What was the year according to the eastern calendar. Horoscope for those born in these years. Those born under the sign of the fire monkey

The horoscope for 2016 for the signs of the zodiac, based on the astrological situation in the forecast period, is encouraging. In general, 2016 will be a bright and interesting time, full of amazing events. Each of us, in the unstoppable cycle of the universe, will surely find something interesting for ourselves.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2016 will be the year of the Fire (Red) Monkey. This symbol is a metaphysical embodiment of the anthropogenic factor. The Year of the Monkey begins on February 7, 2016 and ends on February 27, 2017.

Horoscope 2016 - what to expect in the year of the Red Monkey?

According to the theory of five elements (in Chinese, Wu-xing), the natural elements of the Monkey are metal and water. The metal is associated with gold. Water is associated with wisdom and danger. Thus, in 2016 of the Monkey we will deal with diverse financial events. The monkey is smart, mischievous, cunning and vigilant. If you want to invest your money successfully, then you need to outsmart the monkey. Metal is also associated with the wind. This implies that for all signs of the zodiac in 2016, events will change very quickly. Measure seven times before you change something in your career, business, relationships.

The symbol of 2016 - the Monkey - symbolizes a special way of existence, rising above the world of animal passions and reigning in it, but without subordinating the surrounding reality to one's desires and being in harmony with the Universe. In this respect, Eastern philosophy is much deeper and more metaphorical than European.

For the signs of the zodiac, the horoscope for 2016 predicts that in 2016 the Monkey will patronize explorers, scientists and adventurers - everyone who denies everything static and strives for the constant change of everything that surrounds us. Of course, it cannot be said that an ordinary person in 2016, due to positive trends, will change the field of activity to the opposite. But, in any case, the perception and awareness of many things will change.

The 2016 horoscope for the signs of the zodiac and the year of birth notes that, regardless of profession, each of us can (and should) strive for sustainable progress, which can be expressed in different ways. Some of the signs of the zodiac will clean up the courtyard of their house, someone will build a skyscraper, and someone will conquer Everest. In addition, it is impossible to say who is more of a researcher. Many areas of activity require such outstanding qualities as perseverance, will, fine calculation, etc. In 2016, new horizons will open up for each of us. And the more we strive for success, the better the possibilities of this world will open for us. It is not hard to guess that this year 2016 will bring many discoveries in all fields of science. Of course, this plays a big role in accelerating progress, but the last decades of 2016 will be a kind of watershed for everything related to scientific research. Using the recommendations, you can change the predetermined events and change your destiny for the better.

What does the horoscope 2016 promise to the signs of the zodiac

If we talk about the patronage of the stars, it is hardly appropriate to single out the element that will clearly dominate in 2016. Each zodiac sign has its own traits and characteristics that you should pay attention to.

For example, in 2016 fire signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius , who are known for their temperament and emotionality, will be surprised to discover the possibilities of psycho-mental (emotional) energy, which will receive an additional impetus due to the increasing dynamics of solar energy in 2016. For representatives of such signs of the zodiac as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, vitality is the key to victory! However, it is better to spend the provided opportunities not on parties, but on more rational and reasonable things.

Before water signs of the zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces in 2016 there will be a number of complex tasks related to the esoteric side of life. Perhaps you will go through some kind of rite, you will be entrusted with some secret information or something like that. Most likely, in 2016 you will try to fulfill your old dream. In other words, for the water signs of the zodiac, 2016 will be a time for awareness, implementation and acceptance of some occult knowledge that does not come to every person who is interested in them. To what extent it will be good (or not too good) - everyone will decide for himself. It is important to realize that, according to the horoscope, 2016 will bring almost unlimited opportunities in the field of spiritual development, but responsibility will also increase in direct proportion to the growth of consciousness. For example, how many possibilities does an ant have? Indeed, not so little, but in comparison with the Sun, its capabilities are negligible. Moreover, the ant is an animated being, while the Sun is not. This phenomenon demonstrates a unique law of the universe. Both the Sun and the ant are phenomenal in their own way. Only potential opportunities and scope of activity differ.

For zodiac signs of the air element - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius the horoscope in 2016 predicts the raising of questions related to love relationships. Of course, here much depends on the individuality and the specific location of the planets in your personal horoscope. 2016 will be full of romance, tenderness, love and sincerity. You may experience unexpected disappointments, but don't worry - everything will be as it should be. Moreover, even if a loved one has left you, this is not a reason to lose control of your life. Maybe you and your partner are just not right for each other. On the other hand, it is possible that you simply did not immediately notice the shortcomings of the satellite.

Representatives of the elements of the Earth - zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn , as the horoscope predicts, in 2016 will be less influenced by the stars than other signs of the zodiac. However, it would be reckless not to mention the strong beneficial influence of Jupiter on the representatives of this element until September 2016. In general, we can say that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will do well, especially in the field of finance and business management. Of course, we must take into account some individual aspects. In other words, if you do nothing, you are unlikely to get anything. You know, fulfilling a sacred duty towards the family is not only washing dishes or going to the park together. It seems that anything is much more important and more interesting than this. Even if you think so, it does not mean at all that things are the way they are. Moreover, in 2016, the signs of the zodiac of the elements of the Earth will experience some radical changes associated with spiritual evolution.

Alas, as the horoscope for 2016 predicts according to the signs of the zodiac, the main feature of the new 2016 will be instability, which will affect absolutely all spheres of human life: economics, politics and finance. It will not bypass the souls of people either, so truly global cataclysms should be expected. But although this year will seem rather difficult and unsuccessful for some signs of the zodiac, all the processes that will take place in it are very plastic, and, if desired, they can be sufficiently turned to global benefit. This applies not only to each individual person, but to the whole society as a whole.

In a global sense, humanity should expect many surprises from 2016, which will be impossible to predict in advance. We have to survive for the whole world. The events and problems of the distant past will have a great influence, and the mistakes that were made then will receive an unexpected development in the present. Therefore, if you plan some goals in the new 2016, then try to plan everything and put it on the shelves in advance, so that the path to achieving them is not confusing, but as simple as possible. We recommend reading professional astrologers from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in order to be prepared for any surprises in world politics and economics.

Each New Year on the threshold makes us prepare for it in advance as a difficult and dynamic period of our lives. The greatest excitement will be caused by issues related to success in the professional sphere and personal life. Is it possible to improve the situation without waiting in advance that hopes for a better future will collapse? We wish you that in 2016 you will forget about all the problems in your life, give the opportunity to every moment in your life to be full of love, tenderness and happiness!

According to the calendar in force in the Eastern countries, every year during the twelve-year cycle passes under the influence of some animal.

His character and habits form the main themes and directions of the upcoming period, therefore, in order not to get into trouble, it is worth initially getting to know the temper of the new owner.

Year of the Fire Monkey

general characteristics

According to Eastern tradition, 2016 will come on February 8th. It is on this day that the Wood Goat will give way to the "throne" of the Monkey, born under the Fire element.

Despite the fact that all variations of aggressive red are considered her favorite color, the coming months can bring a lot of positive emotions and creative moments.

The main features of the symbol of the coming year can be safely called eccentricity, resourcefulness and boundless artistry.

It is almost impossible to predict the course of the Monkey's thoughts, and even more so its subsequent actions.

At some point, she seems cheerful, perky and carefree, and after a short time she falls into sadness and even outright anger.

However, her playful inconstancy and eccentricity most likely relate to the emotional sphere. In fact, she is able to show quick wits, a sharp mind and resourcefulness.

The Fire Monkey moves confidently, stubbornly and quickly towards its goal, leaving no chance for rivals.

It is not physical strength that helps her in this, but natural charm, creativity and innate elegance. With their help, the Monkey is able to make a favorable impression on everyone who meets her path.

Love and family

Inconstancy and a rather complex character do not in the least prevent the representatives of the sign from being very popular with the opposite sex.

In their personal lives there is no place for boredom, because here they strive for diversity as much as possible..

The romantic relationship of the Monkey cannot be imagined without beautiful courtship, gifts, compliments. At times she is naughty and seems extremely vulnerable, but this lasts only until the second half meets.

Having created a family, the Monkey zealously guards his home, turning it into a cozy island for peace and relaxation..

All assigned tasks are carried out by her with ease, which sometimes causes envy and irritation among representatives of other signs. Often she is considered an arrogant imaginary. There is indeed some truth in this. Being jacks of all trades, Monkeys have a tendency to treat others with a sense of their own superiority.

The habit of carefully following fashion helps them to be better and more noticeable. When attending mass and social events, representatives of the sign always look bright and impeccable in terms of style. This is another way to console your boundless vanity.

How to welcome the new year

To please the mistress of the year, you need to be in motion for the entire period. Lucky for everyone who approaches problem solving creatively, with a twinkle.

Musicians, poets and artists will be especially favored in the year of the Monkey. Unforgettable will be a trip to warm countries - to the ancestral home of all primates.

The decoration of the room for the New Year should be bright. This is exactly the case when festive tinsel will not be considered a sign of bad taste.

Be sure to have indoor plants and baskets with exotic fruits. The predominant color in clothing and interior is fiery red.

Horoscope for those born in the Year of the Monkey

In their year, representatives of the sign will succeed in many areas of life. Middle-aged people will have a chance to become influential and famous, and young people will receive recognition in creative activities.

Wherever you manage to apply your mind and talents, you can count on career growth and monetary rewards.

All things will go as well as possible if natural determination does not border on bad deeds, excessive adventurism and attempts to grab free cheese from mousetraps.

A sense of proportion must also be observed on the path to the realization of one's desires.

What to expect for other signs of the eastern calendar


The main theme of the year for representatives of this sign will be a change in the very perception of life. The Fire Monkey will have time to bring them so many innovations and unexpected discoveries that the Rats may not keep up with rapidly changing events.

In the dynamic atmosphere of the coming twelve months, it will be important to learn how to make decisions only after all the pros and cons have been weighed. Otherwise, business reputation may be under attack.

Rats are unlikely to be able to avoid various kinds of difficulties, but if they find the strength not to give in to them, then all troubles will recede.

The period of the Fire Monkey will bring financial success to those representatives of the sign who are initially set up for honest and hard work.


The mistress of the year, with her inherent zeal, will not miss the chance to test the mighty Ox for strength. But since he is not used to giving in, all small and large problems will be solved by him consistently, independently and with special perseverance.

From some difficult situations, he will find such a brilliant way out that he will even get some share of pleasure from this process. In turn, the Fire Monkey will not allow the representatives of the sign to relax and act on "maybe". It is possible that the Bulls will have to pull out not only themselves, but also close people from difficult situations.

Owners of private businesses can count on particular success this year. The number of their clients will grow in proportion to the increase in income.

Employees, in turn, will be able to significantly move up the career ladder, receiving an increase in salary.


At times, not without difficulties, but in general, a successful year awaits the Tigers. With especially generous gifts, the Fire Monkey promises to shower those representatives of the sign who from the first days will begin to work systematically and in full force. The remuneration received can exceed all possible expectations, and at once in all spheres of life.

A career take-off, salary growth, starting your own business, a happy marriage, and even a change of residence are possible.

To achieve all the goals set, autumn will be especially favorable. Tigers that will stagnate will receive the same level of dividends at the end of the year and are unlikely to be able to change their lives in any way.


The Monkey frankly dislikes Rabbits for their inherent resourcefulness and cunning, therefore, in her personal year, representatives of the sign should not clearly demonstrate these qualities. Otherwise, the goals set by them may not be achieved.

Rabbits can take risks in the summer, which will be exceptionally favorable for lottery games and trips to the casino.

Lucky representatives of the sign and in love. In family life, in fact, for the whole year, a calm favorable for mutual understanding will be established, and people free from marriage ties will be able to meet their soul mate.

The Dragon

If the representatives of the sign have enough wisdom in 2016, then the time of the fiery Monkey will turn out to be quite favorable for them. Your efforts should be focused on one thing, otherwise there is a risk of chasing two birds with one stone and being left with nothing.

It will be much easier for Dragons to strengthen their financial position than their stellar counterparts..

Periods are not ruled out when money will flow in their direction just like a stormy river. But in terms of finances, it is better to be on the alert all year, because excessive self-confidence will inevitably lead to losses.

Clouds in the sky are likely to appear in the summer, in the form of problems at work and family troubles. Various kinds of misunderstandings with friends are also not excluded. However, the situation that has arisen can hardly be called critical. Everything will be settled by autumn. This time of the year can be called favorable for changing jobs, marriage, moving to a new apartment.


The wise Snake is waiting for a moderate year. No special problems are foreseen, and those that suddenly arise will be resolved quickly and naturally. The Fire Monkey strongly advises not to deal with difficulties alone, so as not to commit rash acts or unwanted mistakes. At critical moments, it is better to let go of the situation and go with the flow - over time, the black clouds will disappear on their own.

All financial affairs must be conducted wisely, avoiding investments in large and expensive projects.

The greatest luck is to be expected in personal life. It is possible that ahead is the beginning of a strong romantic relationship.


In the year of the Fire Monkey, astrological "workers" are allowed to become a little more selfish in order to reveal all the overt and hidden talents. They will have a long-awaited chance to make a successful career, earn extra money, buy something from real estate, go on a long trip, meet their destiny and even open a successful business.

The main thing is that the frantic pace of life does not negatively affect health, and that there is enough physical strength to implement all the planned projects.

Only excessive emotionality can become a hindrance, so the hostess of the year strongly recommends keeping yourself in control.


Only collective work will bring success to the representatives of the sign. Trying to work alone, you can be left with nothing. This year there is a chance to change jobs and professions, but you should not try to get everything at once. If you are in the mood to make good money and spend your savings wisely, the Fire Monkey will help you make smart purchases.

Family representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to reach a new level of relationship, and those who are looking for a partner may not be lucky. Although the Goats, who are already 100% sure of their choice, the hostess of the year will help them get to the registry office.


The Fire Monkey will allow the Fearless Roosters to fly very high if they show miracles of adaptation in their environment.

Diligence and the spirit of teamwork will contribute to the achievement of serious success in work.

But with gambling or dubious investments, it is better to wait a little, because there is a risk of getting into an extremely unpleasant money story. In romantic relationships, instead of passion, harsh statements and rash acts, it is better to stick to moderation and patience. Otherwise, Roosters risk destroying even a strong alliance.

Long distance travel will be beneficial.


In the year of the Fire Monkey, representatives of the sign will demonstrate peace and iron calmness. This will allow them to carefully analyze their plans in the winter and begin their implementation. The main theme of the upcoming period will be for the Dog the improvement of home life. It is possible to carry out a major overhaul or purchase of new furniture.

The peak of business activity is expected in the spring. The idea that has appeared will force you to gather like-minded people with whom you will be able to act according to the previously outlined plan.

Do not chase big money, otherwise you may not have enough time for your family.


Already at the beginning of the year, the representatives of the sign will have a passionate desire to radically change their lives. To do this, they will begin to actively look for a new job or an opportunity to earn extra money. Especially lucky for those who are engaged in trade or managed to open their own business.

True, to achieve great financial success, you will have to work tirelessly. The hostess of the year will demand special attention from the Boars to family members, so travel or a seaside vacation will be the best pastime.

Let the year of the Fire Monkey, which promises to be active, interesting and not boring, bring only pleasant surprises to representatives of all signs. Good luck, peace and prosperity!

Video report about the upcoming year in 2016

A small video report will reveal to you a number of secrets of the coming year and tell you who it favors and who should be more careful.

Each year has its own patron animal. The year of the Goat (Sheep) has just replaced the year of the Horse, and everyone is already interested in the year 2016 following this. According to the eastern calendar, the next year will be the Fire Monkey. The ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope is characterized by the variability of character and a sudden change of mood born under it. The previous year of the monkey was 2004, and the next after 2016 will be 2028, every twelfth year - a cycle of changing one sign .... Characteristics of the fire monkey Temperament and emotions are combined with cunning and deceit. Monkeys born in the year will go to the goal by any means. For this animal, there is no morality, there is no constancy, the change of mood is involuntary and can alternate with sadness, unbridled joy or anger for several minutes. Laughter, tears, depression, rage, melancholy, it's all about her. Emotions change, but the scope of action remains constant. In any mood for a monkey, the goal is above all. She will remember her, strive to achieve her, to more than she has, and stubbornly carry out her plans. Wits and ingenuity, charm, universal love and magical attraction - all this allows the monkey to go through life easily, without holding evil and nostalgia for the past in his soul. A flexible and quick mind gives an advantage when considering many decisions and cases at the same time. It makes a good impression on the opponent, can easily insist on his own and persuade the interlocutor to his side. It takes advantage of the other signs of the opposite sex and skillfully manipulates it .... Color, element and other signs of the 2016 year of the monkey What color is our monkey? The answer is unequivocal - the year will be a fiery monkey. The exact change of the year of the Goat to the year of the Monkey occurs on February 16, 2016. Each year has its own color, element, zodiac sign and month. For the Monkey, the patroness of 2016, they are as follows: color - red; energy - yin; month - July; zodiac sign - Leo; element - fire. There are only five elements, unlike animals: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. They change differently, for example, 2004 was the year of the wooden Monkey, and 2028 will be the year of the earth .... What awaits us in the year of the fiery Monkey Each patron animal affects its year, strengthening some spheres of influence and weakening others. The symbol of 2016 promises us a lot of positive emotions in almost all matters. Professional activity In work this year, you can achieve unprecedented career growth. Everything will be easy, the salary will increase, the management will notice and appreciate it. In addition to the main income, some additional source promises material success. Health Health will need to be monitored more closely than this year. There is a possibility of complications after past illnesses, the number of cases of injury will increase. Therefore, astrologers recommend now to start preventing diseases, start visiting a fitness club or gym, do gymnastics, and get carried away with running. It should be remembered that it is much more expensive to be treated than to engage in disease prevention. Social sphere In the year of the fiery Monkey, communication will be all right. A sociable animal with a light character will help people in finding new friends, it will be possible to restore former friendship, to establish relations with distant relatives. This year you can suddenly fall in love, find your destiny. Marriages Marriages that take place in the year of such a beast as Monkeys bring a lot of joy to the newlyweds. Stronger, less discord in the family, easy relationships without jealousy, good fertility. For couples married under the sign of this animal, noisy quarrels are characteristic, which suddenly begin and just as suddenly end in a stormy reconciliation. They live in marriage for a long time, divorces occur less frequently than in other years. Prospects For those who organize a new project this year or decide to implement a long-planned one, new horizons will open. It's time to dare and put ideas into practice. The monkey is the most reliable patron for those who want to radically change something in their lives. This may be the beginning of the construction of a new house, moving, changing jobs and much more. Pregnancy Pregnancy at this time proceeds better than in other years, there are fewer complications, since the baby already in the womb strives for life and tries with all his might to help mommy. During these years, there are fewer premature babies, babies with pathologies, especially of a mental nature, are born less often. If you want a mobile child with the makings of a genius, feel free to plan a pregnancy and give birth in the year of the monkey. Newborns Children born in the year of the Monkey are smart and quick-witted. About 60% of geniuses were born during the years of the patronage of this animal. A sharp mind, the ability to think analytically, instant problem solving, all these are signs of a talented person. But they lack perseverance, excessive mobility prevents them from studying at school. If a child learns something, then he does it “on the fly”, it’s hard for him to delve into it for a long time. Excessive mobility both helps and hinders. Such children need discipline and constant mental stress. For them, there is only the first place, the desire for superiority arises from birth .... Horoscope for those born in these years People born in the years of the patronage of this animal often become famous, influential and famous people. Such geniuses as Leonardo da Vinci, Gaius Julius Caesar, Dickens, Dumas son, Jack London, Byron, Gauguin. Many scientists and politicians, geniuses of illusion, directors, poets: Diaghilev, Harry Truman, Fellini, Omar Sharif, Houdini, Ian Fleming, Mick Jagger, Rozhdestvensky, Igor Kio, Chekhov, Elizabeth Taylor, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, as well as Rockefeller and Papa John Paul II. The list can go on and it will be very long. People of various mindsets, mathematical, analytical, creative, humanitarians and politicians, economists and geniuses of philosophy, in no other year there is such a “starfall” of born extraordinary people who achieve success and recognition. Popularity for the majority comes in more mature years, rarely anyone achieves much in their youth. As a rule, young years are spent on exploring the world, intensive study, sports, hobbies and striving to find oneself. There are especially many outstanding people born in the year of the Monkey among businessmen and representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Excellent leaders who achieve everything with their mind and ability to work, real workaholics, but everything comes easy to them, thanks to their exceptional mind and desire to achieve the goal. Warning Those born this year can lose everything overnight. Luck can turn away from them at any moment. You should not get involved in alcohol and gambling, you should not get involved in dubious projects and be too gullible. It is necessary to restrain mood swings, emotional outbursts and not be led by all sudden desires. If you limit yourself a little and hold back, those born in the year of the Fire Monkey are guaranteed success .... More.

Probably, you have already thought about whose year 2016 will be. We decided to tell you today, 2016 is the year of which animal. According to the eastern horoscope, the sign of the year 2016 is a monkey. What promises to be the year of the monkey 2016. This symbol of 2016 promises a lot of good things. And the color of 2016 is fiery. This means that the theme of 2016 is everything related to fire.

We will set off fireworks and light sparklers to appease the animal, celebrate the New Year in bright clothes. The upcoming 2016 according to the eastern calendar is ideal to start a family. The fiery monkey is a symbol of 2016 - this means that in such a family there will be love and many children. A wonderful gift for those who have not yet met their soul mate - the monkey of 2016.

Let's remember who 2016 is, what kind of character this animal has. The monkey is artistic. Capricious and unpredictable - it's hard to guess what she's thinking. Her actions cannot be predicted - she can be kind and cheerful, but she can also be evil. Keep this in mind when events do not develop at all as planned. See whose 2016 is on the calendar.

2016 is the year of what animal, what to meet, what to serve

You can dress for the holiday in red, yellow, coral or burgundy. There should be fruits on the table, be sure to bananas, but less meat is desirable. Next year is 2016 - monkeys! Therefore, be sure to appease her with low-fat snacks and salads - she likes everything natural. Since you know whose year is 2016, you can feed the monkey with vegetables, pastries and muffins.

We decorate the house and the New Year's table

This year will be sure to be successful for all who are curious and adventurous. Dare! Still, the monkey is very close to man. But be careful - the year of the monkey can hardly be called calm and measured. She's still that bad girl. Be sure to create a cozy and joyful atmosphere in the house for guests. Since the monkey - the symbol of this year - is fiery, there should be a lot of candles on the table, and a beautiful luminous garland on the Christmas tree. As much light and fire as possible on this day.

You can watch the Eastern horoscope for this year on this YouTube video.

The New Year is still far away, and many have already begun to wonder which animal symbol plans to come into law in 2016.

2016 is the year of the fire MONKEY!

Each of us is aware that each new year has its own special features, which are endowed by this or that symbol, which comes into force once every 12 years.

2016 will manage FIRE MONKEY . At first glance, it may seem that the monkey is a cute and funny creature, but her mood instantly changes, a vivid manifestation of emotions and character is inherent. Accordingly, we can safely conclude that the coming 2016 will be a year of great changes and will require a lot of effort and stress from each of us. However, such difficult conditions will allow each of us to discover new opportunities and talents.

2016- will be the best year for those who love everything new and unknown, who are not alien to experiments and love for everything unusual.

Same way 2016 can be considered a year of communication, new acquaintances and business relationships. People who are tired of loneliness, perhaps in 2016, with a light paw of a fiery monkey, will find new friends, and maybe even real romantic relationships. Those who aspire to achieve great heights in business will find valuable new business contacts and build relationships with stakeholders. Business will take off.

2016- this is a year of unexpected turns of events, which means the time of winning the lottery and finding treasures.

Marriages in the year of the fire monkey will surely bring boundless pleasure to the newlyweds. After all, family relationships will be easy and positive. Any quarrel will be as easy to stop as it starts.

For those who are planning to have a baby in 2016, the prognosis is favorable. Pregnancy will proceed easily and without serious complications. Children who are born in the year of the monkey are always intellectually developed, have creative abilities, are sociable and eloquent.

Due to the fact that 2016 will be held at a frantic pace, it is very important to pay great attention to your health and the health of those close to you. If you have not rested in warm exotic countries for a long time, then it is in the coming year, the fiery monkey, that you should go to distant islands and soak up the pleasant sunshine in the shade of a luxurious palm tree.

Also, do not get involved in gambling, commit risky acts and participate in extreme events.

The color of 2016 is red!

Red color is the color of love, vivid emotions, passion and aggression. For the New Year holidays, be sure to prepare an evening dress in red or with elements of this color. The symbol of the coming year - the fiery monkey will definitely appreciate it and become your devoted patroness for the whole next year.

By the New Year's Eve, be sure to purchase the symbols of the coming year or make them yourself. Candles of different shapes and sizes are also welcome.

Predictions for 2015-2016:

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