Assimilation of products. A person is nourished not by what he eats, but by what he absorbs from what he eats. What the human stomach does not digest

The body of an omnivore assimilates only 5% of what is eaten, and 95% is not absorbed. The body only takes grains. Hungry body cells demand more and more.

Why do we absorb 5% and not everything?

Some people eat everything in a row, turning their stomach and body into a trash can. Many foods do not match with each other in terms of digestion. Some foods require acidic enzymes to break down, while others require alkaline ones. In addition, the products contain individual enzymes. In this case, enzymes. The so-called programs, thanks to which the body determines what kind of product it is and what to do with it.
Separation of products according to the digestion environment lays the foundation for the so-called separate nutrition.
1. Protein products include mushrooms, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, MASH), eggplants, nuts, seeds. Protein products require acidic enzymes for breakdown.
2. Carbohydrates / starch products include bread, cereals, sugar, jam, honey, potatoes. Requires alkaline enzymes for digestion.
Milk doesn't go well with anything. Fruits, berries do not combine with anything, but do not combine with themselves. It is advisable to eat one type of fruit or berries at a time. Vegetables and greens are combined with both protein and carbohydrates.
The result of a mixed diet.
Let's say you mixed potatoes with mushrooms. Mushrooms require acidic enzymes to break down, potatoes are alkaline. Having met, acidic and alkaline enzymes are neutralized! The food was not digested. Mushrooms continue to require acid, potatoes - alkali. For the re-synthesis of enzymes, all organs of internal secretion begin to work with the maximum possible (~ 100-fold) overload! In this case, the energy potential of the body is depleted. An indicator of this phenomenon is the desire to sleep after eating and a sleepy state. Then acid and alkali again enter, and again a chemical reaction of mutual neutralization occurs. Products as much as they had time to "fermented" and then push through without being digested into the duodenum. And there they need to be broken down into nutrients. And what is there to split, they are not digested to the end. The body squeezed out what it could and then pushed the food into the small intestine. There, nutrients are absorbed into the blood. And there is nothing to absorb. Products are not digested and not split! And there moisture is removed from these products. They dehydrate and turn into fecal stones. Further, these fecal stones enter the large intestine and remain there for an indefinite time, maybe for years. And we constantly clog the intestines with new deposits, poisoning our body with slag emissions. So from day to day our body becomes a resistance to energy flows. It passes less and less vital energy. As a result, concentration of attention and activity of brain activity decreases.
“Separate nutrition is more justified than mixed nutrition. When the body is contaminated with toxins, this also happens at the cell level. And when a cell is in a dirty environment, it cannot develop normally. In a dirty environment, cells are forced to become selfish cells in order to survive. an egoist is, in fact, a cancer cell that begins to multiply intensively. And a person, without suspecting it, feeds and grows such a tumor in himself with malnutrition." (V. nicheporuk, head of the Department of Rehabilitation of the Ukrainian Center for Sports Medicine.
This is where those same 5% of the assimilation of nutrients arise from their total amount. As a result, a sufficient amount of nutrients does not enter the blood, the body is hyper-weared and polluted! With separate meals, the assimilation of food increases.
All sorts of diseases, fatigue, laziness, weakness, short life, mental disorders, excess weight, the need for long sleep, vitamins and nutrients arise from a mixed diet. A person uses various cleansing for his body. Herbs, diets, enemas, fasting. Trying to regain the figure, youth and health. But it’s not clean where they clean it, but where they don’t litter!
As Professor Zhdanov said in. G., mixed nutrition is work for diseases and the toilet.
As a result of separate nutrition, the digestibility of food increases. The body begins to assimilate not 5%, but 30 percent. As a result, the mass of food necessary for saturation decreases. And a person, for example, no longer needs 500 grams of food, but 150 grams. However, such a result can be achieved only after cleansing and restructuring the body.
Why is food not absorbed completely with separate meals? What criteria must the food meet?
Living food.
To understand the issues raised, let's start with the structure of the digestive system. Most people think of the digestive system as a tube filled with gastric juice, and the process of digestion as the dissolution of food by this juice. The notion that gastric juice dissolves any food that a person throws into it is very far from what actually happens! The secretion of juice is not yet digestion, it is a protective function of the digestive system. The stomach is not a digestion plant, but a research laboratory. He must determine what is included in the product and provide the environment necessary for food (acidic or alkaline. Digestion occurs in two stages:
1. autolysis - self-dissolution of food in the stomach.
2. and symbiotic digestion - the dissolution of food by intestinal microflora. From the word symbiosis. In this case, it is a symbiosis of microorganisms that make up the microflora of our body.
After we have consumed food, chewed it and swallowed it, it enters the stomach. Where self-dissolution of food occurs - autolysis. For a visual understanding of this phenomenon of digestion, consider an example that was demonstrated by the Soviet Academician Ugol A. M.
Pour the predator's gastric juice into two vessels and place a live frog in one vessel, and a boiled frog in the other.
The result was unexpected. The first frog (alive) dissolved and disappeared without a trace, along with the bones. And the second (boiled) only superficially changed.
If the food was dissolved by stomach acid, then the result would be the same in both cases. However, this did not happen! Under the action of gastric juice in food, the mechanism of self-dissolution is activated. Why did the living frog completely dissolve? What is in it that is not in boiled? The body of a living frog is dissolved by its own enzymes! Live food itself dissolves in the stomach and in the small intestine the body can only absorb the decomposed nutrients. Like a boa constrictor that, having swallowed a rabbit, does not digest it, but waits for it to dissolve itself and then absorbs nutrients, practically without spending its own vital energy.
The same thing happens with plant foods. All plant foods are filled with enzymes for their self-dissolution. In any seed, nut, fruit, nature provides a mechanism for processing complex substances into simple ones for the nutrition of the sprout. As soon as the seed gets into suitable conditions (temperature and humidity), enzymes come into play. And the fruit dissolves itself, giving life to a new plant. Our stomach is the most suitable place for this dissolution. And if in nature this happens rather slowly, then food dissolves quickly in the gastrointestinal tract. This is the first criterion for evaluating the food that a person needs. Food must contain enzymes, be raw! Then she dissolves herself. Enzymes are destroyed by heat treatment (boiling, steaming, frying, stewing, baking. Everything that heats food above 43 degrees Celsius destroys enzymes.
When we eat a raw apple, it stays in the stomach for 30 minutes. Only if this apple is baked, it will stay in the stomach for 4 hours.
The food then passes from the stomach into the small intestine. Where the process of self-dissolution continues and processed nutrients are absorbed into the blood. All that remains after self-dissolution and absorption enters the large intestine.
The microorganisms that inhabit our intestines weigh about 2.5 kg and can be called an independent brain. These microorganisms are vegetarians. They eat only plant fiber. Any other food suppresses them. Microbes are simple, their number doubles every 20 minutes. And whoever has food, he multiplies. In the event that non-vegetarian food predominates, then microbes - grave diggers multiply. The products of their vital activity are toxins and are not suitable for humans. And if vegetable fiber prevails, then our relatives flourish! Their excretion products are vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Those same essential amino acids that, as previously thought, can only be obtained from meat! The beneficial activity of our internal (probiotic) microflora has been proven by many scientists from different countries.
Huge herbivores gain weight and height, eating exclusively plant foods. Our microflora uses plant fiber as a building element, bricks for the entire table of chemical elements - the building.
This is the second criterion that our food must meet. It must contain vegetable fiber.
1. criterion - the food must be raw! 2. criterion - food should be vegetable and rich in fiber! Putting the two criteria together - our body needs raw plant foods.

Learn more about the basics of healthy eating

What to do if after eating the stomach stands and does not digest food?

    If the stomach does not digest food and you constantly feel heaviness in the stomach, then try drinking 2 tablets while eating Mezim or its analogue Pancreatin. These are enzymes, they will help digest food. If it does not help, we go to the hospital, in no case should we pull.

    Perhaps you eat some kind of heavy food, such as a lot of meat. It takes a long time to digest and there may be a feeling of heaviness. It is useful to eat vegetables with meat for better absorption. Mushrooms are also heavy for the stomach. There are such pills called pancreatin, this is an enzyme that helps the stomach digest food, it helps a lot, but in any case, you need to contact a gastroenterologist.

    As an option, you have low acidity, a glass of sour kefir helps me, after a couple of minutes the stomach starts to work, as evidenced by active belching (not vomiting, but normal belching). The second option - you need to actively move - a quick step for 10-15 minutes, an easy jog, etc. but in no case do not allow the load on the stomach (for example, swinging the press, etc.) as this can only aggravate the situation

    First, eat more sparing, diet food - at least temporarily. Take pancreatin before or during meals (well, or mezim - the same substance, only several times more expensive). Drink table mineral water. And of course, consult a doctor - all the same, the stomach should not stand and press, and digest.

    If the stomach does not cope well with the digestion of food, try to help it.

    1. Try to eat more of the so-called roughage containing fiber. Fiber not only improves digestion, but also helps prevent constipation. The recommended dose is up to 30 grams per day. Moreover, for the normal functioning of the intestines, it is desirable to receive it from various sources - from bread and wholemeal flour, from brown rice, from fruits and vegetables, from legumes.
    2. Do not forget about water, it helps not only in the digestion of food, but also softens the stool. Nutritionists advise drinking a glass of water before every meal.
    3. Reduce the consumption of fatty, and especially fried foods, this will reduce the burden on the stomach.
    4. Avoid fizzy drinks and caffeinated drinks.
    5. It is recommended to introduce kefir and yogurt enriched with live bacteria into your diet.
  • If the stomach stands and does not digest food, then this is some kind of terrible disease, God forbid, of course. Maybe you put it wrong and you still have constipation? Please clarify. Otherwise, urgently run to the doctor

    There are times when you overeat. In such cases, it can help Mezim. It contains enzymes that help the stomach digest food. If this happens all the time, regardless of the amount of food, then you should probably consult a doctor, it is possible that your stomach is sick, gastritis or an ulcer is possible. An ulcer is a very serious disease. If left untreated, the ulcer may become perforated. Then you can't do without surgery. And if you don’t operate, then you won’t live long, a couple of days, no more, or even a few hours.

    In such cases, either Motilium or other drugs based on domperidone or enzymes (Creon, Festal) are prescribed. The latter must be taken carefully, carefully - if you get hooked on them for a constant reception, then the pancreas will stop working and will be lazy. In this case, you need to monitor the stool, if it becomes liquid, then the food is poorly digested and the pancreas is relaxed. Motilium is simpler in this regard, it simply stimulates the digestion process.

    In general, in such a situation, when food is in the stomach, it is not recommended to immediately drink tea or compote, coffee - you need to wait. Small portions, skip some time between meals.

    In terms of nutrition - you need to choose food that improves motor skills: cereals from cereals, vegetables and fruits, etc.

    I can assume that you have gastritis or simply indigestion. Try brewing 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plantain leaves in 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain. In general, it is recommended to drink this infusion an hour before meals, but your situation is different. Then just drink 1st. a spoonful of infusion and see if there is relief or not. I took this infusion with heaviness in the stomach. Health to you!

    In the case when the stomach is standing after eating and does not digest food, the first thing you can try is to drink two tablets of Mezim. You can also try Motilium or Pancreatin. And after that, it is advisable to follow a light diet without fried, spicy, salty foods for a couple of days. If Mezim does not help and the discomfort does not go away for a long time, you should go to the doctor.

Gone are the hungry times when people earned their living by hard work, but the habit of people to eat up for future use remained. The need for knowledge about how to quickly digest food in the stomach becomes important for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Slow digestion contributes to the occurrence of constipation, which provokes inflammatory processes in the intestines, and can serve as a manifestation of serious diseases of the internal organs. Food that is in the intestines for a long time rots, poisoning the body.

It is difficult to answer definitely the question of how long the stomach digests food. Nutritionists have compiled an extensive table of the dependence of the length of the process on the predominance of vital nutrients. However, the table overlooks many related factors: diet, cooking method, metabolism, occupation, mental state, age and gender of a person.

For example, if you swallow a fatty piece of fried meat on the go with a glass of orange juice, the gastrointestinal tract will not digest the food received, but will send it straight to the caecum. Boiled meat breaks down faster than fried, fatty meat slower than lean. Meat eaten at breakfast is digested more slowly than lunch meat.

Taking certain medications, the presence of pathologies or diseases of the internal organs significantly affect the speed of food processing, accelerating or slowing down the effect of gastric juice, the overall performance of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of help

There are many ways to help quickly digest what you eat at the table:

  • changing diet and eating habits
  • lifestyle change
  • drug

We chew correctly

Diligent chewing significantly helps to digest food. Prolonged stay of food in the oral cavity saturates it with saliva enzymes, which have a beneficial effect on digestibility. Grinding food into small pieces greatly increases the contact surface of the consumed product with gastric juice, the rate of splitting and assimilation increases. The loss of teeth, especially indigenous ones, leads to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract does not digest food well.

More on the topic: Why does colitis in the stomach area after eating?

Water is life

Sufficient moisture intake reduces the likelihood of constipation. How does the chair soften?

A glass of water taken before dinner stimulates digestion, saliva production, and stabilizes the body's water balance. However, fluid intake during administration should be kept to a minimum. The liquid drunk during meals dilutes the gastric juice, worsening the properties of splitting.

Water is of paramount importance for the normal functioning of the body and the digestive organs in particular. When eating dry foods, an increased amount of acid is released. The sodium bicarbonate produced in the stomach protects the organ by neutralizing the acid in the mucous membrane. Excess salt, obtained during a chemical reaction, changes the structure of the mucus during dehydration. It becomes heterogeneous, acid gets on the walls, causing pain. A constant lack of fluid leads to erosion of the walls, turning into an ulcer.

Not all milk is healthy

After forty years, the stomach does not digest milk well. Characteristic manifestations are bloating, diarrhea, or vice versa, difficult defecation. You should limit the consumption of the product, replacing it with fermented milk derivatives - kefir, cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), yogurt, etc. Lactic acid bacteria stimulate the production of saliva and gastric juice, normalize bowel function.

Acting as antagonists of putrefactive bacteria, they suppress their reproduction. It is necessary to know that the use of fermented milk products is contraindicated in patients with pancreatitis, ulcers due to the additional load due to the production of lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria.

We crush and recover

To answer the question of how to make the stomach serve a person for a long time, without causing trouble, the fragmentation of nutrition will help - reducing portions with increasing approaches. The volume of food eaten remains the same, the digestive system is not overloaded and functions without failures. The likelihood of constipation with this diet is small. It is recommended to eat at least 4-5 times a day in reduced portions. Eaten is digested faster, while the weight stabilizes.

Fractional nutrition has a beneficial effect on the fulfillment of its duties by the transition of the esophagus to the stomach. The task of the indicated place is to prevent the exit eaten back. Stomach acid, which, along with the remnants of the food eaten, rushes back, corrodes the walls of the esophagus, causing pain. Constant exposure to the transition of an acidic environment causes erosion of the mucosal surface, which, without the necessary treatment, develops into stenosis or into a chronic ulcer of the esophagus.

Physical education for health

Regular exercise and sports contribute to the normalization of the digestive system. Especially useful are not fast walks, jogging, skiing and skating. It is recommended to conduct training 2-3 hours after lunch or breakfast, when the initial processing of consumed products takes place.

More on the topic: Functional dyspepsia of the stomach

By accelerating the breakdown of food in the stomach, exercise reduces its presence in the colon. The water of the fecal masses is less absorbed by the body, the feces acquire a plastic consistency, and bowel movements are less painful.

We rest properly

Organized rest is essential for the gastrointestinal tract. Sleeping immediately after a heavy meal prevents the digestive organs from restoring. It is recommended to lie on the left side. Processes in the stomach occur more efficiently as the pressure on the organ decreases. You should go to bed after a pause of 2-3 hours. In this case, the body gets a good rest.

Enzymes are essential

The gastrointestinal tract processes kilograms of food daily. The problem of how to make the stomach act for the benefit of the whole organism is solved by digestive enzymes. The lack of enzymes leads to functional malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, an upset of the digestive system.

For normalization, medicine offers a diverse range of drugs (Pancreatin, Abomin, Mezim, Somilase, Acidine-pepsin, Nigedase), etc. Long-term use of enzymes is possible only under the guidance of a qualified specialist. It is desirable to take drugs in capsules that deliver the active substance to the destination.

Such different problems

The activity of the gastrointestinal tract of people of different age categories has its own characteristics and differences.

Special attention to children

The gastrointestinal tract of infants is sensitive to changes in diet. Loose stools, belching of the part eaten is a frequent occurrence in the life of a baby. Parents should pay special attention if the child does not digest food for a long time. Manifested by a bad mood and part of the undigested food in the feces. A sure sign that the baby needs to see a doctor. A knowledgeable specialist will be able to determine the cause of the indigestion of the baby.

Old age is not joy

A characteristic feature of old age is the deterioration of the body. The overall performance decreases, the stomach in the elderly, due to a decrease in the metabolic rate, functions more slowly. Despite the decrease in the volume of food eaten, constipation and intestinal blockage are common, requiring enemas at least 1 time per week.

Even young children are familiar with disorders of the digestive system. Adults face this problem quite often. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract may be associated with overeating or eating stale foods. Unfortunately, no one is immune from digestive disorders. In some cases, they are associated with the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Digestive problems are indicated by symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and changes in stool. Such manifestations are associated with both acute inflammatory processes and chronic diseases. If you experience symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, you should consult a doctor.

How is the digestive process carried out normally?

As you know, the digestive system consists of many interconnected organs. It begins in the oral cavity and passes through the entire body, ending in the anus. Normally, all stages of the digestion process are carried out sequentially. First, food enters the mouth. There it is crushed with the help of teeth. In addition, there is an enzyme in the mouth - salivary amylase, which is involved in the breakdown of food. As a result, a lump of crushed products is formed - chyme. It passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach cavity. Here the chyme is treated with hydrochloric acid. The result is the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The pancreas produces enzymes that enter the lumen of the duodenum. They provide further splitting of organic substances.

The work of the digestive system is not only in grinding the food eaten. Thanks to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, useful substances penetrate into the bloodstream. The absorption of amino acids, fats and glucose occurs in the small intestine. From there, nutrients enter the vascular system and are carried throughout the body. The large intestine absorbs fluid and vitamins. There is also the formation of fecal masses. Intestinal peristalsis contributes to their promotion and excretion.

Digestive problems: causes of disorders

Violation of any stage of the digestive process leads to the development of disorders. It can develop for various reasons. In most cases, the penetration of bacterial or viral agents leads to disruption of the digestive tract. Pathogens begin to multiply rapidly and damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. This, in turn, leads to an inflammatory response. As a result, the digestion process slows down or is disturbed. Causes of gastrointestinal disorders include:

To find out for what reason the disorder arose, it is necessary to be examined. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic procedures will help determine the source of the pathology.

Causes of Digestive Disorders in Children

In childhood, digestive problems are common. They may be related to various factors. Among them are hereditary anomalies, improper feeding, helminthic invasions, infectious pathologies, etc. In some cases, urgent surgical care is required to fix the problem. Causes of indigestion in children include:

  1. Hereditary disorders of the exocrine glands - cystic fibrosis.
  2. Anomalies in the development of the digestive tract.
  3. Spasm or stenosis of the pyloric stomach.
  4. Feeding a young child excessively thick food.
  5. Poisoning from stale or spoiled food.
  6. Infection with various pathogenic bacteria that enter the gastrointestinal tract with food.
  7. Worm infestations.

Only a doctor can find out: why there was a problem with digestion in children. Some pathologies can be fatal, so they require urgent medical attention.

Varieties of diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the digestive system are classified according to the cause of occurrence, the source of the development of the pathological condition, the methods of necessary treatment. There are surgical and therapeutic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In the first case, recovery can only be achieved with the help of surgery. Therapeutic diseases are treated with medications.

Surgical pathologies of the digestive system include:

Therapeutic diseases of the digestive system are acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines and poisoning. Injuries can belong to both groups, depending on the severity and nature of the lesion.

Digestive problems: symptoms

Pathologies of the digestive system can be manifested by a syndrome of gastric or intestinal dyspepsia, pain in the abdomen and changes in the nature of the stool. In some cases, phenomena of intoxication of the body are observed. Symptoms of stomach pathologies include: pain in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting after eating. Similar clinical manifestations are observed in cholecystitis. The difference is that patients with inflammation of the gallbladder complain of pain in the right upper abdomen and a bitter taste in the mouth. characterized by a change in the consistency of the stool (diarrhea, less often - constipation) and flatulence. Unpleasant sensations can be in the navel, in the right or left side of the abdomen.

In acute surgical pathologies, the intensity of pain is stronger, there is a delay in gas discharge, an increase in body temperature. Often patients are forced to lie down or take a forced position to alleviate the condition.

Diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diagnosis of pathologies of the digestive system is based on clinical data and additional studies. First of all, patients must pass a general blood and urine test. If inflammatory is suspected, it is necessary to determine the level of indicators such as bilirubin, ALT and AST, amylase. You should also take a feces for analysis.

Instrumental studies include radiography, abdominal ultrasound and FGDS. In some cases, additional diagnostics are required.

Which doctor should be consulted?

What to do if there are problems with digestion, which doctor will help? Gastrointestinal diseases are treated by a gastroenterologist. However, before making an appointment with him, it is worth undergoing an examination, which is prescribed by a therapist or pediatrician. If acute abdominal pain occurs, emergency care should be called to exclude surgical pathologies that require immediate surgical intervention.

Treatment of pathologies of the digestive system

Surgical treatment consists in eliminating intestinal obstruction, removing calculi, tumor formations, suturing an ulcer, etc.

Prevention of digestive disorders

To prevent digestive problems from recurring, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. These include:

  1. Dieting.
  2. Careful food processing.
  3. Hand washing.
  4. Quit smoking and alcohol.

If you experience discomfort in the abdomen, stool disorders or nausea, you should undergo an examination and find out the cause of the problem.

Main function of the stomach- containment and digestion of incoming food products. Food enters this organ through the esophagus, then follows the process of its decomposition into its constituent elements - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. When a feeling of hunger arises, the body reacts accordingly, giving a signal about the need for enhanced production of hydrochloric acid for further breakdown of products. The speed of the process can be different, but on average it takes about two hours to process carbohydrates, and fats are digested at least five. However, there are cases when the stomach does not digest food - in this case we are talking about the presence of dyspepsia and the problem arises of what to do and how to help the body. After all, the consequences of the disease when ignoring treatment can be deplorable.

Reasons for poor digestion

When food is not digested in the stomach often enough, the reasons may lie in an incorrectly constructed diet and menu selection. Usually dyspepsia is characteristic of those who eat uncontrollably, overeating at the same time and taking food just before going to bed. An active lifestyle can also cause discomfort - in a hurry and swallowing food on the go, a person himself makes it difficult for his stomach to work, because digesting large pieces is much more difficult. The result of such nutrition is often atony, the development of which is also facilitated by diseases of the oral cavity, when bacteria, bad habits, and constant abuse of alcohol-containing drinks enter the digestive system.

Development of atony- a signal that the muscle tone of the organ is deteriorating, which leads to a stop in the movement of food. With its accumulation, pressure on the gastric walls increases, which further reduces the tone. In cases where there are no barriers to the movement of food through the digestive system, atony can be treated conservatively. If we consider other reasons why food is not digested in the stomach, we can indicate:

  • Insufficient secretion production under the influence of hormonal changes or in case of impaired functioning of the secretory gland. As a result, gastric obstruction may develop.
  • Accumulation of harmful microorganisms on the gastric mucosal layer becomes possible with atrophy. The enzymes required for high-quality digestion are not excreted at the required rate, the stomach does not digest food well, the mucous membranes weaken, which creates an excellent environment for microorganisms.
  • Disrupted metabolic processes.
  • Psychological factors also matter, they are subject to patients whose physical fitness leaves much to be desired, people who are constantly experiencing stress. Toddlers can also be attributed to this category, since their emotional state is unstable and can change negatively under the influence of many factors, from moving to the cancellation of breastfeeding.

How does gastric arrest manifest?

Is it possible to independently understand that the stomach is not working properly? Quite, if you focus on the symptoms that accompany the problem, they include:

  • Feeling that the stomach is full.
  • Distended feeling, distended abdomen.
  • Signs of peptic ulcer pathology - the presence of nausea, vomiting, the appearance of heartburn, belching and pain on an empty stomach.
  • After meals, there is a burning sensation in the chest cavity.
  • In the upper sections of the abdomen, pain and a feeling of heaviness occur, which are in no way related to the intake of food in the body.
  • Pain appears in the upper vertebral regions.
  • Disturbed appetite, undigested food causes a feeling of rapid satiety.

Now we should consider ways that will help the stomach digest food, improve its absorption, and this is best done in the initial stages of the development of pathology in order to avoid complications in the future.

Therapeutic measures applied when the stomach does not work

In cases where the stomach does not take food and regular pain occurs after meals, the diet should first be reviewed:

  • Food is taken fractionally, reducing portion sizes and increasing their number.
  • Significantly reduce the intake of fatty, spicy and heavy foods.
  • Last meal produced no later than three hours before going to bed.
  • Establish a drinking regimen and take liquid between meals, since liquid reduces the concentration of juice and the breakdown of products is significantly more difficult.
  • Regulate food temperature- They should not be too cold or hot.
  • The main cooking methods are boiling, baking.
  • It is necessary to rise from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Two days in the middle of the week, one lenten dishes should be included in the menu, which will allow both the stomach and the liver with the pancreas to rest.

Complete lack of digestion it is possible to normalize the condition through the introduction of separate nutrition, which will simplify and facilitate the digestive process. It also gives you the opportunity to identify the products causing the problem. With separate meals, proteins are not combined with carbohydrates at the same time, but fats are combined with anything. It also takes into account the time of assimilation of elements, the duration of digestion of food.

It is possible to normalize the condition when the stomach stops, using traditional medicine recipes. Experts recommend taking infusions of wormwood, centaury - these plants help to normalize the functionality of the stomach. Among the effective folk remedies is cinnamon, which is poured into 200 ml of boiled water in the amount of a dessert spoon and kept in a boiling state on fire for another five minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk in an amount of no more than 4 large spoons 30 minutes before a meal.

Another way to improve the condition is a small light massage in the abdomen for five minutes. Soft strokes should be replaced by strong pressure.

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