Prayers and akathist to Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica. Akathist to Demetrius of Thessaloniki Akathist to the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

Wonderful governor of the city of Thessaloniki, great servant of Christ and glorious passion-bearer, Saint Demetrius, exuding the worldly mercy of myrrh, praiseworthy we will sing to you who honor your holy memory. But you, having boldness towards the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, who faithfully call to you:

Ikos 1

The Creator of Angels and the Lord of Powers has revealed you, most wonderfully, an angel in the flesh, a strong martyr and a strong representative of the faithful. Having resorted to your intercession, we bring you the joyful calico:

Rejoice, shining star in the firmament of the church; Rejoice, lamp, illuminating the world with miracles.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of faith; Rejoice, indestructible shield of Christians.

Rejoice, bright adornment of Thessaly; Rejoice, Thessalonica, glorious praise.

Rejoice, fellow citizen of the apostles; Rejoice, O celestial martyrs.

Rejoice, accept the petitions of those who pray to you; Rejoice, pray to God for all of us.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing yourself childless, your pious parent diligently prayed to God for the gift of a child. The Almighty accepts her prayer, and remembering the alms he has given to the poor, bestows them on you, blessed one. For this reason, with joy, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a divine mind, as if you were a child of what was given by God, you abhorred pagan charms, wiser. Having loved parental piety, through virtues like a ladder ascending from strength to strength, you have acquired the grace of God, and ask us, who honor you with these titles, to receive it too:

Rejoice, prayerful vegetation of a pious parent; Rejoice, heir to their piety.

Rejoice, you who made many glad by your birth; Rejoice, thou overshadowed by grace from above from the womb.

Rejoice, fragrant scent of virginity and incorruption; Rejoice, illuminated by your soul and body.

Rejoice, repository of God's gifts; Rejoice from your youth, despising idolatry.

Rejoice, you who love true worship of God even to death; Rejoice, for you have pleased Christ with your piety.

Rejoice, for through His grace you have created much fruit; Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High, Demetrius, is brave in battle, fearful of the enemy, renowned by all people. Likewise, the evil Tsar Maximian handed over to you the city of Thessaloniki, commanding, as if he were so wise, to persecute the Christians who sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a zeal favorable to piety, you confessed Christ before the unbelievers, the most praiseworthy, and you taught them to believe and worship Him, and as the second Paul was a Thessalonian, with them we cry out to you:

Rejoice, precious bead of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, decoration of your city.

Rejoice, you who bear divine jealousy in your heart; Rejoice, victorious tormentors of deceit.

Rejoice, accuser of idolatry charms; Rejoice, cutter of idols' thorns.

Rejoice, piety to the teacher; Rejoice, teacher on the path of salvation.

Rejoice, unapproachable by visible and invisible enemies; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 4

He was overcome by a storm of evil thoughts, the wicked king was dismayed, having led you, in all honesty, to be a faithful servant of Christ, leading you to faith in Him and overthrowing idols, teaching the Thessalonians to glorify the thrice-holy name of God and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing that Maximian, who was breathing on you with rage, was coming to Thessaloniki, with prayer and fasting you prepared yourself for torment, commanding Luppus, your faithful servant, to squander all your possessions and temporary wealth on the poor. Moreover, praising you, we call you with love:

Rejoice, thou who did not fear the rebuke of the tormentor; Rejoice, that you may have gained Christ, you who are all wasted.

Rejoice, thou who imputed the vain glory of this world into one’s mind; Rejoice, having received heavenly glory from Christ our God.

Rejoice, for you have compassion for everyone who requires help from you; Rejoice, quick intercessor to those in need.

Rejoice, enricher of the poor; Rejoice, representative of the orphans.

Rejoice, helper to the poor; Rejoice, hungry nourisher.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 5

Be like the most godly star, Demetrius, you boldly preached the Sun of Truth through darkness to the possessed king. In prison, imprisoned by him, you glorified Christ our God in it, as in the bright devil, singing to Him with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the flow of good, the hater of the devil, the blessed one who has passed away, consumed by envy, rushes at you in the form of a scorpion. Having trampled upon him, you saw in the great lordship the angel of the Lord, strengthening you and giving you the crown of paradise, therefore accept from us earthly a small crown of praise:

Rejoice, trumpet, who proclaimed Christ God to the unfaithful; Rejoice, flute, who delights the hearing of the faithful.

Rejoice, for with your courage you have rejoiced the inhabitants of heaven; Rejoice, comforted in a darker prison by a holy angel.

Rejoice, most bright palace in heaven, like a martyr who inherited; Rejoice, victorious in the flesh, fleshless enemies.

Rejoice, thou who have plundered them like a spider; Rejoice, the bright end of victory has been accepted.

Rejoice, crowned with the crown of the King of Glory; Rejoice, thou who hast been granted deep grace from Him.

Rejoice, you who have great boldness in acquiring Him.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of evil, Maximian, rejoiced, as his mighty fighter Leah killed Christians. Blessed Nestor, not tolerating that inhumanity, asked you, martyr, for a blessing, and went overthrown him to the spear, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having shone forth in Thessalonica the enlightenment of truth, holy one, you sent Nestor to the Lord through beating from the wicked. You yourself, by the command of the king, were gored with spears for Christ; before Him remember us too, who remember your suffering and cry out to you:

Rejoice, having strengthened the deposition of Nestor with your prayers at Lievo; Rejoice, for after the death of Leah, you suffered martyrdom together with Nestor.

Rejoice, for for the sake of the One who was pierced on the Cross, you were gored with spears; Rejoice, escorted into heaven with glory by an angel after death.

Rejoice, dwell in the unflickering light with your soul; Rejoice, rejoice with the martyrs and all the saints.

Rejoice, protection of those who sing songs; Rejoice, prayer book for those who honor your holy memory.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 7

Although blessed Lupus received a blessing from you, the passion-bearer of Christ, after your death he took your ring and the robe dipped in your blood, and having performed many miracles and healings with them, he was beheaded, and he sang together with you and Nestor in the Trinity to the glorified God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

By building a new temple for you, Leontius, who was healed by you, will find in the land your holy relics, exuding myrrh, the whole city is filled with its fragrance and many sick people are healed. In the same way, heal and sweeten us, who cry out to you:

Rejoice, lover of the fragrance of virtues from youth; Rejoice, angelic disposition acquisitive from infancy.

Rejoice, vessel of grace; Rejoice, temple of purity and purity.

Rejoice, for the Lord has made an abode in you with the Father and the Spirit; Rejoice, for He glorified your relics with incorruptibility of grace.

Rejoice, fragrant Myrrh flows from those; Rejoice, grant sanctification and healing to those.

Rejoice, for you are more fragrant than spikenard and myrrh; Rejoice, for with your fragrance you drive away the stench of passions.

Rejoice, you who sanctified your land and clothes with your blood; Rejoice, heal our mental and physical wounds with your wounds.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 8

You created a strange and wondrous miracle, most wonderfully, when your temple builder returned home, he received the shroud from your holy relics, and passed the wavering and high-water river without getting wet. To the same God who is glorified in you with your heart and lips, sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All burning with love and zeal for you, Leontius the Second, in your honor, holy one, created a temple in Illyria, his fatherland, and there, as in Thessaloniki, many sick and suffering from unclean spirits were healed by your prayers, and many other miracles were performed. And we, marveling at you, cry out:

Rejoice, strong intercessor of those who glorify you with love; Rejoice, wonderful covering for those who build temples in your name.

Rejoice, health to the giver; Rejoice, healer of ailments.

Rejoice, you direct the flow of blood; Rejoice, Eparch Marina, free from scabs and pus.

Rejoice, with your clothes, like Paul of the Ubrists, you worked miracles; Rejoice, who showed the way to Leonty on the river.

Rejoice, for the rapids of the river obey you; Rejoice, for the souls of malice flee from those who call on your name.

Rejoice, for through your intercession we too hope to be preserved from the slander of the enemy; Rejoice, for through your intercession we also believe that we will be delivered from the flood of other troubles.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed, Saint Demetrius, at your great boldness. I wanted to betray Thessaloniki to the Lord as an enemy, and by the appearance of an angel, I commanded you to leave the city, but you did not leave that glorious one. Having also been vouchsafed a terrible vision and hearing, Illustration tremblingly exclaimed: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The many-prophesied events will not be able to understand, like sometimes captive virgins, your image, the holy one who captured them by sewing, who suddenly admired you, and placed you at your tomb, holding a vigil in your memory, blessing the Lord for you, with tenderness we call to you:

Rejoice, for the truth on earth, even suffering to the point of bleeding; Rejoice, in heaven you stand boldly before the throne of God.

Rejoice, you who are useful from there and send to the faithful; Rejoice, free those who call you from troubles.

Rejoice, for you quickly help those who are embittered; Rejoice, for the Lord graciously listens to your prayers.

Rejoice, inexhaustible storehouse of miracles; Rejoice, inexhaustible source of signs.

Rejoice, liberator of the captives; Rejoice, tamer of barbaric insolence.

Rejoice, send consolation to the sad; Rejoice, give joy to those who mourn.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 10

To save your city from famine, you appeared, Demetrius, in the sea shelters and fathers, commanding those who had wheat to sail with it to Thessaloniki. Moreover, having been delivered from death by you, I give thanks to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You have appeared to your city as an indestructible wall, God-wise, and an invincible protector to all who call on you, so the Creator of heaven and earth has been kind to you. Likewise, teach us to invite you:

Rejoice, great lover of mercy; Rejoice, compassionate caretaker for the needy.

Rejoice, you who save the faithful from famine; Rejoice, remove them from the invasion of those tongues.

Rejoice, you who have delivered many of Thessalonians from the bonds of bitter labor; Rejoice, removing destructive ulcers and other harm from them.

Rejoice, commander, overcome by no one in courage; Rejoice, warrior, who is no longer depleted in strength.

Rejoice, all who rush towards your city, like Moses, overthrow Amalek; Rejoice, as Sampson, drive away the foreigners.

Rejoice, thou who grant victory to the faithful tsar over their enemies; Rejoice, helping us as a Christ-loving warrior in battle.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 11

All singing is overcome, O great praise, before the radiance of your glory and the greatness of your miracles. When King Justinian desired to have part of your relics in the Sophia Temple, fire came from your tomb against those sent from him, forbidding them to touch your race. In the same surprise and fear, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A shining star, to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, we see you, holy one. I serve Onesiphorus at your tomb with the darkness of sacrilege, and by your double appearance I forbade him to steal the candles lit by the faithful at your relics. For this reason, we call you with reverence:

Rejoice, you who lived holy before your martyrdom; Rejoice, glorified by miracles at the end.

Rejoice, for you rest alive in the city with your relics; Rejoice, for you are the one who brings miracles to life.

Rejoice, for you dissolve the truth with mercy; Rejoice, for you burn with the fire of jealousy for the glory of God.

Rejoice, having your holy relics inviolable; Rejoice, those who dare touch it, like lightning scorching.

Rejoice, you who teach those who sin; Rejoice, punisher of blasphemers.

Rejoice, give sanctification to those who reverence you diligently; Rejoice, fragrance of peace to those who faithfully honor you.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 12

You have received grace, Demetrius, to heal every ailment and every illness in people. Grant healing to our souls and bodies, so that we may sing thanks to God, who has given you a helper and healer: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, we please you, most miraculously, having boldly confessed Christ God before the wicked, we glorify your martyrdom, we honor your memory, and we bring you joyful calico:

Rejoice, zealous follower of the feet of Christ the Savior of all; Rejoice, let us pass on his courageous imitator.

Rejoice, glorify God with heavenly powers; Rejoice, pray with the Queen of heaven and earth for peace.

Rejoice, thou who grantest blessing to the faithful with a multi-healing world; Rejoice, healing those who are weakened in body and spirit.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy great martyr and faithful servant of Christ, Demetrius, the myrrh-streamer, having received this little hymn from us, pray to Christ our God, may the shrine of the Orthodox faith dwell and be fragrant in our hearts, may the oil of good deeds multiply in our lives, may our lamps not go out in the midnight hour of the meeting of the Heavenly Bridegroom, and may we be honored with you to sing to Him in the eternal Kingdom: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Creator of Angels...” and the 1st kontakion “Wonderful Governor...”


Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and to free us from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city, this monastery and every Christian country. Seek from the King of the Reigns victory and victory over the enemies of the Orthodox Christians, the entire Orthodox Empire for peace, silence, firmness in faith and advancement in piety; For us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that our Lord Christ God works here with grace, we may be worthy through your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for His eternal glorification with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion, tone 3

You will find a great champion in troubles, the universe, passion-bearing, conquering tongues. Just as you brought down Leah’s pride, and you boldly created Nestor for the feat, so, Saint Demetrius, prayed to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 2

With streams of your blood, Demetrius, God stained the Church, giving you an invincible fortress/ and keeping your city unharmed,/ for this you are the affirmation.


First prayer

Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and to free us from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city, this monastery and every Christian country.
Seek from the King of the Reigns victory and victory over the enemies of the Orthodox Christians, the entire Orthodox Empire for peace, silence, firmness in faith and advancement in piety; For us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that our Lord Christ God works here with grace, we may be worthy through your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for His eternal glorification with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Second prayer

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and for us, the accursed (names), to be delivered from the all-destructive plague, fire and eternal punishment.
Pray for His goodness to favor this parish (or house) and our temple. Ask us for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that what is pleasing to our Master, Christ God, who works here, may be worthy through Your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and there glorify Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing yourself childless, your pious parent diligently prayed to God for the gift of a child. The Almighty accepts her prayer, and remembering the alms he has given to the poor, bestows them on you, blessed one. For this reason, with joy, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a Divine mind, as if you were a child of what was given by God, you abhorred pagan charms, wiser. Having loved parental piety, through virtues like the Ladder ascending from strength to strength, you have acquired the grace of God, so ask us, who honor you with these titles, to receive them too:
Rejoice, prayerful vegetation of a pious parent;
Rejoice, heir to their piety;
Rejoice, you who made many glad by your birth.
Rejoice, thou overshadowed by grace from above from the womb;
Rejoice, fragrant scent of virginity and incorruption.
Rejoice, illuminated by your soul and body;
Rejoice, repository of God's gifts.
Rejoice, you who despised idolatry from your youth;
Rejoice, true worshiper of God, loving even unto death.
Rejoice, for through your piety you have pleased Christ.
Rejoice, for through His grace you have created much fruit.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High, Demetrius, is brave in battle, fearful of the enemy, renowned by all people. Likewise, the evil Tsar Maximian handed over to you the city of Thessaloniki, commanding, as if he were so wise, to persecute the Christians who sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a zeal favorable to piety, you confessed Christ before the unbelievers, the most praiseworthy, and you taught them to believe and worship Him, and as the second Paul was a Thessalonian, with him we cry out to you:
Rejoice, precious bead of the Church of Christ;
Rejoice, decoration of your city.
Rejoice, you who bear divine jealousy in your heart;
Rejoice, victorious tormentors of deceit.
Rejoice, accuser of idolatry charms;
Rejoice, you cut the idol's thorns.
Rejoice, piety to the teacher;
Rejoice, teacher on the path of salvation.
Rejoice, unapproachable by visible and invisible enemies;
Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 4

He was overcome by a storm of evil thoughts, the wicked king was dismayed, having led you, in all honesty, to be a faithful servant of Christ, leading you to faith in Him and casting down idols, teaching the Thessalonians to glorify the Trisagion of God and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing that Maximian, who was breathing on you with rage, was coming to Thessaloniki, with prayer and fasting you prepared yourself for torment, commanding Luppus, your faithful servant, to squander all your possessions and temporary wealth on the poor. We also call you in praise and love:
Rejoice, you who were not afraid of the tormentor’s petitions;
Rejoice, that you have gained Christ, you who are all wasted.
Rejoice, thou who imputed the vain glory of this world into one’s mind;
Rejoice, having received heavenly glory from Christ our God.
Rejoice, for you have compassion for everyone who requires help from you;
Rejoice, quick intercessor to those in need.
Rejoice, enricher of the poor;
Rejoice, representative of the orphans.
Rejoice, helper to the poor;
Rejoice, hungry nourisher.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 5

Be like the most godly star, Demetrius, you boldly preached the Sun of Truth through darkness to the possessed king. In prison, imprisoned by him, you glorified Christ our God in it, as in the bright devil, singing to Him with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the flow of good, the hater of the devil, the blessed one who has passed away, consumed by envy, rushes at you in the form of a scorpion. But you, having trampled upon him, saw in the great lordship the Angel of the Lord, strengthening you and giving you the crown of heaven, therefore accept from us earthly a small crown of praise:
Rejoice, trumpet, who proclaimed Christ God to the unfaithful;
Rejoice, flute, who delights the hearing of the faithful;
Rejoice, for with your courage you have rejoiced the inhabitants of heaven.
Rejoice, comforted in a darker prison by the holy Angel;
Rejoice, most luminous palace in Heaven, like a martyr who inherited it.
Rejoice, thou who conquered the fleshless enemies in the flesh;
Rejoice, treacherous of them, like one who destroys a spider.
Rejoice, the bright end of victory has been accepted;
Rejoice, crowned with the crown of the King of Glory.
Rejoice, thou who hast been granted deep grace from him;
Rejoice, great boldness to him who has acquired it.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of evil, Maximian, rejoiced, as his mighty fighter Leah killed Christians. Blessed Nestor, not tolerating that inhumanity, asked you, martyr, for a blessing, and went overthrown him to the spear, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having shone forth in Thessalonica the enlightenment of truth, holy one, you sent Nestor to the Lord through beating from the wicked. You yourself, by the command of the king, were gored with spears for Christ; before Him remember us too, who remember your suffering and cry out to you:
Rejoice, having strengthened the deposition of Nestor with your prayers at Lievo;
Rejoice, for after the death of Leah, you suffered martyrdom together with Nestor.
Rejoice, for for the sake of the One who was pierced on the cross, you were gored with spears;
Rejoice, escorted into heaven with glory by an angel after death.
Rejoice, dwell in the unflickering light with your soul;
Rejoice, rejoice with the martyrs and all the saints.
Rejoice, protection of those who sing songs;
Rejoice, prayer book for those who honor your holy memory.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 7

Although blessed Lupus received a blessing from you, the passion-bearer of Christ, having taken your ring and a robe dipped in your blood after your death, and having performed many miracles and healings with them, he was beheaded, and he sang together with you and Nestor in Trinity to the glorified God: Alleluia .

Ikos 7

By building a new temple for you, Leontius, who was healed by you, will find in the land your holy relics, exuding myrrh, the whole city is filled with its fragrance and many sick people are healed. In the same way, heal and sweeten us, who cry out to you:
Rejoice, lover of the fragrance of virtues from youth;
Rejoice, angelic disposition acquisitive from infancy.
Rejoice, vessel of grace;
Rejoice, temple of purity and purity.
Rejoice, for the Lord has made an abode in you with the Father and the Spirit;
Rejoice, for you have glorified Your relics with the incorruptibility of grace.
Rejoice, fragrant myrrh flows from those;
Rejoice, grant sanctification and healing to those.
Rejoice, for you are more fragrant than spikenard and myrrh;
Rejoice, for with your fragrance you drive away the stench of passions.
Rejoice, you who sanctified your land and clothes with your blood;
Rejoice, heal our mental and physical wounds with your wounds.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 8

You created a strange and wondrous miracle, most wonderfully, when your temple builder returned home, he received the shroud from your holy relics, and passed the wavering and high-water river without getting wet. With your heart and lips sing to the God who is glorified in you: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All burning with love and zeal for you, Leontius the second, in your holy honor, created a temple in Illyria, his fatherland, and there, as in Solun, many sick and suffering from unclean spirits were healed by your prayers, and many other miracles were performed. And we, marveling at you, cry out:
Rejoice, strong intercessor of those who glorify you with love;
Rejoice, wonderful protection for those who build temples in your name.
Rejoice, health to the giver;
Rejoice, healer of ailments.
Rejoice, you direct the flow of blood;
Rejoice, Eparch Marina, free from scabs and pus.
Rejoice, with your clothes, like Paul of the Ubrists, you worked miracles;
Rejoice, who showed the way to Leonty on the river.
Rejoice, for the rapids of the river obey you;
Rejoice, for the souls of malice flee from those who call on your name.
Rejoice, for through your intercession we too hope to be preserved from the slander of the enemy;
Rejoice, for through your intercession we also believe that we will be delivered from the flood of other troubles.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed, Saint Demetrius, at your great boldness. I want to betray Thessaloniki to the Lord as an enemy, and by the appearance of an angel, I commanded you to leave the city, but you did not leave that glorious one. Having also been vouchsafed a terrible vision and hearing, Illustration tremblingly exclaimed: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The many-prophesied oracles will not be able to understand, like sometimes captive virgins, your image, the holy one who captured them by sewing the prince, suddenly praised you, and placed a vigil in your memory at your tomb, blessing the Lord for you, with tenderness we call to you:
Rejoice, for the truth on earth, even suffering to the point of bleeding;
Rejoice, you who boldly present yourself in heaven to the throne of God.
Rejoice, you who are useful from there and send to the faithful;
Rejoice, free those who call you from troubles.
Rejoice, for you quickly help those who are embittered;
Rejoice, for the Lord graciously listens to your prayers.
Rejoice, inexhaustible storehouse of miracles;
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of signs.
Rejoice, liberator of the captives;
Rejoice, tamer of barbaric insolence.
Rejoice, send consolation to the sad;
Rejoice, give joy to those who mourn.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 10

To save your city from famine, you appeared, Demetrius, in the sea shelters and fathers, commanding those who had wheat to sail with it to Thessaloniki. Moreover, having been delivered from death by you, I give thanks to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You have appeared to your city as an indestructible wall, God-wise, and an invincible protector to all who call on you, so the Creator of heaven and earth has been kind to you. Likewise, teach us to invite you:
Rejoice, great lover of mercy;
Rejoice, compassionate caretaker of the needy.
Rejoice, you who save the faithful from famine;
Rejoice, remove those tongues from the invasion.
Rejoice, you who have delivered many of Thessalonians from the bonds of bitter labor;
Rejoice, you removed destructive ulcers and other harm from them.
Rejoice, commander, overcome by no one in courage;
Rejoice, warrior, who is no longer depleted in strength.
Rejoice, all who rush towards your city, like Moses, overthrow Amalek;
Rejoice, as Sampson, drive away the foreigners.
Rejoice, thou who grant victory to the faithful tsar over their enemies.
Rejoice, help us as a Christ-loving warrior in battle.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 11

All singing is overcome, O great praise, before the radiance of your glory and the greatness of your miracles. When King Justinian desired to have part of your relics in the Sophia Temple, fire came from your tomb against those sent from him, forbidding them to touch your race. In the same surprise and fear, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A shining star, to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, we see you, holy one. I serve Onesiphorus at your tomb with the darkness of sacrilege, and by your double appearance I forbade him to steal the candles lit by the faithful of your relics. For this reason, we call you with reverence:
Rejoice, you who lived holy before your martyrdom;
Rejoice, thou who became glorified at the end of miracles.
Rejoice, for you rest alive in the city with your relics;
Rejoice, for you are the one who brings miracles to life.
Rejoice, for you dissolve the truth with mercy;
Rejoice, for you are burning with the fire of jealousy for the glory of God.
Rejoice, having your holy relics inviolable;
Rejoice, those who dare touch them like lightning that burns.
Rejoice, you who teach those who sin;
Rejoice, punisher of blasphemers.
Rejoice, you diligently bestow sanctification on those who reverence you;
Rejoice, fragrance with peace those who honor you faithfully.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 12

You have received grace, Demetrius, to heal every ailment and every illness in people. Grant healing to our souls and bodies, so that we may sing thanks to God, who has given you a helper and healer: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, we please you, most miraculously, having boldly confessed Christ God before the wicked, we glorify your martyrdom, we honor your memory, and we bring you joyful calico:
Rejoice, zealous follower of the feet of Christ the Savior of all;
Rejoice, let us passionately follow his courageous imitator.
Rejoice, glorify God with heavenly powers;
Rejoice, pray with the Queen of heaven and earth for peace.
Rejoice, thou who grantest blessing to the faithful with a multi-healing world;
Rejoice, healing those who are weakened in body and spirit.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 13

O holy great martyr and faithful servant of Christ, Demetrius the myrrh-streamer, having received this little hymn from us, pray to Christ our God that the shrine of the Orthodox faith may dwell and be fragrant in our hearts, may the oil of good deeds multiply in our lives, may our lamps not go out at midnight the hour of meeting the Heavenly Bridegroom, and may we be honored with you to sing to Him in the eternal Kingdom: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st)

Ikos 1

The Creator of angels and the Lord of hosts has revealed you, most wonderfully, an Angel in the flesh, a strong martyr and a strong representative of the faithful. Having resorted to your intercession, we bring you the joyful calico:
Rejoice, shining star in the firmament of the church;
Rejoice, lamp, illuminating the world with miracles.
Rejoice, unshakable pillar of faith;
Rejoice, indestructible shield of Christians.
Rejoice, bright adornment of Thessaly; Rejoice, Thessalonica, glorious praise.
Rejoice, fellow citizen of the apostles; Rejoice, O celestial martyrs.
Rejoice, accept the petitions of those who pray to you;
Rejoice, pray to God for all of us.
Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 1

Wonderful governor of the city of Thessaloniki, great servant of Christ and glorious passion-bearer, Saint Demetrius, exuding the worldly mercy of myrrh, praiseworthy we will sing to you who honor your holy memory. You, having boldness towards the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, who faithfully call to you: Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

In Thessaloniki, Greece, the largest Orthodox church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. This holy heavenly Patron of the city. According to legend, when the city was in danger, Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica appeared on a red horse...

Ikos 1

Kontakion 2

Seeing yourself childless, your pious parent diligently prayed to God for the gift of a child. The Almighty accepts her prayer, and remembering the alms he has given to the poor, bestows them on you, blessed one. For this reason, with joy, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a Divine mind, as if you were a child of what was given by God, you abhorred pagan charms, wiser. You have loved parental piety, you have acquired the grace of God through virtues like a ladder from strength to strength, and ask us who honor you to receive these titles: Rejoice, prayerful vegetation of a pious parent; Rejoice, heir to their piety; Rejoice, having made many glad by your birth. Rejoice, thou overshadowed by grace from above from the womb; Rejoice, fragrant scent of virginity and incorruption. Rejoice, illuminated by your soul and body; Rejoice, repository of God's gifts. Rejoice, having despised idolatry from your youth; Rejoice, true worshiper of God, loving even unto death. Rejoice, for through your piety you have pleased Christ. Rejoice, for through His grace you have created much fruit. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High, Demetrius, is brave in battle, fearful of the enemy, renowned by all people. Likewise, the evil Tsar Maximian handed over to you the city of Thessaloniki, commanding, as if you were so wise, to persecute the Christians who sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a zeal favorable to piety, you confessed Christ before the unfaithful, the most praiseworthy, and you taught them to believe and worship Him, and as the second Paul was a Thessalonian, with him we cry to you: Rejoice, precious bead of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, decoration of your city. Rejoice, you who bear divine jealousy in your heart; Rejoice, victorious tormentors of deceit. Rejoice, accuser of idolatry charms; Rejoice, cutter of idols' thorns. Rejoice, piety to the teacher; Rejoice, teacher on the path of salvation. Rejoice, unapproachable by visible and invisible enemies; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 4

He was overcome by a storm of evil thoughts, the wicked king was dismayed, having led you, in all honesty, to be a faithful servant of Christ, leading you to faith in Him and casting down idols, teaching the Thessalonians to glorify the Trisagion of God and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing that Maximian, who was breathing on you with rage, was coming to Thessaloniki, with prayer and fasting you prepared yourself for torment, commanding Luppus, your faithful servant, to squander all your possessions and temporary wealth on the poor. In the same way, in praise and love we call you: Rejoice, you who did not fear the petitions of the tormentor; Rejoice, that you may have gained Christ, you who are all wasted. Rejoice, thou who imputed the vain glory of this world into one’s mind; Rejoice, having received heavenly glory from Christ our God. Rejoice, for you have compassion for everyone who requires help from you; Rejoice, quick intercessor to those in need. Rejoice, enricher of the poor; Rejoice, representative of the orphans. Rejoice, helper to the poor; Rejoice, hungry nourisher. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 5

Be like the most godly star, Demetrius, you boldly preached the Sun of Truth through darkness to the possessed king. In prison, imprisoned by him, you glorified Christ our God in it, as in the bright devil, singing to Him with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the flow of good, the hater of the devil, the blessed one who has passed away, consumed by envy, rushes at you in the form of a scorpion. Having trampled upon him, you saw in the great lordship the Angel of the Lord, strengthening you and giving you the crown of heaven, therefore accept from us earthly a small crown of praise: Rejoice, trumpet, who proclaimed Christ God to the unfaithful; Rejoice, flute, who delights the hearing of the faithful; Rejoice, for with your courage you have rejoiced the inhabitants of heaven. Rejoice, comforted in a darker prison by the holy Angel; Rejoice, most bright palace in heaven, like a martyr who inherited. Rejoice, thou who conquered the fleshless enemies in the flesh; Rejoice, treacherous of them, like one who destroys a spider. Rejoice, the bright end of victory has been accepted; Rejoice, crowned with the crown of the King of glory. Rejoice, thou who hast been granted deep grace from him; Rejoice, great boldness to him who has acquired it. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of evil, Maximian, rejoiced, as his mighty fighter Leah killed Christians. Blessed Nestor, not tolerating that inhumanity, asked you, martyr, for a blessing, and went overthrown him to the spear, singing to God: Alleluia.

Who shone in Thessaloniki with the enlightenment of the truth, O holy One, You sent Nestor to the Lord through beating from the wicked. You yourself, by the command of the king, were gored with spears for Christ, before Him remember us too, who remember your suffering and cry out to you: Rejoice, having strengthened Nestor with your prayers at the deposition of Nestor; Rejoice, for after the death of Leah, you suffered martyrdom together with Nestor. Rejoice, for for the sake of the One who was pierced on the cross, you were gored with spears; Rejoice, escorted into heaven with glory after death by an angel. Rejoice, dwell in the unflickering light with your soul; Rejoice, rejoice with the martyrs and all the saints. Rejoice, protection of those who sing songs; Rejoice, prayer book for those who honor your holy memory. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 7

Although blessed Lupus received a blessing from you, the passion-bearer of Christ, having taken your ring and a robe dipped in your blood after your death, and having performed many miracles and healings with them, he was beheaded, and he sang together with you and Nestor in Trinity to the glorified God: Alleluia .

Ikos 7

By building a new temple for you, Leontius, who was healed by you, will find in the land your holy relics, exuding myrrh, the whole city is filled with its fragrance and many sick people are healed. In the same way, heal and sweeten us, who cry out to you: Rejoice, having loved the fragrance of virtues from youth; Rejoice, angelic disposition acquisitive from infancy. Rejoice, vessel of grace; Rejoice, temple of purity and purity. Rejoice, for the Lord has made an abode in you with the Father and the Spirit; Rejoice, for He glorified your relics with incorruptibility of grace. Rejoice, fragrant myrrh flows from those; Rejoice, grant sanctification and healing to those. Rejoice, for you are more fragrant than spikenard and myrrh; Rejoice, for with your fragrance you drive away the stench of passions. Rejoice, you who sanctified your land and clothes with your blood; Rejoice, heal our mental and physical wounds with your wounds. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 8

You created a strange and wondrous miracle, most wonderfully, when your temple builder returned home, he received the shroud from your holy relics, and passed the wavering and high-water river without getting wet. With your heart and lips sing to the God who is glorified in you: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All burning with love and zeal for you, Leontius the second, in your holy honor, created a temple in Illyria, his fatherland, and there, as in Solun, many sick and suffering from unclean spirits were healed by your prayers, and many other miracles were performed. And we, marveling at you, cry out: Rejoice, strong intercessor of those who glorify you with love; Rejoice, wonderful covering for those who build temples in your name. Rejoice, health to the giver; Rejoice, healer of ailments. Rejoice, you direct the flow of blood; Rejoice, Eparch Marina, free from scabs and pus. Rejoice, with your clothes, like Paul of the Ubrists, you worked miracles; Rejoice, who showed the way to Leonty on the river. Rejoice, for the rapids of the river obey you; Rejoice, for the souls of malice flee from those who call on your name. Rejoice, for through your intercession we too hope to be preserved from the slander of the enemy; Rejoice, for through your intercession we also believe that we will be delivered from the flood of other troubles. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed, Saint Demetrius, at your great boldness. I wanted to betray Thessaloniki to the Lord as an enemy, and by the appearance of an angel, I commanded you to leave the city, but you did not leave that glorious one. Having also been vouchsafed a terrible vision and hearing, Illustration tremblingly exclaimed: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The many-prophesied events will not be able to understand, like sometimes captive virgins, your image, the holy one who captivated them and the prince who prepared them by sewing, suddenly admired you, and placed you at your tomb, holding a vigil in your memory, blessing the Lord for you, with tenderness we call you : Rejoice, for the truth on earth, even suffering to the point of blood; Rejoice, in heaven you stand boldly before the throne of God. Rejoice, you who are useful from there and send to the faithful; Rejoice, free those who call you from troubles. Rejoice, for you quickly help those who are embittered; Rejoice, for the Lord graciously listens to your prayers. Rejoice, inexhaustible storehouse of miracles; Rejoice, inexhaustible source of signs. Rejoice, liberator of the captives; Rejoice, tamer of barbaric insolence. Rejoice, send consolation to the sad; Rejoice, give joy to those who mourn. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 10

To save your city from famine, you appeared, Demetrius, in the sea shelters and fathers, commanding those who had wheat to sail with it to Thessaloniki. Moreover, having been delivered from death by you, I give thanks to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You have appeared to your city as an indestructible wall, God-wise, and an invincible protector to all who call on you, so the Creator of heaven and earth has been kind to you. In the same way, teach us to invite you: Rejoice, great lover of mercy; Rejoice, compassionate caretaker for the needy. Rejoice, you who save the faithful from famine; Rejoice, remove them from the invasion of those tongues. Rejoice, you who have delivered many of Thessalonians from the bonds of bitter labor; Rejoice, removing destructive ulcers and other harm from them. Rejoice, commander, overcome by no one in courage; Rejoice, warrior, who is no longer depleted in strength. Rejoice, all who rush towards your city, like Moses, overthrow Amalek; Rejoice, as Sampson, drive away the foreigners. Rejoice, thou who grant victory to the faithful tsar over their enemies. Rejoice, help us as a Christ-loving warrior in battle. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 11

All singing is overcome, O great praise, before the radiance of your glory and the greatness of your miracles. When King Justinian desired to have part of your relics in the Sophia Temple, fire came from your tomb against those sent from him, forbidding them to touch your race. In the same surprise and fear, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

A shining star, to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, we see you, holy one. I serve Onesiphorus at your tomb with the darkness of sacrilege, and by your double appearance I forbade him to steal the candles lit by the faithful of your relics. For this reason, we call to you with reverence: Rejoice, you who lived holy before your martyrdom; Rejoice, thou who became glorified at the end of miracles. Rejoice, for you rest alive in the city with your relics; Rejoice, for you are the one who brings miracles to life. Rejoice, for you dissolve the truth with mercy; Rejoice, for you burn with the fire of jealousy for the glory of God. Rejoice, having your holy relics inviolable; Rejoice, those who dare touch it, like lightning scorching. Rejoice, you who teach those who sin; Rejoice, punisher of blasphemers. Rejoice, you diligently bestow sanctification on those who reverence you; Rejoice, fragrance of peace to those who faithfully honor you. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 12

You have received grace, Demetrius, to heal every ailment and every illness in people. Grant healing to our souls and bodies, so that we may sing thanks to God, who has given you a helper and healer: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, we please you, most miraculously, having boldly confessed Christ God before the wicked, we glorify your martyrdom, we honor your memory, and we bring you joyful calico: Rejoice, zealous follower of the feet of Christ the Savior of all; Rejoice, let us pass on his courageous imitator. Rejoice, glorify God with heavenly powers; Rejoice, pray with the Queen of heaven and earth for peace. Rejoice, thou who grantest blessing to the faithful with a multi-healing world; Rejoice, healing those who are weakened in body and spirit. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 13

O holy great martyr and faithful servant of Christ, Demetrius the myrrh-streamer, having received this little hymn from us, pray to Christ our God that the shrine of the Orthodox faith may dwell and be fragrant in our hearts, may the oil of good deeds multiply in our lives, may our lamps not go out at midnight the hour of meeting the Heavenly Bridegroom, and may we be honored with you to sing to Him in the eternal Kingdom: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times)

The Creator of angels and the Lord of hosts has revealed you, most wonderfully, an Angel in the flesh, a strong martyr and a strong representative of the faithful. Having therefore resorted to your intercession, we bring you the joyful chintz: Rejoice, shining star in the firmament of the church; Rejoice, lamp, illuminating the world with miracles. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of faith; Rejoice, indestructible shield of Christians. Rejoice, bright adornment of Thessaly; Rejoice, Thessalonica, glorious praise. Rejoice, fellow citizen of the apostles; Rejoice, O celestial martyrs. Rejoice, accept the petitions of those who pray to you; Rejoice, pray to God for all of us. Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 1

Wonderful governor of the city of Thessaloniki, great servant of Christ and glorious passion-bearer, Saint Demetrius, exuding the worldly mercy of myrrh, praiseworthy we will sing to you who honor your holy memory. You, having boldness towards the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, who faithfully call to you: Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

First prayer

Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and to free us from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city, this monastery and every Christian country. Seek from the King of the Reigns victory and victory over the enemies of the Orthodox Christians, the entire Orthodox Empire for peace, silence, firmness in faith and advancement in piety; For us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that our Lord Christ God works here with grace, we may be worthy through your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for His eternal glorification with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Second prayer

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and for deliverance for us, the damned. (names) from the all-destroying plague, fire and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to be generous to this parish (house) and our temple. Ask us for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that what is pleasing to our Master, Christ God, who works here, may be worthy through Your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and there glorify Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, the myrrh-streamer. Memory November 8 according to the new style.

Kontakion 1

The wondrous governor of the city of Thessaloniki, the great servant of Christ and the glorious passion-bearer, Saint Demetrius, exuding the worldly mercy of the ointment, we will sing praises to you who honor your holy memory. But you, having boldness towards the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, who faithfully call to you:

Ikos 1

And the Creator of angels and the Lord of Powers has revealed you, most wonderfully, an angel in the flesh, a strong martyr and a strong representative of the faithful. Having resorted to your intercession, we bring you the joyful calico:

Rejoice, shining star in the firmament of the church; Rejoice, lamp, illuminating the world with miracles.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of faith; Rejoice, indestructible shield of Christians.

Rejoice, bright adornment of Thessaly; Rejoice, Thessalonica, glorious praise.

Rejoice, fellow citizen of the apostles; Rejoice, O celestial martyrs.

Rejoice, accept the petitions of those who pray to you; Rejoice, pray to God for all of us.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 2

In the midst of childlessness, your pious parents diligently prayed to God for the gift of a child. The Almighty accepts her prayer, and remembering the alms he has given to the poor, bestows them on you, blessed one. For this reason, with joy, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a divine mind, as if you were a child of what was given to you by God, you abhorred pagan charms, O wise man. Having loved parental piety, through virtues like a ladder ascending from strength to strength, you have acquired the grace of God, and ask us, who honor you with these titles, to receive it too:

Rejoice, prayerful vegetation of a pious parent; Rejoice, heir to their piety.

Rejoice, you who made many glad by your birth; Rejoice, thou overshadowed by grace from above from the womb.

Rejoice, fragrant scent of virginity and incorruption; Rejoice, illuminated by your soul and body.

Rejoice, repository of God's gifts; Rejoice from your youth, despising idolatry.

Rejoice, you who love true worship of God even to death; Rejoice, for you have pleased Christ with your piety.

Rejoice, for through His grace you have created much fruit; Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 3

With the power of the Most High, create you, Demetrius, brave in battle, fearful of the enemy, renowned by all people. Likewise, the evil Tsar Maximian handed over to you the city of Thessaloniki, commanding, as if he were so wise, to persecute the Christians who sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And having a zeal favorable to piety, before the unbelievers you confessed Christ, the most praiseworthy, and you taught them to believe and worship Him, and as the second Paul was a Thessalonian, with them we cry to you:

Rejoice, precious bead of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, decoration of your city.

Rejoice, you who bear divine jealousy in your heart; Rejoice, victorious tormentors of deceit.

Rejoice, accuser of idolatry charms; Rejoice, cutter of idols' thorns.

Rejoice, piety to the teacher; Rejoice, teacher on the path of salvation.

Rejoice, unapproachable by visible and invisible enemies; Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 4

I was possessed by evil thoughts, the wicked king was dismayed, having led you, in all honesty, to be a faithful servant of Christ, leading you to faith in Him and casting down idols, teaching the Thessalonians to glorify the thrice-holy name of God and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

With a voice like one breathing on you, Demetrius, with rage Maximian comes to Thessaloniki, with prayer and fasting you have prepared yourself for torment, commanding Luppus, your faithful servant, to squander all your possessions and temporary wealth on the poor. Moreover, praising you, we call you with love:

Rejoice, thou who did not fear the rebuke of the tormentor; Rejoice, that you may have gained Christ, you who are all wasted.

Rejoice, thou who imputed the vain glory of this world into one’s mind; Rejoice, having received heavenly glory from Christ our God.

Rejoice, for you have compassion for everyone who requires help from you; Rejoice, quick intercessor to those in need.

Rejoice, enricher of the poor; Rejoice, representative of the orphans.

Rejoice, helper to the poor; Rejoice, hungry nourisher.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 5

Be like a richer star, Demetrius, you boldly preached the Sun of Truth through darkness to the possessed king. In prison, imprisoned by him, you glorified Christ our God in it, as in the bright devil, singing to Him with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

In the pursuit of good, the hater of the devil, the blessed one, having passed away, consumed by envy, rushes at you in the form of a scorpion. Having trampled upon him, you saw in the great lordship the angel of the Lord, strengthening you and giving you the crown of paradise, therefore accept from us earthly a small crown of praise:

Rejoice, trumpet, who proclaimed Christ God to the unfaithful; Rejoice, flute, who delights the hearing of the faithful.

Rejoice, for with your courage you have rejoiced the inhabitants of heaven; Rejoice, comforted in a darker prison by a holy angel.

Rejoice, most bright palace in heaven, like a martyr who inherited; Rejoice, victorious in the flesh, fleshless enemies.

Rejoice, thou who have plundered them like a spider; Rejoice, the bright end of victory has been accepted.

Rejoice, crowned with the crown of the King of Glory; Rejoice, thou who hast been granted deep grace from Him.

Rejoice, you who have great boldness in acquiring Him.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of evil, Maximian, rejoiced, as his mighty fighter Leah had killed Christians. Blessed Nestor, not tolerating that inhumanity, asked you, martyr, for a blessing, and went overthrown him to the spear, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

When the enlightenment of truth shone in Thessaloniki, O holy One, you sent Nestor to the Lord through beating from the wicked. You yourself, by the command of the king, were gored with spears for Christ; before Him remember us too, who remember your suffering and cry out to you:

Rejoice, having strengthened the deposition of Nestor with your prayers at Lievo; Rejoice, for after the death of Leah, you suffered martyrdom together with Nestor.

Rejoice, for for the sake of the One who was pierced on the Cross, you were gored with spears; Rejoice, escorted into heaven with glory by an angel after death.

Rejoice, dwell in the unflickering light with your soul; Rejoice, rejoice with the martyrs and all the saints.

Rejoice, protection of those who sing songs; Rejoice, prayer book for those who honor your holy memory.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 7

Although blessed Lupus received a blessing from you, the passion-bearer of Christ, after your death he took your ring and the robe dipped in your blood, and having performed many miracles and healings with them, he was beheaded, so that he sings together with you and Nestor in the Trinity to the glorified God : Alleluia.

Ikos 7

By building a new temple for you, Leontius, who was healed by you, found in the land your holy relics, exuding myrrh, the whole city was filled with its fragrance and many sick people were healed. In the same way, heal and sweeten us, who cry out to you:

Rejoice, lover of the fragrance of virtues from youth; Rejoice, angelic disposition acquisitive from infancy.

Rejoice, vessel of grace; Rejoice, temple of purity and purity.

Rejoice, for the Lord has made an abode in you with the Father and the Spirit; Rejoice, for He glorified your relics with incorruptibility of grace.

Rejoice, fragrant Myrrh flows from those; Rejoice, grant sanctification and healing to those.

Rejoice, for you are more fragrant than spikenard and myrrh; Rejoice, for with your fragrance you drive away the stench of passions.

Rejoice, you who sanctified your land and clothes with your blood; Rejoice, heal our mental and physical wounds with your wounds.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 8

You created a strange and wondrous miracle, most wonderfully, as your temple builder returned home, for he received the shroud from your holy relics, and passed the wavering and high-water river without getting wet. To the same God who is glorified in you with your heart and lips, sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

In all grief with love and zeal for you, Leontius the second, in your honor, holy, created a temple in Illyria, his fatherland, and there, as in Thessalonica, many sick and suffering from unclean spirits were healed by your prayers, and many other miracles were performed. And we, marveling at you, cry out:

Rejoice, strong intercessor of those who glorify you with love; Rejoice, wonderful covering for those who build temples in your name.

Rejoice, health to the giver; Rejoice, healer of ailments.

Rejoice, you direct the flow of blood; Rejoice, Eparch Marina, free from scabs and pus.

Rejoice, with your clothes, like Paul of the Ubrists, you worked miracles; Rejoice, who showed the way to Leonty on the river.

Rejoice, for the rapids of the river obey you; Rejoice, for the souls of malice flee from those who call on your name.

Rejoice, for through your intercession we too hope to be preserved from the slander of the enemy; Rejoice, for through your intercession we also believe that we will be delivered from the flood of other troubles.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 9

Wonder at all the angelic nature, Saint Demetrius, at your great boldness in your work. I wanted to betray Thessaloniki to the Lord as an enemy, and by the appearance of an angel, I commanded you to leave the city, but you did not leave that glorious one. Having also been vouchsafed a terrible vision and hearing, Illustration tremblingly exclaimed: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In the event, those who have spoken many things will not be able to understand, like sometimes captive virgins, your image, the holy one who captured them by sewing the prince, who suddenly admired you, and placed a vigil in your memory at your tomb, blessing the Lord for you, with tenderness we call you :

Rejoice, for the truth on earth, even suffering to the point of bleeding; Rejoice, in heaven you stand boldly before the throne of God.

Rejoice, you who are useful from there and send to the faithful; Rejoice, free those who call you from troubles.

Rejoice, for you quickly help those who are embittered; Rejoice, for the Lord graciously listens to your prayers.

Rejoice, inexhaustible storehouse of miracles; Rejoice, inexhaustible source of signs.

Rejoice, liberator of the captives; Rejoice, tamer of barbaric insolence.

Rejoice, send consolation to the sad; Rejoice, give joy to those who mourn.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 10

From the mouth of your hail from the famine, you appeared, Demetrius, in the sea shelters and fathers, commanding those who had wheat to sail with it to Thessaloniki. Moreover, having been delivered from death by you, I give thanks to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

From the shadows you appeared to your city, indestructible, God-wise, and an invincible protector to all who call on you, for the Creator of heaven and earth was so kind to you. Likewise, teach us to invite you:

Rejoice, great lover of mercy; Rejoice, compassionate caretaker for the needy.

Rejoice, you who save the faithful from famine; Rejoice, remove them from the invasion of those tongues.

Rejoice, you who have delivered many of Thessalonians from the bonds of bitter labor; Rejoice, removing destructive ulcers and other harm from them.

Rejoice, commander, overcome by no one in courage; Rejoice, warrior, who is no longer depleted in strength.

Rejoice, all who rush towards your city, like Moses, overthrow Amalek; Rejoice, as Sampson, drive away the foreigners.

Rejoice, thou who grant victory to the faithful tsar over their enemies; Rejoice, helping us as a Christ-loving warrior in battle.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 11

All singing is overcome, O great praise, before the radiance of your glory and the greatness of your miracles. When King Justinian desired to have part of your relics in the Sophia Temple, fire came from your tomb against those sent from him, forbidding them to touch your race. In the same surprise and fear, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

From the vegetative star, who exist in the darkness of unreason, we behold you, holy one. I serve Onesiphorus at your tomb with the darkness of sacrilege, and by your double appearance I forbade him to steal the candles lit by the faithful at your relics. For this reason, we call you with reverence:

Rejoice, you who lived holy before your martyrdom; Rejoice, glorified by miracles at the end.

Rejoice, for you rest alive in the city with your relics; Rejoice, for you are the one who brings miracles to life.

Rejoice, for you dissolve the truth with mercy; Rejoice, for you burn with the fire of jealousy for the glory of God.

Rejoice, having your holy relics inviolable; Rejoice, those who dare touch it, like lightning scorching.

Rejoice, you who teach those who sin; Rejoice, punisher of blasphemers.

Rejoice, give sanctification to those who reverence you diligently; Rejoice, fragrance of peace to those who faithfully honor you.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 12

You received grace, Demetrius, to heal every ailment and every illness in people. Grant healing to our souls and bodies, so that we may sing thanks to God, who has given you a helper and healer: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, we please you, most miraculously, having boldly confessed Christ God before the wicked, we glorify your martyrdom, we honor your memory, and we bring you joyful calico:

Rejoice, zealous follower of the feet of Christ the Savior of all; Rejoice, let us pass on his courageous imitator.

Rejoice, glorify God with heavenly powers; Rejoice, pray with the Queen of heaven and earth for peace.

Rejoice, thou who grantest blessing to the faithful with a multi-healing world; Rejoice, healing those who are weakened in body and spirit.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy great martyr and faithful servant of Christ, Demetrius, the myrrh-streamer, having received this little hymn from us, pray to Christ our God, may the shrine of the Orthodox faith dwell and be fragrant in our hearts, may the oil of good deeds multiply in our lives, may our lamps not go out in the midnight hour of the meeting of the Heavenly Bridegroom, and may we be honored with you to sing to Him in the eternal Kingdom: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Creator of Angels...” and the 1st kontakion “Wonderful Governor...”

Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and to free us from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city, this monastery and every Christian country. Seek from the King of the Reigns victory and victory over the enemies of the Orthodox Christians, the entire Orthodox Empire for peace, silence, firmness in faith and advancement in piety; For us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that our Lord Christ God works here with grace, we may be worthy through your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for His eternal glorification with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion, tone 3

In the tree you will find in troubles the champion of the universe, more passion-bearing, conquering tongues. Just as you brought down Leah’s pride, and you boldly created Nestor for the feat, so, Saint Demetrius, prayed to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 2

With streams to your blood, Demetrius, the Church of God stained, Who gave you an invincible fortress, and keeping your city unharmed; That is why you are a statement.

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Day of Remembrance:

Troparion, tone 3

Great will you find in troubles, the champion of the universe, passion-bearing, conquering tongues; Just as you brought down Leah’s pride, and you boldly created Nestor for the feat, so, Saint Demetrius, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 2

With streams of your blood, Demetrius, God stained the Church, giving you an invincible fortress and keeping your city unharmed; That is why you are a statement.

Kontakion 1

Wonderful governor of the city of Thessaloniki, great servant of Christ and glorious passion-bearer, Saint Demetrius, exuding the worldly mercy of myrrh, praiseworthy we will sing to you who honor your holy memory. But you, having boldness towards the Lord, deliver us from all troubles, who faithfully call to you:

Ikos 1

The Creator of angels and the Lord of hosts has revealed you, most wonderfully, an Angel in the flesh, a strong martyr and a strong representative of the faithful. Having resorted to your intercession, we bring you the joyful calico:

Rejoice, star shining in the firmament of the church.

Rejoice, lamp, illuminating the world with miracles.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of faith.

Rejoice, indestructible shield of Christians.

Rejoice, bright adornment of Thessaly.

Rejoice, Thessalonica, glorious praise.

Rejoice, fellow citizen of the apostles.

Rejoice, O celestial martyrs.

Rejoice, accept the petitions of those who pray to you.

Rejoice, pray to God for all of us.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing yourself childless, your pious parent diligently prayed to God for the gift of a child. The Almighty accepts her prayer, and remembering the alms he has given to the poor, bestows them on you, blessed one. For this reason, with joy, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a Divine mind, as if you were a child of what was given by God, you abhorred pagan charms, wiser. Having loved parental piety, through virtues like a ladder ascending from strength to strength, you have acquired the grace of God, and ask us, who honor you with these titles, to receive it too:

Rejoice, prayerful vegetation of a pious parent.

Rejoice, heir to their piety.

Rejoice, you who made many glad by your birth.

Rejoice, thou overshadowed by grace from above from the womb.

Rejoice, fragrant scent of virginity and incorruption.

Rejoice, sanctified in soul and body.

Rejoice, repository of God's gifts.

Rejoice, you who despised idolatry from your youth.

Rejoice, true worshiper of God, loving even unto death.

Rejoice, for through your piety you have pleased Christ.

Rejoice, for through His grace you have created much fruit.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High, Demetrius, is brave in battle, fearful of the enemy, renowned by all people. Likewise, the evil Tsar Maximian handed over to you the city of Thessaloniki, commanding, as if you were so wise, to persecute the Christians who sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a zeal favorable to piety, you confessed Christ before the unfaithful, the most praiseworthy, and you taught them to believe and worship Him, and as the second Paul was a Thessalonian, with him we cry to you:

Rejoice, precious bead of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, decoration of your city.

Rejoice, you who bear divine jealousy in your heart.

Rejoice, victorious tormentors of deceit.

Rejoice, accuser of idolatry charms.

Rejoice, cutter of idols' thorns.

Rejoice, piety to the teacher.

Rejoice, teacher on the path of salvation.

Rejoice, unapproachable by visible and invisible enemies.

Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 4

He was overcome by a storm of evil thoughts, the wicked king was dismayed, having led you, in all honesty, to be a faithful servant of Christ, leading you to faith in Him and overthrowing idols, teaching the Thessalonians to glorify the Trisagion of God and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing that Maximian, who was breathing on you with rage, was coming to Thessaloniki, with prayer and fasting you prepared yourself for torment, commanding Luppus, your faithful servant, to squander all your possessions and temporary wealth on the poor. We also call you in praise and love:

Rejoice, thou who art not afraid of the tormentor’s reproaches.

Rejoice, that you have gained Christ, you who are all wasted.

Rejoice, thou who imputed the vain glory of this world into one’s mind.

Rejoice, having received heavenly glory from Christ our God.

Rejoice, for you have compassion for everyone who requires help from you.

Rejoice, quick intercessor to those in need.

Rejoice, enricher of the poor.

Rejoice, representative of the orphans.

Rejoice, helper to the poor.

Rejoice, hungry feeder.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 5

Be like the most godly star, Demetrius, you boldly preached the Sun of Truth through darkness to the possessed king. In prison, imprisoned by him, you glorified Christ our God in it, as in the bright devil, singing to Him with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the flow of good, the hater of the devil, the blessed one who has passed away, consumed by envy, rushes at you in the form of a scorpion. But you, having trampled upon him, saw in the great lordship the Angel of the Lord, strengthening you and giving you the crown of heaven, therefore accept from us earthly a small crown of praise:

Rejoice, trumpet, who proclaimed Christ God to the unfaithful.

Rejoice, flute, who delights the hearing of the faithful.

Rejoice, for with your courage you have rejoiced the inhabitants of heaven.

Rejoice, comforted in a darker prison by the holy Angel.

Rejoice, most luminous palace in heaven, like a martyr who inherited it.

Rejoice, thou who conquered the fleshless enemies in the flesh.

Rejoice, thou who destroyest their machinations, like a spider.

Rejoice, you have received the bright crown of victory.

Rejoice, crowned with the crown of the King of Glory.

Rejoice, you who have been granted deep grace from Him.

Rejoice, you who have great boldness in acquiring Him.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of evil, Maximian, rejoiced, as his mighty fighter Leah killed Christians. Blessed Nestor, not tolerating that inhumanity, asked you, martyr, for a blessing, and went overthrown him to the spear, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having shone forth in Thessalonica the enlightenment of truth, holy one, you sent Nestor to the Lord through beating from the wicked. You yourself, by the command of the king, were gored with spears for Christ; before Him remember us too, who remember your suffering and cry out to you:

Rejoice, having strengthened the deposition of Nestor at Lievo with your prayers.

Rejoice, for after the death of Leah, you accepted martyrdom together with Nestor.

Rejoice, for for the sake of the one who was pierced on the cross, you were gored with spears for our sake.

Rejoice, you were escorted into heaven with glory by an angel after death.

Rejoice, dwell in the unflickering light with your soul.

Rejoice, rejoice with the martyrs and all the saints.

Rejoice, protection of those who sing songs.

Rejoice, prayer book for those who honor your holy memory.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 7

Although blessed Lupus received a blessing from you, the passion-bearer of Christ, after your death he took your ring and the robe dipped in your blood, and having performed many miracles and healings with them, he was beheaded, and he sang together with you and Nestor in the Trinity to the glorified God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

By building a new temple for you, Leontius, who was healed by you, will find in the land your holy relics, exuding myrrh, the whole city is filled with its fragrance and many sick people are healed. In the same way, heal and sweeten us, who cry out to you:

Rejoice, beloved of the fragrance of virtues from youth.

Rejoice, thou angelic disposition acquisitive from infancy.

Rejoice, vessel of grace. Rejoice, temple of purity and purity.

Rejoice, for the Lord has made an abode in you with the Father and the Spirit.

Rejoice, for He glorified your relics with incorruptibility of grace.

Rejoice, fragrant myrrh flows from those.

Rejoice, grant sanctification and healing to those.

Rejoice, for you are more fragrant than spikenard and myrrh.

Rejoice, for with your fragrance you drive away the stench of passions.

Rejoice, you who sanctified your land and clothes with your blood.

Rejoice, with your ulcers you heal mental and physical ulcers.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 8

You created a strange and wondrous miracle, most wonderfully, as your temple builder returned to his home, for he received the shroud from your holy relics, and passed the wavering and high-water river without getting wet. To the same God who is glorified in you with your heart and lips, sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All burning with love and zeal for you, Leontius the second, in your holy honor, created a temple in Illyria, his fatherland, and there, as in Solun, many sick and suffering from unclean spirits were healed by your prayers, and many other miracles were performed. Even though we are amazed, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, strong intercessor of those who glorify you with love.

Rejoice, wonderful covering for those who build temples in your name.

Rejoice, health to the giver.

Rejoice, healer of ailments.

Rejoice, stabilizing the flow of blood.

Rejoice, Eparch Marina, free from scabs and pus.

Rejoice, with your clothes, like Paul in the Ubrists, you work miracles.

Rejoice, who showed the way to Leonty on the river, who was waterless.

Rejoice, for the rapids of the river obey you.

Rejoice, for the souls of malice flee from those who call on your name.

Rejoice, for through your intercession we too hope to be preserved from the slander of the enemy.

Rejoice, for through your intercession we also believe that we will be delivered from the flood and other troubles.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed, Saint Demetrius, at your great boldness. I wanted to betray Thessaloniki to the Lord as an enemy, and by the appearance of an angel, I commanded you to leave the city, but you did not leave that glorious one. Having also been vouchsafed a terrible vision and hearing, Illustration tremblingly exclaimed: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets of many things will not be able to understand how the virgins who were sometimes captured, your image, the saint who captured them by sewing, prepared for the prince, who suddenly admired you and placed them at your tomb, holding a vigil in your memory. Blessing the Lord for you, we call to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, you who suffered for the truth on earth even to the point of bleeding.

Rejoice, stand in heaven with boldness before the Throne of God.

Rejoice, you who are of good use and send from there to the faithful.

Rejoice, freeing those who call you from troubles.

Rejoice, for you quickly help those who are embittered.

Rejoice, for the Lord graciously listens to your prayers.

Rejoice, inexhaustible storehouse of miracles.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of signs.

Rejoice, liberator of the captives.

Rejoice, tamer of barbaric insolence.

Rejoice, send comfort to the sad.

Rejoice, give joy to those who mourn.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 10

To save your city from famine, you appeared, Demetrius, in the sea shelters and fathers, commanding those who had wheat to sail with it to Thessaloniki. Moreover, having been delivered from death by you, I give thanks to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You have appeared to your city as an indestructible wall, God-wise, and an invincible protector to all who call on you, so the Creator of heaven and earth has been kind to you. Likewise, teach us to invite you:

Rejoice, great lover of mercy.

Rejoice, compassionate caregiver for the needy.

Rejoice, you who save the faithful from hunger.

Rejoice, remove them from the invasion of those tongues.

Rejoice, you who have delivered many of Thessalonians from the bonds of bitter work.

Rejoice, you have removed destructive ulcers and other harm from them.

Rejoice, commander, who has overcome no one in courage.

Rejoice, warrior, who is no longer depleted in strength.

Rejoice, all who rush towards your city, like Moses, overthrow Amalek.

Rejoice, as Sampson, drive away the foreigners.

Rejoice, thou who grant victory to the faithful tsar over their enemies.

Rejoice, help us as a Christ-loving warrior in battles.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 11

All singing is overcome, O great praise, before the radiance of your glory and the greatness of your miracles. When King Justinian desired to have part of your relics in the Sophia Temple, fire came from your tomb against those sent from him, forbidding them to touch your race. In the same surprise and fear, I cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A shining star, to those who exist in the darkness of unreason, we see you, holy one. I serve Onesiphorus at your tomb, possessed by the darkness of sacrilege, and by your double appearance you forbade him to steal the candles lit by the faithful at your relics. For this reason, we call you with reverence:

Rejoice, you who lived holy before your martyrdom.

Rejoice, thou who became glorified at the end of miracles.

Rejoice, for you rest alive in the city with your relics.

Rejoice, for you are the one who brings miracles to life.

Rejoice, for you dissolve the truth with mercy.

Rejoice, for you burned with the fire of jealousy for the glory of God.

Rejoice, you have your holy relics inviolable.

Rejoice, you who dare touch them like lightning that scorches you.

Rejoice, you who bring to light those who sin.

Rejoice, punisher of blasphemers.

Rejoice, give sanctification to those who reverence you diligently.

Rejoice, fragrance of peace to those who faithfully honor you.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 12

You have received grace, Demetrius, to heal every ailment and every illness in people. Grant healing to our souls and bodies, so that we may sing thanks to God, who has given you a helper and healer: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, we please you, most miraculously, having boldly confessed Christ God before the wicked, we glorify your martyrdom, we honor your memory, and we bring you joyful calico:

Rejoice, zealous follower of the feet of Christ the Savior of all.

Rejoice, let us passion his courageous imitator.

Rejoice, glorify God with heavenly powers.

Rejoice, pray with the Queen of heaven and earth for peace.

Rejoice, granting many healing peace to the faithful.

Rejoice, you who heal those who are weakened in body and spirit.

Rejoice, Saint Demetrius, glorious great martyr and wonderworker.

Kontakion 13

O holy great martyr and faithful servant of Christ, Demetrius the myrrh-streamer, having received this little hymn from us, pray to Christ our God that the shrine of the Orthodox faith may dwell and be fragrant in our hearts, may the oil of good deeds multiply in our lives, may our lamps not go out at midnight the hour of meeting the Heavenly Bridegroom, and may we be honored with you to sing to Him in the eternal Kingdom: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).


Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and to free us from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city and every Christian country. Petition from the King of those who reign for our army for victory and victory against our enemies, for our Orthodox country peace, silence, firmness in faith and advancement in piety; For us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that what is pleasing to our Lady Christ God, who works here, may be worthy through your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, where together with you we will glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The Great Martyr Demetrius was born in the city of Soluni in Greece (otherwise - Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki) during the reign of the wicked god-fighting kings Diocletian and Maximian. His parents, secret Christians, had no children for a long time. They earnestly prayed to the Lord to give them an heir. The all-merciful Lord heeded their prayers and gave them a son, whom they named Demetrius. When the boy grew up, they called a priest, secretly baptized him in their secret home church and constantly instructed him in the faith.

His father, the Roman proconsul, died when Demetrius reached adulthood. Emperor Maximian Galerius, who ascended the throne in 305, appointed Demetrius to replace his father as ruler and governor of the Thessalonian region. Demetrius's main duty was to defend his region from external enemies, but the emperor also demanded that he exterminate Christians. Demetrius instead began to eradicate pagan customs and convert pagans to the faith of Christ.

Of course, the emperor was soon informed that Proconsul Demetrius was a Christian. Returning from a campaign against the Sarmatians (tribes inhabiting the Black Sea steppes), Maximian stopped in Thessaloniki. Preparing for death, Demetrius distributed his property to the poor, and he devoted himself to prayer and fasting. The emperor imprisoned the proconsul.

At this time, the wicked Maximian entertained himself and the inhabitants of Thessalonica with gladiatorial battles in the circus. Christians were searched for and dragged into the arena. The proud and arrogant Leah, known among gladiators, easily defeated meek Christians in battle and, with the rejoicing of the brutal crowd, threw them onto the spears of the soldiers.

The young Christian Nestor visited Demetrius in prison and asked him for his blessing to fight Leah. Strengthened by God, Nestor defeated the proud gladiator and threw him onto the spears of the soldiers. The death of Leah greatly saddened Maximian, and he immediately ordered the execution of blessed Nestor. But this execution did not console the villain, and when he learned that Saint Nestor had struck the villain Leah on the advice of Saint Demetrius, he became even more angry and inflamed with the desire to avenge the death of his beloved fighter.

Early in the morning of October 26, 306, soldiers entered the dungeon. They found the saint standing in prayer and immediately pierced him with spears. So the confessor of Christ, Saint Demetrius, moved to the eternal bright monasteries. The body of the martyr. Demetrius was thrown out to be devoured by wild beasts, but the Thessalonians secretly betrayed him to the ground.

Dimitri's servant Lupp took the bloody robe and the martyr's ring and began to heal the sick with them. When rumors of this reached Maximian, the emperor ordered his head to be cut off too.

During the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great (324-337) over the grave of the great martyr. Demetrius in Thessaloniki erected a temple in which many miracles and healings were performed. A hundred years later, in 412-413. The Illyrian nobleman Leonty, having received healing from a serious, incurable illness in that temple, wanted to build a new majestic temple - a basilica as a sign of gratitude. During the dismantling of the old temple, the incorruptible relics of St. Demetrius were found. Fragrant myrrh flowed from them, so that the whole city was filled with fragrance. From touching the relics and anointing with holy myrrh, miracles and healings were performed. For this reason, military Demetrius was named Myrrh-Streaming.

The relics were placed in a silver ciborium. It had a hexagonal base, blank walls and a roof topped with a cross. Inside there was a silver box with the image of the saint's face. Believers could go inside and light candles in front of it. The description of the ciborium was made by the Thessalonian Archbishop John in the middle of the 7th century, and its image was also on the mosaic of the northern colonnade of the basilica. The precious ciborium was lost in a fire in the 7th century.

During the reign of Emperor Mauritius, the Avars living on the Don besieged the city of Thessaloniki. Saint Demetrius appeared on the city wall and, striking with a spear, threw off the wall the first of the enemies who climbed the wall. Falling, he dragged the other attackers along with him, and the 100,000-strong army of the besiegers fled in horror. But after some time the enemy came to his senses and besieged the city again.

At this time, a certain pious resident of Thessaloniki named Illustrius prayed fervently in the church of the Holy Martyr. Demetrius about ridding the city of enemies. And suddenly he saw two Angels entering the temple and heading towards the saint’s tomb. To the great martyr who came out to meet them, the Angels announced God's command to leave the city, for God was pleased to deliver Thessaloniki into the hands of the enemy. Saint Demetrius humbly replied that he would not leave his native city, begging the mercy of God to spare the city residents, after which he returned to his tomb.

In the morning, Illustry told his fellow citizens about the vision, which greatly encouraged and delighted them. On the seventh day of the siege, the enemies fled for no apparent reason, abandoning their tents and throwing weapons.

But as a result of the siege, all grain reserves were destroyed, and famine began in the city. The saint appeared several times on ships sailing the sea, walked around piers and islands, commanding ships everywhere with wheat to sail to Thessaloniki. Thus the city was saved from famine.

One day, a young man named Onesiphorus, who was performing his obedience in the Thessalonica temple, at the teachings of the devil, came up with the idea of ​​stealing the candles lit near the shrine with relics and selling them again, appropriating the proceeds for himself. Saint Demetrius appeared to Onesiphorus in a dream and denounced him with the greatest condescension. This made an impression on the young man, but not for long. Soon he returned to his previous occupation. And so, when he once again extended his hand to the candles, a loud voice came from the coffin: “Are you doing this again?!” The young man fell to the ground and lay until he was raised, after which he told those present about his sinful passion and the denunciations of Saint Demetrius and repented.

The life of Saint Demetrius also tells that he freed prisoners from the yoke of infidels and helped them reach Thessaloniki. So two beautiful maidens, having been captured and received orders from a foreign prince to embroider an image of Saint Demetrius (the pagan prince had heard a lot about the miracles of the saint and wanted to worship his image as if it were an idol). When the tired girls fell asleep at work, they were miraculously transferred, along with the image they had embroidered, to the Thessaloniki temple, where a vigil was being held in honor of the feast of St. Demetrius. The awakened girls glorified God, and the image was placed above the altar.

The holy martyr performed many miracles. Dimitri and in our Fatherland. By God's direction, his name in the most ancient Russian chronicles is mentioned before other names of saints: St. Nestor the Chronicler says that the Greeks, defeated by the Grand Duke Oleg near Constantinople in 907, attributed their defeat not to the bravery of the Slavs, but to the intercession of their patron for them Saint Demetrius.

The special veneration of Saint Demetrius among the Slavs is evidenced by the following outstanding fact: the first work in the Slavic language by the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril after they created the Slavic alphabet was the “Canon of Demetrius of Thessalonica.” This canon is considered the starting point in the birth of great Slavic literature.

Church veneration of the Holy Martyr. Demetrius in the Russian Church began immediately after the Baptism of Rus'.

In the early 70s. XI century The Dmitrievsky Monastery was founded in Kyiv, later known as Mikhailov-Golden-Domed. In the 12th century. Dmitrievsky Cathedral was erected in Vladimir, which to this day is the decoration of this ancient city. In the 80s XIII St. the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow erected a temple in the name of the holy great martyr. Demetrius, which became the first stone church of the Moscow Kremlin. Later, in 1326, under Prince John Kalita, it was dismantled, and in its place the Assumption Cathedral with the chapel of the Great Martyr was erected. Demetrius of Thessalonica.

After the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, in memory of the Russian soldiers who fell in the battle with Mamai, Demetrius Parents' Saturday was established for church-wide commemoration. For the first time, this requiem service was performed on October 20, 1380 in the Trinity Monastery by the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh in the presence of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Demetrius Donskoy. This church tradition is still alive today.

Presumably at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries, possibly during the period of the existence of the Latin kingdom of Thessalonica, the relics of the great martyr. Demetrius was taken from Thessaloniki to Italy. They were discovered in 1520 in the abbey of the city of San Lorenzo in Campo and returned back to Thessaloniki only in the twentieth century: in 1978 - the honest chapter, and in 1980 - the main part of the relics (six remained in Italy large particles).

By blessing

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