The meaning of the word clavier. Meaning of the word clavier Clavier musical instrument

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The meaning of the word clavier

clavier in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


clavier, m. (German klavier) (music).

    One of the ancient names for the piano.

    Same as Klaviraustsug.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


CLAVIR (German: Klavier)

    the general name for stringed keyboard musical instruments in the 17th and 18th centuries.

    An abbreviation of the word klavirauszug (from the German Klavier piano and Auszug - extraction), an arrangement of the score of an opera, oratorio and other works for singing with the piano, as well as for one piano.


(German: Klavier),

    general name for stringed keyboard musical instruments (clavichord, harpsichord, piano).

    K., or clavierauszug, is an arrangement of the score of a vocal-symphonic work (opera, oratorio, cantata, etc.) for singing and piano or only for piano; also an arrangement of the ballet score for piano; less commonly used in the meaning of arranging symphonic or chamber ensemble works for piano (2, 4 and 8 hands).



Clavier :

Examples of the use of the word clavier in literature.

In the Köthen years of his life, which were unusually fruitful, composing orchestral, violin and cello music, Bach finally gave away the fervor of his soul clavier.

Takes well-tempered as a starting point clavier, delves into the very jungle of number theory, abruptly returns to the Yiglm scale, just so that the listeners do not fall asleep, and is again carried away into number theory.

In a fake gray-haired wig and beard, crowned with a crown, in a white robe, he sat on a throne, holding extracts in his hands clavier and, in his dialogue with the Snow Maiden, he began to lie little by little.

Keyboards, once rejected by her, now gave Anna true pleasure.

True to the traditions of German music, he wrote pieces for clavier, was known as a skilled writer and performer of organ fugues with preludes and chorale preludes.

As a composer and organ performer clavier, Frescobaldi had a huge influence on the development of Italian and, more broadly, Western European music.

Anna took everything with her to Poland claviers, which Kachalina collected for her, promising to look through them in a few months and write her opinion.

Jurgenson released the score and clavier The first symphony, bringing much joy to the composer.

On the other hand, as for example in the Viola Sonata and clavier, in 12 polonaises, in many clavier sonatas, the bizarre thematic theme, the amazing boldness and richness of the harmony, the sophistication of major-minor chiaroscuro, sharp rhythmic disruptions, and structural originality are reminiscent of some Mozart, Beethoven, and sometimes even Schubert and Schumann pages.

At the same time, Telemann recognized Bach's superiority in the art of improvisation, in the virtuosity of playing the organ and clavier, in a deep knowledge of polyphony.


This word has two meanings. One is the common name for all keyboard instruments. It was used earlier, mainly until the 19th century, when harpsichords, clavichords, clavicymbals, and spinets were common. Later, when the grand piano was invented, the common name for grand piano and upright piano became pianoforte. This word conveys the main quality by which a grand piano and an upright piano differ from a harpsichord and its contemporaries - you can change the dynamics of the sound on them, play louder (forte), then quieter (piano). But the word clavier remained in a different meaning. This is an abbreviation of the long German word Klavierauszug (literally, an extract for the clavier). This is the name given to transcriptions for piano of orchestral and symphonic works, operas, ballets, and operettas. Gradually, for convenience, they stopped pronouncing the second half of this overly long word, and now in a music store you can hear: “Please show me the score of The Queen of Spades.” “Didn’t you receive the Swan Lake score?” The definition of “keyboard music” means that it refers to music written for any keyboard instruments, most often the predecessors of the piano. Nowadays it is, as a rule. performed on the piano.

Creative portraits of composers. - M.: Music. 1990 .


See what "CLAVIR" is in other dictionaries:

    Clavier (German: Klavier): Music The general name for stringed keyboard musical instruments in the 17th and 18th centuries. An abbreviation of the word “klavierauszug” (German: Klavierauszug, from Klavier “piano” and Auszug “extraction”), ... ... Wikipedia

    clavier- a, m. clavier m. 1. outdated Keyboard. Lie down and fly with the fingers of your tender, flexible hands, along the claviers and with age you will pour your soul and life into them. Hypocrene 1799. // Livanova Music. cult. 2 218. When the torments of Holy love are kindled in the blood, then boldly hands... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Modern encyclopedia

    Clavier- (German Klavier), 1) the general name for keyboard musical instruments in the 17th and 18th centuries. (harpsichord, clavichord, piano). 2) Arrangement of the score of an opera, oratorio for voice and piano, or instrumental and orchestral work for... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (German Klavier) 1) the general name of stringed keyboard musical instruments in the 17th and 18th centuries. 2) An abbreviation of the word klavirauszug (from the German Klavier piano and Auszug extraction), arrangement of the score of an opera, oratorio and other works for ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CLAVIR, clavier, husband. (German klavier) (music). 1. One of the ancient names for the piano. 2. Same as Klaviraustsug. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 6 instrument (541) harpsichord (12) clavichord (3) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (German klavier) 1) general name for string keyboard music. instruments (clavichord, harpsichord, piano); 2) the same as Klaviraustsug New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. keyboard score, m. [German. klavier] (music). 1. One of... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    A; m. [German] Klavier] Music. 1. The general name of all stringed keyboard instruments (clavichord, harpsichord, grand piano, upright piano, etc.). 2. Arrangement of an opera or symphonic score for singing accompanied by a piano or for performance on... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (German Klavier) 1) general name for stringed keyboard musical instruments (clavichord, harpsichord, piano). 2) K., or clavierauszug, arrangement of the score of a vocal symphonic work (opera, oratorio, cantata, etc.) for... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Queen of Spades: Opera in three acts, seven scenes: Clavier, Tchaikovsky P.I.. P.I. Tchaikovsky's great creation "The Queen of Spades" still remains one of the most repertoire operatic works. For concert and pedagogical practice and music libraries. Chaikovsky…

Which was used in the 17th-18th centuries. It is an abbreviated version of the German word "klavirauszug".


Translated from French, clavier is “keyboard.” This term was actively used in Germany, as well as in states that were under the cultural influence of this country - Sweden, Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria. Clavier is the general name for organ, piano, harpsichord, clavichord, and their varieties.


Changes came in the 18th century. From this point on, the clavier is a term that refers only to the piano. One of the modern words is also derived from this meaning. It sounds like a keyboard player. This term refers to an authentic musician who plays an antique piano. The word “klavirauszug” refers to the arrangement of scores of vocal and orchestral works for piano - oratorios, operas, concerts, symphonies. The term we are interested in is used not only in music; for example, this is the name of the municipality of the province of Liege in Belgium.

Bach Concerto for clavier - solo

The composer wrote his works for the harpsichord. Most often such works are performed these days on the piano. The most famous is the “Italian” concerto for clavier - BWV 971. It is performed without an orchestra. The approximate time of writing keyboard concertos is the thirties of the 18th century. Since 1729, Bach was the head of the Musical Student Society at He participated in concerts of the Collegium musicum as a soloist and conductor. For these performances, works were created for four, three, two and one harpsichord. Most of these works are the author's reworkings of previously written works for other instruments. Of the original versions, which were created in Köthen around 1720, only a few have survived. There is an opinion among music critics that the original versions of some concertos were not written by Bach, but by one of the composer’s contemporaries. However, this assumption is considered unlikely. The content of the concert music, development techniques, thematic nature and structural layout convincingly and clearly indicate that they belong to the pen of Bach.

Another confirmation is the use of some parts of these works as separate numbers in cantatas. When transcribing his violin works for the clavier, the composer, as a rule, used almost literal transference.

This word has two meanings. One is the common name for all keyboard instruments. It was used earlier, mainly until the 19th century, when harpsichords, clavichords, clavicymbals, and spinets were common. Later, when the grand piano was invented, the common name for grand piano and upright piano became pianoforte. This word conveys the main quality by which a grand piano and an upright piano differ from a harpsichord and its contemporaries - you can change the dynamics of the sound on them, play louder (forte), then quieter (piano). But the word clavier remained in a different meaning. This is an abbreviation of the long German word Klavierauszug - literally - extract for the clavier. This is the name given to transcriptions for piano of orchestral and symphonic works, operas, ballets, and operettas. Gradually, for convenience, they stopped pronouncing the second half of this overly long word, and now in a music store you can hear: “Please show me the score of The Queen of Spades.” “Didn’t you receive the Swan Lake score?” The definition of “keyboard music” means that it refers to music written for any keyboard instruments, most often the predecessors of the piano. Nowadays it is, as a rule. performed on the piano.

View value Clavier in other dictionaries

Clavier- clavier, m. (German klavier) (music). 1. One of the ancient names for the piano. 2. Same as Klaviraustsug.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Klavier M.— 1. The general name of all stringed keyboard musical instruments of the 17th-18th centuries. (clavichord, harpsichord, piano). 2. Same as: klaviraustsug.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Clavier- -A; m. [German] Klavier] Music.
1. The general name of all stringed keyboard instruments (clavichord, harpsichord, grand piano, upright piano, etc.).
2. Arrangement of an opera or symphony........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Clavier- (German Klavier) - 1) the general name for stringed keyboard musical instruments in the 17-18 centuries. 2) Abbreviation of the word klavirauszug (from German Klavier - piano and Auszug - extraction),......
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Clavier— - the general name for stringed keyboard musical instruments, as well as the arrangement of the score of an opera, oratorio and other works for singing with piano and for one piano.
Historical Dictionary

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