The purpose of the trench collar, how to choose and wear. Orthopedics Splint-collar of the Shants type - "The use of the Shants collar ORTO for cervical osteochondrosis (instructions, composition, care rules, how to put on, how long to wear, price)" Collar for neck treatment

A collar for the neck will help relieve pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical region. The Shants collar does not allow sudden movements that are fraught with pinched nerve roots. Muscle tension goes away, intervertebral discs are released. Oxygen begins to flow normally to the brain, due to which the head stops hurting and blood pressure rises. Almost any patient, even a child, can use a medical collar.

The Shants cervical collar, a device invented by orthopedists to support the neck when the muscles for some reason can't handle the tension, is a tight, minimally elastic splint worn around the cervical region. As a result, the muscles can relax, and the vertebrae remain in their physiological position.

The Shants collar stretches the neck, freeing up space for the intervertebral discs and nerve roots that were previously clamped.

The classic of such a product is a polyurethane foam strip covered with a fabric shell. There is a place for the chin in the front, the product is fastened at the back. Another version of the corset is an inflatable collar, which, when inflated, smoothly stretches the cervical region. Frees up more space for discs and vessels. If degenerative-dystrophic processes have affected the cervical spine, such products provide assistance in complex treatment with medications and exercise therapy exercises.

Operating principle

In the acute period of osteochondrosis of the neck, even a slight turn of the head ends in pain. A person has to make sure that no sudden movements occur. He tries to take a position in which the neck moves the least. And a neck collar is needed for this, and besides:

  • Does not allow the cervical region to move, bend, bend, turn;
  • Relieves tension from the muscles;
  • Does not allow the vertebrae to squeeze the intervertebral discs;
  • Does not allow the vertebrae to rub against each other;
  • Relieves cervical pain syndrome;
  • Smoothly warms up and massages;
  • Improves blood circulation in the deformed part of the ridge;
  • Provides normal access of oxygen, due to which the head stops hurting and blood pressure rises;
  • Removes psychological discomfort, fear of sudden movement and pain.

How to wear

In order for the orthopedic product to perform its functions and help cure cervical osteochondrosis, you need to properly select and operate the collar. You can unload the muscles and reduce the force pressing on the discs when the chin is supported, and the lower part of the collar rests on the clavicular region.

You need to pay attention to your feelings. Make sure that the new collar really helps to fight pain and effectively restrict cervical movement. Only then will it help to treat osteochondrosis.

If there is discomfort during wearing, the treatment may even be harmful.

It is advisable to wear a collar during exercise therapy. At these moments, sudden movements are possible, the result of which will be a pinched nerve. A fitted collar will save you from pinching the nerve roots. It is also necessary to wear it when you sit for a long time - in static poses, the tension of the neck muscles greatly increases.

How to choose

Only a qualified podiatrist can recommend which model of treatment neck collar to use. If it is chosen incorrectly, the patient's situation can only worsen. So, if it is too tight, your head will hurt, you will start to feel sick, and your blood pressure will rise. Such effects will occur because the patient will not have enough air. And if the Shants collar is too loose, it will not have the desired effect.

  • Also read:

Elastic or inflatable collars should be used. If the product has stiffening ribs made of plastic or metal, it is suitable only in the post-traumatic period.

How effective the collar will be, correlates with how correctly it is chosen in height. In the front part, the collar should hold the lower jaw, at the bottom - create an emphasis on the clavicular region. Behind, he should hold the bottom of the back of the head. How wide the collar is in turn is not that important - it can usually be adjusted when you button it up.

Before you buy a product, you need to measure the distance from the clavicular region to the chin.

The length of the circumference of the neck also needs to be measured. Collars are presented in four size categories, within which the width can be adjusted by fastening. It is advisable to buy it only in a specialized store or at least a pharmacy.

Have you bought an orthopedic collar and have doubts about how to properly fix it on your neck? It is done like this:

  • The middle part is applied to the front;
  • The collar wraps around;
  • Fastened with Velcro under the back of the head, with fixation of the neck, but without pinching it.

To clarify how correctly the product is dressed, you need to try to insert your finger between the collar and the skin. In this case, the fixation should be good, and the patient does not have the opportunity to tilt or turn the neck. It must always be kept straight without muscular effort. The fasteners should be exactly in the back in the middle - this ensures the symmetry of the fixation. If, after some time, the model did not begin to bring discomfort, and the pain syndrome began to go away, then you are using the collar correctly.

Operating rules

Shants' gate is not contraindicated to anyone. It is used even in the case of an infant. However, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Do not wear a splint all the time, the muscles may atrophy;
  • It is best to use the device twice a day, in the morning and evening for an hour and a half, or when a pain attack begins;
  • In general, it is undesirable for the daily use time to exceed three hours;
  • It is permissible to wear an orthosis even when osteochondrosis has become chronic, but then it is better to put it on only before bedtime so that the stress accumulated during the day goes away;
  • It is unacceptable to fix the collar too tightly, otherwise it will block blood circulation and oxygen access to the body;
  • The therapeutic course lasts from two weeks to four months. If the disease is severe, with complications, doctors may recommend wearing it longer;
  • It is not recommended to take a horizontal position using the Shants collar. Moreover, sleep with this type of orthopedic product on is unacceptable.

The cervical spine is more prone to osteochondrosis than other departments. This is due to the physiological features of the structure of the spinal column. The fact is that the vertebrae in this section are smaller than others, but they are very mobile, constantly tense and provide normal blood supply to the brain. To alleviate the patient's condition and help him get rid of the disease, the Shants collar is used for cervical osteochondrosis.

What is the Shants cervical collar

For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, a special splint is used, which is better known as the Shants collar. This soft elastic bandage that ensures the correct position and fixation of the cervical vertebrae. The Shants collar is made of durable elastic material that repeats the physiological curve of the neck and the chin notch, and has a reliable lock at the back.

Most often, polyurethane foam is used as an internal filler, a special synthetic material that does not cause allergies in humans with prolonged contact with the skin. For patient comfort, many splint models have interchangeable covers made of cotton fabric.

Depending on the stiffness of the collar and the materials used, there are several types of neck bandages:

  • soft type;
  • semi-rigid type;
  • hard.

According to the type of impact on the cervical spine, several types are also distinguished:

  • fully inflatable;
  • partially inflatable;
  • metal.

The fully inflatable Shants collar is made of a special material that is inflated with air to the rigid state required for this particular patient. Inflating the collar is carried out in the presence of a doctor. A half-inflatable collar works on the same principle, in which pockets with air are located between the strips of the main material.

Metal and plastic bandage is used during the rehabilitation period after severe surgical interventions or injuries. It is also worth noting that for inflatable bandages, the degree of compression of the spine and the duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician.

To eliminate problems with the cervical spine, most often a special soft Shants collar is used. As practice shows, this orthopedic product is most often used for elderly patients who are especially susceptible to age-related changes in bone tissues, as well as children with a pronounced clinical picture of muscular torticollis.

You can buy a bandage in a specialized orthopedic goods store, or you can make it yourself from improvised means. To make it, you will need a small piece of natural fabric, the width of which is equal to the height of the neck multiplied by 2.

The length of the cut corresponds to the circumference of the neck with a margin of 2-3 cm. A bag is sewn from the fabric, which is filled with cotton wool, padding polyester or other soft material. Behind the collar should be fixed with buttons or Velcro.

The main condition for the effective use of the Shants bandage is the correct size of the product. Modern Shants orthopedic bandages have a universal size, thanks to Velcro fasteners. Many models are equipped with an additional removable cover that can be removed and washed.

Indications and contraindications

The Shants collar is indicated for use in diseases such as:

  • muscular torticollis in newborns;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • myositis;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • spondylosis.
  • severe instability of the vertebrae;
  • propensity to dermatological diseases and rashes in the collar area.

The Shants collar is approved for use by patients of all ages. ranging from newborns to the elderly.

How to choose the size of the Shants collar

Many patients are sure that they can prescribe a bandage for themselves and buy it on their own, but this position is far from correct. It is best to ask for the help of a consultant in a specialized orthopedic store, who will help you choose a really high-quality and useful thing.

While the neck contour of the collar can be adjusted using Velcro, the height of the bandage itself is very individual for each patient. In front, the Shants bandage should be under the chin, and the chin itself should be fixed in a special recess. Behind, the collar runs along the line of the base of the skull.

The patient's finger should freely enter between the Shants collar and the skin.. The splint must be fixed in such a way that it does not block the blood flow to the brain and does not disturb the physiological curves of the spine.

How to wear a Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis

The Shants tire for the neck is an effective and affordable remedy, but before you start using it, you must definitely discuss all the nuances of its use with your doctor. Ideally, it is recommended to wear a collar for the first time in a hospital, under the guidance of the attending physician.

Before putting on the Shants collar, the skin in this place should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap, and also dried with a towel so as not to provoke the development of diaper rash and fungal infections.

If the first signs of an inflammatory process appear under the collar, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this, as well as to carry out antiseptic treatment of wounds using drying agents. With the right choice of model:

  • the patient cannot make free tilts of the head forward and backward with a fixed neck;
  • the height of the bandage should clearly correspond to the size of the neck (from below - the base of the neck, from above - the base of the skull);
  • the collar fits snugly to the neck, but does not squeeze it.

The duration of the daily wearing of the collar and the duration of the course of treatment is determined individually for each patient. For some patients, several months of wearing the Shants splint for 1.5-2 hours daily is enough, while other patients wear it throughout their lives, removing it only while swimming.

To achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect, wearing a neck brace is supplemented with a course of physiotherapy and massage.

Good day, dear friends!

Today I want to start a conversation with you about selling orthopedic products. I know that you are afraid to sell

Because orthopedic products seem too complicated to you, and you are afraid of doing harm by offering something wrong.

Yes, and for some reason they can’t make a presentation. Everything seems to be clear, but when you start talking about them to the buyer, it comes out somehow clumsily. Is there such a thing?

How do I know all this, you ask? First, I teach the chief saints, and they share their fears and doubts with me.

Secondly, I was a long time ago too 🙂 And I was terribly afraid of orthopedic products. Because no one taught us then. And they raised a lot of questions!

So let's deal with them. And we'll start with the spine. Namely, from his cervical region. In general, let's go "from above".

Do you know what I'm thinking now? "Whoever has something hurts, he talks about it." I sit at the computer, I knock on the keys, and my neck aches mercilessly. 🙂 I understand that I need to put on the Shants tire, but I can’t tear myself away.

No, I'll still go and put it on.

Well, that's a completely different matter.

So, get acquainted:

She is soft headband.

She is Shants collar.

She is bandage on the cervical spine.

She is the rescue for hardcore PC users like me. 🙂

When is it needed?

  1. For pain in the neck resulting from prolonged work at the computer.
  2. With cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. After a session of manual therapy.
  4. With cervical myositis. Surely it happened to you that you wake up in the morning, and your neck is “jammed”. Here it is, dear, and it is.
  5. For use in the late period of rehabilitation after injuries of the cervical spine.

How is it arranged?

Most often, the Shants tire is made of soft polyurethane foam, has an anatomical shape and Velcro fastener.

polyurethane foam(PPU) is a soft cellular material filled with air. Once, during the Soviet Union, it was produced by the Scandinavian company Porolon, hence they began to call PPU foam rubber.

Some models have plastic insert which provides a stronger hold. This may be necessary for very severe pain in the neck or instability of the cervical vertebrae, which threatens to pinch the roots of the spinal cord. Or after surgery on the cervical spine.

How does it work"?

Due to the fact that the Shants tire has a thickness of approximately 2 cm, it fixes the cervical spine in the correct position . This normalizes blood circulation and accelerates the restoration of damaged structures. This time.

Polyurethane foam layer has a warming effect on the neck area. thermal effect relaxes tense muscles which is often the cause of the pain. The muscle spasm "gone", and with it the pain.

In addition, remember that in the cervical spine there are arteries that provide nutrition to the brain?

If there is a muscle spasm, the vessels are compressed, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed. From here we get headaches, dizziness, tinnitus. If the muscles are relaxed, the blood supply is restored and the brain receives its nutrients again. These painful symptoms are reduced.

The warming effect improves blood circulation in the cervical spine, resulting in improved nutrition of the damaged area of ​​the spine, faster recovery or faster exacerbation of a chronic disease is removed.

What are Shants tires?

I already told you that there are Shants tires with or without a plastic insert.

You can also see Shants tires for adults, children and babies. Yes, yes, and there is a soft head holder for them too. Most often, it is prescribed to them with muscular torticollis or after a birth injury.

When what?

Orthopedic products differ from each other in the degree of rigidity, and hence the degree of fixation.

Remember one principle of prescribing orthopedic products:

The more serious the problem, the stronger the hold.

Therefore, I repeat, with severe pain in the neck, with the threat of squeezing the roots of the spinal cord, after operations, a Shants splint with a plastic insert is needed. However, most often this is a medical prescription.

Much more popular is the usual soft Shants tire. When to recommend it, I have already said above.

How to choose the size?

As you understand, necks are different: long-short, thin-thick. Therefore, two sizes must be removed.

Neck height is measured like this. We ask the visitor to keep his head straight. Then we take a centimeter tape and measure the distance from the angle of the lower jaw (a protrusion on the lower jaw 1-1.5 cm down from the earlobe) to the collarbone. This is the height of the neck.

Now we need to measure neck circumference. To do this, we lead a centimeter tape at the base of the neck above the jugular fossa.

Try on a Shants tire for the customer. Pay attention to whether his cheeks are “lying” on Shantz's tire? If there is a little :-), then you need to take a bandage of a lower height. The same should be done if the head in the Shants tire is slightly raised up.

How long to wear it?

When a buyer asks you this question, be sure to specify:

Usually it is worn for no more than 3-4 hours in a row, preferably 30 minutes with breaks of 10-15 minutes.

You will ask why? Because as a result of prolonged fixation, muscle atrophy develops, and your own muscles cease to play the role of a natural frame. This leads to instability of the cervical vertebrae and threatens with complications.

Buyer Information

How to wear

It depends on the tasks that the bandage must solve.

  • With severe pain, instability of the vertebrae, the task is to prevent complications, relieve pain. Wear as much as the doctor says.
  • With muscle tension, aching pain - periodically during the day with exercise, i.e. while working on the computer.
  • After a manual therapy session - as a rule, the Shants splint is recommended for 2 hours after the session.
  • And for babies with muscular torticollis, doctors recommend constant wear. Remove only when swimming.

How to care

If this product has a removable cover, it is washed only he in the usual way. PU foam usually takes a long time to dry.

If there is no such cover, then wash bandages by hand at a temperature of 30 degrees without chlorine-containing substances. Do not wring, dry flat, away from heaters and direct sunlight. If all this is not observed, then it will lose its shape and stop "working".

Task for you

And now that you know everything, try to tell the buyer about the Shants tire yourself, who complains of tension and aching pain in the neck during prolonged work at the computer. In general, me. 🙂

Then you can look at the answer.

To relieve pain and tension in the neck, I recommend that you soft shantz collar.

It has a warming effect, and the heat relaxes the neck muscles, which relieves pain. After all, with prolonged sitting at the computer, the cause of pain is just a muscle spasm.

The Shants tire is made of hypoallergenic materials, therefore does not cause skin irritation. It is fixed with reliable and convenient Velcro fasteners.

And I also have one question for you (the last one): I ask you to think and say, when selling which drugs you can offer the Shants splint?

You ask, I answer:

This concludes our first lesson. Do you have any questions? What information was missing? Maybe there is something to add? Did you like it? 🙂

Write here in the comments.

Next time we will “go down” the spine below and analyze for the thoracic spine. OK?

And you can purchase an exclusive basic course for pharmacy staff on orthopedic products here.

See you again on the blog for hard workers!

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

Among people over the age of 45, a disease such as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is very common. Unfortunately, in recent years, even younger people have begun to experience this disease. Wearing a Shants collar (or head holder) is one of the most effective means in the fight against pathology.

Tire Collar Shants- an orthopedic remedy for cervical osteochondrosis.

Why do children and adults need such a corset? How to wear a collar? Below you can find the answers.

Indications for use

Many are interested in whether the use of the Shants collar helps in the treatment of osteochondrosis, what is its benefit for the neck, and whether there are contraindications. Doctors prescribe the use of a head holder for a number of diseases or complications. If it becomes necessary to choose a certain type of collar for a child or an adult, then you should first familiarize yourself with indications:

  1. Cervical hernia. Age-related changes, injuries, neglect of a healthy lifestyle, osteochondrosis entail degradation of the internal structure of the vertebrae.
  2. Torticollis in newborns. This is a congenital pathology. The neck turns normally to the right side, and almost does not turn to the left. Often torticollis progresses to short neck syndrome. Male infants are at risk.
  3. Myositis. This is inflammation of the neck muscles, which occurs due to infection, muscle strain, infections, injuries, hypothermia, etc.
  4. Vertebral instability. Even a slight turn of the head is associated with severe pain due to the pathological mobility of the cervical vertebrae.
  5. Complications that occur during gestation and after pregnancy. Associated with malfunctions of the central nervous system.
  6. Separate varieties of oppression of the nervous system.
  7. The period of rehabilitation after surgery on the muscles or vertebrae of the cervical region.
  8. Subluxation of the cervical vertebra. This pathology is associated with a significant displacement of one or more vertebrae. Most often, the first vertebra supporting the head, otherwise called the atlas, becomes the victim of subluxation.
  9. vertebral artery syndrome. Atypical sensations appear in the neck, which are aggravated by tilting and turning the head. The syndrome is accompanied by dizziness, severe headaches, vomiting and nausea.
  10. Persistent Neck Fatigue Syndrome. It often accompanies static work (like violinists, for example), in which there is a permanent tension in the muscles of the neck and back. In this case, immobilization with a collar may be necessary.
  11. Injuries. The use of a headband complements the basic methods of treating cervical spine injury, and the collar becomes a rehabilitation tool.

There are three main areas of therapy when a patient is prescribed to wear a Shants collar:

  1. Auxiliary agent in the treatment of diseases of the muscles and vertebrae of the neck.
  2. Pain reliever and fatigue due to a sedentary lifestyle associated with the systematic tension of the neck muscles. The reason may be sitting at the computer for a long time, etc.
  3. A tool that speeds up recovery during the postoperative recovery period.

Shants collar video:

Varieties of collars

A soft splint is often referred to as a semi-rigid collar because it is gentle on the cervical vessels and vertebrae. In some situations, rigid tires are used. The degree of softness has become the basis for the most popular classification of collars:

  • soft(these are the predominantly used Shants collars);
  • semi-rigid;
  • tough.

Depending on what material was used for manufacturing, clamps are:

  • plastic or metal rigid structures. Used to treat difficult cases;
  • inflatable. For production, a very elastic dense material is used.

As for the exterior, the collars are cotton-gauze or foam.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the asymmetrical collars used to treat torticollis in children. These products are reinforced on one side, because such collars are needed to correct a pathology in which the neck does not turn in one direction.

Rules for choosing a Shants collar

It is necessary to take into account what stage of development the disease has reached in order to choose the right orthopedic product. In addition, the following factors are of great importance:

  • collar size. Depends on individual characteristics;
  • The purpose of using the collar and indications for its use;
  • How to properly dress and how to wear a headband throughout the day;
  • The duration of the course of treatment. The patient must know how long to wear the product;
  • How long to use the collar to achieve a quick effect;
  • Possibility to lie in the collar;
  • The ability to sleep in the collar without removing it;
  • The age of the patient and the lifestyle that he leads;
  • Features of choosing a head holder for children and adults;
  • The ability to wash the product, the method of washing and further care;
  • How to choose a certain type of collar from several options (see photo).

Important information: you need to consult a specialist if you want to make the right choice and choose the right tire size. In addition, it is important not to lose sight of many other significant nuances.

Remember cervical osteochondrosis This is a complex disease, and each patient has a different course of the disease. You should not choose a collar yourself, and the questions that have arisen should be asked to the attending doctor.


Many people often ask the burning question about the price of a head holder. How much does Shants' collar cost? The cost depends on the purpose of the collar (products for adults are more expensive than cotton-gauze children's) and, of course, on the manufacturer.

How to use the Shants collar

The tire cannot be hidden under clothing, because the collar looks like a collar. When wearing, the product must be protected from moisture, dirt, etc. It is important not only to correctly determine the size, but also to familiarize yourself with the instructions described in the instructions. rules for using the product:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash and dry the skin of the neck, because the collar is worn exclusively on the naked body.
  2. It is necessary to wear a splint as soon as pain appears after prolonged muscle tension, or 2 times a day. In the second case, the head holder is put on for 1.5-2 hours after getting up and for 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  3. The course of therapy lasts from two weeks to a month.

Attention! Wearing a collar for too long causes the neck muscles to weaken and lose their function. In this case, the treatment becomes ineffective.

As for the care of the product, you can only wash the tire with your hands in cool water. As a detergent, the instructions allow only baby soap. Dry the collar in a natural way, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight.

How to put on a Shants collar

The technique of applying the bandage-holder must be performed correctly, and for this it is worth observing specific algorithm:

  1. A person in a head holder can breathe freely without feeling pressure on the vessels or suffocation.
  2. The height of the collar fully corresponds to the length of the neck. The length is measured from the base to the jaw in front and from the base to the beginning of the occipital bone in the back.
  3. The lower part of the tire rests completely on the collarbone, and the upper part continuously maintains the normal position of the head, performing the direct function of the head holder. The neck muscles should not tense up.
  4. Any finger easily passes between the tissue and the skin of the neck.

The main criterion to be considered is own feelings. Of course, some unusual sensations will be present for some time. Then wearing the collar will become comfortable if the rules of imposition are followed.

Actions and benefits of the Shants collar

The soft gauze splint continuously maintains the normal position of the head. This is the principle of the collar. Wearing the product gives the neck muscles and vertebrae the opportunity to rest and recover in the period after an injury or illness.

Unloading the soft tissues and vertebrae of the neck produces a therapeutic effect. The collar supports the head in one position, relieving tension caused by movements and turns of the head. For this reason, such bandages should be used in the treatment of various diseases, for example, a hernia of the cervical spine.

The use of a soft splint can provide some advantages:

  1. No severe discomfort during use. The patient quickly gets used to the head holder.
  2. No side effects. The main condition is to follow the rules of wearing.
  3. The recovery time after an illness or surgery is significantly reduced.

Do not forget: the Shants collar is only an aid. The main therapy is different. These are massages, the use of medicines, etc. The splint must be correctly put on and worn correctly so that the vertebrae and muscles receive support during therapy or during the rehabilitation period.

The use of a collar in the treatment of children

Difficult childbirth, caesarean section, congenital pathologies can cause the child to:

  • neck muscles may be affected;
  • vertebral injury occurs;
  • torticollis appears.

Each case is individual, and the course of treatment depends on it. Often given to infants use of the Shants collar. You can buy a product even the smallest size. Occasionally, a splint is made to order if a serious injury has occurred or if the individual characteristics of a small patient require it. In this case, the splint is ideally suited to the parameters of the child's neck.

The choice of a head holder and the way it is worn must fully comply with the doctor's recommendations. One session lasts several hours (sometimes a day), then you need to take a break. Hygiene is of great importance: both the skin of the newborn and the surface of the collar must be perfectly clean.

Contraindications and alternatives

The advantage of using a splint is that there are practically no contraindications to wearing a collar. Even after surgery on the cervical (and other parts) of the spine or after a stroke, patients are prescribed to wear a collar. However, there are several reasons that preclude the use of a head holder:

  1. Anomalies in the structure, when the neck is either too short or too long.
  2. Severe instability of the vertebrae. In this case, experts make more radical decisions.
  3. Allergies, itching, rash and other skin reactions.

Often patients are interested in what alternative options exist in the presence of contraindications. You can make a special order, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. Of course, this will affect the cost. In addition, medical equipment stores offer a number of analogues that may be suitable in case of an allergy.

You can make a corset with your own hands if you need to relax your neck muscles.

You will need:

  • a small plastic jar;
  • natural hypoallergenic fabric;
  • Velcro fasteners (width - 1 cm, length - 5 cm).

How to make a homemade tire:

  1. Measure the height and circumference of the neck.
  2. Cut out a rectangle from the fabric. The width should be 30 cm, the length should be 2 cm more than the circumference.
  3. Fold the fabric inward. The width should vary from 10 to 12 cm.
  4. Cut a strip out of the jar. The width of the strip should be less than the width of the fabric by 2 cm.
  5. Apply the fabric to the side adjacent to the neck, then apply the plastic strip. The outer layer is Velcro that fixes the tire. The edges of the plastic strip must be completely covered with a cloth, otherwise there is a risk of cuts.

Of course, such a remedy can only be a temporary measure in an emergency. If neck pain bothers you all the time, hurry up to see a specialist. Pain can not only cause discomfort, but also indicate the initial stage of osteochondrosis and other insidious diseases.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Constant pain in the neck, as well as fatigue associated with the peculiarities of the work regime, are effectively eliminated by wearing a Shants collar. The product is applied in the morning and in the evening and is worn for no more than a month. It has a relaxing healing effect and relieves pain.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very common disease. It is found mainly in the age group over 45 years old, but recently younger ages have often been affected by this pathology. One of the most effective means of treatment is wearing a Shants collar. About why it is needed for adults and children and how to wear it correctly, you will learn right now.

Shants collar: indications for use

Questions are often asked, how does wearing a Shants collar help with osteochondrosis, in what cases does it benefit the neck, and are there any contraindications. Before choosing a specific type of product for an adult or a child, you should familiarize yourself with those diseases or complications in which the use of a collar (it is also called a head holder) is prescribed by the attending physicians:

  • immobilization with a collar is often used to relieve the syndrome of constant neck fatigue, especially due to the systematic tension of its muscles (for example, in the work of a violinist);
  • the product is used in the treatment of subluxation of the cervical vertebra, which is observed with a strong displacement of one or more vertebrae; the atlas is most often affected by pathology - the first vertebra that supports the head;
  • the use of a collar in case of injury of the cervical spine is always combined with the main methods of treatment; the collar in this case performs the function of a means of rehabilitation;
  • vertebral artery syndrome - in addition to extraneous sensations in the neck, aggravated by turning and tilting the head, this pathology is accompanied by severe headaches, dizziness, and even bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • a hernia of the cervical region is a destruction of the internal structure of the vertebral bone, which occurs due to injuries or against the background of osteochondrosis, an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as age-related causes;
  • myositis - inflammatory processes in the skeletal muscles of the neck, which develop against the background of hypothermia, injuries, infectious diseases, excessive stress and other causes;
  • after surgery on the bones and / or muscles of the cervical spine;
  • torticollis in newborns - a congenital abnormality in which the neck fully turns to the right, but practically does not turn to the left; at risk - boys; often torticollis begins to develop as a short neck syndrome;
  • vertebral instability - pathological mobility of the cervical vertebrae, in which severe pain is observed even if the head turns are insignificant;
  • various complications during and after pregnancy due to complications of the central nervous system;
  • some types of depression of the nervous system.

The Shants collar allows for quick recovery of the neck after osteochondrosis

Thus, it is possible to distinguish 3 groups of patients who can be prescribed a Shants collar:

  1. A remedy for an auxiliary effect in the treatment of diseases of the cervical vertebrae and muscles.
  2. Rehabilitation measure for fast postoperative recovery.
  3. Means for relieving pain, feelings of fatigue due to improper lifestyle (long work at the computer, constant neck tension, etc.).

Varieties of collars

Most often, the collar has a soft fixing effect on the vertebrae and blood vessels of the neck, so it is often called a soft splint. Some variants use rigid tires. It is on this that the most common classification of Shants collars is based:

  • soft (most common);
  • semi-rigid;
  • tough.

Depending on the material of execution, there are such products:

  • inflatable - made of dense material, which has great elasticity;
  • rigid structures made of metal or plastic - for the treatment of more complex cases.

On the outside, there are foam rubber and cotton-gauze collars.

Asymmetrical collars belong to a separate class. They are intended for children (treatment of torticollis). Since such collars are needed to correct the deviation of the neck to one side, they are reinforced on one side, which is why they got such a name.

Collar selection rules

To choose the right orthopedic product, you should consider the stage of development of the disease, as well as take into account such important points:

  • collar size (determined individually);
  • what are its indications for use and why it needs a collar;
  • how to use the collar depending on the age of the patient, his lifestyle;
  • how to properly dress and wear the product during the day;
  • is it possible to sleep in it without taking it off;
  • is it possible to lie in it;
  • how long to wear a collar to get a quick result;
  • how long to wear (i.e. duration of therapy)
  • how to choose a specific product from several types of collars;
  • are there any features of the selection of a collar for adults and for children;
  • is it possible to wash the collar, and if so, how to wash and care for it so that the product lasts as long as possible.

Note! To choose the right tire size and take into account other important points, you should always consult with your doctor. Self-selection in this case will not help, since cervical osteochondrosis is a complex disease that has its own developmental features in each case. Therefore, all of these questions should be clarified with a specialist.

collar prices

One of the most frequently asked questions: how much does a Chance collar cost, and what determines the cost of such products. Approximate prices for some popular models are presented in the table.

The price depends on the manufacturer, as well as on the purpose of the product - children's tires are cheaper than adults.

How to use the Shants collar

Outwardly, the collar looks like a collar - it is almost impossible to hide it under clothes. Therefore, when wearing it, you should protect it from exposure to precipitation, dust and other adverse factors. Along with how to determine the size, it is important to immediately understand the rules for wearing a tire, which are always detailed in the instructions for use:

  1. The collar is always worn on the naked body, while the neck must be thoroughly rinsed and wiped dry.
  2. You need to put on a splint when pain occurs (after a working day) or twice a day: after waking up and before going to bed for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. One wearing session should not exceed 3 hours.
  4. The course of treatment is from a crescent to a month.

Note! Do not abuse too long (more than the period prescribed by the doctor) wearing. In this case, the therapeutic effect can be completely leveled by the fact that the neck muscles will be greatly weakened and then will not be able to perform their functions for a long time.

You can wash the collar only according to the instructions: in cool water with baby soap and only by hand. The collar is dried in its natural form, without direct sunlight.

Criteria for the correct imposition of the Shants collar

In order to check if the splinting technique has been performed correctly, several criteria should be considered, which must all be performed at the same time:

  1. Breathing freely, without difficulty. There is no feeling of light suffocation and/or pressure on the blood vessels.
  2. Any one finger freely passes between the neck and the tissue surface.
  3. In height, the collar should ideally correspond to the length of the neck: from the base to the beginning of the occipital bone at the back and the jaw bone from the side of the face.
  4. On the bottom of the tire should lie completely on the collarbone. The top constantly ensures the normal position of the head (without tension of the neck muscles). That is why the collar is called a head holder - this is its direct function.

It is important to always focus on your feelings. In the first few weeks, a habit will form, so the appearance of extraneous sensations is inevitable. Subsequently, compliance with the rules for imposing a splint practically guarantees its comfortable wearing.

How the Shants collar works and its benefits

The principle of operation of a soft splint is based on the fact that the collar constantly supports the head in a normal position. As a result, the cervical vertebrae and muscles get extra time to rest and have time to recover from illness or injury.

Therapeutic effect due to the unloading of the cervical vertebrae and soft tissues from constant tension associated with head movements, turns, and also by keeping it in one position. This explains why it is necessary to use such head holders in the treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine and other diseases.

The use of a soft tire provides a number of advantages:

  1. Recovery after serious illnesses, as well as the period of postoperative recovery, is significantly accelerated.
  2. The tool has no side effects, subject to all the rules of wearing.
  3. The collar does not cause much discomfort - you can get used to it quickly enough.

Note! The Shants collar is always prescribed as an auxiliary remedy (the main therapy is medicines, massage, etc.). It should be learned how to properly put on and wear so that the muscles of the neck and cervical vertebrae receive additional rest during illness or postoperative recovery.

The use of a collar in the treatment of children

Pathologies of a congenital nature, caesarean section, difficult childbirth can lead to the fact that the child:

  • neck muscles are damaged;
  • cervical vertebrae are injured;
  • torticollis develops.

The course of therapy is applied depending on the specific case, but often babies are prescribed to wear a Shants collar. As a rule, acquiring a product of the smallest size is a real challenge. In rare cases (with individual features of the anatomy of the neck or severe injuries), you can order a product specifically for the parameters of the child's neck.

The choice and rules for wearing a splint are strictly agreed with the doctor. As a rule, one session takes several hours (up to a day), then small breaks are made. In the case of newborns, hygiene of the baby's skin and the surface of the head holder is of fundamental importance. Delaying the course of treatment is fraught with muscle atrophy, due to which the child will not be able to hold the head above the surface for a long time.

the selection and mode of wearing a collar by a baby requires mandatory agreement with the doctor

Shants collar: contraindications and alternatives

There are practically no contraindications to wearing a splint - it is often prescribed even to seriously ill patients who have had a stroke or surgery on the cervical and other parts of the spinal column. However, there are 2 groups of reasons that exclude wearing a Shants collar:

  1. Skin rash, allergic reactions, itching and other skin diseases.
  2. Instability of the cervical vertebrae, which has a strong dynamics of development. In these cases, resort to more drastic measures.
  3. Abnormal features of the structure of the neck (too long or vice versa, too short).

Often questions are asked how to replace the collar in case of contraindications. Usually you can use the order of an individual product for specific features of the neck, which increases the cost of the purchase. At the same time, there are a number of other analogues in the medical equipment store that can be used in the presence of allergic reactions. Again, the choice of another model must be agreed with the doctor without fail.

In the case when you need to relieve tension in the muscles of the neck after a hard day's work, you can make a corset with your own hands. To do this, take:

  • Velcro fasteners (50 mm long and 10 mm wide);
  • natural fabric that will not cause allergies;
  • small plastic jar.

The technology for manufacturing your own tire is as follows:

  1. Neck measurements are taken (in circumference and height).
  2. A rectangle 300 mm wide is cut out of the fabric, in length it should exceed the circumference by 20 mm.
  3. The fabric is folded inward so that it is in the range of 100-120 mm in width.
  4. A jar is taken, a strip is carefully cut out of it, which should be 20 mm less than a strip of fabric in width.
  5. The fabric is applied to the inside (towards the neck), followed by a strip from the jar, and the outer layer is Velcro that fixes the product on the neck. It is important that the edges of the strip are completely covered with a cloth to prevent cuts.

Such a remedy can be used as a temporary emergency measure. In any case, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed, since constant pain in the neck may indicate the onset of the development of osteochondrosis and other unpleasant pathologies.

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