The plane is traveling along the road. What does an airplane mean according to the dream book? Definition of magical abilities

This is something like a draft, which can then be rewritten completely. At the same time, for some reason you do not take into account the fact that you only have one life, and the years fly by at a terrible speed. Think about it at your leisure.

Seeing in a dream a trail left by an airplane in the sky- means that soon you will lose what is very important to you now. But the most offensive thing will be that you yourself will make every effort to ensure that everything is fine. Probably, your “other half” will want to unwind “on the side.”

Airplane- is a phallic symbol, and flying on an airplane symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Flight in a comfortable airliner- symbolizes your good sexual tone.

Flying in an old or transport aircraft- talks about problems with your sexuality.

Flying on a military plane- symbolizes your high sexual self-esteem.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Airplane in a dream- symbolizes plans and plans that are not particularly reliable.

Flying on an airplane in a dream- a sign of a dubious and unsafe enterprise. Perhaps in your fantasies you are too detached from reality, risking failure.

Wait or meet the plane at the airport- portends uncertainty in business and plans.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you watch a plane flying over you- it may happen that an already planned wedding is unexpectedly postponed indefinitely or has to be canceled altogether.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Fly on an airplane- such a dream can be both ordinary and indicative, since some people are calm about flying, while others are terrified of it. In this case, it is an attempt to overcome irrational fears.

Airplane flights for a sleeper- full of adventures. The feeling of intoxicating delight is usually caused either by the flight itself, or by the dizzying speed and awareness of how air travel allows you to bring the most remote corners of the earth closer together. You may also experience anxious anxiety when you think about potential dangers associated with flying, such as hijacking. At the same time, it is possible that you will cope brilliantly with the situation.

Fly a plane- here there are different options for seeing yourself (or someone) as a pilot. Are you confident in yourself both in your dreams and in reality?

If you are flying a plane- this means you will be able to keep the situation under control in reality.

If the plane gets into an accident and crashes- it means that you do not feel confident enough in life and, as it seems to you, do not meet the requirements.

Dream book for a bitch

Airplane- a favorable ending to a profitable business.

See a plane crash- new plans will bring a lot of anxiety and disorder.

Modern combined dream book

See the plane- predicts that you will soon need to travel.

Seeing a plane flying over you in a dream- means that in real life you will not avoid misfortune or some dangerous situation. A girl has such a dream- predicts that the planned wedding will unexpectedly be upset.

If you dreamed that you were flying on an airplane- in reality you will quite successfully conclude commercial transactions.

Taking a long plane flight in a dream- warns of hard work to which you will devote a lot of effort, but the result will not bring you joy.

If you dreamed that you were in a plane crash- in real life, troubles and gloomy prospects for the future await you.

Be an airplane pilot- means that you will be successful with members of the opposite sex.

Looking out the airplane window- means that you show indifference towards your loved ones and do not take part in solving their problems. You should prepare for the fact that they will repay you in kind.

If you dream that you are the owner of a private jet- You will lose a large amount of money by incorrectly managing shares or securities.

Eastern women's dream book

A dream in which you see a plane flying over you- a sign that it will be difficult for you to avoid danger. A similar vision for the bride- may mean that the planned wedding will not take place.

Fly on an airplane- to good luck in business.

Buy an airplane- to large financial losses due to unsuccessful placement of capital.

You will see the ruins of an airplane– do not rely on others, you are required to have maximum control over the situation.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Airplane- news coming from afar that will spoil the mood.

Airplane fuselage- a warning dream: you should not go on a trip (business trip).

Complete dream book of the New Era

Airplane- a reflection of the desire for high ideals and/or higher (according to the dreamer) values. Reflection of flight in general.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you climb aboard a transcontinental airliner that will take you to the Rio de Janeiro of your dreams- this is a harbinger of events that, like the hero of “The Golden Calf,” will lead you to a sad ending.

Flying on a shabby old man, a “corn farmer,” suffering from nausea from the bumpiness over your birthplace, over which you are circling in the skies, is a dream, obviously caused by the fact that you “slightly” had too much at a party, and its interpretation, thus, comes down to cucumber pickle or a glass of strong tea with lemon and aspirin.

Flying in a dream on a plane hijacked by terrorists, which has changed course and is taking you away from your native Cherezpenkolodinsk to the Promised Land - this is a sign of empty fears, although for some they make their pants full.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a “stewardess named Zhanna” receiving Presnyakov Jr. on board her plane- foreshadows the actual flirting with you of a cheeky, pimply-faced youth who has swallowed “wheels.”

Enter into an intimate relationship with the pilot right in his pilot’s seat, causing the plane to dive down and then rush up- such a dream speaks of the passion of your nature and unsatisfied desire.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Airplane- can be a symbol of high ideals or aspirations for higher spiritual goals.

He also- can symbolize flight to yet unknown heights, liberation and development.

The plane also- can be a sign of an all-consuming desire for success, a race at top speed.

When you're on a plane- other people control your journey. Do you want to believe that you are being guided exactly to your goal?

Plane crash- may indicate a fall from a great height or a warning that you should refrain from flying for a while.

Dream book of the 21st century

An airplane seen in a dream- a symbol of fulfillment of desires and fulfillment of hopes.

Plane crash- dreams of an unexpected declaration of love.

If in a dream you serve or work in aviation- this means that all your plans and dreams will come true, provided you work hard and believe in your star.

If in a dream you are traveling by plane- this is a sign that your far-reaching plans will not be fulfilled.

If in a dream you were locked in a hangar where airplanes are parked- this promises you success or improved well-being.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you were flying on an airplane- means that you are not satisfied with your current
life, but you are not trying to change anything in it. You live as if you are rehearsing for a performance, but remember, life is not a rehearsal. It is unlikely that it will ever happen again.

Airplane trail in the sky- not a very good omen. You have to experience the loss of something important. Apparently, we are talking about betrayal of a loved one. You will be very worried about this, because you really tried to save the relationship.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Traveling by plane- fast, easy journey to the goal, without worrying about the details of the path.

Airplane tracks cross in the sky- the intersection of two chosen paths, a situation of choice.

Symbolic dream book

Fly on an airplane- always achievements (with a successful landing).

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Flying in a clear sky- a sign of fulfillment of desires.

See falling- vain expectations.

Manage yourself- recognition, success, if landed successfully.

Fly on an airplane- fulfillment of desires, success.

Modern universal dream book

If you or a loved one are planning to travel somewhere by plane- such a dream may be a reflection of your thoughts. Otherwise, such a dream speaks of a desire to challenge the forces of nature with the help of technology.

In your dream the plane is landing, it is a soft or bumpy landing- perhaps something unexpectedly descends right to your feet?

What kind of plane is this, Modern and fast or faded and old- the answer to this question will tell you what state you are in in life now.

People who are afraid of flying may dream about a plane crash- for them, such a dream is just the embodiment of fears that they know about, so it does not leave an imprint on their emotional state.

And finally, seeing an airplane in a dream- might just mean it's time for you to take a vacation.

Dream book of a gypsy

Usually transported by plane- means spiritual development. Study the dream events following the plane flight and understand whether it can really be interpreted in this way.

If it is true- and in a dream such a modern, fast car must be driven skillfully, otherwise a crash is possible.

If it's not true- this dream may simply mean your rapid development, the opportunity for self-expression, especially if in the dream you are an airplane pilot.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If you dreamed of an airplane- such a dream suggests that your sexual relationship with your partner does not depend on anyone, everything goes on as usual. And you shouldn’t turn your bedroom into the pilot’s cabin of a powerful airliner. You shouldn’t make sex an Olympic Games, where everyone wants to stand out and get a champion’s medal.

Esoteric dream book

Fly on an airplane- a more creative approach is needed in your affairs; you are marking time.

Being in a plane crash- bold decisions will only help your business. Take a step!

Seeing a plane in the sky- to decisive, fateful events for you. On earth you are slowed down by too fearful, cowardly people.

Ukrainian dream book

Fly an airplane- good news.

If you dream that you are flying- road and illness.

Up, rise into the sky- be in everyday work.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Airplane- fulfillment of desires, fulfillment of claims; you control it yourself - a sudden change with the fulfillment of desires, if there was no catastrophe.

Collection of dream books

Airplane- high ideals and aspirations. Rising to new heights.

Fly on an airplane- this is not the time for drastic changes, wait.


Fly an airplane- to successful activities, fulfillment of desires.

Airplane- see or fly in it (with a successful landing).

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Flights are beautiful and exciting. Many people are fascinated by heights as such and the sky as an independent entity. They also love airplanes and everything connected with them. The bright moments of flights evoke sincere and genuine delight. It is not surprising that in their dreams they often travel by air. Sometimes this technical tool can be dreamed of by those who do not show increased interest in them. In any case, to interpret what you saw in a dream, you should open the airplane dream book and find out what awaits the person, what changes fate portends or what it is trying to warn against.

Interpretations according to Miller

Miller's interpretations are for many the most authoritative. Seeing an airplane in a dream means striving for development and self-improvement, eliminating gaps in knowledge and skills, this is how the author of the dream book interprets the image of an airplane. It is important to pay attention to details in order to give a correct and complete interpretation of what you see. The most likely images in night visions:

  • fly (as a fact) on an airplane - receive news (good or bad, depends on the sensations experienced in the dream);
  • Seeing yourself as a modeler (assembling an airplane from parts) means an unexpected trip or an important business trip awaits.

Note! There is a belief that in order for the interpretation according to this dream book to come true, it is necessary to remove all clocks from the house for the day.

Dream Interpretation of Psychological Interpretation (Loffa)

According to psychologist Loff, seeing an airplane while sleeping is an attempt to hide fears and subconsciously escape existing problems and difficulties. Aircraft control is interpreted as follows:

  • a confident flight that took place without any problems or incidents, smoothly and calmly - the desire to maintain control over the situation or primacy in any matter;
  • the plane is flying rapidly, the “nose” is pointing down and/or crashes - the person feels unsure of his strengths and capabilities.

An accurate interpretation should be based on the sensations that are present in the dream: positivity may mean that self-doubt will soon be replaced by an understanding that everything can be changed for the better. According to this, a flight that ends in a plane crash is a negative symbol that promises problems in real life. Also:

  • if you clearly dreamed that the plane was personal property, expect financial losses and difficulties at work;
  • dreams in which a certain person or someone who is sleeping looks continuously, attentively, with interest into the porthole (or out an ordinary window - this also happens in a dream) of a flying airplane, warns that in reality he will show indifference to the problems that are taking place in others, which will entail a negative response.

The crash of a modern plane, observed in a dream, is a collapse of hopes in reality. Seeing something like this for a woman is a sign that big changes will occur in her personal life that will lead to negativity, for example, the planned marriage will not take place. If you turn to the dream book with a question about why you dream of flying an airplane, then the answer will be as follows - expect a declaration of love or sympathy. If in a dream an airplane is in the sky for a long period of time and is flying, hovering or performing aerobatics, one can expect difficulties in work ahead that will require a lot of effort (mental or physical), but as a result the person will receive positive emotions.

See the plane (not personally be present in the cabin)

Dreaming of an airplane. If a person looks at him from the outside, then the following events can be expected:

  • to see in a dream a plane that is large in size, snow-white in color, bright, standing on the ground (ready to fly, sitting in the right place) - the inner world is positive and pure, moral qualities are high, in the future everything will turn out positively;
  • the plane flies too high (above the clouds) in the sky (where there is no cloudiness) - a person is dreamy by nature, maybe he hides it, he strives for something unrealistic, difficult to achieve, to realize his plans he will have to work hard;
  • if you dream of a modern (without propellers) or fantastic airplane that has started its engine, is not standing on the ground at that moment, but is already flying smoothly and calmly - the dream indicates inflated ambitions, warns that you should think about your behavior or actions. There is a possibility of bad events associated with rash steps.

In dreams, a falling plane in distress looks no less frightening and tragic than in reality. To interpret what you see, you will need to take into account the emotions experienced during the dream. If a person cannot calm down, experiences horror, panic, existing plans may not come true, and there is a danger of negative developments in reality. Seeing a falling plane means the collapse of someone else’s plans (the peace of mind of the one who is dreaming is a problem for ill-wishers). To dream of an airplane or many airplanes participating in a war is an attempt to hide experiences, suffering and fears: the more there are, the stronger the negative feelings. Perhaps many planes indicate the beginning of a new period in life, a stage of important changes that cannot be avoided at a given moment in time.

It is important to know why you dream of an airplane leaving a clear white trail behind it - in a dream there is a warning that a person has doubts, cannot make an unambiguous decision, and is overly worried about the current situation. There is a possibility that in the near future he may lose something important, meaningful to him, miss a chance, ruin the situation. Here relationships between people can be damaged, love or friendship can be lost.

If you dream of an iron glider that is about to take off or is already taking off into the sky, this is a good, kind, full of positive sign. Good luck awaits a person, a new successful business. If there was trouble, it will gradually cease to affect relationships, life, and the state of affairs at work.

Various situations and their explanations

The dream interpretation of an airplane gives everyone who wishes it the opportunity to find out some events of the future. It is very important and interesting to know what dreams of flying on an airplane mean - those who see themselves on board will discover new opportunities in resolving the current situation. Many interpretations associate flying by air with certain esoteric symbols, the inner world, as well as the emotional sphere hidden from outsiders. To understand why you dream of an airplane flying low in the sky, you need to remember your feelings clearly. Besides:

  • directly above your head, but there is no fear, then there are pleasant changes, news or changes ahead;
  • on the ground (standing or lying), watching the landing - plans, deeds, intentions may not be realized.

The flight is not taking place, the landing has already taken place, the person is in the cabin, this means that someone or something is holding back the possibilities. Prepare for flights - develop your creative abilities in the near future. The interpretation of dreams about an airplane also takes into account the fact that a person can see a situation in which he buys a ticket to go on a flight. The dream warns that there is a prospect that should not be missed in order to achieve what is planned.

Being late for your own flight or private plane (it took off) is a neglect of your own capabilities in real life. You need to learn to fantasize. Catching up with a plane in a dream, running after it - one should expect difficulties, internal emotional conflicts are possible, but they will end without incident for the one who saw a similar picture in his dream. More clarifications:

  • In a dream, waiting for a plane (whether you are waiting in a company or alone) means the need to pay attention to general and self-development, personal improvement or at work;
  • To be an ordinary passenger - someone controls a person, influences his abilities or capabilities;
  • The plane is on the ground and it is empty - something will not work out in business;
  • If in a dream there is no influence on the flight, the person is very trusting, he needs to reconsider his relationship with others;
  • If in a dream you are given the opportunity to fly an airplane, the dream is positive, luck envelops the person, rapid development awaits him.

The dream book deciphers that an airplane pilot is a sign with positive energy that gives a charge of strength. To be an airplane pilot is to realize yourself in work and love, to the fullest extent of your capabilities, and begin to improve.

The terrible phenomenon of a crash deserves special attention; its fact, the presence of debris, is an unpleasant signal that great and unexpected stress is expected ahead. If the plane lands, lowers the landing gear, but then catches fire on the ground, a disease is possible, its symbol is fire, tension. It is also interesting to know what a burning plane means in a dream - this is a warning that you need to be as attentive as possible.

You should know why you dream about a hard landing of a plane: for girls it is a sign of problems in love, for men it is a sign of difficulties that can happen at work. Flying low above the ground on an airplane in a dream means lack of opportunities to realize your plans.

Many planes: what will happen in reality

I wonder why you dream of airplanes in the sky (many airplanes overhead) - the one who has had such a dream is carefully engaged in self-development or self-education, he is actively developing spiritually. With a high probability, very important and defining events will happen in life very soon. Many planes in the sky at the same time - interesting news, positive events, following one after another.

If you have to sit in a large plane for a long time in a dream, there will be a forced period of rest ahead. If a person in a dream refers to an aviation representative (a pilot of one of the planes), he will have to make a choice between several possibilities.

You may dream of many planes preparing to land - there may be difficulties that are easy to overcome. If you dream of an airplane in the sky, which descends lower than the others, your plans may be ruined.

Dreaming of an airplane: various explanations

Dream books explain why you dream about an airplane. The visible picture is not always realistic; it is likely that the dream will be futuristic. There may also be such situations:

  • you dream of an airplane, if you fly inside or on it (on the wing or on the roof) - changes in life and business;
  • a small plane landing - easy problems that can be easily overcome;
  • flying on an airplane - dreams, changes, changes that cannot be avoided;
  • an ordinary white standard plane (there may be no inscriptions or airline designations) - fearlessness, as well as failure to fulfill plans;
  • being late for your plane and knowing about it is a fear that the subconscious of possible or necessary changes cannot hide;
  • rejoice at the landing of the plane - relief, burden and stress will disappear.

Additional clarifications

Other variations on the theme of what the picture you see means:

  • to be an experienced pilot, the main one in your dream (or a beginner) - gain the right to decide for another person, suppress personality, have opportunities that are not given to others, expect changes;
  • fly in a dream on an amphibious aircraft (land without incident) - events may occur that will entail pleasant memories and evoke a nostalgic state of mind;
  • dream book and boarding a plane - the path to change;
  • if a powerful plane just stands on the ground, a person experiences indecision. It is interesting to know why you dream of an airplane in the sky and in a dream with powerful flashes and thunderstorms - this indicates important events and changes that can lead to serious changes;
  • in a dream to see the wing of an aircraft - news;
  • a rapidly falling plane (with or without characteristic noise) or a plane flying low is outside interference, it will certainly disrupt a measured life. A good attitude towards a landing plane is joy and positivity in real life.

If the dream resembles a similar picture: the person sleeping in the dream was flying (how and where he was located in the cabin is not important) on an airplane (everyone landed without problems or incidents), then you should expect pleasant and interesting news for him.

It turns out that you need to know the answer to the question of why you dream of a low-flying plane or one taking off in order to understand what to do or what to do. The dream book or the chosen explanation will tell you that boarding a plane that is clearly white and clean is a good sign. If you land, but have problems, this is a signal that cannot be ignored or forgotten. The image of a dreamed airplane, even if you haven’t flown on it, is a sign of spiritual possibilities and personal growth. A variety of interpretations will help you find out why you dream about many planes or just one, what to expect when there are many similar machines in the sky. It is necessary to be able to recognize what his subconscious is trying to convey to a person in order for everything to turn out well. I dreamed of an airplane - changes await a person. It turns out that seeing a plane in a dream that does not fall is a positive sign that brings good news.


In a person’s subconscious, an airplane embodies the desire to escape from everyday reality and start life anew. This image can also warn of the presence of ill-wishers, but it can also promise good luck in business. In the article we will look at why do you dream about an airplane in a dream, how to interpret a dream in which a plane crash occurred.

How you experience air travel can tell you a lot about your state of mind.

Pay attention to whether it was broken, new, fashionable or outdated. If you see many aircraft in the air, this indicates that in reality you are worried about the possible loss of financial well-being.

Landing is a sign that you have come to the end of some important task or life stage. Take off - in reality, you strive to leave the past behind and start life with a clean slate. Flying is a sign that embodies spiritual development.

People's dream book

The classical interpreter does not attribute sharply positive or sharply negative meanings to the appearing image. The aircraft is interpreted depending on the night vision details:

  • To see a plane taking off in a dream and flying over your head - you are unlikely to be able to avoid the trials that fate has in store;
  • if the plane stands on the runway and does not move, this warns of a possible illness;
  • making an aircraft yourself (for example, a model) - to travel;
  • the crash symbolizes interference in your life by some person. He will be able to destroy the plans that you have made for a long time;
  • purchasing an aircraft means upcoming financial complications. You invest a large sum unsuccessfully;
  • if you dreamed that one of your relatives could not fly away due to a breakdown, this predicts upcoming quarrels. Only you can calm the raging household members;
  • if you survived a plane crash, it means that in reality you will face poverty;
  • being late for a plane in a dream that crashed is assessed positively by the dream book. This means that you will avoid difficulties if you listen to your intuition;
  • to see a white trace left in the sky - to the loss of what you value;
  • if you are flying between the clouds, you are too immersed in your own fantasies. It's time to live a real life;
  • flying over mountains or arid, lifeless areas - foretells future trials;
  • flying on a military vessel signals that you are overconfident.

Freud's Dream Book

The aircraft, as imagined by the famous psychoanalyst, indicates that the dreamer does not understand that his life will never happen again. You don't realize that your emotions and memories are unique, and the years fly by in an endless series. You can't change what you once did but don't understand. Because of this, you make many mistakes.

Why else do you dream about an airplane according to Freud - to the impending loss. This is true for those dreams in which you look into the sky and see a whitish trace left by the airliner. You will do everything possible to avoid loss, but the situation will get out of control. The psychoanalyst believed that in most cases the dream indicates separation from a lover. Don't try to change anything - it's beyond your power.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book regards the airplane as a symbol of internal development. If in a dream you are designing a vehicle, it means that in reality you will soon go on an unplanned trip. You will probably be against the trip, but that is not up to you.

Miller's dream book says that flying on an airplane means receiving unexpected news. The interpreter determines that the information will be useful to you only if, after the dream, you stop paying attention to the change in time for some period.

Vanga's Dream Book

In the interpretation of a clairvoyant, an aircraft can signal different circumstances:

  • the dream book says that flying on an airplane in a dream means an upcoming trip that you are about to go on. Your vacation will meet your expectations and allow you to relax and forget about your problems. After this, you will want to visit other countries more than once;
  • Seeing a plane crash in a dream is a bad sign. Bad things will happen in the real world. It is possible that there will actually be a plane crash that will take the lives of many people. Vanga believed that such visions indicate the intervention of otherworldly evil forces;
  • see yourself on board a flying aircraft, and then feel a sharp decline - to the upcoming tests. Life will present you with many unpleasant surprises that you have to deal with. If you do this with dignity, you will soon get what you want;
  • Seeing airplanes in the sky in a dream, of which there are many, is a sign that you will be disappointed in something and will not get what you dreamed of. A secure life and respect from others remain only in your plans for now.

Loff's Dream Book

Loff assumed that the aircraft did not carry a sharply negative meaning. If you don’t have a fear of flying, then the image doesn’t mean anything special. But for people who are terrified of boarding an aircraft, a dream can tell a lot:

  • Flying the plane yourself is a sign that you know how to keep the situation under control. This is true for those dreams in which you feel comfortable and confident at the helm. If you were unable to cope with the control panel, and the vehicle is quickly moving towards the ground, you are not confident in your own abilities and cannot make the right decisions;
  • seeing a plane falling in a dream if you are on board at that moment means difficulties;
  • you purchased your own vehicle for private flights - you will lose money. You will incorrectly assess the situation on the financial market and invest money in the wrong place;
  • you are on board and watching the changing landscape through the window - in reality you do not show any participation in relation to the problems of your loved ones. They, in turn, also do not feel the desire to come to your aid;
  • Seeing a falling plane from the side in a dream means the collapse of all plans. For a woman who is planning to get married, the dream means that the wedding will be cancelled;
  • if you yourself pilot and are a pilot in your vision, then representatives of the opposite sex will feel sympathy for you;
  • a long flight warns the dreamer that he will have to do difficult work. However, it will bring satisfaction. However, it will be temporary, since the result will disappoint you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In the interpreter, the image symbolizes the desire to gain freedom. In addition, he embodies the implementation of all conceived ideas. If you dreamed that you were on board at the moment of takeoff, it means that you are trying to change your life for the better. You strive to learn something new and develop spiritually. The higher you are from the ground, the more you fantasize, moving away from the real world. The plane crash signals upcoming trials.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

In the dream book, the image is associated with the fulfillment of what you dream of. Taking control of an airliner is a sign that you will change your mind and find a new meaning in life. If this ends in disaster, put your plans aside for later.

according to Loff's dream book

Fly on an airplane. Such a dream can be both ordinary and indicative, since some people are calm about flying, while others are terrified of it. For example, all football fans in America know that the famous commentator John Madden never flies on planes - he travels around the country by bus. Many share his fears, although at night they may well dream of flying. In this case, it is an attempt to overcome irrational fears. Airplane flights are full of adventure for a sleeper. The feeling of intoxicating delight is usually caused either by the flight itself, or by the dizzying speed and awareness of how air travel allows you to bring the most remote corners of the earth closer together. You may also experience anxious anxiety when you think about potential dangers associated with flying, such as hijacking. At the same time, it is possible that you will cope brilliantly with the situation. Fly an airplane. Here there are various options for seeing yourself or someone else as a pilot. Are you confident in yourself both in your dreams and in reality? If you are flying a plane, it means that you will be able to keep the situation under control in reality. If the plane gets into an accident and breaks down, it means that you do not feel confident enough in life and, as it seems to you, do not meet the requirements. Who is on board the plane? In real life, you are responsible for these people, you have certain obligations to them, and your control of the aircraft shows how successfully you cope with your responsibilities. Which feeling—confidence or increased responsibility for people’s destinies—prevails when flying an airplane? How do other passengers react to your presence - do they accept you, ignore you, or despise you?

The meaning of a dream about an airplane

according to Freud's dream book

Flying on an airplane in a dream - it seems to you that your life today is something like a draft, which can then be rewritten completely. At the same time, for some reason you do not take into account the fact that you only have one life, and the years fly by at a terrible speed. Think about it at your leisure. Seeing a trace left by an airplane in the sky in a dream means that you will soon lose what is very important to you now. But the most offensive thing will be that you yourself will make every effort to ensure that everything is fine. Probably, your “other half” will want to unwind “on the side.”

Why do you dream about an airplane?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

fulfillment of desires, fulfillment of claims; you control it yourself - a sudden change with the fulfillment of desires, if there was no catastrophe; fly as a passenger - lead from afar; to fly to the place is short happiness.

Flying in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Flight – good emotions, freedom, independence. To see yourself flying in a dream means that in reality you are striving for freedom and independence. In the near future you will have such an opportunity. If in a dream you fall during a flight, then in reality you will have to overcome obstacles and solve problems. A dream in which you are flying in outer space means that in reality you are too carried away by your fantasies and do not notice the events happening around you.

I dreamed of flying

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation. Hovering over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is cloudy foreshadows the machinations of ill-wishers: you need to be careful in managing your personal affairs. Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles will not last long. If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil. Flying high in the sky, meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies on the way, promises troubles for the whole earth. While in flight, noticing black wings behind your back is a sign of bitter disappointment. A favorable dream is in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind you: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. But if you fly over withered trees, fate will prepare trials for you on the path to success. Falling during a flight promises great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall. If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream foretells that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream sometimes poses a threat to her health or her loved ones. If she dreams that she was shot while flying, this means that in reality her ill-wishers will create obstacles for her, preventing her from advancing to success and prosperity.

Before you begin to decipher the meaning of the dream, you need to pay attention to real events in the dreamer’s life. An airplane in a dream may be a reflection of them. Reading and watching the news, dreams of travel and worries about plane crashes are reflected in the subconscious. The dream must be presented in detail. What the plane looked like, what the dreamer did in the dream, what emotions he experienced. These nuances will help to most fully explain the signs of the subconscious.

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      General meaning of the dream

      Seeing an airplane in a dream is a good sign in esotericism. He dreams of dizzying changes in life. According to Miller’s dream book, traveling by transport reflects a person’s subconscious desire to develop and achieve goals. An airplane flying in the sky means success at work. Owners of their own business will enter into lucrative contracts with influential people. The period will be successful for people who are experiencing difficulties in life. Their problems will be resolved, things will go uphill.

      • Freud, in his dream book, considers sleep as a reflection of a person’s internal state. Its solution will help solve a person’s personal problems, and not predict his future. The plane demonstrates unattainable dreams, the realization of which is impossible in the near future. When a person’s dream does not come true for a long time, he begins to feel unsure of his abilities. To prevent this, you should reconsider your goals and set priorities.

        An airplane flying overhead symbolizes creative inspiration. The dreamer will be inspired by new projects and will be able to infect those around him with his enthusiasm. Vanga's dream book gives the opposite interpretation. The seer believed that this dream was a sign of the subconscious, a warning. A person must mentally prepare for the difficulties that await him. To determine which interpretation to trust, it is worth proceeding from the personality characteristics of the sleeper.

        When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account the individual qualities of the dreamer.

        Meaning for a man

        If a man sees a lot of planes in the sky, he should think about his relationships with women. He is overly passionate about the fair sex, because of this, troubles can arise that will ultimately lead to a scandal in the family. A single man can expect success at work and in school.

        In psychology, such a dream is intended to demonstrate a person’s fears about the future. He is unsure of the future, feels anxious and uneasy. Psychologists advise immediately starting to resolve previously deferred problems. Don't put things off until later.

        Landing an airplane means health problems. It is better for the dreamer to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. To sleep well, you can take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed.

        Meaning for a woman

        If a girl dreams that she works as a flight attendant, her family life will be successful. An atmosphere of love and warmth will reign at home. Relatives will support all her endeavors and help in difficult situations. But it is possible that she will soon get bored, she will need new bright emotions and sensations.

        Buying a ticket for a flight at the ticket office means a change of scenery.

        The dreamer feels tired from her usual lifestyle, and her performance decreases. It is better to take a short vacation, otherwise the appearance of depression is possible. If in life a girl is preparing for a business trip, it is better to check all the documents before the flight. She may forget them at home, and as a result, the trip will be ruined. The subconscious mind warns that you need to be attentive to the little things.

        If a pregnant woman dreams of flying on an airplane, then the pregnancy will proceed without complications and the child will be born on time.

        What was the plane like?

        If you dream of a military plane, this is a reflection of a person’s emotional state. He feels excessive aggression and anger. He may be disturbed by illness. A passenger airliner promises a journey that will bring many pleasant emotions. Corn - it is worth paying more attention to everyday affairs.

        I dreamed of a personal seaplane - new opportunities will open up for a person. If the sleeper planned to purchase it, in reality he will face difficulties caused by committing a rash act.

        If there are many planes of different types in the sky, the dreamer solves many things at the same time. This hinders success and wastes a person's energy and effort. It is worth choosing the most important thing and working on it closely.

        Missing your flight

        If a sleeper is late for a plane in a dream, important events will happen in his life. They can be both positive and negative. To accurately determine the meaning, in esotericism the phase of the moon is taken into account. If it was growing, then problems in life are possible. They will not disturb a person much, but will cause him a lot of inconvenience.

        The waning phase of the moon suggests several interpretations:

        • Achieving positive results in a short period of time. If the dreamer was flying an airplane, his wishes will come true.
        • The girl had a dream - a sign that the relationship with her beloved man will deteriorate.
        • The dream advises a businessman to be attentive. He will have a serious competitor.

        It is important why the dreamer was late for the plane. The reason was unforeseen circumstances - a person made mistakes in an important matter. It's too late to fix anything, all we have to do is wait for the result. If he deliberately delayed preparations, this reflects his state of mind. She is overwhelmed with worries. It is better to postpone making important decisions for a while. Being late due to a clock lag means the appearance of competitors who will take advantage of the dreamer’s idea and pass it off as their own. You should pay more attention to your surroundings; not all people can be trusted.

        A plane taking off demonstrates clarity of thought and the ability to understand a difficult situation. These qualities are not inherent in all people. Thanks to them, a person is able to quickly develop tactics of behavior in any situation.

        If a plane takes off and explodes, the dream reflects a person’s experiences due to long-standing psychological trauma. If the dreamer had to face a difficult stage in life, it is worth contacting a psychologist. It is not easy to cope with this on your own; it is better to trust professional help.

        Going on a flight without a ticket is a sign that the dreamer is experiencing extreme fatigue. He has been inattentive and distracted lately. It is advisable to postpone business trips and relax with your family.

        Performing turns as an airplane pilot means big changes in your career. It is possible to change the scope of activity. But before making an important decision, you need to think it over carefully, weigh all the pros and cons.

        Falling into the sea reflects a person's feelings. It is important in what water the plane crashes. If you remember the details, you can find out useful information:

        • A plane falls into a crystal clear sea - to improve material well-being.
        • Troubled water warns of troubles in business.
        • The sea enchanted the dreamer with its beauty - a good sign. Dreams will come true, but you will need to put in a little effort.
        • Raging waves - to quarrels and conflicts in the family. To prevent their occurrence, the dreamer must control his emotions.
        • The vast expanse symbolizes the emergence of a hopeless situation.
        • An unnaturally calm sea is associated with mental fatigue.

        If a plane standing on the ground cannot take off, this is not a very good sign. The dreamer may have unexpected problems. The help of loved ones will help solve them.

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