Nikolai Nosov - Dunno on the Moon (with illustrations). Dunno on the Moon is a brilliant work about capitalist society. We read Dunno on the Moon ourselves.

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Chapter first. How Znayka defeated Professor Zvezdochkin

Two and a half years have passed since Dunno traveled to the Sunny City. Although for you and me this is not so much, but for little runts, two and a half years is a very long time. After listening to the stories of Dunno, Knopochka and Pachkuli Pestrenky, many of the shorties also made a trip to the Sunny City, and when they returned, they decided to make some improvements at home. Flower City has changed since then so much that it is now unrecognizable. Many new, large and very beautiful houses appeared in it. According to the design of the architect Vertibutylkin, even two revolving buildings were built on Kolokolchikov Street. One is five-story, tower-type, with a spiral descent and a swimming pool around (by going down the spiral descent, one could dive straight into the water), the other is six-story, with swinging balconies, a parachute tower and a ferris wheel on the roof. A lot of cars, spiral vehicles, tube planes, aerohydromotos, tracked all-terrain vehicles and other various vehicles appeared on the streets.
And that's not all, of course. Residents of the Sunny City learned that the short guys from the Flower City were engaged in construction, and came to their aid: they helped them build several so-called industrial enterprises. According to the design of the engineer Klepka, a large clothing factory was built, which produced a wide variety of clothes, from rubber bras to winter fur coats made of synthetic fiber. Now no one had to slog with a needle to sew the most ordinary trousers or jacket. At the factory, everything was done for short machines. Finished products, as in Sunny City, were distributed to stores, and there everyone took what they needed. All the concerns of the factory workers boiled down to coming up with new styles of clothes and making sure that nothing was produced that the public did not like.
Everyone was very pleased. The only one who suffered in this case was Donut. When Donut saw that he could now buy any thing he might need from the store, he began to wonder why he needed all that pile of suits that had accumulated in his home. All these costumes were also out of fashion, and they could not be worn anyway. Choosing a darker night, Donut tied his old suits in a huge knot, secretly took them out of the house and drowned them in the Cucumber River, and instead of them he got himself new suits from the stores. It ended up that his room turned into some kind of warehouse for ready-made clothes. The suits were in his closet, on the closet, on the table, under the table, on bookshelves, hanging on the walls, on the backs of chairs, and even under the ceiling, on strings.
Such an abundance of woolen products in the house infested moths, and to prevent them from gnawing the suits, Donut had to poison them daily with mothballs, which gave such a strong smell to the room that it knocked the unusual little man off his feet.
The donut itself smelled of this stupefying smell, but he got so used to it that he even stopped noticing it. For others, however, the smell was very noticeable. As soon as Donut came to visit someone, the owners immediately began to feel dizzy from stupor. The donut was immediately driven away and all the windows and doors were quickly opened wide to ventilate the room, otherwise you could faint or go crazy. For the same reason, Donut didn’t even have the opportunity to play with the shorties in the yard. As soon as he went out into the yard, everyone around them began to spit and, holding their noses with their hands, rushed to run away from him in different directions without looking back. Nobody wanted to hang out with him. Needless to say, this was terribly offensive for Donut, and he had to take all the costumes he didn’t need to the attic.
However, that was not the main thing. The main thing was that Znayka also visited the Sunny City. There he met the little scientists Fuchsia and Herring, who at that time were preparing their second flight to the Moon. Znayka also got involved in the work of building a space rocket and, when the rocket was ready, made an interplanetary journey with Fuchsia and Herring. Having arrived on the Moon, our brave travelers examined one of the small lunar craters in the area of ​​the lunar Sea of ​​Clarity, visited the cave that was located in the center of this crater, and made observations of changes in gravity. On the Moon, as is known, gravity is much less than on Earth, and therefore observations of changes in gravity are of great scientific importance. Having spent about four hours on the moon. Znayka and his companions were forced to quickly set off on the return journey, since their air supplies were running out. Everyone knows that there is no air on the Moon and, in order not to suffocate, you should always take a supply of air with you. In condensed form, of course.
Returning to Flower City, Znayka talked a lot about his journey. His stories were of great interest to everyone, and especially to the astronomer Steklyashkin, who had observed the Moon more than once through a telescope. Using his telescope, Steklyashkin was able to see that the surface of the Moon was not flat, but mountainous, and many of the mountains on the Moon were not like those on Earth, but for some reason were round, or rather, ring-shaped. Scientists call these ring mountains lunar craters, or circuses. To understand what such a lunar circus, or crater, looks like, imagine a huge circular field, twenty, thirty, fifty, or even a hundred kilometers across, and imagine that this huge circular field is surrounded by an earthen rampart or mountain only two or three kilometers high , - so you get a lunar circus, or a crater. There are thousands of such craters on the Moon. There are small ones - about two kilometers, but there are also gigantic ones - up to one hundred and forty kilometers in diameter.
Many scientists are interested in the question of how lunar craters were formed and where they came from. In Sunny City, all the astronomers even quarreled among themselves, trying to resolve this complex issue, and were divided into two halves. One half claims that the lunar craters came from volcanoes, the other half says that the lunar craters are traces of the fall of large meteorites. The first half of astronomers are therefore called followers of the volcanic theory or simply volcanists, and the second - followers of the meteorite theory or meteorites.
Znayka, however, did not agree with either the volcanic or meteorite theory. Even before traveling to the Moon, he created his own theory of the origin of lunar craters. Once, together with Steklyashkin, he observed the Moon through a telescope, and it struck him that the lunar surface was very similar to the surface of a well-baked pancake with its spongy holes. After that, Znayka often went to the kitchen and watched the pancakes being baked. He noticed that while the pancake is liquid, its surface is completely smooth, but as it heats up in the frying pan, bubbles of heated steam begin to appear on its surface. Having appeared on the surface of the pancake, the bubbles burst, as a result of which shallow holes are formed on the pancake, which remain when the dough is properly baked and loses its viscosity.
Znayka even wrote a book in which he wrote that the surface of the Moon was not always hard and cold as it is now. Once upon a time, the Moon was a fiery liquid, that is, heated to a molten state, a ball. Gradually, however, the surface of the Moon cooled and became no longer liquid, but viscous, like dough. It was still very hot from the inside, so hot gases burst to the surface in the form of huge bubbles. Having reached the surface of the Moon, these bubbles, of course, burst. But while the surface of the Moon was still quite liquid, the traces of the bursting bubbles were delayed and disappeared, leaving no trace, just as bubbles on water during rain leave no trace. But when the surface of the Moon cooled so much that it became thick like dough or like molten glass, traces of the bursting bubbles no longer disappeared, but remained in the form of rings protruding above the surface. Cooling more and more, these rings finally hardened. At first they were smooth, like frozen circles on the water, and then they gradually collapsed and eventually became like those lunar ring mountains, or craters, that everyone can observe through a telescope.
All astronomers - both volcanists and meteorologists - laughed at this Znayka theory.
Vulcanists said:
- Why was this pancake theory needed, if it is already clear that lunar craters are just volcanoes?
Znayka answered that a volcano is a very large mountain, at the top of which there is a relatively small crater, that is, a hole. If at least one lunar crater were the crater of a volcano, then the volcano itself would be almost the size of the entire Moon, but this is not observed at all.
Meteorites said:
- Of course, lunar craters are not volcanoes, but they are also not pancakes. Everyone knows that these are traces of meteorite impacts.
To this Znayka replied that meteorites could fall on the Moon not only vertically, but also at an angle, and in this case they would leave traces that were not round, but elongated, oblong or oval. Meanwhile, on the Moon, all craters are mostly round, not oval.
However, both volcanists and meteorites were so accustomed to their favorite theories that they did not even want to listen to Znayka and contemptuously called him a pancake maker. They said that it was generally ridiculous to even compare the Moon, which is a large cosmic body, with some unfortunate pancake made from sour dough.
However, Znayka himself abandoned his pancake theory after he personally visited the Moon and saw one of the lunar craters up close. He was able to see that the ring mountain was not a mountain at all, but the remains of a giant brick wall that had collapsed over time. Although the bricks in this wall had weathered and lost their original quadrangular shape, it was still possible to understand that these were bricks and not just pieces of ordinary rock. This was especially clearly visible in those places where the wall had collapsed relatively recently and individual bricks had not yet had time to crumble into dust.

On reflection, Znayka realized that these walls could only have been made by some intelligent creatures, and when he returned from his trip, he published a book in which he wrote that once upon a time intelligent creatures, the so-called lunar shorties, lived on the Moon. sleepwalkers. In those days, there was air on the Moon, as there is now on Earth. Therefore, sleepwalkers lived on the surface of the Moon, just as we all live on the surface of our planet Earth. However, over time, there was less and less air on the Moon, which gradually flew into the surrounding world space. In order not to die without air, the lunatics surrounded their cities with thick brick walls, over which they erected huge glass domes. Air could no longer escape from under these domes, so it was possible to breathe and not be afraid of anything.
But the sleepwalkers knew that this could not continue forever, that over time the air around the Moon would completely dissipate, which is why the surface of the Moon, not protected by a significant layer of air, would be strongly heated by the sun’s rays and it would be impossible to exist on the Moon even under a glass cover. That is why sleepwalkers began to move inside the Moon and now live not on the outer side, but on its inner side, since in fact the Moon is empty inside, like a rubber ball, and you can live just as well on its inner surface as on the outer one .
This book by Znayka caused a lot of noise. All the shorties read it with enthusiasm. Many scientists praised this book for being interestingly written, but still expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that it was not scientifically substantiated. And a full member of the Academy of Astronomical Sciences, Professor Zvezdochkin, who also happened to read Znaykin’s book, was simply seething with indignation and said that this book was not a book at all, but some kind of, as he put it, damn nonsense. This Professor Zvezdochkin was not exactly some very angry person. No, he was a rather kind little fellow, but very, how shall I put it, demanding, irreconcilable. In any case, he valued accuracy and order most of all and could not tolerate any fantasies, that is, inventions.
Professor Zvezdochkin suggested that the Academy of Astronomical Sciences organize a discussion of Znaika’s book and take it apart, as he put it, piece by piece, so that no one else would be discouraged from writing such books. The Academy agreed and sent an invitation to Znayka. Znayka arrived and the discussion took place. It began, as it should in such cases, with a report that Professor Zvezdochkin himself volunteered to give.

When all the short people invited to the discussion gathered in the spacious hall and sat down on chairs, Professor Zvezdochkin came up to the podium, and the first thing they heard from him were the words:
- Dear friends, allow the meeting dedicated to the discussion of Znayka’s book to be considered open.
After this, Professor Zvezdochkin cleared his throat loudly, slowly wiped his nose with a handkerchief and began to make a report. Having briefly outlined the contents of Znayka’s book and praising it for its lively, vivid presentation, the professor said that, in his opinion, Znayka made a mistake and mistook for bricks what in reality were not bricks, but some kind of layered rock. Well, since there were actually no bricks, the professor said, then there were, therefore, no short sleepwalkers. They could not have existed, because even if they had existed, they would not have been able to live on the inner surface of the Moon, since everyone has long known that all objects on the Moon, just like here on Earth, are attracted to the center of the planet, and if the Moon were actually empty inside, no one would still be able to stay on its inner surface: he would immediately be drawn to the center of the Moon, and he would dangle helplessly there in the void until he died of starvation.
After listening to all this, Znayka rose from his seat and said mockingly:
- You talk as if you have ever had to hang out in the center of the Moon!
- Did you seem to be hanging out? - the professor snapped.
“I didn’t hang out,” Znayka objected, “but I flew in a rocket and observed objects in a state of weightlessness.”
- What else does the state of weightlessness have to do with it? - the professor muttered.
“Here’s what it has to do with it,” said Znayka. - Let it be known that during the flight in the rocket I had a bottle of water. When the state of weightlessness set in, the bottle floated freely in space, like every object that was not attached to the walls of the cabin. Everything was fine as long as the water completely filled the bottle. But when I drank half the water, strange things began to happen: the remaining water did not stay at the bottom of the bottle and did not collect in the center, but spread evenly along the walls, so that an air bubble formed inside the bottle. This means that the water was attracted not to the center of the bottle, but to its walls. This is understandable, since only masses of matter can attract each other, and emptiness cannot attract anything to itself.
- I hit the sky with my finger! - Zvezdochkin grumbled angrily. - Compared the bottle to the planet! Do you think this is scientific?
- Why not scientifically? - Znayka answered authoritatively. - When a bottle moves freely in interplanetary space, it is in a state of weightlessness and is likened to a planet in everything. Inside it, everything will happen in the same way as inside the planet, that is, inside the Moon, if, of course, the Moon is empty from the inside.
- Exactly! - Zvezdochkin picked up. - Just please explain to us why you got it into your head that the Moon is empty inside?
The listeners who came to listen to the report laughed, but Znayka was not embarrassed by this and said:
“You could easily get this into your head if you thought about it a little.” After all, if the Moon was at first fiery-liquid, then it began to cool not from the inside, but from the surface, since it is the surface of the Moon that comes into contact with the cold cosmic space. Thus, the surface of the Moon cooled and hardened first, as a result of which the Moon began to look like a huge spherical vessel, inside of which there continued to be - what?..
- The molten substance has not yet cooled down! - one of the listeners shouted.
- Right! - Znayka picked up. - A molten substance that has not yet cooled down, that is, simply put, a liquid.
“You see, you say it yourself - liquid,” Zvezdochkin grinned. Where did the emptiness come from in the Moon if there was liquid there, you crazy thing?
“Well, it’s not at all difficult to guess,” Znayka answered calmly. - After all, the hot liquid, surrounded by the solid shell of the Moon, continued to cool, and as it cooled, it decreased in volume. You probably know that every substance, when cooled, decreases in volume?
“I suppose I know,” the professor muttered angrily.
“Then everything should be clear to you,” Znayka said joyfully. If the liquid substance decreased in volume, then an empty space would naturally form inside the Moon, like an air bubble in a bottle. This empty space became larger and larger, located in the central part of the Moon, since the remaining liquid mass was attracted to the solid shell of the Moon, just as the remaining water was attracted to the walls of a bottle when it was in a state of weightlessness. Over time, the liquid inside the Moon completely cooled and hardened, as if sticking to the solid walls of the planet, due to which an internal cavity formed in the Moon, which could gradually be filled with air or some other gas.
- Right! - someone shouted.
And now shouts were heard from all sides:
- Right! Right! Well done, Znayka! Hooray!
Everyone clapped their hands. Someone shouted:
- Down with Zvezdochkin!
Now two short men grabbed Zvezdochkin - one by the collar, the other by the legs - and dragged him off the podium. Several short men picked Znayka up in their arms and dragged her to the podium.
- Let Znayka make a report! - they shouted around. - Down with Zvezdochkin!
- Dear friends! - said Znayka, finding himself on the podium. - I can't make a report. I wasn't prepared.
- Tell us about the flight to the moon! - the short ones shouted.
- About the state of weightlessness! - someone shouted.
- About the Moon?.. About the state of weightlessness? - Znayka repeated in confusion. - Well, okay, let it be about the state of weightlessness. You probably know that a space rocket, in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth, must acquire a very high speed - eleven kilometers per second. While the rocket is gaining this speed, your body is experiencing large overloads. The weight of your body seems to increase several times, and you are forcefully pressed to the floor of the cabin. You cannot raise your arm, you cannot lift your leg, it seems to you that your whole body is filled with lead. It seems to you as if some terrible weight has fallen on your chest and is not allowing you to breathe. But as soon as the acceleration of the spacecraft stops and it begins its free flight in interplanetary space, the overload ends, and you stop experiencing gravity, that is, simply put, you lose weight.
- Tell me how you felt? What did you experience? - someone shouted.
- My first feeling when losing weight was as if the seat had been quietly removed from under me and I had nothing to sit on. It felt like I had lost something, but I couldn’t figure out what. I felt a little dizzy, it began to seem to me as if someone had deliberately turned me upside down. At the same time, I felt that everything inside me froze, grew cold, as if I were frightened, although there was no fright itself. After waiting a little and making sure that nothing bad had happened to me, that I was breathing as usual, and seeing everything around me, and thinking normally, I stopped paying attention to the freezing in my chest and abdomen, and this unpleasant feeling went away by itself. When I looked around and saw that all the objects in the cabin were in place, that the seat, as before, was under me, it no longer seemed to me that I was upside down, and the dizziness also went away...
- Tell me! Tell us more! - the short ones screamed in unison when they saw that Znayka had stopped.
Some even pounded their feet on the floor out of impatience.
“Well, then,” Znayka continued. - Having made sure that everything was in order, I wanted to lean my feet on the floor, but I did it so abruptly that I jumped up and hit my head on the ceiling of the cabin. I didn’t take into account, you see, that my body had lost weight and that now only a small effort was enough to jump to a terrible height. Since my body weighed nothing at all, I could hang freely in the middle of the cabin in any position without going down or going up, but to do this I had to be careful and not make sudden movements. Objects that we had not secured before leaving for the flight also floated freely around me. Water did not pour out of the bottle even if the bottle was turned upside down, but if it was possible to shake the water out of the bottle, it collected into balls, which also floated freely in space until they were attracted to the walls of the cabin.
“Tell me, please,” asked one short man, “did you have water in the bottle or maybe some other drink?”
“The bottle contained plain water,” Znayka answered briefly. - What other drink could there be?
“Well, I don’t know,” the short man threw up his hands. - I thought it was citro or maybe kerosene.
Everyone laughed. And another short one asked:
-Have you brought anything from the Moon?
- I brought a piece of the Moon itself.

Znayka took out a small bluish-gray pebble from his pocket and said:
- There are many different stones lying on the surface of the Moon, and very beautiful ones at that, but I did not want to take them, since they could turn out to be meteorites accidentally brought to the Moon from outer space. And I knocked this stone off the rock with a hammer when we descended into the lunar cave. Therefore, you can be quite sure that this stone is a piece of the real Moon.
A piece of the Moon passed through the hands. Everyone wanted to take a closer look at him. While the short ones looked at the stone, passing it from hand to hand. Znayka told how he, Fuchsia and Herring traveled on the Moon and what they saw there. Everyone really liked Znaykin’s story. Everyone was very pleased. Only Professor Zvezdochkin was not very pleased. As soon as Znayka finished his story and left the podium, Professor Zvezdochkin jumped onto the podium and said:
- Dear friends, we were all very interested in hearing about the Moon and everything else, and on behalf of all those present I offer my heartfelt gratitude to the famous Znayka for his interesting and informative speech. However... - said Zvezdochkin and raised his index finger upward with a stern look.
- Down! - one of the short ones shouted.
“However...” Professor Zvezdochkin repeated, raising his voice. - However, we have gathered here not at all in order to listen about the Moon, but in order to discuss Znaika’s book, and since we did not discuss the book, it means that we did not fulfill what was planned, and since we did not fulfill what was planned, then it will still be necessary to carry it out, and if it is still necessary to carry it out, then it will still have to be carried out and subjected to consideration...
No one ever found out what Zvezdochkin wanted to examine.

The noise was so loud that nothing could be understood. Only one word was heard from everywhere:
- Down! Two short men rushed to the podium again, one grabbed Zvezdochkin by the collar, the other by the legs, and dragged him straight out into the street. There they sat him down on the grass in the park and said:
- When you fly to the moon, you will speak on the podium, but for now, sit here on the grass. Zvezdochkin was so stunned by such unceremonious treatment that he could not utter a word. Then he gradually came to his senses and shouted:
- This mess! I will complain! I'll write to the newspaper! You will still recognize Professor Zvezdochkin! He shouted for a long time, waving his fists, but when he saw that all the short ones had gone home, he said:
- At this point I declare the meeting closed. After which he got up and also went home.

Trial version. 29 pages available.

Nikolay Nosov

Dunno on the Moon

Chapter first

How Znayka defeated Professor Zvezdochkin

Two and a half years have passed since Dunno traveled to the Sunny City. Although for you and me this is not so much, but for little runts, two and a half years is a very long time. Having listened to the stories of Dunno, Knopochka and Pachkuli Pestrenky, many shorties also made a trip to the Sunny City, and when they returned, they decided to make some improvements at home. Flower City has changed since then so much that it is now unrecognizable. Many new, large and very beautiful houses appeared in it. According to the design of the architect Vertibutylkin, even two revolving buildings were built on Kolokolchikov Street. One is five-story, tower-type, with a spiral descent and a swimming pool around (by going down the spiral descent, one could dive straight into the water), the other is six-story, with swinging balconies, a parachute tower and a ferris wheel on the roof. A lot of cars, spiral vehicles, tube planes, aerohydromotos, tracked all-terrain vehicles and other various vehicles appeared on the streets.

And that's not all, of course. Residents of the Sunny City learned that the short guys from the Flower City were engaged in construction, and came to their aid: they helped them build several so-called industrial enterprises. According to the design of the engineer Klyopka, a large clothing factory was built, which produced a wide variety of clothes, from rubber bras to winter fur coats made of synthetic fiber. Now no one had to slog with a needle to sew the most ordinary trousers or jacket. At the factory, everything was done for short machines. Finished products, as in Sunny City, were distributed to stores, and there everyone took what they needed. All the concerns of the factory workers boiled down to coming up with new styles of clothes and making sure that nothing was produced that the public did not like.

Everyone was very pleased. The only one who suffered in this case was Donut. When Donut saw that he could now buy any thing he might need from the store, he began to wonder why he needed all that pile of suits that had accumulated in his home. All these costumes were also out of fashion, and they could not be worn anyway. Choosing a darker night, Donut tied his old suits in a huge knot, secretly took them out of the house and drowned them in the Cucumber River, and instead of them he got himself new suits from the stores. It ended up that his room turned into some kind of warehouse for ready-made clothes. The suits were in his closet, on the closet, on the table, under the table, on bookshelves, hanging on the walls, on the backs of chairs and even under the ceiling, on strings.

Such an abundance of woolen products in the house infested moths, and to prevent them from gnawing the suits, Donut had to poison them daily with mothballs, from which there was such a strong smell in the room that the unusual little man was knocked off his feet. The donut itself smelled of this stupefying smell, but he got so used to it that he even stopped noticing it. For others, however, the smell was very noticeable. As soon as Donut came to visit someone, the owners immediately began to feel dizzy from stupor. The donut was immediately driven away and all the windows and doors were quickly opened wide to ventilate the room, otherwise you could faint or go crazy. For the same reason, Donut didn’t even have the opportunity to play with the shorties in the yard. As soon as he went out into the yard, everyone around them began to spit and, holding their noses with their hands, rushed to run away from him in different directions without looking back. Nobody wanted to hang out with him. Needless to say, this was terribly offensive for Donut, and he had to take all the costumes he didn’t need to the attic.

However, that was not the main thing. The main thing was that Znayka also visited the Sunny City. There he met the little scientists Fuchsia and Herring, who at that time were preparing their second flight to the Moon. Znayka also got involved in the work of building a space rocket and, when the rocket was ready, made an interplanetary journey with Fuchsia and Herring. Having arrived on the Moon, our brave travelers examined one of the small lunar craters in the area of ​​the lunar Sea of ​​Clarity, visited the cave that was located in the center of this crater, and made observations of changes in gravity. On the Moon, as is known, gravity is much less than on Earth, and therefore observations of changes in gravity are of great scientific importance. Having spent about four hours on the moon. Znayka and his companions were forced to quickly set off on the return journey, since their air supplies were running out. Everyone knows that there is no air on the Moon and, in order not to suffocate, you should always take a supply of air with you. In a condensed form, of course.

Returning to Flower City, Znayka talked a lot about his journey. His stories were of great interest to everyone, and especially to the astronomer Steklyashkin, who had observed the Moon more than once through a telescope. Using his telescope, Steklyashkin was able to see that the surface of the Moon was not flat, but mountainous, and many of the mountains on the Moon were not like those on Earth, but for some reason were round, or rather, ring-shaped. Scientists call these ring mountains lunar craters, or circuses. To understand what such a lunar circus, or crater, looks like, imagine a huge circular field, twenty, thirty, fifty, or even a hundred kilometers across, and imagine that this huge circular field is surrounded by an earthen rampart or mountain only two or three kilometers high , - and so you get a lunar circus, or a crater. There are thousands of such craters on the Moon. There are small ones - about two kilometers, but there are also gigantic ones - up to one hundred and forty kilometers in diameter.

Many scientists are interested in the question of how lunar craters were formed and where they came from. In Sunny City, all the astronomers even quarreled among themselves, trying to resolve this complex issue, and were divided into two halves. One half claims that the lunar craters came from volcanoes, the other half says that the lunar craters are traces of the fall of large meteorites. The first half of astronomers are therefore called followers of the volcanic theory or simply volcanists, and the second - followers of the meteorite theory or meteorites.

Znayka, however, did not agree with either the volcanic or meteorite theory. Even before traveling to the Moon, he created his own theory of the origin of lunar craters. Once, together with Steklyashkin, he observed the Moon through a telescope, and it struck him that the lunar surface was very similar to the surface of a well-baked pancake with its spongy holes. After that, Znayka often went to the kitchen and watched the pancakes being baked. He noticed that while the pancake is liquid, its surface is completely smooth, but as it heats up in the frying pan, bubbles of heated steam begin to appear on its surface. Having appeared on the surface of the pancake, the bubbles burst, as a result of which shallow holes are formed on the pancake, which remain when the dough is properly baked and loses its viscosity.

Znayka even wrote a book in which he wrote that the surface of the Moon was not always hard and cold as it is now. Once upon a time, the Moon was a fiery liquid, that is, heated to a molten state, a ball. Gradually, however, the surface of the Moon cooled and became no longer liquid, but viscous, like dough. It was still very hot from the inside, so hot gases burst to the surface in the form of huge bubbles. Having reached the surface of the Moon, these bubbles, of course, burst. But while the surface of the Moon was still quite liquid, the traces of the bursting bubbles were delayed and disappeared, leaving no trace, just as bubbles on water during rain leave no trace. But when the surface of the Moon cooled so much that it became thick like dough or like molten glass, traces of the bursting bubbles no longer disappeared, but remained in the form of rings protruding above the surface. Cooling more and more, these rings finally hardened. At first they were smooth, like frozen circles on the water, and then they gradually collapsed and eventually became like those lunar ring mountains, or craters, that everyone can observe through a telescope.

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Chapter thirty-six. To Earth

Several days have passed since Dunno arrived with his friends in Space Town. He really liked everything here. Waking up in the morning, he immediately went to the garden and walked there among the thickets of beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons, or wandered among the tall stems of the giant earthly wheat, rye, millet, buckwheat, lentils, and also oats, from which wonderful cereals are made for very tasty oatmeal.

“Everything here is almost like what we have in the Flower City,” said Dunno. Only in the Flower City it was a little better. It seems like something is still missing here.

One day Dunno woke up in the morning and felt some kind of malaise. Nothing hurt him, but he felt as if he was very, very tired and unable to get out of bed. The time, however, was approaching breakfast, so he somehow got up, got dressed, washed, but when he sat down to have breakfast, he felt that he absolutely did not want to eat.

– You see what other things there are here on the Moon! - Dunno grumbled. - When you want to eat, there is nothing to eat, and when there is something to eat, you don’t want to eat!

Having somehow finished his portion, he put the spoon on the table and went out into the yard. A minute later everyone saw him coming back. His face was scared.

- Brothers, where is the sun? – he asked, looking around in bewilderment.

- You, Dunno, are some kind of donkey! – Znayka answered with mockery. - Well, what kind of sun is it here when we are on the Moon, or, more accurately, in the Moon.

- Well, I forgot! - Dunno waved his hand.

After this incident, he remembered the sun all day, ate little at lunch, and only calmed down in the evening. And the next morning it all started again:

- Where is the sun? - he whined. - I want there to be sunshine! We always had sunshine in the Flower City.

- You’d better do this, my dear, don’t be stupid! - Znayka told him.

- Or maybe he’s sick with us? - said Doctor Pilyulkin. “I’ll take a look at him, I guess.”

Dragging Dunno into his office, Dr. Pilyulkin began to carefully examine him. Having examined the ears, throat, nose and tongue, Pilyulkin shook his head in bewilderment, after which he ordered Dunno to take off his shirt and began to knock on his back, shoulders, chest and stomach with a rubber mallet, listening at the same time to what sound was produced. Apparently, the sound was not what was needed, so Pilyulkin kept wincing, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. Then he ordered Dunno to lie on his back and began to press his stomach with his palms in different places, saying:

– Does it hurt that much?.. Doesn’t it hurt?.. Does it?..

And again, each time he shook his head sadly.

Finally, he measured Dunno’s temperature, as well as pulse and blood pressure, after which he ordered him to stay in bed, and he went to the short ones and quietly said:

- Trouble, my dears. Our dunno is sick.

- What hurts him? - asked Herring.

“The fact of the matter is that nothing hurts, but nevertheless he is seriously ill.” His disease is very rare. It affects short people who have been away from their homes for too long.

- Look! – Znayka was surprised. - So he needs to be treated.

- How to treat it? – answered Doctor Pilyulkin. – There is no cure for this disease. He must return to Earth as soon as possible. Only the air of his native fields can help him. Such patients always feel very homesick away from their homeland, and this can end badly for them.

- So we should go home? Is that what you mean? – Znayka asked.

“Yes, and as soon as possible,” confirmed Doctor Pilyulkin. “I think that if we set off today, we will have time to fly to Earth with Dunno.”

- So, we need to leave today. “There’s nothing more to think about,” said Fuchsia.

- What about Donut? – Znayka asked. “He stayed in Los Paganos with his spinners.” We can't leave him here alone.

“Shpuntik and I will immediately go after Donut on an all-terrain vehicle,” said Vintik. “We’ll get there by evening and back tomorrow morning.” We'll be here at noon.

“We’ll have to schedule our flight for tomorrow,” said Znayka. “We won’t be able to manage it before.”

“Well, until tomorrow, I think Dunno will hold out,” said Doctor Pilyulkin. - Just you, brothers, act without delay.

Vintik and Shpuntik immediately rolled the all-terrain vehicle out of the garage, took with them Kozlik, who was being taught to drive the all-terrain vehicle, and all three drove off to Los Paganos. Doctor Pilyulkin hastened to inform Dunno that the decision had been made to set off on the return journey. This news made Dunno very happy. He even jumped out of bed and began to say that as soon as he returned home, he would immediately write a letter to Sineglazka, since he had once promised her and now he was tormented by his conscience for not keeping his promise. Having decided to correct his mistake, he noticeably cheered up and began to sing songs.

- Don't worry, brothers! - he said. - We'll see the sun soon!

Doctor Pilyulkin told him to behave more restlessly, since his body was weakened by the disease and he needed to conserve his strength.

Soon Dunno’s joy gradually subsided and was replaced by impatience.

- When will Vintik and Shpuntik return? – every now and then he pestered Pilyulkin.

“They can’t come today, my dear.” They will arrive tomorrow. You’ll have to be patient somehow, but now it’s better to lie down and sleep,” Doctor Pilyulkin persuaded him.

Dunno went to bed, but after lying there for a minute, he jumped up:

- What if they don’t come tomorrow?

“They will come, my dear, they will come,” Pilyulkin reassured him.

In those days, astronomer Alpha and lunarologist Memega, and two physicists Quantik and Kantik, who came with them, were visiting the Space City. All four came specifically to get acquainted with the structure of the space rocket and spacesuits, since they themselves were going to build a rocket and make a space flight to Earth. Now that the mystery of weightlessness has been revealed, interplanetary flights have become available to sleepwalkers. Znayka decided to give the lunar scientists exact drawings of the rocket and ordered that the remaining reserves of lunite and anti-lunite be given to them. Alpha said that the lunar scientists would keep the Space City in order and set up a cosmodrome here with a landing site for spaceships arriving on their planet and for launching rockets to other planets.

When the cosmonauts decided to return to Earth, Znayka, Fuchsia and Herring went to the hangar to thoroughly check the operation of all components and mechanisms of the rocket. Alpha and Memega, as well as Kantik and Quantik, took part in the check. This was extremely useful for them, as they got the opportunity to practically become familiar with the structure of the rocket. In addition, it was decided that Alpha and Memega would fly on a rocket together with the astronauts. Having reached the surface of the Moon, the astronauts will transfer to the NPC rocket, and Alpha and Memega will return to the Space City on the FIS rocket.

Checking the rocket's mechanisms took up all the time remaining at the astronauts' disposal and ended only in the evening.

Having completed the final tests. Znayka said:

– Now the rocket is ready to fly. Tomorrow morning we will turn on weightlessness and tow the spacecraft to the launch pad. And now - sleep. You need to have a good rest before the flight.

Leaving the hangar and locking the door, the astronauts went to the Space City. Before they had time to disappear into the distance, two heads in black masks poked out from behind the fence. For some time they stood silently above the fence and just snorted with their noses. Finally one head said in the voice of Julio:

- Finally, they got away so that they could fall through the ground!

- Nothing. Better let them fly into the air! – the other head grumbled in the voice of Sprouts.

It was actually Spruts and Julio.

After waiting a little longer and making sure that there was no one nearby, Julio said:

“Come on, climb over the fence, I’ll give you a box of dynamite.”

Sprouts, groaning, climbed onto the fence and jumped off the other side. Julio picked up the box from the ground and began handing it to Sprouts over the fence. Sprouts extended his arms upward, trying to pick up the box. But the box turned out to be very heavy. Sprouts could not hold him back and flew to the ground with him.

-What are you throwing? – Julio hissed at him. – There’s dynamite there, not pasta! It will shake so much that there won’t be a wet spot left!

He climbed over the fence after Sprouts and tried to open the hangar door.

- Closed! - he muttered angrily. - We'll have to dig.

Having turned on a secret flashlight and crouched against the wall, both intruders pulled knives out of their pockets and began to dig in the ground with them.

The short guys in Space City had been sleeping for a long time. Nobody expected anything bad. Only Znayka and Professor Zvezdochkin were awake. They were busy with mathematical calculations: it was necessary to calculate the flight trajectory of the spacecraft so that, upon rising, it would accurately fall into the hole that existed in the lunar sphere, through which it was possible to get out to the surface of the Moon.

It was already well after midnight when Znayka and Professor Zvezdochkin finished all the calculations and began to go to bed. Having undressed, Znayka turned off the electricity and, climbing into bed, was about to pull the blanket over himself, but just at that time there was an explosion. The walls of the room shook, plaster fell from the ceiling with a roar, glass flew out of the windows, the bed on which Znayka was lying turned over, and he rolled out of it onto the floor.

Professor Zvezdochkin, who was sleeping in the same room, also ended up on the floor. Wrapped in a blanket, Znayka immediately jumped out into the yard and saw a column of flame and smoke rising upward.

- Rocket! There's a rocket there! – he shouted to Professor Zvezdochkin, who jumped out after him.

They rushed forward, not paying attention to the fragments of wood falling from above, and, running up to the place where the hangar had previously stood, they saw a pile of smoking ruins. The rest of the short men were already running to the scene.

- There was an explosion here! Someone blew up a rocket! - Znayka shouted in a voice broken from excitement.

- This is nothing other than the police! – Quantik exclaimed. – They decided to take revenge on us!

- How will we fly back now? - asked the short ones.

“Maybe we can fix the rocket?” - Memega said.

- How to fix it? Maybe there isn’t even a rocket left here,” Fuchsia answered.

- Calm, brothers! - said Znayka, who was the first to control himself. “We need to quickly remove the debris and find out what’s wrong with the spaceship.”

The short guys got to work. By dawn the place was cleared, and everyone saw that the force of the explosion had turned the rocket on its side. Its tail was completely torn off, its main engine was damaged and its window glass was blown out.

“Such damage cannot be repaired even in two weeks,” Znayka said with concern. - We'll have to postpone the flight.

- What are you, what are you! - Doctor Pilyulkin exclaimed. – Don’t you dare think about it! Dunno won't last two weeks. It must be sent today.

“You see,” Znayka answered, pointing to the mutilated rocket.

– Or maybe you can climb to the surface of the Moon simply in spacesuits? - said Herring. – After all, our spacesuits are adapted for flights in a state of weightlessness. Having risen to the surface of the Moon, we will board the NPC rocket and fly to Earth.

- This is the right idea! – Znayka was delighted. – But are the spacesuits damaged? They're in a rocket.

Fuchsia and Herring rushed to the rocket cabin and began to press a button that activated an electric motor that opened the door to the airlock chamber. The motor, however, did not operate and the door remained closed. Then engineer Klepka, who by that time had completely recovered from his injury, climbed inside the cabin through the broken window and opened the door to the spacesuit compartment.

- Brothers, the spacesuits are intact! – he shouted, making sure that the suits were unharmed.

- Hooray! - the short ones shouted, delighted.

Engineer Klepka managed to fix the electric motor and open the airlock door. The short men immediately began to pull out the spacesuits and carefully check them.

By noon, Vintik, Shpuntik, Kozlik and Donut returned to Space Town, and the cosmonauts began preparations for departure.

The news that the cosmonauts were about to fly away quickly spread among the Neelov residents, and the whole village came to say goodbye to their friends.

“We are giving you the entire experimental garden and all the plantings around the Space City,” Znayka told the Neelov residents. - Now the fruits will soon ripen, and you will remove them. You alone will not be able to do this, but you will call the short ones from other villages for help. It will be easier for you together. And in the future, try to grow more giant plants. Let giant plants spread throughout your planet, and then you will no longer have any need.

The Neelovites cried with joy. They kissed Znayka and all the other shorties. And Kozlik was also happy, since Vintik and Shpuntik gave him their all-terrain vehicle.

“What a pity,” Kozlik said to Dunno. “Now our real life begins, and you’re flying away!”

“Nothing,” said Dunno. - We will fly to you, and you will fly to us. And now I can no longer stay here. I really want to see the sun.

As soon as Dunno remembered the sun, tears immediately fell from his eyes. The strength left him, and he sank straight to the ground. Doctor Pilyulkin ran up and, seeing that Dunno’s eyes had closed by themselves, quickly gave him a sniff of ammonia. Dunno came to his senses, but was very pale.

- Well, how can we fly with you? - Doctor Pilyulkin was killed. – You should lie in bed, and not go on a space flight. I don’t know how you’ll get to Earth in this state!

“Nothing,” said Vintik. – Shpuntik and I will take a rocking chair and attach wheels to it. It will be possible to carry Dunno in this chair so that he does not waste extra energy.

So they did. As soon as the chair was ready, Znayka gave the command to put on spacesuits for everyone. The short ones immediately began to put on their spacesuits, and Kantik and Quantik put the spacesuit on Dunno.

It must be said that these spacesuits were somewhat different from those used by Dunno and Donut. At the top of the pressure helmet of such a spacesuit, a small electric motor with a four-bladed propeller like a fan was installed. The propeller, rotating, lifted the astronaut into the air. By giving his body one or another position in space, the astronaut could direct his flight in any direction. In addition, the propeller could act like a parachute. When falling from a great height, the astronaut could turn on the electric motor, and the rapidly rotating propeller would immediately slow down the fall.

As soon as the spacesuits were put on, Znayka ordered everyone to tie themselves to a long nylon cord that had been prepared in advance. Everyone immediately followed the order. At the same time, Kantik and Quantik and Alpha and Memega sat Dunno in a rocking chair, attached him with belts to the seat so that he would not fall out on the way, and the chair was also tied to a nylon cord.

Finally all preparations were completed. The astronauts attached alpenstocks, ice axes and geological hammers to their belts and lined up in a chain. Znayka, who stood in front of everyone, turned on the weightlessness device, which was attached to the spacesuit behind his back, and pressed the electric motor button. A steady buzzing sound was heard. It was the propeller spinning. Znayka, having lost weight, smoothly rose into the air and dragged the rest of the cosmonauts with him.

The sleepwalkers gasped in amazement as they saw the astronauts rise into the air in a long line. Everyone shouted, waved their arms, clapped their hands, and began throwing their hats into the air. Some even jumped with excitement. Many were crying.

Meanwhile, the astronauts rose faster and faster. Soon they turned into barely noticeable dots and finally disappeared completely from sight. The sleepwalkers, however, did not leave, as if they hoped that the aliens from the distant planet Earth would return and they would see them again. A whole hour passed, and two hours passed, and finally three hours passed. The Moon Shorties began to lose hope of seeing their friends again.

And indeed, there was nothing more to wait for. At this time, the astronauts were already making their way through an inclined ice tunnel in the shell of the Moon. The air here was extremely thin, so the propeller created too little thrust. Nevertheless, with the help of ice axes, which the astronauts armed themselves with, they managed to overcome all the obstacles and get into the icicle grotto, and from there penetrate into the cave, from which there was an exit to the surface of the Moon.

Here Znayka decided to divide the entire squad into two groups. The first group had to be sent forward to check the rocket without wasting a minute. After all, a lot of time had passed since the NPC rocket landed on the surface of the Moon, and it could have been damaged by meteors, not to mention the fact that it was impossible to go on a space flight without thoroughly checking the operation of all instruments and mechanisms. In the first group, Znayka decided to nominate himself, Professor Zvezdochkin, as well as Fuchsia and Seledochka. He ordered the rest to stay in the cave for now and start mining lunite and antilunite crystals, the supply of which needed to be delivered to Earth.

Doctor Pilyulkin said that Dunno feels very bad, so he needs to be immediately sent into the rocket, where he can free himself from the heavy spacesuit. But Znayka said:

– Now it’s a moonlit night. The sun has set and it is very cold on the surface of the moon. If the rocket is damaged, then it will be impossible to stay in it without a spacesuit. It’s better for you to stay with Dunno in the cave for now. It's still warmer here. If it turns out that the rocket is in working order, we will inform you, and you will immediately deliver Dunno to us.

Having given the order that no one should leave the cave, so as not to be exposed to cosmic rays again, Znayka set off on the return journey, accompanied by Fuchsia, Seledochka and Professor Zvezdochkin.

Some people imagine that when it is night on the moon it is very dark and nothing can be seen, but this is not true. Just as on a moonlit night our Earth is illuminated by the Moon, so the Moon is illuminated by our Earth, but since the globe is much larger than the lunar globe, more light is produced from it. If the Moon from the Earth seems to us the size of a small plate, the Earth from the Moon looks like a large round tray. Science has established that the light of the Sun reflected by our Earth illuminates the Moon ninety times stronger than the light with which the Moon illuminates the Earth. This means that in that part of the Moon from which the Earth is visible, you can freely read, write, draw, and do various other things at night.

As soon as Znayka and his companions left the cave, they saw above them a black, bottomless sky with myriads of sparkling stars and a huge luminous disk of bright white and even slightly bluish color. This disk was our Earth, which this time was visible not in the shape of a sickle or crescent, but in the form of a complete circle, since the Sun illuminated it no longer with lateral, but with direct rays.

Illuminated by the earth's disk, the surface of the Moon and the mountains visible in the distance were reddish in color: from light cherry to purple or dark crimson, and everything that remained in the shadows, everything where the light did not penetrate, right down to the smallest cracks underfoot, shone with a flickering emerald -green color. This was explained by this. 410 the surface of lunar rocks had the ability to glow under the influence of invisible cosmic rays. Wherever the astronauts turned their gaze, they everywhere observed a struggle between two colors: red and green, and only the rocket visible in the distance glowed bright blue, like a piece of the spring light blue earthly sky.

The astronauts who remained in the cave decided not to waste time and began to mine lunite and anti-lunite. Ice axes and geological hammers clattered together on the rocks. However, no knocking was heard, because sound, as everyone now knows, does not propagate in an airless environment.

About an hour passed in intense work. Soon an order was received from Znayka by radiotelephone to deliver Dunno into the rocket. Znayka reported that the rocket was not damaged by meteors, the sealing was not broken; however, many mechanisms need adjustment, and batteries need electrolyte changing and charging. All this will take at least twelve hours, so Znayka ordered to use all the remaining time to mine and load lunite and anti-lunite into the rocket.

Doctor Pilyulkin, without hesitating for a second, went inside, carrying in front of him a rocking chair, on which Dunno lay in his spacesuit. When Pilyulkin finally hobbled to the rocket. Dunno became so weak that he could not get out of his chair and had to be carried in his arms. With the help of Znayka, Fuchsia and Herring, Pilyulkin managed to drag Dunno into the rocket. Here they pulled off Dunno’s space suit, took off her clothes and laid her on a bed in the cabin.

Freed from the heavy spacesuit, Dunno felt some relief and even tried to get out of bed, but gradually his strength left him again. The weakness came such that it was difficult for him to move his arm or leg.

-What kind of disease is this? - said Dunno. “I feel like I’m all lead and my body weighs three times more than it should.”

“This cannot be,” Znayka answered him. “You’re on the Moon and you should weigh not three times more, but six times less.” Now, if you got to the planet Jupiter, you would really weigh three times there, or, more precisely, two and sixty-four hundredths times more than on Earth. But on Mars you would weigh three times less. But if you landed in the Sun...

“Okay, okay,” Doctor Pilyulkin interrupted him. – Don’t bother him with these numbers. Take better care so that you can take off on your flight as soon as possible.

Znayka left, and together with Zvezdochkin they began checking the operation of the electronic computer. A few hours later, all the mechanisms were checked, but the rocket could not take off until the charging of the batteries, on which the proper operation of all lighting and heating devices, as well as the engines, depended.

Doctor Pilyulkin did not leave a single step from Dunno. Seeing that Dunno’s strength was declining, he did not know what to do and was very nervous. True, as soon as weightlessness was turned on and the rocket finally set off, Dunno’s well-being became better. But again not for long. Soon he again began to complain that he was being weighed down, although, of course, there could be no gravity, since he, like everyone else in the rocket, was in a state of weightlessness. Doctor Pilyulkin understood that these painful sensations were a consequence of the patient’s depressed mental state, and tried to distract Dunno from gloomy thoughts by talking kindly to him and telling him fairy tales.

All the other little ones looked into the cabin and remembered what other fairy tales there were to tell Dunno. Everyone was just thinking about how to help the patient.

After some time, they noticed that Dunno had stopped showing interest in his surroundings and no longer listened to what they told him. His eyes slowly wandered over the ceiling of the cabin, his dry lips silently whispered something. Doctor Pilyulkin listened with all his might, but could not make out a word.

Soon Dunno's eyes closed and he fell asleep. His chest was still heaving heavily. Breath hissed out of his mouth. The cheeks were burning with a feverish blush. Gradually his breathing calmed down. The chest heaved less and less. Finally, it began to seem to Pilyulkin that Dunno was not breathing at all. Feeling that things were wrong, Pilyulkin grabbed Dunno by the hand. The pulse was barely palpable and was very slow.

- Dunno! - Pilyulkin shouted, frightened. - Dunno, wake up!

But Dunno did not wake up. Pilyulkin quickly thrust a bottle of ammonia under his nose. Dunno slowly opened his eyes.

– It’s hard for me to breathe! – he whispered with effort.

Seeing that Dunno had closed his eyes again, Doctor Pilyulkin began to shake him by the shoulder.

- Dunno, don’t sleep! - he shouted. – You must fight for life! Do you hear? Don't give in! Do not sleep! You must live, Dunno! You must live!

Noticing that Dunno’s face was filled with some strange pallor, Pilyulkin again grabbed his hand. The pulse was not palpable. Pilyulkin pressed his ear to Dunno’s chest. No heartbeat could be heard. He again gave Dunno a sniff of ammonia, but it had no effect.

- Oxygen! - Pilyulkin shouted, throwing the bottle of ammonia aside.

Vintik and Shpuntik grabbed a rubber cushion and rushed to the gas compartment where the oxygen cylinders were stored, and Pilyulkin, without wasting a second of time, began to give Dunno artificial respiration. The short men gathered at the door of the cabin watched with alarm as Doctor Pilyulkin rhythmically raised Dunno’s hands up and immediately lowered them down, pressing them tightly to his chest. From time to time he stopped for a minute and, leaning his ear against Dunno’s chest, tried to catch the heartbeat, after which he continued to perform artificial respiration.

No one could say how much time had passed. Everyone thought it was a lot. Finally, Pilyulkin heard Dunno sigh. Pilyulkin was wary, but continued to raise and lower Dunno’s hands until he was sure that breathing had been restored. Seeing that Vintik and Shpuntik had brought a pillow with oxygen, he ordered the oxygen to be released little by little from a tube near the patient’s mouth. The short ones noticed with relief how the terrible pallor began to disappear from Dunno’s face. Finally he opened his eyes.

“Breathe, breathe, Dunno,” Doctor Pilyulkin said affectionately. “Now breathe, my dear, on your own.” Breathe deeply. And don't sleep, dear, don't sleep! Be patient a little!

He ordered oxygen to be given to the patient for some more time, and he began to wipe the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. At this time, one of the short guys looked out the window and said:

- Look, brothers, the Earth is already close.

Dunno wanted to get up to look, but from weakness he could not even turn his head.

“Lift me up,” he whispered. – I want to see the Earth one more time!

- Pick him up, pick him up! - Doctor Pilyulkin allowed.

Fuchsia and Herring took Dunno by the arms and brought her to the porthole. Dunno looked into it and saw the Earth. Now it was visible not as from the Moon, but in the form of a huge ball with light spots of continents and dark seas and oceans. There was a luminous halo around the globe that enveloped the entire Earth, like a warm, soft duvet. While Dunno looked, the Earth moved noticeably closer, and it was no longer possible to completely cover the globe with one’s gaze.

Seeing that Dunno was tired and breathing heavily, Fuchsia and Herring carried him back to bed, but he said:

- Dress me!

“Okay, okay,” said Doctor Pilyulkin. - Rest a little. Now we will dress you.

Fuchsia and Herring put Dunno to bed, put on his canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt, pulled stockings onto his legs and put on boots, finally tied a green tie around his neck and even put his favorite blue hat on his head.

- Now carry me! Bring it! - Dunno whispered in an intermittent voice.

-Where should I take you, my dear? – Pilyulkin was surprised.

- To the ground! Hurry!.. We need to get to Earth!

Seeing that Dunno was again breathing feverishly and trembling all over, Pilyulkin said:

- Good good. Now, my dear! Take him to the cabin.

Fuchsia and Herring carried Dunno out of the cabin. Doctor Pilyulkin opened the elevator cabin, and all four descended into the tail section of the rocket. After them, Vintik and Shpuntik, Professor Zvezdochkin and other shorties came down. Seeing that Fuchsia and Herring stopped at the door, Dunno became worried:

- Bring it, bring it! What are you doing?.. Open the door!.. To Earth! – he whispered, greedily catching the air with his lips.

- Now, dear, wait! “We’ll open it now,” answered Pilyulkin, trying to calm Dunno. “Now, my dear, let’s ask Znayka if we can open the door.”

And now, as if in response to this, the voice of Znayka was heard over the loudspeaker, who continued to remain at his post in the control cabin:

- Attention! Attention! We are starting to land. Get ready for the gravity to turn on! Everyone get ready for the heaviness!

The short ones, who did not have time to realize what was about to happen, suddenly felt a heaviness that affected them, like a push that knocked everyone off their feet. Vintik and Shpuntik were the first to realize what had happened, and, jumping to their feet, lifted the sick Dunno from the floor, and Pilyulkin and Zvezdochkin helped Fuchsia and Herring get up.

Before the short ones had time to get used to the weight, a second push followed, and everyone found themselves on the floor again.

- Earth!.. Prepare for landing! – Znayka’s voice rang out. – Open the airlock doors.

Professor Zvezdochkin, who was closest to the exit, decisively pressed the button. A ray of light flashed through the opened door.

- Carry me! Bring it! - Dunno shouted and stretched his hands towards the light.

Vintik and Shpuntik carried him out of the rocket and began to go down the metal stairs. Dunno took his breath away when he saw a bright blue sky with white clouds and the sun shining above his head. The fresh air intoxicated him. Everything swam before his eyes: a green meadow with yellow dandelions, white daisies and blue bells dappled among the emerald grass, and trees with leaves fluttering in the wind, and the blue, silvery surface of the river in the distance.

Seeing that Vintik and Shpuntik had already set foot on the ground. Dunno became terribly worried.

- And put me down! - he shouted. - Put me on the ground!

Vintik and Shpuntik carefully lowered Dunno with their feet to the ground.

- Now lead me! Lead! - Dunno shouted.

Vintik and Shpuntik slowly led him, carefully supporting him by the arms.

- Now let me in! Let me in! Me myself!

Seeing that Vintik and Shpuntik are afraid to let him go. Dunno began to break free from his hands and even tried to hit Shpuntik. Vintik and Shpuntik let him go. Dunno took a few hesitant steps, but immediately fell to his knees and, falling face down, began to kiss the ground. The hat flew off his head. Tears rolled down from my eyes. And he whispered:

- My land, mother! I will never forget you!

The red sun gently warmed him with its rays, a fresh breeze moved his hair, as if stroking his head. And Dunno felt as if some huge, enormous feeling was filling his chest. He didn’t know what this feeling was called, but he knew that it was good and that there was no better feeling in the world. He pressed his chest to the ground, as if to a native, close creature, and felt how his strength was returning to him again and his illness disappeared by itself.

Finally he cried all the tears he had and stood up from the ground. And he laughed merrily when he saw his short friends who joyfully greeted their native Earth.

- Well, brothers, that’s all! – he shouted cheerfully. – And now we can go on a trip somewhere again!

That's how short this Dunno was.

Illustrations: Revutskaya E.

In this article we will look at the summary of the book “Dunno on the Moon”. This work is familiar to many of us from childhood - someone read it, someone watched the excellent film adaptation. Today, stories telling about the adventures of Dunno are just as popular among the younger generation.

About the product

“Dunno on the Moon” (a brief summary below) is part of a series of books telling about the adventures of Dunno. The genre of the work is defined as a fairy tale novel. The book is the final part of the series, which included “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” and “Dunno in the Sunny City.”

The work was originally published in parts from 1964 to 1965 in the magazine “Family and School”. The book was published separately in 1965.

Nosov, “Dunno on the Moon”: summary

The events of the book take place two and a half years after the shorties visited Sunny City.

Scientists Fuchsia and Herring from Sunny City, together with Znayka, visited the Moon. After that, Znayka wanted to fly on her own. The idea aroused the interest of all residents and astronomer Steklyashkin. Meanwhile, Znayka composed an entire book in which he outlined his version of the origin of lunar craters. Among other things, the scientist argued that life is possible inside the Moon. Everyone laughed at this statement of Znayka, and no one believed him.

From the Moon, the scientist grabbed a small piece of local rock, which glowed at night. Somehow Znayka accidentally put it together with a piece of magnetic iron ore, and then in the house where he and several other shorties lived, miracles began to happen, the reason for which was... weightlessness. Resilient residents tried to adapt to it, even prepared lunch.

After the reason for what happened became clear, everyone again began to respect Znayka. Having opened the zero-gravity device, the short ones began to build a spaceship to fly to the Moon. As a gift to the lunar inhabitants, they loaded the seeds of giant plants into the rocket. It was decided not to take Donut and Dunno with us. Therefore, the night before departure, they snuck into the rocket to hide there, but accidentally pressed the launch button and flew away together.

Once on the Moon, the short guys put on spacesuits and went to explore its surface. By chance, Dunno fell into a tunnel and found himself inside the Moon.

Meeting Moon People

It turns out that Znayka was right, and short people really live under the surface of the Moon, but they are very different from the inhabitants of the Flower City. The social structure of the Moon is very similar to ours on Earth. Of course, the author touches on social issues in the novel “Dunno on the Moon.” The summary immediately shows how very different these worlds are - the world of Dunno and the world of the inhabitants of the Moon. In addition to purely external differences - small plants, smoking factories, skyscrapers and television - there are also significant internal ones.

So, finding himself in a strange world, Dunno got hungry and decided to go eat at the first cafe he came across. And when the little guy had eaten his fill, the waiter began to demand money from him, but Dunno didn’t have any, moreover, he didn’t even know what it was. So our hero ended up in jail. It had its own system for sorting prisoners, for example, according to the size of the nose, head, height, etc. After all the measuring procedures, Dunno was mistaken for a wanted recidivist thief.

Here, in jail, Dunno learns what money is and learns the basics of survival in a capitalist society. A cellmate tells him about the Island of Fools, where all lawbreakers are exiled, and from where no one returns. Our hero, in turn, talks about his homeland and giant plants, but no one believes him.

Immediately Dunno makes friends with Kozlik. The two of them are released. Before leaving, Mig, one of the prisoners, asks them to give a letter to someone outside. Kozlik and Dunno go to the shop owner Julio, to whom the message is addressed. As a result, Mig, Julio, Kozlik and Dunno conceive a joint-stock Society of Giant Plants. They are going to sell shares in order to use the proceeds to build a rocket and pick up seeds from the lunar surface. At least that's what Dunno thinks.

Bankruptcy of the Company

We continue to retell the summary of Nosov (“Dunno on the Moon”). Dunno is shown on television and presented as an astronaut; of course, everything is done in order to sell shares. Only the poor buy them, spending their last savings. The industrial magnate Spruts begins to take an interest in society; it is not in his interest for the poor to receive the seeds of giant plants. This could bankrupt him. Then Spruts decides to offer the founders a bribe. At the same time, he does not give away his own money, but the money collected by the rich people of the Moon. Julio and Mig immediately agree, but do not tell Dunno and Kozlik anything. Soon the public will learn about the escape of two founders and the bankruptcy of the Society. Because of this, Dunno and Kozlik have to flee to another city.

Fool's Island

Dunno faces many new troubles on the Moon. The summary tells about the wanderings of the hero and Kozlik - they have to spend the night in cheap hotels, more like prisons (with fleas, cockroaches and bedbugs). There is little money, and they take on any job. The goat starts to get sick. Dunno has to work and look after a friend. The hero walks dogs, but loses his job when the pets' owner finds out that he took them to a terrible hotel, where Dunno and Kozlik lived. As a result, the friends end up under the bridge, since there is no money left for a hotel. They are arrested and sent to Stupid Island.

At first, the friends decided that they had settled down perfectly. But later Dunno noticed that Kozlik was gradually turning into a sheep.

Donut Adventures

The characters created by N. Nosov (“Dunno on the Moon”) were quite interesting and different from each other. The summary now takes us back to the beginning of the work, but this time we learn about the adventures of Donut. After Dunno disappeared, Donut stayed on the rocket until the food ran out, and then went in search of his friend.

He falls inside the Moon and finds himself on the seashore, where there is a lot of salt, but the inhabitants do not use it. Donut starts his own business - he starts selling salt, and quickly gets rich. But other rich people begin to reduce the price of salt, and Donut goes bankrupt. As a result, he is forced to do the hard work of turning


The book “Dunno on the Moon” is coming to an end, the summary of which we have almost discussed. Now the story moves to Earth. Having discovered that there is no rocket, Znayka builds another rocket, and the shorties go to the Moon. The spacecraft ends up inside the Earth's satellite. Here, residents of the Flower City learn about the Society and distribute free seeds, while trying to find Dunno and Donut.

The runts from Earth give zero-gravity devices to the poor as protection from the police. Worker uprisings begin all around. Donut, having heard about the astronauts, goes to them. After this, Dunno also manages to be saved from Stupid Island.

Sprouts and Julio blow up the earthlings' rocket, but the shorties reach the surface of the Moon, where the first rocket stood, and fly home.

This is how the summary of the story “Dunno on the Moon” ends.

Dunno as a mirror of counter-revolution
Ment 10/25/2017

“Whoever has money will do well on Fool’s Island.” "Dunno on the Moon".

I noticed an interesting thing. Many of the books that made an indelible impression on me as a child I still re-read with great pleasure now. For example, “The Golden Key” is perceived almost as brightly; you enjoy the amazing language, images and a feeling of cheerful recklessness. But there is another category of books, much rarer. These are prophetic books. When you return to them after many years, you understand that our development has gone exactly in the direction as the author described.

I bow before Nikolai Nosov as a great children's writer. Few people described children's affairs so poignantly, with humor and kindness, and at the same time with sufficient plot. There was no aggression, no vile subtexts in his books - they were direct and honest. And incredibly interesting.

But the trilogy about Dunno stands apart. Because compared to her, all these Wangs and Caseys are just pathetic preparations. In three books, the Master literally described our entire Soviet history right up to its completion, which I hope is not final.

Nosov has a magical quality - you become so immersed in his books that you absolutely believe in what is happening. Well, short people the size of a finger, well, they live, communicate, rejoice - it happens. You become a prisoner of a strange and charming world. And he is ready, together with the short ones, to extract juice from giant plants and fly to other planets.

For those who don’t remember, the trilogy includes: “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”. I don’t know whether Nosov wanted to put into the books meanings that became clear later. There is an opinion that when a writer creates his works, he immerses himself in the information field of the Earth, from where meanings descend upon him. And the more talented the creator, the more he succeeds in this dark abyss, in which most people do not even believe, to obtain pearls of signals from the future. And then prophetic books appear, where our universal aspirations are expressed.

The first part - the described society can be compared with the socialism of enthusiasts, which is not very economically developed. The short ones live in some kind of barracks in communes, build, take care of giant plants. And at the same time they strive to the heights - they make balloons, like Soviet aeronauts of the thirties, trying to master the elements. At the same time, the world itself is extremely united and kind. It has its own slobs, like Dunno, and conflicts with grievances - so the hero can fight with his best friend Gunka. But there is one thing missing - dark bestial aggression. This world is kind, bright, everyone in it is created for each other.

“Dunno in the Sunny City” is a version of successful high-tech late socialism, to which we successfully walked, but did not arrive - we have stagnation and one bald Judas to thank for this. Flower City strives for these heights. An abundance of material goods, high arts, more educated people. And here Nosov caught alarming signals from the future. Dunno, having received a magic wand, turns donkeys into people at the zoo. But these new people are very ambiguous - hooligan, stubborn, arrogant, despising everything around them and prone to antisocial behavior. And they begin to lead an antisocial lifestyle, become hooligans, they have no inhibitions, no conscience. And suddenly, before our eyes, the idyll begins to fall apart. The vile behavior of donkeys, destroying social foundations, unexpectedly finds a lively response from others. Everyone wants something so, so, not boring. And society falls apart. A classic information infection is occurring. Malicious ideas very quickly germinate in society and bring it to the brink of self-destruction, and for no apparent reason. Chaos comes into the harmonious order of existence. And its driving force is donkeys. Sound familiar?

All this is written with frightening authenticity. Our entire perestroika appears before us with a shock to the foundations of social consciousness. How can a prosperous society be reduced to a state of complete bestiality in a few years by malicious information viruses (that is, destructive, but outwardly attractive, primitive ideas and slogans). We remember very well how donkeys and the inhabitants infected by them gathered for rallies - down with the CPSU, give in to America. We remember how monuments were demolished in Moscow, and they are still being demolished in Ukraine. And donkeys and sympathizers, deceived or simply slackers, are still dancing at Navalny’s rallies, and prophesying the formidable regime shaker Ksyushad as consul. The main quality of a donkey is stupid herd stubbornness and a complete lack of desire to understand something.

In the book, everything ends well - the donkeys are transformed back into their normal donkey state and returned to the stable. Society calmed down. Nosov was an optimist. In the eighties, it was not possible to return donkeys to the stable. And the donkey coup did happen. And we are still sipping the consequences of it with a pot with handles.

The third book is “Dunno on the Moon.” A society is described where donkeys won. Developed animal lunar capitalism, where pure and bright travelers from Earth end up...

In the sixties, when the novel was written, the lion's share of Soviet books were so-called pamphlets - that is, pouring all sorts of substances on our capitalist neighbors. What’s interesting is that not a single one remained in the memory due to primitivism and some kind of tension. We did not take seriously the nightmares that we wrote about capitalists, perhaps rightly so. But Nosov created a book of stunning credibility, including psychological authenticity. When I read it in those years, I was terribly worried about the characters - how did they end up in such a nightmare. I saw that it is impossible to live normally in such a society if you have a conscience, friends, and duty.

In the nineties, all of us, socialist Know-Nothings, already found ourselves in this very horror in reality. Naive, kind, not always understanding what was happening, like Dunno, who did not know that he had to pay for lunch, we were restless in our country. Someone disappeared, someone went wild, someone went into business, becoming a successful Donut with salt mines, and then went bankrupt and was thrown to the sidelines. But few people accepted this whole world order as fair, except for the evil donkeys who took us by the throat. But here’s the thing - Dunno had the Earth behind him, he knew that good friends would fly to save him, who would never leave him in trouble. There was nothing behind us then, and the future seemed pitch black.

Nosov’s description of the Moon is simply stunning with its absolutely detailed authenticity. It feels like he painted from life. Everything's there. And modern anti-art is purely Pavlensky and the Voina group. And annoying advertising. And the degradation of healthcare. And moral degradation, when man is a wolf to man. And the police are painted like this - it seems to me that many of my non-colleagues posed for the Great Writer. And the movie is “The Legend of Seven Strangled and One Drowned in Fuel Oil.” Everything written in the calm sixties came true with fantastic accuracy.

And the scam with giant plants - I don’t know if Mavrodi was inspired by this book, but you can’t dispute that everything went according to this scenario.

Some of the images in the book are downright archetypal in nature. The image of the Island of Fools, where short people just relax all day, is very reminiscent of all-inclusive hotels. And the fact that from stupid films and entertainment people become overgrown with wool, turn into sheep and are sheared, making money from it - this is generally an allegory of colossal depth and power, in which the entire modern Western, and even our, world...

“Dunno on the Moon” is our nineties. This is a deteriorating economy, poverty. This is an unstoppable greed that destroys everything and everyone, like toxic chemicals. This is a culture of sales, not achievement. This... This is all of us...

There is a story that when Yeltsin took the presidential oath, he needed a thick book under the cover of “The Constitution of the Russian Federation.” It is clear that the Presidential Administration did not have a Constitution - no one cared about it then, and at the top of power it was not needed in everyday life. Then the book “Dunno on the Moon” was given to the popularly elected one. Most likely, this is a fiction, but what is a fact is that Yeltsin made all the lunar nightmares come true, almost leaving behind a lunar landscape where there is nothing alive and correct.

Despite all the nightmares that Nosov describes, he has a gentle irony and optimism in every line. He never believes that there are dead ends anywhere. Its dead ends always become passageways and lead to beautiful squares with cheerful people and fountains. It seems to me that he predicted such an outcome in this book. The problems of sleepwalkers are solved by high technology - the appearance of giant plants. This is a jerk of such force that the old way of life is falling apart, the outdated society is bursting at the seams. Most likely, the same thing awaits us. After all, the Master didn’t write anything just like that.

Nosov’s heroes, the same Dunno, became folklore heroes deeply related to us. Of course, Dunno did not fit ideologically into our new capitalist structure, into monetarism, liberalism, and other isms. It is surprising that this book was not burned in public squares in the nineties as a warning to the enemies of democracy, perhaps together with the enemies themselves. Then they did it simpler - they filmed the cartoon “Dunno on the Moon.” Well made, beautifully drawn and completely emasculated. There is no horror of injustice, no image of a bright earthly world. There are environmental problems there. And they also gave Dunno a girl to accompany her, so that, like in Hollywood, you can’t go anywhere without love. And the book in the cartoon deflated, it became so cozy, homely, non-binding. Just Dunno, he’s just protecting the environment, well, he’s pushing Teslas, wind generators, and so on. Nice, tolerant, European style. True, they had not yet grown up to be gay, otherwise it’s scary to imagine Gunka.

I wonder if Nosov is studied at school? Akunin, a notorious Russophobe, is being studied. A couple more of the same cosmopolitans are also being studied. But the great book about the adventures of Dunno is not studied. It doesn’t fit ideologically - it’s all too much about unnaturally good people, and about some kind of justice. Subversive book. Although for me, Nosov is a classic on the level of Chekhov and Dostoevsky, and deserves much more.

Russia proposes that UNESCO declare 2018 the year of Solzhenitsyn - a malicious anti-Soviet, a liar who did everything to ruin our country, and, by and large, a professional, principled traitor. For some reason, no one is proposing to make it the year of the bright and joyful children's classic Nikolai Nosov. And it would be nice to rename the economic forum. Well, how did Gaidar deserve such an honor - a semi-literate economic saboteur, a hater of Russia, who destroyed our industry and sovereignty, throwing us into the nightmare of the nineties. That is why the same saboteurs gather at its meetings, unable to come up with a single sound idea. And call it a Dunno forum - he had much more economic wisdom.

And for a snack, selected explosive quotes from “Dunno on the Moon,” carefully selected by the authors of the Internet. Who can say that these are not prophecies?

Worldview: “Why do rich people need so much money? - Dunno was surprised. - Can a rich man eat several million?

- “Eat it up”! - Kozlik snorted. - If only they would eat! The rich man satiates his belly, and then begins to satiate his vanity.

What kind of vanity is this? - Dunno didn’t understand.

Well, this is when you want to throw dust in the nose of others"

Joint stock companies: “We also do not want to say that by purchasing shares, short sellers do not gain anything, since by buying shares they get the hope of improving their well-being. And hope, as you know, is also worth something. For nothing, as they say, the sore will not go away. You have to pay money for everything, but once you pay, you can dream.”

"Jeans": “- Dear viewers! - he said. - Ladies and Gentlemen! Doctor Syringe is speaking to you. You hear dull blows: knock! here! here! This is the heartbeat of an astronaut arriving on our planet. Attention attention! This is Dr. Syringe speaking. My address: Kholernaya street, house fifteen. Reception of patients daily from nine in the morning to six in the evening. Help at home. Phone calls. Visits at night are charged double. You hear the beat of the cosmic heart. There is a dental office. Removal, treatment and filling of teeth. The fee is moderate. Cholernaya, house fifteen. You hear heartbeats..."

Copyright and brand ownership:“Meanwhile, a representative of one of the advertising companies appeared in the reception area... Running up to Dunno, she thrust a poster into his hands that read:

"The shorties won't be sorry

And they won't waste their money in vain,

If everyone chews gingerbread

Candy factory "Zarya"

Jumping back two or three steps, she pointed the photographic camera at Dunno and took a picture. Seeing this, Miga completely lost his temper. He jumped up to Dunno, tore the poster out of his hands and angrily threw it on the floor, after which he jumped up to the representative of the advertising company and kicked her.”

Advertising: “Such are the morals of the lunar inhabitants! The lunar shorty will never eat candy, gingerbread, bread, sausage or ice cream from a factory that does not print advertisements in newspapers, and will not go for treatment to a doctor who has not come up with some puzzling advertisement to attract patients. Usually a sleepwalker buys only those things that he read about in the newspaper, but if he sees a cleverly composed advertisement somewhere on the wall, he may even buy something that he doesn’t need at all.” Monopolization of the economy: “The best way out of this situation is to start selling salt even cheaper. Owners of small factories will be forced to sell salt at too low a price, their factories will begin to operate at a loss, and they will have to close them. But then we will raise the price of salt again, and no one will stop us from making capital.”

Technology control: "In Can you imagine what could happen when these giant plants appear on our planet? There will be a lot of nutritious foods. Everything will become cheap. Poverty will disappear! In this case, who would want to work for you and me? What will happen to the capitalists? For example, you have now become rich. You can satisfy all your whims. You can hire a driver to drive you around in a car, you can hire servants to carry out all your orders: they clean your room, look after your dog, beat out carpets, put gaiters on you, you never know what! And who should do all this? All this should be done for you by poor people in need of income. And what poor man will come to your service if he does not need anything?.. You will have to do everything yourself. Why then do you need all your wealth?.. If the time comes when everyone feels good, then the rich will definitely feel bad. Take this into account."

Black PR: " - And what. Could the giant plant society collapse? - Grizzle (the newspaper editor) became wary and moved his nose, as if sniffing something.

“It should burst,” Krabs replied, emphasizing the word “should.”

Should it?... Oh, it should! - Grizzly smiled, and his upper teeth dug into his chin again. - Well, it will burst if it has to, I dare to assure you! Ha-ha!...”

State of the Science:“Dunno asked why lunar astronomers or lunarologists have not yet built an aircraft capable of reaching the outer shell of the Moon. Memega said that building such a device would be too expensive, while lunar scientists do not have the money. Only the rich have money, but no rich person will agree to spend money on a business that does not promise big profits.

The lunar rich are not interested in the stars, said Alpha. - Rich people, like pigs, do not like to lift their heads to look up. They are only interested in money!”

Legality:“Who are these policemen? - asked Herring. - Bandits! - Spikelet said with irritation. - Honestly, bandits! In reality, the duty of the police is to protect the population from robbers, but in reality they only protect the rich. And the rich are the real robbers. They only rob us, hiding behind laws that they themselves invent. Tell me, what difference does it make whether I am robbed according to the law or not according to the law? I do not care!".

“Try not to obey here, when everything is in their hands: land, factories, money, and, in addition, weapons!” Kolosok became sad. “Now I’ll come home,” he said, “and the police will grab me and put me in jail.” And the seeds will be taken away. This is clear! The rich will not allow anyone to plant giant plants. Apparently, we are not destined to get rid of poverty!"

"Police Technology": “What do you think this is? - asked the policeman. - Well, take a sniff.

Dunno carefully sniffed the tip of the baton.

“Must be a rubber stick,” he muttered.

- "Rubber stick"! - the policeman mimicked. - It’s clear that you’re an ass! This is an advanced rubber baton with an electrical contact. Abbreviated as URDEK. Come on, stand still! - he commanded. R-r-hands at the seams! And no r-talk!”

Methods:...Do you know who you are?

Who? - Dunno asked with fear.

A famous bandit and raider named Handsome, who committed sixteen train robberies, ten armed bank raids, seven prison escapes (the last time he escaped last year by bribing the guards) and stole a total of twenty million ferthings worth of valuables! - Migl said with a joyful smile.

Dunno waved his hands in embarrassment.

Yes you! What do you! It's not me! - he said.

No, you, Mr. Handsome! What are you ashamed of? With money like yours, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I think you have some left of twenty million. You've undoubtedly hidden something. Yes, give me at least a hundred thousand of these millions of yours, and I will let you go. After all, no one except me knows that you are the famous robber Handsome. And instead of you, I’ll put some tramp in prison, and everything will be all right, honestly! Well, give me at least fifty thousand... Well, twenty... I can’t do less, honestly! Give me twenty thousand and get out of here."

Judicial system:“You've gone completely crazy here! - Wrigl shouted with irritation. -Who do you think Handsome is? Eh?.. Handsome - a famous personality! Everyone knows the handsome guy. Handsome millionaire! Half the police have been bribed by Handsome, and tomorrow, if he wants, he will buy us all with all our guts... And who is this? - Wrigl continues to shout, pointing his finger at Dunno. - Who is he, I ask! Who knows? What did he do?.. Dine for free? So why is he here? And all he wants is here, you such a fool! Here he is warm and light, and fleas don’t bite him. He only dreams of how to quickly get into jail and start eating up the police! This is not a real criminal, but a rogue with empty pockets. What will you take from him when he doesn’t even have money for lunch?”

Legalized common funds:"Hey, who's there? Is this the police department? Please connect me with the commandant. Mr. Julio, a member of the mutual benefit society, is speaking to you. Do you have Mige arrested? Yes, yes, Mr. Mige... The Mutual Benefit Society vouches for him. This is an absolutely honest person, I assure you! So honest, the likes of which the world has never produced... Can I make a deposit?.. Thank you. I’ll come with the money now.”

Credit history:“I then entered the factory and began to earn decent money. I even started saving money for a rainy day, just in case I suddenly became unemployed again. It was just difficult, of course, to resist spending the money. And then they still started saying that I need to buy a car. I say: why do I need a car? I can also walk. And they tell me: it’s a shame to walk. Only poor people walk. In addition, you can buy a car in installments. You make a small cash contribution, get a car, and then you will pay a little every month until you have paid off all the money. Well, that's what I did. Let, I think, everyone imagine that I am also a rich man. Paid the down payment and received the car. He sat down, drove off, and immediately fell into a ka-a-ah-ha-navu (from excitement, Kozlik even began to stutter). I broke my car, you know, I broke my leg and four more ribs.

Well, did you fix the car later? - asked Dunno.

What you! While I was sick, I was kicked out of work. And then it’s time to pay the premium for the car. But I don’t have any money! Well, they tell me: then give the car-aha-ha-mobile back. I say: go, take it to kaa-ha-hanave. They wanted to sue me for ruining the car, but they saw that there was nothing to take from me anyway, and they let go. So I didn’t have a car or money.”

Medicine:“The doctor carefully examined the patient and said that it was best to put him in a hospital, since the disease was very advanced. Having learned that he would have to pay twenty ferthings for treatment in the hospital, Dunno was terribly upset and said that he received only five ferthings a week and it would take him a whole month to collect the required amount.

If you wait another month, the patient will no longer need any medical care,” the doctor said. “Immediate treatment is needed to save him.”

"Postmodern": “You, brother, better not look at this picture,” Kozlik told him. - Don’t rack your brains in vain. It’s still impossible to understand anything here. All our artists paint like this, because rich people only buy such paintings. One will paint such squiggles, another will draw some incomprehensible squiggles, the third will completely pour liquid paint into a tub and dab it in the middle of the canvas, so that the result will be some kind of awkward, meaningless spot. You look at this spot and can’t understand anything - it’s just some kind of abomination! And the rich people watch and even praise. “We, they say, don’t need the picture to be understandable. We don’t want some artist to teach us anything. A rich man understands everything even without an artist, but a poor man doesn’t need to understand anything. That’s why he a poor man, so as not to understand anything and live in darkness."

Mass media:“There were “Business Savvy”, “Newspaper for Fat People”, and “Newspaper for Thin People”, and “Newspaper for Smart People”, and “Newspaper for Fools”. Yes Yes! Don’t be surprised: it’s “for fools.” Some readers may think that it would be unwise to name a newspaper this way, as who would buy a newspaper with such a name. After all, no one wants to be considered a fool. However, the residents did not pay attention to such trifles. Everyone who bought the “Newspaper for Fools” said that he bought it not because he considered himself a fool, but because he was interested in finding out what they wrote about there for fools. By the way, this newspaper was run very wisely. Everything in it was clear even to fools. As a result, “Newspaper for Fools” was sold in large quantities...”

Mass culture:“...At first you will be fed, watered, and treated to whatever you want, and you won’t have to do anything. Eat and drink, have fun, sleep, and walk as much as you like. From such a stupid pastime, the little guy on the island gradually becomes stupid, runs wild, then begins to grow wool and eventually turns into a ram or a sheep.”

The system as a whole:“...whoever has money will do well on Fool’s Island. For the money the rich man will build himself a house in which the air is well purified, pay a doctor, and the doctor will prescribe him pills that will make his hair grow less quickly. In addition, for the rich there are so-called beauty salons. If some rich man swallows harmful air, he quickly runs to such a salon. There, for money, they will begin to give him various poultices and rubbings, so that the sheep's muzzle looks like an ordinary short face. True, these poultices do not always help. If you look at such a rich man from afar, he looks like he’s a normal little guy, but if you look closer, he’s just a simple sheep.”
A Krasnodar blogger was almost recognized as an extremist for quoting from “Dunno on the Moon”

Police believe children's book character's phrase incites discord
Evgeniya Ostraya 10.10.2017

Mikhail Malakhov is an ordinary 33-year-old Krasnodar resident. But, as it is fashionable to say, with an active civic position. There are a dime a dozen of these on the Internet now. Nick chose a romantic one - Dreamer (from English - dreamer) and, following the laws of the genre, posts thoughtful speeches on the page of his dreamy group.

More than half of the materials on my page have nothing to do with politics,” Malakhov tells Komsomolskaya Pravda.

And these posts have hundreds of readers.

After the publication of the most informative of them - an excerpt from Nikolai Nosov’s book about the adventures of his immortal hero Dunno - Malakhov received a call from the “E” center (he is involved in the fight against extremism. - Author).

Out of surprise, Mikhail didn’t even immediately realize which law enforcement agency representatives said in a stern voice that a statement had been received regarding his extremist behavior. The man was officially invited to give an explanation.

They start reading to me in all seriousness:

“Who are these policemen? - asked Herring. - Bandits! - Spikelet said with irritation. - Honestly, bandits! In reality, the duty of the police is to protect the population from robbers, but in reality they only protect the rich. And the rich are the real robbers. They only rob us, hiding behind laws that they themselves invent. Tell me, what difference does it make whether I am robbed according to the law or not according to the law? I do not care! - It’s somehow wonderful here! - said Vintik. - Why do you listen to the police and these... what do you call them, rich people? “Try not to obey here, when everything is in their hands: land, factories, money, and, in addition, weapons!”

Are you inciting hatred towards the police here? - says the caller. I tried to explain that this was actually an excerpt from Dunno, that it was Nosov, not me,” the blogger continues.

The harmlessness of the quote from a children's book, according to the police officer, will be assessed by professional linguists.

And blogger Malakhov decided not to rush into visiting the Krasnodar center for combating extremism, whose employees were deeply touched by a quote from Dunno. Moreover, the department limited itself to a phone call.

I think that if I go there, it will only be with a lawyer,” says Mikhail.

The police have not yet officially commented on the situation, which caused a storm in the media.


But famous Krasnodar lawyer Alexey Avanesyan volunteered to go for interrogation with the blogger.

In my opinion, there can be no crime in this case. And first of all, because then Nosov’s book “Dunno on the Moon” itself will have to be recognized as extremist. Fortunately, this has not happened yet. A crime would occur if the quotation from the book were used in conjunction with its own derogatory context.

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