The whole truth about the gut.

If you suffer from a headache, you go to the doctor, he prescribes aspirin for you and the headache goes away. What does this mean? What did the body lack of aspirin? But this may not be the cause of the headache.

So, you are overweight, tired, cellulite, problematic skin, headaches, joint pain... While we are dealing with the consequences, we do not pay attention to the causes of poor health. Indigestion, constipation, acidity, bitter taste in the mouth, memory lapses, depression…

One of the main causes of these diseases is self-intoxication of the body. Intoxication means poisoning. We poison our body with our lifestyle. This is due to our ignorance.
What is the cause of intoxication?

This is a poor functioning of the digestive system or intestinal obstruction.

According to the Royal Medical Society of Great Britain, more than 65 different diseases are somehow associated with intestinal obstruction. 25 years of research and more than 5,000 case studies lead to the conclusion that the problem of the intestine is the cause of numerous diseases. Dr. Anthony Badzier, professor of gastroenterology in New York City, says there is a link between gut health and health. And this is very sad.
How does bowel obstruction affect health? What is self-intoxication, what are its causes and how to get rid of it?

To do this, we need an express anatomy lesson. Consider the food system. Food enters the mouth and is moistened with saliva, which contains enzymes that aid in the initial digestion of the food. Food is digested in the small intestine, then enters the large intestine, turns into fecal matter, and then is excreted into the rectum. The small intestine is 25 feet long and as wide as a thumb. With the help of intestinal villi, nutrients enter the bloodstream and nourish the body. If the food is unhealthy, then it causes the formation of a film. After 25 years, the body is slagged. The film blocks the work of the intestinal villi and does not allow nutrients to be absorbed. Taking vitamins and nutritional supplements is useless, it's money thrown away.

In the large intestine, food is converted into fecal matter and excreted through the rectum. When the digestive system slows down, food taken at different times accumulates in the large intestine. The consequences of this are constipation and intoxication of the body.
Emptying should take place regularly.

Dr. William Hunter says that the intestines are the body's drainage system, but if not properly handled, they turn into a source of toxins that will spread throughout the body.

Dr. Robbins from Argentina states that the stomach should be emptied regularly. Eat once - empty once, three times - food should be excreted three times, like in babies. The mother feeds, after 20 minutes the body removes food ...

What happens to food if you have eaten several times, but it is not excreted? If at least one part of the digestive tract does not work well, the slagged intestine poisons the body.

What do you think will happen if you put a hamburger in a plastic bag and leave it on the kitchen table? How will this hamburger smell in a week? And in a few years? This is what happens in our body, if it does not remove the remnants of food, the stomach is swollen and deformed. Diverticulosis is formed inside the intestine, processes are formed in which foci of infection occur, there may be intestinal spasm. If fecal matter stagnates in the body for years, illness is inevitable.

61% of the US population is overweight. This is a real tragedy. Cleansing the body and weight loss are directly related to each other, because. in this way we fight the cause, not the consequences. The intestine can increase up to 5 times its normal size. It swells with toxins that accumulate as a result of irregular emptying, and we get bloating. The body can accumulate from 5 to 17 kg of waste. This can not but affect the problem of overweight.

Dr. Jack Larmer stated that most people carry at least 7 kg of fecal matter with them in their large intestines and they lost significant weight when they cleansed their intestines.
In most cases, weight gain is due to slow metabolic processes. The goal of any good weight loss program is to speed up the metabolic processes in the body. I will not cover all the causes of slow metabolism (metabolism). In this article, I will highlight only two related to intestinal health.

Products that accumulate in the intestines take away energy from our body, slow down all processes occurring in the body, overload organs, and slow down metabolism at the cellular level. The main result of a slow metabolism is that our body does not burn calories, our weight increases.
It is important to remove toxins from the intestines so that they do not accumulate in the body.

If you clean the intestines, the likelihood that in the future the metabolism will work correctly increases. This is the main reason for weight loss. Nutritionist Lindsay Duncan says that a clean, properly functioning gut is the key to a healthy metabolism.

Empty your stomach every few days? Then the question is, where is the food stored if they eat three times a day, and the stomach is emptied only once a day or several days? Many people take fat burners thinking they will speed up their metabolism. This is not entirely correct. They do not get rid of the cause - a slow metabolism. Cellulite is an indicator of toxins that accumulate in the fatty layer.

All excess weight problems are caused by the accumulation of toxins in the digestive system, and as a result, intoxication of the body. Where is the solution to the health problem?
Let me first say that it will NOT help you.

Laxative! These drugs cause irritation of the digestive tract. And our task is to fight this problem.

Imagine that you do not take out the trash at home. As you have more garbage, you put it in the same bag, but do not empty it for 2 days. A week, two years... Imagine the smell of garbage! So figuratively it is possible to describe the slagging system of digestion.

This is the result of the food rotting in the intestines as it it is not completely digested or excreted irregularly. Thus, the food remains in the intestines and rots. Toxins are formed as a result of the accumulation of waste products in the intestines. Unfortunately, the body easily absorbs toxins and they begin to poison your body.

Under the weight of fecal masses, the crowded intestine sags and puts pressure on the organs located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity: the bladder, gallbladder, prostate, uterus, and leads to negative consequences.

In women, the intestines descend, press on the uterus, which causes cysts and even infertility. In men, pressure on the prostate leads to infertility and reduced sexual activity.

Dr. Sutterley and Eldridge claim that in 518 cases, when patients complained of distracted attention, memory disorders, irritability, suicidal syndrome. All this was due to poor bowel function.

This is very important information.

According to the Mayo Clinic, 60 million Americans suffer from acid reflux. Unbelievable, but true - increased acidity, indigestion, belching - all these are symptoms of intestinal slagging. At the same time, we do not pay attention to the main reason for what is happening.

How can the body get rid of waste?

There are 5 main ways in which the body is cleared of waste. But at the same time, none of these methods is designed to remove toxins:

1. This is the intestines.

Intestinal bloating is one of the varieties of intestinal disease, it increases 5 times, because the remnants of food are excreted from the body irregularly, the waste settles on the walls of the intestine and remains there for several weeks. Bad breath - this indicates that the body is trying to remove toxins through the lungs.

2. This is the liver.

The main function of the liver is to purify the blood. If the intestines are clogged with waste, then an additional burden falls on the liver. Do you know people who suffer from migraine headaches? Headache is a signal that the brain is not satisfied with the quality of blood filtered through the liver. There is a breakdown and even problems with memory, because. there are toxins in your blood, they do not allow you to think well. Libido decreases, cholesterol level rises, because. the liver does not have time to regulate its level in the blood, there are also diseases of the joints and problems with weight.

3. These are the kidneys.

Since the first pathway is disabled, the kidneys are forced to take on more work, and, consequently, kidney disease occurs.

What could be the consequences? From problems with blood pressure to infections of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

4. These are the lungs.

The lungs are also involved in the process of fighting a number of toxins.

As a result - bad breath, asthma, allergies. Believe it or not, this is all the result of toxins being absorbed by the intestines.

5. It's leather.

If the intestines are clogged and the liver does not work, and the kidneys are overloaded, then the skin works for them, and then there are skin problems, eczema, psoriasis, etc. And the reason for all this - problems with digestion.

You take a shower every day to keep your body clean on the outside, why not keep your body clean on the inside as well. Think about the fact that intoxication of the body can lead to premature aging, wear and tear of the body.

Remember, our body ages first and then it all affects our appearance.

How to improve the intestinal microflora

Many diseases that seem to have nothing to do with the intestines, nevertheless, come into our lives from it. Far from intelligence, education or ambition, but the state of the intestines can determine our health, and therefore success and destiny.

In this case, you don’t even need a consultation with a gastroenterologist, you already understand what the result is: if you don’t regularly cleanse your body of toxins, then rotting in the intestines, poisons in the blood and a sharp decrease in oxygen entering the brain will make your life simply unbearable .

Now the expression "death comes from the intestines" does not puzzle you. You can also paraphrase the proverb: "Tell me what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I will predict how you will die." If you do not cleanse your body regularly, it cannot function well. Swelling of the legs, headaches, heaviness throughout the body, indecent rumbling and bloating, bad breath, lack of appetite, but an increase in the waist, weight gain, pain in the lower back and joints. The heart, with difficulty driving away heavy, thick blood saturated with cholesterol and poisons, increasingly makes itself felt with shortness of breath and pain, the appearance of venous nodes and pain in the legs. Hair falls out, nails break, eyes lose their luster, skin ages catastrophically.

And this is just the beginning. Further, more: you often start to get sick with colds, and the medicines stop working, the illnesses drag on for a long time and tediously, with frequent complications, the cough does not go away for months. A consultation with a therapist will show that under conditions of general poisoning of the body with its own poisons, immunity simply rolls to zero.
The state of the intestine determines not only the health of the body, but also has a great importance for weight loss. This is due to the fact that the supply of nutrients to the blood of the body mainly occurs through the villi of the small intestine. Those. you can eat batches of vitamins, minerals, eat food with high biological value and at the same time have a lack of nutrients in the body. And all this is because your intestinal microflora is disturbed or it is clogged. In this article I want to talk about simple ways to improve the condition of the intestine.

1. Start (finally!) drinking kefir, yogurt, etc. at night. During the night, decay products are formed in the body. They poison not only the intestines, but the whole body (see the first paragraph). Sour-milk bacteria contained in fermented milk products restore and improve the intestinal microflora, while neutralizing decay products (toxins).

It is known that even at the dawn of microbiology, the outstanding Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov used fermented milk products (Mechnikov yogurt) to eliminate the putrefaction of the intestinal microflora. Subsequently, various medicinal products containing a large amount of lactic acid bacillus, bacterial preparations based on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and useful types of Escherichia coli were created.

2. Use foods rich in dietary fiber in your diet. Normal microbial flora uses dietary fiber as a substrate for their life activity. Dietary fibers are also natural enterosorbents capable of binding and neutralizing various substances. They significantly reduce the excess level of histamine and other biologically active substances in the body that cause allergic manifestations in diseases of the digestive system.

Dietary fiber is found in all raw vegetables, fruits, and greens. To fill the need for dietary fiber (fiber), it is recommended to use brown rice (brown), bread with bran, bread. Bake potatoes and eat with the skin on.

An adult needs 35-40 grams of fiber per day.

Example of a daily diet containing 35 g of fiber: 4 dried figs (4.5 g), 1 bowl of oatmeal (1.6 g), one large tomato (1 g), a serving of green peas (7.4 g), a serving of broccoli (2.6g), wholemeal pasta (6.3g), 1 raw mango (3.9g), 1 pear (4g), 2 slices wholemeal rye bread (3..7 d) total 35 g of fiber.

3. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Water contributes to the effective removal of toxins from the body, and also helps to maintain a healthy microflora. You can read more about water here.

4. Drink Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). This vitamin has a phenomenal ability to bind toxins from pathogenic and opportunistic intestinal bacteria and remove them from the intestines. Polysaccharides (cellulose, pectin substances) and vitamin B3 are a powerful growth stimulator (more than a hundred times) of the body's own bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as beneficial bacteria administered with drugs and biokefirs.

Therefore, I consider it self-deception when they write that you can get a daily allowance from food. Unless, of course, you eat only raw and fresh food.

For reference:

The liver, kidneys, meat, fish, eggs are especially rich in vitamin. There is a lot of pantothenic acid in legumes (beans, peas, beans), mushrooms (champignons, porcini), fresh vegetables (red beets, asparagus, cauliflower). Present in dairy and dairy products.

The daily requirement for pantothenic acid in an adult has not been precisely established, it is approximately 10-12 mg; pregnant and lactating women - 15-20 mg. Part of the human need for pantothenic acid is met by its synthesis by intestinal microflora.

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