Restoration of a male after castration: what should the owner expect? Neutering of dogs: care after surgery Rehabilitation period after sterilization of a dog

In most cases, by the evening of the next day after castration, the dog behaves as usual: eats well, moves actively, and adequately responds to the environment. But, despite the simplicity of the procedure, the pet should be given increased attention. It is important that the care of the male dog after castration is carried out according to the recommendations of the doctor - this will avoid complications during the recovery period. The article is for informational purposes, the last word belongs to the veterinarian.

When taking a pet from the clinic, do not forget to write down all the instructions: how to process the seam, when you can drink, when to feed, what drugs to give the dog after castration to speed up recovery. The doctor should explain what symptoms require a follow-up visit. Ask for a contact number where you can contact the doctor who operated on the dog. Ask if the stitches need to be removed - this depends on the suturing technique and the suture material.

Even if the car is warm, and the pet is already recovering from anesthesia, cover it with a light blanket. During the action of the drug, all processes in the body slow down, the temperature drops slightly - the dog may freeze, and then it will be harder to get out of anesthesia, trembling and experiencing pulling pains in the muscles. Since after castration the dog may urinate, and more than once, do not forget to spread an absorbent diaper. At home, you can use oilcloth, especially if the pet is large.

Arriving home, put your pet in a place prepared in advance: not by the window, not by the battery, not in a draft, not on the aisle. The pet should lie on a flat surface, on the floor, away from pieces of furniture that it can hit. While the pet is sleeping, caring for the dog after castration comes down to observing: the pulse, perhaps a little weaker than usual, but even - without jumps and delays, breathing is even - the chest rises and falls smoothly, with the same frequency. The mucous membranes are of a normal color - not pale, not blue. If the paws are very cold, cover your pet with a blanket. Once every 30 minutes, you need to shift your pet from side to side. At the same time, check the bedding - wet diapers need to be changed immediately, otherwise the dog will freeze.

Sometimes rehabilitation after castration of a male dog is associated with discomfort in the throat and / or eyes - the mucous membranes dry up while the dog is recovering from anesthesia. This is not dangerous, but you can help your pet by moistening the mouth with a small amount of water - just a few drops every 30 minutes, per cheek. Drops of "Artificial tear" are instilled into the eyes (only if the eyes are open, if they are closed, no additional care is required). Sometimes veterinarians lubricate the eyelids with a special gel, in which case additional moisturizing is also not needed.

Some dogs come out of anesthesia for a long time after castration, are disoriented, and cannot fully control their movements. This is the norm, but you should carefully monitor your pet so that he does not harm himself. Often dogs try to go somewhere: their gait is unsteady, it does not fit into the door, “gathers” all the corners and leans on the walls. Calm your pet, sit next to him on the floor, talk, stroke - let him sleep, now this is the best medicine.

You can feed and water your pet only after all the effects of anesthesia that affect the coordination of movements have passed. The fact is that until the drug is completely out of the body, it is difficult for the pet to swallow. The postoperative period of castration of dogs is often complicated by pneumonia due to the fact that the owner could not stand it: “What about my poor hungry dog, even a small piece, even milk ...”. A dog can starve without harm to health for up to three days, and the lack of moisture is gradually replenished, giving the pet literally a spoonful of water every 2 hours - gently, by the cheek. If you try to feed or drink a pet, he may choke - liquid or food particles, getting into the lungs, will lead to the development of pneumonia.

Neutering of males/females is the ligation of the spermatic cord/oviduct, and castration is the removal of the testes/ovaries. Both operations are considered simple, performed under general or epidural anesthesia, and last 7-10 minutes. With strict observance of the rules of care, the dog is active already on the second day after the surgical procedure.

Awakening after anesthesia

After the operation, the doctor conducts a consultation for the owner of the dog. He talks in detail about the features of the rehabilitation period. It is important to write down what to feed your pet during recovery and how to change his further diet, what medications relieve pain, and what symptoms require immediate hospitalization.

The dog after castration is discharged even before awakening from anesthesia. Therefore, during the trip home, cover it with a warm blanket. Anesthesia slows down all processes in the animal's body, lowers body temperature. Upon awakening, a frozen pet will feel pain in the muscles. Dogs of small breeds (Yorkie, Spitz, Chihuahua) are especially sensitive to cold.

Prepare a place for your pet to rest at home. It should be located away from the battery, passageway, open window. Lay a moisture-absorbing diaper on the bedding and cover the animal with a blanket.

If the dog has not yet awakened, observe its condition. Normally, the pulse is slightly slowed down, and breathing is even and monotonous.

Warning signs that should call your veterinarian:

  • awakening does not occur 6 hours after the operation;
  • fever, convulsions;
  • blue tint of mucous tissues;
  • intermittent breathing with wheezing;
  • vomiting with blood impurities.

Take the day off to care for your dog after spaying. When awakening from anesthesia, the pet is disoriented. He trembles, tries to get up, staggers, vomits mucus. Help him come to his senses, soothe the sound of your voice and stroking. Give to drink or moisten the mouth with water from a syringe without a needle.

Medication support

Caring for a dog after castration surgery includes medication support. After surgery, antibiotics are needed to prevent inflammation. Ceftriaxone or Synulox is administered intramuscularly to dogs. For this, the agent is diluted with a solution of 0.5% novocaine. The dosage is calculated individually. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

To reduce the intensity of pain, veterinarians prescribe:

  • Analgin;
  • Tolfedin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Travmatin;
  • Rimadyl.

Seam processing is carried out using:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • aluminea;
  • Levomekol.

To strengthen the immune system appoint:

  • Gamavit;
  • Vitamins.

Dry mucous membranes of the eyes are wetted with artificial tears.

Seam processing

In the postoperative period after the castration of the dog, the owner needs to take care of the suture. It is located in the lower abdomen and stretches from the navel to the tail. Normally, veterinarians remove the threads for 10-14 days. But with rapid healing or rejection of the suture material, this procedure is carried out earlier.

When the wound heals, the seam begins to swell and itch. Therefore, its processing does not cause discomfort to the dog. On the contrary, softening the crusts with ammonia eliminates itching and tightness of the skin.

After general hygiene, treat the wound with Levomekol or Chlorhexidine ointment, apply a gauze bandage, and fix it with adhesive tape. A special blanket and bandage will protect the seam from dirt, dog teeth and claws.

Normally, 2-3 days after the operation, the suture becomes dry, pale, flat. The exception is breeds of dogs with thick skin: pugs, sharpei, chow-chow. Their wounds always take longer to heal.

Signs of the inflammatory process:

  • discharge of pus from the wound;
  • unpleasant putrid odor;
  • hot skin in the seam area;
  • bumps, hematomas near the surgical incision.

In severe cases, the dog is reintroduced into forced sleep, the wound is opened, the inflammation is cleaned out, and the edges are re-sutured.

Nutritional changes

Early rehabilitation of a dog after spaying or neutering includes fasting for 24 hours. The pet must have access to clean water. After anesthesia, the swallowing reflex of the dog is weakened. Food can get into the bronchi, cut off oxygen, which will lead to death.

The next day, the dog can receive food in liquid and frayed form. Give your pet food diluted with water or sour-milk drinks, vegetable pulp puree, poultry broth. Dressing from vegetable oil, herbal decoctions (senna leaves, buckthorn bark, horse sorrel) will increase peristalsis and relieve constipation. If the dog begins to vomit, extend the fasting diet for another 12 hours.

The nutrition of a dog after castration or sterilization should change. Having lost the excitement of sexual hunting, animals find joy in frequent meals. Their behavior changes after the operation: pets become good-natured, non-aggressive, lazy. They gain weight easily and lose weight with great difficulty. To prevent obesity, it is necessary to reduce the total caloric content of meals or switch to food for spayed dogs.

General care in the first week after surgery

On the first day after surgery, the dog needs maximum care. After coming out of anesthesia, she is disoriented, does not have the strength to reach the tray. Single vomiting, uncontrolled urination is allowed. If your pet is whining in pain, you can give him an analgesic tablet.

On the second day, the dog's health improves. She can get food in the form of liquid or puree.

Breakfast is ¼ of the usual portion, dinner is ½. The pet is easily oriented in the apartment, reaches the tray, climbs onto a bed or chair. His temperature is back to normal.

On the third day, the dog again becomes inquisitive and active. His appetite improves, urinary incontinence disappears. On this day, postoperative swelling in the suture area usually disappears. The dog asks to go outside, but a long walk is still prohibited for her.

On the fourth or fifth day, the dog's health stabilizes. She can be left alone in the apartment, allowed to run around the yard (but you can’t go up and down the stairs). Bowel emptying occurs regularly - 1 time per day. The pet can be transferred to food for sterilized animals.

On the sixth or seventh day, the dog stops paying attention to the bandages. In the suture area, the scarring process is clearly visible. New hair starts to grow. Mobile dogs (beagles, terriers) should not yet remove the bandage, as their excessive activity can lead to injuries and complications.

Possible Complications

After castration, bitches stop estrus (estrus). The owners no longer need to agree on mating, monitor gestation, childbirth, lactation. The dog can no longer suffer from a false pregnancy and its consequences - mastopathy, pyometra, endometritis. The risk of perineal hernia, oncological diseases with complex surgical treatment (mastectomy, hysterectomy) is reduced. But the procedure of castration and sterilization can also lead to dangerous complications.

Intra-abdominal bleeding

It can open during the operation or on the first day after its completion. In this case, the main cause of the pathology is the error of the doctor. If bleeding appeared within a week, then its cause is an injury resulting from excessive activity of the dog.

When internal bleeding is discovered, the pet becomes lethargic, its mucous tissues acquire a blue tint, and drops of blood seep from the surgical incision and genitals. Treatment consists of a second operation, during which the damaged blood vessel is sewn together.

Rotting wound

The reason is infection in the surgical incision. It can be brought in by a doctor (if the conditions of sterility are not observed in the clinic) or by the owner during the care of the suture. Inflammation is manifested by an increase in temperature, the appearance of a putrid odor and smudges under the threads. The wound may diverge, swell, become covered with hematomas.

To prevent such a pathological condition after the operation, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The owner must carefully consider the choice of the clinic, strictly follow all the instructions for caring for the suture in the postoperative period after the dog has been sterilized.

Urinary incontinence

In 5-10% of dogs after castration, urinary incontinence develops. You can distinguish the disease from simple disobedience by wet bedding, the absence of signs of guilt, and frequent licking of the genitals. The cause of the disease is a change in the hormonal background. Therefore, the disease does not appear immediately (after 12-20 months) and is constantly progressing.

For treatment, the veterinarian prescribes a medicine that strengthens the tone of smooth muscles. Dogs take it for the rest of their lives.

If the sphincter continues to leak, surgery is indicated. In its course, the bladder neck is moved inside the peritoneum for better control of the valve.

In the operated male, the first 4 hours, disorientation may be observed, he does not think well. It is very important at this point to make sure that the animal does not injure itself.

The operated male may experience disorientation for the first 4 hours. At this point, it is very important to ensure that the animal does not injure itself. The dog can crawl under the bed, try to go somewhere and only then fall asleep. At this moment, you need to be there and watch him.

It is recommended that the animal undergo a course of postoperative treatment (at home or, if necessary, in the clinic), which will significantly shorten the period of its rehabilitation after surgery and reduce the risk of complications. On the advice of a doctor, antibiotics may be prescribed. Castration is carried out under general anesthesia or local anesthesia in combination with muscle relaxants (to relax the skeletal muscles) and sedative (soothing) drugs. Therefore, for several days, the animal may remain depressed, accompanied by impaired coordination of movement and lack of appetite.

For the first day, the dog should be able to drink water and eat easily digestible food (for a sick animal, ready-made food can be purchased at the clinic), but it is not necessary to force feed and water it. While the dog is recovering from anesthesia, it is better to put him on a bedding, on the floor. Boiled water can be instilled into the eyes so that they do not dry out. During the entire recovery period, the dog needs to wear tight shorts. You can use underpants designed for females in heat by gluing female pads to the inside of the underpants. This will prevent licking of the wound and swelling of the scrotum. For these purposes, you can also use diapers of appropriate sizes. Seams must be treated with drugs prescribed by a veterinarian. As a rule, these are antibiotic-based ointments or sprays. The sutures are removed 8-10 days after the operation.

If the wound was originally treated with Alumizol (or Terramycin) spray, no additional treatment is required. The spray will remain on the wound until the sutures are removed. If it is necessary to treat the postoperative zone, hydrogen peroxide (3%) or a solution of furacilin (0.5 cups of water - 1 tablet) can be used.

Wound care will depend on the method of castration. If the operation was performed with amputation of the scrotum, the sutures should be protected from licking for at least 10 days. During castration without amputation of the scrotum, abrasion may subsequently form, and the treatment will consist in applying ointments and suspensions (Levomekol, Tsindol) to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

After castration, there is a risk of bleeding and infection on the wound. If severe bleeding occurs, you should immediately contact the clinic, the doctor who operated on the animal. The male can take off his underpants and gnaw out the seam. Animal supervision is required. Also, the male may experience severe swelling of the scrotum. To prevent severe swelling, panties should fit as closely as possible to the body.

It is better not to take the dog from the clinic immediately, but after 3 hours, making sure that the exit from the state of anesthesia does not violate the physiological processes of the animal and is not accompanied by complications. The dog by that time already reacts to what is happening and sometimes tries to get up.

With deep anesthesia in an animal, the metabolic rate is low, the body temperature decreases. At home, the dog should be placed not far from a warm battery on a litter and covered with a blanket. With a prolonged state of temperature decrease, a heating pad can be placed on the tips of the paws and back, but in such a way that the area of ​​the surgical field is not heated. Otherwise, bleeding may occur.

When the dog comes out of anesthesia, without controlling the process of urination, it may begin to urinate under itself, so it is advisable to lay an absorbent oilcloth under the bedding. In addition, the animal after anesthesia may have single bouts of vomiting.

After general anesthesia, intestinal motility slows down and the metabolic rate decreases, which can lead to a delay in defecation in a dog for up to 3 days. In this case, she can be given the drug Duphalac or liquid paraffin.

An elevated temperature in a male is considered normal up to 3 days after castration. If it rises to 39 ° C for a longer time, a consultation and examination by a veterinarian is needed.

Surgery under general anesthesia, which is a serious test for the body of the animal. Therefore, even if dog sterilization surgery passes normally and the pet tolerates it perfectly, he necessarily needs careful postoperative care and special attention from the owner, which will help him recover faster and return to his usual way of life. dog after sterilization must constantly be under the supervision of a person, eat right and go through all the stages of rehabilitation recommended by the veterinarian.

Dog care on the first day after surgery

The way it will flow dog spay recovery, largely depends on the quality of care in the first days after surgery. It is important to remember that under the influence of anesthetic drugs, all the functions of the animal's body slow down, and the overall body temperature also decreases, so the dog in the postoperative period needs additional warming and careful transportation, followed by providing a comfortable place to lie. After sterilization, the pet should be protected from drafts. You can not put the dog on a heating pad or near the radiator (risk of internal bleeding), it is better for the animal to sleep on the floor or mattress on a warm bedding in a calm room.

When the action of anesthesia ends, the animal does not immediately come to its senses, therefore dog behavior after spaying may differ drastically from the usual. Pets often become aggressive, not understanding where they are and what happened to them, restless, they try to tear off the bandage over the wound, they look strange, they try to stand on their paws and run somewhere. This kind of behavior should not be allowed. You should calm the animal, caress, stroke it so that it feels protected.

The state of the dog after sterilization

  • assessment of respiratory function, respiratory rate, its intermittency, the presence of wheezing;
  • control over the work of the cardiovascular system, early diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, convulsive syndrome, heart failure;
  • measurement of body temperature and comparison of the obtained indicators with the norm.

Naturally, the owner of the dog is not able to professionally assess the condition of the vital organs and systems of the dog's body, but he can determine the development of postoperative complications or the deterioration of the animal's condition. Any changes in the health of the dog and its behavior in the postoperative period is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

Feeding is an important part of dog rehabilitation.

Post spay dog ​​care includes following a special diet for one week from the date of castration. You should not immediately after the animal comes to its senses, try to feed it. The dog's digestive tract after anesthesia recovers a little later, so the first meal after the operation should be postponed for one day, when the dog can hold his head and walk without staggering.

The day after spaying, veterinarians will usually allow small amounts of soft food to begin. It is recommended to use wet pet food. It is important to remember that from the moment of castration, the hormonal background of a pet changes dramatically, so its owner should take care of reducing the usual portions of food for the animal, which will prevent the development of obesity. It happens that dog not eating after spaying. In such cases, immediately notify the veterinarian and follow all his instructions.

Postoperative suture: processing basics and precautions

Deserves special attention from the owner suture in a dog after sterilization, since this place is most exposed to infection, it hurts and brings considerable discomfort to the animal. To prevent the development of inflammatory postoperative complications in the wound, veterinarians tend to prescribe antibacterial drugs to dogs, which should be given to the pet for 7-10 days after surgery. Along with antibiotics, the animal is shown taking drugs with an analgesic effect, the choice and dosage of which should be handled by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the pain syndrome and the characteristics of the dog's body.

Correct suture processing is an important step on the way to a dog's recovery. Its volume and methods of implementation depend on the characteristics of the suture material that was used during the operation. In most cases, the postoperative suture needs daily treatment with antiseptics until the wound is completely healed and swelling with redness disappears. An additional means of protecting the seam is a special blanket, which is put on the dog at the end of the operation. It serves as both a reliable protection against bacteria and a means of bandage. The blanket also needs to be changed every day to prevent infection in the wound. Dogs that show an increased interest in their seam, try to remove the blanket or bite the seams, put on an Elizabethan collar.

In order for the suture in the dog after sterilization to heal normally and not prematurely disperse, the following conditions must be met:

  • limit the pet from active games on the street and at home, physical activity, walking in the stairwell;
  • in rainy weather, walk the dog only in overalls;
  • refuse to bathe the animal in the first three weeks after sterilization;
  • prevent constipation.

Until then, the removal of stitches should take from 10 to 14 days after the operation. It is this time that is necessary for complete wound healing and sufficient regeneration of skin tissues at the incision site. Stitches should be removed by a veterinarian in a specialized office, so you should not try to get rid of them yourself, as such actions can cause irreparable harm to the health of the animal.

Modern pet owners are increasingly inclined to the idea of ​​castrating the animal. For some, this is a self-evident procedure, but many still doubt its expediency and resort only in extreme cases. What is castration of dogs, what are its benefits and harms?

Most people who are ignorant of these matters believe that castration is applied exclusively to males, and to females. However, this is not quite true.

When females are sterilized, the fallopian tubes are tied, while males - the seminal ducts. The medical name for the operation is a vasectomy. In this case, the animal retains all the genital organs, they continue their activity in the production of hormones. Pets retain sexual desire, and they can, but they will not have offspring.

Castration, on the other hand, is a more radical procedure, during which the animal loses its reproductive organs. In females, the uterus and ovaries are removed, or the ovaries alone. Males have both testicles amputated.

That is, in the first case there is a violation of sexual functions, in the second - their complete deprivation.

If we consider female pets, then everything is obvious. The dog will not attract packs of excited males, will not indulge in "breaking bad", putting himself in danger.

There will be no estrus, which means that uncontrolled conception and unnecessary offspring will not occur. The owner will not need to attach or get rid of the puppies (and not always in humane ways). And there is a high probability that a mestizo puppy from good hands will end up on the street, joining the ranks of homeless dogs.

As for males, for them, a high level of hormones in the absence of mating becomes the root cause of aggressive behavior. They mark the entire territory, including household items, and cause inconvenience by jumping on people, including children.

They become uncontrollable during walks, attack other males and selflessly, to the point of fanaticism, chasing females in heat, literally spend the night under their doors. And if in females, sooner or later, it ends, in males this condition is year-round.

In addition to these factors, there is a need for castration for medical reasons. The cause may be an inflammatory process in the genitals (in males, the testes most often suffer) or the formation of cancerous tumors.

Positive aspects of castration

Benefits of spaying dogs include:

  • a dog of any gender becomes more suitable for keeping in an apartment;
  • males calm down, stop showing aggression towards others and in 50% of cases mark everything around;
  • the male not only refuses to start fights, but also becomes uninteresting for other militant males;
  • sexual desire decreases over time, and interest in the opposite sex disappears;
  • dogs lose their tendency to run away and wander;
  • castration prevents cancer of the genital organs in old age;
  • in females it most often occurs, therefore, castration of the ovaries along with the uterus is recommended;
  • The operation will protect the animal from genital infections.

The animal ceases to worry, his appetite increases and sleep improves, there is a great desire to play and be mischievous. If he had attempts to win leadership in the house, then they gradually come to naught.

Of course, castration cannot completely affect the character of the pet, but only partially corrects it. For more pronounced changes, sufficient physical activity and training are needed. In some cases, the animal becomes balanced only with age.

There is a myth that castration reduces the protective qualities of dogs, but in fact there is no connection. If the dog was an excellent watchman, then after the operation it will remain so.

Disadvantages of dog castration

As with any other surgical intervention, castration has possible side effects and complications. Among the main disadvantages of castration of dogs, one can note a violation of the hormonal balance, which cannot but affect the health of the animal.

The operation can cause the following conditions:

  • The development of hypothyroidism is a disease caused by a decrease in the functionality of the thyroid gland and a decrease in the level of hormones produced by it.
  • Bone cancer - according to statistics, castrated males most often suffer from malignant tumors in bone tissues.
  • Obesity - an increase in appetite after castration often causes weight gain, and an obese animal is more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Behavioral deviations - they can be observed in elderly castrated males.
  • Change in coat - lack of male hormone affects the condition of the coat, it becomes softer, similar in structure to a puppy.

Dog owners should also be aware that animals are more difficult than people to tolerate anesthesia. Veterinarians themselves assess its danger as higher than from surgery. In this case, everything depends on the correct calculation of the dosage. With a small dose, the dog may wake up before the end of the procedure. At an excess dosage, there is a high risk of cardiac arrest.

Today, a number of veterinarians oppose castration, as it can still adversely affect a dog's health.

How is the operation

For castration, general anesthesia is used. Preparatory activities include the following:

  • the location of the animal on a sterile surface;
  • administration of anesthesia;
  • removal of hair from the site of a future operation;
  • disinfection of the incision area.

In males, the veterinarian makes incisions in the scrotum, tightens the spermatic cord, and amputates the testes.

The resulting small wounds are sprinkled with a special powder agent - Tricillin, it helps to avoid complications. The duration of the procedure is about five minutes, the removal of sutures after the operation is not required.

In female dogs, the operation is more complicated, since penetration into the internal cavity of the body occurs. The doctor cuts the groin and removes the organs (only the ovaries, or together with the uterus). The procedure takes about half an hour. After suturing, bandages are put on the animal, sometimes a special blanket is used so that the dog does not scratch or lick the damaged area.

Suitable age for castration

As for males, there are age restrictions. They are castrated no earlier than six months, otherwise the dog may stop growth and physical development.

Female dogs undergo surgery before the start of the first estrus, this period varies in the range of 6-9 months. If everything is done on time and correctly, then the bitch will be protected from the occurrence of neoplasms in the mammary glands.

Price of castration of dogs

In any clinic, the cost of castration of dogs varies, based primarily on the size of the animal and gender. In addition, prices vary in private and public veterinary clinics.

As a rule, in any case, castration of bitches will cost more. The cost of the procedure also includes the price of medicines, anesthetics and materials used:

  • up to 5 kg - 2000-2500 rubles.
  • from 5 to 15 kg - 2500-3000 rubles.
  • from 15 to 25 kg - 3000-3500 rubles.
  • from 25 to 35 kg - 3500-4000 rubles.
  • from 35 to 45 kg - 4000-5000 rubles.
  • from 46 kg and more - 5000-7000 rubles.

It is possible to call a specialist at home, in which case the cost of the operation increases within 1000 rubles. Also, castration will cost more at night and in the presence of concomitant complications.


Postoperative animal care

While under the influence of anesthesia, all vital processes in the dog's body slow down, including heat transfer. Therefore, you need to cover the animal with a light blanket or flannel diaper.

A dog after castration, even before he comes to his senses or during weakness after waking up, may urinate more than once. It is worth taking care in advance of absorbent disposable diapers for transportation and at home. At home, you can use oilcloths.

Once at home, the dog is placed in a suitable warm place, but it is not recommended to put it next to the battery, near the windows, in a draft.

Until the animal has regained consciousness, it is necessary to constantly monitor its condition:

  • pulse - it can be weaker, but even;
  • breathing - it should also be even, without delay;
  • mucous membranes - pallor and cyanosis indicate that not everything is in order with the pet.

Every half an hour, the pet must be turned from one side to the other. Wet bedding should be replaced immediately, otherwise the risk of freezing of the pet increases.

Food is allowed to be given only after the beloved pet has completely recovered. Food should be light.

If the veterinarian prescribed postoperative drugs, then you need to observe the reaction of the animal to them. In case of negative reactions -, skin, you must contact your veterinarian.

It is imperative to monitor the condition of the wound and change the dressing material in a timely manner.

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