Who is Satan? History, interesting facts and image. Who is the Devil

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  • St.
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  • A. Tkachenko

Devil(Greek διάβολος - slanderer, defamer) - who rebelled, for a reason, against and as a result lost his high angelic quality; Satan, head

The evil activity of the devil, directed at people, is allowed by God, including for the sake of determining their free to.

The devil always wants only for a person, his goal is the death of a person.
According to the testimony of Holy Scripture, the beginning of sin comes from the devil. " Whoever commits sin is of the devil, because the devil sinned first" (). “The fall is to angels what death is to men. For after the fall there is no repentance for them, just as it is impossible for people after death,” writes Rev. . " Then He will also say to those on the left hand: Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.» () .

The devil becomes the “prince of this world” through his power over people who have fallen away from God. A person cannot exist autonomously in the spiritual plane, either he fulfills the good will of God, or he surrenders himself to the power of the devil.

Can the devil perform miracles?

Being an angel by nature, the devil has certain abilities to influence the elements and objects of the visible world that exceed the capabilities of humans.

For example, in the Book of Job there is an incident when Satan cast fire from heaven (). Ascetic literature contains many examples illustrating the ability of Satan and his accomplices, the demons, to perform acts so impressive to man that many of them, in a certain respect, can be called miracles. Let us suppose that in the second letter of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians it is directly stated that the lawless one, that is, the Antichrist, who will appear before the end of the world and become an instrument of Satan, will act “with all power and signs and lying wonders” ().

Therefore, Satan can perform actions that can amaze a person, amaze his gaze, mind, feelings, and imagination. But is it right to talk about these actions or the results of these actions as genuine miracles?

Strictly speaking, a miracle, understood as the fruit of a special supernatural influence on objects and phenomena of our world, a special supernatural intervention in the natural course of things, is available only to God (conditionally, we can say that it is also available to those who act in cooperation with God, for example, ascetics - miracle workers). Satan, acting contrary to the will of God, is able to exert an influence on objects and phenomena of the world that corresponds to his natural abilities and only to the extent that the Lord allows. Thus, we can say that Satan is capable of a miracle, but a miracle is not in the exclusive sense of the word, but a false miracle (note that satanic miracles are called false because they are directed against good, and often to deceive the senses or consciousness of a person ).

The Bible also gives a description of Leviathan, often identified with Satan. Here he is a huge sea creature or a flying dragon.

In the Old Testament

In its original meaning " Satan" is a common noun meaning one who interferes and interferes . In the Bible this word refers to people (1 Kings, 2 Kings; 1 Kings;). The exception is probably 1 Chron. .

Satan first appears as the name of a specific angel in the book of the prophet Zechariah (Zech.), where Satan acts as an accuser in the heavenly court.

- "Your father - devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (In.).

Bible also says that on the Day of Judgment the Devil (" ancient serpent") will be cast into the abyss for a thousand years by an angel who holds the key to the abyss (Rev.). After the second battle, Satan will forever be cast into " lake of fire and brimstone"(Open).

Names of Satan in the Bible

Satan has the following names in the Bible:

  • Abaddon (Hebrew: אבדון‎ - “ extermination"), Apollyon (Greek Απολλύων) - " destroyer") And Angel of the Abyss(Open)
  • Great Red Dragon (Revelation)
  • Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24)
  • Belial (2 Cor. 6:15)
  • Great Dragon (Rev.)
  • Devil (Luke 8:12; 1 Peter 5:8)
  • Dragon (Revelation)
  • Ancient serpent (Rev., Rev.)
  • Cruel angel (Prov. 17:11)
  • Evil angel (Ps. 77:49)
  • The evil spirit is from God (1 Samuel 16:14, 16:23; 1 Samuel 18:10; 1 Samuel 19:9)
  • Tempter (Matt.4:3; 1Thess.3:5)
  • Prince of demons (Matthew 12:24)
  • Prince of This World (John 12:31; John 14:30; John 16:11)
  • Lying spirit (1 Kings 22:22)
  • Evil One (Matthew 13:19)
  • Father of lies (John 8:55).

In Judaism

« Renunciation of Satan» included in the Orthodox and the Catholic rite of baptism.

Alternative opinions in Christianity

A minority of Christians consider the story of Satan an allegory . Among those: Faustus Socinus and the Socinians, Hobbes, Newton, Priestley, and, beginning in the mid-19th century, the Christadelphians.


Temple of Black Light(Temple of Black Light) sees Satan as the restorer of the full and original form of Chaos and the consort of Lilith, one of the 11 higher demons.

Horns, a modern attribute of Satan, was originally perceived as a symbol of divinity and fertility. At the same time, there were goat-horned and ram-headed gods (the Egyptian ram-headed god Khnum and the Greek god Pan with a goat), as well as the goddess Hathor with cow horns.

Relationship with Satan

Modern Satanists differ in their perception of Satan.

Valentinus Scaurus in the “Book of Ten Appeals” (lat. Codex Decium) writes about Satan:

Boundless Power of Darkness, Almighty Parent of Chaos, You are our immeasurable Origin, who gave birth to the devilish and predatory source of our souls .

Temple of Black Light sees Satan as the restorer of the full and original form of Chaos and the consort of Lilith, one of the 11 higher demons .

The Temple of Black Light (TOTBL) calls Satan the supreme Devil, whose goal is to destroy the current form of the universe and end all eons of time.

When the eyes of Taninivera open, Satan and Taninsam Lilith will unite, and the eleven corners will also be united, because the name Azerate opens macrocosmic portals into the dark dimensions of chaos. This will be the beginning of an anti-cosmic invasion and total destruction of the cosmic order on all spiritual and material planes . When the eyes of a dragon open, the one whose eyes are open turns into the physical embodiment of the strongest descendant of Satan and Lilith, who, with the awakened black fire of chaos, plunges the cosmos into fire. Liber Azerate

Satan, like Lilith, has no form :

The first three forces facing Satan are chaos, emptiness and darkness. . Satan himself consists of these three forces, and he himself is completely formless, without any semblance of body shape. Thus, he cannot influence events on the cosmic plane with his own hand.

The Satanism of Michael Ford (author of Luciferian Witchcraf and Liber HVHI) is characterized by the perception of Satan as the supreme Adversary, liberating man and granting him initiation and magical abilities, as well as accurate identification Satan and the Zoroastrian Devil Ahriman.

For members of the Church of Satan(Church of Satan) and followers of Anton Sandor LaVey. Satan- a symbol of earthly life and protest against " hypocrisy of public morality ».

Satan is a symbol, nothing more. Satan symbolizes our love for all earthly things and denial of the pale, barren image of Christ on the cross . (Anton LaVey)

This concludes the introductory part of the article. Let's move on to our research.


So, above we learned that Satan has many " Names" However, actually " Name» SATAN, to which we are accustomed, is not explained in any way. If you break it down Name into syllables, then it will look like this - SAT And ANA. But SAT And ANA– these are actually words in Sanskrit. Moreover SAT– translated from Sanskrit as “ being", and ANA - as " the basis" or "breathing". Below in Figure 3 the “Name” entry is shown. SATAN in Sanskrit into the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 3. The figure shows entries in Sanskrit in the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe of three words in Sanskrit. 1. Sura- demigods, and Asura– semi-demons. 2. Satan– which can be translated as – “ The basis of being" or " Being Breath" Below in the insert are the words SAT and SANT, which have a similar translation. Statuses " Name» Satan extend from the 16th level of the Upper world of the matrix of the Universe to the 1st and can extend to the Lower world of the matrix of the Universe. At the top left are the statuses “ Name» Brahma – « co-creator "The Universe, and the first living being in our Material Universe. The basis for recording the “Name” of Satan in Sanskrit in the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe was the results of our research on the ancient Christian icon from the work in the section “ Author's articles» on the website - In a dream, Jacob saw a staircase leading to heaven, in the matrix of the Universe! . Figures 2 and 6 from this work will be shown below in Figures 5 and 6.

Rice. 4.
The figure shows an entry in Sanskrit into the Upper World of the Word Matrix of the Universe Jiva(Soul) and Loka(space or area), – denoting space “ Shower - Jeev"in the Upper and Lower worlds of the matrix of the Universe. This area is from the 12th level of the Upper World to the 4th level of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. From the analysis of Figures 3 and 4 it is clear that the space " Jiva - Loka" located " inside » space "Name" Satan. Thus, Satan « available » Souls - Jivas Living creatures.

Rice. 5. Icon (color original) – “ Spiritual ladder» from the monastery Saint Catherine on the Sinai Peninsula. By " stairs"Souls rise. They are met in the upper right corner by the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of the Souls are pulled down by demons (dark forces) from the stairs and prevented from reaching Jesus Christ.

Rice. 6. The picture above shows an Egyptian hieroglyph – an amulet – “ Two fingers", index and middle, which are god Choir(Horus) gave it to his father Osiris, helping him climb the stairway to heaven. It is added to the top of the hieroglyphic notation, ladder– (Egyptian – Maaket). The upper level of the hieroglyph-amulet " Two fingers»does not reach level 17 in the Upper World matrix. This fact probably indicates the difficulties " With independent » transition « Souls"from the 16th level of the Upper World to the 17th, and it is possible that in this case Divine intervention or assistance is required for such a transition. From the picture it is clear that the top of the stairs reaches the 17th level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. In Figure 3, the Sanskrit entry for “Name” Satan also begins from the 16th level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 7.
The figure shows the entry into the matrix of the Universe of words in Sanskrit: 1. Sura(demigods) Asura(half-demons). 3. Sura And Kula (monastery, school ) – « Abode of demigods and half-demons" In this area of ​​the matrix of the Universe there are clashes between demigods and half-demons. This agrees well with what is shown in Figure 5 on the icon - “ Spiritual ladder».

The upper world of the matrix of the Universe in volume looks like a quadrangular pyramid with the top turned down. In the plane version, it is a triangle with the apex directed downward, and the Material - Lower World of the matrix of the Universe - is a triangle with the apex directed upward. The tops of these triangles, as can be seen in the figures, overlap. In fact, these are two mountains"in the matrix of the Universe.

In the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew talks about exactly this “ very high mountain", to which Satan exalted Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, in Christian " Interpretations"The church fathers are mistaken about the Gospel and all the Gospel and Old Testament provisions about " Earth», « Sky», « very high mountain » wrongly referred only to our planet « Earth" It is about this possible error " interpretations "Said, in particular, the Holy Apostle John, in the "Revelation of John the Theologian. (Apocalypse)” (Rev. 2:29) – “29. He who has an ear (to hear), let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches " Well, God bless them with stereotypes. This is what the Gospel of Matthew says about “ very high mountain "(Matthew 4:1-11):

Gospel of Matthew

"1. Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil,

2. And having fasted forty days and forty nights, he was finally hungry.

3. And the tempter came to Him and said: If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.

4. He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

5. Then the devil takes Him to the holy city and places Him on the wing of the temple,

6. And he said to Him: If You are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: He will command His angels concerning You, and in their hands they will bear You up, lest You dash Your foot against a stone.

7 Jesus said to him, “It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”

9. And he says to Him: I will give all this to You if you fall down and worship me.

10. Then Jesus says to him: get away from me, satan , for it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone.

11. Then the devil left Him, and behold, the angels came and served Him.”

Rice. 8. The picture shows " very high mountain “—the darkened triangle of the pyramid of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. Satan " checked “Is Jesus really the Messiah and, when he was convinced that this was so, “8. Again the devil takes Him to a very high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory , », « decides » give everything to Jesus ( all spaces of the matrix of the Universe ) that belongs to him by the will of God. But Satan could have deceived Jesus, because “ form of his service to God » — « Tempt and deceive" Therefore, the answer of Jesus Christ was: “ Get away from me, Satan... ", especially since " Satan's domain "just a small part of what" belongs» by right Jesus Christ- "eleven. Then the devil left Him, and behold, the angels came and served Him». But the conversation between Jesus Christ and Satan took place not on our planet “Mother Earth”, but in the “Invisible World” of the matrix of the Universe! Planet Earth is only tiny" a piece » The material world of the matrix of the Universe. By the way, this " very high mountain " - in Buddhism and the Vedic tradition of India is called " mountain » Meru or Sumeru, and Greek mythology - “ Mount Olympus" We talked about this in our article on the website in the “Mediterranean” section - Olympus and Meru - two names of the same mountain in the matrix of the Universe. This is shown below in Figure 9.

Rice. 9.
The picture on the right shows the Sanskrit spelling of the name of the mountain. Sumeru – Sumeru Kuta. On the left is the entry in Greek " Mount Olympus" "Mountain Meru(Sanskrit: मेरु) or Sumeru " great Meru» — sacred mountain in cosmology Buddhism and Hinduism, where she is seen as the center of all material and spiritual universes. It is considered the abode of Brahma and other devas. The Puranas describe its height as 80,000 yojanas (1,106,000 km) and that it is located on Jambudvipa, one of the continents on Earth . Many Hindu temples, including Angkor Wat in Cambodia, were built as a symbolic representation of Mount Meru. According to one interpretation, Mount Meru is in the subtle world over the North Pole." The figure shows entries in the matrix of the Universe of the name 1. - mountains Olympus and 2. -. Sumeru. Sumeru(Sanskrit) - translated as - 1. best, 2. highest, 3. beautiful. Sumerukuta- (Sanskrit) - Peak of Mount Sumeru . The letters of the Greek alphabet are three-level, and the letters of Sanskrit are four-level. For this reason, as can be seen in the figure, the name of Mount Olympus occupies one level more in the matrix of the Universe - it extends to the 21st level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe, and the name Sumerukuta - accordingly to the 20th level. From the figure it can be seen that both mountain names Olympus And Sumerukuta practically occupy the same space of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. In this sense, we can conclude that Mt. Olympus and mountain Sumerukuta or Sumeru identical. The arc bracket to the left of the inscriptions shows the position of the name - Brahma. There, on the top of the mountain, His abode is located. Such a conclusion will allow us to further draw analogies between the pantheon of gods, in particular, the ancient Hellenes, the Vedic gods in Hinduism and Buddhism. As a result, it probably became clear to the reader that the mountains Olympus And Sumeru — « mountains » — « in the space of the matrix of the universe " - on a universal scale. Therefore the word " Earth » in myths - or knowledge in this form, must be understood as specific spaces in “ the invisible world of the matrix of the universe "very distant from our planet, which we also call - Earth. It is this moment that creates a deep-rooted misconception in the minds of people and scientists. about the involvement of mythological mountains Olympus And Sumeru to our planet Earth.


Now let's turn to the Old Testament " Book of Job" We will consider in detail only three chapters from this book - 1, 2 and the last chapter 42.

Here is a brief description of the origin and belonging to the body of Old Testament writings of this “ teacher's room» books from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia - http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0_%D0%98%D0%BE%D0% B2%D0%B0 :

« Book of Job— 29th part of the Tanakh, 3rd book of Ketuvim, part of the Bible, Old Testament.

  • Job— article from the Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia »

To this we can add the following: lands of Uz, in which, as this book says, he lived Job:

"If Job- the person is completely historical, then the question more naturally arises about the place and time of his life. According to the book itself, he lived in the land of Uz, “in the country of Ausitidia,” as the LXX interpreters call it (Job 1.1). But where exactly this area was located cannot be said with certainty. . The remark of the postscript at the end of the book on reading LXX: “on the borders of Idumea and Arabia” (Job 42.17) is as general as the indication of Job 1.3 that Job was “more famous than all the sons of the East,” i.e. Arabs (see interpretation on this verse); and the mention of the land of Uz in the book. the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 25.20) and in the book. Lamentations (Lamentations 4.21) does not clarify her situation. True, the words of the book. Crying: " rejoice and be glad, daughter of Edom, who dwells in the land Uts ", apparently give the right to think that Uts was in Idumea and constituted its region. But such an assumption is refuted by Articles 20 and 21. Chapter XXV book the prophet Jeremiah (Jer. 25.20-21), from which it is clear that the earth Uts, mentioned separately from Idumea, was not part of its borders. If the prophet attributes it to the Edomites, then this is explained, according to Ewald, by the fact that the land Uts was given to them by Nebuchadnezzar for the help they provided to the Chaldeans during the conquest of Judea. As for Jeremiah 25.20 et cetera, some see in these verses a listing of neighboring countries and, accordingly, the location Uts point between Egypt and Judea, southeast of the latter and east of Idumea. The validity of such considerations is weakened by Articles 21 and 22. of this chapter, indicating that when listing countries, the prophet was not guided by the beginning of contiguity...”

Let's move on to consider three chapters of the book of Job - 1, 2 and the last 42nd chapter:


1. There was a man in the land of Uz, his name is Job; and this man was blameless, just and God-fearing and shunned evil.

3. He had names : and quite a lot of servants; and this man was more famous than all the sons of the East.

4. His sons came together, each making feasts in his own house on his own day, and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

5. When the circle of feast days was completed, Job sent [for them] and sanctified them and, rising early in the morning, offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said: Perhaps my sons have sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts. This is what Job did on all [such] days.

7. And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and walked around it.

8. And the Lord said to Satan: Hast thou heeded thy attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a blameless, just, fearing God and shunning evil.

9. And Satan answered the Lord and said: Does Job fear God for nothing?

10. Haven’t you made a fence around him and his house and all that he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his flocks are spread over the earth;

11 But stretch out Your hand and touch everything that he has, will he bless You?

12. .

13 And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their firstborn brother.

14. And [behold], a messenger comes to Job and says:

15. The oxen were yelling, and the donkeys were grazing near them, when the Sabeans attacked and took them, and struck the youths with the edge of the sword; and I alone was saved to tell you.

16. While he was still speaking, another came and said: The fire of God fell from heaven and scorched the sheep and the youths and devoured them; and I alone was saved to tell you.

17. While he was still speaking, another came and said: The Chaldeans settled down in three detachments and rushed at the camels and took them, and struck the youths with the edge of the sword; and I alone was saved to tell you.

18. While this one was speaking, another came and said: Your sons and your daughters ate and drank wine in the house of their firstborn brother;

19. And behold, a great wind came from the desert and swept through the four corners of the house, and the house fell on the youths, and they died; and I alone was saved to tell you.

20. Then Job stood up and tore his outer garment, shaved his head and fell to the ground and bowed down.

21. and he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return.” The Lord gave, the Lord also took away; Blessed be the name of the Lord!

22. In all this, Job did not sin and did not say anything unreasonable about God .

1. There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord.

2. And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and walked around it.

3. And the Lord said to Satan: Hast thou heeded thy attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a blameless, just, God-fearing man who shuns evil, and is still firm in his integrity; and you stirred Me up against him in order to destroy him innocently.

4. And Satan answered the Lord and said: Skin for skin, and for his life a man will give all that he has;

5 But stretch out Your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, will he bless You?

6. And the Lord said to Satan: Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his soul.

7. Satan departed from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with fierce leprosy from the sole of his foot to the very top of his head.

8. And he took himself a tile to scrape himself with it, and sat down in the ashes.

9. And his wife said to him: You are still firm in your integrity! blaspheme God and die .

10. But he said to her: You speak like one of the madmen: will we really accept good from God, but not accept evil? In all this Job did not sin with his mouth .

11. And Job's three friends heard about all these misfortunes that had befallen him, and they went each from their place: Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shebaite, and Zophar the Naamite, and they came together to go and mourn with him and console him.

12. And lifting up their eyes from afar, they did not recognize him; and they lifted up their voice and wept; And every man tore his outer garment, and threw the dust over their heads toward heaven.

13. And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights; and no one said a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.

1. And Job answered the Lord and said:

2. I know that You can do everything, and that Your intention cannot be stopped.

3. Who is this one who darkens Providence, not understanding anything? - So, I spoke about what I did not understand, about things that were wonderful to me, which I did not know.

4. Listen, [I cried,] and I will speak, and what I will ask You, explain to me.

5. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; now my eyes see You;

6. Therefore I renounce and repent in dust and ashes.

7. And it came to pass after the Lord had spoken these words to Job, that the Lord said unto Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath burneth against thee and against thy two friends, because ye have spoken of me not so truly as my servant Job.

8. Therefore take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to My servant Job and offer a sacrifice for yourself; and My servant Job will pray for you, for only his face will I accept, so as not to reject you because you have not spoken about Me as truly as My servant Job.

9. And Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shebaite and Zophar the Naamite went and did as the Lord commanded them, and the Lord took the face of Job.

10. And the Lord restored Job's loss when he prayed for his friends; and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

11. Then all his brothers and all his sisters and all his former acquaintances came to him, and ate bread with him in his house, and grieved with him, and comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him, and they gave him every by kesita and by the golden ring.

12. And God blessed the last days of Job more than before : he had .

13. And he had seven sons and three daughters .

14. And he called the name of the first Emima, the second name is Cassia, and the name of the third is Kerengappuh.

15. And there were not in all the earth such beautiful women as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers.

16. ;

17 And Job died in old age, full of days.”

I've always liked this book. From the first two chapters, it obviously follows that Satan is a powerful servant of God, but without the command or permission of God, Satan does nothing, although he has the right to appeal to God and can express his opinion: “6. And there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan came among them…. 9. And Satan answered the Lord and said: Does Job fear God for nothing? 10. Haven’t you made a fence around him and his house and all that he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his flocks are spread over the earth; 11. But stretch out Your hand and touch everything that he has, will he bless You?... And the Lord said to Satan: Behold, all that he has is in your hand; just don’t stretch out your hand on him. And Satan departed from the presence of the Lord ».

I re-read its chapters with pleasure, but each time I asked myself the question: “ Why is the exact numerical value of the children of Job and his Estate given in this ancient scripture??! - “Ch. 12. And seven sons and three daughters were born to him . 3. He had names : seven thousand flocks, three thousand camels, five hundred pairs of oxen and five hundred donkeys and a lot of servants; and this man was more famous than all the sons of the East.” And in the last 42nd chapter - “12. And God blessed Job's last days more than before : he had fourteen thousand flocks, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen and one thousand donkeys . 13. And he had seven sons and three daughters . 14. And he called the name of the first Emima, the second name is Cassia, and the name of the third is Kerengappuh. 15. And there were not in all the earth such beautiful women as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers. 16. After this Job lived a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons and his sons' sons to the fourth generation ; 17 And Job died in old age, full of days.”

The first " 10 children" And " Estate"were destroyed by Satan with the permission of the Lord! One got the impression that their exact numerical value was needed only to show in the last 42nd chapter that 10 children born again Job, A " Estate» doubled?! It could have been written, it just increased “ doubled"And that's all?! Then I decided that the exact numerical values ​​" Children" And " Estates" - This " key » to secret knowledge about sacred meaning « Books of Job" We described a similar study in an article on the website in the section “ Author's articles» — Tale of Pushkin A.S. “About Tsar Saltan” is an allegory built on the basis of the matrix of the Universe. If the numerical values ​​in the book of Job are an indication of the matrix of the Universe, then we need to look for answers to our questions there!

Figure 10 shows the results of the analysis " numerical values "from the first Chapter of the Book of Job using knowledge about the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 10.
In the figure, at the transition between the Upper and Lower worlds, the matrices of the Universe are shown: On the right " CHILDREN"Job - "Ch. 12. And seven sons and three daughters were born to him " Job himself is shown in the place " maleAND" Next to him " women'ssons"Job" men's» positions. Moreover, the seventh sondaughterswomen'schildren» Job « reside » in the land of Uz. We have found the land of Uts! More details about " men's" And " women'sAuthor's articles"(Fig. 4) - From Paleolithic Venus to the goddess of ancient Iran Ardvisura Anahita, the secret of knowledge about the matrix of the Universe was preserved. Now let's look at " ESTATE- “Ch. 13. He had names : seven thousand flocks, three thousand camels, five hundred pairs of oxen and five hundred donkeys …». According to the rules " gematria " All " ESTATEseven thousand small livestock " = 7000 = 7, " three thousand camels" = 3000 = 3," five hundred pairs of oxen " - 500 x 2 (pair) = 1000 = 1, " five hundred donkeys" = 500 = 5. Total " ESTATE» = 7+3+1+5 = 16 From the top of the pyramid of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe - 16 positions!

Rice. eleven.
In the figure, at the transition between the Upper and Lower worlds of the matrix of the Universe, the following are shown: On the right are the newly born “ CHILDREN» Job – Ch. 42.- "13. And he had seven sons and three daughters . 14. And he called the name of the first Emima, the second name is Cassia, and the name of the third is Kerengappuh. 15. And there were not in all the earth such beautiful women as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers.” Job himself is shown in the place " male» positions on the 5th level in the form of a circle with the letter « AND" Next to him " women's» The position on the 4th level is indicated by a large double star. Below, with numbers in circles, seven “ sons"Job" men's» positions. Moreover, the seventh son» Job was located at the top of the pyramid of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. Three " daughters"Job are shown with small stars on " women's» positions of the matrix of the Universe. All " children» Job « reside » in the land of Uz. We have found the land of Uts! More details about " men's" And " women's“We spoke about positions in the matrix of the Universe in an article on the website in the section “ Author's articles"(Fig. 4) - From Paleolithic Venus to the goddess of ancient Iran Ardvisura Anahita, the secret of knowledge about the matrix of the Universe was preserved. Bottom right shows " sons" And " daughters» Job, which were placed, taking into account the position of the Kabbalistic “tree of the Sephiroth” in the matrix of the Universe, into the position of the sefirot – the 2nd son – the sefirot Netzach (Eternity), 6th son – Sefirot Malchut (Kingdom), daughter Cassia– sephirot Yesod (The basis), and the “Double Star” is a sefirot Move (Glory, Greatness). We examined the Kabbalistic tree of the Sefirot in the matrix of the Universe in detail in an article on the website in the section “ Judaism"(Fig. 8) - The Matrix of the Universe is the sacred basis of the science of Kabbalah. Now let's look at " ESTATE"Job on the left in the picture. All these small cattle, camels, oxen and donkeys - this is an allegory that has only a numerical meaning– Ch. 42. "12. And God blessed Job's last days more than before : he had fourteen thousand flocks, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen and one thousand donkeys …». According to the rules " gematria " All " ESTATE"Job can be reduced to the following sum of numbers - " fourteen thousand small livestock " = 14000 = 14, " six thousand camels" = 6000 = 6, " a thousand pairs of oxen " - 1000 x 2 (pair) = 2000 = 2, " thousand donkeys" = 1000 = 1. Total " ESTATE» = 14+6+2+1 = 23 , as shown in the figure on the left. From the top of the pyramid of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe - 23 positions!

Rice. 12. The figure shows the interpretation of the allegory in the matrix of the Universe - Ch. 42- "16. After this Job lived a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons and his sons' sons to the fourth generation ; 17 And Job died in old age, full of days.” The countdown of Job’s 140 years in the matrix of the Universe begins after the 23rd position “ ESTATES"Job, when the Lord blessed him after all his trials. Job's 140 years are not shortened. The number is added to them - “... and he saw his sons and his sons' sons to the fourth generation; "- 7 sons x 4 clans = 28. Total counting down – 140 + 28 = 168 positions down into the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. We see that 19 levels of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe are completely filled and one position at the beginning of the 20th level of the Lower World. Based on the results we obtained, we can conclude that the sacred meaning of the “numerical values” in the book of Job lies in the description of “CREATION” by the descendants of Job of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe!

It can also be said that the ideas about Job, his Wife and children, as people familiar to us, do not correspond to the sacred meaning of the book of Job, which we managed to understand. That is why, for example, such a wonderful painting by I. Repin - “ Job and his friends"just a tribute to the wonderful " Book of Job”, which actually does not correspond to the sacred meaning of this book.

Rice. 13.
Job stricken Satan leprosy, sitting in the ashes, and his friends. Artist I. Repin. Behind Job on the left, his wife is shown grieving over his fate.

More detailed information about the matrix of the Universe can be obtained by reading the articles on the website in the “Egyptology” section - Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part one. Pythagoras, Tetractys and the god Ptah and the Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part two. Nomes of Egypt.

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© Arushanov Sergey Zarmailovich 2011

I read 2 articles first, then this one as a snack, it’s not only God who loves the Trinity. I was not mistaken in my choice - this one impressed me the most. That’s it, now I’ll definitely make myself a matrix from the inverted Star of David and I’ll twist cuneiform and the name of the great Cthulhu in it. I hope that I will be a little less masterly. Hmm...



1) rus. the word "D." comes from the Greek. Diabolos, "slanderer", "inciter". This is Greek. the word was used in the Septuagint to convey the meaning of Hebrew. words see Satan, denoting the accuser before the court, the adversary and the enemy, and ultimately that supernatural person who is our own. and we call D. Grech. the word echtros ("enemy") is also a special designation for D. in the parable of the tares among the wheat (Mt 13:24ff; cf. Lk 10:19) . D., or Satan (Greek Satanas), is in the full sense of the word the enemy of God, His Kingdom and the human race; as a tempter (Greek peirazon; Matthew 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 3:5) by his actions he seeks to quarrel a person with God (Genesis 3; Matthew 4; Luke 4). Probably with an allusion to Genesis 3 in Revelation, D. is called a dragon and an ancient serpent (Rev 12:9; 20:2);
2) D., acc. with its essence, is also called “evil” (Greek go poneros (in the Synod. Transl. - “evil” - Matthew 13:19; 1 John 2:13,14; 3:12; 5:18 )). What is meant by “the evil one” is at work here. D. is implied, follows from the par. Matthew 13:19 places where Satan is mentioned (Mark 4:15) and D. (Luke 8:12). But in some places in the Bible the form is Greek. words do not allow us to judge what is meant in a particular context - “evil” or “evil”. One of these controversial places is Matthew 6:13 in prayer, see Our Father. East The Church believes that here we are talking about “evil” (“evil”), i.e. o D., Zap. The Church interprets this word as “evil.” Luther also follows this tradition, but, on the other hand, in the Large Catechism he shows that in the concept of “evil” he also includes D., “the malicious, evil, main enemy.” Lyrics Matthew 5:37; 13:38; John 17:15 also acquire greater clarity and sharpness if we bear in mind not the general concept of evil, but D., in whose power lies the whole world;
3) (1 John 5:19) being "the ruler (in the Synod. Transl. - "prince") of this world"(John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) , D. is the most ardent opponent of the Savior. As the ruler of this world, he can give earthly kingdoms to whomever he wishes(Luke 4:6) . Paul even calls him "the god of this age"(2 Cor 4:4) who have won the glory of this world. D. is also presented in the image of a “strong man” guarding his home(Mark 3:27 et al.) . Unsaved people are also in the power of D.(Acts 26:18) , and only God can free them from submission to this power;
4) The kingdom of D. belongs to unclean spirits (see Shaggy, goblin), and demons, or demons (Greek daimonion). This is Greek. the word probably recalls the tongue. views on demons, but its use in the NT is devoid of any deification of the demonic principle; however, the popular attitude towards the terrible remains here: demons are seen as evil spirits seeking, at the will of Satan, to destroy the spiritual and physical life of a person. But evil spirits initially recognize Jesus as having greater power (Matt 8:29,31; Mark 1:24).

acc. According to the views of late Judaism, Satan, or the devil - Sammael - was one of the most exalted angelic beings in heaven. Envy, pride and the desire for power prompted him to lead the first man into temptation. a couple. His weapon was a serpent, about which in rabbinic literature. the literature contains statements that allow one to conclude that D. himself is meant by him. The angels who took part in his act are called “angels of Satan”; he himself is designated as “the head of all satanic forces.” His destructive activity is considered in three aspects: he incites people to sin and leads them into temptation; he slanderes them and accuses them before God; he brings death to them as punishment for sin.
In the popular belief of the Greeks, "demons" are creatures with superhuman powers. power; often they mean the spirits of the dead. Demons are capricious and unpredictable. A person enters into communication with them through magic. actions, trying to appease them, subdue them or keep them away from you. Greek philosophy tried to overcome these popular ideas by looking at demons as deities. strength; The demonic among philosophers was not opposed to the deities, but was presented as equivalent to it. In the Persian religion, evil is the personified forces of nature. For the Persians, all of existence was an ongoing struggle between equal forces of good and evil. Greek philosophy considered D. as independent. and independent of the deity. In the Bible D. is subordinate. God is a being, His opponent, who is by no means equivalent to God. In Babyl. beliefs, connection with spirits, demons, Satan, sometimes there is an external resemblance to the Bible, but about the internal. interdependence is not the issue here. But it is quite possible that the authors of the Bible. books in those cases when they talked about the reality of demonic. forces, based on the ideas that existed in their environment.

The Bible testifies to the real, personal existence of D. and his followers. Specificity of the Bible. descriptions and many direct indications of the existence of D. do not allow us to talk about exclusion. mythological the nature of stories about fallen angels. Kr. Moreover, it is impossible to talk about the mythological nature of D. also because true and fallen angels always appear in the Bible as creatures of God and never as God-like or equal beings to God. In the story of the Fall, it is noteworthy that among creation. There were also such beings as God, who, based on the internal ones. motives, could show a tendency towards evil. In the OT about such personifications. the enemies of all good things bear witness. places: Job 1:6ff.; Zechariah 3:1-2, and probably also Lev 16:7ff. (see Azazel). The Bible does not provide information about the number of D.; Apparently, we are always talking about one D. (the word diabolos is always used in the singular), or Satan. But he is the ruler of the demon realm; in Matthew 12:24 he is called see Beelzebub, “prince of the demons,” cr. Moreover, his angels, or messengers, are spoken of in Matthew 25:41; 2 Cor 12:7; Rev 12:7. The unclean spirit in Mark 5:9 calls himself “legion” and says: “we are many”;
D. is obviously one of the "angels who sinned" (2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6; see Pride, vanity, arrogance). In his essence he is a creator. spirit, and therefore free from attachment to matter. D. is a person, as evidenced by his personification. opposition to Jesus; he was given the power to measure his strength even with the Son of God, tempting Him (see Temptation; Matthew 4; Luke 4). The words of Jesus prove that D. has enormous power behind him: he is “the prince of this world” being "the ruler (in the Synod. Transl. - "prince") of this world", he has the power to show Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” (Matt 4:8)"in a moment of time" (Luke 4:5). The texts also speak about D.’s enormous power Eph 2:2; 6:12. The spiritual essence of D. also determines that in his desire to lead into temptation he can even take the form of an “Angel of Light” (2 Cor 11:14). In the prologue to the Book of Job (Job 1:6ff; 2:1ff) D. appears before God and speaks to Him. Rejected God and, next, before. will graduate curse, he nevertheless agreed. this book, still has access to the heavenly throne of God. The essence of D. and his actions is explained in John 8:44. Jesus calls him “a murderer from the beginning,” not standing in the truth and a liar, true to his essence, “when he speaks a lie,” for he is “a liar and the father of lies.” His mortal hatred of people is caused by the order given by the Creator, see Man, as the bearer of the image of God, to rule on earth (Genesis 1:28). In this hatred of people lies D.'s hatred of God Himself. And the lie, the father of which is D., basically means satisfaction from non-existence; it is the desire to elevate non-existence to the place of creation. God, and therefore good in its essence, reality. D. wants untruth instead of truth, darkness instead of light; he wants death instead of life. Christ is life (John 11:25; 14:6). D. strives to put himself in the place of God, so that he himself is considered God (cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:4); he wants to be equal to God (cf. Gen 3:5), and this is pride and see Lie;
3) any ACTION of the DEVIL is see Sin. “Whoever commits sin is of the devil, because the devil sinned first.” (1 John 3:8). D. dominates the air, evil spirits and demons (Eph 2:2; 6:12; cf. 1 Cor 8:5) ; he prowls the earth and seduces people in order to seduce them into sin. He appears before God as an adversary of believers, as one slandering them (Rev 12:10). D. walks the earth like a “roaring lion” (i.e., imitating God: Os 11:10; Wed Isaiah 31:4), but unlike God, he is looking for someone to devour. To resist him, you need to stand firm in faith (1 Peter 5:8ff.). The New Testament Church is a stumbling block for D.'s actions in this world (cf. Rev. 12:17). At the end of time he will try to exert his strength; he will be allowed to gain apparent dominance for a short time and so develop the temptation of temptation (see Antichrist) that the temptation to fall away will become great for the elect. (Matt 24:24; Mark 13:22). But this power of D. is illusory - suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, Christ will appear (Matthew 24:27, 30; see Second Coming of Jesus) and will put an end to D.'s reign on earth (2 Thess 2:8; Rev 19:20,21) . D. will be bound for a thousand years (Rev 20:1-3; see Millennial Kingdom), but then will again have the opportunity to tempt people - until God is finished. will not destroy it (vv. 7-10). Ap. Paul Says God Will "Soon" Destroy Satan (Rom 16:20). Meanwhile, D. continues to tempt people in order to interfere with Christ’s work of salvation; but the power over death was taken from him by the death of Jesus (Hebrews 2:14ff.). D. is able to blind people so that they may not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ and may not come to faith in Christ (2 Cor 4:3ff.); he can take the word of God from their hearts (Luke 8:12) and sow tares there (Matt 13:37-39). He can use false teachers as his tools (2 Tim 2:26), can himself turn into an angel of light, so it is not surprising that his servants pose as servants of truth (2 Cor 11:13-15). But he can’t escape from graduating. God's verdict (Matt 25:41). Unredeemed the world is full of fear of evil spirits, but Christ gave His Church the power to overcome them (Mark 16:17; Luke 9:1; Acts 16:18) . Believers defeated the evil one (1 John 2:13ff.), and where they confront D., he runs away from them (James 4:7). For he who believes in Christ has become a child of the Heavenly Father who protects him, the almighty Lord who rules over D.

Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia. F. Rinecker, G. Mayer. 1994 .


See what “Devil” is in other dictionaries:

    - (from the Greek διάβολος, “slanderer”), Satan (from the other Hebrew šãtãn, “opposing”, “adversary”), a mythological character, the personification of the forces of evil (“evil spirits”), opposing the “good principle” of God. D. occupies a prominent place in Christian... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    See devil. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. devil of the devil, m. [Greek. diabolos, lit. slanderer]. 1. In religious beliefs - an evil spirit, devil, Satan. 2. Swear word (colloquial). Where are you going... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    This is a woman The Devil is a Woman Genre drama Director Joseph von Sternberg Starring M ... Wikipedia

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Devil- Devil ♦ Diable The main demon, the prince of demons. The devil does evil for the sake of evil, and this is his inhumanity. Man, Kant explains, never does evil for the sake of evil itself, but is always guided by egoism (doing evil to others for his own good).... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

Who is the devil? A fallen angel who fell into pride and put himself on a par with God. He lost his angelic dignity and was punished by the Lord. He created hell and sent a troublemaker there. Since then, the devil has been tempting people and leading them astray. He always wishes only evil for a person and leads to death. According to the Holy Scriptures, all sins come from the devil. But any mortal can repent before the Creator, but a fallen angel is deprived of repentance, since his fall means death. And after death, repentance is impossible.

Different peoples called the apostate differently. Therefore, the names of the devil are extremely varied. There are 77 of the most common ones. We will look at the most famous ones and give them brief characteristics.

Satan– one of the most popular names of the devil. Mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ said about Satan: “I saw him fall from heaven like lightning.” The Apostle Paul argued that Satan can be externally transformed, and his servants are evil spirits in heaven. Christ completely defeated Satan by taking upon himself the sins of men and rising from the dead. All who sincerely believe in the Lord are conquerors of the devil.

Leviathan- a sea monster mentioned in the Old Testament and identified with the devil. He was often depicted as a multi-headed sea monster, exuding evil and hatred towards people.

Lucifer– means “luminous” and is synonymous with fallen angel. Became identified with the devil by the Christian Church in the 17th century. The Romans called the planet Venus, or rather the morning star, Lucifer. And the evening star was called Vesper. In ancient times they did not know that these were the same planet.

Beelzebub- in the Christian religion, an evil spirit who was an assistant of the devil. Then this name began to be identified with the prince of darkness himself. Mentioned in the Old Testament as a deity worshiped by the Philistines.

Mephistopheles- the prince of darkness in mythology dating back to the Renaissance. From the end of the 16th century he became a literary character. Gained the greatest popularity after Goethe's philosophical drama "Faust".

Woland– this name comes from the ancient Scandinavian god Volund. In pagan mythology he was considered a blacksmith god. From Christians he acquired demonic traits and turned into the devil. The writer Bulgakov used this name, calling it the lord of darkness in his work “The Master and Margarita”.

In addition, names of the devil include: Cruel Angel, Evil Spirit, Tempter, Prince of Darkness, Evil One, Father of Lies, Dragon, Devil. This all concerns Christian culture. In other cultures, the prince of darkness was called by other names, which did not change his ominous essence.

Adramelach- the devil of the ancient Sumerians. Children were sacrificed to him, burning them in front of a bronze sculpture.

Apollyon– in Greek mythology, the angel of death. Identified with the prince of darkness.

Aluh- was considered the god of death among the Mayan civilization. Always depicted with a skull instead of a head. According to mythology, he lived in the underworld.

Baphomet- Satanic deity. During the trial of the Templars, it turned out that they worshiped Baphomet in their secret rituals. This was one of the reasons for accusing the Templars of heresy.

Balaam- Indian devil, personifying greed and greed.

Wil- God of Hell among the ancient Celts.

Coyote- this is what the Indians of North America called the devil before the arrival of Europeans.

Mammon- a demonic creature identified with the prince of darkness.

Mantoux- God of Hell among the ancient Etruscans.

Moloch- the name of the devil among the Phoenicians.

Rimmon- the devil among the Syrians. For a long time he was considered an evil spirit in Damascus.

Samnu- the name of the devil among the peoples inhabiting Central Asia.

Tian-mo- Chinese prince of darkness. He personified greed and passion.

Shaitan- this is the name the Arabs called and call the devil.

Emma-O- the ruler of hell among the Japanese.

The above names of the devil are only a small fraction of all the names of the fallen angel. But they are the most common and best known. In principle, it does not matter at all what you call the prince of darkness. The main thing is to understand its essence and realize the evil that comes from it.

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