Trim your dog's nails yourself. How to trim your dog's nails at home? If there was blood

This is a problem that many dog ​​owners face, especially those who have never kept dogs at all.

The procedure is actually not that complicated. Here you just need to get used to it. It is also important to accustom the dog to such an unpleasant procedure for her. Why unpleasant? Because the paw must be fixed, and fixed securely. And such an action, as a rule, causes resistance and obvious discontent in the dog, up to aggression.

In the article we will tell you how to cut the nails of dogs without stress for both the dog and yourself. Most printed materials describe the details of the procedure itself, but for some reason the basics of the basics are not paid attention to. So, we teach the dog to cut the claws. No matter how you should get used to fixation.

Step one

To get started, just take the dog's paw in your hands. Hold it for a few seconds and release. Do the same with the other paw, then with the third and fourth. If the size of the dog allows, take it on your knees, if the animal is large, you can also sit on the floor. Do these manipulations at least five times a day with a daily increase in time of approximately five seconds. It would be nice to reward the dog's patience with a piece of treat.

step two

After a week, you can proceed to the second part of the "addiction". Now do not just hold the paw, but also gently press the fingers in turn, adhering to the temporary system of the first step. You can think about how to cut the claws of dogs only on the condition that the dog allows you to hold the paw for at least a minute (better - longer).

Step Three

Tool selection. It’s not enough to know how to cut your dog’s nails, you also need to know how to do it. Immediately exclude regular scissors. They are only suitable for very small puppies, whose claws are still very thin. For older dogs, so-called guillotines are usually chosen. Choose directly from the veterinary shop. There are no universal nail cutters, they are made in various versions, so a specific tool is suitable for each breed. Let's say you have a sheepdog. Ask the seller to show clippers for medium-sized breeds. And be sure to test. Right on the spot. Trim one claw (edge) and look for splitting (stratification). The cut should only be even and smooth.

Step Four

Trimming the nails. We are located at the lamp or at the window. We fix the paw (tightly clamp) and press (slightly) on the first pad. The claw moves forward. We look at it against the light: the nerve is visible even on dark claws, on light ones it is determined by the pink color. Your task is not to touch the border, that is, cut so as not to touch this nerve. Trim one or two claws, taking breaks. The dog will not be nervous, you yourself will calm down. Do not hurry. In a hurry, you can touch the painful area (the same nerve that is inside the claw). If this happens, try to calm the pet, give a piece of treat and take a break. After an hour, start cutting again.

If you can not dare to such a procedure, contact the salon for dogs. There are a lot of them in Moscow. See how veterinarians do it. Perhaps next time you can trim your nails yourself.

Nail clipping in dogs belongs to the category of important and mandatory procedures that should be taught to your pets from a very early age. Dog claws grow constantly, and the rate of their growth is determined by the breed of the animal, and the age, and way of life.


Dogs that actively walk, run and jump on hard surfaces (asphalt pavement or well-packed country yard soil) do not need to shorten their claws as often as pampered indoor pets. The reason for this is the natural process of grinding claws on asphalt.. Animals walking on a grassy lawn, soft ground or not leaving the apartment at all do not have such an opportunity, therefore their claws often reach a considerable length and bend down.

The signal to trim the nails is the characteristic clatter that accompanies the dog walking around the house or hard surfaces. Having heard this sound, the pet is placed on a flat surface and they look to see if the claws touch it. If they touch, it's time to cut them.

Why do dogs need nail clipping?

Nails that are too long are dangerous to a dog's health because they:

  • They interfere with walking, forming an abnormal gait with a tendency to lameness.
  • Able to grow into the skin, becoming a source of inflammatory and infectious processes.
  • By changing the direction of the fingers, they provoke an excessive load on the ligaments and joints and thereby contribute to their damage and dislocation.

Even if a dog constantly walks on asphalt, not all of its claws undergo a natural grinding process: the lateral claws, as a rule, do not have such contact and very often grow into the skin, having reached a certain length. Grinding claws must be periodically given the correct shape.

Why should nails be trimmed regularly?


The inner part of the dog's claw, called the pulp, consists of a large blood vessel and a huge number of nerve endings. This blood vessel tends to grow as the cornea of ​​the claw grows. The longer the claw, the longer the blood vessel located in it will be.

If the owner has started this process, the claws can reach such a length that each haircut is fraught with the risk of injury to the sensitive pulp. It is possible to correct this situation, but this process will take a lot of time.

How to cut running claws? Very small pieces, little by little. With each new cut, the pulp will recede into the claw. After a while, cutting the nails will no longer be a problem.

What is the difference between cutting clear and dark nails?


Most often, the claws of dogs are light, white or transparent. Trimming them is much easier and safer than pigmented or completely black claws, since the light horny cover allows you to easily determine the border of the living part of the claw (it looks like a pink tube) and avoid injury. In light claws, only the part that is devoid of blood vessels is cut.

Trimming black claws will have to be random, so special care is required here. You need to cut off the tip of the claw in small layers until a black dot appears in the center of its section. It is impossible to cut beyond this border.

Tools and materials for cutting nails

If you are going to do dog claw trimming, you need to purchase:

How to hold a dog during nail trimming?


The position of the dog at the time of trimming the claws is determined by its size and breed. When cutting the claws of a small dog, the owner most often sits it on his knees and, clasping its body with one hand, performs all the necessary manipulations with the other.

A large breed dog is placed on a small elevation covered with a rug (the rug prevents slipping of the paws). If the animal is very anxious about the upcoming procedure, the owner should sit behind him and start trimming the claws on the forelimbs, holding the dog by the back and neck.

Actions of the owner before trimming the claws

  • When planning a nail clipping procedure, the dog owner should make sure that the dog is in a relaxed mood and not tense. If the dog has never had its nails trimmed before, on the day of the appointed procedure, you should sit down next to it several times and, clicking with the nail cutter, have an affectionate conversation with it. The animal must understand that this tool does not pose any danger.
  • During the trimming of the nails and after the completion of the procedure, it is necessary to reward the animal with some special delicacy used exclusively for this moment. The dog must develop a positive conditioned reflex: she will learn very quickly that nail trimming is not only safe, but also rewarding.
  • If you are going to do nail trimming, you need to prepare hemostatic or disinfectants, cornstarch or talc. Even experienced dog breeders injure their dogs from time to time by cutting their nails too short. Don't make a tragedy out of this.

Step-by-step instructions for trimming claws


How to properly trim a dog's nails?

  • With a strong, confident movement, the owner of the dog places the ankle joint in his palm. The owner's hand should go in the same direction as the dog's limb (away from it).
  • Carefully placing his fingers under the balls of the dog's foot, the owner, with the help of his thumb, fixes the dog's toe, whose claw is now being trimmed.
  • How to trim a dog's nails? After carefully examining the claw, determine the boundary of the location of its living part. If this procedure is performed for the first time and the owner does not yet know all the features of his pet's claws, they should be shortened by only one millimeter. After making sure that the cut remains dry, and under it there are several more layers of the horny substance, you can cut off the same small piece.
  • Before you press the handle of the nail cutter, you need to make sure that its blade is located exactly where you planned to cut the claw, since the location of the blades is not always clear on some models of these tools.
  • Having cut off the claw, the dog is immediately rewarded with a portion of his favorite treat. This is especially true for animals that are not yet familiar with nail clipping. After some time, the dog will understand that nothing terrible is happening to her and will behave much calmer.
  • If everything went well, move on to the next claw. If the dog does not allow cutting its nails, is very worried and starts to break out, the owner should distract it by gently patting its ear and talking calmly with it for several minutes. Sometimes it makes sense to completely postpone the nail trimming procedure for an indefinite time, waiting for a more favorable moment.
  • After cutting all the claws, each of them is ground with an abrasive file until it is completely smooth, since the guillotine clippers for the claws of dogs leave the edges of the cuts sharp and uneven.

How to trim a dog's nails? A video found on the Internet will give a clear answer to all questions.

What to do if a trimmed claw bleeds?

. First way. If a blood vessel was touched during the cutting process, a hemostatic pencil or cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide or iodine should be immediately pressed to the damaged claw.

The second way. Continuing to firmly hold the dog's paw, the damaged tip of the claw is sprinkled with hemostatic powder, talc or baby powder. This process can take at least three minutes, but you should not rush and release the dog earlier than this period: the longer it will be at rest (it is better to keep the pet next to you for a quarter of an hour), the better the bleeding will stop. If the dog begins to lick the wound after the bleeding has been stopped, do not forbid it. It is much more important that after the injury she does not rush headlong.


  • Where do dogs get their nails trimmed? There are veterinary clinics in every large settlement, and hairdressing salons for pets in big cities. If you wish, you can call a specialist at home: he will competently and without problems trim the claws.
  • How much does nail trimming cost? In the clinic, the price for processing the claws on all four paws will be three hundred rubles.
  • How many fingers does a dog have? Most often, there are five fingers on the front paws, and four on the back. In pedigreed dogs, the rear fifth toe is clipped in infancy to prevent injury.

Video. Dog Nail Trimming

The need for nail clipping in dogs. Nail trimming at home.

Every owner of a four-legged friend has a serious problem in properly caring for him. The main responsible occupation is cutting the claws. The dog's claws are not typical for humans.

Dog claws have their own specifics: there are four claws and four fingers on the hind legs, as well as on the front ones. Sometimes there is a fifth finger, but it is weaker than the others and its claw is not large. If a fifth claw develops on the hind legs, most dog owners recommend removing it during childhood.

dog claws

When a dog spends a lot of time outdoors, walking down the street, the claws wear down on their own. But in winter, the hard ground is covered with snow and sharpening is impossible, and some dogs do not walk outside for a long time, so nail clipping is a must for dogs.

If this is not done in time, then they can catch on them, get hurt, and the claw can rot.
Among many dog ​​breeders, the tendency of dogs to gnaw their claws has been noticed. However, many do not pay attention to it. A clear deviation should be considered if the animal gnaws itself to the point of blood.

Bloody footprints in dogs

Why dogs bite their claws: reasons

  • The deplorable state of the claws. If they are very long, they interfere with the dog's walking. The pet begins to hurt her fingers, and she naturally bites them to get rid of the pain.
  • One of the causes of nail biting is itching between the fingers. It is observed in the absence of proper hygiene, if the dog does not have enough rare paw washing. Always wash your pet's coat and paws after a walk.
  • Significant damage to the skin on the paw pads. The cause of itching is caused by touching the paws of a sensitive dog with hot asphalt in the summer, or chemicals that cover the road in winter.
  • A fungus or subcutaneous tick may occur in a dog.
  • The lack of essential vitamins in the dog's body is a separate cause of paw chewing. Improper nutrition of the dog, excess protein. All this leads the dog to neurosis and such consequences.

Trimming the claws of a dog

Can a dog cut his nails?

If you do not cut off a long claw in time, it can cut into the skin and cause an infection. Improperly growing nails can cause chromate and problems with the pet's skeleton. Therefore, cutting the nails of a dog is not only possible, but also necessary for a full life.

The structure of the dog's claw

You need to carry out haircut procedures in a veterinary clinic, but if your dog freely allows you to such a procedure on himself, then you can do a haircut at home.
Before such a procedure, you should prepare tools for cutting and a place. If you are doing this procedure to a puppy for the first time, be very careful about this. The subsequent fear of the puppy will depend on your actions.

dog white claw

Before cutting, carefully inspect each claw. Only in white claws is the pulp clearly visible. If the nails are dark, cut them very carefully.
After trimming, process the ends of the nails with a nail file. Remove uneven cuts so that they do not start to peel.
And be sure to show tenderness to the dog, not aggression. Stroke his coat and prepare your favorite treat.

Which dogs get their nails trimmed and why?

Nail clipping is done on dogs that spend most of their time at home. Pruning is pointless for yard dogs.
Dogs that lead an active lifestyle, jumping, running on hard ground, do not need pruning often, as self-pointing on the asphalt is carried out. Animals that only walk on green lawns and soft ground have rapidly growing claws that sometimes curve down.

Video: How to trim a dog's claws Nail clipping?

Nail scissors for dogs - nail clippers

To cut your dog's nails you need to prepare the following tools:
Specialized scissors - nail cutter. They come in two varieties: sickle-bladed scissors and guillotine.

The first type is suitable for cutting thick and strong nails in large dogs, and has a limiter to secure the claw. Guillotines are used when trimming the claws of dogs of small and medium breeds.

Nail clippers should only be purchased from a veterinary shop. Ideally, the material of the nail clipper is stainless steel.

The size of the tool itself is also important. The best option would be the presence of rubber gaskets in the scissors. Which prevent slipping of the hand. Thus , excluding the irregularity and sharpness of movements .
Never try to cut nails with ordinary scissors. They are not adapted for such a procedure.

stock up hemostatic means. If you suddenly touch a claw or a vessel, immediately process it.

How often should you trim your dog's nails?
Where do you cut your dog's nails?

The frequency of nail clipping in dogs depends on:

  • The dog's lifestyle: how often he is outside walking on a hard surface and grinding his claws.
  • Breeds of dogs : in decorative dogs the period of walks is very short , and the nails grow very quickly . Therefore, the frequency of pruning should be carried out at intervals of once a week. In long-haired breeds, the claws are hidden under the hair and you can not notice their growth during the time. Therefore, a haircut should be carried out as soon as you hear the rattle on the floor from the pet's claws.
  • In other cases, trimming of the claws is carried out every two months.

Nail trimming is carried out as a grooming procedure for a pet and to maintain health. It should be carried out at qualified veterinarian.
But if your dog is supportive and can patiently endure your care, then circumcision can be easily done at home.

The dog does not allow to cut its claws: what to do?

Getting a dog's nail clipping habit is not an easy task.

A dog won't let you cut your nails if you've ever injured yourself while clipping your nails. It is easier to accustom a small puppy to a haircut.

It is necessary to carry out this procedure carefully , without violence . If you beat a dog, cause pain, the haircut will turn every time into a hellish procedure.

Nail clipping for dogs by breed

In order for the process of cutting the nails to go perfectly, follow the following steps:

  • Accustom your dog to the clipper carefully. To do this, show your pet scissors for three to four days. If the dog behaves calmly, thank him for his diligent behavior with treats. Try snapping the scissors and test the dog's calmness.
  • In the next step, put a treat in front of the dog in a plate. Take the pet in your hands and click the nail cutter near the paws. Thank you for being calm. If, nevertheless, the dog is frightened of something, transfer her attention to her favorite game. After a week, return to this stage again.
  • If your dog reacted calmly to the scissors during two stages, then it's time to move on to the third. Place a plate of treats in front of your pet. Take the animal in your hands and while praising it, carefully start cutting off the nails. Trim only the ends. After the procedure, release the dog to a saucer with a treat.

Practice by clipping a few nails every day. With the correct and painless process, after two weeks, you can remove the plate of goodies.

How to cut the claws of a pug, spitz, toy terrier, Yorkshire terrier, Pekingese, chihuahua?

  • If development pug takes place in ideal and normal living conditions, the claws grind off themselves during walks. But some pugs don't like long walks, so nail clipping is a must.
    Haircut is often carried out with sedatives means. Watch the pug if he has a heavy breath, stop cutting for a while, let him catch his breath.
  • Behavior Spitz also peculiar. But no matter how much he grinds off his claws during a walk, they still remain in place, as they are very durable. Carry out the procedure for trimming the spitz's claws very carefully, cutting off only one millimeter.

If you delay and skip the trimming of your small pet's nails, this will lead to an ingrown claw.

  • Nail cutting toy terrier very specific procedure. Start it from two weeks of age. The first time it is carried out in order not to injure the mother when feeding with weak and sharp claws. Toy Terrier puppies have their nails trimmed every twenty days. As the dogs grow, the nails are trimmed once a month.
    To cut the claws of that terrier should be timely to avoid drying out of the nail plate.
  • York Terrier undergoes a nail clipping procedure twice a month.
  • Pekingese belongs to finely bred dogs and does not spend a long time on a walk, so you should regularly trim his claws. The nails of the Pekingese do not wear off on the asphalt, they should be carefully monitored so that there is no ingrowth and excessive rounding. Pekingese nail clipping can be done with a cat nail clipper.

Chihuahua clipping
  • The Chihuahua is a very problematic dog breed. Her care and hygiene is very specific and require a professional veterinarian approach.Professional and timely trimming of the claws of a pet depends on multiple health problems. Chihuahua nail clipping procedure is carried out once a month. Puppies once every two weeks. If such an animal does not cut its claws for a long time, then they will grow along with the cornea. And this will lead to surgical intervention.

Make sure that the dog does not begin to get rid of the claw itself, otherwise it may crack and break, and an inflammatory process will begin to develop in the resulting wound.

Video: York. Nail clipping

Video: How to trim a Chihuahua's nails?

How to cut the claws of a French bulldog, dachshund, poodle?

  • claws french bulldog solid . They have a light color, so the living part of the claw is perfectly visible and is distinguished by a pink color. Veterinarians recommend cutting the tip of the claw. Pruning should be done every ten days. If the nails are serrated, they are easy to file. Puppies get their nails trimmed three weeks after birth.
  • The most important procedure in the care dachshund- nail clipping. This ensures the prevention of infectious diseases. When you hear that the dachshund began to tap its claws on the floor - it's time for a haircut. Dachshunds should have their first nail clipping done at an early age. On summer walks, the dachshund grinds off its nails, and in winter this is impossible, so nail trimming should be done every two weeks.
  • The poodle has very sensitive claws. It is worth shortening them regularly. The cut should be no more than 2 mm.

Video: Poodle. Nail clipping

What to do if you cut your dog's nails until they bleed?

When cutting the claws, the dog bled - not get upset. Next time, don't cut them so short. For such cases, the first-aid kit of a home dog breeder and veterinarian should contain basic hemostatic facilities .
Seeing blood on the paw, immediately treat the wound with peroxide or iodine. If the dog starts whining, calm it down. After the deplorable procedure, please her with a treat.
Try not to make such oversights again, otherwise the dog will flatly refuse to cut his claws.

The dog broke the nail under the root what to do? How to stop blood from a dog's nail?

If the dog is unfavorable conditions, broke a claw and began to limp, immediately check the integrity of the claws.

Follow the procedure step by step:

  • Gently hold the pet's paw. Examine it and press the dog to you so that he feels your support.
  • If bleeding occurs, wrap the foot with a bandage, towel to provide a pressure bandage.
  • If the blood is not stops more than ten minutes, then use a special pencil.
  • Next, remove the broken claw with scissors. Cutting is painful, But will lead To fast growth new claw.
  • Root should handle antibiotic For avoiding being hit infections And minimization bleeding.


How to file and sharpen the claws of a dog? Ingrown claw in a dog what to do?

Events By care behind claws dogs consist Not only from circumcision, But And filing, stitching, clipping wool around nail. For this procedures use nail file. If dog big, Can adapt For stitches claws bar With sandpaper. Some inventors For filing nails dogs use acrylic file.
For such pets release greenadiersgrinding electrical cars.
If claw dogs grown, his should immediately delete,without damage And bleeding. Ingrown claws lead To injury dogs And development purulent inflammation.

Nail fungus in dogs: treatment

  • Detection and treatment of fungus in a dog should be timely.
  • Vaccinations are one of the popular treatments for fungus.
  • But the main factor in the treatment of fungus is the breed of the dog.
  • The use of antifungal drugs is popular.
  • To reduce the likelihood of a fungus in a dog, you should provide it with proper care and nutrition.
  • Strictly observe the necessary hygiene rules.
  • If you still observe the first signs of a fungus in a dog, contact a specialist immediately.

Video: Fungus in dogs. Symptoms. Treatment. Shampoo

Every dog ​​breeder is faced with the question - how to cut the claws of a dog? Most often, people turn to a veterinary clinic for this procedure, however, following all the rules, you can easily cut your pet's nails at home. Many dog ​​owners go to the veterinarian for the first time, and then ask to be shown how to cut their dog so that they can do it themselves at home. One visit to a specialist is enough to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to do it yourself.

Features of the structure of claws in dogs

When the structure of the limbs in a dog is considered, the shape of the claws can also be determined. Separate types of claws:

  • the tips are bent so the shape becomes like a cat;
  • in the form of an arc;
  • straight with a sharp end.

The first and second type of claws are typical for service or guard dogs. The third type is most commonly found in terriers or toy breeds. Claws are a means of transportation, such an organ has its own functionality. You can give the simplest example, when a dog digs the ground, claws have auxiliary functions.

If the owners decide not to cut the claws, then they must understand the consequences of their choice. If the animal is active enough and walks on the street every day, then there will be no consequences, however, if the dog is a decorative breed, then the situation will be quite critical:

  1. Serious changes will begin in the musculoskeletal system. Claws that are too long will be uncomfortable for the fingers, as it will be difficult for the dog to move around, he will feel discomfort. This can lead to clubfoot, because with a minimal regrowth of claws, it will be difficult for the pet to move around and purposefully he will try to lighten his load. Then deformation changes in the joints will begin, further in the paws, the spine.
  2. There is a risk of injury to the animal. All owners of these pets are aware that dogs of pedigreed origin have four toes on their hind legs. Two-fifths of the fingers do not touch the ground, thus they do not grind off on their own. From here there is a risk of injury, this claw can simply catch on to something and the animal will have a rupture of soft tissues.
  3. The animal loses its sense of balance when running. Thanks to short claws, the dog gets another support during movement, and long claws get in the way of the fingers and twist them.
  4. In addition to the inconvenience, it will also be inconvenient for the pet to walk on a surface covered with linoleum or parquet, because the claws will knock and cause discomfort.

To avoid such cases, you should know how to cut your dog's claws at home.

Instruments for the procedure

If you notice strongly overgrown claws in your pet and immediately grabbed the scissors, then this method should be abandoned. But it is worth considering that if the pet has a long beautiful coat, then scissors will still come in handy. The claws of an animal differ from ours in that they are many times larger in thickness, and therefore the various tools with which we are used to doing our own manicure can be safely put aside. Specialists invented nail cutters, which are used by all professional groomers, veterinarians, and dog breeders:

  1. Ask what material the device is made of. Brass will be a priority, since it is rigid in structure and the blades will not often become dull. The nail cutters themselves are small in size, they are interconnected by parts;
  2. When choosing a device, be sure to pay attention to what kind of coating the nail clippers have. The device that is chrome-plated will be of high quality; for some metals, such processing is not needed, since they do not rust;
  3. Handles should be comfortable to use comfortably. If the handles are made of plastic, then this is fraught with a constant slip of the device from the hands of users, thereby the procedure will take much longer and more difficult. The process requires attention and will not tolerate any unnecessary movements;
  4. When choosing nail cutters, you need to consider the breed of the dog and its physique. Pet stores or supermarkets usually sell tools for different breeds of dogs.

Bright packaging and products on the counter can make you make the wrong choice. Therefore, you need to carefully pay attention to the characteristics of the tool. In addition to the main accessory, you will need another one - a nail file, it is used after the nails have been trimmed.

There are two types of nail cutters: in the form of ordinary scissors, which consist of two blades and two handles, as well as guillotine scissors, they are distinguished by the presence of a hole to fix the claw and adjust the process with a special lever. In addition to the devices described, many dog ​​owners still use nail files, which are very convenient in their use and are selected according to the weight of the animal, the type of its claws.

Another popular care invention is electric scratching posts, which, as you already understood, are powered by electricity. The accessory consists of a nozzle and a rod. With this device, you can refuse the haircut that is necessary for the dog during the procedure. You can also easily choose the desired shape of the claws and their length.

How to trim your dog's nails

There are features and difficulties that must be treated with extreme caution so as not to harm your pet. All dog claws have a cavity that is filled with small vessels, and there are also nerve endings. Therefore, the slightest wrong movement and the animal will never allow you to repeat this process, because it will remember the pain caused to it and in the future it will be very difficult for you to carry out the procedure. Before cutting your nails, carefully examine them to identify features:

  • in the case when the dog's nails are black, then this is already an advanced case, you must contact the veterinarian;
  • on the nails, which are beige or brown, you can see a small space that is filled with a darkish tint, this is the pulp, it cannot be touched during the haircut.

This is the moment of the process. To do this, put your pet's paw on the floor. It is important to remember that it is impossible to cut the nails to the required length the first time, everything is done in stages. In another case, the pet was injured. In this matter, the main thing is not to rush and be careful.

https://youtu. be/sEA_h6RFRB8

The most common mistake of all owners is that they begin to behave rudely with the animal. The dog sees how you are worried and determined, so it will show character, resist. In practice, it has already been proven that excessive excitement can lead to many mistakes and unnecessary actions.

What to take care of for a successful procedure

Difficulties will not arise if the dog is obedient and always listens to the commands of its owner. But this happens quite rarely, because our pets also have character and show it. In order for the process to always go painlessly and without complications, you need to teach your pet to it since childhood.

What to do if the dog flatly refuses to carry out manipulations with itself? If it so happens that the dog begins to howl, bite (how to wean), run away and hide from you, then you need to prepare in advance for this even before starting the haircut. To do this, lay out all the tools in front of the dog, she sniffs them, “gets acquainted” and you definitely need to give some kind of treat, then the pet will immediately make contact. The stages of the haircut are as follows:

  • Make sure that all instruments used are sterile to prevent infection in the blood. Such treatment can be done at home, using alcohol or antiseptics;
  • If you find hair between the claws, then you definitely need to cut it before circumcision;
  • To cut the claws on the hind legs, you need to turn the dog on its side;
  • Then you need to thoroughly rinse the paws or just wipe them;
  • After mowing, carefully inspect the area for cuts and debris;
  • Be sure to remember to wash your hands with soap.

If during the procedure the animal already begins to get very nervous and behave aggressively, stop the process immediately. Even one incorrectly trimmed nail can lead to sad consequences. Try to support the dog with gentle words so that he feels safe.

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The condition of the claws of a pet depends on its health and appearance. Periodic trimming of the sharp claws of the animal will protect children and older family members from scratches, floor coverings and furniture from damage. It is better to entrust this procedure to a specialist. If you decide to do it yourself, pay attention to the advice of veterinarians. Before you start trimming a puppy's grown claws, you should familiarize yourself with their structure.

Anatomical features of dog claws

A dog's nail contains a pulp that contains nerves and blood vessels. This layer has considerable sensitivity and its injury causes pain and bleeding, making it difficult to continue the procedure and forming a negative attitude in the four-legged friend towards its implementation. Therefore, before cutting your dog's nails, you should concentrate and be very careful. It is necessary to behave calmly with the animal, without showing the excitement that can be transmitted to it.

It is desirable that the clipping of the claws of dogs was carried out from a young age. In this case, a habit is formed, and pets perceive the manipulations performed with their limbs as a normal element of care. Remember that it is necessary to regularly trim the dog's claws - this will save the animal's gait from various disorders, prevent skeletal distortion and the development of related diseases. Due to too long claws, deformation and atrophy of the paws can occur, making it difficult for the pet to move.

The frequency of trimming overgrown claws

Claws are trimmed as they grow: for a puppy - once every 1.5 months, for an adult animal - about 1 month after the previous procedure. The fact that it is time for the pet to shorten the length of the toenails is evidenced by their clatter when moving. Normally, they should be located at a height of 2-3 mm from the floor surface.

Dogs that do not have their nails trimmed try to gnaw them on their own, which is fraught with infection in the wounds, followed by suppuration and the risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the bloodstream. In some cases, skin irritation on the paws may develop, accompanied by redness and itching. Clinging to something while running, the dog runs the risk of tearing off the claw. As a result, bleeding and pain may develop.

It should be borne in mind that pets that spend a lot of time on the move on a hard surface, such as asphalt, are less likely to need treatment of the nail plates, as they grind off on their own due to the activity of the animal. But this does not apply to dewclaws that are not in contact with the ground and require trimming of the claws without fail.

Haircut preparation and execution

Before the procedure, you should prepare the tools and materials that may be needed during its implementation:

  • nail clipper for dogs (guillotine type for small breeds and with a sickle-shaped blade for large dogs with thick claws);
  • a nail file to eliminate notches on the cut of the nail plate;
  • means for treating a wound in case of accidental damage to the pulp - hydrogen peroxide, iodine, potassium permanganate solution;
  • hemostatic agent - cotton wool, alum pencil, wheat flour or talc.

Let's consider how to cut the claws correctly so that the dog does not feel pain and discomfort and is not afraid of this procedure in the future. First of all, it is recommended to gradually accustom a four-legged friend to a nail cutter. To do this, during communication and games with a puppy, you can get a tool, click it periodically so that the baby is not afraid of the appearance of an unusual object and the sound it makes. To reinforce a positive attitude towards the nail cutter at these moments, it is advisable to give the puppy some kind of treat.

Regular nail clippers should not be used as they split the nail plate, causing pain and discomfort to the animal. For these purposes, a nail cutter is used - special scissors that allow you to properly cut the sharp part of the nail plate without damaging the pulp. Before trimming your dog's nails at home, you should prepare the surface for the convenient location of the pet. It is desirable that it rises slightly above the floor surface and is not slippery.

Performing a procedure

It will be easier for you to cope with the task if one of the family members supports the dog's head. It is very important to talk to him, setting him up for contact and convincing him that you will not hurt him. If the four-legged pet is afraid of the procedure and, no matter how carefully you try to trim the dog's claws, it breaks out and does not want to stand still, you can try to interest him in a tasty treat.

While he feasts, forgetting about unpleasant events, raise his paw and locate the pulp by probing the claw with your finger. On clean light claws, it is clearly visible. The tip should be cut off, stepping back from the border of the sensitive zone by at least 2 mm. How to cut black nails: you need to act as carefully as possible, cutting off a small piece. Press the finger pads to straighten the claw, bring the cutting surfaces of the nail clipper to its bottom and cut the tip at an angle of 45 °.

At the end of the procedure, process each trimmed claw with a grinding file. Additionally, you can cut with scissors with rounded ends the hair in the interdigital space of the paws, in which dirt and microbes often accumulate. It is recommended to hold the paws in a salt bath or, if there is irritation and redness on the skin, in a decoction of chamomile.

What to do if bleeding occurs

The length of the claw on different fingers is different and with a lack of experience, bleeding may occur due to accidental damage to the pulp. The dog experiences pain at this moment, begins to break out of the hands and avoids continuing to trim the nails. In this case, you need to lubricate the wound with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. Then apply a cotton pad soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 seconds.

Instead of treating with potassium permanganate, a layer of flour or talc can be applied to the bleeding surface. Such measures are necessary to prevent infection of the wound. They should be carried out despite the resistance of the animal. Make sure that water does not get into the damaged area. To relieve stress, feed your pet his favorite food, give him more attention and affection.

If you have any doubts about the correct trimming of the claws on your own, it is better to entrust this procedure to experienced staff of the veterinary clinic. When preparing a pet for an exhibition, a haircut should be done two or three days before the scheduled event. This will allow him to recover in case of a cut, accompanied by the appearance of temporary lameness.

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