Catch a dead fish in a dream. What is the dream of a dead fish? death in the aquarium

In most cases, night visions of fish portend a replenishment in the family or a large monetary profit. However, sometimes such dreams mean something unpleasant: illness, quarrels, loss of money. What is the dream of a dead fish? Should I be afraid of such dreams?

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of sleep, you should remember all its smallest details and look into the dream book.

Key values

Most often, dream interpreters warn that a dead fish in a dream is bad. an omen of great trouble in a person's life.

Touching a dead animal is a serious illness that will take a lot of strength, and recovery will not come as quickly as we would like. If the fish broke up into small pieces in the hands of the dreamer, then this portends an unexpected monetary gain. A person should try his luck in the lottery or gambling - he will certainly win a tidy sum. It is also possible to receive an award or inheritance.

Just contemplating the fish without touching it is a bad sign, portending quarrels and misunderstandings in family relationships, as well as conflicts with colleagues at work. In this case, you should avoid communicating with people who can provoke scandals, and not respond to their provocations.

The severity of the upcoming troubles depends on the size of the fish. What is the dream of a little dead fish? This means that all life's troubles will soon pass by themselves. If a large dead fish was seen in a dream, then the dreamer should be prepared for a rather difficult period in life, which can drag on for a long time.

If you dreamed of a dead fish with multi-colored scales, this promises betrayal and insidious intentions on the part of enemies or competitors. You should be more careful and attentive when signing important documents. In this case, the dreamer will be able to bypass all the troubles. Also, such night visions can warn a person about the possibility of losing a large amount of money.

What is the dream of a dead fish in an aquarium? The interpretation of the dream depends on where exactly the dead fish is located. If it lies at the bottom, then this is a favorable sign, which indicates that all the bad events around the dreamer will bypass him. If the fish is located belly up on the surface of the water, then this tells the person that the solution to his problems is obvious and simple. It is necessary to start to act more actively in life.

If in a dream it seemed that the fish died in the aquarium, then this promises minor problems that a person can easily cope with. If at the same time the dreamer feels guilty for himself - to big trouble in business.

To dream that a dead fish is in a very dirty aquarium with muddy water is a warning that something bad may happen to one of the relatives.

Accidentally breaking an aquarium - to gossip and untrue rumors about the dreamer, which is spread by someone from his inner circle. You should be more careful in dealing with people.

If a sleeping person dreamed that he was catching inanimate fish, then this promises big health problems that will arise due to bad habits.

If the dreamer caught a fish with golden scales, then this means signing a very profitable contract that will bring significant financial success and a solution to all the financial problems of a person.

If you saw a lot of dead living creatures in a dream, problems await you in various areas of life. There may be misunderstanding in relations with the soulmate, unjustified nit-picking of the authorities at work, intrigues of enemies and ill-wishers, material losses.

You may also dream of a fish carcass that decomposes before the eyes of the dreamer. In this case, the dream portends an unexpected monetary gain. It is possible to receive an inheritance or a big win in the lottery.

Catching a dead fish in a fishing net is an unexpected profit.

Eating rotten fish - soon the owner of the vision will have great luck. If it was raw, then this portends great life disappointments and troubles. Eating fish bones is a big financial loss.

If in a night vision you dreamed that the fish had turned into a skeleton - to some unexpected bad event in the dreamer's life, which could even lead to depression.

Also, a dead fish seen in a dream can tell a person that one of his relatives needs his help.

Who had a dream?

If a woman often sees inanimate fish in her dreams, then this is a sign that the lady needs to relax, take a vacation and go on vacation. Her health is under serious threat. Physical fatigue can lead to serious ailments.

Such dreams may portend the emergence of problem situations in the near future that will not depend on the dreamer. This may be a major scandal with her husband, a reprimand from her superiors, or the illness of someone close to her. In this case, you should not take everything to heart, it is better to solve problems as they come.

For a woman, a dream about inanimate fish portends unwanted pregnancy or serious illness. If a pregnant woman or her husband dreamed of such a dream, then this bad sign. The dream warns that you should be more attentive to the health of the expectant mother, as there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. You should rest more and not be nervous, even if there is a reason for this.

If a woman in position saw a lot of dead living creatures in her night visions, then this portends a dangerous disease. Therefore, even with a slight deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is eating dead fish, then this is a favorable sign that promises the future mother the absence of health problems and an excellent mood.

For an unmarried young girl, such dreams portend problems with the opposite sex. Her young man can change her or break off relations. If the girl is single, then she should be more attentive to new acquaintances with men in order to avoid possible disappointments.

For young students, dreams of dead fish portend problems with grades. However, hard work in studies can change this situation.

For men, seeing a dead fish in a dream is an unfavorable sign. This portends financial problems, as well as the betrayal of one of your close friends. You should be more careful and not tell anyone about your plans. Also, such a dream may portend a severe break in relations with a beloved woman. You should spend more time together to prevent the emergence of conflict situations in the relationship.

If a man had a dream in which a dead fish swims in a pond due to an environmental disaster, then this tells the dreamer that he should be more active in his professional activities. Otherwise, even dismissal from work is possible.

Did a man dream of a dead fish in the water, which swims with its belly up? This dream is a warning sign of possible major financial losses. Do not sign important contracts or enter into business alliances in the near future. It is better to postpone important matters for a while. This will help you avoid major problems.

To see a dead fish on the shore - to the difficult financial situation of the dreamer.

If a man saw a dying fish in an aquarium, then this indicates that it is difficult for him to achieve his goals, there is no progress in solving important issues. You need to take a short break and relax, and then get back to work with renewed vigor.

How do famous people interpret night visions about inanimate fish?

Many world-famous psychologists, seers, esotericists pay great attention to night visions about representatives of the fauna. Dreams about dead fish are no exception.

What do the dead inhabitants of the water element mean according to Miller's dream book? A well-known psychologist claims that such dreams promise great losses and disappointments in life.

If a woman saw such a dream, then she could not escape disappointment and serious problems with her beloved man. A crisis may come as a result of his thoughtless actions or words. If the lady was fishing and saw that she was catching rotten fish, then this dream warns her of a possible betrayal. loved one. According to the same dream book, a dead fish dreamed of by a young guy or man promises significant financial losses. It is necessary to save a certain amount of money in case of a difficult financial situation. Do not sign risky documents and enter into dubious transactions.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a dead fish in a dream is a warning that evil plans are being made behind the dreamer's back, which can greatly damage a person's reputation in society. It is worth being careful, watching your words and actions.

The Old Slavonic dream book claims that if a person dreamed of a dead fish on the shore, then one should be as careful as possible on the road so as not to get injured. Also, such a dream can promise trouble at work.

Tsvetkov's dream book says that a dead fish in a dream is an omen of the dreamer's imminent illness. Eating rotten fish - to unexpected profits or inheritance.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti interprets the inanimate fish seen in a dream as a sign that a person feels severe physical and moral fatigue. He spent too much energy on important life issues. He needs rest and peace of mind.

Why dream of a dead fish according to Freud? He claims that this is a sign that a person is dissatisfied with his intimate life. He wants more vivid sensations in sexual relations. You should talk about this with your partner.

According to the family interpreter of night visions, a dead fish portends quarrels with relatives against the background of different views on some life issues. You should think about your behavior and learn to compromise.

Why dream of fish carcasses according to the esoteric dream book? These night visions promise a person victory over his enemies and ill-wishers, as well as a quick solution to financial issues.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

What does dead fish in a pond mean?

Often a dream in which a person saw a dead fish in an open pond indicates that the dreamer feels tired, depressed and apathetic. In women, nervous breakdowns are possible. All this speaks of dissatisfaction with the course of life. It is necessary to listen to the desires of your body, to rest more in order to get back to work with renewed vigor. You should not do something against your will, as this deprives a person of the opportunity to be happy.

Seeing a fish die in an aquarium symbolizes unfulfilled dreams. Perhaps the dreamer stopped believing in his dream because he was afraid of not coping with problems on the way to achieving the goal. Or it may be that a lot of work has already been done, but it does not bring due satisfaction. It is also possible that the dreamer sees completely different tasks ahead of him. In any case, you should think about what a person wants to achieve in life, what he aspires to, and then it will bring success.

If you look at a fish washed ashore, you may get injured, or just have a hard day ahead, and in order to successfully survive it, the dreamer will need a lot of moral strength, patience and endurance.

If a person in power dreamed of a fish upside down, then this promises a loss of position, as well as bankruptcy. In addition, this dream can promise betrayal of a loved one.

If you dreamed that you were trying to pull the corpse of a fish out of the river, then this promises a serious illness to the dreamer or one of his relatives.

To see how the flow of the river quickly carries a lot of dead fish - the cherished desire is not destined to come true.

A river filled with lifeless fish warns a person that he may be deceived or involved in some dubious business by swindlers. Communication with unfamiliar persons should be avoided.

Inanimate fish, dreaming in the open sea, portends the dreamer sadness, melancholy and depressive mood. Great financial losses or quarrels with a loved one are possible. You should also pay attention to your health, as it is possible to develop a serious illness, which so far does not manifest itself.

Seen inanimate fish in the lake portends problems with superiors at work. If the fish was very large, then the dreamer should think about changing jobs or opening his own business.

What else does a dream about a dead fish promise?

If in a dream you see a dead fish of an unusual bright color, then you should be wary of betrayal of the second half or deception of competitors. Also, such night visions can promise food poisoning. Therefore, in the near future you should not visit cafes, restaurants, celebrations. This will help the dreamer to save his health.

If a girl in love dreamed of a dead fish in the place where she once swam with her lover, then this promises a crisis in relations as a result of betrayal and betrayal of a young man.

If the young lady dreamed of how a dead fish comes to life and swims far into the ocean, then this promises her regret that she did not reciprocate one of her admirers, to whom she is very nice.

For a couple in love, such dreams portend separation for a short time.

An inanimate fish can symbolize health problems. For men, sleep can portend problems with the genitourinary system. If a woman saw a night vision of a dead fish with a very unpleasant odor, then this may be a harbinger of a disease of the genital organs.

For the elderly, such dreams portend a deterioration in well-being.

If such a dream occurred on the eve of a big celebration, then there is a possibility of poisoning with alcoholic beverages.

Looking at rotten fish on the table is a big family scandal based on unreasonable jealousy.

Cutting fish means that the dreamer uses the feelings of other people for personal gain. Another interpretation of sleep portends a very serious illness, the treatment of which will require surgical intervention, which is very dangerous for the elderly.

Inanimate fish in a bath or pool portends the illness of one of the relatives. For a couple in love, this dream promises an infection with a sexually transmitted disease.

Watching children play on the beach with inanimate fish is a danger to kids. For a childless couple, such a night vision promises great trouble due to a frivolous act.

To see a dead fish with worms is a deception or betrayal of loved ones.

If a woman was engaged in fortune-telling for her beloved man and after that she dreamed of an inanimate fish, then this means that the young man is not worthy of a lady. If she still seeks his sympathy, then it can be dangerous not only for her health, but also for life.

Looking at a dead fish without scales is a sign of the dreamer's low self-esteem. He too often succumbs to general opinion. You should be more independent in making important life decisions.

If in a dream you had to buy dead fish, this means that soon the dreamer will forget what poverty is, his financial situation will improve significantly.

Swimming next to inanimate fish is a deception by people from close circle. You should not tell anyone about your plans.

To see a carcass of a fish in a puddle - to a small financial income or an unprofitable business.

To trust dreams or not is a purely individual matter. However, it is definitely worth listening to their interpretation.

Each person believes exactly what he likes. But, despite various opinions, the interpretation of dreams still has some basis, and people who do not even believe in it know that if, for example, a boy dreams, it means to be in a rush.

About the essence

If a person wants to figure out why the fish in the aquarium are dreaming, it is worth noting that such a dream can mean changes that will happen soon. However, here it is necessary to take into account various nuances. So, for example, women dream about this much more often than men, because it is water that has a female focus.

About marriage

If a young girl dreamed of fish in an aquarium, the dream book promises her a quick marriage. However, in this case, the place for the fish should be large, and various beautiful fish should swim in the aquarium in uncountable numbers. It is worth mentioning that if these are bright and colorful fish, then the girl’s husband will be a wealthy or even rich person. If all the inhabitants of the aquarium are diverse in their colors and sizes, this is not too good, because this means that in a future marriage there may be no understanding, and everyone will, as they say, pull clothes on themselves in the desire to take the post of head of the family. Also, this can mean a big difference between spouses in age, beliefs, and even ordinary views on life and family relationships.


If a person dreamed of a fish in an aquarium, it is imperative to remember in which water it swam. If clean, then the changes will be good, pleasant, if dirty, then sad events in life should be expected. However, when reading all the negative interpretations of dreams, it is important to remember that these are only warnings so that a person is ready for various twists and turns of his own destiny. We go further. If in a dream someone changes the water for fish, this indicates that cardinal, dramatic changes will occur in life. And, most likely, they will be exclusively positive. As for the size, seeing small fish in a large aquarium is troublesome and routine, but if the inhabitants are of medium and larger size, you should expect joyful changes, which, however, will not radically change anything, but will bring a good mood.

About fish

What else can dreaming fish in an aquarium tell about? The dream book says that if the sleeper feeds them, then this portends uninteresting and monotonous everyday life, but without a negative reflection of reality. If a person likes the process of feeding pets, this may mean that uninteresting and hard work will eventually give a positive result, and the efforts spent on its implementation will be rewarded at its true worth.

Unimportant Predictions

We consider further what fish dream about in an aquarium. If the sleeper observes dead fish, sad news or events should be expected. Losses are also possible, but not necessarily from the number of people. If the aquarium is completely empty, this may indicate that soon a person may be deceived. However, everything can be changed if you are constantly on the alert.


Why else do fish dream in an aquarium? If there are two of them floating in the container, you must definitely remember the trajectory of their movements. After all, it is this dream that can tell about how relations between close people will develop. So, if the fish swim towards each other, the couple will be fine, and no disagreements are foreshadowed, peace and tranquility. If the fish diverge in different directions, you should be wary, because, in addition to disagreements, this can even mean a break in relations with a loved one.

gold fish

It is also worth understanding what the dreaming of golden fish in an aquarium means. Generally speaking, this promises wealth to the sleeper. It can also mean easy money, such as winning the lottery. If a young unmarried lady dreams of a goldfish, this suggests that her future husband will be a rich man. If the living creatures have fun and play in their aquarium, this indicates that the person who sees the dream will go on an interesting and exciting journey with little expense.


What else can the dream of "fish in an aquarium" mean? Here it is already worth remembering various trifles. For example, if a person cleans a container where such pets live, deception or even betrayal should be expected. If one fish swims in an aquarium, some important event will soon happen, which a person has been waiting for so long. It is also important to take into account the size of the living creatures: the larger, the more desirable and important the changes will be. If the sleeper breaks the aquarium, and all the contents are poured onto it, this indicates imminent wealth and success in business, especially of a financial nature. If a person dreams that someone is looking at his aquarium, in life you need to take a good look at this person, because soon this person can become a good friend or even more, practically a relative. A dream in which someone buys an aquarium in a store indicates that rather large expenses of money are coming in life, so it is better to be more careful with your finances, for fear of unnecessary rather large purchases. The following interpretation is also interesting. If a young lady dreamed of a lot of small fish, this could promise her an early pregnancy. Especially if the lady wants to catch them with her hands.

Denise Lynn

Why do fish dream in an aquarium, the author of the dream book, Denise Lynn, can tell. According to her, such dreams are often visited by people with a rather small financial income, as well as those who crave praise and compliments. Why exactly? The author says that it is the fish in the human subconscious that symbolize the emotional sphere of life.


Shuvalova's dream book says that sleeping with aquarium fish does not bode well, everything will be fine and even a little better. This dream can mean gaiety, improved health, goodness or joy. If the sleeper consumes a fish caught from an aquarium, this may indicate that his influence and the power of influence on others is growing. Shuvalova interprets sick pets or even dead ones as a threat to health, because the sleeping person simply took on too many responsibilities and cannot cope with them. It's time to stop the fast pace of your life somewhat, otherwise negative changes in your own health may occur.

What did aquarium fish dream about?

The animal world is diverse and interesting, but not only in everyday, familiar routine, but also in the world of night dreams.

In dreams, the inhabitants of the fauna are frequent guests, and you never know which living creature you will meet in your vision at night. Not only animals, but also fish sometimes dream of us - and often cause a lot of emotions in the fair sex.

Because there is a stereotypical belief that a fish in a woman's dreams is a clear sign of an imminent pregnancy and replenishment in the family. This is just a myth!

And in fact, everything is much more complicated. The fish is different. For example, why do aquarium fish dream - they are different from simple fish found in open water, and they have a different meaning!

Both the aquarium itself and the underwater creatures living in it have a lot of different meanings. It all depends on many nuances - the type of fish and the state of the environment in which they swam, on the actions of the dreamer, on the mass of other details.

Before interpreting the dream, you will have to remember everything in detail. After all, the fish could turn out to be small - or very large, beautiful exotic - or ordinary, inconspicuous, golden or completely dead.

There are many options. The dream book describes the following scenarios for "aquarium" dreams:

  • See the fish from the side.
  • The girl dreams of an aquarium.
  • Very beautiful, exotic fish in a dream.
  • Well maintained, expensive dream aquarium.
  • Catch fish from the water.
  • Hold them in your hands.
  • In the aquarium, the fish are splashing violently.
  • Dreaming of a goldfish in dreams.
  • Goldfish right in the hands in a dream.
  • Dead fish swim in the aquarium.
  • Black or dark fish.

Such options may not surprise the dreamer, and are unlikely to leave a strong impression. But it is worthwhile to understand that the fish is an ancient and powerful symbol, and these dreams, despite their apparent simplicity at first, are of great importance. The dream book will help to explain what the aquarium and its inhabitants are dreaming of.

What is waiting for reality?

In many religions and peoples, this symbol itself has an almost sacred meaning, and symbolizes spirituality. In addition, the fish is an inhabitant of the waters, and water is a direct symbol of the emotional sphere of a person.

So often such "fish" dreams are associated with the soul, with the spiritual state, and indicate precisely this.

However, unlike water bodies, in a dream the image of an aquarium is more projected onto the domestic, social area, as well as the sphere of work and career. It is worth considering in more detail each option.

1. Seeing aquarium fish in a dream from the outside is a hint at the inner world of the dreamer himself. What were they like, what emotions did they evoke? How did these little creatures behave? Was the water clean, or, on the contrary, was the aquarium neglected and dirty?

From these details, you can judge and draw conclusions about the state your inner world is in now - in a clean and stable, or in neglect, and it is worth putting it in order.

2. If a dream in which an aquarium appeared is a dream of a young lady, this is a wonderful sign. Happy love can be expected. She will soon appear in life, and will bring a lot of joy and pleasant experiences!

3. A vessel with very beautiful, unusual, exotic fish in a dream is a sure sign that all sorts of compliments, recognition, praise, and perhaps even fame and a new position in society await the dreamer in reality. Isn't that what you dream about?

Of course, it is worth making an effort, and acting accordingly, to achieve this. But the interpreter promises that you will succeed without difficulty.

4. As the dream book says, the aquarium is beautiful, well-groomed, clean - a symbol of complete well-being. You have to wake up to know the joys of a comfortable, stable life. In addition, difficulties will go away smoothly and easily, they will be replaced by joys and pleasures.

This does not mean that you have to sit back and receive all the benefits - you have to work hard. But these works will be more than grateful, and will bring a lot of generous fruits.

5. Did you catch fish from a vessel? Be careful, because your body at this time is somewhat weakened and prone to ailments. You should endure this dangerous period - take care of yourself more carefully than usual, do not put stress on either the body or the psyche.

Also avoid stress. The ideal option is to have a good rest, because often diseases just appear from fatigue.

6. If you held an aquarium fish (or several) in your own hands in a dream, you will have worries and troubles, but not at all difficult, not burdensome. Perhaps these worries will even bring joy and considerable profit.

7. If in the aquarium you dreamed of, the fish splashed merrily and violently, even jumped out of the water, a lot of all kinds of joys, gifts and surprises await you in reality.

The interpreter does not specify, and does not give details - where the joys and surprises will come from remains a mystery. But it’s even more interesting: don’t wait hard, just know that soon you will have something to rejoice about!

8. A lot of small fish in a dream aquarium is also a symbol of many joys. Fate is preparing a lot of surprises - and let them not be large, but small, but still, they will delight you and a state of euphoria. Small joys brighten up life every day!

9. An interesting symbol is a goldfish. It’s easy to guess - this is a good, happy symbol. In reality, you will have a great opportunity to fulfill your old dreams! And your main task is not to miss these chances.

10. If in a dream a goldfish was in your hands, then you can safely count on reality for an easy and quick, literally miraculous fulfillment of a dream. What you have been wishing for a long time will come true very soon!

11. If you dreamed of a dead fish in an aquarium, be prepared for unexpected little difficulties, but do not be afraid of them. If you are ready, then no obstacles and unexpected problems will scare you or harm you.

12. An excellent symbol is black or dark fish. This is a sign that very soon in reality you will experience all the joys of great luck. Success will be in everything - and this should be used!

Aquarium fish can bring a lot of surprise to the dreamer. Whatever this “fishy” dream promises you, listen to the advice of the dream book - perhaps great luck awaits you?

What is the dream of a dead fish? Will there be sickness?

It’s not very pleasant when a dead fish appears in front of your eyes. Why dream of such an unusual image, you need to find out in detail. But in general, all dream books converge in one thing: changes await you that will not cause joy in any way.

Why do women dream of dead fish

Living aquatic inhabitants for a beautiful lady is a sign of an upcoming pregnancy. Another thing is if the fish is dead. Then you need to interpret from the opposite. Seeing a dead fish in a dream - to a possible unwanted pregnancy. Those who do not plan to have children (or have contraindications) should exercise extra caution. This dream can also tell about disorders in the genital area. Any woman after such a vision should see a doctor. There is a chance that while an unobvious disease is already harming your reproductive function. In order not to regret later, you need to be treated, there is no need to delay. Dreaming of a dead fish in an aquarium, which means you will stumble upon insincerity in a friendly circle. Someone is fake with you. Smiling in the face, back spreading malicious gossip.

Pregnant dead fish why dream

For a future mother, this is one of the most dangerous images. At an early date, it may portend a miscarriage. In this case, the most likely development of events is the failure of pregnancy due to negative experiences. For a woman who already has a long term, this dream may portend premature birth. Alas, the fetus may not be saved. Women who see this dream are advised to rest and be especially careful. If there were a lot of dead fish, then a dangerous disease for mommy is possible. Only a ready-made meal of marine life does not carry a negative meaning for a pregnant woman. This dream portends a way out of depression, a good mood.

What is a dead fish dreaming of for a man

Representatives of the stronger sex can dream of a poor-quality catch in two cases. If he just saw a dead fish, this means that he will become the cause and initiator of breaking up relationships that are dear to him. A fatal mistake will push him to distrust the woman he loves and make the wrong decision. Warning: you may regret what you have done. Don't make decisions in the heat of the moment anger. If a man saw that he had caught a huge fish, and it turned out to be dead, then he would lose where he hoped to get. The dream warns that his risk in the financial sector will not be justified, but will plunge him into bankruptcy. Seeing a large number of dead fish that died as a result of an environmental disaster is a decline in professional activity. A period of stagnation awaits you, when no actions can push an established business off the ground. You just need to wait. For a young man, such a dream portends trouble with his studies. Students - the loss of scholarships.

The meaning of sleep for a girl

To a young beauty, a dead fish swims into a dream to trouble with gentlemen. Here, both deception and pregnancy (unplanned) are possible. Perhaps a very dangerous acquaintance. If there are no gentlemen yet, then the girl's health is in danger. Yes, and study goes to C grade with a minus. A dream about a dead fish is very bad. It is better to tell the water flowing from the tap and forget it as soon as possible.

Dream interpretation fish in an aquarium

What is the dream of a fish in an aquarium in a dream

If in a dream you saw fish in an aquarium, then in the near future you will have minor troubles that you will safely and quickly resolve. After that, a favorable period will begin.

If in a dream you are watching aquarium fish, then in reality you will choose a position of non-intervention. However, if you completely let go of control, you are in serious trouble and loss of profit in this trade.

If you dream that you are feeding fish in an aquarium, in reality you will have to help friends and loved ones. If at the same time you do not feel discomfort, fate will reward you in the near future.

Dead fish in the aquarium

Dream interpretation Dead fish in an aquarium had a dream about why a dead fish in an aquarium dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter an image that characterizes a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a Dead fish in an aquarium by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

This dream portends war

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

A dream about an aquarium with exotic fish swimming in it, which you enjoy watching, is a pleasant and unforgettable meeting with the people you adore.

Why dream of dead fish in an aquarium?


a-answer a-answer

I don’t know if it’s for financial losses .... At Christmas time, I guessed, on wax, it turned out to be a woman with a child. And I had a dream that I was carrying a goldfish in a bag, and the water was slowly pouring out and pouring out of the bag. As a result, I bring a dead fish. They say fish dream of pregnancy. This year I got pregnant, but the pregnancy ended

Tatiana Izhorskaya

To see a dead fish - to financial losses

Why do goldfish dream in an aquarium?



For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a large aquarium with beautiful fish means that she will marry a wealthy man. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, since there will be no understanding between the spouses. If in a dream you see that a cat is trying to catch a fish from an aquarium, but you do not drive it away, then it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones. If you dreamed that you were changing the water in the aquarium, then in real life you are on the threshold of change.

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream portends that fate will generously endow you. Dead fish in a dream - promises grief and portends loss. If a live fish dreams of a young lady, happy love awaits her. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials that you will endure with steadfastness, keeping your presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise. Looking at fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances. If you see that you have not caught anything, and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires. If you go to the fish market, then in reality prosperity and joy await you. Seeing a fishing net is a dream promising acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying chagrins are possible. If in a dream you pick up fishing hooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to build your own destiny.

to feel the dead is a disease; there is - anxiety, worries; to see living water in water - good luck in business, hope; to catch a live one is a great success; if not himself caught the birth of a child; to catch a fish is a rich marriage (for a woman); rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, an unexpected increase in income.


If you dreamed of a goldfish, then this is a pleasant adventure.
A young woman can hope for a successful marriage.
If the fish is dead, difficulties await the woman.


this dream portends that fate will generously endow you, or, more simply, to money !!!


If you dream that a fish is splashing in a transparent pond, then soon you will be able to achieve prosperity and power.

Seeing a dead fish is a financial loss.

If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom.

If you dreamed that you caught a fish, then this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you will have the wisdom to avoid trouble.

If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and quick wits.

In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then the hour of your luck has not yet struck.

If you eat fish, then this promises tender and long love.


For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a large aquarium with beautiful fish means that she will marry a wealthy man. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, since there will be no understanding between the spouses.

If in a dream you see that a cat is trying to catch a fish from an aquarium, but you do not drive it away, then it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.

If you dreamed that you were changing the water in the aquarium, then in real life you are on the verge of change.


If you saw a goldfish in a dream, then you will have many successful and pleasant adventures. For a young woman, this dream promises marriage to a rich and handsome man.
- If the fish is sleepy or dead, the woman faces severe trials.

Scooping dead fish out of an aquarium

Dream Interpretation Get a dead fish from an aquarium with a juice dreamed of why in a dream to get a dead fish out of an aquarium with a juice? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of getting a dead fish out of an aquarium with a juice by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - River of blood with dead fish

This dream portends war

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Like any closed container, the aquarium is a purely feminine symbol, and its connection with water speaks of great satisfaction from sexual relations.

An aquarium in a dream speaks of an imminent pregnancy.

An aquarium with a lot of fish and beautifully arranged symbolizes his family for the dreamer.

An empty aquarium means infertility.

Launching fry into the aquarium indicates a desire to have children, and launching adult fish into the aquarium indicates a desire to have or change a partner.

A broken aquarium speaks of a possible discord with your partner. Be careful! The aquarium can also be seen in a dream by people who suffered from enuresis in childhood.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

An aquarium with fish swimming in it that you feed: you have a week ahead of you when you will need a lot of patience, be prepared for monotonous work.

Perhaps it will eventually bring you success, but at the beginning such work will seem boring and uninteresting to you.

You definitely need to go through this; treat such work as a test that will bring a good result.

Clean the aquarium and pour fresh water into it: someone will try to hit you below the belt, be careful in seeking support, because ill-wishers are on the alert.

If you let your guard down and your intuition betrays you, the ill-wisher will take the opportunity to harm you.

Watching someone look at your aquarium means that you will soon meet a person about whom you have a negative impression.

At the moment, you can be more objective and evaluate other people's actions less critically.

Perhaps you will see this person in a completely different light.

At least don't push him away at the first moment.

Empty aquarium: means that it seems to you that you are in a claim to your loved ones: you are counting on strong support, but you receive only on-duty signs of attention.

You can only be advised to buy a large, spacious aquarium in the store: an omen of large expenses, and not always justified, it would be worthwhile to behave wiser and not overspend, but for some time it will be impossible for you to do this.

After such a “splash” in business, you will have a lull.

If you dreamed that you were acquiring a small but cozy aquarium, the dream foreshadows the abandonment of the business you have begun for reasonable reasons.

If you notice that the enterprise is not going well from the very beginning, step aside from it, otherwise you will face severe disappointments.

Break the aquarium: to a major quarrel through your fault.

Take a dream as an omen, be more calm about what your loved ones say: in their hearts they can say something that they will later regret very much.

Be tolerant of the shortcomings of others, otherwise you will face the hostility of others.

One of your friends or relatives is dismantling the aquarium: you are annoyed by the lack of time, because of this everything falls out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to fix them.

In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, discarding the secondary.

Sometimes this is extremely difficult to do.

Analyze your situation and determine what is most important to you now.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Clean and clear water in an aquarium in which fish or reptiles swim - happiness, success in business and promotion, especially if the aquarium is large.

The absence of living creatures in the aquarium - warns you of a possible deceit or quarrel with the person you need.

A full aquarium broken by you or someone - symbolizes your success in business, unexpected receipt of money, profit, inheritance.

Swimming in an aquarium - is a warning, you can expect losses, losses and losses.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

A large aquarium with beautiful fish, dreamed of by a young woman, portends an imminent marriage. Moreover, the spouse will be a very wealthy person. But it’s too early to rejoice: this marriage can hardly be called happy - there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

The cat is trying to catch a fish from the aquarium, and you don't think to stop him! Your frivolity can cause many problems for both you and your loved ones.

They changed the water in the aquarium - wait for the changes.

Dream Interpretation - Soy

Seeing soybean sprouts and leaves is a misfortune with grandchildren.

Leftovers and soybean leaves - misfortune with grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

Aquarium - an aquarium with fish - happiness and joy, to have in the house - to get into trouble, big trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

If you dreamed of a filled aquarium and fish swimming in it, pay increased attention to your diet: an unexpected indigestion is possible in the very near future. An empty aquarium - you may be overcome by apathy, turning into depression.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments. Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort. To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy. If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed. If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan. Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business. Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future. To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get. Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money. But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it. Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true. Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel. A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret. If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose. It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity. The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans. Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw. Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful. Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true. Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work. Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm. Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune. For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage. It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap. Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation. Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

If you dream of an aquarium with merrily frolicking fish, or if you feed these fish in a dream, a long-awaited pregnancy will come. For an elderly woman, this dream means that chronic diseases will torment her.

I’m 9 weeks old, I dreamed of 2 dead fish in an aquarium, now I’m sitting and panicking. Has anyone dreamed of a dead fish



don't worry, it's just a dream. do something useful.

Elena Zhitnukhina

found something to panic about! because of a dream? Yes, they themselves thought that horrible, so they dreamed

tiger spring

drive less. Why are all your dreams so prophetic?


Do not interpret in any way, thoughts are material, get distracted.


I didn’t dream of fish at all during my pregnancy. dreams from the subconscious. do not wind yourself up and there will be no bullshit dreams.

Pink Polka Dot

believe only in the good! do not worry about sleep and watch your health

Anastasia Petrova

mdas ... what will happen to you if you dream of a dead school of fish at 20 weeks - a heart attack? ...


leave panic, dreams, especially from Fri to Sat, do not come true, secondly, it means that you saw something like this during the day - a dream is what the brain gives us in a day! I have many girlfriends - aah, I dreamed of a herring, I’m all pregnant, and all because apparently the herring wanted to eat.


Dead fish - to a change in plans and monetary losses. This does not symbolize health and is not related to your child, do not be afraid. But live fish fortunately.

Petr Shestov

Yes, do not get hung up on this, better forget, EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD, BELIEVE IN THIS! AND SMILE!)))

Almost Holy

I agree that dreams are from the subconscious. . all your fears and worries just took on this image. Throw this nonsense out of your head and enjoy your baby)) Health to you)

Olivia Parker

Don't believe in dreams. They are all just to bring a person into despondency, and this is a great sin. Recently, I have become generally skeptical about them and do not bother my head. And then earlier mom will call "oh, I'm having such a bad dream") And it begins ... All this is nonsense. Everything will be fine for you, think about it better!)


I dreamed of a dead sea urchin. And later I learned that in a neighboring city, thieves got into an apartment with one family. (so you be on your guard, whatever, whatever....)

The Scarlet Flower

do not think about anything bad ---- thought is material.

Victoria Krasnova

I dreamed of dead fish. Moreover, I sat in a puddle and caught these huge fish from there with my hands. I have been pregnant for 20 weeks already. Everything is fine. My dreams are usually prophetic. But this dead fish is not to the death of a child. So don't be afraid.

Tatyana Afonina

So that all the garbage you dreamed is not fulfilled in the morning after waking up, immediately, without talking to anyone, go to the bathroom, open the water tap (any) and tell your dream to this flowing water. At the end, tell me where the water is, there and sleep. Everything. And forget about this nightmare.


not because of sleep, but they can invent anything for themselves. . thoughts are material

Mom Lerusi

I somehow dreamed that I caught a fish, and it was dead. I didn’t know then that the fish dreams of pregnancy. There was no pregnancy then, and when, after 2-3 years, she became pregnant, she gave birth normally. In general, all this is just a stupid dream and everything will be fine with you. You are very worried, go to the ultrasound. And throw the bad thoughts out of your head!!!

See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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A dead fish is almost always a negative sign, promising sorrows, losses, separations, illnesses and unpleasant events in a dream. Only in rare cases can the interpretation of a dream be good. The dream book will help you figure out what this sad image is dreaming of.

According to Miller

Did you see a dead fish? Get ready for grief and loss. The same image promises getting into an extremely uncomfortable situation.

Get ready for the challenge!

Why dream of a dead and live fish at the same time? The dream interpretation predicts changeable success, a combination of bad and good events.

A dead fish hints in a dream at spiritual degradation, an inability to perceive new knowledge. A sleeping fish symbolizes deceived expectations and unfulfilled dreams.

Did you dream of a fish choking in the air? The period of bad luck, failures, illnesses is approaching. A rotting fish indicates disgust for some person.

Success or failure?

Did you dream of a half-dead fish that you easily caught with your hands? The dream book promises: such a grandiose luck is approaching that you literally won’t believe your luck.

At the same time, a half-dead individual in a dream indicates extreme fatigue, spiritual regression. You can see this image before an unsuccessful romance. A dead fish also means an extreme degree of insensitivity.

Enrichment or failure?

Why else dream of a dead fish? She promises in a dream a breakdown, deterioration in health, disappointment. Had a dream about choosing products on the market? The dream interpretation promises: you will encounter falsehood, insidious deception.

Did you have to hold a dead fish in your hands? Prepare for a major failure, defeat. However, a rotting fish symbolizes the receipt of solid money, enrichment.

Where did you see?

  • In the boat - sorrows, losses.
  • Sadke - a severe hangover.
  • Networks - acquisition, profit.
  • On the hook - a cruel disappointment.
  • Kukane - expect unpleasant guests.
  • Houses are family squabbles.

Be careful!

Did you see a dead fish in the water? You will find yourself in a very strange situation and you will not be able to adequately respond. In a dream, did the sleeping individual literally freeze in the water? The dream interpretation predicts expectation, delay, apathy.

Did a dead fish swim in clean water? The proposal received in fact will not be so profitable and promising. Seeing rotting flesh in dirty water means that a crisis is approaching in all areas.

No luck...

What is the dream of a dead fish in the river? Get ready for a big failure. In addition, an event is approaching that will greatly disappoint.

Sometimes a dead fish in the river symbolizes a long period of bad weather or a cooling of love relationships. Did the dead meat swim in the sea in a dream? This is an omen of the collapse of all hopes and dreams.

Is it worst to see a choking fish on the shore? Dream Interpretation prophesies misfortune. But if you managed to save her, then expect joy, profit, a new thing.

Be serious!

Did you see a dead fish in an aquarium? Get ready for family conflicts, misunderstanding of those closest to you. In rare cases, a dead aquarium fish hints at a possible misfortune with a child.

A dead fish in an aquarium suggests that you should give up a new hobby. Why dream if your own cat killed all the fish in the aquarium? Dream interpretation believes that the cause of future problems will be their own carelessness and frivolity.

Hold on!

Why dream of a very big dead fish? You are destined for severe trials, illnesses. But the dream book is sure: through them you can cleanse your soul and become a completely different person.

Like any closed container, the aquarium is a purely feminine symbol, and its connection with water speaks of great satisfaction from sexual relations.

An aquarium in a dream speaks of an imminent pregnancy.

An aquarium with a lot of fish and beautifully arranged symbolizes his family for the dreamer.

An empty aquarium means infertility.

Launching fry into the aquarium indicates a desire to have children, and launching adult fish into the aquarium indicates a desire to have or change a partner.

A broken aquarium speaks of a possible discord with your partner. Be careful! The aquarium can also be seen in a dream by people who suffered from enuresis in childhood.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Aquarium

A large aquarium with beautiful fish, dreamed of by a young woman, portends an imminent marriage. Moreover, the spouse will be a very wealthy person. But it’s too early to rejoice: this marriage can hardly be called happy - there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

The cat is trying to catch a fish from the aquarium, and you don't think to stop him! Your frivolity can cause many problems for both you and your loved ones.

They changed the water in the aquarium - wait for the changes.

Interpretation of dreams from
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