Oils for money rituals. Essential oils to attract success and money

Living aromas - essential oils have long been used in love and money magic.

The energy of many essential oils is similar to monetary energy.

Essential oil to attract money is used to open cash flows, on the path to prosperity, to help in business.

How to choose monetary essential oils for financial purposes? What aroma is responsible for what in attracting wealth?

Basil helps in business, promotes career advancement, increases sales. Basil is used in rituals to attract wealth and opportunity. It can be dripped into a wallet or pocket in which you carry money. Vendors scent their stalls with basil to attract paying customers.

Bergamot brings living energy to any sphere of human life. Bergamot is able to extinguish the aggressive mood of an entire crowd. It helps to be heard and understood, facilitates mutual understanding, helps to sign the most difficult contracts. It is used in magical rituals: to attract good luck in business. Aroma pendant with bergamot essential oil on your chest is a sure way to set yourself up for business. The oil is suitable for both women and men, it goes well with an expensive suit and is appropriate in an expensive car.

Vanilla helps to achieve what you want, to get success in everything. Vanilla attracts the right people for the business. It reveals hidden abilities and talents in a person. Gives monetary energy, helps to understand yourself and other people better. With vanilla oil, you can take baths by burning candles, dream, visualize, make plans for the future. All your dreams will surely come true! A sweet scent much loved by women who are loved by men.

Vetiver one of the most powerful fragrances to help you cope with a difficult business situation. Allows you to see the source, the cause of what is happening, thereby acquiring solid ground under your feet. Helps pay off debts. It has a monetary energy that surpasses that of patchouli and basil. Vetiver oil can be dripped into a wallet, money pockets. You can aromatize the premises of offices and retail outlets. Used to defend against enemies. To do this, the vetiver root is placed in a protective bag. To achieve power and success in business, put vetiver oil on a purple candle and light it every week. Pairs very well with jasmine and vanilla.

Carnation creates the basis for correct sober decisions. It helps to attract well-being, get what you want, repay debts. Drip clove oil into an aroma lamp in your office and it will enliven your mind and create a work environment. Carnation buds can be kept in your pocket and purse. Clove raises blood pressure - be careful to use hypertensive patients.

Geranium is a euphoric scent. Its main purpose is protection. She removes many inferiority complexes. Puts over unpleasant situations, allows you to see the world in brighter colors. Facilitates understanding between people. Attract wealthy clients. It is better not to use it in the office ... it takes you away from reality and does not contribute to the work process, but in personal negotiations, Geranium is an indispensable oil! Suitable for women over 40.

Grapefruit allows you to succeed and achieve what you want. Improves communication between people, sharpens intuition. Restores strength, promotes production. Men can use grapefruit flavor without a doubt. Women in business seem younger and more determined.

Jasmine used for rituals to attract good luck in a career and monetary energy. This is the aroma of spiritual and material wealth. If you use Jasmine in your daily perfume, then meeting you will remain in people's memory. Helps to attract a rich husband. The scent is sweet and better suited for women.

Ylang Ylang able to attract good luck in business and wealth. Wealth is sometimes expressed not in monetary form, but in the ability to appreciate what you have. Gives the ability to see the big in the small. Ladies who use ylang-ylang in their perfume easily manipulate male business partners.

Ginger protects from aggression, black malice and negative energies. Protects from the envy of competitors. It has a powerful attraction of monetary energy. It is necessary to put an aroma lamp on the energy flow, for example: next to the cash register. Ginger root can be put in the pocket of the bag. You can make a sachet with dried ginger shavings and drip a drop of ginger essential oil on it once a week. Suitable for both women and men.

Cardamom brings good luck. The person who uses this plant always arrives in high spirits. He manages everything that he has planned, the work burns in his hands. All plans come true and all dreams come true. This is a fragrance of amazing energy that allows you to find a common language with people, it sets you on a single wave of understanding and harmony. Its action is soft and pleasant, like the movement of water. Cardamom is a men's fragrance, but many women are crazy about it!

Cassia warms up "frozen" energy. Similar to cinnamon - a very hot and fast-acting oil. Enhances flows. Cassia brings success in all endeavors. Has protection. She is able to attract wealth, money, health. The aroma cleanses and gives strength, promotes the working process. Oil is best used in the cold season.

Cajuput, White Tree helps to cope with the enemies within oneself: laziness, drowsiness, indifference. Aroma awakens the initiative, excites the mind, promotes efficiency. The smell does not cause enthusiasm, but thanks to its analgesic properties, it helps to tune in to work, even with a severe headache.

Cedar Atlas allows you to determine the true values ​​​​of the world. It smoothes the flow of thoughts, protects from vanity. Able to attract monetary energy, provided that its path is paved with noble intentions. Still would! … because it is one of the five sacred fragrances!

Cypress improves well-being in the house, brings money. Brings success in a career, helps in business. Gives energy. In a house where the aroma of Cypress reigns - peace, comfort and tranquility. Cypress helps in real estate matters, stops unprofitable transactions.

Coriander - it is a talisman against failures. Its seeds were worn as an amulet against trouble. A drop of coriander essential oil on the doorstep of your home or office will protect you from the evil eye.

Cinnamon is the scent of success. Improves well-being in the home, luck and success. Increases performance. Facilitates understanding with people. You need to put an aroma lamp in your study or office. You can drip the scent of Cinnamon into your wallet or money pocket. Cinnamon bark can be kept in your wallet.

Lavender - Lavandin (a hybrid of lavender, in many ways superior in properties) can bring prosperity, but this is not entirely her task. It helps to make the right decision, the result of which may appear after a while. Lavender removes the evil eye, spoilage. With the aroma of lavender, it is useful to take a bath by candlelight, to reflect, to guess, to dream.

Lime is designed to purify and protect a person and his business from evil forces and unfriendly people. Helps to adapt to difficult circumstances. Reduces acute perception of loss. Facilitates communication with people. Increases creativity. Helps in work, study. Aroma pendant with Lime oil on your chest will help you concentrate on difficult tasks. Such a pendant can take root under a man's business tie.

Lemongrass reveals secret intentions, evil intentions. Protects against theft, removes troubles from home and from business. Irrigate the house with a spray (especially the corners), put an aroma lamp, hang a sachet filled with dry herbs and zest.

Lemon adapt to the new environment. Helps to cope with any task. Gives light living energy. Awakens creativity, creativity. Works great when mixed with other essential oils. Appropriate in the car and office, on the trading floor will improve sales.

Marjoram calms the rebellious mind and aggressive spirit, brings wealth to the house. Marjoram consoles in sorrow and sadness, gives hope. An aroma lamp with Marjoram aroma will protect the house from evil forces, protect business from the evil eye. Suitable for everyone.

Mandarin ancient chinese money symbol. It brings good luck and wealth to the house. Allows you to renounce the base, the material, to step over to a new level of development. Helps start a new business. Attracts assistants to your business. Increase sales in your trading floor.

Melissa removes evil, drives out ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye. Creates a pleasant atmosphere of peace and restraint. Apply in places of conflict.

Myrrh exposes liars, reveals their essence, helps to "push the curtains" and see the truth. Be careful with this fragrance - people start saying everything they think to your face. The rich aroma of Myrrh opens the way to gaining wealth and fame. In combination with Neroli oil, Myrrh promotes business beginnings.

Myrtle one of the oldest proven funds. This plant has always grown near rich houses. Myrtle brings wealth and good luck to the house, protects from the evil eye and damage, protects from evil intentions and envy. The aroma of myrtle is the aroma of the accumulation of monetary energy, experience. This is the scent of common sense.
Juniper protects against accidents at work and while driving. Opposes false intentions. It cleanses the aura, drives away fears and the influence of other people's energy, removes damage and the evil eye. Helps in a successful career.

Nutmeg - an ancient magical amulet. It is worn on the chest for good luck in gambling. It helps to acquire power, both over people and over their own vices. Oil determines fate, gives protection, attracts money. Protects from anger and envy of competitors. Strong masculine scent!

Clary sage gives power and money, shows hidden abilities. Protects from deception. Cleans the room from pathogenic energy. Great remedy for tired legs. Recommended for people who have to work a lot on their feet. (baths, compresses, light massage with oil). Clary sage aroma is intoxicating, euphoric, it is better not to use it in the office, it can lead away from reality. But it can perfectly restore after a working day.

Peppermint gives prosperity, protects against encroachments on freedom. It reveals abilities and new talents in a person. Used. A strong, cool fragrance from childhood. It will help to attract a buyer and increase turnover.

Neroli - the aroma of wealth. It was used only by noble and wealthy nobles. This is a trail of luxury, and not just the smell of despicable metal. If you want to get more in life than an ordinary and simple person needs, then Neroli's magic will attract what you want to you. The fragrance can be used as a perfume, dripped on a handkerchief (although they are no longer in vogue ... more and more paper napkins). In the house, you need to put a candle on the flow of incoming energy and drip Neroli essential oil next to it. Be sure to let the candle burn out completely. Neroli is suitable for visualization. It is better to do this in a relaxing bath, by candlelight. Make yourself a mixture based on 10 ml of fatty oil (for example, almonds) and 5 drops of neroli. Before leaving the house, rub your wrist with 1-2 drops and your day will be successful. For men, it is hardly suitable in its pure form (it smells too floral), but mixed with other oils, for example, with lime and sandalwood, something can turn out ...

palmarosa brings good luck to the house, contributes to any endeavors. It helps to reach a new level of awareness, change jobs, see and correct your mistakes. The fragrance is similar to the smell of a rose - more suitable for ladies.

Patchouli able to attract subtle energies. It is known to be a strong magnet for money energy. To attract money, Patchouli oil is dripped into a wallet or an aroma lamp with a few drops of Patchouli is placed in the hallway or office reception. You can light a green patchouli-scented candle on the incoming energy flow. Patchouli awakens creativity in a person. With it, you can make plans for the future, draw pictures, visualize. Patchouli-scented men seem more masculine to their partners, and women feel a solid wall next to them.

Petitgrain - the scent of victory. Helps to move forward, to high and big goals. This is the scent of a leader. It reveals noble feelings, helps to learn valuable experience. And even in adverse life situations, it allows you to remain yourself, not to change your principles. It is in his power to attract love, fame and success. Appropriate in the office, car, head office.

Parsley protects from the evil eye and damage. Protects from ill-wishers. Helps to find a patron for business. Attracts profitable partners. Protects from dishonest personnel. Irrigate the premises. Put a candle and an aroma lamp with parsley oil where theft occurs.

Rose is the transformation symbol. The rose has the highest frequency vibration, it is like a locomotive leading a train of wagons loaded with iron ore. Rose helps to bring business to a new level, change business, open a new direction. Rose helps self-improvement, renewal. The rose drives away people with evil intentions. A strong, effective oil that will keep you in good spirits and feeling confident. A man next to a woman who enjoys the scent of a rose is satisfied and calm.

Rosemary protects home and business from robbers, and a person from attack. A strong, energetic aroma promotes production. Excites, gives a surge of energy. Recommended for fatigue. Spray in the office, especially in the accounting department… there will be fewer mistakes! Raises sales to a high level. Rosemary is the oil of high stats! Suitable for both men and women. It should be avoided by hypertensive patients.

Pink tree helps to choose the right path, make the right decision. Think of a way out of a difficult situation. The aroma contributes to the change of work to a new, more promising one. A rosewood sprayed on a crowded place will improve the atmosphere and protect people from pathogenic energies.

Chamomile energy is similar to monetary energy. Chamomile is able to attract the energy of money into your wallet (try putting 1-2 drops into your wallet). Chamomile can improve well-being in the home. Eliminates fears and anxieties. Roman chamomile has a more pleasant aroma than chamomile. It can be safely used in daily perfumery.

sandalwood revives lost abilities, reveals new talents in a person. Sandal protects from rash acts, protects from evil intentions, from magical encroachments. Oil for a threshold in the house and business. Attracts new investors, assistants. It helps to make the right decision, contributes to the fulfillment of desires and the fulfillment of the most ambitious and daring plans. An expensive fragrance that not everyone can afford - only the most fortunate! But if you start using it, then your luck will remain with you.

Pine attracts material wealth. Many magical rituals prescribe the burning of a pine cone. The aroma of Pine helps to make important life-changing decisions, eliminate doubts. Use pine oil in an aroma lamp in the office of the management and ... at business meetings of partners ... in a bathhouse.
Thuja inspires to exploits. The aroma of Tui will keep your home from ill-wishers. Apply at the moment of difficult decisions.

Fennel should be kept on the desktop, so that the aroma helps to relax tired eyes from working on the computer. Essential oil at the entrance to the house and office - protects against thieves. Soft, sweet butter, will help brighten up the lunch break.

Citronella removes evil, drives out ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye. Put an aroma lamp with Citronella oil in the hallway and your home and people close to you will be protected. Can be used in the form of a sachet with zest shavings. Pairs well with Mint.

Tea tree facilitates understanding, harmonizes relationships, eliminates pathogenic energies. The aroma clarifies the mind, helps in mental work. Helps with work related to new projects. Promotes illumination.

Eucalyptus designed to protect and purify. Clears the room of stagnant negative energies. It is necessary to put an aroma lamp in non-residential premises - Eucalyptus will drive away all negative entities. It will help you get used to your new office. Promotes intellectual work, helps to recover from a sleepless night.

The ability of some essential oils to attract good luck in trading and enhance the energy of money has long been noticed by sellers. And aromas that encourage you to slow down at the shelves with goods are actively used in small shops and supermarkets. The "money" oils include essential oils of patchouli, cedar and pine.

First mixture for good luck

Equal parts patchouli and pine oil is a versatile blend that brings good luck. With this mixture, you can lubricate a plastic card, money, before spending them - then they will return to you. You can put a few drops of this mixture on a cosmetic cotton pad and put it in your workplace on the table, that is, where money comes to you. Cotton pads are an excellent base for storing fragrances, as they are loose and made from cotton. They can be pre-soaked with lavender, patchouli or orange oil, laid out in cabinets and bags with things, and you will no longer see moths.

In India, since ancient times, the scent of patchouli has been used to protect woolen fabrics from moths. With despondency and loss of strength, patchouli oil invigorates, returns a sense of self-confidence, optimism and joy of life.

Patchouli essential oil is associated with many myths and legends. For example, in the old days, people believed that the presence of this oil in the house preserves the well-being of the family. And in our time, throughout the civilized world, patchouli oil is considered a magnet for attracting wealth and prosperity. Success in business, stability and growing incomes are associated with it.

Pine oil
Most often, oil is obtained from fresh needles of Scotch pine by the method of steam distillation. Oil promotes prosperity and development of spirituality, attracts money, increases energy, tones, relieves stress and fatigue. Disinfects and cleans the space. It has a mild aroma and is part of almost all antiseptic mixtures.

Cedar oil
A very strong energizer. It quickly restores, cleanses and boosts energy and, apparently, for this reason it helps in making fateful decisions. Money mixtures must contain at least three oils and one of them must be yours.

patchouli oil for money

Included in almost all oils to attract good luck in trading and to increase the amount of money in your wallet and pockets. Patchouli has a warm, heavy scent and may not be to everyone's taste. It is an oil with strong energy, just like cedarwood oil. A couple of drops of patchouli oil can be dripped into your wallet once a month and your money will always have a magical aroma.

The second mixture to attract money and good luck

In a bottle or a small cup, pour the oil - the base, one teaspoon. It can be olive oil, jojoba oil, apricot or grape seed oil. Then add 5 drops of the selected oil: “money oils”, “your oil”.

In the process of making the mixture, nothing should distract you from the process, think only about the purpose for which the mixture is intended! And it’s better not about money, but about what you need it for.

Imagine how with each drop of oil your money is added. You can then add this mixture to the aroma lamp. It will be good if you add 3 drops of oils to this mixture, which will be discussed below, depending on what you need most of all now.

The third mixture to attract money luck

Could be like this:
2 drops of neroli;
2 drops of rose oil;
3 drops of sage oil;
5 drops of patchouli oil;
2-3 drops of your oil.
But the ideal option is when you compose the mixture intuitively, inventing a composition of money, protective and good luck oils, referring to your feelings.

Fragrances - SHIELD
They protect the thin energy shell from external aggression: bergamot, carnation, cajuput, cedar, cypress, frankincense, lemon balm, juniper (almost the strongest of the protective oils, but it has a very specific smell), citronella, tea tree.

Elemi (more and more common and the smell is simply magical), anise, orange, cedar, frankincense, neroli, fir, rose, citronella, tea tree, eucalyptus.

For RESTORATION of the energy shell:
verbena, cypress, sandalwood, citronella, eucalyptus.

Essential oils for TONING and REMOVING FATIGUE
These are bergamot, ginger, juniper, neroli, pine, sage, sweet orange, rosemary, lemon. All these oils in any combination can be added to the aroma lamp.

Ylang-ylang, marjoram, myrrh, sandalwood, sage, mandarin.

Bitter orange, basil, cypress, patchouli, cinnamon, palmarosa, fir, rosemary, citronella.

What oil is your zodiac sign?

Your oil enhances exactly your energy:
Aries - cedar, pine.
Taurus - patchouli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosewood.
Gemini - lavender, eucalyptus, mint.
Cancer - eucalyptus, rosewood, petitgrain, neuroli.
Leo - rosemary, bergamot, lavender.
Virgo - lavender, geranium, rosemary.
Libra - ylang-ylang, rosewood, mint.
Scorpio - pine, patchouli.
Sagittarius - cedar, pine, mint, grapefruit.
Capricorn - patchouli, cedar, eucalyptus.
Aquarius - lavender, patchouli, pine, cedar, eucalyptus.
Pisces - eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, pine, rosewood.

The connection of essential oil with the sign of the Zodiac must be known in order to prepare an effective mixture for a particular person.

Attention! All mixtures of oils are made during the growing Moon, when the Moon is in the 1st quarter.


Patchouli essential oil is a substance with a unique spicy scent. It is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Often, patchouli oil is used to attract success and money. Although it has many other truly magical properties.

The magical properties of patchouli essential oil

This substance is actively used in aromatherapy. It is believed that it can help a person find hidden talents in himself, gain. In addition, it perfectly calms, relieves the state of anxiety and depression. If you inhale it, you can reduce your appetite and, as a result, lose weight.

In magical practices, patchouli oil is used for a variety of materials. For example, it is believed that with its help you can save a woman from infertility or restore her former youth. But most often this oil is used to attract success and money. It helps to find love - you just need to add a drop to your favorite cream or perfume and use it constantly. To make your career or business go uphill - put a couple of drops on your business card, favorite tie, office key. And to become richer, it is enough to put a little oil on the wallet. Or use one of the magic recipes.

Recipes using patchouli essential oil to attract money

You can use patchouli oil to attract as part of a special mixture. To compile it, you need to take seven drops of this substance, two drops of nutmeg oil, one drop of cinnamon oil and five drops of cedar oil. Next, rub the green candle with the mixture, light it and let it burn out. It is also worth a little drop on the largest banknote and wallet, carry it with you all the time and do not spend it. Or the mixture can be poured into a vial and carried around in a bag.

An interesting use of patchouli oil to attract money is an aromatic bath. You will need bath salt and five drops of oil. Basking in the water, you should imagine that you are surrounded by money, and they are all flowing and flowing towards you in a wide stream. On the growing moon, you can also perform such a ritual:

Patchouli oil is an essential oil with unique properties. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. It helps to cope with some pathologies, and also slows down the aging process and eliminates problems with the epidermis. These properties are widely known. However, not many people know that patchouli oil attracts money. It is a kind of magnet for financial prosperity. In order for money to start flowing in an inexhaustible stream, it is necessary to prepare a special mixture with this oil. Such a composition is used in a certain way. Today we will tell you how patchouli oil works to attract money. In addition, we will find out how to prepare mixtures for financial well-being.

Patchouli essential oil has magical properties, and therefore its use goes far beyond the field of medicine and cosmetology. Previously, it was used in a ritual to rid a woman of infertility. In addition, with its help, a ceremony was performed that helped the fair sex to maintain their youth and beauty. Oil helps to find your love and keep this feeling for many years.

However, most often patchouli oil is used to attract success and money. In this case, it acts like a magnet. Patchouli is believed to attract money. In addition, oil allows you to pay off debts and loans and helps you find new sources of income. Thanks to patchouli oil, you can open your own business or make an existing enterprise successful.

Applying patchouli oil will help you climb the corporate ladder. With it, you can get the desired position and stay in it. In addition, the oil helps to build relationships with colleagues and improves the microclimate in the team. Thanks to him, disputes do not reach conflicts and major quarrels.

How to use patchouli oil to attract success and money

Proper use of oil is a guarantee of improving material well-being. Before using the product, you need to hold it in your hands for several minutes in order to “charge” it with your energy. During this, you need to think about money and what you plan to buy with it. You can enter a certain amount that you would like to receive monthly. You can also think, for example, about an apartment that you have long dreamed of. It is necessary to think over the whole situation, location and number of rooms to the smallest detail. If you dream of a car, then, accordingly, you need to imagine this car. You need to think about the brand and color.

In your imagination, you can draw the desired source of income, for example, a new position or your own business. After that, you need to lubricate with oil all the banknotes stored in the wallet and the house, or directly the wallet itself, as well as bank plastic cards. In addition, to attract money, you can put a drop of oil on the front door handles of your home or place of work. Also, with this tool, you can lubricate those tools that allow you to make money. For example, a writer needs to put oil on a pen or computer keyboard, an artist needs a brush, and a musician needs an instrument.

To improve the financial situation, you can use the following mixture: 0.5 base oil is taken 8 drops of patchouli oil. After that, the composition should be stirred. This tool is recommended to replace perfume.

It should be applied to the wrists and behind the earlobes. Such a composition will attract money, as well as improve relationships with work colleagues and help you climb the corporate ladder.

Helps to attract money and a mixture of basil, patchouli and peppermint oils. To prepare it, you need to take four parts of the first oil and three parts of the second and third oils. The composition must be mixed, and then greased with a bank plastic card, which is in constant use, as well as a piggy bank with money, if there is one in the house. After that, both on the card and in the piggy bank there will always be money.

To attract financial success, you can use the following mixture: for 15 ml of base oil, 5 drops of patchouli oil, 3 drops of cedar oil, 1 drop of ginger oil and 2 drops of vetiver oil are taken. The resulting mixture should be lubricated hands or money before making purchases.

Patchouli rituals to attract money

Some experts in the field of esotericism argue that in order to attract money, it is not enough just to mix oils or heat patchouli oil. A special ritual is needed that activates the magical properties of the product. There are several rituals involving patchouli oil. Before such money rituals, you need to tune in to the positive and drive away gloomy thoughts.

To perform one of the rituals, you will need a green candle, seven drops of patchouli oil, two drops of nutmeg oil, five drops of cedar oil and a drop of cinnamon oil. All oils must be mixed together. After that, the resulting composition must be rubbed with a candle. It is necessary to carry out such a rite on the night of the full moon. The candle must be left lit until it burns out to the end. After that, you can wait for a financial injection.

There is another ritual for attracting money using patchouli oil. To conduct it, you need to take eight thin candles of green hues, a pot of silver coins, a piece of green cloth and patchouli oil. The ceremony is performed on the growing moon. On the candle you need to drop one drop of oil. After that, they must be placed in a circle, in the center of which is placed a pot of coins, covered with a cloth. Next, the candles need to be lit and left until they burn out. At this time, you need to imagine everything that you need money for and think that you already have all this. When all the candles burn out, then the pot needs to be hidden and wait for the result.

Another rite is called "money bath". It is very easy to carry it out. You need to take a bath of warm water and dilute in it a special bath salt and five drops of patchouli oil.

After that, water procedures are carried out. You need to lie in the bath for 20 minutes and at this time imagine how money flows to you like a river, and you bathe in such streams. Such a ritual will quickly help your financial condition.

Patchouli oil, which attracts money, should be used regularly. One procedure will not give the desired effect. Only after prolonged use of the product can you count on a positive result.

We welcome those who are interested in improving their own financial situation!

It turns out that money can be attracted through various non-standard methods and patchouli oil is one of them. Why not use patchouli oil to attract money? In general, essential oils have a positive effect on the human body.

Patchouli is considered a symbol of love, as well as a magnet that attracts wealth. Knowledgeable people prepare various mixtures of money, rub oil on the body and drip onto wallets. Some are sure that such manipulations contribute to enrichment.

Also, to attract money, read It turns out that you can gain material well-being with the help of various symbols, the main thing is to believe in them. One of them is considered a money tree or, as the people call it, a fat woman.

In appearance, an ordinary unremarkable shrub keeps real wealth. For the first time, the Filipinos announced the discovery, after which information about the plant spread throughout the world. This shrub loves warmth, it does not take root in cold climates.

The plant has no aroma, it is released only under the influence of high temperatures. Due to the woody-floral notes, the fragrance is reminiscent of sandalwood or ylang-ylang.

Patchouli is a natural antiseptic, so it is used for medicinal purposes, aromatherapy and perfumery. The tart and oriental aroma of patchouli, in combination with other components, is part of famous perfumes and toilet waters.

In the manufacture of patchouli oil, only the leaves of the plant are used. Thanks to its active ingredients, patchouli is widely used in cosmetology, alternative medicine, and perfumery.

They say that if you lubricate bills with this product, they will definitely return to your wallet. Some people believe that with the help of patchouli, you can achieve success at work, take your business to the next level, and find new sources of income.

The aroma of patchouli helps to achieve stability in the business sphere, promotes career growth. The extract of this plant has a positive effect on representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius and Capricorn.

In order for the energy of the ethereal agent to have a positive impact, you need to firmly believe in the correctness of your own actions and set yourself up for a positive result. Experts believe that in order to become a rich person, you need to know how much money will contribute to this.

Many successful people are familiar with the visualization technique. Its essence lies in the creation of a map of desires and regular work on it. Do you want a lot of money? Specify the exact amount and stick on the card those banknotes that will help make dreams come true.

Dreaming of a home? Find a photo of your dream home, stick it in a prominent place, and every day think about the options that will help you achieve your plan.

Financial condition can be significantly improved if you charge patchouli oil with your own positive energy. It will not be difficult to do this. Hold a bottle of essential oil in your hands for a few minutes, imagining your happy future.

Patchouli oil can be used in several ways. Note that essential oils have saturated components that sometimes cause allergic reactions. To avoid this, dilute the essential oil with a vegetable carrier oil. Half a glass of vegetable oil requires 8-10 drops of an essential agent.

Lubricate money, wallets, money cards, front doors with an energy-charged solution. Use all the items with which you earn money, these actions help to improve your financial condition. Treat objects with essential oils with a cotton pad, as aggressive substances can cause allergies.

If for some reason the above methods do not inspire confidence, try the following.

Light the aroma lamp by first filling it with water and 5 drops of patchouli essential oil. Several techniques can be used to be effective, such as meditation and aromatherapy. Take a dip in the money bath prepared according to the recipe. Do not take a bath with essential oils for more than 20 minutes.

It is important for these purposes to independently purchase the remedy, and not use patchouli donated by friends or relatives. Mix any bath salt with 5 drops of patchouli oil. You can add cedar or cinnamon oil. Patchouli is enough three drops and one other oils.

  • When using a money-raising tool, be sure to say “this is for money”
  • Do not perform the ritual in a bad mood, there should be a good mood and faith in a better future. (If you ignore this rule, you can ask for the opposite result.)
  • They say that if you want to become a rich person, think and live like a successful person. It's important to know exactly what you want.
  • You can enhance the effect of such procedures if you perform rituals on the growing moon. Money loves stability, so perform rituals regularly, and not occasionally. It is not necessary to apply all techniques, it is enough to choose a few, but the most suitable ones.
  • Be grateful for what you already have and notice even the smallest positive changes. Do not limit yourself in your dreams, the process of raising funds will go faster if you believe in what you are doing.
  • Patchouli oil is a powerful remedy, using which you need to adhere to the dosage. Essential oils should not be used during pregnancy.

Patchouli is an excellent means to attract money, as the fragrance reveals hidden talents and abilities. It reduces appetite, therefore, promotes weight loss. A person gains confidence in his abilities, hence the positive changes in life.

How to attract, save and increase money correctly will help Step by step, together with us it will be easy for you!

If your friends are short on cash, encourage them to read this article on social media. In addition to methods and techniques that attract well-being, it is worth looking for a new, more profitable job that will help you reach a new standard of living.

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