Orthodox centers for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. Stream. Rehabilitation center

In the Pskov region, the creation of a new rehabilitation center for drug addicts begins. This became known today at a conference on this issue in the Administration of the region.

Our region already has positive experience organization of similar institutions - 10 years ago, a center for rehabilitation and psychological support"Stream". One of the first to pass state certification. A team of anonymous alcohol and drug addicts is preparing for a friendly match with the national team of the authorities of the Pskov region. At the gate, Eugene, an experienced drug addict. I tried drugs for the first time at the age of 14. Then, he says, there were attempts to recover and new breakdowns.

And there were breakdowns, breakdowns, breakdowns, because there always appears some kind of self-confidence, arrogance that I can, if I don’t inject, then I’m no longer a drug addict. Well, it's not. My choice was obvious. I had no doubt that I would go to this center, because I always lacked God in my life.

Fellowship with God is one of the integrated program rehabilitation. morning and evening prayer included, as mandatory, in the daily routine. And also: labor obedience, psychological trainings and consultations. Only 12 steps to recovery. To come here, they say in the center, is to take the first step.

The main thing, the main thing, is to start all the same, accept impotence and look into your inner world and talk about it, that it’s bad and hard for me, and not hide and run away from it. Learn to make friends, love, hear, listen, building relationships with people, contact with people.

To date, the Ruchey center has 13 patients from all over Russia. Pskov residents undergo a rehabilitation course free of charge. Several people ended up here with certificates for rehabilitation. They are allocated and financed by the Regional Administration. In 2014, 10 people underwent rehabilitation according to certificates. But this, the conference participants stressed today, is not yet a guarantee of a normal life.

Even if a former drug addict decides to give up non-medical drug use, quits this disease, undergoes rehabilitation and resocialization, not always, but very often, his return to the place where he is registered and lives leads to the fact that he falls into his usual him a deadly society.

Here it is necessary to consider, if possible, offer ways to solve the whole problem. integrated approach. What do we mean by this - that from the moment a drug user is identified to the moment they return to normal life must be a big way.

To solve this problem, a new Center for work with drug users is being created in our region. His patients will be able not only to undergo rehabilitation, but also to gain work skills.

The goals of the project are - organization effective work on the return of the drug user to a normal society, the creation of agricultural production as jobs for drug users who have undergone rehabilitation and resocialization programs.

The organizers timed the scientific conference to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Ruchey rehabilitation center. In honor of the anniversary, the team of the center played football with the team of the authorities of the Pskov region. Such a match has already become a tradition, which allows to draw attention to the problem of rehabilitation of drug addicts and the work of rehabilitation centers.

Svetlana Konstantinova, Kirill Mosin

Residents of the Pskov region suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, can receive free help at the rehabilitation center in the village of Rodovoe, Palkinsky district. According to a correspondent of the Pskov Information Agency, the center has been operating for about a month, now 10 people are receiving support there.

Igor Gerasimov, general director of the network of rehabilitation centers "Ruchey", said that at the church of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg there is a society of sobriety "Lazarus Saturday". The idea of ​​creating special centers belongs to the inspirers of the society. “The uniqueness of the Center is that alcoholics and drug addicts themselves work here as consultants. I don’t say former, because from the point of view of the concept that we profess, former alcoholics and there are no drug addicts," said Igor Gerasimov.

According to him, the success of rehabilitation is due to the fact that the center has four areas of recovery - biological, psychological, social and spiritual. “Individually, various therapies are provided by many wonderful doctors, centers, but so that everything is collected in one place, in sufficient volume and in desired quality There are few such places in the country," Igor Gerasimov noted.

Spiritual program coordinator of the Center, Orthodox priest Alexander drew attention to the fact that in the church there are all kinds of models of rehabilitation, when a person leaves society for a monastery and lives there as a worker, worker or novice. “There are many rehabilitation centers at churches and monasteries on this base, which give children the opportunity to come to sobriety through God. However, in my opinion, these rehabilitations have a minus in that a person really becomes sober only in this microsociety. they come to their friends, to their families, most of them break down to work," Father Alexander added.

According to him, the synthesis of a bio-, psycho-, socio-spiritual model is the brainchild of many years. The center treats the body - with the help of droppers and recovery procedures. "Psycho" means a twelve-step program adapted to Russia, social adaptation occurs when the children learn to communicate with their parents again, to get a job again. Spirituality is replenished through the Russian Orthodox Church, a person learns to find contact with God.

"The symbiosis of bio, psycho, socio-spiritual rehabilitation and got the name" Creek ". We are distributing this experience throughout the North-West, now also on the Pskov land dependent people can receive an extended spectrum of recovery. "Stream" is one of the projects. Already now in Pskov we are agreeing to open an office for consultations and work with relatives of addicts," the priest said.

Now the organizers and organizers are putting the area around the center in Rodovoe in order, the building of the former noble estate built in 1879 is being repaired, the heating system and rooms for two to four people are being prepared for work. The journalists were told that for three For years the building was empty, and before that there was a summer cottage of the Pechora boarding school. Igor Gerasimov noted that this option was offered to them by the regional administration.

The organizers of the rehabilitation center in Palkinsky district it is expected that in the near future the center will be able to accommodate up to 50-60 people. Minimum exchange rate treatment - from 28 days to 3 months. After that, two months of social adaptation are provided for patients - the so-called " ambulatory treatment"Treatment at the center is free. Both men and women are taken for rehabilitation. Patients from the Karelian branch now live in the center. They were transferred here so that the Pskov residents who come to Rodovoye can get into the well-established rehabilitation process.

The day of the patients of the center is divided into two parts. The pre-lunch half is devoted to information about the disease and methods of dealing with it, because, according to the organizers, a person often comes to them "with a bunch of myths and with his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease." The second half of the day is devoted to occupational therapy and lectures on Orthodoxy. In the rules of the "Stream" - a prayer every morning and evening.

The history of one of former patients center "Creek":

I started using drugs at the age of 12. Used them until last year. He was in several rehab centers, was in prison and could only stay sober in closed spaces where there was no drugs or alcohol.

I used everything that was possible - all hard drugs. A year ago I learned about this center and ended up here. I was lying in the center, where I could do whatever I wanted, in the other center, on the contrary, it was tough. Here is something in between that suits me. In addition, here I met God. I was baptized, but I did not believe in God, but here I found faith. It helps to stay sober. Now I work, I have a girlfriend, I really live. Nine months ago I quit smoking, although I have been smoking all my life.

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