teacher of Russian language and literature

Zavodoukovsk 2017

Grade: 8

Purpose of the event: teach students to create and defend creative projects aimed at increasing interest in the state and national characteristics of Russia among schoolchildren.

Objectives of the event:

1) Educational objectives:

Get acquainted with the state and national characteristics of Russia: the characteristics of culture and education, society, natural resources, sports.

Master the technology of creating and protecting creative projects.

2) Developmental:

Develop students' analytical abilities.

Develop students' communication skills.

3) Educational:

To foster patriotic feelings of love for the Motherland.

To cultivate love and respect for Russian culture, the achievements of modern society, and the nature of the country.

Event type: KTD.

Equipment: 4 Whatman paper, stationery, illustrative blanks, text blanks with materials on culture and education, society, natural resources, sports of the country (see appendix), a dice that determines what bonus a group of students receives for a move in the game, a patriotic video about Russia.

Structure of educational activities



Time (working with students during the event)

Preliminary work

0 min.

Collective business planning. Collective preparation of the case.

0 min.


Preparatory stage. Organizing time.Determining the theme and goals of the event. Emotional attitude towards communication. Setting a group task, designating game roles, explaining the rules of the educational game.

5 minutes.


25 min. (5 minutes for each sub-stage of the technological stage)


12 min.


Bottom line. Reflection. Collective summing up of the case

2 minutes.


1 min.

Progress of the event

I .Preliminary work.

II .Collective business planning. Collective preparation of the case.

III . Preparatory stage. Organizing time. Determining the theme and goals of the event. Emotional attitude towards communication. Setting a group task, designating game roles, explaining the rules of the educational game.

Teacher: Hello guys. Let's start our event, namely the game “We have something to be proud of.” Now I will read a few lines from the poem “Russia” by Sergei Aleksandrovich Vasiliev, and you will try to determine what our meeting today will be devoted to.

Teacher: « Russia is like a word from a song.

Birch young foliage.

There are forests, fields and rivers all around.

Expanse, Russian soul."

(Sergey Aleksandrovich Vasiliev “Russia”)

Student: Our meeting today is dedicated to a conversation about Russia, its riches, achievements and characteristics.

Teacher: That's right. Today you and I have interesting work ahead of us: on the eve of National Unity Day, which the whole country will celebrate on November 4, we will try to learn how to create and defend creative projects dedicated to our Motherland, Russia.

The designs that you will have left after our event, you can keep for yourself and use as wall newspapers to decorate your classroom or school during the celebration of National Unity Day.

Teacher: But before we begin, I bring to your attention a short video that will once again remind everyone of the endless greatness of our country and set the mood for creative work.

Watch the video “We have something to be proud of”

Teacher: The director of this video shows such greatness of our country. You and I will try to convey our vision of Russia, its wealth, achievements, state and national characteristics.

Teacher: The rules of our game are these. We play in 4 teams of 7 people. Each team is given whatman paper, and a topic is determined by drawing lots, which will need to be revealed in their creative project. The topics are: culture and education of the Russian Federation, society of the Russian Federation, natural resources of Russia, sports of the Russian Federation. Next, each team, in turn, throws a dice, each side of which, when dropped, brings the team a certain bonus, in the form of additional information about prominent personalities, events, Russian holidays, illustrations on the topic of your project. After this, each team is given 5 minutes to fill out the screen of your project - whatman paper, the information received and additional illustrations. After these 5 minutes, each team rolls the dice again. Each team is given 4 turns. Then you are given time to finalize and defend your projects. The result of the game is the defense of the resulting creative project in front of the class. Defense involves presenting a screen of the project and a brief story about what the project is about, what is special and interesting about it, a brief summary of your work. So, let's begin.

I V . Technological stage. Conducting a collective case

V . The final stage. Game climax. Protection of creative projects.

VI . Bottom line. Reflection. Collective summing up of the case

Teacher: Guys, what feelings did you have when creating projects and defending them?

Student: When creating and defending projects, a feeling of pride arose for the country in which we live.

Teacher: What thoughts did you have?

Student: Thanks to this game, we thought about the fact that we know little about our Motherland; we need to strive to bridge this gap.

Teacher: What interesting things did you learn today?

Student: Today we learned how to create and defend a creative project, new interesting facts about Russia.

Teacher: What have we achieved? Why?

Teacher: What didn't work? Why?

Teacher: I am very grateful to you for working with me. You did a great job today. Our event is over. Goodbye.

VII . The immediate consequence of the collective affair

Teacher: What kind of events of this kind can you offer yourself?


I.Materials for the project on the topic “Culture and Education of the Russian Federation”.


Vasilyeva Olga Yurievna - Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Olga Yurievna Vasilyeva (born January 13, 1960, Bugulma, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman, historian, religious scholar and teacher. Doctor of Historical Sciences (1998), Professor (2005). Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation since August 19, 2016, the first woman in the history of Russia to serve as Minister of Education. Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class (2014). Honorary Professor of the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics.

Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky (born July 18, 1970, Smela, Cherkasy region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman and political figure. Deputy of the State Duma of the fourth and fifth convocations, member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia political party, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation since 2012.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Alexievich (born May 31, 1948, Stanislav, Ukrainian SSR) is a Russian and Belarusian writer, journalist, and documentary film screenwriter. Writes in Russian. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2015.

The most famous were her books in the genre of artistic and documentary prose “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face”, “Zinc Boys”, “Chernobyl Prayer”, “Second-Hand Time”. Alexievich’s works are dedicated to the life of the late USSR and the post-Soviet era, imbued with feelings of compassion and humanism.

Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov (born October 21, 1945, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter and producer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia since 1998. Three times laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1993, 1995, 1999).

Winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival (1991) and nominated for an Oscar (1993) in the category “Best Foreign Language Film” for the film “Urga - Territory of Love.” Winner of the Oscar (1995) in the category “Best Foreign Language Film” and the Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival (1994) for the film “Burnt by the Sun”. Winner of the “Special Lion” at the Venice Film Festival (2007) for his contribution to cinema and an Oscar nominee (2008) in the category “Best Foreign Language Film” for the film “12”.


1) Introduction to the Unified State Exam.

The first experiment to introduce the Unified State Exam was carried out in 2001 in the republics of Chuvashia, Mari El, Yakutia, as well as in the Samara and Rostov regions in eight academic disciplines.

Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has been the only form of final exams at school and the main form of entrance exams to universities, with the possibility of re-taking the Unified State Exam in subsequent years.

2) Russia's victory at Eurovision.

Russia was represented at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008, held in Belgrade, by Dima Bilan with the song Believe. Together with him, Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton and Olympic figure skating champion Evgeni Plushenko took part in the performance.

For the first time in history, Russia managed to win the Eurovision Song Contest: Dima Bilan won with 272 points and received the main prize of the Crystal Microphone competition.

3) Introduction of GIA

Since 2004, the Russian Federation has been testing the state (final) certification (GIA) of 9th grade graduates in a new form. The main difference between the new form of certification and traditional exams is that it involves, as a result, obtaining an independent “external” assessment of the quality of preparation of 9th grade graduates.

4) Golden Globe

In 2015, Leviathan became the first film in the history of post-Soviet Russia to be awarded the Golden Globe Award in the category “Best Foreign Language Film” (in the Soviet period, the Golden Globe was awarded to the film “War and Peace”).


1) Knowledge Day (September 1) is the beginning of a new school year for the vast majority of Russian schoolchildren, students, teachers and professors. Traditionally, on this day, schools hold ceremonial assemblies, homeroom hours, lessons on knowledge, peace, security and courage, etc.

One of the creators of the holiday is considered to be the honored school teacher of the RSFSR Fedor Fedorovich Bryukhovetsky. Officially, “Knowledge Day” was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 373-11 of June 15, 1984 “On declaring September 1 a national holiday - the Day of Knowledge,” which supplemented Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days "from October 1, 1980, a new holiday.

2) Russia Day (until 2002, the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR) - June 12 - is a public holiday of the Russian Federation. Celebrated annually since 1992 (a non-working day since 1991) on the day of adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR (adopted on June 12, 1990).

3) National Unity Day is a Russian public holiday. Celebrated on November 4th since 2005.

4) All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity appeared in 2008. This beautiful summer day was not chosen for the holiday by chance - for about 780 years, Orthodox Christians have been honoring on July 8 the memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity. The idea to revive the ancient tradition of celebrating the Day of Peter and Fevronia arose among the residents of the city of Murom, where the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia reigned in the 13th century, they were an example of marital love, they lived happily ever after and died on the same day (this phrase is known to many about them) .

“Bonus “Insert your word” (any interesting fact about Russia on this topic that you know).”

II.Materials for the project on the topic “Society of the Russian Federation”.


Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - Born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad.

In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. He was assigned to work in state security agencies. In 1985-1990 worked in the GDR.

On March 26, 2000, he was elected President of the Russian Federation. Took office on May 7, 2000.

On March 14, 2004, he was elected President of the Russian Federation for a second term.

On March 4, 2012, he was re-elected President of the Russian Federation. The inauguration took place on May 7, 2012.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Speaks German and English.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (born September 14, 1965, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman and political figure. Tenth Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (since May 8, 2012). Third President of the Russian Federation (2008-2012).

In 2000-2001, 2002-2008. - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. From November 14, 2005 to May 7, 2008 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, curator of priority national projects.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov (born March 21, 1950, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Russian diplomat and statesman. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since March 9, 2004.

Permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova (born November 1, 1960, Moscow) - Russian statesman, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation since 2012.

Neurologist, neurophysiologist, healthcare organizer. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

"Additional illustration":


1) Maternity capital was introduced

Maternal (family) capital is a form of state support for Russian families raising children. This support has been provided since January 1, 2007 at the birth or adoption of a second, third or subsequent child with Russian citizenship, provided that the parents have not exercised the right to additional measures of state support, etc.

2) Introduction of a program to improve housing conditions “Young Family”.

Since 2011, a social program has been established in Russia to help young families slightly improve their living conditions. The program will operate until 2020.

3) Introduction of medical examination.

Since 2012, clinical examination has been introduced in Russia. Clinical examination is an active dynamic monitoring of the health status of the population, including the implementation of preventive, therapeutic, diagnostic and health measures aimed at preventing the development of diseases, promoting health and increasing life expectancy.


1) On March 18, our country celebrates an important holiday - the Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia. In the territory of the Republic of Crimea, this day is a holiday and a day off according to the republican law No. 80-ZRK/2015 dated March 3, 2015.

2) Every year on May 26, our country celebrates Russian Entrepreneurship Day, established in accordance with Decree of the President of Russia of October 18, 2007 No. 1381 “On Russian Entrepreneurship Day.”

3) The All-Russian Day of Libraries, celebrated in our country annually on May 27, is rightfully also a professional holiday of Russian librarians - Librarian's Day. This professional holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 539 of May 27, 1995 “On the establishment of an all-Russian day of libraries.”

4) Every year on May 31, our country celebrates the Day of the Russian Bar - an unofficial professional holiday for legal professionals. May 31, 2002 President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed the new Federal Law “On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation.”

“Bonus “Expert Help” (entitles you to the help of an expert on project preparation issues).

III.Materials for the project on the topic “Natural Resources of Russia”.


Sergei Efimovich Donskoy (born October 13, 1968, Elektrostal, Moscow Region) - Russian statesman, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (since May 21, 2012). Acting State Councilor 2nd class.

Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev (born December 23, 1960, Vyselki, Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman and politician, Minister of Agriculture since April 22, 2015. Head of Administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar Territory in 2001-2015, head of the regional branch and member of the bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Doctor of Economic Sciences. Member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party

Alexander Valentinovich Novak (August 23, 1971, Avdeevka, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian statesman. Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation since May 21, 2012.

"Additional illustration":


1) The Red Book of the Russian Federation was published in 2001. It consists of 860 pages of text, illustrated with color images of all the animals included in it and maps of their habitats. In total, 8 taxa of amphibians, 21 taxa of reptiles, 128 taxa of birds and 74 taxa of mammals are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, for a total of 231 taxa.

2) In 2012, the “Great” oil field was discovered - an oil field located in the Kharabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region of Russia.

Geologically, the field is located on the territory of the Tambov license area. The area of ​​the deposit is about 800 square meters. km.

3) 1991 - opening Vankor oil and gas field. The deposit is located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Includes Vankorsky and North-Vankorsky areas. Oil reserves exceed 260 million tons, and gas reserves - about 90 billion m2. Development of the field is due to begin in 2008. It is planned to drill 266 wells here, and deliveries will be carried out through the Eastern Oil Pipeline.


1) “Bird Day” is a holiday dedicated to birds, aimed at supporting and preserving birds. Celebrated in Russia on April 1st. Thousands of children prepare feeders for this holiday and hang them to attract birds.

2) Ecologist's Day is a professional holiday of all Russian nature defenders, environmental protection specialists, public figures and environmental activists. Celebrated annually on June 5, World Environment Day.

3) “Ecologist's Day” in Russia was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on July 21, 2007 on the initiative of the Ecology Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

“Bonus “Insert your word” (any interesting fact about Russia on this topic that you know)”

“Bonus “Expert Help” (entitles you to the help of an expert on project preparation issues).

IV. Materials for the project on the topic “Russian Sports”.


Vitaly Leontievich Mutko (born December 8, 1958, Kurinskaya village, Apsheronsky district, Krasnodar region) - Russian statesman. Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation since May 21, 2012. In 2008-2012 - Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation. President of the Russian Football Union from 2005 to 2009 and from 2015 to the present. In 2003-2008 - member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the executive body of state power of St. Petersburg.

Alexander Vladimirovich Emelianenko (born August 2, 1981, Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian mixed martial arts fighter. Former world champion according to ProFC. Multiple champion of Russia and the world in combat sambo, European champion in combat sambo, master of sports of Russia in sambo, master of sports of Russia of international class in combat sambo, master of sports of Russia in judo.

Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva (born June 3, 1982, Volgograd, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian pole vaulter. Two-time Olympic champion (2004, 2008), winner of the bronze medal at the 2012 Olympic Games. Three-time world champion outdoors and 4-time world champion indoors, European champion both outdoors and indoors. Holder of 28 world records in women's pole vault. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Anton Vladimirovich Shipulin (born August 21, 1987, Tyumen) - Russian biathlete, 2014 Olympic champion in the relay, bronze medalist of the 2010 Olympic Games, five-time medalist of the world championships. Winner of the Small World Cup in the mass start competition (2014-2015). Absolute European champion among juniors 2008. Two-time winner of the Race of Champions in the mixed relay, two-time winner of the Race of Champions in the mass start. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

"Additional illustration":


1) The Cross of Nations is the most popular sporting event on the territory of the Russian Federation, a race at a distance of 1 km to 12 km.

Conducted since 2004. The main goal of the “Cross of the Nation” is to promote a healthy lifestyle and attract Russian citizens to physical education. All-Russian Running Day traditionally takes place in two stages. The first stage of the competition is held in Russian regions on the third Sunday of September. Distances and conditions of participation are determined by local competition organizers. Its winners and runners-up receive the right to participate in the final stage of the “Cross of the Nation” - the Grand Prix, held in Moscow a week after the completion of the first stage.

Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren, students, state employees and government employees are attracted to participate in the runs.

2) The 2016 IIHF World Championship was the 80th IIHF World Championship, which took place from May 6 to 22 in Russia: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The world champion title was defended by the Canadian team, which beat the Finnish team in the final match (2:0). The Russian team won the bronze medal, beating the US team in the match for third place (7:2). The top three winners exactly repeated the top three winners of the previous World Championship in Russia, which was held in 2007 in Moscow and Mytishchi.

3) The Children's Champions League is an international competition that, since 2002, has been held by Lukoil OJSC and the Russian Children's Football League for children's football teams. Over the years of the tournament’s existence, more than 15,000 children from Russia, England, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China took part in it. In total, more than 800 teams from seventeen countries in Europe and Asia.

In 2013, the competition was called the Lukoil Children's Champions Cup.


1) Winter Sports Day. In 2015, our country celebrated it for the first time, and the date for celebration was February 7.

2) Every year on July 26, our country celebrates, so far unofficially, the holiday of Soviet and Russian professionals and lovers of parachuting - Parachutist Day.

3) On the last Saturday of October, Russian athletes celebrate Gymnastics Day, established in 1999. The initiative to introduce this date into the calendar was made by the Russian Federation of Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics.

4) All-Russian Hockey Day - was first held with the light hand of the President of the Russian Hockey Federation (RHF) Vladislav Tretyak on the first winter day of 2007, when more than 150 stadiums in the country warmly welcomed fans of this wonderful game.

“Bonus “Insert your word” (any interesting fact about Russia on this topic that you know)”

“Bonus “Expert Help” (entitles you to the help of an expert on project preparation issues).

Nomination: Extracurricular work in elementary school: exciting and useful: a training session to unite the class team.

Summary of an educational event aimed at uniting the team of junior schoolchildren
Topic: “City of Friendship”


Creating a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom, uniting the class team.


  1. Create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group;
  2. Develop the ability to negotiate;
  3. Develop skills that promote mutual understanding, friendship and cohesion.


  1. Poster-city with a painted background (roads, greenery, bushes, numbers for numbering buildings);
  2. Printed coloring pages of buildings (school, shopping center, sports complex, cafe, cinema, playground, train station, hospital) with space for the name;
  3. Pencils, felt-tip pens;
  4. A tape recorder with a recording of a song.

Progress of the event (the words of the presenter are in italics):

Hello guys! Today we will teach a lesson on Friendship.

We already know each other. I have already seen that there are wonderful relationships in your class. Surely there are a lot of friends among you. Is this so guys?(children's answer)

What does the word “friend” mean? What qualities do friends have?(honesty, loyalty, humor, forgiveness, reliability, support, listening, caring, respect) (children’s response)

Great, guys, we remembered what it means to be a friend. Everyone wants to be someone's friend, and in your class that's the case. Therefore, today we will create a City of Friendship together with you, which will not only test what wonderful friends you are, but will also remind you of this every school day.

(We hang a city poster on the board)

This is the basis of our City of Friendship, but it is only a preparation. And we will all create it together. In order for our city to turn out to be the City of Friendship, it is necessary that each of you contribute to its creation. To do this, now you are divided into groups of 3 people.(2-3-4 people) (as many buildings, so many groups)

(Children sit in groups)

In turn, from each group, one person comes up to me and pulls out a piece of paper on which some building of our city will be depicted. There is a school in the City of Friendship, sports complex, shopping center, hospital, cinema, cafe, playground and train station.

As soon as you have pulled out a piece of paper, you return to your group and wait for all the guys. Don’t try to overtake someone, because we are all very friendly, so we have to do everything together.

(Children come up and pull out a piece of paper)

Now listen to the task. Each group must decorate their building and come up with a name for it, writing it in the oval above the building.
The most important thing is that all the children participate in decorating the building and in creating a name for it. Get to work and remember to listen to each other. Forward!

(Children color the pictures and come up with a name. 5-7 minutes)

Guys, you did a great job. Now turn over your leaves. What do you see?(numbers)

There is a number on the back of each piece of paper. Now choose one person from the team to come to the board and place your building in our common City of Friendship.
(the presenter helps the children stick pictures onto double-sided tape)

Our city has changed. And all this is thanks to your efforts. You guys are great. But not all the guys can see the names of the buildings, and not everyone knows what you can do in all these places with friends.

Now each group will come to the Friendship poster and tell us about their building. First you talk about what it is, then what you called this building, and finally what you can do there with your friends.
(Children come out in groups and talk about their buildings)

(Maroon 5 – Lucky Strike)

Guys, I hope that such an atmosphere of friendship will reign in your class and in your lives every day. Thank you very much for trying so hard to build the City of Friendship and you succeeded... And all because you are real...... Who?(children should shout: “Friends!”)
Thank you for doing such a good job, and these little gifts from me are a sign of my friendship with you)(the presenter distributes candy to the children)
Goodbye, guys!

Nomination: games for team building among junior schoolchildren.

Position: student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education Vyacheslavl State University
Location: Kirov city

State government educational institution for orphans and

children left without parental care, special (correctional)

boarding school for children with disabilities

village of Starominskaya, Krasnodar region

Educational event

“Give the goodness to the people!”

Prepared and conducted by: Teacher Skubak Nadezhda Petrovna.

Educational event.

Topic: “Give goodness to people!” (slide No. 1)

Goal: to cultivate the desire to do good deeds.


1.Develop students’ ideas about good and evil. 2. Teach to see and distinguish between good and evil.
3. Cultivate the desire to do good deeds and beautiful deeds.

Progress of educational activities.

1. Introduction. Creating an emotional mood.

I want to start the educational hour with the words: (slide No. 2)

Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with kindness in mind!

Together we will perform M. Minkov and Y. Entin’s song “On the Road of Good.” (slide No. 3)

Ask strict life,
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Head out early in the morning?
Follow the Sun
Although this path is unknown,
Go my friend, always go
Dear goodness!

Forget your worries
Ups and downs
Don't whine when fate leads you
Don't act like a sister
And if things go wrong with a friend -
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
Dear goodness!

Oh, how many different ones there will be
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life is
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend, always go
Dear goodness! 2. Formulation by students of the theme of the event.

What is the name of the song you performed? (“On the path of goodness.”)

( slide number 4)

Our topic todayLessons: “Give goodness to people!” Today we will define the concepts of “good” and “evil”, evaluate our actions and the actions of our peers, strengthen the skills of a friendly attitude towards each other, and draw appropriate conclusions.

- What is good and evil? Guys, let's define the concept of “kindness”. What is "kindness"?(Children's answers.)

That's right, kindness -This is sensitivity, responsiveness, delicacy towards another person. How does a kind (Benevolent) person behave?(Children's answers.)

This person cannot be evil, rude, cruel. His relationships with people are friendly, he always smiles, and shows caring and cordiality.


- this is responsiveness , (slide No. 5)

-emotional disposition towards people,

- desire to do good to others

Guys, let's remember the qualities of kindness :

(Qualities according to Ozhegov):

-Good-natured (slide No. 6)





Conscientious (slide No. 7)

Kindness, which the Bible repeatedly calls us to, is a trait

character, very close to compassion and respect. Guys......in everything you want people to do to you, do the same to them." (slide No. 8),

EXAMPLE from life. (slide No. 9),

One of them asks his friends every day to help him: to borrow money, food, and provide other services. Addressing them, he says that if they are really his friends, then they will not refuse him this and, in the end, are simply obliged to help him. After a while, all his friends turn away from him. They stop calling and visiting him.

2. The other gets up early every day to get everything done. He is devoted to his friends with all his heart, so he often visits them, helping them in any way he can. After a short time, everyone they know considers him their best friend, trying to be closer to him. They tell others about him, and he becomes everyone's favorite.

Guys, let's discuss what you do in your life and why?

3. Main part. Selecting a topic for discussion.(slide No. 10) Last lesson(preliminary work) you drew pictures on the theme “Good and Evil”. Each of you thought about what to draw. After looking at your drawings, I came to the conclusion that when drawing goodness, you mainly drew the sun, rainbows, flowers, good deeds, your family, and relatives.Many people, drawing evil, painted war, grief, clouds, evil people and evil fairy-tale characters. (slide 11) Based on your drawings, I suggest you group work: - In a group, you need to choose your illustrations on a given topic and create a collage, that is, paste the drawings onto a sheet of Whatman paper. (slide No. 12) Group work.(Children create a collage). Looking at your collage, we can conclude that good and evil are waging an eternal struggle. But there is still much more good! Because good, kind people pass on their goodness to others. (slide No. 13)

Guys, how does kindness manifest itself?(Children's answers.) kindness,

manifests itself in human affairs themselves, actions, in relation to people, to everything around them, the ability to share, regret, yield, sympathize. All this is in chargecomes from a person’s upbringing.

Game-situation :

-Let's check ourselves, guys, evaluate our actions. I have prepared “tricks from the bag” for you. Now we'll play. According to the “troubles” you have chosen, I will read various situations to you, and you will reflect and decide what the right thing to do is.

"Troubles from the bag"

The teacher announced to the children that the group had been given 6 movie tickets and said: “There are ten of you in the group. I love you all and can't decide who doesn't get a ticket. Do it yourself. Raise your hand for those who have decided not to go, or suggest how to do it differently.”(Children's answers.)

There was a boy in the class who was misunderstood and rejected. What advice would you give to your classmates?(Children's answers.)

During afternoon tea, a boy in the dining room chose the largest apple for himself and placed it next to his plate. What can you say about the boy?(Children's answers.)

A girl is crying at the cash register in a store after she lost her money. Your actions.(Children's answers.)

Game result:

-Were your answers correct? Why?

-This means that kindness implies kind, fair decisions in favor of others. You can give in for the sake of a good deed,

A game of attention.

- Now let's focus our attention. Let's play a game that goes like this. One of the guys is chosen as the leader, he is blindfolded, and he must determine who is next to him by his hands and head.

And we guys will help the presenter if he finds it difficult. We must describe the person he touched, but name only his good deeds, determine his appearance, and characterize his positive traits. (3-4 people play.)

Game result:

- You see, guys, since your friendships endear you to each other, you can identify your classmates by their hands, heads, and positive character traits.

Reading and discussing the story:

Now I will read to you one of the stories of the American writer Ray Bradbury from the collection “Pass the Good Around the Circle.” The story is called "All Summer in One Day." And after listening to the story, you will have to characterize Margot’s action, situation, and actions. (Reading a story.)

Did you like this story? With what?

How to evaluate the actions of the children with Margot?

Why does it become scary when you imagine the events of this story?

Have you found yourself in such a situation? Has this happened to you?


You see how dangerous human evil is! How simply an unkind deed can turn into irreparable evil! Remember this, guys, and hurry to please the people around you, protect them from evil. After all, only the onecan passionately love good, who is capable of irreconcilably hating evil with all his soul.

(Children can sum it up themselves.)

4. Final part.

A game and to reinforce the theme “Hurry to please!”:

- Giving joy means doing good. And we will now see how you know how to give joy by playing a game that we will call “Hurry to make you happy!” You need to please your friend. Can you do it?

The game will go like this: we will pass this ribbon around in a circle until I say “Freeze!” Whoever has the ribbon at this moment must please his neighbor on the left or right. You need to make him happy by saying what you value most about him, what you like about his character, or something else (what, you can come up with yourself).

( Children should be allowed to play and observe how and with what they please their comrades, that they know good things about them, that they can see the positive in them.) As always, the teacher ends the game, pleasing those who are forgotten in the group. It is about them that he says something important that others should pay attention to.

- So, guys, the game made many of you smile, think about good things, and endeared you to each other -ivethe class immediately became brighter. No wonder they say: “A kind word is like a spring day.”

Result of the game (children fail ):

- What do you guys think, should we rush to please others? Why?

What does this give to those who please?

And to the one who was made happy?

- This means that human kindness is born in the ability to bring joy to another.

ANow we will consolidate the materialtest “Am I kind? ( Slide No. 14,15)

Questions for the test(Slide No. 16)

    You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

    A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?

    Your partner doesn't play chess or any other game well. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?

    Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?

    Do you often use mean jokes?

    Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?

    Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?

    Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?

    Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?

    If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person's arguments?

    Will you do work at your parents' request if it is not your responsibility?

    Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

(The results of the tests are summed up) (slide number 17)

Quiz proverbs to reinforce the topic. (slide number 18)

(analysis quizzes)

5. Summary.

- Guys, think about everything that was said in our lesson. Life offers different situations, and it is very important to think the right wayto act, how to be able to resist evil and injustice.

Always protect the good in yourself and othersx, resolutely resist evil!!!

(KTD) – group work " Be better!" (Slide No. 19)

I suggest you stick the sun’s rays on a piece of whatman paper (on which the sun is depicted). Each of you needs to stick on a ray of goodness that you will share with others:

Help pensioners;

Plant a tree and flowers;

Feed the birds and pets;

Clean up your yard, etc.

And in conclusion, I would like to wish you kindness in the words of one poet:

I want good things to come to you. (Slide number 20)

Like spring light, like the warmth of a fire:

May it be a source of goodness for you

What is evil for another will not become!

Result: At the end of our event, let's all sing the song together: “On the path of goodness.”Guys, let's all walk the path of Good together!!!

Outline of educational activities

Subject:INITIATION INTO MAN (dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day). The date of the: February 22, 2005 Target: Instilling in boys a sense of manhood and responsibility. Tasks: educational - to instill in students a sense of respect for the Russian army, a sense of love for the Motherland; developing – developing team cohesion. Methods: verbal - story, conversation; Event preparation: 1. The teacher pre-formulates the topic, purpose and objectives of the event for the students. 2. Develops the content, schedules the place and time of the event, involving the girls of the class in this work. 3. Develops an introductory conversation, prepares questions for it, musical breaks, competitions, skits (girls participate in this work). 4. Distributes responsibilities among students (girls): gifts for boys, decorating the classroom, baking cakes (supervised by the teacher). Event plan (90 min.): 7. Decoration of the premises - before the start of the holiday. 8. Brief introductory speech by the teacher on the topic of Defender of the Fatherland Day - 3 min. 9. The story of R. Gamzatov’s poem “If you are a man” by the girls of the class - 5 min. 10. Questions for students (boys) on the topic “Respectful attitude towards girls” and their answers – 10 min. 11. Conducting competitions for boys in the class – 30 min. 12. Parting words from the class teacher and initiation of the class boys into men; presentation of gifts – 10 min. 13. Tea party with cakes – 12 min. 14. Dance conclusion of the evening – 20 min. Contents of the event (stages and types of student activities): 1. Conversation The word "patriotism" comes from the ancient Greek Patris, which means Motherland. Patriotism is love for the Motherland, “one of the deepest feelings, consolidated by centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands.” The guys must understand that the first patriotic duty of a schoolchild is to study conscientiously, to actively participate in everyday affairs: in maintaining order and improving the city; environmental protection; respect for elders; do not offend younger children and girls. 2. Questions for the boys: 6. Are you able to give your five to your desk neighbor on March 8th? 7. Do you think about your friend first, then about your friend, and only then about yourself, last of all? 8. Are you ready to pick up an item dropped by a classmate before she has time to bend down to pick it up? 9. Can you wash the floors for your deskmate? 3. Competitions: For competitions, boys are divided into two teams. They are asked to choose a team captain‚ then they name the teams as they wish (the names of the teams are written on the board). 1 competition. In turn, each team is asked to answer a question; if the team answers, it is awarded 1 point. The results are written on the board. 1. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest are not on an empty stomach) 2. What tree does a crow sit on during heavy rain? (For wet) 3. How many minutes should you cook a hard-boiled egg - two, three, five? (Not at all, it’s already cooked. It’s hard-boiled) 4. Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which stand) 5. Where does the water stand in a column? (In a glass) 6. What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet) 7. What disease on land does no one get sick? (Marine) 8. When are hands pronouns? (When they are washed) 9. What is under a person's feet when he walks across a bridge? (Soles of boots) 10. What do people often walk on and never drive on? (On the stairs) 11. How far into the forest can a hare run? (To the middle of the forest, then he runs out of the forest) 12. What happens to the crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year) 13. Under what tree does the hare hide during the rain? (Under the wet) 14. What needs to be done to saw off the branch on which the crow is sitting without disturbing it? (Wait for her to fly away) 15. Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total? (One) 16. The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (Maybe, since the dog sits on the ground on its tail) 17. If a cat climbed a tree and wants to get down from it along a smooth trunk, how will it go down: head down or tail forward? (Tail first, otherwise she won’t hold on) 18. Who’s upside down above us? (Fly) 19. What does half an apple look like? (For the second half) 20. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (It is possible when it freezes) 21. Three ostriches were flying. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches do not fly) 22. Which bird consists of a letter and a river? (“I”-Volga) 23. What is between the city and the village? (Conjunction “and”) 24. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream) 25. When is it easiest for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open) 26. My father's son, but not my brother. Who is this? (Myself) 27. Seven candles were burning in the room. A man passed by and put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned) 2 competition. Artist competition. Draw a portrait of a classmate (each team draws a portrait). The winner is the team where the resemblance to nature is most clearly visible. 3 competition.“Who can sew it faster?” Speed ​​teams must “seam” all team members to each other. The needle and thread is a spoon and a rope (string) tied to it. You can sew through a strap, strap, loop on the trousers. Whichever team finishes “sewing” the fastest wins. The jury awards the winners (prize - chocolate, cookies, waffles, apples). 4. Presentation of gifts Girls, acting as goddesses of kindness, masculinity, strength, nobility, hard work, bless their classmates to achieve these qualities necessary for a real man. Girls initiate boys into men and give them memorable gifts.

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