Possible complications after spaying a cat. What are the negative consequences of cat castration? The method of carrying out the operation for sterilization of cats

The most common method should be distinguished - castration. It involves the complete removal of organs (uterus and ovaries). Sterilization usually means ligation of the fallopian tubes of the animal. But in this case, estrus will not be stopped and sexual behavior will not disappear either, there is a possibility of a disease of the uterus, mammary glands, ovaries, but at the same time, the cat will not have offspring.

Sterilization and its types

And so, sterilization is an artificial introduction into the body, by the method of surgery, which completely interrupts the pet's reproductive function. To date, there are such methods of sterilization:

  • Ovariectomy;
  • Ovariohysterectomy.

Of all these methods, the animal tolerates best - tubal ligation. The doctor makes an incision in the side of the pet, and only ligates the oviduct. The only disadvantage of such sterilization of cats is that after this action there are abundant estrus, as a result of which complications may arise.

Sterilization by oophorectomy involves the removal of the sex glands - the ovaries. But even this removal does not always favorably affect the outcome of events. If even a small fraction of the ovary remains, they can recover, and secondly, the pet may develop a uterine disease.

The best option is an ovariohysterectomy. It is the most optimal in solving problems with the sterilization of the animal. During the operation, both the uterus and the ovaries are completely removed from the cat. In medicine, this is called castration. This method is the most common not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Consequences of sterilization

  • Let's look at how dangerous spaying is for a cat. Gagging and vomiting. This is due to anesthesia, even when all the rules for its introduction into the body are observed, there may be consequences of vomiting. If the vomiting is not strong, you just need to watch the animal, and see that it does not choke in it. Turn the animal's head to the side to prevent vomit from entering the airways. If vomiting is severe, you should immediately consult a doctor for his help;
  • Internal bleeding. If the pet is lethargic, constantly lies and does not want to move, and attempts to touch and stroke it cause him pain, then look into the mouth and look at the mucous membrane, if it is very pale, almost white, go to the doctor urgently;
  • Wound infection. If you notice that the wound is reddened or swollen, and the discharge (purulent) has increased in it, the pet should be urgently shown to the veterinarian.

"Note! Slight reddening of the scar, or its swelling may be present no longer than 3-4 days after surgery.

If, after you have sterilized a cat, she has the same behavior as she did during estrus. This can be explained by the fact that the ovary was not completely removed and the remaining parts of it continue to produce hormones that cause this behavior. Contact the doctor again, let him examine the animal.

You can replace cat sterilization with medication, but her health can suffer greatly.

Pros and cons of sterilization

Now let's discuss the pros and cons of spaying cats. One of the main advantages of such an operation is that due to the fact that your pet will not produce kittens, you will not think where and to whom to give them.

Most people who consider themselves "kind" and let their pet give birth and then throw it out on the street or even drown newborns have some special idea of ​​their kindness. Therefore, whatever all this happens, it is better to immediately start sterilizing the cat.

The second benefit of spaying a cat is its longevity and improved health. If you turn to statistics, then a sterilized cat lives 2-4 years longer than a cat that gave birth.

The owners, who are very sorry to give their animal under the knife, and stuff their pets with various pills, are harmed for such cat sterilization. Her health is suffering, those who have already gone through all the nightmares of their pet's oncology certainly know all the consequences of such a path.

It will not be better for that cat, which is simply not allowed to mate. After all, frequent estrus without mating also harm the health of the animal. A cat that is 5 years old and has not given birth has a much higher risk of developing cancer or other diseases.

Those cats that give birth constantly experience heavy loads and their body wears out quickly. We are already silent about the risks that the birth process may entail.

Those housewives who have decided to put themselves in the place of their beloved pet are discussing that they would not want to go through all the horror of this operation. They don’t think that they would be in the place of a cat, they would hardly want to give birth every year and suffer at the same time.

Do not bypass the pluses of sterilization of cats for their owners. The pet will stop marking the territory, you will no longer run around with a rag to try to wash off this terrible smell. The animal will always have a good and playful mood. You will significantly save on food, they will consume less feed.

Whether spaying of a domestic cat is necessary - definitely “Yes”. After sterilization, the cat does not need to seek adventure at all, she will no longer try to escape from her house and run away into the street, all this will become indifferent to her.

Cons of sterilization

Whatever the advantages, there will always be factors that can say the opposite. Consider the dangers of spaying a cat.

Sterilization is still an operation. It may also have its consequences after anesthesia, and after the most surgical intervention in the pet's body. To prevent anesthesia from harming, your cat must undergo a series of examinations, so that the suture cannot become inflamed, the operation should be carried out only in the clinic. And then, fully comply with all the recommendations of the doctor.

You will be assigned to put on a pet blanket to protect the seam from the penetration of bacteria. They do not like the blanket at all, and they will be nervous and try to take it off. But you must understand that in no case should the blanket be removed, mainly within 2 weeks after the operation.

A cat can gain weight, but if you keep track of her nutrition, nothing bad will happen.

Now you know whether sterilization is harmful for cats, and what method is best to carry it out.

What is the best age for sterilization?

It is best to sterilize an animal at the age of 6-8 months, before the first estrus. So they are much easier to tolerate anesthesia, and all the consequences that may occur in an older cat.

Preparing for the operation

Before spaying, the veterinarian will prescribe a series of tests for your cat (blood, urine, heart check). Be sure to keep your pet away from food for 12 hours before surgery. So it will be much easier to undergo postoperative recovery of the body.

Care after surgery

Keep your cat warm and keep her calm. On the recommendation of a doctor, treat the postoperative suture. And then the animal will quickly return to its normal rhythm of life.

Possible obesity after surgery

After the use of anesthesia, the metabolism slows down, and because of this there will be obesity. Limit the animal in high-calorie food, make sure that the pet expends its energy, and not just lies, play with it. Make sure the animal is drinking water. Water promotes metabolism.

Now you know everything about the sterilization of cats, the harm and benefits of this operation, it is up to you to decide whether to do the operation or not. You can use an alternative to spaying a cat, and choose a medical one. But it's better to think things through.

When a cat brings kittens for the first time, everything looks so cute and attractive: the mother takes care of her babies, feeds them and protects them.

But time passes, the kittens grow up and turn into a real gang, ready to smash everything around. The owners of the cat are looking for a new home for them. And then it turns out that there are very few people around who want to get a kitten. Having somehow coped with the task, the owners are thinking about sterilizing their pet ...

Reasons for spaying cats

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person who has spayed his cat just to watch her suffer. The reasons why the owners decide on such an operation are usually the following:

  1. The cat is exclusively domestic and there is no way to bring her a gentleman with every estrus.
  2. The owners treat small kittens responsibly and do not want to drown them or throw them out into the street.
  3. Long-term abstinence will sooner or later lead to diseases of the reproductive system (various tumors, cysts and even cancer), and then the operation will still have to be done. And since the disease comes already at an elderly age, it is still unknown what consequences it will lead to.
  4. Finally, the pills that are offered in pet stores contain hormones that are harmful to the cat's health.

Methods for spaying cats

There are surgical, radiation and medical methods of sterilization. The first method is considered the safest. In turn, it is divided into several types:

  1. Tubal occlusion (the veterinarian pulls the fallopian tubes, the cat cannot have kittens, but her hormonal background remains the same, so she continues to “walk”).
  2. Hysterectomy (the veterinarian removes the uterus, the consequences are the same as with tubal occlusion).
  3. Ovariectomy (the veterinarian removes the ovaries. The cat stops “walking”, but this method is only suitable for young nulliparous cats).
  4. Ovariohysterectomy (the veterinarian removes the uterus and ovaries. Used in cats who have given birth and cats older than a year).

Age of the cat

The minimum age for the operation is 6-7 months. By this time, the animal has time to get stronger, and its genitals are already quite pronounced. With late development, you can increase this period by a couple of months. The main thing is to be in time before the first estrus.

If the cat has already walked and given birth to kittens, then it is necessary to wait until they grow up and leave the mother, because after the operation she will no longer be able to take care of them.

Preparing for the operation

No special preparation is needed before the operation. Usually, 10-12 hours before the animal stops feeding, and an hour before the procedures - give water. If the cat has fleas, then you need to get rid of them.

The operation itself is not considered difficult. The incision is made either on the side or on the abdomen. Its size depends on the chosen method.

How to care for a cat after surgery

  1. Prepare a quiet place at home where the cat will rest after the procedures.
  2. Gently lay the animal on a warm and soft bedding and cover it with something, as the cat may shiver after anesthesia.
  3. Watch your cat's behavior carefully, as the effects of anesthesia can cause her to behave inappropriately.
  4. Postoperative sutures are removed on the 10th day. Before that, you will have to independently treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and green paint or take the cat to the veterinary clinic.
  5. After the operation, the cat will be put on a special blanket that will prevent her from licking the wound. Make sure that the animal does not take it off.

Consequences of sterilization

If everything is done correctly, there should be no bad consequences. After recovery, the cat will behave as before, she just will not have estrus. The only thing you should pay attention to is the nutrition of your pet. A spayed cat's metabolism slows down, so it easily gains excess weight.

Of course, sterilization is a gross interference with the natural course of things. However, scientists have long calculated that one cat and its descendants are capable of producing 420,000 kittens in just seven years. It is unlikely that all of them will find a new home. What is more humane to have an operation or breed stray kittens is up to you.

In the life of every cat owner, sooner or later there comes a moment when he takes his favorite fluffy miracle to the veterinary clinic for sterilization. There may be several reasons for this decision. Therefore, it is vital and useful to know about possible complications after cat sterilization.

Sterilization- partial removal of the reproductive organs of the cat. At the same time, the system continues to function and produce hormones. The cat remains a “woman”, and does not become an indifferent felt boot, as some people believe.

Indications for sterilization

One of the traditional reasons for sterilization is the unwillingness of the owners to face the symptoms of estrus, pregnancy, childbirth. During estrus, the behavior of a cat changes significantly. For example, she begins to rub against objects, people. At the same time, the cat makes various sounds, sometimes very loud. The reproductive cycle in cats is quite specific. A young cat that has never given birth can be in heat almost every month. More mature, at least once a year bringing offspring, less often - every six months. The average rhythm, 1 time in three months, is typical for a cat that has given birth once.

Therefore, enterprising owners, knowing about such features, solve the problem in advance by sterilization. By the way, you can sterilize a cat no earlier than 6 months. By this time, the physiological formation of the body will end. Early sterilization is fraught with health problems!

Medical indications: tumors, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries. There is always a risk of malignant tumors of the reproductive system. The most common case from this list is breast cancer. Does it make sense to reach a stalemate, if you can solve the problem in the bud, everyone determines for himself.

Let's summarize the above.

Pros and cons of spaying cats

Positive points:

  • Birth control of kittens. A cat is able to bring up to 4 litters per year. If you know exactly where you can attach a horde of cute little fluffies, then there is no problem.
  • Many people get super thoroughbred and rare cats for themselves, which is called for the soul. If you do not plan to breed, then sterilization will be an excellent way out in this situation.
  • Few of the owners of cats living in cities have the opportunity to provide a country walk to their pet. Periodic concerts, spoiled mood are guaranteed to eventually lead to a desire to get rid of the animal. Yes, and the health of a cat can be greatly shaken if she does not have a chance to fulfill the biological need of the body.
  • After sterilization, the cat will look less and less towards the street. Contact with stray cats is excluded, the risk of contracting something incurable (viral immunodeficiency, viral leukemia) is minimized.

Negative points:

  • Associated primarily with the need to do general anesthesia. Young cats tolerate it more easily. But there is always a risk that the cat will not be able to get out of it. Competent specialists carefully calculate the dose of sleeping pills. In proven clinics, such cases are rare. Being happy owners of the following cat breeds, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist before the operation - Maine Coons, Sphynxes, Folds (British, Scottish). In these breeds, anesthesia can cause blockage of blood vessels by blood clots (thromboembolism).
  • Obesity. A common problem of inattentive owners. After sterilization, the general hormonal background of the body changes somewhat. There is no need for excessive activity, but the appetite is getting better. Consider these changes when feeding your pets and there will be no problems.

Complications after spaying a cat

It is useful to know that there are several methods of sterilization of cats used in modern surgery. Ovariectomy - completely removes the ovaries. In this case, sex hormones cease to be produced at all, estrus stops, and all the negative symptoms of hunting come to naught. After such an operation, you may encounter negative consequences - pyometra, endometritis.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. The reason is infection in the wound, violation of hygiene rules during the operation. Alarming symptoms of the disease: discharge from the genitals, fever, general lethargy, refusal to eat, intense thirst.

What to do if you notice these signs? Contact your veterinarian immediately. Delay in this disease is fraught with a transition to a purulent form and sepsis.

Complications after chemical sterilization of a cat

Pyometra - purulent endometritis. The saddest thing is that this disease can progress very quickly, sometimes without even showing visible symptoms. In such cases, the animal dies very quickly. Signs of pyometra: enlarged abdomen, frequent urination, possible discharge, indigestion, general lethargy.

Believe me, do not delay with a second visit to the vet. Better to play it safe once again than to bite your elbows later. Pyometra is a very insidious disease. Many owners noticed only at the last moment that something was wrong with the pet - the manifestations of the disease were so weak.

The second method of sterilization is the ligation of the fallopian tubes. Sexual behavior after such an operation is preserved, but there is no possibility of becoming pregnant. Possible negative consequences in this case are more related to the psyche of the animal. Plus, there is a chance to earn the same diseases that were mentioned above.

Ovariohysterectomy (castration)- complete removal of the uterus and ovaries of the cat. Complications are practically excluded. Perhaps a small postoperative outflow of blood, exudate (liquid) from the suture, local inflammation.

Chemical sterilization- the introduction of an implant under the skin, which blocks sexual behavior for a certain time. Injections, tablets, drops that suppress the production of hormones can also be used. Complications - cysts appear, severe tumors of the mammary glands, internal genital organs.

Laparoscopy- point surgery using a special instrument, a laparoscope, which is equipped with a camera and a lens. The doctor performs all manipulations inside the body of the animal. As a memory, the cat is left with a microscopic seam. Complications arise in the case of a poorly performed operation - inflicting injuries to internal organs (piercing the walls of the intestine, diaphragm, blood vessels). A depressed state is a sure sign that something has gone wrong, the temperature rises, soreness is observed in certain parts of the body. The worst thing that can happen after such an operation is gas embolism, peritonitis. However, such situations are quite rare.

Memo to the owner

After spaying, try to closely monitor any changes in your pet's behavior for 1-2 weeks. Any deviations are a reason to sound the alarm, call the veterinarian.

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Today on the site Koshechka.ru we will talk with you about an important fact that concerns the health of our little pets: the sterilization of cats and the consequences of this operation.

For what and whether it is necessary to sterilize a cat?

Procreation is an integral part of the life of any animal. Therefore, every lover of four-legged friends inevitably faces the problem of where to determine the offspring. Of course, with the exception of those who breed pets. As a result, the question arises, not costs whether to sterilize a cat and rid yourself of the hassle forever? Moreover, today such operations can be done in any veterinary clinic.

Let's look at some aspects that push us to make this decision.

Sterilization of cats: will there be consequences?

Today, many lovers of four-legged friends are actively talking about the terrible outcomes of sterilization. Adverse consequences after cat sterilization are a fact. Therefore, consider simple tips that will help you avoid unpleasant complications.

  • The first and most important thing is specialized clinic. After all, no time spent is worth the health of your pet.
  • Qualified Veterinarian. Only he will determine how healthy and ready the cat is for such an operation.
  • anesthesia. Most cats have a very hard time recovering from surgery because of anesthesia. Therefore, it is so important that the entire procedure and postoperative care take place under the supervision of a truly experienced specialist.
  • Proper care after surgery. Elementary non-compliance with veterinarian prescriptions can also cause unpleasant consequences.
  • Appropriate diet and regimen. No need to overfeed and restrict the freedom of the animal to avoid obesity and physical inactivity ().

Only a competent and responsible approach to this procedure will save you from complications with the health of your pet, the site reminds.

Sterilization of cats: consequences and reviews

  • I read one negative review. In it, the girl talked about how she called the veterinarian directly to the office to sterilize the local pet. After that, the cat was very sick, and after a week it disappeared. An operation in a non-sterile room by some kind of charlatan - the result is obvious. Both of mine were sterilized in the clinic, everything is fine. Amaduxa63
  • When my three cats started walking in turn, or even all at once, it was some kind of hell. I decided to sterilize them. From the first one, I made a mistake with the choice of vet, our Murochka is no more. The rest, thank God, everything is fine. LeiLa
  • I have two cats. One with kittens. But when the second one became pregnant, the question arose at the family council: is it necessary and is it possible to sterilize a nursing or pregnant cat? It was decided to start with a pregnant woman. After a successful outcome, I decided to take the second one to the veterinarian, especially since the kittens were already 1.5 months old. Satisfied with the result. Now they are both calm and quite cheerful. Marusia
  • We moved away from sterilization for four months. The temperature rose periodically, there was soft tissue edema and inflammation. And how many ointments, injections and preparations we used in order to save our Frosya! What a stress for both of us! I advise everyone to think ten times before resorting to sterilization. FOX_000_

It's up to you to decide if it's necessary sterilization of cats, considering the consequences. But in fact, most of the problems happen precisely because of the negligent attitude to this issue. Health to you and your pet!

Bruslik Maria - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for lovers ... into yourself!

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    Discussion: 3 comments

    I read a lot of reviews, spoke with a doctor I know and concluded that it is necessary to sterilize only according to indications or if the cat is constantly on the street. Many cats do not tolerate anesthesia and die precisely because of this, less often due to the fault of inexperienced veterinarians! It often happens that a completely healthy cat is operated on and it does not wake up after anesthesia, the owners of course regret it, but it’s too late and it’s scary to ruin an innocent creature with your own hands! My cat doesn’t go outside, I don’t drip drops often, we do an ultrasound scan once every half a year and everything is OK) If you have taken responsibility for caring for an animal, then be kind enough to follow him and take care of him and visit the veterinarian with him at least once a year! Veterinarians do not care, this is their job and they are silent about the fact that often it is cats that do not withstand anesthesia, often the heart is weak, and if you have already decided to sterilize a cat, then please do at least a cardiogram and take tests! You are your own beloved, you probably would have done all this before any operation, so why are you depriving the cat of the opportunity to survive? and conversations like: "then there may be pyometra or cysts and it is better to operate"! - Excuse me, but the same can be said about women, we also have cancer, so let's sterilize all women too, so that there would be no problems later! Watch your pets, take them to the doctor for examinations and you will be able to avoid possible risks and only if there are indications for sterilization, then of course, no options!


    Our cat couldn't give birth... it got infected and had to be neutered... in the clinic they give one injection of an antibiotic and they say it's not necessary anymore... but it's necessary! Our temperature rose and we injected ceftriaxone antibionic for 5 days in a row ... otherwise there would be no cat ... even these stitches become coarser a few days after the operation ...


    to sterilize a cat in Zoodoktor, this clinic is in the region of the Kuibyshev market, I have been taking care of cats for a long time and carried them to various clinics for sterilization, Believe me, there is no better clinic than this, No bandages, no post-medication, no long suture treatment, there are no last ones at all, just a hole with match head, The animal recovers very quickly, there have never been complications, After a few hours the cat drinks, after 12 hours it eats. I feel calm, I know that there are real veterinarians, good anesthesia, no problems, no worries.


Spayed cats lose their ability to reproduce. The reasons why owners think about having the procedure are different.

Firstly, breeding cats is a difficult task, requiring significant financial investments. In addition, it is quite difficult to find owners for kittens, so there is always a risk that they will remain homeless. From this position, it is much more humane to sterilize a cat, it is better to prevent the birth of kittens than to doom them to a starving existence. But in the end, each owner decides whether to sterilize the pet or not.

Secondly, sexual behavior, manifested in the form of a territory mark and heart-rending screams at night, can infuriate even a very calm and balanced person. Aggression towards a cat due to its physiological characteristics can hardly be considered fair. Repeated estrus and long-term use of hormonal drugs after a while lead to diseases of the reproductive system of cats. These are pyometra, cancer of the ovaries, mammary glands, etc. Spaying cats successfully solves the problem.


Sterilization is carried out in several ways: surgical, medical and radiation.

Surgical sterilization is considered the most reliable and favorable in terms of consequences. It is carried out by such methods as:

  • tubal occlusion- the fallopian tubes are pulled, after which conception is no longer possible, while estrus, screams and the male's demand remain;
  • hysterectomy- removal of the uterus, while the ovaries are preserved, the consequences of such sterilization are similar to the first option. Both operations negatively affect the health of the animal, therefore they are practically not used;
  • oophorectomy- removal of the ovaries. After the operation, the hormonal background changes, the production of hormones stops, estrus stops, the risk of cysts and false pregnancies disappears. This sterilization option is the most optimal, but is only suitable for young cats that have not yet given birth;
  • ovariohysterectomy- complete elimination of the ovaries and uterus. This operation is performed on adult cats who have given birth and have pathologies in the uterus.

Veterinarians disagree on the best age to spay a cat. Some Western experts believe that the operation should be performed before maturity - at the age of eight weeks to six months. This will help avoid health problems. During this period, the genitals are already well expressed. Other experts believe that early sterilization can cause negative consequences for the kidneys, endocrine system, retina, and also prevents the development of a proportional physique. In their opinion, sterilization should be carried out immediately after the first heat. The third category of doctors advises to wait up to a year for the cat's body to get stronger.


Sterilization is performed using general anesthesia. To avoid vomiting and aspiration during anesthesia, it is recommended not to feed the cat for several hours before the operation. The length of the incision is determined by the size of the cat's organs and the spay method used. With an oophorectomy, it is no more than three centimeters, and with an ovariohysterectomy, it is much more. There are also modern methods of "seamless" surgery, in which the length of the incision is not more than one centimeter. The wound after such an operation is insignificant, there is no need to use a blanket.

As a rule, shortly after coming out of anesthesia, the cat gets up. Full recovery takes approximately two weeks. At home, lay the cat on a flat comfortable bed, regularly check her well-being. The wound should not bleed or fester.


Estrogens in the body of the animal affect appetite. When their production stops, appetite increases. In addition, sterilization helps to slow down the cat's metabolism. These factors contribute to the accumulation of excess weight. The most important thing to do is to organize dietary nutrition and regular physical activity. Remember that obesity is a disease. In the absence of overweight problems, the cat's playfulness, vocal intonation, hunting instincts, and activity level are preserved. The character doesn't really change.

Early sterilization has a beneficial effect on the external parameters of the cat. It ensures the formation of a strong and muscular skeleton, and also contributes to the lengthening of the limbs. Reduces the likelihood of accidents associated with the desire of the cat to run away from home.

Each body reacts differently to major changes. For several weeks, the cat may show signs of estrus. They pass after the sex hormones are completely out of the body, so you should not give the animal any drugs. Secondly, there may be complications such as prolonged weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite, etc. If this condition of the cat persists for more than two days, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Neutering cats can cause complications such as purulent and weeping sutures. In these cases, careful care is necessary: ​​the seam must be lubricated with brilliant green, and the animal should not be allowed to lick it. To do this, cover the sore spot with a blanket and watch the cat, distracting if necessary.

Keep an eye on the mucous membrane of the eyes - during the operation, the cat does not blink and the mucous membrane begins to dry out. It is advisable to blink your pet's eyelids or use special drops.

During the operation, the cat's nose must be open so that it can breathe freely.

At home, put the cat in a warm place, do not let her freeze. After anesthesia, the coordination of the animal is impaired, so the cat may fall, break something or hurt itself. Therefore, do not put the cat on a high surface.

After sterilization, the animals sleep up to eight hours, the anesthesia completely disappears within about a day. During this period, the cat is not able to control the process of urination, take care of diapers.

You can feed the animal after eight to twelve hours, due to anesthesia, cases of vomiting are not excluded.

If your pet's condition does not improve after a few days, see a doctor. Sterilization under general anesthesia is stressful for the animal, so exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible, which will complicate the tolerance of anesthesia.

Neutering will give you peace of mind and your pet's life will improve dramatically and last for several years.

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