Expanded renal pelvis in a newborn - what does it mean and what to do

Good day, my dear readers! I think that each of us, young mothers, heard unknown diagnoses from a pediatrician in the direction of her newborn. Often, they are mistakes, and sometimes they are just a forecast. However, it also happens that the diagnosis made by the children's doctor is absolutely justified and confirmed by the results of the tests, and then, unknowing parents turn to the Internet for help.

This happened to my friend, at the first examination after the results of the ultrasound, the doctor said that the child had pyelectasis (such a diagnosis is made if the renal pelvis is enlarged in a newborn). What can I say: with any illness of the baby, young parents begin to panic. Fortunately, pyelectasis is not at all a cause for alarm, but only a reason to be a little more attentive to your baby.

The pelvis of the kidney is a kind of funnel designed to "collect and remove" urine from the body. Roughly speaking, the pelvis serves as a conductor - urine enters it from the renal cups, after which it is released naturally (by urination).

Here, the ureters play a significant role, because if the pelvis is enlarged, then they narrow, thereby creating an obstacle to the natural discharge of urine. In this case, we can talk about pyelectasis.

2. Causes of pyelectasis in a newborn

Initially, I would like to note that this disease can occur in the fetus while still in the womb. If a woman does not miss a doctor's consultation and attends all planned ultrasound examinations, then even at the stage of pregnancy, any deviations in the development of the baby can be established.

It is possible to detect pathology through ultrasound after 17 weeks of pregnancy. It is believed that the norm of the pelvis in newborns should not exceed 10 mm.

It should also be noted here that the following factors can act as the causative agent of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unformed lumen of the ureters (with subsequent narrowing);
  • anomalies (for example, "detachment" from the ureter of the pelvis).

All of the above reasons are related to congenital pathology. However, it is worth saying that literally 40% of children are born with this disease.

In addition to the physiological features of the formation of the pelvis, the causes of acquired pyelectasis should also be distinguished:

  • consequences of kidney disease;
  • infections.

3. Symptoms of pyelectasis

Often, the expansion of the pelvis of the kidney does not affect the general well-being of the newborn.

In fact, there are several stages of the disease:

  1. Stage I. The disease is asymptomatic, does not cause any inconvenience to the child, so the parent may not notice signs of a deterioration in the infant's condition. Kidney functions are not disturbed and continue to "work" in the "normal" mode.
  2. Stage II. At this stage, there is an increase in the kidney, and subsequently the pelvis. The baby may cry when urinating, as this procedure now gives him discomfort. The "performance" of the kidneys is reduced by 40%.
  3. Stage III. The kidney continues to grow, due to which its functions are reduced by more than 40%.

In any case, you should not panic, because this pathology is treatable.

4. Diagnosis of the disease

If we are talking about congenital pyelectasis, then it is most likely that the pathology will be established during pregnancy. In this case, the doctor will decide on the further treatment of a newborn baby, or will advise the expectant mother about the right lifestyle for intrauterine elimination of the disease.

In some cases, small pyelectasis is normal and disappears some time after the birth of the child. Most often, this disease occurs in boys.

Again, after birth, the baby will be examined by a doctor. To establish (or refute) the diagnosis, you will need:

  • collect a urine sample;
  • do an ultrasound (to determine the size of the pelvis).

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment for the child. In our country, for example, during the second ultrasound during pregnancy, a diagnosis of pyelectasis was made, but the first ultrasound of the baby's abdominal cavity showed that the pelvis had disappeared. So don't worry too early.

5. How to treat an enlarged renal pelvis in an infant

Parents need to be prepared for the fact that the treatment of the pelvis is a long process. This does not mean at all that the procedures will take a huge amount of time and take energy. Not at all! For example, the baby of my friend was prescribed medication and ordered to undergo a course of physiotherapy.

By the way, this is the treatment that is prescribed for most children with a disease such as pyelectasis.

Many parents are interested in: what is the danger of this pathology. I hasten to please you! At the initial stages (stages I and II of the disease), the enlarged pelvis of the kidneys does not require surgical intervention, and after the course of treatment it completely “disappears” without a trace.

At the last stage of the disease, in addition to collecting urine and undergoing an ultrasound examination, the doctor may prescribe other procedures:

  • radioisotope research;
  • intravenous urography;
  • cystography.

After passing all the studies, the newborn will most likely be scheduled for an operation, but you should not be afraid of it, since it is carried out by a bloodless method and with the help of tiny instruments.

In the postoperative period, the baby needs special care, about which the doctor himself will advise the parents.

For some time after treatment, the child should be observed by a nephrologist. Would need:

  • regularly take a urine test (once a month);
  • conduct an ultrasound examination (to observe the size of the kidneys and pelvis).

Parents should not worry if pyeloectasia was found in a newborn, because after a complete cure, this disease does not lead to complications, which means it does not entail any consequences.

Therefore, dear readers, you can not panic, but calmly deal with the treatment of your children! And I wish you a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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