Why do male eggs itch. The main reasons why the testicles itch. Causes of itching in the scrotum

When there is sexual abstinence. But this is an erroneous opinion. It's not the eggs that itch, but the scrotum.

Only a dermatologist can determine the cause of such discomfort. Before making a diagnosis, the patient is prescribed to undergo an examination, as a rule, this is the delivery of tests. Before you see a doctor, you need to find out the cause of the itching yourself. In most cases, the causes are harmless and can be easily eliminated.


Causes of itching in the scrotum:

  1. Allergic reaction to the material from which the linen is sewn. Sometimes tight pants cause itching. Try wearing looser pants and removing tight underwear;
  2. In adolescence, it can cause intense hair growth in the intimate area.. Over time, this discomfort will pass;
  3. Incorrect or insufficient hygiene of intimate places. If you take a shower and do not change your underwear, then this becomes the reason. Cleanliness and care will eliminate skin problems and itching;
  4. If you have long-term stress and have neurological disorders, then the itching of eggs is guaranteed to you. By eliminating the main cause, you can get rid of discomfort in the intimate area;
  5. When you shave your hair, over time, the hairs begin to grow back. and causes not only irritation, but also itching;
  6. Too hard water dries out the skin and can cause itching in the scrotum;
  7. Severe skin and urological problems can lead to discomfort in the intimate area. These include pediculosis, lichen, scabies, blockage of the sebaceous glands. All of these diseases can lead to itching in the scrotum;
  8. Metabolic disease;
  9. Tumors;
  10. If, after examination, the dermatologist cannot determine the cause then it is considered idiopathic pruritus;
  11. Fungal lesions of the skin. They can cause itching and skin. Also, discomfort can also appear in the urethra. If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination and treatment. Otherwise, the pathology will become chronic, and will disturb the patient, especially in the hot season.

Pubic louse: symptoms

Transfer factors:

  • Lice move through the hair from one sexual partner to another;
  • You can become infected through contact with underwear and bedding;
  • When visiting baths, saunas.


If a man has severe itching in the scrotum, then this can be caused by several reasons. Most often, this provokes the development of allergic contact dermatitis. More often this pathology is typical for males from 20 to 40 years old.

This disease is caused by:

  • Wearing poor-quality underwear and trousers. Especially when harmful dyes with chromium were used in their production;
  • Also, latex can lead to irritation and itching;
  • The main allergy symptoms may occur up to two weeks after contact. This is called a delayed-action allergic reaction;
  • The feeling of itching can also provoke inflammatory contact dermatitis;
  • Another cause of itching can be mechanical urticaria;
  • The appearance of blisters;
  • Discomfort;
  • White coating on the base of the foreskin;
  • Burning sensation.


Before the doctor makes a diagnosis, he will examine the patient and take an anamnesis. He will also order a series of tests. Skin samples are taken and sent for analysis. Often these indicators are enough to clarify the diagnosis.

If scabies is suspected, the doctor performs the following algorithm:

  • Carries out tests with iodine;
  • Carefully examines the patient's skin;
  • Takes skin tests.

Diagnosis plan:

  • If the doctor suspects the patient has chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, then the patient is prescribed a microscopic examination of the discharge;
  • In case of allergic pathology, it is enough to conduct skin tests;
  • Dermographic urticaria is easily diagnosed. If you touch the inflamed skin of the patient, this will lead to pain and the appearance of itchy blisters;
  • Candidiasis is diagnosed by visual examination and microscopic examination of the smear;
  • When diagnosing erythrasma, the patient must be carefully examined and used in the study of the lamp and taking a smear for microscopic examination.

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If itching in the scrotum is associated with allergic reactions, then you need to contact an allergist.

He prescribes the following treatment regimen:


As a preventive measure, the patient is prescribed to avoid the following factors:

  • Do not change sexual partners often;
  • Monitor the hygiene of the intimate area;
  • Try to avoid contact with the allergen;
  • Fight against excessive sweating;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Exercise;
  • Reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • Exclude fatty, spicy, salty foods from the diet;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • temper;
  • Wash hands after visiting the street and toilet.

Scabies: symptoms

Scabies is caused by the scabies mite. Infection occurs through close contact with an infected person. To reduce the risk of contracting scabies, you must follow all the hyena measures and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Symptoms of scabies:

  • The appearance of a nonspecific rash;
  • Skin itching worse at night, after a bath;
  • Scabies are visible on the skin. They are strips of about 15 mm with a small vesicle at the end;
  • Also on the skin there are characteristic papules and weeping plaques;
  • Usually the thinnest areas on the skin suffer from a tick: the radial joint, the forearm, elbow joints, vulva, skin under the breast, the surface between the fingers;
  • The appearance of severe itching, which is due to the development of an allergy to flare excrement;
  • Itching can lead to scratching and excoriations;
  • Also, if the skin is damaged, infection with bacterial infections can occur;
  • Scabies can complicate pustular diseases.

STDs: symptoms

STD are diseases that are sexually transmitted. The incubation period for STDs is one to seven days. After this time, the patient has the first symptoms of the disease. All symptoms of diseases differ from each other and can resemble a common cold.

There are several characteristic causes that equally occur with all sexually transmitted pathologies:

  • Frequent urination;
  • Pain during urination;
  • A white and frothy discharge appears from the penis;
  • The temperature may rise;
  • Pain in appendages and testicles; In the article about a similar question was considered.
  • Pain in the lumbar region and sacrum;
  • Ulcer in the genital area;
  • Eruptions on the body.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, you need to contact a venereologist and undergo an examination. When the disease becomes chronic, it is difficult to treat. Modern methods of treatment allow you to get rid of the symptoms of STDs in a short period.

Common Factors for Itchy Eggs

First factor

Itching of the scrotum is a fairly common pathology that causes discomfort and discomfort.

The first factor in the development of itching include:

Second factor

The second factor is the presence of serious diseases or tumors. They are also accompanied by itching, pain and discomfort.

These include the following pathologies:

  • Herpes genital;
  • Pubic lice;
  • Scabies;
  • STDs;
  • Lichen;
  • Candidiasis.

These diseases are characterized by various symptoms and manifestations. You can get sexually transmitted diseases from another partner, as well as through hygiene items, bedding and underwear.


There are many reasons and factors that cause itching and discomfort in the eggs. To get rid of such a pathology, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The doctor will prescribe tests and smears, according to their results, treatment and prevention methods are prescribed.

The main thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle, have a reliable and permanent sexual partner, decide

A delicate problem, such as itching of the intimate area, is faced by most men. However, many of them prefer to remain silent about a sensitive topic. It is not worth accepting such a pathology as the norm. It is necessary to understand the reasons why eggs itch. In most cases, this is the most harmless circumstance. But only a dermatologist is able to determine in connection with what the eggs itch.

Sources of the problem

There are many reasons for discomfort in the intimate area. But should you see a doctor every time your eggs itch? Sometimes the source of the problem is so banal that it is easy to fix it yourself.

harmless reasons

Before looking for serious pathologies in the body, banal sources should be excluded. Indeed, in most cases, if the intimate area itches, it is harmless causes that become provocateurs of discomfort.

So why do eggs itch? Let's look at a number of reasons.

Regular shaving

Such discomfort can overtake men who regularly shave the genital area. Exfoliation of the epidermis (the top layer of the skin) occurs. In this case, the hairs are able to grow.

What to do in this situation? The right solution would be the use of creams and moisturizing lotions after shaving.

Teenage years

Guys of transitional age very often itch the testicles. This is not a pathology. If the body goes through the process of puberty, then hair growth increases. As you get older, the discomfort will go away on its own.

hard water

A seemingly insignificant fact can cause a problem. Often, in men, the intimate area itches due to too hard water.

If the discomfort is caused by such a source, moisturizing creams will be invaluable.


If you are already out of adolescence, and the testicles still make themselves felt with severe itching, you should look for the cause in the underwear you wear. Many synthetic materials can cause allergic reactions. In this case, it is clear why the eggs itch. The body "turns on" self-defense.

Personal hygiene

Particular attention is paid to personal hygiene. It is recommended to take a shower twice a day. This is especially true in summer. Do not forget to carefully wipe the surface of the skin after water procedures.

It is very important to change your underwear daily. If this is not done regularly, then the bacteria accumulated during the day in underwear will successfully multiply in a warm environment. Thus, bring the man to the strongest itch.


Nervous tension in men often leads to discomfort in the intimate area. Misunderstandings in the family circle, troubles in the workplace, lack of sexual life are unfavorable factors that affect the health of men.

Sometimes the intimate area itches as a result of taking certain medications. Especially if the drugs are used without competent medical advice.


If none of the above situations is the source of the problem, there is a risk of a more serious pathology. What to do in this situation and how to get rid of unpleasant symptoms can only be suggested by a dermatologist.

Let us dwell on the main causes that are often diagnosed by a doctor.

fungal disease

A rash may accompany this pathology. But even she is not obligated symptom of a fungus. After all, excruciating discomfort can be localized in the urethra itself. If you suspect that the intimate area itches for this very reason, you should urgently contact a professional doctor.

With the diagnosis, only medical complex therapy can help.

Urological and skin ailments

Serious pathologies can begin precisely with itching of the intimate zone. During the diagnosis, very dangerous skin or urological ailments are sometimes established. It could be about:

  • herpes;
  • lichen;
  • pediculosis;
  • scabies
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis.

Unfortunately, tumor processes can also give similar symptoms. Doctors state that with skin cancer of the scrotum, Paget's disease, in most cases, the area of ​​​​the testicles itches.

What should be done?

Having become acquainted with the main causes of discomfort, the question arises by itself - what to do with such a pathology? Initially, you should consult a doctor. If the intimate area itches a lot due to allergies, then the specialist will select an antihistamine that suits you. With other sources, a different therapy will be prescribed

When should you not delay a visit to the doctor?

In some patients, the main symptom is accompanied by additional signs:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • the presence of blood in the semen;
  • pain;
  • an increase in the scrotum or low tone (sagging).

In the presence of these symptoms, delaying the consultation of a doctor is tantamount to death. After all, the above signs can signal a rather dangerous disease.

I tried all the modifications of the request and different search engines, but they all led to thousands of women's forums, in which, even before my "enlightenment", women tried to unravel the mystery of men's scratches.

This means that women are even more concerned about this issue than men. And here they are, secretly, sitting on their forums, trying to "embrace the unembraced" and unravel the male secret. And they complain to each other that they say mine scratches eggs everywhere and in a club and in a cafe and in a theater, and the worst thing is at a friend’s house

Knowing the women's habit of going into the essence of the issue more than in response to this very question, I close the women's forums in horror. After the complete destruction of the brain from what I read, I forget about forums and eggs for 4 hours. Then, once again scratching the egg, I continue my research.

And, lo and behold, there is a medical answer to my question. It turns out that regular scratching of the scrotum improves the quality of sperm. As studies by scientists from the Andrological Association of Germany have shown, after sitting in one place for more than one hour, the temperature level in the scrotum area rises by an average of 2 degrees relative to the general body temperature. However, it has long been established that the production of quality sperm requires that the temperature of the testicles be slightly lower than the body temperature.

And scratching activates the tactile receptors of the skin of the scrotum and allows you to bring the temperature balance in the genital area to normal.

Often this male habit is psychogenic in nature, but even in such cases the benefits are obvious.

Scratching the groin relieves a man's internal anxiety about his sexual status. But the medical justification did not fully suit me.

And I decided to think for myself. Do you remember the cable that marks the corners? Why is the dog engaged in such a useless, at first glance, business?

And this is a very important matter, my friends. The dog has two goals:

1. marks the territory so that the bitches know that this is HE, that HE is cool and that he will have good offspring.

2. marks the territory so that other males avoid his possession. Such a signature.

What are we?

Maybe scratching eggs is not a bad habit, but a natural procedure for establishing dominant superiority?

Well, here's a living example for you: I scratched my balls, hugged the neck of my woman with the same unwashed hand, and at the level of pheromones she feels that you are her male, and she is your submissive female.

Or you say hello, with a hand that has just been scratching eggs, with some man, and then such a mini pheromone battle begins, because he also just scratched his egg.

Therefore, the male handshake procedure is common throughout the world. But women do not shake hands, because they do not have eggs.

And really, why do they scratch their scrotum?

Every woman asks herself this question at least once in her life. A curious answer to it was given in the book “I know everything about sex. And you?" Valery Saltykov ...

I was once asked why all the men scratch their crotch. I will answer directly so that there will be no further misunderstandings. No, dear ladies, these are not nerves and not scabies, and even more so, not irritation from unwashedness, and even mandavos have nothing to do with it either - these are problems with the blood circulation of the scrotum due to the tightness of the underwear.

Yes, the answer is simple, so you don't have to think of anything else... If the testicles are warm, then the scrotum straightens the folds to increase the heat transfer area. Ideally, at this moment, the blood begins to circulate in a large circle, the temperature of the testicles quickly returns to normal.

But this is ideal. But in fact, the folds pinched by the linen do not open the sail, and the blood stagnates, and therefore, microthrombi are formed, which must be kneaded, massaged and scratched.

Sexual arousal can also provoke a rise in temperature in the perineum, so dear ladies, if in your presence a man scratches and pulls his scrotum, then you are his type, and the process of arousal is running.

P.S. Well, like everything! Men - scratch your eggs and take care of them, remember that you can only have one egg between your legs, but women can have many of them !!

The true cause of itching in the testicles can only be established by a dermatologist during a face-to-face visit to him, as well as after passing the tests that he will prescribe for you. But is it worth it to immediately run to the doctor when itchy or, because a small itch in this area most often occurs in many men for a variety of harmless reasons.

Why eggs itch: reasons

If you have not contacted a dermatologist, it remains to guess about the causes of itching in the testicles.

  • During adolescence, puberty is accompanied by an increase in the size of the testicles and then the appearance of pubic hair. Hair growth in this area can be the reason why eggs itch during adolescence. There is nothing terrible in this. Everything will pass by itself.
  • In adulthood, itching in the testicles can be caused by an allergy to the material of clothing, underwear, and tight pants. Try changing your underwear, watching yourself at home when you're not wearing tight jeans.
  • Violation of personal hygiene is a very common problem of itching in the testicles. Be sure to take a shower once a day, change your underwear more often.
  • Against the background of stress, neurological disorders, there are problems with the fact that the whole body or its individual zones, for example, the testicles, itches.
  • In addition to the usual factors, the testicles can also itch from serious skin diseases, urological diseases. Lichen, pubic pediculosis, blockage of the sebaceous glands and other diseases for someone become a real problem not only itching in the testicles.

Itchy testicles: pubic pediculosis

Pubic pediculosis can simply be called lice. Lice are usually found in the pubic hair, around the anus and on the genitals, which is why eggs itch in men. It is extremely rare that lice appear on the chest, abdomen, covered with hair. It is easy to get pubic lice from a sick partner during sexual intercourse. Lice move through the hair from one to another. But this is not the only way to get infected with pubic pediculosis. Infection can occur through bedding or underpants. But that's not all. Pubic lice are picked up in public baths, in saunas, and even in swimming pools.

Pediculosis pubis is treated simply. But it is often accompanied by sexually transmitted diseases: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others. Do you think these things are unrelated? How connected! The area in the genital area damaged by lice is open to any infections, it easily misses them! That's why it's so important to see a doctor when your eggs itch.

Many men face the problem of itching of the intimate zone, considering what is happening to be the norm. In some cases, irritation occurs in connection with a serious illness. Why does egg skin itch?
Factors that cause itching of the skin of eggs in men
There can be many reasons for itching. It is necessary to analyze and find out the real cause, excluding pathologies.
Factors that cause the phenomenon when the skin itches:
  • Shaving. Constant shaving of the genitals leads to desquamation of the upper layer of the skin. The result is irritation.
  • Water. If the water is hard, after taking a shower, an unpleasant sensation in the form of itching may appear.
  • Linen. The cause of irritation can be clothes that are too tight or contain synthetic fibers.
  • Body care. In the summer, showers must be taken at least 2 times a day. After all, bacteria that multiply well in a warm environment can cause genital itching.
  • Stress. Psycho-emotional stress can cause skin irritation.
  • Fungus. Fungal diseases of the genital organs of men can also provoke itching.
  • Diseases. The occurrence of itching of intimate organs can be a precursor of: herpes, lichen, pediculosis, scabies, seborrhea, psoriasis, kidney disease and scrotum cancer.
With constant discomfort, a man needs to contact a specialist to conduct an examination of the body and identify the cause of the disease.

Treatment of itchy skin of eggs in men
Treatment begins with finding out the exact cause of the irritation. Depending on the disease, one or another method is used:
1. Allergy. The allergen is eliminated (underwear, food, etc.).
2. Candidiasis. Clotrimazole, Intraconazole are prescribed, with a diet and daily baths with herbs.
3. Scabies. Crotamiton and Lindane are used.
4. Herpes. Acyclovir and Famciclovir are prescribed.
5. Chlamydia. Azithromycin and Macropen are used. Additionally, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the immune system: Decaris and others.
During treatment, regardless of the cause of the disease, it is necessary to: wear underwear made from natural fabrics, treat intimate places with powder or cream, refuse to visit the pool and bath.
A timely visit to a doctor will help relieve the symptoms of itching of the skin of the eggs and protect against possible complications (infertility, impotence).

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