How to write an application for a copy of the work book. Duplicate work book. When is a photocopy required?

In some cases, an employee may need a copy of the work book, for which he must write an application for issue. A sample application, the procedure for writing it and issuing a document - talk about all this right now.

The employer keeps the work book itself (i.e. the original) for the entire duration of the employment contract - i.e. until the day the employee is dismissed. At the same time, the legislation does not directly make it possible to hand over the original, however, in some cases such a procedure is possible (more details in the corresponding section).

It will be needed when you need to prove your total length of service, professional experience, length of stay at a given place of work, and also confirm the fact that the employee is indeed officially employed and is still working. This is usually required in the following cases:

  1. Applying for a loan for a small amount (usually 10 million rubles).
  2. Part-time employment.
  3. Contacting the embassy.
  4. Registration of benefits, including old age pension.
  5. In rare cases, it may come in handy if you need to restore some lost document.

Formally, in his application for issuance, the employee is not required to inform the employer of the specific reason that prompted him to obtain a copy of the work record book. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to just these reasons - in fact, the list of possible cases can be much wider.

How to get it: step-by-step instructions

In general, the procedure looks like this:

  1. The employee goes to the personnel department or accounting department (if the accountant performs the duties of a personnel officer) and writes an application, the form and sample of which are available among other internal documentation of the company.
  2. An authorized employee (in most cases, a personnel officer) accepts this application and marks the acceptance of the application for work.
  3. It is then issued directly to the applicant. The waiting period is 3 working days. Moreover, this period begins to count from the working day that follows the day the application is accepted. For example, if an employee wrote a statement on Friday, the deadline will start on Monday. And if Monday falls on a holiday, the deadline will begin on Tuesday.
  4. On the appointed day, the employee receives a copy, checks that it is certified (if necessary) and signs the HR officer about the fact of acceptance. It can be issued not only by an accountant or personnel officer, but also by a representative of the administration (as well as accept an application for issue).

NOTE. Often the procedure is completed with a delay. Therefore, if we are talking about urgent cases, it would be right to worry about registration in advance and it is better to stock up on several copies at once. This is especially useful when applying for loans from several banks at once.

How does certification take place?

The employee must immediately clearly understand what exactly he wants to receive - a simple copy or a certified one: in accordance with this, he reflects his request in the application for issue. If we are talking about a certified document, this means that certification occurs when there are several marks on each page at the same time:

  • signature of an authorized employee (usually a director);
  • his surname and initials;
  • his position (full name);
  • visa “copy is correct”;
  • blue company seal.

On the very last page you should make a note stating that the employee is still on the company’s staff to this day. The exact number of all copied pages is also indicated. The calculation is made not on paper sheets, but precisely on the pages of the work itself, which were copied.

NOTE. Many organizations, especially banks, have very strict requirements for them. So, the stamp should be placed exactly on the copied field (and not in the empty fields of the paper). And if it is made without a title page, then the document is also considered invalid.

Typically, the copy consists of several pages, so it will be better if they are stapled and numbered. It is also better to put a stamp on the firmware.

Sample application 2017 - 2018

Such a model is not approved by law. However, in practice they adhere to a simple form, an example of which is given below.


Valid for a limited time:

  • if it is certified by the employer - no more than a month from the date of issue;
  • if notarized - theoretically for an indefinite period.

In practice, many organizations can set their own expiration dates, and they have every right to do so. Particularly strict requirements are imposed by banks if an application for a very large loan (10 million rubles or more) is being considered. For example, the period can be reduced to 2 weeks. Of course, if an application for issuance was first submitted, and then the employee received a work book in his hands due to dismissal, the copy will no longer be valid.

Features of provision

According to current legislation, the employee has the full right to receive, while:

  1. Quantity is not limited.
  2. The service is provided free of charge – i.e. the employer does not have the right to charge any fees, including for paper and the use of office equipment, even if the employee needs many copies.
  3. An employee can request both copies of individual pages and copies of the entire work.
  4. The employee has the right to certify all pages (or selectively) for free. That is, the employer puts a stamp and signature also at his own expense.
  5. The employer also does not have the right to refuse to provide it. Moreover, there are restrictions on issuance within a month, year, etc. No.

Delivery of the original

The original is issued in exceptional cases and only against a written receipt. As a rule, such a need arises in the following situations:

  • registration of certain social benefits;
  • registration of an old-age pension (when an employee wishes to continue his official work activity);
  • obtaining a foreign passport, as well as a visa to visit certain countries for work purposes;
  • when applying for a bank loan for a large amount (several million or tens of millions of rubles).

The procedure for writing an application, as well as the period for issuing the book in this case, is approximately the same. The employee indicates his request, and within 3 working days, by agreement with the employer, the document is issued. However, there are several significant differences:

  1. The employee must indicate the reason that prompted him to request the original document.
  2. If possible, the employee attaches originals or copies of documents that prove the objective need to issue the original.
  3. The employee must indicate the maximum period for returning the book.
  4. Finally, the employee must draw up a written receipt, which reflects the fact that the document was issued, as well as the obligation to return it strictly before the deadline. The document is drawn up in 2 copies, and when the book is returned to the employer, both receipts are destroyed.

Thus, in the case of an application for issuance, it is written in accordance with the sample approved by the company. It is important to check that all marks are on the document, especially in cases when it comes to submitting it to the bank.

Until 2019, the original work book was provided to the employee only on the day of his dismissal. In other cases, the employee could only receive an extract from this document certified by the employer.

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Currently, changes have been made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provide for the possibility of providing the original in exceptional cases upon a written application from the employee.

What does the law say?

The procedure for issuing a work book and other employee documents is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In Art. 62 of this codified act determines that employees can contact their employer with an application for their provision. An employee can receive an original or a copy of a document, including a work book, depending on his goals.

In Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also defines the employee’s obligation to return the original within 3 working days.

It is the employer's responsibility to properly certify copies of documents.

An employee cannot be refused to issue a work book, since this would contradict the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, all documents, including their copies, are transferred to employees free of charge.

In what cases is such a document required?

The original work record book is necessary for the employee to apply for a pension.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the legislator has provided for limited periods of use of it. The employee has 3 working days to use the work book. Then it must be returned to the employer. The grounds for extending this period have not been established.

In most cases, the employee does not need the original, but an extract from the work book. To receive it you must also fill out an application.

The extract must be certified in accordance with legal requirements.

It may be needed in the following cases:

  • loan processing;
  • registration of a foreign passport;
  • admission to correspondence courses;
  • receiving subsidies.

Receipt in hand

The original work book is issued in two cases:

  • transfer of the document for submission to the Pension Fund at the request of the employee.

The fact of receipt of the book can be verified in a special journal.

There is no obligation for the employer to maintain one, but if there is one, many disputes can be resolved.

The log must reflect the following information:

  • Full name and position of the employee (you can indicate his personnel number);
  • date and time of issue of the work book;
  • employee's signature.

It should be remembered that the employee is obliged to return the work book after 3 working days from the date of receipt.

Instead of a journal, you can take a receipt from employees indicating receipt of the document.


If your work book is lost, it must be restored.

If an employee loses a document at the moment when it was issued to him by the employer, responsibility for this action lies with the employee.

Such an employee must write an application for restoration of the work book and submit it to the employer. The latter prepares a duplicate within 15 days.

Due to the fact that responsibility for the loss lies with the employee himself, the employer is not obliged to take measures to make all entries. He only makes his mark.

The missing information will be restored by the employee himself.

How to apply for a work book?

An application for the issuance of a work book is completed in free form. A single form has not been approved at the legislative level.

The employer himself can develop a standard form that will be used within his company.

The application must reflect the following information:

  • information about the employee (name and position);
  • the purpose of issuing the book;
  • signature and date.

General rules

The application must be made in writing.

The employee addresses his request to the head of the organization. The text itself must reflect the reason for issuing the work book, for example, “for submission to the Pension Fund for registration of an old-age pension.”

The application for the issuance of a work book must be signed by the applicant, a transcript is made and the current date is entered.

It is considered a competent employee who is responsible for the safety of work records.

The document is issued to the employee against signature in a special journal, or a receipt is taken from him.

General rules for issuing work books for a short period can be approved within the enterprise by local regulations.

Receipt for the Pension Fund

The original work book must be obtained for submission to the Pension Fund.

This is required if the employee continues to work after reaching retirement age.

The Pension Fund provides only originals of the work record book along with other documentation.

So, how to write an application for a work book? It is necessary to clarify whether a standard form has been developed in a particular company.

A sample might look like this:

Application example

Issuing a new (duplicate) to replace the lost one

Loss of a work record book can occur due to the fault of the employee or the employer. The order of information recovery will depend on this.

If the book was lost by the employee himself, then he will have to contact all employers to enter the necessary data. When the book is lost by the company where the employee currently works, it works to restore all the information.

If the document was lost by the employee, he is obliged to submit an application with a request to create it.

The employer considers this appeal and within 15 days must open a new work book and make an entry in it about the work activities of the relevant employee.

A sample application looks like this:


Let's consider the features of filling out an application for the issuance of a work book for different categories of workers.

For a foreign citizen

The legislator has not provided any specific rules for issuing work records for foreign citizens.

They fill out the application in the general manner. Foreign citizens can receive the original work record book or an extract from it free of charge.

For relatives of a deceased employee

The work record book can be provided to the relatives of a deceased employee upon their application.

The document is transferred after the applicant has confirmed the presence of family ties with the employee.

The following acts may be submitted as evidence of such:

  • birth certificate;
  • marriage certificate;
  • passport;
  • adoption certificate.

The application form is not approved by law. The form can be developed at a specific enterprise.

The fact of issuing a work book is certified by the recipient:

An example of a receipt for receiving an employee’s work book

Issuance to an authorized person

There is no concept of “power of attorney” in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for issuing a document to a representative is also not fixed in this codified act.

Often (for example, when applying for a mortgage loan), employees need a copy of their work record book certified by the employer, a sample of the correct execution of which will be discussed in our article. A certified copy is also required when applying for subsidies, international passports and in other cases. An incorrectly certified document can cause wasted time and nerves, therefore there are rules for certification of labor documents and only a limited number of employees of the organization can certify the document.

About the dates of employment indicating the position, about special awards and incentives, about transfer to another position, as well as the date and reason for dismissal. According to the law, the original of this document must be kept by the employer throughout the entire period of the employee’s employment. That is why, if it is necessary to provide information about employment or work experience, the employee can only receive a copy. However, simply copying the document will not be enough; it must be certified. Otherwise it has no legal force.

The rules for certifying a copy of a work record book provide for the implementation of this procedure at the current place of work in the personnel department of the enterprise. This can also be done by either the head of the department or another HR specialist. In some organizations that do not have a human resources department, this responsibility is assigned to the accountant. The head of the organization can also assure the labor record.

How to properly certify a copy of a work record book

Scheme of a copy of the work book certified by the employer sample

Let's look at how to correctly certify a copy of a work record book and a sample form. The first step is to copy all pages, starting with . Copies are not made from those sheets where there are no entries. It is also necessary that the duplicated sheets be of proper quality with readable text. The scale must correspond to the size of the original document.

The next stage will be the certification itself. According to the rules, certification of a work book consists of putting the following entries on the final sheet:

  • copy is right;
  • continues to work to this day;
  • position of authorized employee;
  • signature of an authorized employee;
  • full name;
  • date of certification.

In addition, it is necessary to affix the organization’s seal on all sheets. A correctly affixed seal should simultaneously capture part of the copied text and the signature of the certifying person. Otherwise, if the seal is placed on an “empty” place on the sheet, without capturing the records, the document may be considered invalid.

It is also necessary to indicate on all sheets:

  • copy is right;
  • signature of the certifying employee;
  • signature decryption;
  • position of certification officer;
  • date of certification.

Let's consider how a copy of the work book is certified so as not to make entries on all sheets. To do this, you need to copy all the sheets, then sew them all together and number them. The thread is drawn onto the last sheet and glued using a small paper form. This form contains the number of sheets stitched, the signature and transcript of the signature of the certifying employee. It is also necessary to affix a seal; it must simultaneously capture the part of the form with the signature (the signature itself) and the last sheet of the document to which the form is attached.

In this case, the original can be either copied or typed on a computer and printed. This option is also acceptable, especially when the original contains entries made in illegible handwriting. An illegible duplicate, even if it is drawn up correctly, may not be accepted at the place of request. Therefore, a document typed on a computer and correctly certified, despite the labor intensity, can be a way out of such a situation.

Application for issuance of a copy of the work book

Sample application for issuing a copy of a work record book

In many organizations (especially small enterprises), to obtain a copy, it is enough to contact the personnel service or the manager orally. For large enterprises with a large number of employees, it is required to draw up an application addressed to the director of the company or the head of the personnel department for the issuance of a copy of the work book. A sample application form can be provided by a HR specialist.

The text of the application must indicate the request for extradition. In addition, the reason why the employee needs this document is additionally indicated. After the employee submits the application, an order is drawn up. The subject of the order is the certification and issuance to the employee of his certified work book.

Responsibility for issuing the required document rests with the HR department employee or accountant. According to Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if there is a written application, the employer’s responsibilities include issuing free of charge the required copies of documents related to work activities no later than three days from the date of submission of the request.

How to certify a copy of an extract

In some cases, it is required to provide an extract from the work record book. When you need to provide data relating only to individual records or periods. In this case, you need to copy the first cover page with personal data and those sheets where the necessary records are located.

The extract is certified in the same way as a full copy: a stamp, signature of the responsible person, transcript of the signature, position and date of certification are affixed.

To obtain an extract, you need to contact the HR department or another authorized person (accountant, head of the organization) with an oral appeal or a written statement addressed to the head of the enterprise or the head of the HR department.

How long is a copy of a work book valid?

A copy certified at the enterprise is considered valid for a calendar month. In the event that any entries were made to the original during this month, it is considered invalid.

Moreover, if the form is notarized, it remains valid until new entries are made in the original document.

It is important that all pages must have original seals and signatures. Those. a copied seal or signature automatically invalidates the document.

Sometimes it happens that a duplicate is required by a person who is not working anywhere at a given period, in particular, this applies to pensioners. To certify the book, in this case, you can make a copy of all sheets of the original and contact the personnel service at your last place of work. HR specialists (or an accountant or manager) will be able to carry out the certification procedure in accordance with the law.

You can also have a copy certified by a notary. If you have the original on hand, you can copy it and contact a notary for certification. To do this, you will need an identification document, such as a passport. This procedure can also be carried out by a third party by proxy.

Not only the responsible persons, but also the employee who needs it should know how to properly make a copy of the work book. This will avoid wasted time, then you will not need to make a copy again and certify it.

The issuance of almost any document is carried out in strict accordance with the regulations, in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations.

Writing off a work record book is the most pressing issue in modern society, since it concerns both employers and staff.

The work experience book serves employee's "passport" when applying for a job, certifying his length of service and experience legally.

general information

  • when layoffs employee in accordance with the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • when layoffs employee at his own request (how?);
  • in case of access to pension;
  • V exceptional cases not previously mentioned.

According to the Labor Code, on the day the document is issued, all salary calculations are made, and the book is issued in accounting. In some cases, you must first draw up application for work book.

To assign a pension

When is document preparation required?

The book is issued upon application if the employee requires it to assign a pension.

According to the adopted law, from January 1, 2015, an employer does not have the right to refuse to issue a book to an employee.

Pension fund and OVRI do not accept copies of documents. Only originals are provided to these institutions. The process is carried out on the basis of a previously drawn up application in accordance with Art. 62 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 62. Issuance of work-related documents and their copies
Upon a written application from the employee, the employer is obliged, no later than three working days from the date of filing this application, to issue the employee a work book for the purpose of his compulsory social insurance (security), copies of documents related to work (copies of orders for employment, orders for transfers to another job , an order on dismissal from work; extracts from the work book; certificates of wages, accrued and actually paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, the period of work with a given employer, etc.). Copies of work-related documents must be properly certified and provided to the employee free of charge.

Parts two and three are no longer valid.

The employee is obliged, no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the work book from the body implementing compulsory social insurance (security), to return it to the employer.

Form of compilation free. But some businesses may offer standard forms to fill out. You must fill in your personal information, indicate the purpose of issuance and sign it after receiving the book.

Important! The purpose of issuing the book is indicated only when the document is necessary for the assignment of a pension. In the rest, the employer cannot demand announcement of the reason.

From the moment of receipt of the book are counted three working days during which she must be returned to her place of work. To prevent the employee from being overdue, the employer can take a receipt for the return from the employee.

The application is filed in a folder, and the issue of the book is registered in special magazine. Often this is a book in which records of the movement of work books are kept.

Applications for obtaining a work book.

Receipts for receipt of a work book by an employee.

Getting a duplicate

What documents are needed to obtain a duplicate work book?

It is necessary to draw up an application indicating the request to issue copy of the document.

It should be taken to the personnel department, where copies of the employment form are made and then certified notarized.

A duplicate document is permitted only in a few cases:

  • loss of the original;
  • the employee’s dismissal record is invalid;
  • loss of a document in emergency situations;
  • loss of documents by the employer that require urgent restoration;
  • incorrect notes in the work book.

If an employee is to blame for the loss of a document, he will voluntarily contact the HR department, where he will file an application for restoring the book and obtaining a duplicate, indicating one of the reasons.

Applications for obtaining a copy of the work record book.

Filling out the form for issuing a duplicate work book.

How to compose it correctly?

The application must contain an introduction, an explanation of the reason and the purpose of the restoration. The first paragraph must contain the grounds that this particular employer was last place of work. The second paragraph describes the appeal itself.

Here you need to mention the purpose of the appeal, the grounds and indicate them. For example, due to the loss of a book, theft, rendering unusable.

Important! If in your application you indicate that the book is unsuitable, it should not be attached to the application. It is not torn or dirty to be archived. If the book needs to be returned, please indicate the fact of transfer in the application.

The signature and number are placed on the day of delivery immediately below the text. The number should correspond date on the day the document is submitted.

So, third paragraph. It is often necessary for those employers who are not eager to deal with the affairs of former employees. The last lines of the laws will persistently indicate to the authorities who is responsible for responsibility and duty.

It is recommended to indicate the period for issuing a duplicate, which is 15 days, and put the number of the current day.

To avoid awkward situations, two copies are made.

One registered in the reception or office, and the second copy remains with you.

It must be marked as having been provided.

If a duplicate is made at the time of validity of this agreement, then no need to wait 15 days. There is also no need to write copies of the application with marks. This applies only to those cases where the employer has changed his previous place of work or refuses to issue a duplicate book.

Important! Based on Art. 64 TCRF upon first employment of an employee not required to write statements to start a new job for the first time. However, having contacted the HR department with a statement about the absence of a book, it is impossible to say with certainty that the document does not exist at all, and it was not lost.

Its absence on hand does not mean its complete absence from the system registers. When issuing a work permit, the employee must pay for the book in the amount established when determining expenses for it.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 64. Guarantees when concluding an employment contract

Unreasonable refusal to conclude an employment contract is prohibited.

Any direct or indirect restriction of rights or the establishment of direct or indirect advantages when concluding an employment contract depending on gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence ( including the presence or absence of registration at the place of residence or stay), attitudes to religion, beliefs, membership or non-belonging to public associations or any social groups, as well as other circumstances not related to the business qualities of employees, are not allowed, with the exception of cases in which the right or obligation to establish such restrictions or advantages is provided for by federal laws.

It is prohibited to refuse to conclude an employment contract to women for reasons related to pregnancy or the presence of children.

It is prohibited to refuse to conclude an employment contract to employees invited in writing to work by way of transfer from another employer, within one month from the date of dismissal from their previous place of work.

At the written request of a person who is refused to conclude an employment contract, the employer is obliged to provide the reason for the refusal in writing no later than seven working days from the date of presentation of such a request.

Refusal to conclude an employment contract can be appealed in court.

Writing an application for reinstatement of a work record book.

The nuances of receiving it in your hands

The work book is issued to the employee personally at the time of termination of the contract after completing the application.

It can be drawn up on any working day, indicating the reason and purpose for receiving the document.

On the day the book is issued, an agreement is signed stating that book received, and there are no claims against the employer.

You also need to sign in the journal about the movement of books.

Important! You should give your work book to a stranger only if he has power of attorney certified by a notary. If it is not there, a person can receive a work permit if the employee dies.

The basis for issuance will be a death certificate, passport and a document that confirms his relationship with the deceased. Copies of these documents must be filed in the employee’s personal file. An entry is made in the book itself and the basis for its issuance is indicated.

Issuance by postal transfer

If the book is issued while the employee is absent from the enterprise, or he refuses to receive labor, a certificate of refusal is drawn up. It is signed by witnesses.

Based on this document, the content and storage of the record book of an employee who is no longer registered with the enterprise is considered legal, since responsibility for delay of documents removed. The employer's next step is to draw up a registered letter addressed to the recipient.

A letter with written notification is sent to the employee’s address, where it will be stated requirement to appear to the place of work to receive the document, or to give consent in a response letter to the issuance of the book by postal transfer.

Important! The employer is exempt from responsibility only from the date of sending this notice.

If the employee himself wants to pick up the work book via mail, it is not necessary to wait for an invitation from the company. Enough to write registered letter with application. It must indicate the reason why you cannot come to the office yourself and sign for the receipt of the book. Your application can be reviewed within 3 days.

Act on the employee’s refusal to receive his work book.

Notifications about the need to obtain a work book or give consent to send it by mail.

Letters with a request to send a work book by mail.

In what cases is an application not required?

When the contract between the two parties expires, the work book is issued without drawing up an application.

The same applies if the employee resigns according to the article or at your own request.

However, an application will need to be drawn up, since in addition to the work book, the person is issued accompanying documents.

These include copies of the dismissal order, extracts, salary certificates, information about the employee’s period of work, information about accruals, and about paid insurance contributions for pension insurance.

In any case, various situations occur during employment or dismissal. This isolated cases, which should only be discussed directly with superiors and authorized bodies.


Mostly, pressing issues regarding work records. Each question was answered, and situations in the manifestation of certain aspects were considered. These are typical tasks that every employer and employee should know about.

Don't panic or get upset, if you do not have or do not have a work book. There are many opportunities to restore it, start it, make a duplicate, or pick it up from your place of work.

Guided by the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following are given: quite compelling arguments, on the basis of which an employee of any enterprise has the right to address a problem that has arisen.

What to do if the most important document confirming your work experience is lost or has become unusable? Find out how to recover valuable information while respecting employee rights and without breaking the law!

In the article:

Download a set of documents on the topic:

What documents regulate the issuance of a duplicate work book?

A duplicate is issued in case of loss or theft of the main document. In addition, a duplicate form will be needed if the work book has become unusable. For example, it is dirty, burnt or torn, or contains a record of dismissal or transfer to another job, which was subsequently invalidated.

The employee’s right to receive a duplicate is enshrined in Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the general procedure for registration and issuance is prescribed in the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003. Fill out the form according to the instructions approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003.

Who should restore the document - the new or previous employer

The employee lost his work record book, but did not discover the loss immediately, but when it was time to get a new job. How to make a duplicate of a work book if it is lost and who should do this - the new or previous employer?

The first thing an employee must do in case of loss is to contact the place of previous work with an application for a duplicate work book. You can fill out a sample form on the basis of which the employer can begin the registration procedure.

Attention! Since current legislation does not contain any special requirements for the application form, it can be drawn up in free form or based on any convenient template. The main thing is to indicate the applicant’s details, date and specific reason for the application.

Another way is to restore the document

If the loss is not discovered immediately, at the stage of your next employment, you can choose another, completely legal way to restore your work book - submit an application for the issuance of a new document at a new place of work. Previously, the employee did not have such an opportunity, but now it is provided for in Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer does not have the right to refuse an employee and is obliged to create a work book for him (not a duplicate!), reflecting in it documented work experience.

How many days does it take for a duplicate work book to be issued? How to draw up a document without wasting time?

The period for issuing a duplicate is 15 days. It is during this time that the employer, based on a written application and attached documents confirming the length of service, must draw up a document and issue it to the owner against signature.

The procedure itself is not complicated and does not take much time if the employee immediately provides all the necessary certificates and extracts. But if some of the documents are missing, the process may be delayed: you will have to send official requests to previous employers, their legal successors or archival institutions and wait for a response.

Attention! In order to receive a duplicate as quickly as possible, the employee must prepare in advance certificates certified in accordance with all the rules, originals of employment contracts, copies of orders, salary slips and other documents for all periods of work.

How to issue a duplicate work book (sample + step-by-step instructions for a personnel officer)

The duplicate is drawn up on a blank form purchased by the employer for issue to employees. In the receipt and expenditure book, indicate when the form was used, as well as its series, number and other required information.

Since we are talking about forms of strict reporting, a careless attitude to accounting can later become a problem for the personnel officer. The expert has already answered 9 popular questions about storing and recording work books. All you have to do is read them!

Then proceed directly to the registration (you can use a ready-made example of filling out a duplicate work book). Adhere to the order established by Section III of Rules No. 225 and Section 7 of Instructions No. 69.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1.Write the word "duplicate" in the upper right corner of the title page, next to the series and form number. The inscription must be visible and easy to read.

Step 2.Complete the title page. Passport data, information about education received and other mandatory data are entered in the general manner. Make sure that they are up to date: if during the time that has passed since the registration of the lost work book, the employee has managed to master a new profession, change his last name or improve his level of education, immediately enter the updated data. You should not reflect the entire history of changes in the document. This is how you fill out a duplicate work book (sample title page):

Attention! Be sure to certify the title with a signature with a transcript and a round seal of the organization or human resources department. The accuracy and relevance of the information entered is confirmed by the signature of the owner of the document.

Step 3.Calculate the employee's total length of service. Reflect it in column 3 in total, indicating the number of years, months and days worked, but without specifying the periods of work and positions held by the employee. Do not assign a serial number to the entry, and do not indicate the names of organizations at this stage.

Step 4.List all periods of work with previous employers in chronological order, based on available documents. Each period is described separately:

  • Column 2 indicates the date of employment;
  • in column 3 - the employee’s position, structural unit and name of the organization;
  • in column 4 - the name, date and details of the document on the basis of which the employee was hired.
  • in column 5 - a record of dismissal.

Similarly, transfer data on other confirmed periods of work from certificates and other documents.

Attention! If complete data on individual periods of work is not available, limit yourself to documented information only. Do not write down anything from the employee’s words (clause 32 of Rules No. 225)!

Step 5.Reflect the period of work in your organization. All the documents necessary for this are already at the disposal of the personnel department; you just need to transfer the information to the form. Close the block with a notice of dismissal, confirm with a signature with a transcript and a seal. Leave space below for the employee’s signature.

Sample of registration of records about the last place of work

Step 6.Give the duplicate to the employee. Record the date of issue, series and number of the document in book of work records and inserts. In the same book, the owner of the duplicate must sign for its receipt, otherwise it will not be easy to prove that the document was correctly executed and issued on time.

Step 7.Retain the cost of the form. If the work book is lost or damaged due to the fault of the employee, discuss with him ways to reimburse the costs of purchasing the form. Choose the most convenient one, for example, payment in cash to the company's cash desk or transfer of funds to a bank account.

Is it possible to have two work books at the same time? What threatens an employee who has two work books at once?

It is assumed that a working person has only one work book, which reflects all periods of employment, from the first job in his life until retirement. But in practice this does not always happen.

Imagine the situation: an employee reports the loss of his work book, receives a duplicate, and after a while finds the original. This is a common problem that leads to the owner having two work books in his hands at once (the consequences are not so dire as to destroy the second copy of the document). Moreover, according to the law, the original and the duplicate have equal force.

Is it possible to work with two work books? Formally, no, but sometimes this happens. For example, when a work book is mistakenly created for an external part-time worker at an additional place of work. There is no legal provision according to which the second document would be automatically considered invalid. Moreover, it contains legally significant information about the actual length of service of the employee, who is taken into account when calculating sick leave and maternity benefits.

Is it possible to have 2 work books and present them when applying for a job? If this happens, the employer can accept the employee for storage of both copies, but will only fill out one work book (usually the newer one). But at the same time, the law does not provide for either administrative or disciplinary liability for the owner of two, three or more work books.

Responsibility for the employee

Despite the negative answer to the question “is it possible to have two work books,” the consequences are unlikely to be negative for the employee himself. At least until retirement, since the Pension Fund accepts only one copy of the work report for consideration. Periods of employment not reflected in it will have to be confirmed with certificates and other additional documents.

There will also be more work for personnel officers. When an employee who provided two documents upon hiring falls ill, the duration of his insurance period will have to be determined using two documents at once. If some periods of work in both work books coincide, only one is taken into account when calculating sick leave benefits (see the rules for calculating and confirming insurance experience, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 91 dated February 6, 2007).

A duplicate work book is issued within 15 days upon a written application from an employee who discovers that the original is lost, stolen or has become unusable. Adhere to legally approved rules and instructions, and to prevent errors from creeping into the form, use the standard sample for filling out a duplicate work book in case of loss. Determine length of service only on the basis of certified statements, certificates, contracts and other supporting documents.

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