Kidney disease and skin
Very often, skin rashes and other skin diseases directly depend on the condition of the kidneys. When the disease occurs, external manifestations appear: skin color may change,...
Osteochondrosis of the back
Osteochondrosis of the back is a disease associated with damage to the intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies, nearby articular surfaces and ligamentous apparatus of a degenerative-dystrophic nature. The pathological process primarily develops in the cartilaginous tissue
Back hurts after flu
/ Your back hurts after the flu Complications after the flu: what should you be wary of? ​ back and...​ a diagnosis cannot be made...​ Pain in the right pain in the right pain Treatment of pain, its side effects with temperature indicators.
Antibiotics for kidney disease
Diseases of the internal organs of the small pelvis are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. Only a urologist is able to prescribe effective antibiotics for kidney disease, which will effectively help each individual patient. Therefore, if a symptom is detected
Tip 1: How to understand that your kidneys are hurting
Instructions Kidney disease can be indicated not only by back pain, but also by a decrease in the amount of urine produced; pain or pain may appear when urinating. In the morning there may be swelling on the face and bags under the eyes. Due to the deterioration of urine outflow through
Kidney pain and fever
When an adult or child has kidney pain and the temperature rises rapidly, this is a dangerous symptom, in which you should under no circumstances stay at home and try to cope with the problem yourself. It is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and
Kidneys hurt and fever has risen
A high body temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process inside the body, which can be caused by various diseases. Kidney diseases are often accompanied by fever, so it is important to take timely measures to eliminate
Pain in the lower abdomen and kidneys
When your kidneys and lower abdomen hurt, you shouldn’t ignore it. Disorders in the functioning of the ureters, kidneys, urethra or bladder create quite significant discomfort in a person’s life. Everyone in their life has had to
Why do my kidneys hurt in the morning?
Urological diseases are very serious pathological changes that occur in the human body. The kidneys perform a filtering function, removing unnecessary elements. If the functioning of these important organs is disrupted, a person begins to experience serious
Kidney diseases in men
Diseases of the urinary organ in men are a common problem. Often the disease is initially identified as osteochondrosis, slowing down the process of proper treatment. Then chronic pathology develops. Symptoms of kidney disease in men are more intense
Differential diagnosis of pain in the lower back
The development of pain in the lumbar spine can be a symptom of various diseases. How do you know if your lower back or kidneys hurt? First of all, it is necessary to understand how the symptoms of these diseases manifest themselves and when emergency medicine is needed