How to remove a voodoo situation. Removing damage from a voodoo doll. Powerful damage using a Voodoo doll - a curse on a person

There are different situations in the life of esotericists. If the specificity of such a person is combative, then there will definitely be some sparring partners in his life.

Or, for example, when the specialization of an esotericist is a healer, then a person will grow in this direction. Here everyone has their own, and everything is individual.

So, let's get back to voodoo-style influences. For us, so to speak, Europeans, this is unusual. And from here it sounds scary, because what is unknown is always stressful. Usually this is what it is designed for, especially if something comes out of the series: " know and fear".

If someone hates someone, they can turn to what seems to everyone the most dangerous and difficult to remove.

The first thing to consider if you are affected by such influences is that you should not be afraid. Voodoo is just a certain style of magic, just little studied and little understood, but that doesn't make it so terrible.

The second is the next thing, which is also important. If you have encountered voodoo magic and realized this, then you can perceive this situation as a karmic lesson from which you can find a way out, otherwise it would not have been given to you.

This was the case with my students, to whom I give knowledge on esoteric psychotherapy, and, in general, with me personally.

Third. In our Europeanized version of the same esotericism and esoteric psychotherapy, there is also a lot that can frighten the same voodoo specialists. But it must also be something unusual and unusual - something that is incomprehensible to others.

Esoteric psychotherapy will be just such a direction. It combines the best practices of one and the other and, together with NLP, produces a combustible mixture.

I won't decipher everything. I will just give you some interesting facts. They refer to the fact that in the process of learning we develop an excellent mental field, and all changes will be carried out by the power of our consciousness.

For example, we can replace a voodoo doll with so-called artificial volts and also understand what the person who wants you harm is planning and stop him before the attack begins. If you fight back, then the one who attacks and works according to his classical voodoo methods may also encounter something unknown and incomprehensible to him from the same esoteric psychotherapy.

If we return, for example, to the topic of the same “involtation”, then a similar concept is known in NLP, and you can work with this, accordingly, adding esoteric aspects. It's just that no one has ever drawn parallels here. We can also, through the techniques of esoteric psychotherapy, read information from what is happening and set up protection from any attacks and influences.

If we work through consciousness, then the higher the level of our mental body, the greater the likelihood that we can resist any negative influences from the outside. We will be able to handle everything, because the power of consciousness will always be higher than the power of the body, and then a connection with the Upper Pantheon is already possible. You just need to understand it, develop it and be able to work here.

We take into account that as our mental body develops, not only consciousness strengthens, but also all the upper chakras.

Further, we are also able, with the power of our mentality, to put up protection for ourselves and for others, which will work perfectly both in real life and in the world of dreams - the astral space, the place where such attacks are most obvious and pronounced. Therefore, as an esoteric psychotherapist, I am always very attentive to my dreams.

That, in fact, is all that I will voice for you for now.

Magical manipulation of energy for the purpose of harm is called in a simple word - damage. Those who read my materials have already learned that, as a practicing magician, I do not consider damage to be something terrible, ominous, or unacceptable in the world of magic. Damage is a tool, most often it is a way not to harm initially, but to punish the offender. Our life is unfair and it happens, so magic is the only opportunity to put everything in its place.

Damage made using the Voodoo technique is rightfully in particular demand both among practicing magicians and among ordinary people, that is, those who turn to sorcerers and magicians for help. I know many rituals on how to cause damage according to Voodoo, and all of them have repeatedly proven their effectiveness and power. But it’s important to be able to properly ruin a person’s life; you can’t just make a ritual and take it as a joke.

Damage made using the Voodoo technique is rightfully in great demand both among practicing magicians and among ordinary people.

Features of damage according to Voodoo

The main feature of not only damage according to Voodoo, but witchcraft from the Black Continent in general is the use of a doll, a volt. If we compare Voodoo rituals using volts, we can say that this is a kind of prototype of Slavic magic rituals using a photo of the victim. Voodoo dolls are used for love spells, and for lapels, and for treatment, and for inducing damage. If we take a deeper look at the topic of using the volt in rituals, we will talk about the fact that such a magical instrument keeps a much stronger and more powerful connection with its living prototype, that is, with your victim. This is what makes it possible to cause damage as efficiently as possible.

I have already posted here a detailed description of how to create a Voodoo doll according to all the magical rules. So I’ll tell you about it briefly:

  1. A Voodoo doll for rituals that allow for damage must contain parts of the victim’s physical body, this could be a lock of hair, nails, or a drop of blood.
  2. Volta can only be made from natural fabric.
  3. It is advisable to give the doll as much resemblance as possible to the victim, to put the volta in the shirt from a piece of fabric from the victim’s clothing.

It's important to identify Volta with your victim.. It is necessary to perform a baptismal ritual and name the volta after the victim.

To enhance the effect, you can also download a photo of the victim from a social network profile, print and paste the face from the image onto the doll.

What types of damage are there according to Voodoo?

As in Slavic magic, in Voodoo magic there are several different types of damage. This could be damage:

  • for separation;
  • to poverty;
  • damage to celibacy;
  • for illness;
  • damage to death.

Each type of damage is dangerous in its own way, terrible in its own way, but still, in Voodoo magic, only two types of damage attract the most attention: damage to celibacy and damage to death.

Voodoo damage to celibacy

This type of damage is dangerous because a person suffers and suffers from it all his life. The crown of celibacy is actually expressed not in the fact that “they don’t marry a girl,” but in the fact that she cannot get along with anyone. And we must admit that a magician can reward such a gift not only to a woman, but also to a man. In my practice, I have encountered clients who wanted at all costs to induce celibacy on a rival or simply an enemy through Voodoo witchcraft. And this is not without reason. This is the kind of thing that can only remove Voodoo damage from a practicing magician who practices this particular type of witchcraft. And it’s not easy to find one. Damage to loneliness according to Voodoo has much in common with the Slavic version of damage. But there is also a difference.

To perform a celibacy ritual you will need three candles.

What is needed for the ritual

In order to perform a ritual to damage loneliness and celibacy using the Voodoo magic technique, you will need:

  • a handful of earth from an old grave where the ashes of a woman who bore the name of your victim are buried during her lifetime, when you take it, say

    “I take it not for myself, but for (name)’s destruction”;

  • three candles, but not church candles but ordinary ones;
  • tripod for a vessel;
  • vessel for melting wax;
  • 4-5 pieces of dry alcohol;
  • a piece of black fabric;
  • a skein of natural black thread;
  • photo of the victim and her physical part (nails, hair, etc.);
  • a bunch of dry grass torn from the churchyard gate.

The condition that the gunpowder must be from a registered grave is strictly fulfilled. It is also strictly necessary to fulfill the wax condition; you cannot take church candles.

How to perform a ritual

The first thing I always advise even to beginner practitioners is three days of fasting. Do not ignore this advice, it is an important condition. Next, it is also important to choose the right day and period of the moon. We choose a female day, and the period of the moon is in the waning phase.

  1. The first thing to do is to clean the room where the ritual will take place at sunset on the chosen day. Remove the carpet, wash the floor with clean water, let it dry and cover it with a black cloth.
  2. Next, place a tripod in the middle, and under it place a small saucer for dry alcohol. Place the wax container on the tripod. Crumble the candles into it by removing the wick. Sprinkle some earth from the grave on top, finely chop the victim's hair or nails.
  3. Now you need to set fire to the alcohol and thoroughly melt the wax. Stir it until the earth is mixed with the wax mass. When the wax melts, you will need to carefully remove it from the vessel and while it is warm, fashion a doll. I have already told you that the easiest way is to sculpt wax onto a base. There is no need to show miracles of skill; what kind of doll will come out is normal. The main thing is that when creating it, transfer your thoughts about the enemy to it, thereby identifying it with your rival.
  4. When the doll is ready, it needs to be dressed. Sew her a shirt from dark fabric.
  5. Next, weave a wreath for the doll from the grass picked at the churchyard gate. There is no need to put it on her head, just put it aside.
  6. Now you need to carry out the baptism ritual, or more correctly, the ritual of impersonation in the victim’s doll.

Now you can proceed directly to the ritual of damaging celibacy.

We spoil celibacy

In the Voodoo spell, it is important to be able to create an energy channel between the doll and the victim. It is for this purpose that the doll is named after the victim and for this purpose hair or parts of the victim’s nails are added to it.

  1. Take the volta in your hands and put a wreath on it, saying from the dry grass:

    Here is your wedding crown (name), it crowns you with loneliness! Only then will its power disappear when it is removed from your head!

    With these words, the wreath must be set on fire.

  2. While the wreath is burning, turn the doll so that the remains sink into the wax. When the wreath burns out, say this:

    The wedding wreath went up in smoke, but the wedding took place! With these words, you introduce information into the energy flow that there has been a wedding ceremony, and the victim is now not free to find a couple.

  3. Now you need to tie the doll so that it, or rather the victim with which it is connected, cannot look for a mate. To do this, take a previously prepared skein of thread and begin to wrap it around the doll so that the legs, arms and head are wrapped. During the process you need to say this:

    “You must not wander, you must not walk, tightly bound, wedded to emptiness. And with the crown that is crowned with smoke, you wrapped yourself and disappear like that (name of the victim).”

  4. You need to repeat the spell all the time while wrapping the doll.
  5. When the volt is wrapped in a strong cocoon of thread, tie two knots tightly.

After the ritual, the doll needs to be buried in the ground and the mound should be trampled down thoroughly.

Damage to death according to Voodoo

Regarding the ritual of death, the damage to Voodoo, the practically familiar program of causing damage to death operates here. Only here the role of the photo that needs to be buried in the grave is played by a volt, a Voodoo doll.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform a death ritual you will need:

  • Voodoo doll, Volt, preferably made from wax according to all the rules (add hair, nails of the victim to the material, stick a photo of the victim on the doll’s face);
  • an old grave with the name of the victim, or a coffin of the deceased;
  • knowledge of the spell.

Knowing the right words is a very important condition, since it is the conspiracy that decides most of the effectiveness of the ritual.

How to perform a ritual

The first thing to remember is the fact that the doll must be connected to the victim by an energy channel. Here it is better to use all means, starting from particles of nails and hair, ending with the ritual of baptizing the doll with the name of the victim.

The second important factor is to be able to quietly place the volta in the coffin of the deceased, or bury it in a grave mound.

It is very important to be able to properly cleanse your energy after the ritual, because all conspiracies and rituals for death, damage, carry a colossal charge of negativity, from which you need to be able to protect yourself or pay off.

Being part of the modern world, it is almost impossible to live unnoticed and not touch the subtle notes of the soul of another person. And okay, if these notes play in unison with yours, but quite often, your playing comes into resonance with someone else’s worldview. What becomes the reason for another person’s envy, anger, rejection, denial, desire to prevail and achieve a goal by any means. This, in turn, sometimes results in hostility, the use of magical and witchcraft rituals directed specifically against you. Therefore, programs of witchcraft, shamanism, and Voodoo are recommended for almost every person leading an active lifestyle.

After all, the result of such programs can be the nullification of all your efforts in business life and in love relationships. The consequences of witchcraft, shamanism and Voodoo rituals often include serious illness, separation from a loved one, loss of loved ones and even death, not to mention financial failure.

On the human biofield, such influences look like breakdowns and ruptures in the area of ​​one or another chakra. Sometimes large parts of the biofield are missing, and a person remains, as it were, not closed to external influences, which negatively affects his general condition. He can constantly get sick, get better, and get sick again, while medicine is powerless - the tests are all good, but they cannot make a diagnosis.

Programs of witchcraft, shamanism, Voodoo - differences from magical influences

Witchcraft, shamanism, Voodoo, despite the different techniques, are united by one thing. Spontaneity and uncertainty result. If magical effects are based on strict calculations, verified methods and rituals, in which even recipes are calculated with pharmacy precision, then, for example, witchcraft is built purely on a spontaneous outburst of emotional and mental energy. And the result of such an outburst is never fully known, even if there is a clear target for the strike, it is never known how it might work.

Therefore, not everyone becomes a sorcerer, just as not everyone becomes a shaman or a Voodoo specialist. Since personal extrasensory abilities are required, and the more manifested and stronger they are, the stronger the sorcerer and shaman are considered.

And almost anyone who is interested can master magic, at least at a minimal level. The main thing is to carry out the rituals correctly, use the right words and put your desire into them.

It is difficult to say which programs cause the most harm: magical, witchcraft, shamanic or Voodoo. Possibly magical, since some rituals are cyclical in nature and can influence descendants up to the seventh generation, which is not observed in other practices.

Signs of the presence of programs of witchcraft, shamanism, Voodoo

The signs and symptoms of strikes using the above techniques are not much different from magical ones. It's the same:

  • sudden deterioration in health;
  • loss of sleep, insomnia, nightmares;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • headaches, the appearance of acute and chronic diseases;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • financial failures;
  • disruption of relationships, deterioration of character.

But unlike, witchcraft blows hit harder and the consequences come much faster. Therefore, if you feel bad, if you participated, for example, in major scandals where negative messages were poured in your direction, contact a specialist before these messages turn your life into a nightmare.

Voodoo magic is a kind of art that amazes with its perfection and complexity. A person closely associated with Voodoo magic seems to simultaneously exist in two different worlds - in the spiritual and physical world. This inexplicable magic is so powerful that a person who wants to deeply understand it may need many years to comprehend its power and open his energy field to fill it with energy.

Magicians who practice Voodoo know that damaging Voodoo to a rival or enemy has terrible power. Magical actions to inflict Voodoo damage on people often have the strongest destructive effects. In magic, damage and a Voodoo doll are inseparable concepts. A Voodoo doll is the most powerful magical tool for inducing damage; moreover, such a doll is easy for an experienced magician to manipulate, and creating it if there is a victim’s genetic material or a photograph is not a problem. After the Voodoo doll is created and given its name, the sorcerer can perform a ritual over the victim.

The sorcerer makes a wax doll, which is the energy double of the victim. The doll must contain the genetic parts of the victim of damage. Then the finished doll is doused with water three times, and the name of the victim is pronounced 3 times, thus giving the doll a name.

If the sorcerer performing the magic ritual has a personal item of the victim, for example, something from his clothing, then he wraps the doll in this clothing. After all the necessary preparations, the sorcerer says the following words to the doll:

“Slave (name of the victim), with your soul you belong to God, and with your mortal body you belong to me.”

Next comes the needles. The sorcerer can mentally create the desired result and then apply it to the tip of the needle. You can also cast a curse or spell on the needle. And then the sorcerer pronounces the following spell:

“Blood flows, tears flow, like a candle is lit, so the heart beats, the heavens open, and the earth opens up. Rise up, from the sinful earth to the heavens of the Lord. The name of the servant of God (the name of the victim) The angels will sound 33 times, and he will be reborn from wax to the body and he will become crippled and weak (loser, bankrupt, it all depends on what goal the sorcerer is pursuing). Just as a wax candle melts, so (the sacrifice) fades away. Amen!".

Next, the sorcerer sticks the charmed needles into some important places on the doll’s body. At this point, the sorcerer can complete the ritual of corruption. But if he wishes death to the person at whom the damage is directed, he can continue the ritual. In this case, he buries the doll in the cemetery, observing all the rituals that accompany a real funeral. That is, a coffin, a gravestone and even a wake. He can even order an “absentia funeral” service at the church.

People knowledgeable in Voodoo magic know well how to protect against Voodoo damage. To do this, you can use the same Voodoo doll, transformed by a special ritual into a powerful amulet and other magical things (talismans and amulets) that have undergone special magical rituals. They can be placed in certain areas of the home or always carried with you. Voodoo doll protection against damage is very effective and has long been used by Voodoo specialists. For a long time, such protective dolls were made in the ancient families of New Orleans to protect them from enemies who could send powerful damage to them. Such dolls were kept in safe places, and each subsequent generation created their own Voodoo protector dolls, which strengthened the protective energy of the clan.

But if the damage has already started and a person has begun to feel its consequences, you can resort to the following ritual:

In order to remove the damage created on the basis of Voodoo magic, you must first drive away the dark spirits who were sent to destroy him from a person. For this, a Voodoo candle made by a Voodoo sorcerer is used. You need to put a sheet of white paper on the table and place a photograph of the victim of damage there, draw a circle around the photograph and place a candle in a candlestick or in a glass next to the photograph and light the candle. This is done so that the dark spirits concentrate near the victim’s photograph, and then they are consumed by the magical fire of the Voodoo candle. To complete the ritual, the candle must burn out to the very end. Only under this condition is the energetic connection with the doll and the victim completely broken. If the damage is very strong, the candle may constantly go out and it may be difficult to light it again with a lighter or matches. Sometimes in the flame of a burning candle you can catch a glimpse of the eye of a witch or sorcerer, if the one who sent the damage is currently monitoring the progress of the ritual.

At the Elena Svetlaya Success Center they will help you remove any, even the most severe damage! Contact professionals if you want to be sure of the result!

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