How to read a lapel to a rival correctly at home. Lapel in the cemetery - fragments from letters

Cemetery lapel rituals are very effective, and therefore are in great demand in the modern world. This is due to the fact that you can get rid of your rival the first time and guarantee the stable development of a love relationship with a person for whom you have strong feelings. The roots of such influences go back centuries. All the rules of rituals have been honed and practiced over centuries, so they must be strictly observed.

Powerful Rituals

Turning away from a rival in a cemetery is always carried out during the waning moon. It is at this time that the power of the night luminary helps to break not only casual connections, but also established relationships. Cemetery lapels help get rid of your rival forever. With their help, indifference and anger towards another woman are aroused in the beloved’s soul. You should know that turning away from a rival in a cemetery must be kept secret. Otherwise, the effect will be ineffective and sometimes even harmful.

Strong rite

A strong lapel ritual is carried out during the waning moon near one of the fresh graves. Moreover, any special manipulations and the use of certain attributes are absolutely not required. The only important things are sincere feelings for your loved one and faith in magic. At night you need to go to the cemetery, find a fresh grave and, standing at the head of the deceased, say magic words. The burial must take place no earlier than nine days before the ceremony. The lapel from a rival in the cemetery is read in a half-whisper. It sounds like this:

"Who's dead here? Who's alive here? You will lie here forever. And I, the Servant of God (proper name), need to run home soon. Just as the deceased do not eat, do not speak kind words, so let my rival, the Servant of God (name of the rival), be silent near my beloved, the Servant of God (name of the beloved), and not say a word to him. Let her not utter sweet and affectionate speeches, and let her not lure him into a white bed. As soon as they meet, they will quarrel and bite. Quarrels and swearing await them when they are together. Feelings will dry up and love will go away. Just as you, the deceased, have already grown cold, so my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) has already run away from third-party love affairs. My words are strong. I, the Servant of God (my own name), took them out of the deep pool where the water-dwellers live and constantly weave nets out of their anger. Just as you, a dead man, will not get up and come out into the white light, so the Servant of God (the name of the rival) will never approach the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) again. I lock my words with seven reliable locks, and I lock them with seven keys, which I throw into the bottomless pool of water. Amen".

After uttering such words, you need to leave the cemetery very quickly without looking back. You cannot talk to anyone on the way, and immediately upon arriving home you need to wash your hands and wash with cold water, and then go to bed. It is advisable to drive away all thoughts and try to fall asleep as soon as possible. Such a ritual can have strong negative consequences. If you spent it not because of strong love feelings and the desire to be close to your loved one all your life, but out of selfish motives or a feeling of revenge. But in any case, even if the exposure was carried out with good intentions, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that general malaise will be felt for several days.

At the grave

You can make a lapel from a rival on a grave in which a person with the same name as your loved one is buried. The ritual is also carried out at night closer to midnight during the waning moon. It will be optimal if there is a woman’s grave nearby with a name that matches the name of your rival. You need to take a handful of earth from the man’s grave and throw it to the side or on the woman’s grave. After this, you need to cross yourself and say the following words:

“Just as these strangers are not lying nearby, they will not escape from their graves and will not unite. So my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) will never leave for the Servant of God (the name of the rival). The deceased is in a coffin, the coffin is in the grave, the grave is in the ground, and you are my beloved, the Servant of God (name of the beloved) always only to me, the Servant of God (own name). Only this way, from now on and forever. Amen".

After this, as in the previous case, you need to quickly go home without looking back. If you have to talk to someone on the way home or at home, the effect will lose its effectiveness. You should know that after any cemetery lapel ritual, a ransom should be left on the grave. It can be various sweets and fruits. Under no circumstances should you leave vodka. To reduce the negative consequences of any opening in the cemetery, it is recommended to visit the temple the day after the ritual. There you need to pray and light candles for the health of all participants in the lapel ritual. Considering the danger of cemetery lapel rituals, before deciding to use such a ritual, you must think everything over.

The rivals make their strongest lapels during the waning moon. In magic, each of the phases of the moon matters: waxing, waning, full moon and new moon. Each phase has its own special magical properties. Just as the Moon will melt and disappear from the sky, so the feelings of the object of witchcraft will change, dissolve, and be replaced by other, negative feelings. Love will be replaced by hostility, and passion will be replaced by disgust - this is how the strongest rivals turn on the waning moon.

Self-referral from a rival is read at home

When turning away from your opponent on your own, the plot must be read 3, 7, 9 or 13 times. The prescribed number of repetitions is always indicated in the descriptive part of the ritual. The number 3 symbolizes developed intuition and a sharp mind, 7 is a supernatural number, combining the real and the mystical. The number 9 completes the series of basic numbers. This is an amazing number: life and death, joy and drama, youth and old age - everything merged in nine. 13 is a fatal number. For those who believe that this number is lucky, 13 brings disaster to those who are afraid of this number and talk about its bad reputation.

How to make a lapel from a rival through the ground from a cemetery

The magic of the grave earth is dark, cold, the energy of the dead envelops a living person, closes him off from everyone and absorbs him. This happens slowly and inevitably. Such lapels from a rival take a long time to unwind and gain strength, but they also last a long time. The power of the dead earth is often used in black witchcraft. Cemetery rituals for negativity are considered one of the most powerful repulsions of rivals performed on the waning moon. The soil from the cemetery will cool a guy’s feelings for a particular lady forever.

To turn the guy away from his rival, take a handful of earth from the inside of the cemetery gate. Those. directly on the territory of the cemetery. In the place where you take the land, leave an even number of coins - pay off the Bone Master. Speak to the earth like this: “Dead earth, cold earth. Love (name) for (name) die, let his feelings cool down. Just as there is silence in the graveyard, so there is emptiness in (name’s) heart. According to my word, it will come true, and there will not be another. Key. Lock. Language. Let it be so".

This most powerful turning away of a man from his rival should be done on any day of the waning moon after sunset. You must leave the cemetery according to the rules - silently, without looking around or back. Do not take the charmed cemetery soil home, but sprinkle it on your rival’s doorstep. If this is not possible, dump the soil at a pedestrian cemetery intersection. &1

Lapel is one of the most famous practices of love magic. When the lapel is turned, all ties between people are severed. Loving people are connected by energy, psychological and physical flows. They can be sincerely arose and created magically, by a love spell, for example. To tear them apart means to commit a reversal.

The lapel becomes in many cases the last hope. Women tend to turn away from their rival when family and love relationships deteriorate. The rival becomes a threat to the family; in a situation of economic instability, divorce will affect not only the relationship. In the case when a man is bewitched, you can break the love spell with the opposite action, turning him away from his rival.

When persuasion and the help of family members do not help, the abandoned woman has her last hope -. To save family happiness, all means are good when a rival uses magic.

What is needed for a lapel

Magical practices offer dozens of options on how to turn away your opponent. The lapel requires some preparation. A woman can make some preparations herself:

  1. find out the name and date of birth of your opponent;
  2. get a photo or take it yourself;
  3. purchase some ingredients, potions, items required for the ritual.

Only a practicing magician can find out whether a man was bewitched by a rival or whether he himself left the family. It is the magician who can give a list of necessary items and advise on behavior.

For most rituals there is a rule: turning away from a rival is always done on the waning moon.

If there was a love spell, then you should break through your rivals, neutralize the love spell, only then you can start working on the lapel. Usually the lapel is valid until the end of life if all stages have been followed and the necessary actions have been completed.

Types of lapels

There are many types of lapels. They differ in the use of different ingredients, the location of the ceremony, the time of year, and the day. The most common and effective of them:

  • Spell for salt and pepper.
  • Lapel with black thread.
  • Cemetery lapel with soil.
  • Lapel according to photo.

The simplest is considered to be a lapel from a photo rival. For it you need: a photograph of a woman, a candle bought in an Orthodox church.

The cemetery lapel is the strongest and most complex. An incorrect ritual will hit the one who performed it. Therefore, you should trust magical actions to strong magicians.

Lapels are classified according to the type of magic used. In different magical traditions, rituals for breaking love ties differ.

  • Rituals using the forces of nature (pagan).
    These rituals involve the use of exclusively natural materials and elements. Conspiracies are performed on water, wind, plants, and are tied more than others to the phases of the moon and time of day.
  • Village rituals.
    They are characterized by the use of animal and human excrement, physiological fluids, offal, and verbal formulas are used.
  • Black lapels.
    Black magic will help if the rival has used it (for example, with her menstrual blood or the blood of a man). The black lapel takes a long time to do, since the feelings must first be broken through and neutralized. The cemetery ritual is dark magic.
  • Voodoo magic.
    complex and requires a lot of effort and time. For the lapel, Voodoo dolls are used, made using hair, saliva, blood, nail clippings and a photograph of the rival. Only an experienced magician should make the doll, otherwise the ritual cannot be performed.
  • Church lapels.
    The Church does not approve of magic; these lapels are called church lapels only because they use candles and incense purchased in church shops. For example, candles are used to manipulate photos.

Cemetery lapel

The lapel of a rival in the cemetery requires serious preparation and lasts in several stages. There are two types of such rituals. The first involves the use of cemetery soil from a fresh grave, the second is simply performed in the cemetery.

For the ritual, you should find two graves nearby. In the first, a man with a name like the husband or groom should be buried, in the second, a woman with the name of the homewrecker. During the ritual, a handful from the man’s grave must be thrown to the side or on the woman’s grave, after which a spell must be pronounced.

You can also bury a photograph of your rival on a fresh grave. The name of the deceased must necessarily coincide with the name of the rival.

The cemetery lapel is one of the most powerful magical rites. An unprepared person will not be able to carry it out according to all the canons, and an unsuccessful completion is fraught with huge problems with health and family. will prove invaluable if you decide on a cemetery lapel.

How to choose a magician to perform a ritual

A desperate woman is capable of much, but the stronger the magical ritual, the more strength and experience is required to perform the ritual. It is dangerous for an amateur to touch forbidden black magic; out of ignorance, he can bring trouble to himself and others without achieving his goal.

Remember: not a single ritual will work if you don’t have a sincere desire to get your man back.

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A lapel is a sure way to get your loved one back. What is known today about lapels? This word is usually defined as a fairly effective means with which you can ruin almost any relationship, quarrel between spouses, take a man away from the family, and much more.

The performers are usually women. This is due to the fact that from time immemorial the beautiful half of humanity has been fighting rivals with the help of magic, while men, first of all, rely on their physical data, for example, body strength.

What the Internet will tell you

If you enter the word “lapels” into a search engine, it turns out that you can find a wide variety of lapel rituals, however, among all the lapel ceremonies, there is a small group of rituals that stands out for its increased effectiveness. One of the effective methods is lapels carried out in the cemetery.

Providing protection

If a person understands at least something about such a subtle matter as magic, then he should clearly realize that dark magic has high effectiveness, but it is this matter that is the most dangerous both for the person performing the ritual and for the person on whom the influence is directed .

Cemetery lapels have a close resemblance to powerful hex ceremonies, and therefore, before you begin to carry out such a ritual, you need to think about the safety of the performer. To do this, it is necessary to provide reliable protection to prevent the effects of a possible rebound, and also to strictly follow all the conditions that any ritual requires.

Runic lapel in the cemetery

With the help of this lapel, you can figure out whether people's feelings are sincere or whether it is a love spell. To carry out a runic lapel, you will need a photograph of a person. On the back of the photo you need to draw the rune Isa and Hagalaz. The Isa rune will help to cool off a person, and the Hagalaz rune will destroy the emotional relationship.

Lapel from photo

There are often situations in life when a man “goes to the left.” He is increasingly attracted to his mistress, but he does not even pay attention to his wife. In this case, a lapel from a photograph comes to the rescue, because a man should belong to only one woman. A prerequisite for performing this ceremony is the presence of the mistress’s hair.

In some cases, hair can be replaced with nails or a piece of skin. This ritual also does not exclude the blood of a rival, but it will be more difficult to get it.

A simplified version of this lapel is a photograph, since it is not always possible to get other ingredients, suddenly the rival is from another city, and photographs, thanks to social networks, are easy to get. For the ceremony, the hair of the spouse's mistress is required.

Another important condition is the waning moon. It is strictly forbidden to start the ceremony when the moon is waxing, as you can get the exact opposite result. You must remember to choose the right day for the ceremony. Tuesday is ideal. If it doesn’t work out on this day, you can perform the ritual on Saturday, but it is necessary that the whole process takes place after sunset.

How to make protection

To protect the performer from the effects of strong black magic, before the ceremony begins, it is necessary to read the “Our Father” prayer a couple of times. In addition, this is also necessary if the spouse feels unhappy in his family, or if a woman is with a man only because of his financial well-being.

Having finished reading the prayer, the ceremony itself begins. In your home, you need to take photographs depicting people in whom the lapel will be carried out. Photos are placed in the center of the table or coffee table. After which two candles are installed, always black.

When lighting candles, you must read the “Our Father” prayer again. As soon as you have finished reading the prayer, turn to the candle with a request to bring a flame to destroy the connection between the chosen man and woman. After which the names of the people are immediately pronounced and the invisible thread connecting the lovers is cut.

To do this, use a blade to pass between photographs of lovers. After this, do not forget to say the prayer again mentally or out loud. Having finished reading, a knife is placed between the photographs and left overnight. It is necessary to remember that you cannot extinguish the light, otherwise all actions will have to be repeated again.

From early morning you should take the photographs and head to the cemetery to bury the photographs. It is necessary to bury it next to the graves with the namesakes of the people on whom the ceremony is performed. After the photographs are each buried in the corresponding grave, you need to go back. It is not recommended to start a conversation with anyone on the way, otherwise the ritual will not work.

Strong lapel rituals at the cemetery

When performing such rituals, one must remember that all actions are performed only on the waning moon. Many people believe that it is at this moment that all magical actions are effective.

As soon as the sun disappears below the horizon, head to the cemetery. It is necessary to find the grave of a deceased person, with the name of the person for whom the ritual is being performed. Stand in front of the grave of this man or that woman and ask for help. Never think about making a turn with the aim of killing your rival.


To be sure to get support from this person, appease him with something sweet, for example chocolate, you can also use nuts, in some cases alcohol will do, but it’s better not to take risks here. All this needs to be installed on the grave of the person you have chosen and wait. If you feel a warm and soft breeze or some other sign of goodwill, you can begin the ritual itself. If you suddenly hear disapproval of the person you have chosen, it is better to find another grave.

Once you complete the ceremony, return home and return to your original location after sunrise. You must come on Friday; one of the obligatory and most important attributes is a black torch. Place the candle directly on the tombstone and recite the Lord's Prayer. Then bury the photo in the sand. Wait until the candle burns out and return home without looking back.

Many women are at a loss from incredible impudence, coupled with betrayal, when they come face to face with betrayal.

Here the situation is briefly as follows. Another woman wants your man. She can (in principle) or be better than you. It does not matter. He is your chosen one.

If you are sincerely confident in this, then you should not stand aside. Fight! The Universe will definitely come to your aid.

There are exceptions, of course. Just not nearly as often as we sometimes think.

Often, the rival wins, we emphasize, by interfering in other people’s relationships, only because of the immaturity of the woman herself.

She doesn't realize that the truth is on her side. He gives up and falls into suffering. And they are precisely the negative, for which the rival must be punished.

Don’t even worry, the hour of reckoning will come without your participation. And in such a situation you fight for love. After all, only she has value!

This is where we can probably end with philosophy. And it is given so that you understand: the rivals are not equal in their struggle. Higher Powers are always on the side of sincerity and love.

It's easy to check. Remember the legend about King Solomon, who divided a child between mothers? He suggested cutting the child in half.

Try to do the same, that is, imagine. You say: chop it down or let him take it? If the latter, then feel free to read the “turn away from your rival” plot.

He will truly help, since the man is yours.

There is one more not widespread condition for the effectiveness of divination in this case. This, oddly enough, is kindness and compassion.

Try to find out more about your opponent. But without anger and malice, but as if about a girlfriend. How does this unfortunate man live? Why doesn't she have enough available men? And having understood it, you will definitely forgive.

Moreover, you have something in common, namely, let’s not say love, but admiration for the same man. Believe me, this is already a lot.

You experienced such feelings when you realized that your rival had appeared? What's the truth? Better get it off your mind as soon as possible. Believe me, it will become easier.

Also light a candle for her. Have pity on the poor fellow. Imagine what she will be like soon when she is abandoned? Show mercy.

But not for long. Otherwise, relax and quit what you started. And it may not have just fallen on your head. Think for yourself.

Just don’t blame yourself or criticize yourself. Approach your analysis rationally.

The basis of your thoughts should be the confidence that your love with him is holy. This is a given, the rest is just added.

Well, if nothing works out, then go to your grandmother in the village. For such craftswomen, what seems difficult to you is a piece of cake.

It's actually not particularly difficult, especially if you have the right mindset. Give your man a candlelit dinner.

Cook whatever you want, even if you don’t eat or drink at all. The main thing is to spend five minutes with you by candlelight; you will prepare them in advance.

If you are trying to leave, then start cursing, crying, or even fainting. Your task is to make him breathe candles. Next, it's a matter of technology.

This is how candles are prepared. On Friday night (just after midnight), rub them with cedar oil. While you carefully process the wax, say the following:

“Century-old forests, earthly fields, we (their names and men) have united. The rivers overflowed, we were separated. I will build a bridge with scent, I will calm my soul with my soul. Our hearts will be together forever. Don’t be different in the soul of (man’s name) in my place. I collect rays of strength, rub them into candles and conjure. Drive out the forest spirit of your rivals, as many as you have, one or two! As the candles burn out, the poison of betrayal will go away! Amen!"

Just keep in mind that once you light the candles, you can’t put them out. The toni should burn to the ground. And you just watch.

If your rival bewitches your betrothed, then there will be a great scandal. Don't be afraid, everything will calm down, not a trace will remain.

A strong turn away from a rival

Buy a poppy at the store. When the moon is waning, pour the entire pack onto a plate and say:

“My beloved (name) will leave me, like you villain (name, if you know) you will find every grain and collect it again in a bag! Amen!"

In the morning, scatter the poppy into the wind.

Lapel from a rival in the photo

Take a photo of a couple that evokes a storm of emotions in you. This refers to your beloved and rival. By candlelight, tear it into small pieces, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. They are:

“So that (names) quarrel, part forever, so that you are unable to see each other, so that there are no sweet feelings between you. Amen!"

The ritual can be strengthened many times over if you get a hair from their heads. Burn the hair pieces in the flame of two candles.

Lapel from a rival forever

It is necessary to take (steal, to be frank) a rival. Take it to the churchyard that same day. Select an old grave. Bury what you got in it. Say:

“Just as the body in the grave has long cooled down, so have the feelings (names) cooled down. Their love will no longer be valid! Amen!"

When you leave the cemetery, throw a few coins or bills behind your back.

Lapel from a rival of a loved one or husband

This is a very powerful and useful ritual for the household. Buy a kilogram of grain, wheat, for example.

Come home and with all the strength of your indignation, scatter it around the apartment. Now get to cleaning.

Sweep, vacuum, scrub, wash. Repeat all the time:

“Just as the grains do not return to the ear, so my dear will not leave me. I collect rubbish and drive trouble out of the house. Just as the brownie doesn’t need the junk, I won’t give away the dear one. Just as dirt and rubbish are swept out of the house, so is a rival removed from life. Amen!"

When you're done, don't forget to take the trash out of the house. There again say the words of the conspiracy. At home, take your sweetheart’s favorite shirt. Tie her sleeves with the words:

“As soon as you untie the knot, you will become mine again. Amen!"

Put it in a visible place and wait to see what happens. Usually, the witch disappears. And if the ritual does not help, then this person does not love you. Just know that. He is not worthy of your feelings.

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