Discharge smells like ammonia in women, causes of bad breath

Moderate discharge in women indicates a well-functioning reproductive system. They protect the vulnerable mucous membranes of the vagina and uterus from pathogenic viruses, microbes, fungi, bacteria. But the ammonia smell indicates trouble. If such a manifestation was an unpleasant episode, you can forget about it. If the smell is felt constantly or periodically, this is an occasion to consult a specialist.

Our article will not replace professional advice, but will help you get a general idea of ​​why the ammonia smell appears.

The urine of a healthy person is transparent and does not smell fresh when fresh. Normally, a woman excretes from 1.5 to 1.8 liters of urine per day. Ammonia is a by-product of metabolism, the production of amino acids. A well-functioning liver converts it into urea and excretes it in the urine. The smell is a signal that for some reason the liver failed to do its job, and ammonia, a toxic substance, remained in your body.

Women are much more likely to suffer from ammonia smell, because their genitourinary system is more vulnerable, and the vagina has a specific microflora designed to protect the "cradle of life" - the uterus.

Non-pathological causes of the phenomenon

Ammonia-smelling discharge may occur if:

  • Too much protein in your diet, the liver can not cope with its processing into amino acids. Write down everything you eat for a week and check the protein content on food charts. Even easier - pass a simple test for protein in the urine
  • You don't drink much. You need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day (not counting other liquids - juice, soup, tea, etc.) Another reason for the smell is urinary retention. Under no circumstances should this be done. You risk damaging your liver and kidneys
  • You are going through puberty, pregnancy, menopause when the hormonal background and the microflora of the vagina change. For some time, these changes may be accompanied by the smell of ammonia.
  • You have started your period. The gasket smells of ammonia for the first 1-2 days - the reason is the same hormonal changes
  • You are taking medication with calcium or iron, multivitamin complexes
  • Improper care of the genitals. It sounds harsh, but, unfortunately, this is the reality that gynecologists face. In childhood, many mothers are embarrassed to teach the girl how to properly wash herself. Sometimes this inability remains in adult women. Rinse your precious, vulnerable genitals in the direction from the vagina to the anus (on the contrary - you can’t!), With warm water (not hot and not cold!) And using a detergent with a neutral pH. Do not use the same towel for body and face

Thus, if ammonia discharge smells for a short time, without pain and other alarming signs, and the normal state quickly returns after the causes are eliminated, there is nothing to worry about.

Pathological causes

  • Thrush(candidiasis) is the most common cause of ammonia odor in women. The yeast fungus Candida is in every body, it is activated with a weakened immune system, stress, pregnancy. Whitish discharge has the smell of kefir and / or ammonia. Candidiasis is accompanied by itching, burning. Not only the woman needs to be treated, but also her partner. However, thrush is usually treated simply and quickly.
  • Inflammation of the urethra - urethritis- occurs due to pathogenic viruses and bacteria. If, in addition to the smell of ammonia, you feel a cutting pain when urinating, and blood and mucus are mixed with urine, this may be urethritis, a common problem in women.

If you suspect that pathological factors may be the cause of bad odors, immediately go to the doctor. To determine the disease, sometimes simple steps are enough, but more complex diagnostics may be needed. Gynecological examination, ultrasound, amine (bacterial) test, smear examination, STD tests are possible.

If there is no pathology, try douching with weak solutions of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate - they kill odors. Douching and baths of chamomile, mint, calendula have proven themselves well. They not only remove the smell, but also relieve inflammation and itching.

A good prevention is to observe the drinking and food regimen. Drink plenty of water, keep your protein intake under control. Yogurt with a spoonful of natural honey, cranberry juice or juice have healing and antiseptic qualities.

Please do not self-medicate if you suspect that you are sick. Even a relatively harmless thrush, improperly treated, can bring many bad surprises. Not to mention serious illnesses.

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