Dream interpretation of dreams road. What does the Road in a dream mean in the Lunar dream book? Fees on the road in a dream

Every day, in one way or another, we find ourselves on the road that leads us to work, home, business, to relatives and friends. And what does it mean if you dreamed of a road at night? To interpret such a dream, we turn to the most authoritative dream books of our time for help.

What is the dream of the road: dream book of Gustav Miller

This dream book claims that in a dream it is very important to pay attention to how the dream road looks like. If you are moving along an unfamiliar and rocky road, then in reality things await you that will bring trouble or simply be a waste of your time. If you see a lot of trees or flowers along the sides of the road, then in real life unexpected luck may smile at you. If you walk along the road side by side with friends, this is a symbol of great family happiness and prosperity. If in a dream you lost your way, then you risk making a serious mistake in business or at work. Such a dream signals the need to be more vigilant and diligent in business.

What is the dream of the road: Vanga's dream book

If you dream of a crooked road, then this is a clear indication of your bad thoughts or deeds. Think about it, maybe you are going in the wrong direction, for which you can pay. If in a dream you see a straight and wide road, then in real life you have chosen the right, although sometimes difficult, path that will allow you to have a strong family, a stable job and material well-being. If the dream road is deserted, then most likely in reality you suffer from loneliness. If you pave the way, then thanks to perseverance, perseverance and work, you will achieve great heights in life. If the road you walk in a dream is dusty, then in reality you are surrounded by evil and deceitful people who are trying in every possible way to harm you and defame your good name. If the road is narrow in a dream, then your path to happiness and prosperity will be difficult, but in the end you will be able to achieve what you want.

What is the dream of the road: intimate dream book

This dream book claims that the dreamed road is a reflection of your life path. If the road is not smooth, but on the contrary, it consists entirely of bumps and potholes, then your personal life is very confused and difficult. You have to constantly overcome obstacles and barriers, in the occurrence of which in most cases you yourself are to blame. If the road is flat and smooth, and ideally goes uphill, then very soon you will achieve everything you want.

What is the dream of the road: old French dream book

If in a dream your road is replete with obstacles, and it’s hard for you to follow it, then in real life the path to achieving your goal will be far from easy. If the road is beautiful and shady, then your life will be long and serene. If the road is full of twists and turns, then failure awaits you. Why dream of a direct road? Such a dream is a very good sign and portends good luck and the fulfillment of your desires. Also close happiness is symbolized by the railway seen in a dream.

The dreamed road has the most direct interpretation, walking along the road in a dream is the same as walking along the road of life, with all its difficulties, bumps, dangers and crossroads.

If you happened to cross the road in a dream, your own successes will cease to inspire you, doubts will come to replace optimism about the correctness of the chosen path.

Riding along the road in a good company of friends is a dream of impeccable companionship. Take care of this friendship, it will help you out of difficult life situations more than once.

I had a chance to walk along the road with a loved one - your further paths coincide in direction, you will be faithful in reality and will be happy.

Lose the road in a dream - to financial losses due to your extravagance. You're buying something you don't really need.

I dreamed about the end of the road - what you are doing now has completely exhausted itself. The same can be said about love relationships, if one of this couple saw a break in the road, the end of it in a dream.

A slippery road, wet or icy, is dreamed of as a warning that the sleeper has embarked on a slippery, dangerous life path, his activities are contrary to the laws of the country.

If you dream of an endless road, you drive along it, realizing that it does not lead anywhere, then in life you will have to work not for the result, but because it is necessary. You will not receive any pleasure or reward for this.

The road up is dreaming of positive life dynamics, you yourself can evaluate how difficult and steep this climb was for you, as well as how quickly you overcame it.

The road down, respectively, means moving towards a negative result, and therefore backward, despite the fact that you are moving forward along it in a dream.

If you dreamed of going down the road to the side of the road - something will make you abandon the decision you have already made in reality, perhaps you simply did not calculate your strength and were tired.

To see in a dream the construction of a road or, even better, to take a direct part in it - show character, achieve in reality what you wanted, despite the thornyness of the chosen direction.

A damaged track or an abandoned tract dream of a dysfunctional trip to the countryside.

What is the dream of the track, the road, Wangi's dream book

A dream in which you see a winding narrow road is a sign that you have turned the wrong way in real life. This is a very dangerous path, it will not lead you to the wide road.

A wide road, smooth and straight, indicates in a dream the right direction in life, however, if you want to achieve great success in reality, this is unlikely in this field. All laurels have already been collected by your predecessors.

An empty snowy road in a dream is a story about your spiritual loneliness, which, believe me, is imaginary. If you are not understood in reality, try to understand others.

Crossing the highway in an unspecified place, among speeding cars, is a big risk in reality, which will consist in trying to cross the road to someone strong, invested with power.

Laying a road in the snow in a dream - to hard work alone. Without support and without hope for it. Be strong, you will overcome this path with God's help.

Driving on a dirty road is an indication that your life path will be constantly accompanied by lies. You will lie, they will lie to you, try to get at least your name clean from all this.

We saw a road repair in a dream - you will have to spend some time in a hospital bed or simply out of work for reasons beyond your control. Wait, the time for a new upsurge in life has not yet come.

A bad road is dreaming, broken, along which it is difficult not only to drive, but also to walk - there is a very difficult path to the goal. Take a look around, it may well be that in life, as in a dream, somewhere in parallel there is a more even track.

To dream of two or three roads running in parallel - to a car accident in which two or three people will suffer or two or three cars will be involved. The number of roads in a dream may be more.

Path, road, track dream book of Nostradamus

If you dream of a night road, dark and completely deserted, you keep in your soul and carefully protect some secret from strangers. But it requires permission, and, alas, this is impossible without the intervention of other people.

The dream in which you pave the way in the field promises you a great discovery, fame and respect. Your discovery will somehow relate to the fertility of the earth.

The forest road, winding and disappearing at times, speaks of the instability of your future.

I dreamed of a very dusty or dirty road that you were walking on - they will try to lure you into activities that the authorities of your country consider as criminal.

Dreaming of water flowing along the road is a good omen. You are moving to where life will be better.

Dreaming of a mountain road - to repentance, which will make you avoid communicating with people, seek solitude.

Why dream of a road, a highway according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A snowy road dreams of sadness, loneliness and hard work.

I dreamed of a crooked uneven road with obstacles - you will incur losses or get morally injured.

To clear the road from snow in a dream - such a plot means that you will be able to rebuild your business situation in reality and direct it in a constructive direction.

The meaning of sleep track, highway, road - Hasse's dream book

To calmly drive along the road in a dream - to a carefree peaceful life.

Making a road, participating in its construction - to slow down the implementation of the plan.

I dreamed that you could not find the way - wait for good luck to visit later.

A very difficult, bad road in the fog dreams that fate will give you only the only chance in reality to make your dream come true.

The winter icy road indicates the upcoming choice between good and evil.

The road in the mud dreams of a loss of honor or a strong temptation.

Lying on the road in a dream is a pleasant pastime. However, keep in mind that this time will be crossed out from useful activities, dose it correctly.

If you happened to sleep on the road, there will be a complete stagnation in business.

Why the road is dreaming - an esoteric dream book

A wide new road in a dream indicates a wrong choice in something.

A little traveled dangerous road dreams of a long journey.

I dreamed of a country road - you will receive an invitation to a picnic or a camp site.

The serpentine road dreams of surprises along the way, not of the most pleasant nature. Because of everything you have experienced, you will regret that you went on this journey, although everything will end well.

I dreamed of an infinitely long road - you will not rest very soon.

The construction of a road in a dream says that the progress of your affairs is not yet encouraging in terms of timing.

If in a dream you have to make a choice of the road - in reality someone will try to convince you to change the decision already made.

Track, highway, road, Meneghetti's dream book

A good broadband road reflects in a dream the subconscious dissatisfaction of the subject with the course of life or its quality.

A barely noticeable, barely looming road in a dream indicates a chance for the dreamer's functional self-improvement.

Why do roads dream, Longo's dream book

The road in a dream is a story about your life and prospects for the future.

A dirt road is dreaming - it means that for success you have to work every day and pay attention even to trifles.

To see in a dream the end of the road you were driving on - to a dead end in life.

Wash the road - to a serious illness.

If you see that the road is being repaired ahead, you need to settle down a bit and correct current affairs, otherwise you risk building a house in reality without a solid foundation.

To translate a person across the road in a dream who cannot do it on his own - to the need to provide support to someone in reality. You will do it with joy, and you will wonder why it was so rarely done before.

The road in the water dreams of a very difficult idea to implement. Did you move along it? Great, that means you can do it in life.

I dreamed of a deserted road at night - you will, as in that fairy tale, do something, no one knows what. Lower your ardor, wait for a clarification, perhaps it will turn out that you should go in a completely different direction.

The road to what is dreaming, English dream book

A good road dreams of life's blessings, success.

Looking for a way in a dream - to uncertain, vague prospects for the future.

Run along the road - the meaning of such a dream depends on the reason you ran. If you ran to the goal - an excellent progress towards the intended heights awaits you in real life. And if you ran away from someone, there will be a busy work schedule. But this will only help you catch up or stand on the achieved result. There is no talk of moving forward yet.

Crossing the road in a dream - to the fact that you will ruin someone's entire "holiday of life".

Road, French dream book

If in a dream you easily, easily walk along a flat road, you can look in reality with optimism in the near future.

A dirty road is a dream for a difficult life period, you will get sick, live in poverty, work hard and ungratefully, overcome various hardships.

Why do roads dream - a modern dream book

The road, the track in a dream characterize your life path for the near future.

Seeing snow on the road means that during this period you will achieve everything on your own.

A mountain serpentine is dreaming - everything will not be easy, fate will throw you into extremes and constantly keep you in suspense. Well, if you moved up this serpentine, your efforts will not be wasted in reality.

A hole in the road indicates a serious danger, which, however, you can avoid if you are not careless.

Walking along the road with your loved one - a dream has a direct meaning, you will go through life together. Pay attention to the quality of the road and its sinuosity.

To dream of a corpse on the road - there is a danger of an infectious disease, do not neglect vaccinations.

There were many corpses, you were very frightened - an epidemic is coming.

If the corpses that lay on the road did not cause you any shudder, you continued to move - you will go through other people's heads in life, you will make a career without looking back at other people's broken destinies. The end result for you in this case will be more than sad.

I dreamed of a road in a field - show a bright personality in something, go in a non-trivial, but very difficult way.

Building a road in a dream - to a delay in the implementation of the plan. Don't be discouraged, because time will give you the opportunity to prepare for the implementation of this more thoroughly, to adjust your plans.

A traffic jam in a dream indicates a stagnation in business, but this time it will be destructive.

The road in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. In the form of a road, both life in a general sense and a specific life situation at this stage can be displayed.

Most often, dear in a dream, a person is shown in which direction his life is moving. ; his thoughts and actions ; his intentions, or an important matter.

I repeat once again, in one dream a road can mean a general life picture, and in another dream a road can be a symbol of a specific life situation that is important for a person right now. You can understand this by carefully remembering the details of sleep.

If in a dream you are walking along a road that causes you fear, discomfort, the road is in the dark, the road goes down, or into unpleasant places, caves, pits, etc. - such a dream can most often warn you that the path in life or the direction that you have chosen is not quite right ; selected is not the best option possible in this situation.

Stones, pits, fences on the road in a dream are difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal, which are likely to occur in reality.

If in a dream the road is clean, bright, pleasant for you, you easily walk along it - you probably chose the right decision, direction and are going to go the “right way”.

The road in a dream going up - this most often means that the path to success is open in front of you. But the way up is always efforts that in the end give the desired result.

The road in a dream leading to clear water, green trees and grass is a path that leads to symbols of life, and therefore it is a path that leads only to good. Trees can mean people, or simply be a symbol of life.

People on the road in a dream - in reality these are those who are related to an important life situation for you. By their behavior in a dream, you can try to determine their attitude to your intentions and deeds.

Example 1: Vasya dreams that he is walking along a dirty gloomy road that goes to a ravine. Then Masha runs up, grabs Vasya by the hand and persistently pulls him back. Such a dream may mean for Vasya that he is up to something not very good, or his lifestyle leads Vasya to trouble. But Masha is making efforts in reality so that Vasya rethinks his actions and corrects the current life situation.

Example 2: Vasya dreams that he is walking along a clean, bright, beautiful road and he wants to go there, because he sees beauty and light ahead, but then Masha runs up and pulls him back by the hand. Such a dream means that Vasya most likely chose the right direction in life and is moving towards success, but Masha does not really like Vasya’s success in reality and she wants Vasya to turn off the right path, or Masha does not want to change for the better and does not want this for Vasya, who wants to make the right decision.

Standing at a crossroads in a dream, or at a fork in the road - most often this is an upcoming difficult choice, on which the development of a future life situation depends.
If in a dream you chose a road, then remember what kind of road you chose and the situation around, and draw conclusions about the quality of the upcoming choice. Maybe it's not too late to change the situation? And it can only strengthen your confidence in the right choice.


Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.

The road, along the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck.
If you are accompanied by friends while walking along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where children will be happy, and husband and wife are devoted to each other.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to get rid of thoughts about happy past operations, as your business is in danger of failure. Sleep encourages the manifestation of great diligence in work.

To dream that you are looking at a highway (autobahn) or driving along a highway is a sign that you will make a great and pleasant journey, from which you will benefit greatly. For young people, this dream promises strong and noble desires.

Wangi's dream book.

Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t change your mind, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison.

If you dreamed of a straight wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not quite an easy path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family.

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve.

Laying a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your hard times.

If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are many deceitful, evil people around you who seek to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones.

Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial position. But in the end, everything will work out.

Walking in a dream along a cobbled road is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path to your goal.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to get rid of thoughts about happy past operations, as your business is in danger of failure. Sleep encourages the manifestation of great diligence in work.


Walking along the road is sadness, hard work.
Curve, potholes - losses.
A new road is a change in business, a crisis.
The narrow road is a temptation.
Wide, straight - not a quick future success.


Pave the road - praise.
On a magnificent straight road to go - the support of society, good career opportunities.
Such a road then descends, then rises - difficulties in life caused by reasons beyond your control, historical events.
The road winds and winds - the detour path will lead to success faster.
A waypost on the road is a sign of decisive change, a warning about the possibility of going the wrong way.
A barely noticeable path is to become a pioneer in something and experience great difficulties from this.
The overgrown road is your unpopularity.
A very dusty road - to experience a feeling of being lost in the crowd, suffering from the inability to stand out.
Walking along a very bad pavement - there will be difficulties and conflicts in public life.
Walking along the cobblestone pavement is a thorny path, an opportunity to rely on someone else's help and experience.
Any obstacle on the road is usually a symbol of fear of life.

The road in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. It can be shown to the dreamer as a reflection of the achievements of his life path as a whole, and it can mean a specific situation in a certain business right now.

Walking along the road in a dream that causes fear, discomfort, the road is in the dark, goes down, or into unpleasant places (caves, pits, etc.) - such a dream can most often warn that the path in life or the direction that is chosen is not quite right ; selected is not the best option possible in this situation.

Stones, pits, fences on the road in a dream are difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal, which will probably be encountered in reality.

If in a dream the road is clean, bright, pleasant, it is easy and convenient to walk along it - the right decision is probably chosen, the direction of development ; the situation in an important matter is gaining the right course.

The road in a dream going up - this most often means that the path to success is open and quite possible. But the way up is, first of all, efforts during the ascent, by applying which, you can achieve what you want.

The road in a dream leading to clear water, green trees and grass is a path that leads to symbols of life, and therefore it is a path that leads only to good. Trees can mean people, or simply be a symbol of life.

People on the road in a dream - in reality they are those who are related to an important life situation. By their behavior in a dream, appearance, conversation, you can try to determine their intentions and the expected result.

Example 1 : Vasya dreams that he is walking along a dirty gloomy road that goes to a ravine. Then Masha runs up, grabs Vasya by the hand and persistently pulls him back. Such a dream may mean for Vasya that he is up to something not very good, or his lifestyle leads Vasya to trouble. But Masha is making efforts in reality so that Vasya rethinks his actions and corrects the current life situation.
Example 2: Vasya dreams that he is walking along a clean, bright, beautiful road and he wants to go there, because he sees beauty and light ahead, but then Masha runs up and pulls him back by the hand. Such a dream means that Vasya most likely chose the right direction in life and is moving towards success, but Masha does not really like Vasya’s success in reality and she wants Vasya to turn off the right path, or Masha does not want to change for the better and does not want this for Vasya, who wants to make the right decision.

Standing at a crossroads in a dream, or at a fork in the road - most often this is an upcoming difficult choice, on which the development of a future life situation depends.
The quality of the chosen road to continue the journey in a dream can mean in which direction you intend to make an important choice, in the right direction or not. Maybe it's not too late to change the situation? And it can only strengthen your confidence in the right choice.


Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.

The road, along the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck.
If you are accompanied by friends while walking along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where children will be happy, and husband and wife are devoted to each other.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to get rid of thoughts about happy past operations, as your business is in danger of failure. Sleep encourages the manifestation of great diligence in work.

To dream that you are looking at a highway (autobahn) or driving along a highway is a sign that you will make a great and pleasant journey, from which you will benefit greatly. For young people, this dream promises strong and noble desires.

Wangi's dream book.

Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t change your mind, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison.

If you dreamed of a straight wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not quite an easy path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family.

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve.

Laying a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your hard times.

If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are a lot of deceitful, evil people around you who seek to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones.

Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial position. But in the end, everything will work out.

Walking in a dream along a cobbled road is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to get rid of thoughts about happy past operations, as your business is in danger of failure. Sleep encourages the manifestation of great diligence in work.


Walking along the road is sadness, hard work.
Curve, potholes - losses.
A new road is a change in business, a crisis.
The narrow road is a temptation.
Wide, straight - not a quick future success.


Pave the road - praise.
On a magnificent straight road to go - the support of society, good career opportunities.
Such a road then descends, then rises - difficulties in life caused by reasons beyond your control, historical events.
The road winds and winds - the detour path will lead to success faster.
A waypost on the road is a sign of decisive change, a warning about the possibility of going the wrong way.
A barely noticeable path is to become a pioneer in something and experience great difficulties from this.
The overgrown road is your unpopularity.
A very dusty road - to experience a feeling of being lost in the crowd, suffering from the inability to stand out.
Walking along a very bad pavement - there will be difficulties and conflicts in public life.
Walking along the cobblestone pavement is a thorny path, an opportunity to rely on someone else's help and experience.
Any obstacle on the road is usually a symbol of fear of life.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

walk along the road - sadness, hard work; curve, in potholes - losses; railway - successful business; new - change in business, crisis; meet the train - a business proposal; someone gets off the train - an offer through a friend; to be on the train - an invitation is very important; narrow road - temptation; wide, straight - not a quick future success; sandy, grassy, ​​beautiful path - personal happiness; road (for a woman) - a man; (for a man) - affairs; to cross, to cross safely - to prevail or take possession of a person or a state of affairs.

I dreamed about the road

according to Miller's dream book

Traveling in a dream along a rocky unfamiliar road means new things, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time. The road, along the sides of which trees and flowers grow, portends unexpected luck. If friends accompany you along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family hearth, where children will be happy, and husband and wife are devoted to each other. Going off the road in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and incur financial losses as a result.

Road in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are carefully hiding something. And in vain. Only someone interfering in your affairs will help you. Laying a road in a dream means that in the future you will make a great discovery, which will earn the respect of a large number of people. If you dreamed that you had many helpers, then such a dream suggests that in a not so distant time, unknown, very rich lands will be discovered. Seeing three parallel roads at the same time in a dream is a sign that you are in danger of a car accident that will happen through your fault. In this dream, the number 3 can be interpreted in different ways: it means the number of people injured in the accident; in an accident, three cars will collide or an accident will occur at an intersection. Seeing a crooked road in a dream is a sign that your future life will be unstable. Perhaps such a dream means that an incompetent person is in power in the state in which you live. This ruler is gradually ruining the state, because he knows absolutely nothing about economics and politics. Walking along a dusty road in a dream is evidence that in the future you will fall under the influence of bad people who will try to convince you to join their sect. If you dreamed that a large number of people were walking along a dusty road, then such a dream means that in the future a large and very influential sect will appear in the world, the purpose of which will be to lure as many people as possible into it. Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a good omen. You are on the right path, although different from other people's paths. Such a dream indicates that you are a bright, original person who will achieve great success in his life. Walking along a cobbled road in a dream is a sign that in the future you will do something bad, because of which you will repent all your life. Most likely, you will even be sure that for this sin you will go to hell after death.

Why dream about the road

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a crooked road in a dream is a clear indication that your thoughts and actions leave much to be desired. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t change your mind, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison. If you dreamed of a straight wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not quite an easy path. After a while, you will have a stable job, a stable financial position and a beloved family. Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands and loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve. Laying a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your hard times. If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are a lot of deceitful, evil people around you who seek to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones. Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial position. But in the end, everything will work out. Walking in a dream along a cobbled road is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.

What is the dream of a car

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

lead and rejoice yourself - unfortunately, to poverty, worries; troubles, personal interference; to go back and forth - litigation; official letters, papers; park - it's time to break; collision, accident - the return of the lost; (for a woman) a car - maybe a boyfriend; wheel (burst) - to parting or divorce; riding in a car - relationships, marriages; to ride in a car - personal life, see Ride.

Dreamed of a car

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are driving a car means your activity and luck in business. If you are in a car accident, then after such a dream, do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate. Seeing yourself successfully avoiding a car accident is a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans. Buying a car in a dream is also a good sign that you will be able to restore your former good position, but selling a car is an unpleasant change in fate. Driving a car portends losses, sometimes illnesses. Being thrown out of a car on the go is bad news. A broken car is also a dream that portends failure. Just to see cars in a dream - for trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels. If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen, this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends. Getting out of the car is a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

I dreamed about the railway

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a railway, then you will soon find that your business needs special attention, as your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it. If a girl dreams of a railway, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there. To see a railroad fence in a dream means betrayal in your affairs. Passing through the intersection of sleepers on the railway means a time of anxiety and exhausting work. Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful business management. To dream of railroad tracks flooded with clean water means that misfortune will darken the joy of life for a while, but it will be reborn like a phoenix from the ashes.

Dreamed of an intersection

according to Miller's dream book

If you are standing at a crossroads in a dream, this means that you will not be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals. If you cannot decide which road to take, this portends a lot of trouble for you that will irritate you with their abundance and insignificance. If in a dream you choose one of the roads lying in front of you to follow it, in reality fate will favor you. This dream will push you to the right solution to a very serious problem - either in business or in love.

Why dream of a crossroads

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

business crisis; if there is a pointer - do not ask for advice.

Dreamed of gravel

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing gravel in a dream means unfruitful projects and enterprises. If you see gravel mixed with dirt, this portends you a bad deal and a big loss of property.

Dreamed of a wagon

according to Miller's dream book

To see a wagon in a dream means that you will not be very happy in marriage, troubles will age you prematurely. Riding a wagon down a mountain is a prediction of many labors that will cause you anxiety and cause losses. Riding up in a carriage portends an improvement in your property affairs. Riding in a heavily loaded wagon means that debt keeps you on a high moral level, despite the attempts of others to shake you. Driving through dirty water is a sign of terrible misfortune. Seeing a closed wagon means that you are threatened with a secret betrayal that will interfere with your affairs. If a young woman dreams that she is riding in a carriage close to a dangerous embankment, this is a warning against rash acts that, if she fails to resist, will bring upon her the wrath and contempt of many people. If she rides in a sleeping car, this is an incentive for her to have more control over her actions in real life, keeping herself from being frivolous.

Dreamed of a highway

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are looking at a highway or driving along a highway is a sign that you will make a great and pleasant journey, from which you will benefit greatly. For young people, this dream promises strong and noble desires.

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