Salad with pickled ginger. The best salad recipes with ginger - the root of exquisite taste. Rules for preparing salads with pickled ginger Pickled ginger salad recipes

The easiest way to use honey with ginger is to simply grate the ginger root and then mix it with honey. This mixture is stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator. It can be added to herbal teas or simply diluted with warm water. In any case, the ginger-honey mixture should be consumed three times a day, a tablespoon. And it would be very desirable if, after taking ginger as food or as a drink, some time passes before the next meal.

If your goal is to pamper yourself with a ginger-honey drink, then you can use the following recipe. Take one tablespoon of grated ginger root, two tablespoons of lemon or orange juice and one teaspoon of honey. Everything is mixed and poured with a glass of very hot water (but not boiling water). After waiting five minutes for the water to cool down, the drink can be consumed.

It is worth noting that ginger with honey for weight loss is not only an independent dish, but also the basis for many drinks that care about maintaining a slim figure. Honey is added to countless drinks with ginger precisely to brighten up the bitterness of this spice. In addition, honey with ginger is a widely used remedy for strengthening the immune system, which is worth resorting to in the autumn-winter period.

Ginger with garlic for weight loss

A simple recipe for weight loss, like ginger and garlic, can be used not only for these purposes, but also as a general tonic and health remedy. A mixture of ginger and garlic should be brewed and then eaten.

The healing mixture is prepared as follows. You need to stock up on thirty grams of ginger and five large cloves of garlic. The prepared raw materials are grated on a medium-sized grater. After that, take two liters of clean water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Then the grated mixture is poured into a container with boiling water, which has already been removed from the heat and left to infuse.

It is best when the procedure takes place in the evening, so that in the morning there is an opportunity to use the healing infusion. After waking up and performing the necessary hygiene procedures, you need to drink two glasses of the drink. Moreover, this should not be done immediately, but in small portions over half an hour. The rest of the drink is distributed throughout the day, with one glass of infusion left for consumption before dinner. A portion of the infusion (that very last glass) before the final meal of the day should be drunk half an hour before the meal.

When consuming the above garlic diet with ginger, of course, you should not overindulge in various “goodies.” Because the healthy mixture does not have “magical” powers and will not be able to magically burn all the calories. Which will enter the body of those who want to lose weight along with cakes, pastries, fried potatoes and fatty meat. Therefore, it is necessary to observe common sense and moderation in nutrition. And ginger and garlic will “undertake” to regulate metabolism and heal the body.

Ginger with cucumber for weight loss

Ginger-based weight-loss drinks are varied and unexpected. For example, ginger with cucumber for weight loss in the composition of such a healing drink is enriched not only with these ingredients. And the taste of such a “cocktail” is quite unexpected and piquant, which is its undoubted advantage.

Cucumber is known for its properties of cleansing the body and saturating it with the necessary structured liquid (since cucumber is eighty percent water). In addition, cucumber contains a lot of dietary fiber, which is also its undoubted advantage in a weight loss diet. Also, the low calorie content of the product is its undoubted advantage over other food products.

So, the recipe for ginger-cucumber drink. You need to stock up on one piece of lemon or lime, one large cucumber, two sprigs of fresh mint, a tablespoon of honey and half a liter of clean water. You need to cut four centimeters of the root vegetable from the ginger root and use it when preparing the drink.

Citrus is thinly sliced, for example, into slices. The ginger root is peeled and also cut into thin rings. To make everything beautiful, the cucumber is also cut into slices.

Then take a saucepan into which the prepared water is poured. The container is placed on the fire, the water is brought to a boil and the prepared ginger root is added to the boiling liquid. The saucepan is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and left to let the drink brew for ten or fifteen minutes. After that, prepared pieces of cucumber, citrus and mint are added to the liquid, which are left to infuse for another ten minutes. After cooling to about forty degrees, honey is added to the drink and stirred thoroughly until it dissolves. That’s it, the drink is ready and can be used for “noble purposes.” A small note - honey should never be added to a hot drink. Because its beneficial qualities are lost, and the healing product itself becomes harmful, that is, carcinogenic.

Salads with ginger for weight loss

What could be healthier and healthier than delicious salads? Many ladies who are concerned about the problem of excess weight will respond with a bang to the recipes for these easy-to-prepare, but super-healthy dishes.

So, salads with ginger for weight loss.

  • Recipe No. 1. Ginger salad with sauerkraut.

Take a little sauerkraut, into which any available greens are crumbled. Grated ginger root or powdered ginger is also placed there, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed and seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil.

  • Recipe No. 2. Beetroot and carrot salad with ginger.

Be sure to stock up on fresh ginger root. Grind it on a fine grater. A piece of fresh beets and a sufficient amount of carrots are grated on a coarse grater. Mix everything thoroughly. Orange and lemon zest are added to the salad, which are first finely cut with a knife. Finally, celery root powder and unrefined vegetable oil are added to the salad.

In order not to make a mistake with the number of components for the salad, you need to follow this formula. Fresh carrots need three parts, baked beets and lemon zest - two parts each, ginger root, celery powder, and orange zest - one part each.

  • Recipe No. 3. Apple and cabbage salad with ginger.

The cabbage is shredded as thinly as possible. Then you need to mash it with a small amount of salt. The apple is grated using a coarse grater or cut into strips. After which the chopped fruit is sprinkled with lemon juice so that the apple remains light. Next, grind the ginger on a fine grater. All ingredients are mixed and dressing is added to the salad.

Preparing the dressing is quite simple. You need to take a certain amount of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, honey, mustard and salt. Everything is mixed in a blender and the resulting mixture is dressed with ginger salad.

  • Recipe No. 4. Carrot-ginger salad.

Of the ingredients, we stock up on fresh carrots in the amount of 300 grams, pitted dates in the amount of 100 grams, as well as four leaves of fresh lettuce. The salad will require dressing. In it we put three centimeters of ginger root, one medium lemon, one teaspoon of honey, four tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil and salt.

So, we grate the carrots on a large grater, cut the dates, and tear the lettuce leaves with our hands. We put everything in a salad bowl and mix well.

To make the dressing, grate the ginger on a fine grater and place it in a separate bowl. Squeeze lemon juice into it, pour vegetable oil into it, pour liquid honey and salt. After which the dressing is added to the salad and all components of the dish are thoroughly mixed. Sometimes it is recommended to add some chopped walnuts for greater benefits.

  • Recipe No. 5. Eggplant with ginger as a salad.

Eggplants are washed and cut into rings. Then leave for ten minutes to drain. This will remove the unpleasant bitterness from the vegetable along with the juice. After which the mugs are rolled in flour and sautéed a little in vegetable oil. Lettuce leaves are laid out on a large plate, eggplants are laid out on top, and the final layer is coarsely chopped bell pepper (preferably red and yellow). All this “beauty” is poured with dressing on top.

The dressing is prepared as follows. Take a certain amount of unrefined vegetable oil, chopped ginger root, finely chopped parsley and chopped garlic. All ingredients are mixed, and apple cider vinegar and ground pepper are added. At the end, salt everything to taste and mix again.

  • Recipe No. 6. Chicken salad with ginger.

Chicken fillet is boiled, cooled and cut into medium-sized pieces. After that, chopped sour apples are added to the container with the chicken. Slices of pineapples and oranges, as well as cashew nuts, which are pre-chopped in a blender, will also be good in the salad. The ingredients are mixed and the salad can be used for food.

Ginger soup for weight loss

Soups, if you prepare them “wisely,” are the food that fills you up for a long time and allows the body to replenish its supply of nutrients. Soup with ginger for weight loss is exactly the first dish that is tasty, healthy, and helps you lose extra pounds.

This dish is prepared as follows. First, we stock up on the ingredients: a small piece of lean beef, two pieces of potatoes, three to four cauliflower florets, a couple of tablespoons of grated cheese and salt. Ginger root is taken in an amount that suits your taste preferences. First you need to put a little, and then add it the next time you prepare the soup (if it seemed too little the previous time).

So, the beef is washed, cut into small pieces and broth is cooked from it. Don’t forget to add salt, otherwise the meat will be bland. The cooking time for beef is from one and a half to two hours, so for the first hour we just rest and gradually prepare the next ingredients. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into cubes. Separate four inflorescences from the cauliflower and chop them a little. Grate a piece of cheese and take two tablespoons. Also grate some ginger on a coarse grater.

After about twenty minutes remain until the beef is ready, throw the potatoes into the broth. If necessary, add salt to the soup. After which comes the turn of ginger, about ten minutes after the potatoes began to cook.

Cook the cauliflower for about ten minutes. Therefore, the next step, when there is so much time left until the soup is ready, throw cabbage into the soup. The very last thing will be grated cheese, which is poured into the pan five minutes before the dish is ready. Before you remove the pot of soup from the stove, you should definitely try to see if everything is cooked and if there is enough salt.

Candied ginger for weight loss

If you want to treat yourself to something tasty and sweet, but you’re already tired of honey, as well as fruits and freshly prepared juices, you can relax and treat yourself to candied ginger.

Candied ginger for weight loss is a life-saving remedy for those with a sweet tooth. Because they simultaneously contain both a calorie “increaser” - sugar and their “burner” - ginger.

This delicacy is prepared as follows. Take two hundred grams of fresh ginger root, two hundred grams of granulated sugar, two glasses of water and separately another half glass of the same liquid.

The ginger root needs to be washed and peeled. After which the ginger is cut into thin circles or long slices. Then the chopped ginger is placed in a saucepan, into which water is poured so that the ginger is completely covered with liquid. The container is placed on the stove and simmered over low heat for forty minutes to an hour. When ginger is cooked, its pungency and bitterness disappear, and the ginger becomes soft.

While the ginger is cooking, you need to prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, add sugar in half a glass of water, put everything on the fire and bring to a boil.

After the ginger has reached the desired condition, it should be placed in a colander and the remaining liquid should be allowed to drain. By the way, this decoction can be used as a standalone drink for weight loss, for example, with honey. Or prepare ginger tea based on it. The only caveat is that this liquid has a very pungent taste. Therefore, it must be diluted with water in a one to one ratio.

Next, the pieces of ginger are placed in a container with sugar syrup and everything is put on high heat and cooked until the ginger becomes transparent. This will mean that all the sugar has already been absorbed by the ginger and it is ready to be removed from the heat.

After that, you need to take the ginger out of the pan, piece by piece, and roll them in sugar. But this must be done carefully, since the pieces are very hot and you can easily get burned. Then each piece is laid out on paper and left for a while to cool and harden.

There are several hundred variations of preparing salads with the addition of ginger root. They are popular not only in Asian countries, but also in Europe due to the widespread belief that they promote weight loss. What salads can be prepared with ginger and in what proportions should the products be combined?

Ginger as an ingredient for salads

Fresh or ground ginger root is added to salads to give them a piquant taste, a slight bitterness and a pleasant aroma of real juicy lemon. But taste and smell are not the only advantages of this spice. Salad with ginger helps stimulate the speed of metabolic processes, promotes weight loss, enriches the diet with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and improves digestion.

Any dish with ginger is digested easier and more intensely due to the ability of the root to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes. That's why It is especially important to combine it with high-calorie foods - meat, fatty fish, cheeses and other products. Ginger salads can be warm and cold, vegetable and fruit, meat and vegetarian. Some recipes involve using fresh root, others – pickled, and others – dried. But ginger can also act as an ingredient for salad dressing, the preparation methods for which are also presented in this article.

Vegetable salad recipes

Ginger root can be combined with a huge number of products of both plant and animal origin, but most often salads are prepared from the following list of ingredients:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • cucumbers;
  • bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • leaf salad;
  • shallots, leeks;
  • garlic;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • pork, beef, poultry, fish.

In any salad, you can play with the proportions of the main ingredients, based on your own taste. You should only be more careful about the dressing ingredients, such as pepper, vinegar, salt, soy sauce, and other spices. Ginger also requires proportions due to its too strong taste.

In vegetable salads, ginger can be both a component of a dish and an ingredient in a dressing.

How to make beet salad with ginger? To do this, you must follow the instructions:

  • grate one raw carrot and one beet on a coarse grater;
  • cut a celery stalk into half rings;
  • chop a bunch of fresh parsley;
  • cut 30 grams of ginger root into thin strips;
  • combine everything in one container;
  • For dressing, mix 1 tbsp in a deep container. l. vinegar and lemon juice, a quarter cup of olive oil, 1 tsp. turmeric, salt and pepper;
  • season the salad, wait 15-20 minutes and you can eat.

This salad is not only low in calories, but also useful for cleansing the digestive tract, so it can be included in the diet of a person who wants to lose weight and improve the body by cleansing the intestines of toxins.

To make cabbage salad with roasted tomatoes and fresh ginger, you need:

  • cut ripe tomatoes into halves, salt, pepper, season with thyme, pour in olive oil and place in the oven for 5-7 minutes to bake, remove and cool in a cool place;
  • Steam cauliflower and broccoli, cool, separate into florets;
  • cut fresh radishes into rings;
  • cut 20 grams of ginger root into thin slices;
  • Grind 1 clove of garlic in a blender, combine with 0.5 tsp. sugar and soy sauce, 100 ml olive oil, beat until smooth;
  • Place lettuce leaves, watercress, basil, boiled and baked vegetables on a dish, pour over garlic sauce, pepper and salt to taste.

The salad uses 50 grams of each vegetable, greens in any quantity. If desired, you can supplement the list of products with sesame seeds.

Recipes with pickled root

A huge number of dishes are prepared with pickled ginger root. This is due to the fact that the product has a neutral taste, original color, absorbs other aromas and dilutes the taste of individual ingredients. In addition, it is low in calories and is good for digestion. Salad recipes with pickled ginger often involve combining it with seafood, chicken and legumes.

Salad with shrimp and green beans is prepared as follows:

  • boiled shrimp (150-200 g) are fried in butter for a few seconds;
  • green beans are boiled whole pods until tender in salted water;
  • fresh arugula, shrimp, beans and 50 grams of pickled ginger petals are laid out on the dish;
  • the salad is dressed with soy sauce diluted with olive oil in equal proportions;
  • If desired, you can add salt and spices.

This dish can be served either warm or cold.

Pickled ginger petals in a salad are beautiful, unusual and piquant

Salad with pickled ginger and pineapple in cream sauce can be prepared using the following technology:

  • cut the pineapple into large cubes;
  • Separate the slices of 2 oranges and 1 grapefruit from the film and cut into 2 parts;
  • For dressing, combine a tablespoon of sugar, 2 tsp. lemon juice, a pinch of salt and 70 ml of cream, whip;
  • Combine the fruits with 150 grams of pickled ginger and season with sauce.

Typically, such a salad is served as an independent dish, and not as an addition to the main dish.

Fruit salad recipes

Fruit salads with fresh ginger are a healthy snack, original in taste, rich in vitamins and very tasty.

In 15 minutes you can prepare a simple orange salad with grated root and spinach:

  • Divide into slices and peel 2 oranges;
  • Remove the skin from the avocado and cut into cubes;
  • mix fruits in a salad bowl;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. chopped ginger;
  • prepare a dressing from 2 tablespoons of chopped shallots, the same amount of vinegar, olive oil, a pinch of sugar and a few drops of sesame oil;
  • Place 200 grams of spinach leaves, fruit, ginger on a dish and season with dressing.

For a more interesting presentation of the dish, you can take 1 orange and 1 grapefruit.

Sweet exotic fruits go best with spicy ginger

To surprise guests with an unusual combination of products and beautifully serve chicken, duck or turkey dishes, you can prepare a citrus salad with ginger:

  • Pour 12 dates with hot water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • drain the water, cut the dried fruits into small cubes;
  • Divide into slices and remove films from 2-3 tangerines;
  • 1 apple cut into small slices without skin;
  • squeeze juice from grapefruit;
  • Grind medium ginger root;
  • boil 100 ml of water, add ginger and boil for 5 minutes, add grapefruit juice and a couple of sprigs of fresh mint, cook for another 5-8 minutes over low heat under the lid;
  • Place the fruits and dates on a plate, pour over the warm dressing, let stand for 30 minutes and serve.

If the salad is not served with meat, you can add mozzarella cheese to the list of ingredients. There are many options for preparing ginger fruit salads. You can combine fruits with berries such as cranberries and lingonberries, which have previously been heat-treated. Excellent results are obtained by combining pear with melon and spicy root, mango with avocado, pineapple with orange and grapefruit.

Ginger dressing

Any fruit, meat or vegetable salad requires dressing. Sauces are prepared from combinations of different products, from the usual mayonnaise to soy sauce, cream, spices, and marinades. Ginger dressing is also prepared in many recipes.

Below is a classic version of the sauce that will suit almost any dish. To prepare it, you need:

  • chop 2 tbsp. l. fresh root and 3 cloves of garlic, place in a blender;
  • add a quarter cup of boiled water, a third of a glass of olive oil, 120 ml of soy sauce, 75 ml of rice vinegar and 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • beat until smooth in a blender, place in a water bath to better dissolve the honey, cool and serve in a gravy boat or as part of a salad or other dish.

A good ginger dressing can be made from any amount of ingredients such as soy sauce, ground pepper, sugar, salt, rice vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil. If the salad is prepared from fresh coarse vegetables such as cabbage, beets, carrots, apple or rice vinegar must be added to the dressing. They quickly marinate vegetables, making them softer and more enjoyable.

Ginger dressing can be prepared from a huge list of products; it is varied in taste, color and consistency

To prepare a sweet and sour dressing for meat and poultry, you can use the following recipe:

  • prepare the zest of half an orange and a lemon;
  • grate 20 grams of ginger;
  • squeeze juice from part of the lemon (40-50 ml);
  • combine all the ingredients and add a good pinch of mustard;
  • chop and beat thoroughly using a blender.

This sauce can be prepared for future use; in a glass container with a lid it is stored in the refrigerator for 8-10 days.

Ginger is a universal root vegetable. It is equally good as an ingredient for salads, soups, main courses and desserts. It is no less valuable as a spice, and a very small amount is enough to change the taste of a dish. In addition to imparting taste and aroma to dishes, the root acts as a preservative, keeping food fresh for a long period of time.

There are several hundred variations of preparing salads with the addition of ginger root. They are popular not only in Asian countries, but also in Europe due to the widespread belief that they promote weight loss. What salads can be prepared with ginger and in what proportions should the products be combined?

Ginger as an ingredient for salads

Fresh or ground ginger root is added to salads to give them a piquant taste, a slight bitterness and a pleasant aroma of real juicy lemon. But taste and smell are not the only advantages of this spice. Salad with ginger helps stimulate the speed of metabolic processes, promotes weight loss, enriches the diet with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and improves digestion.

Anything is digested easier and more intensively due to the ability of the root to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes. That's why It is especially important to combine it with high-calorie foods - meat, fatty fish, cheeses and other products. Ginger salads can be warm and cold, vegetable and fruit, meat and vegetarian. Some recipes involve using fresh root, others – pickled, and others – dried. But ginger can also act as an ingredient for salad dressing, the preparation methods for which are also presented in this article.

Vegetable salad recipes

Ginger root can be combined with a huge number of products of both plant and animal origin, but most often salads are prepared from the following list of ingredients:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • cucumbers;
  • bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • leaf salad;
  • shallots, leeks;
  • garlic;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • pork, beef, poultry, fish.

In any salad, you can play with the proportions of the main ingredients, based on your own taste. You should only be more careful about the dressing ingredients, such as pepper, vinegar, salt, soy sauce, and other spices. Ginger also requires proportions due to its too strong taste.

In vegetable salads, ginger can be both a component of a dish and an ingredient in a dressing.

How to make beet salad with ginger? To do this, you must follow the instructions:

  • grate one raw carrot and one beet on a coarse grater;
  • cut a celery stalk into half rings;
  • chop a bunch of fresh parsley;
  • cut 30 grams of ginger root into thin strips;
  • combine everything in one container;
  • For dressing, mix 1 tbsp in a deep container. l. vinegar and lemon juice, a quarter cup of olive oil, 1 tsp. turmeric, salt and pepper;
  • season the salad, wait 15-20 minutes and you can eat.

This salad is not only low in calories, but also useful for cleansing the digestive tract, so it can be included in the diet of a person who wants to lose weight and improve the body by cleansing the intestines of toxins.

To make cabbage salad with roasted tomatoes and fresh ginger, you need:

  • cut ripe tomatoes into halves, salt, pepper, season with thyme, pour in olive oil and place in the oven for 5-7 minutes to bake, remove and cool in a cool place;
  • Steam cauliflower and broccoli, cool, separate into florets;
  • cut fresh radishes into rings;
  • cut 20 grams of ginger root into thin slices;
  • Grind 1 clove of garlic in a blender, combine with 0.5 tsp. sugar and soy sauce, 100 ml olive oil, beat until smooth;
  • Place lettuce leaves, watercress, basil, boiled and baked vegetables on a dish, pour over garlic sauce, pepper and salt to taste.

The salad uses 50 grams of each vegetable, greens in any quantity. If desired, you can supplement the list of products with sesame seeds.

Recipes with pickled root

A huge number of dishes are prepared from the root. This is due to the fact that the product has a neutral taste, original color, absorbs other aromas and dilutes the taste of individual ingredients. In addition, it is low in calories and is good for digestion. Salad recipes with pickled ginger often involve combining it with seafood, chicken and legumes.

Salad with shrimp and green beans is prepared as follows:

  • boiled shrimp (150-200 g) are fried in butter for a few seconds;
  • green beans are boiled whole pods until tender in salted water;
  • fresh arugula, shrimp, beans and 50 grams of pickled ginger petals are laid out on the dish;
  • the salad is dressed with soy sauce diluted with olive oil in equal proportions;
  • If desired, you can add salt and spices.

This dish can be served either warm or cold.

Pickled ginger petals in a salad are beautiful, unusual and piquant

Salad with pickled ginger and pineapple in cream sauce can be prepared using the following technology:

  • cut the pineapple into large cubes;
  • Separate the slices of 2 oranges and 1 grapefruit from the film and cut into 2 parts;
  • For dressing, combine a tablespoon of sugar, 2 tsp. lemon juice, a pinch of salt and 70 ml of cream, whip;
  • Combine the fruits with 150 grams of pickled ginger and season with sauce.

Typically, such a salad is served as an independent dish, and not as an addition to the main dish.

Fruit salad recipes

Fruit salads with fresh ginger are a healthy snack, original in taste, rich in vitamins and very tasty.

In 15 minutes you can prepare a simple orange salad with grated root and spinach:

  • Divide into slices and peel 2 oranges;
  • Remove the skin from the avocado and cut into cubes;
  • mix fruits in a salad bowl;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. chopped ginger;
  • prepare a dressing from 2 tablespoons of chopped shallots, the same amount of vinegar, olive oil, a pinch of sugar and a few drops of sesame oil;
  • Place 200 grams of spinach leaves, fruit, ginger on a dish and season with dressing.

For a more interesting presentation of the dish, you can take 1 orange and 1 grapefruit.

Sweet exotic fruits go best with spicy ginger

To surprise guests with an unusual combination of products and beautifully serve chicken, duck or turkey dishes, you can prepare a citrus salad with ginger:

  • Pour 12 dates with hot water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • drain the water, cut the dried fruits into small cubes;
  • Divide into slices and remove films from 2-3 tangerines;
  • 1 apple cut into small slices without skin;
  • squeeze juice from grapefruit;
  • Grind medium ginger root;
  • boil 100 ml of water, add ginger and boil for 5 minutes, add grapefruit juice and a couple of sprigs of fresh mint, cook for another 5-8 minutes over low heat under the lid;
  • Place the fruits and dates on a plate, pour over the warm dressing, let stand for 30 minutes and serve.

If the salad is not served with meat, you can add mozzarella cheese to the list of ingredients. There are many options for preparing ginger fruit salads. You can combine fruits with berries such as cranberries and lingonberries, which have previously been heat-treated. Excellent results are obtained by combining pear with melon and spicy root, mango with avocado, pineapple with orange and grapefruit.

Ginger dressing

Any fruit, meat or vegetable salad requires dressing. Sauces are prepared from combinations of different products, from the usual mayonnaise to soy sauce, cream, spices, and marinades. Ginger dressing is also prepared in many recipes.

Below is a classic version of the sauce that will suit almost any dish. To prepare it, you need:

  • chop 2 tbsp. l. fresh root and 3 cloves of garlic, place in a blender;
  • add a quarter cup of boiled water, a third of a glass of olive oil, 120 ml of soy sauce, 75 ml of rice vinegar and 3 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • beat until smooth in a blender, place in a water bath to better dissolve the honey, cool and serve in a gravy boat or as part of a salad or other dish.

A good ginger dressing can be made from any amount of ingredients such as soy sauce, ground pepper, sugar, salt, rice vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil. If the salad is prepared from fresh coarse vegetables such as cabbage, beets, carrots, apple or rice vinegar must be added to the dressing. They quickly marinate vegetables, making them softer and more enjoyable.

Ginger dressing can be prepared from a huge list of products; it is varied in taste, color and consistency

To prepare a sweet and sour dressing for meat and poultry, you can use the following recipe:

  • prepare the zest of half an orange and a lemon;
  • grate 20 grams of ginger;
  • squeeze juice from part of the lemon (40-50 ml);
  • combine all the ingredients and add a good pinch of mustard;
  • chop and beat thoroughly using a blender.

This sauce can be prepared for future use; in a glass container with a lid it is stored in the refrigerator for 8-10 days.

Ginger is a universal root vegetable. It is equally good as an ingredient for salads, soups, main courses and desserts. It is no less valuable as a spice, and a very small amount is enough to change the taste of a dish. In addition to imparting taste and aroma to dishes, the root acts as a preservative, keeping food fresh for a long period of time.

The taste of ginger cannot be confused with anything else. The root crop of this plant has a sharp-sweet, tonic and invigorating taste and smell. Many people like this oriental spice, but not everyone knows what dishes to prepare and how to do it.

Salad with cabbage and pickled ginger


  • White cabbage (Beijing) – 1 small head;
  • Sweet and sour apples – 1 piece;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

Chop the cabbage and salt it. Then cut the apple into thin strips and pour lemon juice over it. Chop the greens. Mix honey and vegetable oil. And we dress our salad.b

Salad with pickled ginger, chicken and sesame seeds


  • Tomatoes – 2 pieces;
  • Lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • Pickled ginger – 2 teaspoons;
  • Sesame seed – 1 tablespoon;
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • Seasoning for chicken - half a teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons (3 tablespoons for sauce, 1 for frying chicken);
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • Soy sauce – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

We cut the tomatoes into cubes, and the bell pepper into strips. Finely chop the lettuce leaves and place in a salad bowl. Salt and pepper the chicken fillet, sprinkle with chicken seasoning and fry it in vegetable oil. Cool the finished meat and cut into small slices. Mix lettuce leaves, pickled ginger, tomatoes and bell peppers. Place the chicken fillet on top of the salad. To prepare the sauce, mix vegetable oil, honey and soy sauce. Pour this dressing over the salad and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

The salad is delicious and simple


  • Pickled ginger;
  • Chicken fillet;
  • Hard cheese;
  • White bread.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Cut bread and chicken into cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the pickled ginger into strips. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix everything and season with some sauce.

Salad with pickled ginger and tuna


  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Olive oil - to taste;
  • Pickled ginger – 40 grams;
  • Tuna in oil – 100 grams;
  • Lettuce leaves – 5 leaves;
  • Canned beans – 100 grams.

Cooking method:

Chop the lettuce leaves. Mix pickled ginger, tuna, canned beans with salad. Season with olive oil and pepper to taste.

Chicken with pickled ginger


  • Chicken – 1 piece;
  • Ginger root;
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Black pepper – 1 tablespoon;
  • Seasoning for chicken - 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic – 5 cloves of garlic;
  • Sleeve for baking;
  • Pickled ginger.

Cooking method:

Rub the chicken with spices and leave to soak for 2 hours. Cut the garlic into halves. Cut the ginger root into thin strips. Place half of the ginger in the middle of the chicken and the rest under the skin through the slits. Add garlic in the same way. Next, place the chicken in a baking sleeve and place in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Use pickled ginger for serving.

Sandwich with pickled ginger and boiled egg

On a slice of grain or black bread we place several slices of pickled ginger, a chopped boiled egg and a little bit of any greenery. So a healthy and satisfying sandwich for tea is ready. If you eat such a sandwich in the morning, your vigor will accompany you all day long.

Salad with pickled ginger and canned pineapple


  • Canned pineapple;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Pickled ginger;
  • Orange;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Lemon;
  • 8 tbsp. spoons of cream.

Cooking method:

Chop canned pineapple, orange, tomatoes and add pickled ginger. Then put everything in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. To make the dressing, you need to mix the cream with the juice of one whole lemon. Before serving, place our salad on lettuce leaves and pour over the pre-prepared sauce.

Fish in Parmesan


  • White fish – 150 g;
  • Grated Parmesan – 2 tablespoons;
  • White flour – 1 tablespoons;
  • Turmeric – 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sour cream – 3 tablespoons;
  • Mustard with grains – 1 teaspoon;
  • Ketchup – 1 teaspoon;
  • Pickled ginger - to taste;
  • Ground ginger - half a teaspoon;
  • Dried garlic - half a teaspoon;
  • Fresh chopped parsley - 1 teaspoon;
  • Raw chicken egg – 1 piece.

Cooking method:

Sauce: ground ginger, dried garlic, mustard, sour cream, ketchup, turmeric, mix and season with salt. Add pickled finely chopped ginger and parsley.

Breading of fish: parmesan, salt, a little turmeric, mix flour. Next, dip the fish in the beaten egg, then in the Parmesan breading. Fry in a frying pan until golden brown.

Serve the fish with sauce. Our dish can be complemented with French fries.

Assorted rolls


  • Rice – 1.5 kg;
  • Nori - 16 pieces;
  • Sauce (for rice) – 150 g;
  • Fresh salmon – 400 g;
  • Eel – 300 g;
  • King prawns – 300 g;
  • Crab meat – 200 g;
  • Cream cheese – 400 g;
  • Cucumber – 2 pieces;
  • Tomato – 2 pieces;
  • Avocado – 1 piece;
  • Pickled daikon – 200 g;
  • Bell pepper – 2 pieces;
  • Sesame – 100 g;
  • Fish roe – packaging;
  • Spicy sauce – packaging;
  • Pickled ginger - to taste;
  • Soy sauce - to taste;
  • Wasabi - to taste.

Cooking method:

We wash all our vegetables, except daikon, and cut them into strips, and remove the seeds from the tomato. Boil the king prawns, clean and cool. Cut eel, salmon and crab meat into strips. Cook the rice, wash it and add the sauce. Cover the mat with film and put nori on it. Then an overlapping layer of rice. Add salmon, cream cheese, cucumber and avocado. We wrap it up. Now we make it with cheese, cucumber, eel and salmon. After rolling, sprinkle with caviar. Then with shrimp, cream cheese, spice sauce and cucumber. Roll up and sprinkle with sesame seeds. You can also prepare rolls with daikon, tomato, crab meat and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Same with cucumber, salmon, eel, spice sauce, cheese, avocado. We make a roll from shrimp, crab, avocado, sesame and cheese. We cover this roll with a layer of salmon.

Serve rolls with soy sauce, pickled ginger and wasabi.

Beef Stew with Pickled Ginger


  • Beef – 600 g;
  • Pickled ginger – 15 pieces;
  • Soy sauce – 5 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil for frying – 2 tablespoons;
  • Onions – 1 piece;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Water - half a glass.

Cooking method:

We wash the beef, dry it and cut it into pieces. Finely chop the onion. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up and lightly fry the meat and onions. Add soy sauce, ginger, half a glass of water, pepper and simmer under a closed lid for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and let stand covered for 10 minutes. Can be served.

Eat for your health! Bon appetit!

The culinary and medicinal properties of ginger have served people for several thousand years. This spice has such ancient origins that it is no longer known where and when ginger first appeared in the wild - ginger has long been transformed into an agricultural crop. The widespread belief that it is a traditional component of Asian cuisine is refuted by many examples. Its taste and aroma adorns not only the cuisine of Asian countries, but perfectly complements many dishes of other cuisines of the world.

Ginger root came to the European continent in the Middle Ages, and it appeared on Russian territory, presumably, after Afanasy Nikitin’s trip to India. Ginger is included in products made from different types of dough. In Rus' they loved to add it to gingerbread, and this tradition continues to this day. Ginger is an original and vibrant component of many drinks. The spice is very popular in the preparation of first and second courses, as well as many salads.

Salads with ginger - basic technological principles

There are several varieties of ginger in the world with more and less intense taste. The most commonly found on sale in our country is processed, washed and peeled black ginger. The retail chain also sells pickled ginger in jars. Young roots are white when cut, and when exposed to vinegar they turn pink. Sometimes pickled ginger root is tinted with beet juice to improve its presentation. If necessary, it is very easy to pickle ginger yourself by placing it in a vinegar solution and keeping it in a dark place for several days.

Fresh root has a sharper, more pungent taste and a bright, characteristic aroma compared to pickled root. In addition to fresh and pickled, ground ginger, which is a grayish-yellow powder, is widely used in cooking. Dried ginger has a bitter taste, but the pungency characteristic of the fresh root is insignificant in the powder.

The chemical composition of ginger root allows it to be stored fresh for a long time. Wrapped in film to prevent it from drying out, fresh ginger root can be stored on the refrigerator shelf for up to six months without losing its properties.

Which ginger is best to use in salads? Of course, the fresh and juicy root, with a lemon tint and a subtle citrus aroma, goes well with fresh vegetables. Ginger in marinated form is suitable for meat and fish, but for preparing warm salads it is better to use ginger powder, seasoning with it both individual components of the salad that are subject to preliminary heat treatment, and for seasoning sauces.

Many professional chefs argue that every dish should contain all shades of taste: salt, pungency (hotness or bitterness), sweetness, acidity. Ginger can be included both in dessert fruit salads and in fish, meat, and vegetable dishes - it can be combined with many foods.

The main rule that should be followed when composing a flavor composition is the harmony of taste and texture. In a multi-component salad, not a single ingredient should stand out: the predominance of one product over the others deprives the meaning of the prepared dish. Therefore, when introducing sharp flavor notes into any dish, do it carefully and gradually, in small parts, mix and taste.

Ginger root has one secret: it neutralizes any aftertaste. That is, for example, after eating a piece of pickled ginger after fish, you no longer feel its characteristic taste and smell. The pungent taste of fresh ginger increases appetite. This is not surprising, because spiciness promotes better digestion of food.

1. Asian cuisine: salad with ginger, melon and mint (dessert)

Product composition:

Melon, nutmeg (pulp) 600 g

Ginger root 50 g

Mint, pepper 100 g

Lime 1 pc.

Sesame 40 g

Cashew 50 g

Molasses, dark 75 g

Pomegranate 100 g (seeds)

Cooking method:

For the salad, choose a melon that is not too ripe, with fairly dense flesh. Remove peels and seeds. Cut the pulp into large cubes or select from the seeded fruit using a special spoon. Transfer the melon to a deep salad bowl. Remove the zest from the lime and sprinkle it over the fruit pieces; Cut the lime in half and squeeze out the juice. Peel and finely grate a small piece of fresh ginger root and tear up the mint leaves. Add to salad. Cover the salad bowl with a lid and shake the melon so as not to crush the pieces while stirring. Refrigerate until the melon is soaked in the mint, lime and ginger juice.

Prepare 4 bowls or red wine glasses for serving. Take 4 lime wedges, make a cut on them and hang them on the rim of the glass. Carefully arrange the melon, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds, ground cashews and sesame seeds. Drizzle with molasses. Salad ready.

2. Mediterranean cuisine: salad with pickled ginger and seafood



Oil, olive 75 ml

Ground pepper, white 20 g

Lemon or white wine 100 ml

Sugar 50 g

Bunch of mint 75 g

Tuna in its own juice (canned) 450 g

King prawns 12 pcs.

Pickled ginger 100 g

Grapefruit (or Sicilian orange) 300 g

Lettuce 120 g

Rosemary for garnish

Cooking technology:

Combine the ingredients for the dressing and blend with a blender. Let it sit for about an hour. Coarsely chop the tuna fillet and grapefruit, combining them with pieces of ginger. Line serving plates with vegetable salad leaves. Place the prepared salad on them. Place the whole boiled and peeled shrimp in each serving, two pieces at a time. Garnish with rosemary sprigs and drizzle with dressing.

3. European cuisine: spicy salad with ginger


Gherkins 400 g

Cherry 500 g

Ginger, fresh 70 g

Cheese, brine 350 g

Celery (root) 150 g

Green onions 100 g

Dill 70 g

Lemon juice 100 ml

Parsley 50 g

Soy sauce 30 ml

Pepper, ground black

Olive oil 50 ml

Preparation procedure:

Cut the cherry tomatoes and gherkins into slices into four pieces, cheese into large cubes, boiled celery into small cubes, chop the onion and leaves of parsley and dill.

Combine honey, soy sauce, lemon juice and oil, adding pepper and finely grated ginger to the mixture, pour the resulting dressing into a container with salad.

If desired, the salad can be decorated with rings of chopped olives, placing it in a heap on a dish lined with lettuce leaves.

4. Winter salad with ginger, daikon and apples


Fresh cucumber 250 g

Carrots, red 150 g

Apples 200 g (net)

Lemon juice 50 ml

Ginger root 90 g

Daikon (or black radish) 350 g

Fine salt

Sour cream (20%) 70 g

Black pepper

Raisins, red 200 g


Cut the cucumber into thin slices, washed and peeled vegetables and large sweet and sour apples into long and thin strips. Sprinkle the apples with lemon juice immediately after slicing. Add grated ginger, pepper and salt to the sour cream. Stir. After combining all the ingredients, season the salad. Garnish with dish ingredients or add herbs.

5. Japanese cuisine: salad with pickled ginger, salmon and rice

Product composition:

Salmon, lightly salted 360 g

Pickled ginger 120 g

Boiled rice (“Jasmine”) 180 g

Sea kale 240 g

Soy sauce 50 ml

Cream cheese 350 g

Sesame 100 g

“Wasabi” – 15 g

Preparation procedure:

Roll the cheese into balls, wet your hands in water, 30-40 g each. Roll them in sesame seeds.

Place a layer of seaweed in a flat round dish. Place a layer of rice on top, the next layer is “petals” of pickled ginger. Place the cheese balls on the ginger. Cut the salted fish into thin strips and place around the cheese. Pour soy sauce over the layered salad. Serve wasabi sauce separately with the salad.

6. Malaysian cuisine: salad with ginger, smoked chicken and pineapple


Breast, smoked chicken 700 g

Yogurt, natural 150 ml

Chili or cayenne pepper 40 g

Arugula 100 g

Tomatoes (cherry) 300 g

Garlic70 g

Ginger 90 g

Peas, green (pickled) 250 g

Rice, boiled 400 g

Fine salt

Pineapples, canned 450 g

Operating procedure:

Prepare a dressing using yogurt, curry, ground hot pepper, garlic and ginger. Cut the cherry into slices or slices, chicken and pineapple into cubes. Combine and mix all ingredients, place in a salad bowl or on a flat dish. Pour generously of the prepared sauce and garnish with torn arugula leaves.

Ginger salad - useful tips and tricks

Salad containing fresh ginger root is not recommended to be stored for more than two hours. Such a salad, of course, will not spoil quickly, since ginger protects the dish from the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, due to the fact that the root is a natural antiseptic. But it is the heat and bitterness that quickly spoil the taste of the salad, interrupting the taste of all other products.

Spicy dressings with ginger are best served separately, in a gravy boat.

Ginger root, like lemon, eliminates unpleasant odors in the kitchen. Break the root and rub the surface of the board after cutting fish and garlic. In addition, ginger has an antimicrobial effect.

If ginger is added to hot dishes at the beginning of cooking, then its taste eventually becomes less spicy; at the end of cooking, you need to add ginger more carefully so that it does not drown out the taste of the rest of the food.

Essential oils, which are contained in large quantities in ginger root, tend to evaporate quickly. Therefore, chopped or grated ginger, in cases where you need to especially emphasize its aroma, do not store it open for a long time. Add ginger to fresh vegetable salads at the very end of cooking and in small quantities.

Store cold dressings and sauces containing ginger in a closed container.

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