Why does a dog's nose dry and crack. A dog's nose is an indicator of a pet's condition. hot and dry

Normally, a dog's nose is cold and wet. It is believed that if her nose became hot and dry, then this is certainly a sign of illness. Is it really? Let's figure it out.

Why does a dog have a hot nose?

In fact, the belief that a pet's hot nose is a symptom of a disease is a delusion. This nose can be for many reasons:

  • from fatigue and overwork after serious physical exertion;
  • with dry and warm air in the apartment during the heating season;
  • during sleep or immediately after waking up;
  • with nervous excitement or fear;
  • during the period of changing teeth in puppies;
  • as a reaction to hot or, conversely, very cold weather.

In these cases, a warm nose in a dog is the norm. If the animal is awake and has not previously been affected by any of the above factors, and the nose is hot and dry, then this may be a symptom of the disease.

Diseases such as distemper, piroplasmosis, enteritis, and helminthic invasion most often lead to a serious change in the dog's body temperature. The temperature can also rise with allergies, with heat stroke, after vaccination, or with severe damage to the skin.

The alarm should be sounded if the dog's nose is hot and dry for several hours. The most common cause of this condition of the nose in dogs, experts call an allergic reaction. It can occur on plant pollen, dust, especially construction during repairs, a plastic bowl for food or drink, household chemicals, and even food.

A hot nose may be due to the fact that the dog, for some reason, does not drink enough. Also, the dog can catch a common cold. A hot and dry nose can become after an injury.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a hot nose?

If your pet's nose becomes hot, do not panic. First of all, you need to pay attention to the general condition and mood of the animal, as well as whether he has an appetite, whether there is diarrhea or vomiting, whether breathing is normal.

Before you take your dog to the veterinary clinic, you can take its temperature. For a dog, it is better to choose an electric thermometer, especially if the animal is not accustomed to this procedure. The tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream and inserted into the rectum by 1.5-2.5 centimeters. Normally, the rectal temperature in four-legged friends does not exceed 39 degrees.

The normal temperature is somewhat different depending on the breed (size) and age of the animal, so it is better to check the norm on the Internet specifically for the dog of your breed and age. If the temperature is elevated, then the animal should be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

If possible, it is better to call a doctor at home and not expose the dog to additional stress. If a decision is made to take the dog to the veterinary clinic, then in case of a low temperature (below 36.5 degrees), the animal should be wrapped in a blanket or blanket and a heating pad with warm water should be applied to the body.

People are mistaken when they think that a dry or warm nose in a dog is a sign of illness. You should pay attention to other signs, since a warm nose can be in a healthy animal.

Dogs most often have a cold and wet nose. But during the day, drying or warming of the organ is sometimes noted.

Dry and warm dog nose

Nose of a healthy dog

Causes of dry nose of a dog:

  • Age or personality. Puppies are very often observed with a warm nose, if there are no other symptoms, then do not worry. Some dogs have an organ structure in which it is poorly moistened;
  • After active games and loads, if the pet is overtired and tired. Rest and increased nutrition will fix everything. When traveling and moving, the pet may behave strangely, sleep a lot, lose its appetite. In this case, control the temperature, entertain and cheer the animal.
  • Warm and dry air, usually during heating seasons;
  • During sleep or after waking up. This is explained by a slow metabolism and a decrease in moisture;
  • Nervous tension or fear, stress. Let the dog recover, treat him with a treat, provide a comfortable and calm environment;
  • Sudden changes in weather;
  • When do milk teeth change to permanent ones?
  • Heat;
  • After childbirth in the first two days.

If the listed reasons are not accompanied by any other signs, then the warming and dryness of the organ is a short-term phenomenon. If the pet's condition is alarming and additional symptoms occur, then this may be the beginning of a disease.

Dry nose - special attention

If the nose is not wet and hot for a long time, then the attention of the owner is required.

Signs that accompany dryness of the body:

Obvious signs in which it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian:

  • Temperature jump up to 40 degrees and above;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Cloudy discharge from the nose;
  • Violation of urination and bowel movements;
  • Vomit.

Hot dog nose: help

If you find a warm and dry nose in a pet, then watch him. If the dog is active, eating well and showing no signs of illness, wait for the moisture and temperature of the nose to recover.

If signs are noticed that the pet is ill, body temperature should be measured rectally. If the indicator rises more than forty degrees, try to reduce the temperature by physical means - wet the wool, solder it with water, apply cold to the armpits and groin, and put it in a cool place. Take the animal to the veterinarian after the readings decrease. For minor fevers, go to the clinic immediately. Do not give any antipyretics on your own!

If the nose is cracked, then use calendula ointment to moisturize and soften the surface.

Some diseases

Allergy is the most common cause. Symptoms: The dog has a dry and cold nose. The animal itches, behaves strangely, the skin flakes off, it dries up, dandruff appears.

Do not diagnose allergies yourself, but feed your pet only broth and cereals. Do not bathe your dog and do not clean with household chemicals. Monitor the condition of the animal, as soon as the dog becomes better, go to the veterinarian.

distemper- acute and progressive disease. Symptoms: purulent discharge, hot dry nose, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea with blood and foam, refusal of water and food. Go to the doctor as soon as possible or call him at home! Don't delay even an hour.

Rabies- the most dangerous disease. It is transmitted with saliva, animals and people are susceptible to infection. Symptoms at the beginning: dry and hot nose, lack of appetite, but drinks water, apathy and lethargy, photophobia - the most important symptom! The disease is not treated and the dogs are euthanized.

What does a veterinarian do?

The doctor will examine the animal and ask the owner under what circumstances it was found that the nose became hot and dry.

When an infection is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy, develop antifungal and antiviral treatment regimens.

When an allergy occurs adjust the diet, prescribe antihistamines locally and orally. It is recommended to replace the bowls, because the cause of allergies is often low-quality dishes.

For injuries and pain syndromes, which are the cause of dryness of the organ, will select anesthesia and correct treatment of injuries.

For signs of dehydration, a course of rehydrating droppers is required.

Deworming will be carried out upon confirmation of infection with worms, if necessary, detoxification.

Confirmed autoimmune disease(pemphigus foliaceus), affect the immune system.

A dry and warm nose is not always a sign of pathology, just like a cold, wet nose is a sign of a healthy condition. Be attentive to your pets and notice additional signs that accompany diseases.

Everyone is used to the fact that a dry nose in a dog indicates its illness. In a sense, this is true, although it is not an absolute truth.

However, it is important to consider this symptom when diagnosing various diseases.

Causes of dry nose in a puppy

One of the most common causes of a dry, hot nose in a puppy. Often it can occur on low-quality plastic, for example, from which toys are made of a small pet or its bowls for food and water.

An allergic reaction can also occur to plant pollen, dust, chemicals (eg detergents). Also, some breeds (often decorative) have an allergic reaction to certain foods. A dry nose can also signal. And then she may experience other symptoms, such as:

  • runny nose,
  • sneezing,
  • hoarseness,
  • cough.

In addition, the nose can dry out when it is injured. Then you can notice swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers on it. Even a dog can develop an autoimmune skin disease such as pemphigus.

In some cases, a dry nose in a dog is normal.

Before you panic about a dry nose in a pet, you should find out in which situations this is completely normal. For example, a dog's nose becomes dry and hot during sleep, from overwork (for example, after running for a walk), during nervous excitement or stress.

For example, a puppy may be frightened by an aggressive adult dog. The weather also affects the condition of the nose and it becomes dry both in very hot climates and in extreme cold. During the heat, the dog should be given enough to drink, and after a walk, lubricate the nose with aloe juice. After a walk in cold weather, the dog's nose is wiped with warm water.

Most dog owners believe that if a dog has a dry nose, then the dog has some kind of inflammatory disease.

Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

The condition of the nose in a healthy dog.

Communicating with the dog during the day, its owners usually note from their faithful friend that the dog's nose is moist and cool to the touch. But sometimes they notice that for a short time the nose can be dryish and warm.

Physiological Causes of Dry Nose in Dogs:

  • After a walk, during which your dog actively played and decently overtired.
  • During sleep, as a result of a decrease in metabolic processes in the dog's body, including a decrease in the secretion of the nasal mucosa.
  • Indoor dogs living with a person in an apartment during the heating season (stably dry and warm air in the room).
  • In puppies during the period of change of milk teeth to permanent teeth. In addition, it is considered normal for puppies to have a dry and warm nose, when they look healthy on external examination, actively move, eat well and cope with their physiological needs.
  • During a sudden fright or nervous strain.
  • It is a reaction to a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, strong wind, etc.
  • As a result of a sharp change in the hormonal status of a bitch during estrus.

Pathological causes:

  • The presence of an infectious disease of a bacterial or viral etiology in a dog.

Canine distemper is especially dangerous for dogs.

plague of carnivores(Pestis) is a highly contagious viral disease of carnivores characterized by fever, acute catarrh of the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal upset, and skin exanthema. In some cases, it is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis).

Another viral disease in which one of the symptoms is the presence of a dry nose in a dog is adenovirus.

Canine adenovirus(psarei cough), Adenovirosis cani is a highly contagious disease of dogs caused by a DNA-containing virus of the family Adenoviridae. The disease is manifested by a predominant lesion of the respiratory, less often digestive organs and conjunctiva. It occurs in the form of massive and sporadic outbreaks.

epidemiological data. The source of adenovirus are sick dogs, foxes, wolves, arctic foxes sick with this disease and releasing the virus with discharge from the nose and eyes, as well as virus carriers. In cities, stray dogs are the main reservoir of adenovirus. Dogs of various breeds are susceptible to adenovirus disease, with puppies aged 1.5-6 months being the most susceptible. Dogs older than 10 years of age are rarely affected by adenovirus. The main route of penetration of the pathogen into the body of healthy dogs is an airborne (aerogenic) virus transmitted by coughing and sneezing sick dogs. In rare cases, alimentary infection is possible. With aerogenic introduction of the virus, the main signs of the disease and pathological and anatomical changes are noted in the bronchi and lungs. Predisposing factors are tracheal anomalies and bronchiectasis. Single cases of the disease are recorded all year round. In the spring-summer period (when puppies appear), epizootics are often observed among dogs. The spread of the disease is facilitated by crowded keeping of animals, exhibitions and "bird markets". Animals that have been ill for a long time are virus carriers. Dogs that have been ill with adenovirus acquire long-term immunity.

Clinical signs. The incubation period is 5-14 days. The disease usually begins with a prolonged fever, body temperature rises by 0.5-1 ° C from the norm, increasing coughing and sneezing, serous discharge from the nose and eyes, signs of tonsillitis, conjunctivitis (), swelling of the lymph nodes. Submandibular and parotid lymph nodes are enlarged, inactive. The surface of the tonsils and the palatine curtain is often reddened. Some dogs develop swelling in the neck, accompanied by small hemorrhages; in puppies, adenovirus can be complicated by lesions of the digestive tract and liver with characteristic clinical signs (loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, pain on palpation).

Treatment and prevention in the article -.

Of the viral diseases, diseases such as: and others can lead to the appearance of a dry nose in a dog.

Infectious diseases of bacterial etiology:, and others.

Non-communicable diseases- gastritis, hepatitis, hepatosis (), pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, bronchitis, diseases of the endocrine system, nephritis, etc.

Allergy. Allergies in a dog, especially in spring, are often caused by flowering plants, household chemicals, food (). It is quite difficult to independently determine the source of an allergy in a dog. Initially, dog owners need to clean the room where the dog lives without the use of chemicals. Wet cleaning as often as possible, dishes for food should be washed daily, without using household chemicals.

During a walk in the warm season, try to avoid those places where grasses and shrubs bloom.

To more accurately determine the cause of an allergy in a dog, you should contact your veterinary clinic.

Poisoning, especially when accompanied by severe vomiting () and diarrhea (), causing the dog to become severely dehydrated.

What symptoms should owners immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

  • A sharp increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees and above (normal body temperature in a dog: 37.7-39 ° C);
  • Vomit.
  • Intestinal upset accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Turbid discharge from the nose with an unpleasant odor, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing.
  • Loss of consciousness.

First aid for a dog at home

At home, the owner, when a dry and hot nose is found in a dog, must first of all exclude the physiological causes of this phenomenon. To this end, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition. In the event that the dog has retained its appetite and is active, it is necessary to wait until the temperature and humidity of the nose return to normal on their own.

If your dog has other additional symptoms besides a dry nose (diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, watery eyes, etc.), you should immediately contact your veterinary clinic.


When establishing a pathological cause of dry nose in your dog, the veterinarian, after a clinical examination and diagnosis, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Probably, every owner, noticing something wrong in the dog's behavior, first of all feels its nose, cold and wet - everything is fine, dry or hot - something is wrong. In principle, the premise is correct, the dog's nose is a kind of indicator of well-being. Let's say the nose is dry and hot, what to do next? Observe? Run to the clinic? Treat yourself, if so, from what? First you need to understand that there can be a lot of reasons, both harmless and dangerous. We don’t panic and figure out why the dog has a dry nose, what you can do on your own and in what cases you can’t wait.

Dryness and warmth of the nose - not always dangerous

Since ancient times, there has been an unchanging tradition to determine the condition of the dog by feeling the nose. The thing is that earlier there were no thermometers and other devices for determining the health status of a pet, so this method was the most popular. And there were no veterinary clinics yet. First, let's talk about why a wet and cold nose is considered to be a variant of the norm.

The surface of the dog's nose is covered with a mucous membrane that produces moisturizing secretions. A dog needs a nose not only to detect smell, but also to respond to the slightest temperature changes. When the dog is in a dream, this body is responsible for the possible approach of the enemy and controls all processes occurring nearby. The olfactory organ of the animal is able to control body temperature, infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

When is a dry and warm nose in a dog normal?

  1. Features of the animal's body and age. Often similar manifestations occur in puppies. This is due to the growth and restructuring of the body. If there are no accompanying symptoms, then you should not worry. The kid will just grow up and everything will pass. Some pets, due to the structural features of the body and the breed, have a slow metabolism. In such cases, the constant dryness of the nose is a manifestation of the normal process of life.
  2. The dog just woke up. If the pet is kept in comfortable conditions, then over time it loses its ability to be in a constant state of anxiety and alertness. Thanks to this, the life expectancy of the animal is significantly increased, but the nose “dries” more often. In cases where the animal is resting in a specially equipped house for sleeping or under a blanket, its body heats up and the nose “dries out”. After waking up, the pet is enough to drink water and everything will be fine.
  3. Feelings and stress. If the animal has experienced some kind of emotional shock and is very alarmed, calm it down, give it something tasty, provide it with care and affection, and also place it in a calm and quiet place. The main thing is that the nervous system of the animal returns to normal, and with it the work of all organs normalizes.
  4. Fatigue. After long and heavy physical exertion, the animal may feel a breakdown. Do not worry. This can be easily restored. The main thing is to provide the dog with complete rest, good nutrition. After rest, the animal will regain strength and return to its usual rhythm of life. It happens that during long journeys or when moving to a new place of residence, the animal completely refuses to eat and behaves rather strangely. The most important thing here is to monitor the condition of the dog. If there are no additional signs, then it will be enough just to play with the pet, provide it with attention, affection and care. Very soon he will return to normal and get rid of his worries.

A very cold nose and ears of a dog is a clear indicator of hypothermia in the pet's body. Here you need to change the temperature, but if the pet's eyes are dull and drooping, and the gums are pale, we immediately go to the veterinarian. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between ordinary overwork and pathologies of various organs.

Why should the nose be wet and cool?

On the mucous membrane of the dog's nose, which lines its inner cavity and the outer earlobe, there are so-called nasal glands that produce a special secret. Due to this, the olfactory organ is always moist and cool. This is necessary, because in this way thermoregulation occurs. The fact is that the dog's body has a very small number of sweat glands. They are found on the paw pads and in the ear canals. Additional cooling occurs due to the respiratory organ.

In addition, the constantly moist surface of the nose ensures its maximum sensitivity. The dog is able not only to perceive the subtlest odors, but also to feel the movement of air. At the same time, she understands where their source is and divides the entire spectrum of aromas into their constituent components.

A healthy, active pet should have a moist, cold nose, which allows him to vent excess heat and distinguish smells in the best possible way. When a dog has a dry and warm nose, it leads the owner to think that she is sick. Indeed, in some cases this is true, but not always.

Causes of dry nose in dogs

Why does a dog have a dry hot or cold nose? The most common cause is allergies. Often it occurs on low-quality plastic. Also, an allergic reaction can occur to dust, plant pollen, chemicals (including detergents), as well as certain foods.

The dog's nose is also sensitive to the weather: intense heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It can also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. A dog can catch a cold and then, in addition to dry nose, it will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can dry out in case of injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. There is also an autoimmune skin disease called pemphigus. It usually manifests itself in the form of blisters on the dog's nose. Then they burst, and in this place a crust forms, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

Allergy in a pet

This condition can be caused by flowering plants, household items, woolen items, household chemicals, food. It is quite difficult to determine the source of the allergy on your own, but you can try. Try to clean the room where the dog is, without chemicals.

Clean frequently with warm water. Dishes should be washed daily, without using chemical dishwashing detergents. If your pet's bedding is wool, replace it with cotton. When walking an animal, avoid those places where grasses and shrubs bloom. If the source of the allergy was found in this way, protect the pet from it.


With some poisonings, the nose is not only hot, but also very cold. Body temperature drops sharply. An icy nose and cold ears may indicate chemical poisoning or a bite using poison if the following symptoms have joined:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • salivation;
  • weakness;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • drop in body temperature;
  • violation of the respiratory rhythm - the dog breathes often or breathing is heavy and too slow;
  • unusual smell from the mouth;
  • pupil dilation.

In this case, emergency veterinary care is required.

In case of poisoning with chemicals or poisons, you should not try to treat the dog at home and save it yourself. She may die within a few hours. Immediate medical attention is needed.

Food poisoning is usually accompanied by fever and diarrhea.


A hot nose in a dog can also be caused by an injury to the nose, a burn or a strong blow. This is a rather dangerous condition that requires complex treatment. It is important to provide first aid to the pet in a timely manner, namely, to stop possible bleeding, bandage the wound, and only after that visit the veterinarian. If there is an injury, then it is forbidden to use brilliant green, alcohol and iodine, as this can provoke a burn of the mucous membrane.


Worm infestation is accompanied by constipation, temperature fluctuations, signs of intoxication. The dog becomes lethargic, loses interest in life. Severe damage leads to bulging of the peritoneum. Therefore, if a pet has a dry, warm nose and any of these symptoms, you should urgently seek help from a veterinarian. After receiving the results of the tests, appropriate anthelmintic treatment will be prescribed. Usually, Espirantel, Febantel, Pirantel are used for this purpose. Conducting regular deworming eliminates the possibility of infection with worms.


Sometimes the pet's nose becomes dry and covered with crusts that fall off. Small blisters are constantly formed, which open on their own, new ones appear in their place. This unpleasant symptom indicates that the dog develops a disease associated with a violation of the proper functioning of the immune system - pemphigus. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with it on your own without professional help, you should go to the veterinarian.


A warm nose can be a sign of a more serious illness - distemper. The dog has a depressed state, which worsens more and more if no action is taken. The animal refuses to eat, weakens, the process of digestion is disturbed. In the eyes, near the nasal passages, pus accumulates. The nose dries up, becoming not just warm, but even hot. When walking, the dog staggers, falling on its side. In advanced cases, convulsions and fainting are possible.


A dangerous disease that can be transmitted to people and other animals. Belongs to the category of incurable. In addition to the signs characteristic of many other diseases, rabies is characterized by the symptom of photophobia. At the initial stage, the dog does not refuse water, but later begins to experience fear of it. A dry and hot nose is one of the first signs of illness. An infected animal must be euthanized.

Why does a dog have a dry nose while sleeping?

When your pet sleeps, his body heats up, including his nose. It will be like this for some more time, and only after at least half an hour you can feel it again: everything should be in order. So when your dog is sleeping and his nose is warm, there is no cause for concern.

In the wild ancestors of our four-legged pets, the nose remained moist and cool even during sleep. This helped even in a dream to feel the movements around, to know that the enemy was approaching, by the fluctuation of the air, to which the wet surface is extremely sensitive. However, in modern times, in comfortable conditions, dogs have largely lost this ability.

As we can see, even the common belief that the nose of a healthy dog ​​should always be cold and wet is not necessarily true. So if your pet's nose turned out to be completely different to the touch, this is not a reason for panic, but a good reason to take a closer look at your pet.

How to treat dry nose

What to do if the dog has a dry nose - the main thing is not to panic, you must first decide whether this is a variant of the norm or a pathology is possible.

If you are considering the option of pathology, but do not be lazy and take the animal to the clinic, and if the option is normal, you can help the pet as follows:

  • If you suspect an allergy, remove all synthetic materials from the animal’s field of activity, do a wet cleaning, review the diet in favor of refusing products with high allergenicity.
  • If the dog drinks a lot and the nose remains dry, then perhaps the reason is the climatic conditions, the animal simply cannot cope with the heat. Make sure that a bowl of water is always available to the animal.
  • The physiological and age characteristics of the dog dry the nose, lubricate it with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, this will alleviate the condition of the animal and allow it to continue to enjoy life.

It is definitely impossible to say exactly what a dry nose in a dog means, it is necessary to diagnose and clarify additional symptoms. Keep a close eye on your pet to keep it healthy even with a dry nose.


As a preventive measure to protect your pet from possible dangers, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid plastic bowls and keep them clean. Give preference to ceramics or aluminum. They do not cause allergic reactions and prevent the increased growth of bacteria. Wash feeders after each meal without adding detergent.
  2. Choose high-quality food and monitor the reaction of the dog's body. When feeding natural foods, introduce new food gradually, studying the well-being of the puppies.
  3. Use sunscreen not only for yourself, but also for your four-legged friend. In hot weather, lubricate their nose with it, and in winter, moisturize the mucous membrane with vegetable oils.
  4. Do not walk the dog during the flowering period next to allergenic plants.
  5. Timely attend veterinary examinations, undergo deworming and vaccinations.
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