Gynecologists and obstetricians. Appointment with a gynecologist What does a gynecologist treat?

Gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in the health of the female reproductive system. The best gynecologists of the capital - doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category, authors of scientific publications, active participants in domestic and foreign symposiums - receive appointments at the SM-Clinic.

Consultation with a good gynecologist in Moscow

Every adult woman, regardless of age, should see a gynecologist once a year. This is necessary in order not to miss asymptomatic disorders that lead to serious illnesses. For example, with cervical erosion, nothing bothers a woman, but this condition often becomes one of the factors in the development of cervical cancer. You should also consult a doctor if:
  • you are bothered by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • your monthly cycle has become irregular, menstruation has become more intense, frequent, abundant or, on the contrary, rare, scanty, and has stopped altogether;
  • you cannot get pregnant for 1 year or more, although you are not using contraception and are sexually active;
  • you need to choose means of protection against unwanted pregnancy;
  • you experience itching, burning in the genitals, the discharge has changed color or smell;
  • during menopause, you experience unpleasant sensations: dryness, burning, hot flashes, a sharp increase in blood pressure, etc.

Gynecologist services at SM-Clinic

Consultation with a gynecologist

At the appointment, the doctor will ask about your symptoms and complaints, and will also examine the medical documentation that you currently have. The specialist will conduct a gynecological examination. If necessary, the doctor uses modern diagnostic equipment, which makes it possible to carefully and comprehensively assess the condition of internal organs, identify diseases and prescribe further treatment.
Also at the appointment, the doctor may take a smear and prescribe additional examinations.

Diagnosis of gynecological diseases

SM-Clinic doctors diagnose diseases of the female reproductive system using modern technologies:
Based on the results of the examination, analysis of laboratory and instrumental data, the doctor will make a diagnosis, carry out disease prevention, and prescribe the necessary treatment - conservative or surgical.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases.
Specialists of the private gynecological clinic "SM-Clinic" successfully treat inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (adnexitis, endometritis, vulvitis, bacterial vaginosis, etc.), as well as infectious diseases (chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, herpetic infection, toxoplasmosis ), often becoming their cause.

Highly qualified surgeons at SM-Clinic perform planned and emergency operations for diseases of the female genital organs, and a comfortable hospital allows you to undergo a rehabilitation course in the shortest possible time and return to normal life.


Free consultation with a surgeon regarding surgery

What does a gynecologist do?

A gynecologist is a doctor involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of female diseases. The field of gynecology itself is closely related to obstetrics, which studies the phenomena occurring in the female body in connection with pregnancy, starting from conception and ending with the end of the postpartum period. Therefore, most doctors specialize in obstetrician-gynecologist. Prices for a consultation with a gynecologist in Moscow differ depending on the level of the medical center and the nature of the examination.

Why do you need to consult a gynecologist?

Visiting a doctor, like other specialists, is necessary to maintain health, prevent various diseases, and select the optimal method of contraception. Up to 35 years of age, you should contact a gynecologist in Moscow at least once a year. It is advisable to visit a specialist at the beginning of the cycle, after the end of menstruation. Usually visit a doctor before planning and during pregnancy, as well as in the presence of various complaints:
  • changed discharge from the genitals;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding;
  • menstrual irregularities.
How to prepare for your visit:
  • Before visiting a doctor, you need to empty your bowels and bladder.
  • You should not take a regular shower and put on clean underwear, douche or use additional antiseptics. It is important for the doctor to “see” the natural microflora.
  • It is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for 24 hours.
  • Take with you a calendar that marks your menstrual cycle.

What does it include

A consultation with a gynecologist in Moscow includes a preliminary conversation, during which the menstrual cycle, sexual characteristics, and the presence of complaints or unpleasant symptoms are clarified. Then a gynecological examination occurs, sometimes with the use of additional instruments. The doctor takes a smear for microflora, as well as cytology. Sometimes an additional device, a colposcope, may be required to visually examine the cervix for possible pathologies. In some cases, the doctor prescribes additional examinations.
The price for a consultation with a gynecologist will include all necessary studies. In some centers you can take laboratory tests and perform instrumental diagnostics right away. But you may also need to visit other medical clinics.

The promotion combines an initial appointment with a gynecologist and standard laboratory tests. The established price for this range of services is 2990 rubles.

In the future, participants of the promotion will receive a 50% discount on repeat appointments and ultrasound of the pelvic organs. .

If you need an appointment with a gynecologist in Moscow, contact Family Doctor JSC. Paid gynecologists are accepted in all clinics of our Network. The examination is carried out in the most patient-friendly manner. Modern and effective diagnostic methods are used, including video colposcopy, CT scan, hysterosalpingography, Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Our own laboratory allows us to carry out all the necessary laboratory tests efficiently and quickly. Test results the patient can see in his personal account on our website. If necessary, surgical treatment is performed (surgery on the uterine appendages, removal of benign tumors, etc.). Operations are performed in the company’s high-tech divisions – the Hospital Center and the Surgical Hospital.

What does a gynecologist treat?

Gynecologist is a specialist in the field of women's reproductive health. The quality of life of every woman largely depends on the health of her genital area. The task of a gynecologist is to prevent the development of pathologies, treat emerging diseases, and restore reproductive function (in case of infertility).

Scheduled and preventive visits to the doctor

Planned and preventive observation by a gynecologist

Since many diseases of the female genital area are asymptomatic in the early stages, doctors make an appointment with a gynecologist without waiting for complaints to appear. By being seen by a good specialist, you can save yourself from many problems.

Brings its own difficulties puberty. During this period, a teenage girl may need to consult a pediatric gynecologist.

Entering into sexual activity brings new risks: the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases increases; A frivolous attitude towards contraception poses a significant threat to health.

At planning pregnancy It is highly advisable to undergo a high-quality examination and eliminate possible threats to the normal bearing of the child.

From the beginning of pregnancy itself, a woman is under special medical care. You can choose pregnancy management program“Trust”, which is offered by JSC “Family Doctor”. The program includes all necessary analyzes and studies. You can connect to the “Trust” program starting from any trimester.

Women over 35 years of age I need an annual appointment with a gynecologist. Age-related changes are a favorable factor for the development of many gynecological diseases, including such dangerous ones as genital cancer. Observation by a gynecologist will allow you to detect diseases in the early stages and begin their timely treatment.

During menopause the doctor will help eliminate the most unpleasant manifestations of menopausal syndrome and restore quality of life.

Treatment in acute cases

When do you need to see a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist is necessary in case of symptoms indicating diseases of the genital organs. Such symptoms may include pain in the lower abdomen, especially associated with menstruation or sexual activity, menstrual irregularities, itching and burning in the genital area, pain during urination or sexual intercourse, atypical discharge from the genitals and bleeding.

Probably every woman has visited both a gynecologist and an endocrinologist (or at least one of these specialists) at least once in her life. However, there is a doctor who combines the skills of each of these doctors. We are talking about a gynecologist-endocrinologist. He treats women's diseases caused by hormonal imbalances in the body.

What does it cure?

We have already said that this doctor’s field of activity is related to the hormonal function of a woman’s body. A gynecologist-endocrinologist deals with issues related to the sexual development of girls (both too early and late), age-related changes, the inability to get pregnant, etc. It is this specialist who is able to most competently select oral contraceptives, taking into account the balance of hormones and the general condition of each woman. The reproductive system is directly related to the hormonal system, so a gynecologist-endocrinologist is able to cure a patient from a significant number of diseases.

When should you contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist?

If you have a young daughter, you should carefully monitor her development of secondary sexual characteristics and the onset of menstruation. If these processes occur too early or, conversely, too late, consultation with a specialist is necessary. It is worth remembering that it is minor girls and young women who become frequent patients of gynecologists and endocrinologists in Moscow. So-called juvenile bleeding also becomes an alarming symptom.

If you have successfully overcome puberty, then you should not forget about the gynecologist-endocrinologist. This doctor is worth visiting if you have endometriosis, metabolic disorders, as well as when the first signs of menopause appear. A specialist will help you choose the optimal therapy that will minimize or completely eliminate unpleasant symptoms. For women who cannot get pregnant due to hormonal imbalances, the doctor will restore the balance of hormones necessary for conception. In addition, this doctor deals with the management of pregnancies that have already occurred in those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine system.

Where in Moscow can you get this specialty?

To become a gynecologist-endocrinologist, at the first stage you need to obtain a higher medical education in the field of general medicine, and then continue your studies in internship or residency and become a certified gynecologist. There are a number of suitable universities in the capital. Particularly noteworthy is PMSMU named after. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimov. These educational institutions provide specialized elective courses for students completing their studies. After completing the internship or residency program, you need to obtain additional qualifications as an endocrinologist. This can be done in special courses. They are conducted, for example, by the already mentioned PMSMU.

Famous Moscow specialists

The history of this related discipline dates back to the mid-twentieth century. So, in 1958 E.I. Kvater created the department of gynecological endocrinology at the largest research institute in the USSR. The foundations of such non-operative methods of treating diseases were laid by A.B. Gillerson and S.K. Lesny, whose works are still actively used by practicing doctors. Quater's student – ​​M.L. Krymskaya - has developed an effective method of combating infertility caused by hormonal imbalance.

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