Tyutchev the kite rose from the clearing to read in full. Fyodor Tyutchev The kite rose from the clearing to the hawk on the mountain

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873)
Translation from Russian into Bulgarian: Krasimir Georgiev


A hawk flying on the hill,
into the sky, here, whistling,
everything is high in the cold and heat
the back of the horizon is mine!

Natural wave without arrow
with two powers, live two krills,
and I am the king of the earth - to sweat and dust
srasnat ss zemyata, ah!


A hawk will fly on the mountain,
into the sky, whistling,
everything is very cold and hot
the back of the horizon mina toy!

A natural wave without an arrow
with two money, live two kril,
and az - the king of the earth - to sweat and dust
I'm going to destroy the earth, ah!

Translation from Russian Ezik into Bulgarian Ezik: Krasimir Georgiev

Fyodor Tyutchev

The kite rose from the clearing,
He soared high into the sky;
Higher and farther it curls -
And so he went beyond the horizon!

Mother Nature gave him
Two powerful, two living wings -
And here I am, covered in sweat and dust.
I, the king of the earth, am rooted to the earth!..

Ruskiyat singer, publicist and translator Fyodor Tyutchev (Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev) was born on November 23/December 5, 1803 in the village. Ovstug, Oryol province, close to Bryansk. Please note the publication dated 1818. Member of the Society for the Amateur in Russian Literature (1819). He published poems in the publications “Sovremennik”, “Russian Word”, “Russian Archive”, etc. Zavurshva philology at Moscow University (1821). Prez 1822 received an appointment to the Russian embassy in Munich and until 1844 he worked in the diplomatic mission to Russia in Germany and Italy. Prevezhda tvorbi on Horace, Heine and others. Valid state council (1857), corresponding member of the Petersburgskat Academy on Naukite (1857), secret council (1865). From 1858 to 1873 he was chairman of the Committee for Foreign Censorship. Ima philosophical, symbolic and lyrical poetry, the goal of popularity will finish off the poem from the “Denisevsky cycle”. In statit si zastapva widely those associated with pan-Slavism. Author of “Poems” (1854) and “Poems” (1868), following the publication of poems and political articles, including “Poems and Political Articles” (1886), “ Complete Works” (1913), “Tyutcheviana. Epigrams, aphorisms and witticisms of F.I. Tyutchev” (1922) and others. She died on July 15/27, 1873 in Tsarsko Selo, St. Petersburg province.


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He wrote the poem “The Kite Arose from the Glade” in 1835. This was the so-called second period in the poet’s work. His life was spent at that time abroad, in Munich. He served as chamberlain. The work did not take up much time, and Tyutchev wrote poetry in his free time and took care of the affairs of his home and family. The poem turned out elegant, brief, aphoristic.

The main theme of the poem is man’s attitude to nature, to freedom, will, to himself, to his purpose on earth. We observe the acute, painful envy of man towards the bird as a living product of nature. This envy is not black, it is noble and sincere. In it one can hear admiration for the free flight of the kite, its independence and indifference to earthly concerns. The kite rises from the clearing proudly and indifferently, the sky instinctively attracts him. With his poem, Tyutchev wanted to convey to the reader the worthlessness of excessive human fussiness. It turns out that the strength of a living person lies in a bold leap, in soaring upward, in overcoming conventions and obstacles. For the poet, the kite is not just a bird, but a high-flying bird. Between the lines, Tyutchev calls on people to live freely, broadly, in harmony with themselves, with conscience and peace, which gives a person many years of shelter.

The storyline of the poem can be divided into event segments:

  1. Glade. A kite sits on it.
  2. The kite slowly breaks away from the clearing. The flapping of his wings is still slow and graceful.
  3. The bird instantly gains momentum. Soars into the sky like an arrow.
  4. The kite flies higher, becomes a point and disappears into the clouds.
  5. The author reflects that nature once favorably gave the kite an excellent means of flight - strong, fast wings.
  6. The author complains with disappointment about human life on earth. He does not understand why the king of the earth, man, has grown dead to it and works for its benefit in harsh living conditions. And why is a simple bird so happy in its sky?

To determine the size of a poem, you need to break the lines into syllables:

you-so-kne-bu-he-went up
I am the king of the earth!

The stress falls on the 2nd, 4th and 8th syllables. Syllables are even. Conclusion: this iambic with final pyrrhichium. The poem consists of two four-line stanzas. In the first stanza - observation of the flight of a kite. In the second - the author's reflection on the unfair decision of Mother Nature. Rhyme - adjacent (adjacent lines rhyme: 1 and 2; 3 and 4), masculine (the last stressed syllables rhyme).

The poem has epithet "living wings"(energetic, healthy); personifications - “The kite has soared and curled”, "went beyond the horizon", "Mother nature gave", "rooted to the ground"; sustainable metaphors - "mother nature", "king of the earth".

The image of the lyrical hero is the image of a person striving for independence and freedom. IN image of a kite collected an idea of ​​a free, carefree life. Will and freedom are compared to the sky, to flight, to personal, inviolable space, to the right to choose one’s living territory.

In the poetic orientation of the poem “The Kite Arose from the Clearing” there are also signs of European romanticism, and notes of purely Russian lyricism. One of the most prominent literary critics of the 20th century, Yuri Tynyanov, believed that almost all of Tyutchev’s poems are “compressed odes.” It is difficult to call the poem being analyzed an ode, even a compressed one. But there is still something heroic in him. It is best to classify it as an elegy, as it is imbued with sadness and slight sadness.

  • Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev “Silentium!”
  • “Autumn Evening”, analysis of Tyutchev’s poem
  • “Spring Storm”, analysis of Tyutchev’s poem
  • “I Met You”, analysis of Tyutchev’s poem

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The kite rose from the clearing,
He soared high into the sky;
Higher and farther it curls -
And so he went beyond the horizon!

Mother Nature gave him
Two powerful, two living wings -
And here I am, covered in sweat and dust.
I, the king of the earth, am rooted to the earth!..

Young Tyutchev had to begin his career with service abroad, and over several decades he managed to visit France and Germany. In recent years, the poet served abroad in Munich, a city that became almost home to him. The author did not dream of returning to Russia, although he understood that sooner or later this would happen anyway. At that moment, he was most occupied with thoughts of a philosophical nature, the poet tried to comprehend the essence of things and find answers to questions about why, even in his beloved Munich, next to his adored wife, from time to time he experiences a feeling of all-consuming melancholy.

In 1835, Tyutchev created a poem entitled “From the Clearing the Kite Arose...”, in which he tried to understand the reason for the conflicting feelings that periodically beset him, preventing him from enjoying social and family life. The reason for writing this poem was the observation of a kite, which, before the poet’s eyes, soared into the sky, rising higher and higher until it completely “went beyond the horizon.” Tyutchev watched his flight with admiration and some secret envy, as he understood that this proud bird was given something that is beyond the control of man. The poet sincerely admired the flight of the kite, for which the sky is a native and familiar element. For Tyutchev, such a flight symbolizes inner freedom, which he is deprived of due to life circumstances. That is why it is so joyful and sad for him at the same time to watch how the kite goes up into the sky, which nothing holds on the ground.

“Mother Nature gave him two powerful, two living wings,” notes Tyutchev, admiring the strength of this proud and independent bird. In a person, he cannot grasp such qualities that would allow him to easily abandon worldly vanity and rise above it. “And here I am, covered in sweat and dust. I, the king of the earth, am rooted to the earth!..”, notes the author. This phrase contains a share of regret, but at the same time it contains a shade of pride that man is still a higher being. True, his fate is destined to be a ruler on earth, and heaven is not yet subject to the crown of the Lord’s creation. It is for this reason that Tyutchev is sad, because earthly life is full of vanity, lies and empty hopes, while heaven gives a feeling of self-confidence, harmony and genuine happiness. But the world is structured in such a way that people are not given the opportunity to become birds, and the author does not want to put up with this due to his temperament.

In 1835 and represents a small sketch from everyday life - observing the flight of a bird. The time when the poem was written coincides with the period when the poet lived abroad. Therefore, in the work one can note the presence of several boundaries - conventional and real. The poet feels himself within certain limits, which is reflected in his poem.

A peculiar artistic technique characteristic of Tyutchev - drawing a parallel between a natural phenomenon and a state of mind - is the basis of the composition of the poem. Almost any human thought can be reflected in the nature around him. The poet’s reflections on the ability of birds to soar freely in the air are contrasted with the static state of man: A person's thought does not have the same freedom as a bird, for which there are no boundaries. The kite soon disappears from sight, and with it the lyrical hero’s opportunity to find out what’s next, outside his field of vision, ends, since the flight of human thought is limited by the knowledge of the person himself - there are certain boundaries of the mind.

In line “I, the king of the earth, am rooted to the earth!..” one can read the author’s ironic attitude towards the position of man on earth - although he is at the highest stage of development, man is not omnipotent. Nature endowed man with reason, but gave the kite two “living” wings, which gave the bird freedom, while man seemed to be “rooted” to the ground.

The use of verbs in the present tense emphasizes that the action occurs at this very moment - the kite “rose,” “soared,” “left.” And by contrasting the clearing and the sky, which are described in the poem, the poet separates the concepts of the earthly world and the world of freedom and space. The poem also contrasts the real picture of reality and the thoughts of the lyrical hero. In the first stanza, a kite appears before the reader, rising from the ground and rushing into the sky. In the second stanza, the inner world of a man is revealed to the reader, who reflects on how Mother Nature awarded the bird freedom of movement, but leaves him in place:

“And here I am, covered in sweat and dust.
I, the king of the earth, am rooted to the earth!..”

An unusually subtle sense of nature, which is expressed in specific words and images that are understandable to everyone, is a distinctive feature of Tyutchev’s poetry. Nature for the poet becomes a source of inspiration, revealing the thoughts and feelings of Tyutchev himself through natural phenomena, therefore almost all poems compositionally resemble the rapid movement of thought against the backdrop of landscape sketches.


What is liquid glass body treatment?

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