The most accurate love horoscope cancer man. How to treat drug allergies

In 2016, Cancers need to be most afraid of ... the amorous sphere!

Cancer horoscope for 2016 Love. Love horoscope for 2016 for Cancers. In 2016, Cancers need to be most afraid of ... the amorous sphere. Because it is here, and not in a career or other areas, that the biggest surprises and changes are possible next year. And here the advice that we gave in the first part of the horoscope will not work much. That you need to start 2016 with specific desires and goals that you must set for yourself and how to carry the flag through the whole year. Because in your personal life, you can set as many goals as you like, but Life and you yourself will definitely correct them. As in the situation: "Tomorrow I will quit smoking, I will start to follow a diet, I will go in for sports." What else do you tell yourself when you are waiting for the test results? In other words, no matter how many promises you made to yourself at the beginning of 2016, the next year can change everything. The fact is that the love horoscope for 2016 Cancer indicates that cupid's arrows can pierce you anytime and anywhere. Even in the same queue for testing. So it is in the amorous sphere in 2016 that Cancers need to be as accurate as possible. And this applies even to deeply family and adult Cancers.

The fact is that the love horoscope for 2016 Cancer indicates that next year you will activate all spheres of amorous life, including very strong mutual jealousy. So that family Cancers You should try to avoid any excuses as much as possible. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a similar situation, when, in order to wean your little daughter from climbing in the closet and shifting things, Dasha said that an evil uncle was sitting there. And then one evening, when Dasha was watching TV with her husband, her daughter went into the room and asked: “Has the uncle already left the closet?” And this warning about jealousy applies equally to Cancer men next year.

Cancers in order not to get into a situation: “Listen, if you were a killer ... could you kill me for money ??? Well, what are you, ... I know you ... for so long ... I would have ... slapped you for FREE ”, watch your sharp tongue and for your answers!

As early as next year, Cancers need to watch their “boneless” tongue. You yourself know that you can blurt out something “innocent” in your opinion, which then you will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, in order not to get into a situation: “Listen, if you were (a) a killer ... could you kill me for money ??? Well, what are you… I know you… for so long… I would… spank you for FREE”, watch your sharp tongue and your answers. You know that your jokes sometimes serve as a great excuse.

As we have already said, the love horoscope for 2016 Cancer warns that Cupid's arrows can overtake next year, both single Cancers and Cancers in established relationships. And given that even casual acquaintances in your next year can easily develop into deep relationships, then in love sphere try to weigh "what I need" rather than "what I want" more often.

Cancer horoscope for 2016 Love. Lonely Cancers in this regard will be much easier. Next year, you can safely go towards new acquaintances and new relationships. And do not be afraid to add a touch of adventurism to your habitual behavior. Anyway, this drop will sink in that sea of ​​romance that the horoscope promises you for 2016. And this applies even to hopeless relationships from the past. After all, Cancers love to look back so much, and to be honest, it's really stupid to delete a number from the phone if it is not erased from memory. But still, as the website astrologer says, always try to devote much more time to yourself in the future than to someone in the past.

Cancer women next year should try to measure their desires, and not put so much pressure on their partner. So that at least from the outside it does not resemble the situation: “When the grandmother takes her granddaughter Olya from the kindergarten - and she has a black eye under her eye. Grandmother asks: - Where did the bruise come from? - I had a fight with Vovka! - Because of which? “Yes, I didn’t want to get married!” Therefore, do not forget to yourself sometimes say “Stop, something I broke up, in earnest!”.

Well, Cancer men in 2016 need to restrain themselves by telling others about their personal lives. Of course, you love to be advised on how to live by a divorced man working as an accountant's assistant with three loans, a mortgage and two children from different wives, but still try to watch whose "free ears" You invest your personal life.

At the end, the love horoscope for 2016 tells Cancers that next year you should be as careful and tactful as possible with people who are close to you. Try not to scare them once again with your pressure. You know, like a vacuum cleaner, it seems to be an ordinary item, but when you take it out, the cat is nowhere to be found right away. So in love, in order not to lose what is dear to you, you do not always need to get everything out of the closet. Even if you started a general cleaning of your life, and decided to throw out all the skeletons.

Well, Cancers, are you ready for 2016?

If, "yes", click "like", and may the Force, Love and the site be with you throughout 2016!

- Part 1

The beginning of 2016 promises family Cancers not the most better times. Perhaps a period will come in the family when it is time to finally sort out the relationship and take a sober look at what awaits this marriage in the future. In this way, married couple can avoid misunderstandings.

This advice will also come in handy: Cancer women in such a period should not show their emotions too much, negative thoughts and mood. The word is not a sparrow, and with your actions you can hurt your soulmate. Try to think it over several times before telling everything to your man.

For family women of this zodiac symbol, the next year does not promise stormy romances that will bring discord in the family; appearance of lovers. Since both men and women of Cancer are monogamous, faithful partners who have wisdom and watch their actions.

We cannot allow a simple separation, which can occur due to a misunderstanding of the positions, thoughts, and actions of each other. A Cancer woman definitely needs to maintain family relationships next year, and in any way. The monkey will provoke you and contribute to family discord throughout the year. Therefore, this time will be full of trials. But if you manage to survive, then happiness in marriage will be strengthened many times over!

What awaits in the love of Cancer women in 2016?

By their nature, Cancer women are extremely erotic, and at any opportunity they strive for love pleasure with violent feelings that absorb from head to toe. True, Cancer women also have an amazing oddity. Considering that lust, their own eroticism, is a weakness, such females close themselves off from any attempts to make contact from men.

Such a woman spends an excessive amount of effort on always looking strong and independent. She is easily excitable, incredibly passionate, and at the same time tries to hide these qualities from others.

The love horoscope for 2016 for a Cancer woman promises to be full of new acquaintances, let there be more short-term ones. But among those, long-term relationships await you. The main thing is to discern them in time among the many light novels, passionate flirting. After all, then bitter partings cannot be avoided.

Favorable periods for Cancers on the love front

A feminine and romantic image makes the Cancer lady a desirable life partner for self-confident men. Carefully monitor your appearance from June 17 to July 11. At this time, you will be simply unique! Don't forget to be super sensitive to others during the period of August 5-29, and you will be able to create friendly relations with all the people you know and love.

Share your warmth and kindness with family members in September. Your participation will be essential for them. Are you still single, but are you ready to "make a family nest"? Flirting, a lot of entertainment, the attention of men is waiting for you in autumn period from 23 September to 17 October. And believe autumn depression definitely not about you. But the search for a chosen one for marriage is best done at the beginning and end of the year - January 24-February 16 and November 12-December 6.

The coming 2016 will turn out to be calm and measured in personal life, just like Cancers love. Representatives of this sign will put into practice the lessons that they learned in previous years become wiser and more aware. September will start a new page in the personal life of this sign. Many will finally find their own home or improve their living conditions. family harmony will come first for them. Some Cancer families will move in with their parents, strengthen family ties. A special theme of the year will be the relationship between career and personal life. An affair with higher colleagues or the beginning of a common business with a loved one is not ruled out.

The year will begin for Cancers with an unexpected offer from a partner to go on a trip or an expensive gift. Cancers will appreciate it. In the second half of January, a sudden disclosure of some secret of a partner is possible. However, do not worry, the relationship after this will only become stronger. Lonely Cancers can get close to someone from a friendly environment in February. This friendly connection can turn into a sensual one in early March. In the period from late March to mid-August, a loved one of Cancers can close in, become more passive than usual. The stars advise using this time to work on mistakes in relationships, perhaps going to a family psychologist. Do not jump to conclusions or take drastic steps now. After this crisis, relations will become stronger.

The second half of April will bring long-awaited good news related to home and family. Some old dream of Cancers in this regard will come true. Great chance to start family business or buying real estate. In May, it is better to avoid conflicts on the topic of politics or religion, now this can seriously spoil relations. Despite being busy at work now, representatives of this sign definitely need to find time for their personal lives. The first half of June 2016 will again draw Cancer attention to family matters. Large joint purchase with a partner is possible. Relations between relatives of Cancers and their soul mates will improve dramatically. However, the stars warn them against imposing their usual family life on a partner. In July, he can be especially stubborn because of this.

In August, differences in worldview in a pair of Cancers can again come to the fore, so the stars advise you to be careful. In the second part of the month, representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to increase their social status, climb higher on the career ladder with the help of a loved one. The end of the month is a great time for a joint vacation at sea. The beginning of September 2016 may be marked by short-term conflicts over money. But already in the second half of the month, a new period will begin in the life of Cancers.

Many will receive an offer to move in or buy a shared home. It is better to plan such large joint expenses for the beginning of October. At the end of the month, a slight affair with a friend is possible, from which the usually balanced representatives of this sign will temporarily lose self-control. However, in serious relationship it's unlikely to come out. Cancers without a partner should take a closer look at work colleagues or familiar foreigners. Among them, they can find their destiny, especially from the beginning of November until the end of 2016. Those who have already found their love will enjoy peace, comfort and stability. The only thing that can overshadow this idyll in early December is workload. The love horoscope 2016 for Cancers warns them against bringing their irritation into the house, received in communication with superiors or colleagues. All rights reserved. Reproduction without compliance with the conditions is prohibited.

2016 is under the auspices of the Red Fire Monkey, making its own adjustments to the calm and measured life of Cancers. A lot of passion, flirting and completely unexpected love adventures await you at the end of spring and summer, and some people will very likely even meet a soulmate. However, at the beginning of the year, Cancers will not be easy, and the horoscope will tell you how best to deal with blues and depression in the first winter months. If on love front temporary lull - it is best to devote time to self-development, in the end it will bring double benefits, and will help especially Cancer women to gain more self-confidence. In general, the year will be eventful and interesting, it will not bring major disappointments or betrayals, maximum minor domestic quarrels, which everyone will be able to cope with.

Love horoscope for Cancer woman for 2016

For young girls born under the sign of Cancer, 2016 will seem completely uninteresting and unpromising at first. Bright events and meetings are not expected for a long time, life will be smooth, and calm is planned in the sphere of love. In order not to immediately go to extremes and start eating loneliness with cakes, take care of yourself, find a new active hobby that can lead to a new acquaintance, communicate more often with already married friends, believe me, their husbands also have many lonely, but still attractive friends. In general - take fate into your own hands, do not be afraid to seem too active, because you don't need guys who are afraid of it. After a few months, you will notice that personal life somehow appeared by itself, and there really is no end to the fans, who to choose - decide for yourself. Family Cancer Women it will also be difficult at first, because petty domestic squabbles will bother you more and more, and it may even seem that feelings have completely faded away. However, your partner is also just a little tired, so at the first opportunity, arrange a second Honeymoon, take a break from children and dirty dishes, or at least go to a restaurant together. These simple tricks will help you resurrect the fire in a relationship, and it will become completely clear to Cancer women that they definitely were not mistaken in choosing a man.

Love horoscope for Cancer man for 2016

The coming 2016 promises single Cancer men a meeting with their soulmate. Fleeting romances and intrigues have finally come to an end, it's time for you to settle down, and you will find a person with whom you really want to do this. These relationships can get off to a rocky start, but if the guys put in the effort, they'll pay off handsomely. For married men, born in the constellation of Cancer, the stars predict a difficult year, especially its end. The business routine and the desire to fly up the career ladder can greatly alienate you from your loved one, and from the outside it will seem that there is not a drop of love left in you or the desire to continue the relationship. But family life is not an easy task, so try to start pampering your soul mate with at least small gifts or pleasant sms to let her know that you still love her. In November, all Cancers will have an unprecedented rise in self-esteem due to a new acquaintance of a girl who will enter your social circle, you can even allow yourself innocent flirting, but do not overdo it. Use this positive attitude to bring a new spark to an existing relationship or help a lonely friend believe in true love.

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