Application for school to reschedule work. Lunch is not as scheduled. Notification of changes in working hours - sample

A company employee will be forced to write an application to postpone vacation if his long-planned and long-awaited vacation is postponed.

Transferring vacation is a procedure for adjusting mutual agreements with the employer regarding the start and duration of the next annual vacation, fixed in the schedule.

IMPORTANT! The company’s internal document called “Vacation Schedule” is mandatory for compliance by the employer and employees (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Find out more about the “vacation” schedule from the material “Unified form No. T-7 - vacation schedule” .

In the statement, the employee should explain the reasons for violating the pre-agreed deadlines. Based on this, the employer makes a decision: agree with the request or reasonably refuse (reflecting the corresponding resolution in the application).

A working person in most cases is sensitive to the possibility of legally not going to work for a certain time without suffering financially. Therefore, the postponement of such a long-awaited event as a vacation occurs mainly for extraordinary reasons, which can be combined into 2 groups:

  • at the request of the employee himself;
  • according to production necessity, when the initiator is the employer.

Therefore, the application for transferring vacation for these cases will be different.

If the employer does not warn the employee on time about the start of vacation (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or forgets to pay him the due funds (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), transferring the employee’s vacation turns from the employer’s right into an obligation.

A similar obligation arises for the company administration if an employee was sick, studying, or performing government duties while on vacation (Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The situation when the vacation started on time, but the employee was urgently needed at work, is discussed in the material “We are preparing a recall from an employee’s vacation - a sample order” .

We are writing an application to postpone the vacation

The employee draws up an application for the transfer of vacation in writing, in any form, using the basic techniques for preparing such documents. The title indicates the position and full name of the head of the company in whose name the document is being drawn up, the data of the employee himself (position, full name, personnel number).

For the convenience of filling out the application, you can use the ready-made form posted on our website.

A sample application for rescheduling leave can be found on our website.

The transfer of leave, which was a consequence of production necessity in the presence of the employee at the workplace during the period of planned rest, is also formalized in writing.

In this case, the application must contain the employee’s consent to postpone the vacation. The wording looks like this: “I, Natalya Viktorovna Bogdanova, agree with the postponement of my annual vacation, scheduled for the period from January 21 to January 31, 2019.”


The employee writes an application to postpone the vacation in any form addressed to the manager. If the leave is postponed at the request of the employee, the text of the application indicates the reason for the transfer. If the change in the date of going on vacation is due to production needs, the application must contain the employee’s consent to postpone his vacation.

The law allows you to change working hours depending on the production need that arises, even regarding mandatory rest breaks during working hours. There are no restrictions for the employer in choosing the currently required work schedule. New conditions can be established both for one worker and for a group of people or the entire team of the organization (although it is possible to challenge this decision, for example, under an agreement on labor protection).

How to change the working hours for an employee at the initiative of the employer?

There are specific instructions on the conditions for changing the work schedule at the initiative of the employer in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 74. According to it, the employer can correct the work schedule without violating the accepted norms under the collective agreement in the organization.

Changes are classified into:

  • Permanent.
  • Temporary (for example, for the summer, during the heat: details -).

To formalize innovations, it is necessary to comply with temporary notification standards. Their minimum interval period is 60 days. During this period, the employer is obliged to:

  • Submit an order to adjust the necessary items in the work schedule.
  • Notify all employees of the terms of innovations in labor discipline.
  • Make adjustments to employee contracts and PVTR.

These steps are performed in case of mass staffing adjustments. In case of single changes, it is not necessary to adjust the PVTR and the collective agreement.

Order on changing working hours sample 2018

The order precedes the beginning of the formation of a new daily routine. In this case, the order is not formal. It usually contains the following information:

  • The exact date for maintaining the new schedule.
  • When entered temporarily, the end date of the established changes is indicated.
  • Describe in detail the working day, week or month.
  • Indicate lunch breaks and rest days.

Notification of changes in working hours - sample

The employer does not have the right to increase the number of hours of work on a permanent basis. Therefore, when making adjustments to the work schedule, a transition is implied:

  • On shifts.
  • For a shortened working day.
  • For flexible mode.
  • For a fixed five-day work.

Regardless of the previously established production schedule in the relevant position, the employer is obliged to notify the employee. For this purpose, personal notifications are prepared for everyone affected by the changes.

Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the head of an organization to formalize a transition from one type of regime to another by way of unilateral notification. The notice gives the employee only two options - to continue working, but under new conditions, or to quit.

On the same topic, material on the internal labor regulations for LLCs, based on the model for 2018, will be useful.

How to write an application to change working hours - sample

An application to adjust the work schedule is written if the desire comes from the employee himself. The hired person must clearly justify his desire to adjust the schedule. Acceptable reasons include illness, one's own or that of close relatives, and the presence of young children. The document addressed to the manager is prepared in free form.

When filling out the application, you must provide the following information:

  • The date of the desired transfer.
  • Indicate your current working hours.
  • Describe your desired hours of operation.
  • Justify your request.

Documentary evidence of the justification provided must be attached to the application.

Additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the working hours

The final step in making adjustments is drawing up an additional agreement to the current employee contract. It does not stipulate general working conditions, but personal ones. The additional agreement must include information about the new working hours with precise instructions:

  • Beginning of work.
  • The end of labor.
  • Lunch break hours.
  • Rest time between shifts.
  • Rest days.

The additional agreement must be provided to the employee 60 days before the changes are introduced. The employee expresses his consent by signing the document. Disagreement is expressed in writing at the bottom of the paper. After this, the employee has the right to resign within 60 days. He is given 2 months to find another job.

We took the trouble to provide good examples to save time for the final preparation of the appeal. Any document contains critical data points. To fill them out in accordance with the rules, you need to understand the rules. The most convenient way to do this is to examine the sample located below. If you suddenly come across inaccuracy or incorrect data, please write to the editor about the incorrect data as a comment under the article.

It is important to remember that lawmaking does not stand still and many documents continue to rapidly become outdated. It is always necessary to verify the validity of the rules of law set out in them. It may be that the norms have already been abolished.

How to register a change in operating mode

July 17 6320 views
  • Subject:
  • Personnel document flow

You need to give a part-time employee a full-time job. What personnel documents need to be drawn up for this and how to pay for additional working hours, you will read in this article. The material was prepared by our colleagues from the magazine “Salary”.

The regime of working hours and rest time is one of the mandatory conditions of the employment contract provided for in Article 57 of the Labor Code.

An employer can change an employee’s working hours:

Or with the consent of the employee - in the manner prescribed by Article 72 of the Labor Code. In this case, you need to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract and issue an order;

If for some reason the employee does not agree to change the work schedule, the employer may offer him another job (a vacant position corresponding to the employee’s qualifications, or a lower position, or a lower paid job), which the employee can perform taking into account his state of health (Part 3 of Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If there is no other work or the employee refuses it, the employment contract is terminated in accordance with paragraph 7 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code. This procedure is established in Part 4 of Article 74 of the Labor Code.

JSC Fortuna has a 40-hour work week. L.I. Parusova works part-time (6 hours a day, five-day work week).

After sending a notice to the employee and receiving his consent, expressed, for example, in a statement, the employer must first enter into an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract.

Let's continue examples 1 and 2. L.I. Parusova works part-time. Due to production needs, she agreed to work full time from September 15 to October 15, 2014.

It is necessary to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract with the employee.

The employer will formalize the change in the employee’s working hours by an additional agreement to the employment contract (see sample 3 below).

Sample 3 Fragment of an additional agreement to an employment contract

Based on an additional agreement to the employment contract, the employer needs to issue an order to temporarily establish full-time working hours for the employee.

Order on temporary change of operating mode

There is no unified form for such an order; it is drawn up in any form. Let's show with an example how to compose it.

Let's continue with example 3. It is necessary to issue an order to temporarily change the operating mode of L.I. Parusova.

The employer will issue an order to temporarily establish a full-time work schedule for the employee (see sample 4).

Sample 4 Order on temporary change of operating mode

Application for flexible working hours?

The need to establish a flexible working time regime can be caused both by the characteristics of the work performed by employees of the organization, and by everyday, social and other circumstances in the lives of employees. For example, an employer may introduce flexible working hours if this will allow him to save on office rent if the production process requires it. If an organization has a flexible working time regime for all employees or individual structural units, then this work schedule is determined in the local regulatory act of the organization (collective agreement or internal labor regulations).

To the Director of LLC "Courier"

Kalinina A.I.
from the manager
Ivanova A.G.


I would like to request flexible working hours due to the need to care for my disabled spouse.

Appendix: certificate of disability of the spouse, issued by branch No. 94 of the Main Bureau of ITU for the city of Moscow dated September 15, 2011, series ITU-2007 No. 1234567.

09.19.2011 Ivanova A.G. Ivanova


We would like to change our work schedule. where to begin?

Method 2. Employees whose working hours change can be sent personal written notifications ( example 2). There is no unified form for such a notification, so you will have to develop it yourself.

The notification must indicate the reasons for which the working time conditions are changing, and the date of introduction of the new schedule. In addition, it is advisable to indicate in the notice that if the employee refuses to work under the new conditions, the employment contract with him will be terminated under clause 7, part 1, art.

77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The notice is drawn up in two copies. Receipt by the employee of a copy of such notice should be confirmed by a mark on the copy kept by the employer.

This will allow you, on the one hand, to control the process of notifying each employee about a change in work schedule, on the other hand, to avoid possible disputes regarding violation of the warning period for the introduction of new working conditions provided for in Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

However, keep in mind that informing the employee of the fact that after two months the conditions of his work will change does not mean the employee agrees to work under the new conditions. Labor legislation gives the employee the right to choose - agree to work under new conditions or refuse to continue working.

The procedure for obtaining consent depends on when the employee decides to work under the new conditions: immediately upon notification of this or within two months while working under the previous conditions. In the first case, he can make a note about his consent to work according to the new schedule in the order introducing this schedule or on a copy of the personal notice (which remains with the employer), in the second, he can indicate his consent using a statement ( example 3).

Further developments depend on whether the employee agreed to work under the new conditions or not.

If the employee agrees...

With employees who agree to continue working under new conditions, it is necessary to conclude additional agreements to employment contracts, which stipulate all changes and the date of their entry into force ( example 4). By analogy with drawing up an employment contract, the additional agreement is drawn up in two copies. The employee’s receipt of a copy of the additional agreement is confirmed by an appropriate mark on the copy kept by the employer.

Based on this additional agreement, a corresponding order (instruction) of the employer is issued to change the working hours. There is no unified form for such an order (instruction), so it is drawn up in free text form. The employee must be familiarized with the order against signature.

If the first option involves making a decision unilaterally with mandatory notification to the employee and in compliance with all procedures and deadlines established by labor legislation, then the second option assumes the desire of the employee, which is expressed in filing an appropriate application and subsequent discussion of the working conditions with the head of the enterprise. Below we will look at the procedure for drawing up an application that must be written to an employee in order to change the work schedule. Application for a change in working hours The employee has the right to take the initiative and notify the employer by writing a statement that he needs to change the working hours.


Application forms

How to write an application to change the work schedule? Sample and filling rules

➡ Download: Memo on transfer of working hours sample

In addition, many companies should think about and use employees’ working time more rationally, so that work does not stand still and not force people to overwork. Memo about hiring a new employee:. If an employee refuses to receive a notification, then this circumstance should be recorded in an act.

This means that Yandex will not be able to remember you in the future. The head of the enterprise endorses the application, and if the decision is positive, the document is transferred to the personnel service. If employees do not agree If employees still do not agree to carry out their labor function in the new conditions, then they will be offered vacant positions at this enterprise. In addition, SZ can accompany the transfer of a package of documents between departments, divisions, departments within the organization; for third parties, it is necessary to prepare cover letters. The notification must indicate: - the reason for the temporary change in the employee’s work schedule; — rights and obligations of the employee during the notice period; — the period by which the employee must make a decision; — consequences of the employee’s consent or refusal to continue working under new conditions. Sample application for transfer of leave download Size: 31.0 KiB Downloads: 1,252 Application form for transfer of leave at the initiative of the employer download Size: 31.0 KiB Downloads: 483 Is the form or article outdated?

If employees do not agree If employees still do not agree to carry out their labor function in the new conditions, then they will be offered vacant positions at this enterprise. With a five-day working week, the days off are Saturday and Sunday, the employee will have to go to work on Saturday 13. Among the overwhelming number of workers, there is an opinion that this process of exchanging “papers” is a waste of time and effort in compiling them, because calling and quickly painting a picture is much faster and easier. The text must indicate in whose name the application is being submitted and reflect information about the employee: full name, position, department.

How to correctly write an application to transfer working hours if I am a single mother and my child is going to first grade? — In the second case, the order to change the working hours must necessarily indicate the reason for the unilateral change in this condition.

Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Flexible working hours

A trip by an employee by order of the employer for a certain period of time to carry out an official assignment outside the place of permanent work is called a business trip. An employee is sent on a business trip based on an order from the employer.

Example of an application for the transfer of working hours

Such an order is drawn up in any form. The order can be issued, for example, on the forms “Order on sending an employee on a business trip” or “Order on sending employees on a business trip.” A situation is possible when, after the order is issued, the business trip is cancelled. To formalize the fact of cancellation, a new order is usually issued. We will provide an example of an order to cancel a business trip in our consultation. Do I need an order to cancel a business trip? A business trip can be canceled for a variety of reasons. For example, the trip is no longer necessary for production purposes, or the employee is ill and therefore will not be able to travel. The law does not require drawing up an order to cancel a business trip. However, it needs to be compiled. After all, a “travel” order is the basis for the appropriate recording of working time and the calculation of average earnings to the employee. Accordingly, if conditions change, it is necessary to notify not only the employee, but also the relevant departments, for example, accounting. As for expenses for a canceled business trip, for example, the cost of a non-refundable air ticket or a prepaid hotel without the right to cancel the reservation, the employer has the right to take them into account when taxing profits. We draw up an order to cancel a business trip. An order to cancel a business trip is drawn up in any form. The basis for its preparation may be, for example, a memo from the immediate supervisor or a statement from the employee himself. The order usually indicates the reason for canceling the business trip, F. The employee must be familiarized with the order to cancel the business trip against signature. After all, he should know that he does not need to go on a business trip, which means that the employer expects him to return to his main workplace. We provide a sample form for an order to cancel a business trip.

In this regard, there are 2 ways to update the mode:

  • at the initiative of the employer;
  • at the initiative of the employee.

If the first option involves making a decision unilaterally with mandatory notification to the employee and in compliance with all procedures and deadlines established by labor legislation, then the second option assumes the desire of the employee, which is expressed in filing an appropriate application and subsequent discussion of the working conditions with the head of the enterprise. Below we will look at the procedure for drawing up an application that must be written to an employee in order to change the work schedule.

application for postponing the start of the working day

Application for a change in working hours The employee has the right to take the initiative and notify the employer by writing a statement that he needs to change the working hours.

How to write an application to change the work schedule? sample and filling rules


Sample 3 Fragment of an additional agreement to the employment contract Based on the additional agreement to the employment contract, the employer needs to issue an order to temporarily establish a full-time work schedule for the employee. Order on a temporary change in operating mode There is no unified form for such an order; it is drawn up in any form. Let's show with an example how to compose it. Example 4 Let's continue with example 3.

It is necessary to issue an order to temporarily change the operating mode of L.I. Parusova. Solution The employer will issue an order to temporarily establish a full-time work schedule for the employee (see sample 4).

Application for transfer of working day sample form

Such a desire may be caused by various circumstances, for example, the illness of a close relative, etc. The legislator does not approve the form and content of an application for a change in work schedule, and accordingly, the employer has the right to issue a local act containing a sample application. Otherwise, the employee can draw up the document independently.

Let's look at the step-by-step preparation of the application:

  1. In the upper right corner the name of the employing organization and the details of its head are indicated. Below you need to write the employee’s position and his full name.
  2. The word “statement” is written in the center.
  3. The text of the document must indicate the employee’s goal related to adjusting the work regime.

    Therefore, it is advisable to begin the main part of the application with the phrase “I ask you to change my work schedule.” Next, the current mode is indicated and a new schedule option is proposed.

Application for change of working hours

If your management does not want to change your work schedule, then it is difficult to do anything here, since labor legislation in this matter is based on agreements between the employee and the employer. One more piece of advice for employers. If several employees constantly write applications to change their working hours, then this issue is best resolved at the local level (for example, by adding a corresponding clause to the Internal Labor Regulations). Drawing up an application to postpone the working day In this application, the following points must be indicated: 1.

Justified reason for postponing. For example, a mother of many children, working in a commercial company, asks to “advance” working hours by 15 minutes due to a lunch break (that is, in other words, to organize working hours from 10.00 to 18.45).

Application for transfer of working hours sample

This article describes in detail how to fill out a sample application for transfer of working hours, and everything you need to know about it. The working day in any company is regulated by the company’s internal charters, which themselves depend on the company’s policies and career guidance. For example, it is logical for a cafe to start working at 10-11 o’clock.

After all, visitors will not come earlier. But the cooks of the same cafe need to come earlier because they have quite a lot of preparatory work to do. Meanwhile, many employees would like to reschedule their working hours, because it has long been known that people are divided into so-called “night owls” and “larks” and, accordingly, some work more productively in the morning, while others only wake up in the afternoon. Therefore, it would seem that employers are long overdue for adjusting employee working hours to increase productivity.

Application for transfer of working hours: sample 2018

  • In the upper right corner, fill out the “cap” and write the position, full name, head of the company, then your position and full name.
  • In the main text of the application, you need to write a request to postpone working hours and justify it. For example: I ask you to change your working hours from 8:30 to 17:30 to 9:00 to 18:00 because...
    Getting there from the region takes 45 minutes, and the bus leaves only at 8:00. Signature and date.
  • Guided by the law of the Russian Federation to regulate your daily routine, you can be guided by Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which determines working hours, as well as Art.

A sample shift schedule will help you create your own activity plan for each employee at the enterprise. It can be downloaded for free.

The uniqueness of each profession is unconditional. No one will argue with this. Most of the country's population works on a 5/2 schedule, with five working days and two days off. But there are many other modes of operation. The sample shift schedule offered on this page will help you formulate your own activity plan for each employee at the enterprise.

Application for transfer of working hours

Like all templates, an example of a shift schedule can be downloaded for free via a direct link.

A number of organizations do not have the opportunity to stop the functioning process and are forced to work 24 hours a day. In this regard, there is a need for personnel to ensure operation. Regulation of workers' activities is simply necessary to solve the company's problems. Thanks to a properly designed shift schedule, work occurs automatically. One specialist transfers his shift to another. He, in turn, transfers authority to a third.

Mandatory shift schedule items

  • Company details in the upper left corner;
  • On the contrary, on the right, a management approval mark is placed;
  • The shift schedule can be specified by structural unit;
  • The main content is compiled in the form of a table, where the full names of employees are entered vertically and the dates of the month horizontally;
  • The duration of the shift, breaks for rest and food, and the number of employees per shift must be recorded.
  • At the bottom, specialists and the immediate superior place their signatures confirming familiarization with the document.

The formation of a shift schedule for workers should not contradict current legislation. Workers must receive all the guarantees and rights provided to them by law. Rest time, regime, payment, social guarantees and other issues - all this must be taken into account when drawing up a shift schedule. After final editing, the document is subject to review and approval by the head of the company.

Date: 2015-10-07

If the documentation is completed correctly, the transfer of part of the employees or the entire team to a new schedule will take place without problems and mutual claims between the employer and employees. To learn how to set up employee working hours, watch the video: Noticed a mistake? Select it and press Ctrl+Enter to let us know. Tell your friends! Share with your friends! Write about this material on social networks using the buttons below.

How to write an application to change the work schedule? sample and filling rules

Financial issues The new provision will be in effect from the moment the additional agreement is signed.

Accordingly, all calculations under the amended rule will be made from this date.

Important: So, if the employee was transferred to part-time work, then the timesheet is marked with the designation “NS” from the corresponding shift.

Application for transfer of working day sample form

The Info Application can be written by hand or printed, there are no restrictions in this sense, the only thing that should be taken into account is that the electronic form must be printed in order to put a “live” signature on it.
In addition, before typing the form on the computer, it is advisable to make sure that the organization accepts printed applications (in some companies, personnel department employees only consider handwritten ones).
You can write the text only with a pen (pencil and other writing tools cannot be used).

Application for change of working hours

It indicates the date of entry into force of the changes, as well as the text of the transformation and the numbers of paragraphs in which they will be included.

One of the copies is given to the employee, and the other to the employer.

Example: Agreement of the parties The decision to change the working hours can be made by the parties to the labor relationship by agreement.

In such a situation, it is easiest to formalize such transformations.

The parties express their approval by signing an additional agreement to the employment contract.

This act reflects the text of the transformations, as well as the date they entered into legal force.

Application for transfer of working hours sample

Labor legislation gives the employee the right to choose whether to agree to work under new conditions or refuse to continue working.

Therefore, in order to formalize a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, the employer should obtain the employee’s consent to continue working under the new conditions.

AttentionMoreover, it is advisable (read necessary) to record it in writing.
The procedure for obtaining consent depends on when the employee decides to work under the new conditions: immediately upon notification of this or within two months while working under the previous conditions.

Application for transfer of working hours: sample 2018

The reason for the changes must be stated below.

transfer of working hours

If it is assumed that innovations will be temporary and associated with the occurrence of some event, it is advisable to indicate this fact.

  • Next, the employee puts his signature, its transcript and date.
  • After reading the application, the employer can agree with the proposals or reject them.

    If the issue is resolved positively, the document is stamped with an “Agreed” visa, and it is transferred to the HR department for further processing of the change procedure.

    An additional agreement is drawn up to the employee’s employment contract on the introduction of a work schedule other than that provided for in the organization. If the employer refuses to change the working hours, the parties can discuss this issue in more detail and come to a compromise.


Good afternoon.
Please explain why the desire of the students of the study group is not the basis for making changes to the approved class schedule?

This looks extremely strange, given the fact that students are the consumers of educational services.

I’m talking about a case where the entire study group considers another time for classes to be more convenient (there is a written statement with the signatures of all students), the teacher conducting the class, the time proposed by the students is also more suitable than the current one (there is a written statement with a signature), at the faculty there are free classrooms and no other established norms are violated (lunch hours and the like are not observed).


In connection with the receipt of an appeal to the Virtual reception 03/09/2016 Head of the Educational Department of the Rectorate of St. Petersburg State University Natalya Gennadievna Boyko conducted a personal reception for a student in the main educational program of the master's program K.V. Postnova. The personal reception was attended by the Deputy Head of the Educational Department V.V. Samsonov.

Postnov K.V. contacted the Virtual Reception with a question about the possibility of students initiating changes to the class schedule.

At a personal reception, the student was explained that the requirements for scheduling training sessions are established in section 2.2. Rules of study for the main educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's, master's and secondary vocational education at St. Petersburg State University, approved by order No. 470/1 dated January 29, 2016.

Application for transfer of working hours sample

The relevant Training Rules do not provide for the possibility of mandatory taking into account the opinions of students when drawing up the schedule of training sessions and making changes to it. According to subparagraph “b” of paragraph 89 of the St. Petersburg State University Charter (, students are required to attend classes in accordance with the approved schedule.

At the same time, the head of the Educational Department drew the attention of Postnova K.V. that if during the training process there is a need to make changes to the schedule of classes for the main educational program of the master's program (including in order to optimize training sessions within the working week), the teacher of the academic discipline has the right to contact the deputy head of the Academic Department . The decision to make changes to the schedule is made taking into account organizational capabilities (availability of free classrooms, number of teaching hours per day, etc.).

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